Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 26, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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Pat 10
Thursday, Novtmber 1953
' Miss Wampole Is Bride
Woodbum The lint Pres
byterian church at Woodbum
wu the setting for a beautiful
wedding Bandar Kovembei
St, when Mil Gertrude Wam
pola, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence C. Wampol of Wood
burn, waa wad to Howard A.
Lengele, aon of Mra. Marvin
Lengele ei Prinevllle, and the
law Mr. Langela.
Tall baakata of whita chrys
anthemums and candelabrums
entwined with ivy and whlU
blossoms decorated the sane
' tuary, and pewa were marked
with ribbon bowa and white
Mra. Alfred Moon wai or
ganist and accompanied the
aololatt, Richard Moon and
Mlaa Harriet Male. She alio
played the wedding inarch and
Visitors Leave
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Christ
mas left Wednesday for their
home in Bloomington, IU.
topping at Seattle en route.
They have been visiting here
at the home of his brother,
Henry Chrlstman, and with
other relatives. They came to
Salem from Los Angeles where
they had been attending
convention, stopping at San
Francisco en route north.
Monday afternoon, the vlsl
tore and Mr. Chrlstman were
guests at the home of the let
ters aon and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chrlstman,
in Portland.
Sunday, Hanry Chrlstman
ana his son-ln-Iaw and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. William By
en, Jr., entertained at the
Chrlstman home for the visit
ors, additional guests being Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Chrlstman, a ne
phew and niece of Henry and
Carl Chrlstman, and their ion,
John, from Tacoma; Mr. By
era parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Byers, Sr, and daughter,
Miss Bonnie Byers of Albany.
Saturday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. William Byers, Jr., enter
tained at a dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. Carl A. Chrlstman, Henry
Chrlstman and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Chrlstman and son,
Hank, of Portland.
For Bride-Elect
Honoring Miss Alma Birehell,
who la to be married en De
cember 11 to Duane Graham.
Mrs. Fred Johnson waa hostess
for a shower Tuesday evening,
Feting the bride-elect were
Mrs. Dale Olson, Mrs. Raymond
Thles, Mrs. Orval Graham. Mrs,
Edon Lappin, Mra. Steve Ros
enbaum, Mrs. Thur Lindstrom,
Mrs. Bud Merrill. Mrs. Wen
dell Brown, Miss JoElla Brown,
Mill Mary Hawkins, Miss Luc
ette Graham, Miss Viola John
son and the hostess.
AT THE recent meeting of
the Salem Button club at the
noma of Mra. Laif Finseth In
Delias, officers for the coming
year were electee..
Officers Include: President,
Mrs. F. Z. Frallck; vice presi
dent, Mra. F. A. Smith; secre
tary and treasurer, Mrs. L. P.
Richey; historian, Mrs. Luke
. Plana war made for the
Oregon state button show to
he In Salem next year.
the recessional. -The candles
were lighted by two of the
ushers, Lyndon Lenfele and
Vernon Wampole.
The double ring service was the pastor, the Rev,
Robert K. Van, at 1:10 o'clock
in the afternoon id the pre-
enee of a large number of in
vited guests and relatives.
Lester Wampole save his
sister in marriage. The wed'
ding dress of the bride waa ot
white lace and satin, foshion-
with a fitted bodice of lace,
pointed in front and back;
long lace sieves, low scalloped
neckline with sequin and
pearl trim. The skirt ot alip-
per satin extended into long
court train and the veil or net
waa fingertip length, held In
place by a small cap with
seed pearl trim. The bride
wore her grandmother's brace
let and carried a white Bible
topped with two large orchids.
Honor attendant was Mrs.
Lester Wampole, sister-in-law
of the bride. She wore orchid
taffeta, fashioned similarly to
the dress of the bride. She
carried an old fashioned nose
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Har
old Peterson ot Portland,
cousin of the bride, Mra. Ken
neth Day of Roseburg, sister
of the bridegroom, and Mrs.
Willard Begin of Gervals, at
tired alike in green taffeta and
carrying old fashioned nose
gays. Junior attendants were
Janice and Jeanne Wampole
in pink organdy and carrying
nosegays. Ring bearers were
Dennis Peterson of Portland
and Jimmy Langdon of
Ushers were Lyndon Len-
gele of Roseburg, Martin Len
gele of Prlnevllle, brothers of
the bridegroom, and Vernon
Wampole, brother of the
Mrs. Wampole, mother of
the bride, chose a blue crepe
dress with white accessories
with which aha wore an or
chid corsage for her daughter's
wedding. Mrs. Lenfele, moth
er of the bridegroom, wore a
gray dress with black acces
sories and an orchid corsage.
At the close of the cere
mony the couple knelt at the
alter as Richard Moon sang.
A reception in the church
social room followed the cere
mony. Mrs. Oscar E. Nelson
of North Richland, Wash,
aunt of the bride, cut the wed
ding cake; Mrs. Darrell Wade
of Roseburg presided at the
coffee urn and Mrs Franeis
Lengele aerved punch. Mrs.
Joseph Serres passed the guest
book and at the gift table
were Mrs. Harold Colgan and
Mrs. Russell Blevans. Assist
ing In serving were Mrs. Roy
P. Kuns, Mrs. Margaret John
ston, Mrs. Fred Miller and
Mrs. Lillie Moberg of Salem.
Assisting about the root
were Mra. Lee Schlndler of
Orchards, Wash, aunt of the
bride, Mrs. Guy Zngle and
Mist Karen Kuns.
