Thursday, November 26, 195S TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreco - Pae II r-zn - . ., tir " . . ' r MAKE SMILING JACK'S YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT HEADQUARTERS Li IKEOUK UYAWAT PUN SAe's Temic "SAUCY WALKER" DOLL $1595 The enly doll with ill these features: . , . She walkf She lite She cryi She rolls her eyes , The belle of this years doll parade. Lovely wig. plastic curlers. She even walks back. wards. Washable. 22-ln. tall. . i Do 379 Fascinating Experiments CILBERT No. 7 (HEMIS1BV SET Chemicals in lightproof bot ties. Three fact-packed in struction books. Hinged stand-up cnest is self support' lng, holds 67 pieces. BBBBBBBBBBBSBSjaiSSSSSSSSSSSJBSSSSSSF V. . -,v Favorite Toy With Bov Builders NEW ERECTOR SET FLEX-O-MATIC Coupling Makes Airplane Ride. Lift Bridge, Pile Driver, Windmill Pump Complete in hinged metal cnest An outstanding value in veraatUa construction Motor with FiM-O-Matlc coupling makes many I i tiirillinff ACtlnn nwri1l Tt. nffn a nnrihMU lenge to boys, provides hours of Instructive play. $1360 "MOUNTAINEER" FREIGHT TRAIN $3goo s StUncM. Red jltwhtf naeki Remote control . 12 wheel locomo tive Put your son at tha controls of this 4-a-l ' fnaaaaa i lng locomotive end ( WCpier ' . .' string of authentto ui-.i..i.ji..i.i.j. . freight cars. Worm- "wiiei gate leaf drive motor, 76-watt Lack as l-sck hnlaal transformer. lfa m """"" m . ,,,,, , r Just Like Mommy's fi cnirtiur.nnii jl ivwinvvvLi BUGGY Aluminum frame rowing hood This easily pushed bug gy Is Just the Uilng for her dolls. Sturdily built easy to clean. All Steel Child's Size H FOLDINATARt r & CHAIRS Thls aU-steel set Is rwo stu-Jy chairs and ft,Cst stand lou of Si uble r,.i a n.w,i Wrti nmjiii w Jdwmm . w wi . Maa Try your skill al kitting BASEBALL GAME All metal Includes grandstand Complete with score hecta Long winter evenino go fast with an almost f real- baseball game. Umpire calls strikes and balls. tip sunt i Hold it until Christmas!! . i us . x? o wrni a small deposits - . m. :.' WATCH FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE DECEMBER 3-4-5 o VALUES FOR ALL e I NEW BOUNCER HORSE :: I -was $18.75 N j Hivl. I l l'jr J youris" -11.1 r!T ; . 13" U1 W SAVON IftO I P I i the floor or bounc. on ite i.m.h f- r 1 ' """P"" ti M& . fc, r "--rvt musle as he's duUL L is I 131 springs. Easily assembled. Steel brace e legs i ' I II CONVENIENT TERMS I'WJ i -ija J2Bn .fw Hi lor mi irr..l 1 1 iitislmiMMin - - .....ft.. v T JT a-- 1 1 :iJJ v - , : T5 ' t y-wWnwe., w. yim..!., ,..,w, ..,, ,, . , I I I NATURAL SUTE t pj ZLJT- Ml S I . lrisrV i'' iNU&SSSZf, J r Sturdy weed frame F K$ i 7 ' - ' fet I i J &!km3& Bim vf Cm 1 't lf M i : ? :: f ' :4 ' : lblboa?d L eaxi to ! B rVljy ou. wall. Like, to walk on the 1 ; SiJVi ' ! A .tnteeasv toaS cciHn. too. Children love to v . i L sUN etavifaoM PI AVERS ACTUALLY eeo ; fvV It' :; ; C -J SComes with roU top II- kA 'uJf watch him go. J tKml'"00- BLOCK am TACKLt I ooo U ,JL J : JHa 1"trtln. chalk and f 3. " I , ELECTRIC FOOTBALL GAME ft i T .T. J i ftgfAP I A I rry... .... .... - Jin, I ion, m upnci . . b-y Vig i f "fcg:'"""! PLAOUE t 1 1 - , ... ... tnrm to this act on- I K a 'eVtiw.vff t 11- ' .1 i 5aJ - ' s! f S7 11 1 lalaLUaUaUlfr Instruction book. f V, til ! pie. Children love It. 5 4 wall or tree. ,! gQQUIjl j FOR A MERRIER CHRISTMAS HURRY TO- 1 1 EVENINGS r- P V PHONE 1 m -Hi o mmml C0RNER center & church st. 1 3.96oo m r U1 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT J