llyhus Freed, "ill Hunt Job Albert Nyhus, who had ipent SI of his 57 years locked up in the lUU penitentiary, waa a xrea man today. Ha waa releaaed Wednesday afternoon after a hearing in Marion county circuit court following favorable action November 14 by Judge Rex KlmmcU on a writ of habeas corpus. Judge Kimmell ruled that Nyhus waa being illegally held under the habitual criminal act. He was aent up from Klam ath county where he wu ac cused of obtaining money by falsa pretenses. Judge Kim mell had previously determ ined tbst Nyhus bsd not been advised of his legal rights be fore be entered a plea in the Klamath circuit court Proceedings for a writ of habeas corpus were instituted about six months ago. Nyhus, given a check for $50, the amount tendered prisoners upon being released from the penitentiary, spent Wednes day night in a YMCA room. He said bis first objective wu to cure a Job. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Oregoi TJiBTBday, November J8, 1953 Woman Confesses . Thefts at Albany Albany Either Ruth Mel lon, J8, 2023 Perfect lane, Al bany, pleaded guilty to a lar ceny charge Wednesday in city court on the basis of com plaints filed by a neighbor and three businesswomen. She was fined 100 but the fine was suspended. She agreed to make restitution of f 80 not recov ered. City Judge William Boll man said. Mrs. Mallon was charged with taking f 50 from Mrs. Jsck Robertson, 130 from Mrs. John ny Wslker, $20 from a neigh bor, Mrs. Mae Clodfelter, and 110 from Mrs. June Covey. The money taken from the purse of Mrs. Walker was re covered soon after the theft. H.S. PTA For Sweet Home Sweet Home Sweet Home Union High School has voiced the need of a Parent-Teachers Association and in an organiza tional meeting which was held here recently elected Mrs. K. G. Bunn as temporary chairman. A panel discussion moderat ed by James King superintend ent of Lebanon schools wis held on the subject, "Why a PTA Panel members taking part In the discussion were Mrs. Ralph Herron, Lebanon, vice- president of PTA Region 8 Mrs. Eugene Tenner, also of - Lebanon, past president of Linn County PTA Council; and Mrs. Ed Mentha, of Crowfoot, 1953- 84 president of Linn County PTA Council. King explained the purpose M a PTA unit, Mrs. Herron outlined the differences be tween grade and high school organizations, Mrs. Tanner em phasized the Importance of stu dent participation at PTA meetings, and Mrs. Manthe cit ed benefits that PTA units af ford parents, teachers, and stu dents. The nt meeting will be Dec. I In the high school building. Four Corners Albany Jurors Indict Eight Albany Eight persons were named in five Indictments re turned by the Linn county cir cuit court grand jury, four members of s fsmlly named in one Indictment charging as sault and battery. Thus accused are Mr. and Mrs. Lester McClure end two sons. Delbert end Floyd, of Foster. They are charged with having beaten Emil Bliege on Nov. 1 as the culmination oi a dispute. Indicted also were Joe Baca, Lebanon, on a rape charge; Don Reynolds, accused of forgery of an endorsement, and Fred Davenport, charged with ob taining money under false pre tenses and another man accus ed of non-support, not yet in custody. Baca Is at liberty under bond. as are the McClures. Davenport Is under ciutody of the sheriff in the Linn county jail and! Reynolds is now serving in the state penitentiary an uncom pleted sentence for grand lar ceny, where he was returned as a parole violator. Morse Carps at White House Lebanon Speaking to ap proximately goo people from all sections of Linn county Tuesday night in the high school gymnasium. Sea. Wsyne Morse dwelt on the administra tion's hurried assault on the off shore oil reserves and em phasized that the Hill amend ment, lost by only two votes, represented a sell-out at the White House level. Ha esti mated $80 million in royalties lost to Oregon's schools through ilb ariral. - The senator promised to carry the fight for the high dam in Hell's canyon in the senste with all the zeal which marked his opposition to the transfer of the off-shora oil from federal control. The low dams proposed on upper Snake river by Idaho Power makes untenable the Hell's Canyon dam with resultant crippling of the overall Columbia basin development for power, flood control, irrigation, and sus tained flow through water storage, Morse said. Questioned on the probabil ity of Green Peter dam being constructed on the South San tiam, Morse said, "The dam will be built it you take an ac tive Interest in it and unceas ingly demand it." Harry Wiley, master of Linn Pomona grange introduced the senator and Mrs. Morse as well as representatives of the farm and labor sponsoring groups. At the dinner given in the high school cafeteria to honor the senator and his wife, Mayor Elmer Fitzgerald acted as mas ter of ceremonies. A T ' i ' 'ou cent hidze book by Us cover. Neither should you judge food savings by week-end specials alone. Thrifty shoppers know that th. wav to real as vines is to shop at a store where every price is low- all the tima. It's the total that counts. And . . . the total la leas when very price m low. Compare the prices listed here! We believe you'll agree that you aave more on your total food bill by shopping regularly at Saieway. Be sure shop through Sunday, November 29 Prices in this d arc affective , - Four Corners The truly American holiday. Thanksgiv ing, lends itself to the gather ing of fsmilies and clans for a yearly get-to-gether dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Wilson will be hosts to relatives and out-of-town guests. The din ner will be served buffet style to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wilson, Bob and George of Kings Val ley, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morford and Mrs. James H. Wilson all of Boring, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, Sally and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson, Bobby and Arlene and Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes Wilson all of Monmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hering, Jimmy, Tommy and Stephen of Independence. Mrs. Josephine Herron, Dar lene and Larry of McMlnnville; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McKib ben, Norman, Wilson, Jessie, Lynn, Lorna and Danny and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Byerley snd Dlsne all of Sheridan; Mrs. Rose Evert, Deanna and Judy of Corvallls and Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evert of Salem and the Wilson children, Myra, Joyce and Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wy more, Jesn and Jerry, Maurice, Gordon and Russell will wel come Mrs. Wymore's father, E. F. Adolphs of Washougal, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Cy Adolphs snd Dee of Vancou ver, Wash, Sammy and Randy oi lamss, wssn., and Druett Ross of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Weewly will welcome for the Thanks giving dinner her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Boyles, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfennig, Linda and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thles, Otto Pfennig, Mr. and Mrs. George Janssen. and Jo-1 Anns and Jack Weekly. i Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shrake were dinner hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sunderltn. and Eddie Sunderlin, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gllming, and Jerry. Mr. and Warren Shrake, Janice, Dick, Gregg and Mary j Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bsr-' tells snd Carroll snd the Shrake 's daughters. Miss Phyl lis Shrake snd Miss LaVonna j Shrake of Seattle. A pre-ThsnksgivIng fellow-1 ship dinner was held in the, Baptist church at 7 p.m. Tues-' dsy in the church annex. Cov en were placed for 60 with a program following the dinner. Mrs. Victor Dusenberry was vocal soloist and Roy Thayer: played a violin solo with Janet Loucks as accompanist. Guest speaker was the Bev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor of the First Baptist church in Salem. SUES OVER NOTES Albany Carl M. and Hat- tie Larson have Instituted ac tion in circuit court here seek ing judgnents of $2323.74 on each of three notes allegedly given them by Don A. Points, and others, and for an order foreclosing mortgages given as security. FACES CHECK CHARGE Albany Mrs. Alice Wil liams was to be brought here from Brownsville following her arrest there on a charge of passing a check not covered by sufficient funds in the bank. Sheriff George Miller said Mrs. Williams is also wanted In Lane county. A thank offering was sent to Mr. snd Mrs. Ralph Borth- wlck who are missionaries sta tioned at Lima, Peru. Mrs. Borthwlck Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hausfeld who are members of the Four Cor ners Baptist church. Hostesses were Mrs. Eldon Frsnce, Mrs. Leon Hopkins, Mrs. Victor Dusenberry. Rev. Victor Loucks was host to the Junior high schoof and Intermediate classes of the Baptist Sunday school Friday evening In the fireplace room of the church. Young people attending were Anita Char tier, Diane Mayden. Judy Smith, Mary Lou Sherman. Lets and Garnet Trayer. Mich ael and Peter Lossner. Gary Dusenberry, Jerry, Jimmy and Doyle France. Mrs. Roy Thay er assisted with the serving. Larry Etzel, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Etzel. who is ill with pneumonia. Is; being cared for in the Etzel home at 4254 Hudson avenue, i The Circle 4 Dance club will meet Friday evening In thej Community hall. Hosts and' hostesses will be Mr. snd Mrs. I D. Gsrver. Mr. snd Mrs. Jack Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns. Guest caller will be Ted 1 Riches of Silverton. ! Lewis to Tell Battery Story George H. Lewis, Sslem manager for the Gould Na tional Battery company of St. Paul, will be the speaker at the Monday noon luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce. Lewis will tell "The Inside Story of the Battery Industry in Salem." Part of the story will be told through the medium of a motion picture describing the manufacture and care of stor age batteries. The Gould company has 24 branch plants, the lstest ones in Houston, Texas, and Oak land, Cfflif. Lewis' sddress will show what the Industry means to Salem In payroll, factory operation, freight payments and volume, sales, etc. Lewis Is a native of Mis souri. He went to work for Nations! Battery company in Kansas City 25 years ago, and came here as manager of the company's plant In 1949, CONSTRUCTION SUIT Albany Ed. Dirrett snd Piatt Davis, doing business as Dirrett & Davis, have filed a suit In circuit court here seek ing to collect $1,191.39 from William E and Ethel K. Thorn as, doing business as the Artis tic Stone Co. The smount is due, the complaint asserts, in payment for work done and materials furnished in con struction of two houses owned by the defendants. F. E. Marvin 3 New Manager GILBERT BROS., Inc. Announce the new branch manager in Salem F. E. MARVIN Gilbert Bros. Inc. 363 No. High Ph.3-3403 Korean Yets Eligibilly Rules For Lockivood Homes Eligibility rules are: 1. Any veteran of the armed forces of the United States of America, male or female, honorably discharg ed or transferred to the re serves who has been author ized the Korean service medal or ribbon, is eligible as an applicant for this home. 2. Applicant must submit a letter telling his or her best reason for wanting to own his or her own home, to gether with a complete fin ancial statement showing all income from salary, wages, or any other sources. This statement must also show how much money the appli cant owes. These figures will be kept confidential. . 