Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 26, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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Pitt 11
THE CAPITAL" JOVKXAt. Salem. Oregoa .
Thursday, November 26, 1953
HrMdktrt Wmltaf, 1 Local remote telecast from tho Armory.
MM Owl Tteealar, llrlt "Luck of Roannf Camp" Mara Oven
Davie, Jr, and Joan Woodbury.
Tha Teywiaarr and 11m rrionda. S Five children will appear at
rueou. Nutsy tha Clown, ttar of Peanut Circus will be tueat. nau.
On hundred f Illjr-Uireo children will be at tha Toy Shop aa contest
winnera. toy tsnop cnaraciera wiu aieo appear.
Praai Baa Review, la Red Oranse and Bud Palmar.
NCAA CaUcie Football. H: 15 Army n. Navy telacaat from Phlla-
Raea U Rose Bowl, hl-lights of PCC f amea will be ln
. M KPTV at 1 p.m.
Iowa and N'otra Dam tie game will be seen at 1(:SI P -
to top tha holiday football fare. -
a e
This b Thi Life, 1 "Giving Thanka Alwsys" The Fisher
family and their preparation for the Thanksviging holiday, i
Dinah Shore, 7:10 A quarter hour of muiic with Dinah;
Toa Bet Your Life, I Croueho Marx ii emcee on comedy
quiz. ,
Cherroa Theatre, :10 "Lost Kid" atari Elizabeth Pat
tenon and Harry Harvey, Jr., with Mary Field and Rom Ford, i
Story of how a wily grandma keeps a boy on the aide of the
Drarnet t Jack Webb.
Fard Theatre, l:3t "Double Bet" itara Richard Egan and
Larain Day.
Martin Kane. 10 Story concerns the disappearance of
a middle-aged sociology professor.
I PJkL Thanksgiving Festival Features "The Choraliers1
and The Symphonette" with guest soloists, program Includes
a cast of over 100. '
S P.M. Gary Moore Show.
- S:lt P.M. Armchair Theatre "Petticoat Politics", Ros
eoe Kami, Ruth Donnelly.
t P.M. Meet Mr. McNultley stars Ray Miland with
Phyllis Avery. Prof. McNultley takes his wife back to the
scenes of their courtship.
1 :J0 F.M Four Star Playhouse "For Art's Sake" stars
David Niven.
10 P.M The ' Playhouse "Beautiful World" story of
young man who decides life Is not worth living and hires
gangster to kill him.
11 P.M. Showtime on Six "Merrily We Live" starring
Brian Aherne and Constance Bennett.
"What's Cooking" 10:30 Barbara Angell prepares left
overs from turkey dinner.
Friend of the Family, 11:30 Michael Dave.iport.
Matinee Theatre, 1 "No Escape" stars Dean Jagger, John
Carradln and Mary Brian.
It:! PJVI. Bob Crosby Show Entire troupe opens with
"Papaya Mama", medley of football tunes closes the show.
1 P.M. Love of Life starring Peggy McCay.
1:15 P.M. Search for Tomorrow starring Mary Stuart
and Lynn Lorlng
1:30 P.M. Guiding Light starring Herb Nelson and
Ellen Demming.
1:45 PJM. Valiant Lady, starring Nancy Coleman and
Jerome Cowan.
: ' '.
KOIN-TV 7 :M p.m, Onle and Harriet Thorny (Don DePorel
Burs a ladder and he and Oszie use it to explore the Nelson roof.
ML, Amoa 'n' Andy "Kingtiah'a Secretary."
I M bjb. Topper Cosmo Topper calk on his ghostly friends for
nek) when Nell, their St Bernard doe, makes off with a bagful of
securities. Stars Anne Jeffreys and Robert 8terUng.
0 pjnriayhoos. of Stan "The Closed Door." Quest. Gene lock
hart portrays a captain of Industry whose ruUileasneas catches up
with him.
t:M pjn Our Miss Brooks An epidemic of phone book robberies
bite Madison high school, stars Eve Arden.
KPTV Douglas Fairbanks, 1:30 "Take a Number" stars George
Benson, Lan Wnlttaker, Vic Wise and Dlanne Poster, story tells
how an ordinary unruffled Englishman la plunged Into a frenzied
turmoil by an alarming aerlea of Incidents.
The Big Story, Jack Setters of the Naahrllle Tennessean estab
lishes the guilt of the killer of a voun woman. Stars Peter Hobos.
Don't Miss Our
On Television
KPTV (27).
Does TV Hurt Your
PHONE 3-1911
Valley IV Center
Z303 Falrgrounda Rd.
galea - Service - Installation
Open Till f p.m. Daily
Sunday from 1 to ( p.m.
Dallas Warren Hunter has
been appointed by Mayor Mol
lis Smith as a member of the
City Water Commission. He
replaces C. L, Crider whose
five year term expired recent
ly. Crider, who had served
for 10 years, declined reap
pointment Puerto Rico raises only half
its own food.
Here's How to
Help Carriers
Collect Fund
If yea miss year mail car
rier Friday sight waea ha
calls far year eaatribattoa to
tha muscular dystrophy toad
there's another way to saaka
year offering.
Yea aaay leave year con
tribution in the mall box for
the carrier, er take it di
rectly to the post office.
Patrons who are nerved
by ma an ted carriers asay
place their contribntioaa la
their snail boxes for the car
riers to pick ap aay
after Friday.
with any 1954 Philco
Television Console I
Buy during this 25-year
leadership celebration and
Savk! Offer includes thia
I'hileo 4108 with true-to-life
Deep Dimension 21-inch TV
picture plus Directional
11HK VHF Built-in Aerial!
Wide range of other models.
PRAM, will give yon an
amailng trade-In allow
ance on your old radio,
phonograph, combination,
or piano. No caah required
until January.
220 N.Liberty
I IS e. KFTV nuDkwIvti rinli
l:SS e.. rpTV ThutHlvlas Farads
S OS i k. KPTV Daws of America
M:0 M KPTV Wbll'i CooUasr
itu s.b. KPTv-rnros ai u rum
11. IS S.B. KFTV-HwkUu Falls
KOIN Dawn of Antrlca
11:11 S B. KPTV Tlx Beoaetta
KOIN Dawa of America
II IS S B. KPTV Preea Bra Bevlew
KOIN Dawa of Am.nee
l it A.M. KPTV NCAA Football
' KOIN Dawa of America
U:Moooa KPTV Football
KOIN Bit Payoff
II H KPTV rnibaU
KOIN Bob crocbr
I SO P.B. KPTV Football
KOIK Love of Ufa
1:11 la KPTV Football
KOI4Searcb for Tomorrow
1:M S B. KPTV Football
J 00 S B. KPTV Football
KOIN Thankaclvloi FelUvtl
I S p a. KPTV HollrwooS Raal
KOIN Tnaoiaitvtng Fealtval
l:M S B. KPTV Till, la Your Lit,
KOIN Oarrv Moore Show '
Ml p.B. rPTV Tbla la Your Lira
KOIN Armchair Thaatar
S:M p.m. KPTV On Your Account
KOIN Armchair Thaatar
a. St p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelers
KOIN Armchair Theater
I.M p.m. KPTV Tovmaiar
KOIN Mr. afooa ,
4:11 p.a. KPTV-Tormakcr
KOIN Mr. Moon
l:0S P-B. KPTV Howdy Doody
KOIN saOdli Pan
KOIN Mr. W,ath,rmaa
Sits p.b. KPTV Rama Rider
KOIN Photo Quia
S:SS P.B. KPTV Hun tins and Fllhlnt
KOIN Doue Xdwarda N,wa
S:U l a KPTV Northwait DUaat
KOIN Sporta Scholar
;SS a.m. KPTV Football HUltei
KOIN Claco Kid
7:S P.B. KPTV OUv.h shoro
FOIN Place tha Face
1:IS P.B. KPTV New,. Sport,
KOIN Place tha Face
S:SS p.m. KPTV Oroucho Marl
KOIN Met Mr. McNully
S:Sf p.m. KPTV Chevron Theater
KOIN Four Star Playhouaa
S:OS P.m. KPTV Drain, t
KOIN Video Playhouaa
t ee p.m. KPTV Ford Thealor
KOIN Ell Town
10: p.m. KPTV Martin Kane
KOIN The Playhouaa
10 M p.m. KPTV Bit Plaibick
KOIN Noire
U:tS p.m. KPTV Neva Sporu
KOIN Showtime on SU
IlilS p.m. KPTV Weather Van,
KOlN-ajiowttme on Sil
I:1S a m. KPTV-Nlla Owl Thaaur
Sale - Service - Installation
Open from a.m. tt I pre.
Ph. 3-1611 219 s. ComL
Salem's First Television 8 tore
City matrons wha wish
tha carrier ta call are direct
to have porch lights oa Fri
day Bight betweea 0:30 and
t o'clock.
Receipts from the drive
will be aaed for research to
try to find a ears for mos
calar dystrophy.
Portland May Gel
Philippine Envoy
Portland Portland may
get a Philippine consulate. Car
ter Brandon, manager of tha
Chamber of Commerce foreign
trade department said Tuesday.
He had just returned with
other chamber members from
a tour of the Orient He said ited Japan, the Philippines.
strong assurances that a con-1 Hong Kong and other areas.
Auto Plunge
Kills Driver .
Hillsboro () -An automo
bile plunged out of control into
five feet of water south of
Hillsboro Wednesday, killing
the driver, John W. Stanley,
about 25, route 4, Hillsboro.
Sheriff R. H. Buscb, said
Stanley was knocked uncon
scious and drowned before po
lice could get him out of the
car, which landed on Its top
after plunging down a 25-foot -
bank tntu Jackson rjottom, a ,
naif-mile from Hillsboro.
Florida State U.. located in
Tallahassee, has only one home ,
town boy on its varsity football
squad. He is Jim Olsen, a soph-'
omore tackle.
sulate would be established
here were obtained In Manila.
The 18-man trade group vis-
All Channel UHF VHF
Low Down Payment
Bank Financing Trades
Complete Repair as
Installation by
1SS State fhont 4-5t
mi DAT
1;M .n. KPTV Dint Doni BI1
l m m. KPTV Whit' Cooktnit
I f.a. KPTV Hnwklnj PrII.
11:15 KPTV Th Benn-tti
ft.n. KPTV mpnd af Pamlt
KOIN Btc Piyotf
I Mf B. KP1V ll.tlOM ThtRttr
KOIN Lot of Life
t 00 m m. KPTV itmllnn Thttttr
KOIN Double or Nothlnt
t-M KPTV On Your Account
KOIN-atrlkt It Hlch p.m. KPTV Kt Bmith
KOIN O-rry Moor
9-m. KPTV Ftta ftmlUi
4 00 pm. KPTV Wflcom Tritlr i
4:M 9-m, KPTV-Tht Tovioak-r
KOIN Mr. Moon
l oo m m. KPTV Howdr DtxxlT
KOIN BiWlt Pals
ft.M 9-m. KPTV-Pfnut Ctrci-,
K01N-e.Jdls. Pali
H P.m. KPTV Buy Kin.
KOIN Wrath t man
U mm KPTV-flK- King
KOIN Pholo-quu
:Na. KPTV-Dran Collino
KOIN Dom Edwarda Neva
tt m.m. KPTV-NW DIsTMt
KulN-fatlor Uanc m.m. KPTV iaorU Calvalcarte
roiN-iUnk UcCunr Hiw
VMa. KP1V Kegru Cavaicada
KOIN-Otih and Harrltt
VU, KPTV-Nri Caravan
KOIN Oui and Harriet
p.m. KPTV ttarrawar at Lana
KOIN Amoa and And?
t.m p.m. KPTV Doua Fairbanks)
KOI N Topper
: m.m. KPTV Bif Starr
KOIN Piariiouie ot fttan
M pm. KPTV You AUfd tor It
FOIN Our Mlu Brooka
10:00 p a. KPTV Wrettltni
KOlN-Mr Prtend Irma
10:10 p.m. KPTV Wrtatlini
KOIN-Pile af Jeffr JetiM
ll:M P.m. KPTV Eleirnth Hoar Ntw
koin ehowttma on sSii
H:t mm, KPTV Weather Van
11:11 mm. KPTV-Nit- Owl Theater
K E 1X1 AA n E
swing Mdiitie
15 to 20 off on floor samples,
demonstrators and used machines
demonstrators floor samples
Your Old Machine Will Make
the Down Payment
Chipptirdal Dk
Li '" - .i "
estn CobJneif
Chair Combinatie I
Uwod Pot 1
1 Only
Prices reduced because of
scratches or mars ... no
defect that will affect
the operating efficiency.
Many used machines from which to
choose ... all guaranteed ... all
in good operating condition. You can
buy any one of these sewing
machines on Sears Easy Payment
Plan. We'll give you the
same 20 year guarantee
on the demonstrators and floor samples
that is offered with new Kenmores
sold at regular prices.
Used Portables
a, ,.w 19.95
J.0 down, S.Ot month
Used Treadles
and up
ilrr h
Traditional Contol
MotSogstiy or Wohvwt
2 Only
All Makes
New Kenmores at Prices to Suit Your Budget
Factory Trained Berrlre
and Installation
IMS Stats 81 Phono t 1ST!
aTI?aw a
. - , a
Ki pr , - yt
I BwaBBBBBBBJ-H -a, I SaaaaaaafjmTir I ft r'li.ll .Ba-Mi-v-"BcT.BBBwV
i nn'iii 1 1 i r
. . . Lightest Weight Sewing
Head on the Market
It's sensational. All the modern features you've been wbhinr lor
... at Sears lower prices. See It . . . try it. You'll be amased
at an tne mines yon eaa do an this terrific new machine made es
pecially for Sears.
Toar choice of many beautifully-designed cabinets to fit in any
room settlor. Llrht er dark woods, modern or traditions!.
Now Many Wear
With Little Worry
lal. talk, latttti r tneM Hhnl
tear mt DsMfnra falat teeth strapping.
aitpvlBC M wabbllnt. PATKKTH holda
elitea firmer and ara raMtortabl.
Thia tteaiant todr baa a a ummy.
low?, tMitv Uit ar feettBi
oautw a. It atfealtvw Boa -arid i
rhefka "nlate tutor" id antaf brwkllai
Phone 3-9191
or mail this coupon
for free literature
S Sears, Roebuck and Co. I
j 55 N. Capitol !
J Salem. Oregon j
a i
3 Gentlemen: Please send me lurther Information de-!
scribing Kenmore Sewing Machines. j
j NAME j fQr SjJ fte j,.
2 siitrci un nn.
jcrrr state
Rent a Kenmore
Sewing Machine
j 1.25 Per Week
STORE HOt'RS: Mon. and Frl. 1:1 to t. Other days Ml to S:l(
'SzSzcmtaAlUOMmcfuy' flflRS 550 N. CAPITOL - SALEM
I Otl PArrxiTM at iaf jrc atartr. 1