Tnuraaiy. tovemner zu, 1953 !rd Unit Loses 'istol Matches Salem's organized Marine Carps unit. Third, 139 mm fug tttry lost both its plitol and rifle matcnes wiw oiner Ma fine reserve outfits thii week. , Tli Salem men met the See end 153 mm fun battery of fugene in the piitol match. The Euk'ene team' acore wai tit and the Salem acore 910. High acore man (or Salem was $tcond Lt. WilUm T. Baldwin, s-ho fired 239. ' In the rifle match with the 10th Infantry battalion of Seattle, the Seattle team had a score of Ue78 whll the score of the Salem outfit was 1,601. Tech. Sgt. Ted White was the kigh acore man for Salem, fir ing S. ! This is the fourth rifle and fourth pistol match in which the Salem Marines have fired this year. Seely to Lead Todstmasfers Woodburn Lyman Seely was installed as president of the Woodburn Toastmasters at a breakfast meeting Tuesday Imornlng at 8:30 o'clock at the Coney Island restaurant. He succeeds Jack Bush, who was fthe installing officer. Other of ficers Installed were Kilian (Smith, vice president; Mark Thompson, secretary-treasurer, land Ernest Livesay, educational Jchairman. I Speakers for the meeting were Rev. Arthur Goble, L. H. Hildebrandt and Glen Ahre; valuators, uoya t room. L.y K .'man Sctlr and Jack Bush: toastmaster, Kilian Smith; -table topics chairman, Mark jf Thompson, and master evalu fi. ator, Walter Taylor. i Thre new members were re jt fcelved, Lewis Paulson, Walter , Scarborough, Jr., and Irving Brown. Visitors for the first ,T time were Wilbur Green and i Harold Livesay. , Regular meetings of the group will be breakfast meet ings at 6:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays and also on the fifth Tuesday in each month, the next meeting being Dee. 8. Red Minister Calls for Talks ' Berlin, (JP) Acting Prime Minister Walter Ulbrlcht of Communist East Germany call ed anew Wednesday for talks between East and West Ger many and said such negotia tions were the "decisive condi tion" to unification. . In a speech opening the 40th ' session of the East Zone Parlia ment, the Soviet zone party boas declared his government's readiness to talk "at any time on any questions" with the Bonn republic. Ulbricht returned two weeks ago from a four-week visit In Moscow. His 75-minute address to parliament was largely a re peat of recent Communist dec larations on Germany and in dicated no change in Soviet policy. Stevenson Said to Have Lead for 1956 Washington (JP) Senators Russell (D., Ga.) and Kerr (D., Okla.), both unsuccessful can didates for the 1952 Democra tic presidential nomination, say Adlai E. Stevenson, who won it, has a head start for 1956. Russell told newsmen yester day "it's very likely" Steven yton will seek the nomination again. He added: "As titular head of the party he has the ad vantage over any other candi date." Mt. Angel Students Appear in Comedy Mt. Angel A large audience enjoyed the three-act comedy, "Pigtails," given by Academy seniors at, Mt. Angel Sunday, Nov. 22, and again Monday, Nov. 23. Members of the cast included Shirley Mucken, Jim Hauth, Ann McNutt, Ronald Wachter, Marlene Diehl, Marie Piatz, Elaine Thomas, Pat Geshwill, Bangs Tapscott, Jerry Wolf, and Mary Plott. RED FORCES WITHDRAWN New Delhi, India, W) The Timet of India reported Wed nesday that the Chinese Com munists have been forced to withdraw at least a third of their occupation force from Ti bet because of an acute food shortage. Estimates here placed the original Chinese strength W Tibet at nearly 60.000 men. DONT . am wt ria ram wan otam Cut THE JEWEL BOX REq. 43 Chlorophyll TObTH 69c Baby Comb and Brush Set Choice of blue, pink or yellow. Comes in beautiful plastic gift box with hinged lid Toiletry Toyland s L MiaiaiaaMwiatiaTCniiaxw'aMiaii All Children "Snuggly Snoozer" Is soft and cuddly ond lovable. A big 18" long, 7" high and 01i" wide. Sure to thrill the hearts of girls no matter what their oge. Toyland Lower Level jgititfiajijiiiaiiiiiiaiaiii Fred Meyer now hove complete selection of dolls in all price ranges. A Quality Doll Thriftly Priced! Uneeda Toddles . 21" Tall Walking Doll $)95 This on is o real honey. She sleeps, sits ond stands. Her head turns when she walks. The head Is made of unbreakable vinyl plastic. Glamorous soran hair is Perma-roored. Connot be pulled out, but may be washed, waved and curled. Body mode of most durable plastic. Teylaad Lower Level Eaton PASTE c Cleans teeth nature's way . . . leaves breath rash and odor-free. Get two tubes for the price of one! TUttrU$ 39 LARGER ASSORTMENT OF TOYS $5.98 Value Big 24-inch Baby Doll 0 398 This big 24-inch doll comes In ossorted dresses and bonnets to match. Soft latex orms ond leg?, Eyes open and close. Life-like heir. 50c will hold until Dec. 15th! Lower Level Love Snuggly Snoozer The Sleeping Dog Regular $4.95 $599 " aa a i "wawawil ml THC CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJeM. Plica Good Zipper Utility Regular 98c Ea. Woterproof, durable plastic. Wonderful for either make-up or shov ing need. V V d5atli v - V p Toiletry Fofding sF I' I i awe s v s i a VewiweMweweafeMWSMWeieM 1 I ' jlUbS; Lu J-1 ' ' ,MC(a' very .. yuC0Jnstructed ,0 ith- Stand harei i d.:l. ----- ufignr rea nomel finish. whif trim p323 Hours of Fun-AH in 1 hnimiwJ . h-'-nl Music Maker Men, $1.98 Jocko Jtck-lB-tboBQi Automatic Brake Car. $1.19 Mt car for dututM dtilrtd, w will ttf) MUntUetilf Fix-It Truck, $1.29 for th mni aKbuilc, track rta k Ukn apart Mel UMBblttl Milr Marx Novelty Truck Aiiortment, $1.29 It b7 4uf tarllly VtuUt truck. BaUt to lJt. JuvtniU and Adult Jig Saw PuxiUt, 29c-98e Putsl for all, boar of wlnUr attnlni tnjormrai. Climbing Firaman, $1.98 luallr Unb nrt laldr. i-Unit Mach. Sparkling Frtight Train $3.19 HttT Datr iprlnfl . . . LrM oval track. Hit tor all kids WIBt. Lional 3-Cor Eloc. Frtight Train, $19.95 Comtltto with tranifrmr aa Ian airtalar track. Floy Dmtol Sot, $2.98 aTrtrrthia ir tiiisc SoUiaj WttK Orttoa Thru Siturdiy Kit $27.50 Remington "60" Electric Shaver $Qf00 with $7.50 Tndein U (or Old Shaver He'll get unbcllevobly fast, smooth shaves with this attractive new electric shaver. ' , . Toiletry $26.50 Schick "20" Electric Shaver '."-- i ' , $90 50 with $5.00 Tradein &i for Old Shaver A shaving sensation. Start, stop switch gives "push-button" shaves. 5f Reg. be Ever Yours Bubble Both 7 2 for 13c Plus Tax . $5.00 down, $1.25 week on thrifty pay plan. Or old shaver can be used as down payment. TO CHOOSE FROM AT FRED Selection of Toys for Kids of All Ages All - Metol Juvenile and Chair Set 695 -fy Complete Mr or Mrs. Potato Head A tt-pteo set that will tranaform ordi nary trults and veg etables Into lovable little characters. A toy that the whole family will enjoy. 98 Plastic ABC Blocks, 98c Com in plloflbB ba- eHBltair. telorfnl. wit) katp tsAtflan bur bf tha hour. Mechanical Dial TaJtphona, $1.19 jstrt Ukt rtal aatf. Dial lanu m4 ball rlua. 148 N. Liberty Ride 'Em Locomotive Made extra atretic of heavy aue metal ao little tola can aetuallT . ride In them. Bright red oolor. Ideal child. even .f -fir I a Aunt Jemima Pastry Mix Set Art contains fenulne Aunt Jemima cake mixes that as sure aood results. Little housekeepers bake real cakes. Larger Pestry Sets ... All Nefal Realistic One Toy (a$h RegiSfer Amount registered shows on dial when key is punched 4 4UmA1etn.!,-ic.... "if f . Heavy Duty Snw - ngin. "." froin 0"oronteed l.,. Toyland in our lower level devoted to toys. See our large selection of gift wrap, tree decorations and tree light sets. PC 11 - t Ask About Lay 'Away Plan MEYER Giont 24" Flush Panda or Bear 2 99 da luxe tor. The playmate for an? The tor - the lake to bed. 98 $1.91 to J1.98 A Real Game of Skill Bagatelle A- Came to be played ana enjoyed by young and old. Constructed for lota of wear. $119 $195 One hi irnin i. XK Hi 19 wen 4 L Om frMw Nlihl til t 9 m. mjiiajiaiaj