3. Applicant must be able to meet FHA loan require ments and make payments of approximately $60 per month. 4. This letter must be sent or delivered to Salem radio station KSLM, The Statesman Lockwood Homes, or the Capital Journal Lock wood Homes. 3. This letter must be sent 2rw?e"vwd not l,t" ,nn 6:00 p.m., Saturday, Decem ber 8. 1933. . Do not mail any dis charge or other official papers with the letter as the committee cannot be respon sible for them, but be pre pared to show any such papers to the committee up on request. 7. Membership in any vet- quired, nor will such mem- uc-rmp or laca oi member ship be considered by the committee. 8. Decision of the commit tee will be linal and applica tion InM.H k. - --., van-no. iciurn- ed or acknowledged. V Dalewood Colored Margarine t - Margarine Cane Sugar 1 0t 95" Orange Juice &". 25' Mb. 4Af Grape Juice 'Plr:u 25 f Aria f nanlr Arc Busy Famous Tomato 3 cans Campbell Soup Pineapple Grapefruit 5fliS 2 "V 29 29' Mayonnaise Baker Fresh NuMade No. IK UC Tin Av Pork & Beans Camp's Chicken-Noodles Pkg. 03J Quart 71 Q Jar 419 No. 300 can 30 EMPRESS QUALITY PRESERVES Peach 2-lb. can 65c Pium &r.n ,D.49c Currant BU0. 79c Swanson Boneless CHICKEN OR TURKEY 3- $100 WESTAG FLAVOR VANILLA IMITATION FLAVOR 4-ox. bot, $-oi. bot. 10c 19c WOODBURT SHAMPOO SAVE NOW! Itg. $1.00 Sit 50' RIK RAK CLEANSER IT FOAMS 2 -15' Lynden 16-oz. jar GRANULATED RINS0 WITH SOLIUM Sunlight Ingredient 44 tl Ma. 49' Bleached Raisins "ftl! 23c Cherub Milk Choice Raisins 'Tn, 33c S&W Currants n 0,. 65c Black Figs ned .,. 23c Pitted Dales?.0;0 19c ,i 39c Radiant Mix c.ke.,u,t,,b. 43c Walnut Meals Ore,0n,.OI 59c 43c 35c Corn Meal ,7 27c 95c fharriac tmpress Evap. i Tall cans Maraschino t-oi. 25c 32c Cherries Maraschino 1-ot. 10c Grpfrt. Juice 17,1 46.., 31c Small Shrimp ShT"'?' 47c Tuna Fish 5-oi. csn Blltmore No. Vi can 35c Walnuts & Fleet Mix For BiKUi.lh Mb. S El..., Kitchen litem 10-lb. Sk. ZS $)17 SO $120 lb. lb. Craft Flour SK- FlOUr Medal It-lb. Sk. 95C Flnnr Gold zs ?17 50 A29 riUUl Medal lb. lb. Dili Pickles Co,umb& 25c Spun Honey Br,dsh,T6.0,. 32c link Uill fAifne, 1 ftCo " VVIIVB lb. WVH, I Airway Coftee 83cfb'1 Edwards Coffee lb. 87c M'l 73 Cream of the Crop 'AA' Large Eggs Do, 72c Fresh Milk BuXt 24c Montrose Butter Quart 1-pound 79c Fruit Cake Ho,,.0,.b,r49c Fruit Cake Ring HoI5& $1" Jane Arden Oatmeal Cookies ,.,,. 25c Sugar Cookies j 25c fct tanrf ffttiof W Waffle Cream Cookies., Pirates Gold Graham Crackers - i.,. 33c Mrs. Wright's Bread 24c Sienderway Bread V..t Tokay Wine" c,, re Flfth Sweet Red Wine CilS 59c Sauterne Wine 0,1 Kftn 59c Burgundy Wine "wl2-79c Honeywood Loganberry Wine ,, 98c so 33c 29c 23c 59c Tokay Wine Mont,certfth $1 Western Beer.OI.M1I237c Eastern Beer u,M.243c Playfair Dog Food 9c: Parade Detergent 29c White Magic Soap 25c Fruit Cake Ring n Bel-air Frozen Foods Green Beans i,..,pkr.21c Frozen Peas .0,pkr. 19c leaf Spinach ,4 o,pkf. 19c Mixed Vegetables "C21C French Fries t-os. pkg, ,21c SAFEWAY PRODUCE WINESAP APPLES 5 ft. Hintff TohK m Rsrldt Oranges Clip-top Carrots Rome Brussels Sprouts Apples . 17c Green Cabbage 111 Ye Cm M Is Tatar tsf if Jim 49 7 Crisp Celery 10c Unions ittwbif Crisp Head Lettuce Local Parsnips Danish Squash M.Iau V. S. No. 1 rwiaiwc Economy Fk Potatoes L'i tot. cells 25c ib. 5c ,b. lie ' .b. 10c ib. 5c 9A. 10-lb. ai-lb. Sack 97c SAFEWAY MEATS TOP GOVT GRADES OF IEEF SHORT RIBS Ib. BEEF STANDING RIB ROAST u. 69 Beef Rib Steaks Tea Sort, (rton Rib Lamb Chops ,. 59c Leg o' Lamb ,. 65c lamb Shoulder lb. 43c Breast o' lamb ,.. 19c Ground Beef u75c b. 35c Dirnirt Pre-cooked IH 9131 .viiim canned lb. Fresh Oysters Sea Scallops lb. Flnt jar 69C 11-ei. pkg. 59c S5 Dill Pickles - 25c Sauerkraut-l 10c