Mr. and Mra. Lengle left
tor a wedding trip to the
north. For traveling the bride
wore a gray flannel suit, with
white accessories and so or
chid corsage. The couple will
live at Aurora.
Beautiful selection 8SX
o Velours, Velvets ttOJ'
and feme Felts.
Will go et Three
Special Prices.
Assortment of Colors and Style
M7 'tff . L
AyY " p-"i'-'s Beg. $6.98 ' fifl' V---
" 5N' Slip ffed sLI
I m a s V X. Tw atylea. Early .JgtSJu tailored. Jt ie Cm
L .sT L.diM'3-P.. BOXED I I CAR Kahoppu a-vtad. IKSW Lrrew si"." M I
1 SJa5 59c V yfi MVL-
jraTiA Jff& Jypup gun -w m(
- Stationery. 3. MX r HANKIES I H 7.U
llueni. 5V yS-'- 70 J 07 ea, T ft
styles. Plain er color- w VSvCiSt X (1 Whlle, henaUtehed tiW- ft Sj
ed. vnrloos eiiea and Smart Jeweled ill all n a fmST'fT f as) liaW eaasi hankies with eelend T rS A
taantlUes pack in gift Comb, bruah and mirror T iS- emoroerr hue sae- V-J2
boxes. to handsome gift bom. Chole , . , . T ' N dalion m gift hex. aew 'JV ,.-
of pink, Mue or dear. Ovty t-lnch rVrr rt "Hv"
iTfSTT TT 1 1 tIT T, V CHARACTER Ladies' Cotton vis r'f 1
MM &!SSnM S ( DOLLS f iSwoniene
'i&Zffl (fiNwtMh X ts. 77 : KUDO iWmSr lu
iZ- -mI VA-klLirMS Onj dealmed jf g-elalat f f y-ATi J A. MTCD I - 1
Ji rw.n iGiyiy j CP" 77 fm "rn
M liMirL I Children. .Fc. I. f H GIFI HE
fWbJft ICIPa 39c tpa cbt ffSm I 00
rV 21?. TT m VO I t A bCl a-ertment of j IA1 LW I 5 SPOOLS 1
tVL I r I " I jf M I c,u matU vuvm- 'l I gerrica fr , T tones of rod, aqoa or I Jfi III iFk
fsT T '-Pl-Ti. fmm m' ,,ico' mr
Panda Q rJl Nylon Govn m
vETX? TOYS YiilESZSS j,wvvnii mvii
iSgtHtw 1 v 1 d K TISSUE PAPER M nin ttVI
Cl7 -'jPBSaifV I Mr umi - ui Iry r"rW sale i t.1. WW aadflU II
Ja JV & f eCllVV VI kMortment of eoddly I K M large , . Ue-baek stjlea. Laos or shir- J H H
r afT I I f X MJI i 1 1 1 1 phmh toys to I ahoets, each t f rod trim. White, lemoa. Mel- 9
e2) vywJ'WiVxV ddwi", $jood Z3 u?h-8mu
Wf. WrahU. eod- XliV JV trfK I SS. 1 ' 1
dry Panda ... laTerito J-L J iV X A .V" CV Raa to 0. I Women's Gtrls"
iWrlxN:1 4VfeS Sb?&' Wool Gloves
iasaaaaaaa ST ea mm 1 -t.'-j. V gas TT W MIS ... saval aaTV aS I
Holster Set MVV;t - 7 $
i i-u Pi.uu. M t vf Z fnr I
Ai t hoisiers. h V 'ii-w ' y ,or rrr!7
ft $095 5 JUrm: Wool HeadScarfi
SrtL t spurs. Gen- JS swX mint, Mue, etc. Sixes i. vUI nCdll Jbdlls
. f f V bIm Uoihor M AN " g and 7. Nylon Insert
AA Aero and eaff trim. Stock Solid and Olid
yjf& y SHOW FLAKES ",! iK 88
' xr 8pry tree' ornt- r:
jf- Zl-incn Vaix ntents, windows, etc. r-- -'eatil-- '
Ma-LOO y
akVaaaaBaekgagateam X 'X. m
Sport Shirt Sport Shirt Sport Shirt
Fine corduroy m OB
14VitolH. L Fine quality gab-a 98 Cotton knit shirt ea 69
Colors: Maroon, w ardlne. Slie (to I needs no ironing. I
Blue, Green 16. Asst. colors. Sliea to 18
Pkg. Xmas Cards TrjcvcIe Friction Toys
1 cards complete tm JCie Airplanes, ears, rocket
wtthen- A J wheel, all qq SStf""
velopea. for metal frame TVCi rc
Beaultful designs. Lge. with robber SF
selection. Zc per pkg. tires. Regular 4.49. Jt
f3 Large Assortment
VefeiSL Lad'eS CStUme
0-ErJr (pf Yo'" Choic
'f fawriu of every lady fa ff
eO c::' uO
Tin ' r Ptoa, etc, etc. Novelty II
deslcna. some stone set. U
I ExpoMlori Bona Really plays! "r q
I nn"CICT Choke of ma- I 7 Molded rub-ga. gsa, d
I BRACcLCI I hogany.oak I berwith OR
I lor red. valve. Whlte7 O
1 "TO- I 1
itnty f he'n!
I adore.
Cookie Cutters
IPIastie Snow Mea,
Santa, treea. Can be
used aa tree decorations.
Christmas Seals
and Tags
Large Selection
Candy Canes -
Cello wrapped. A 3 for5c
must for every 5C
Xmai stocking. 10c
Men's Felt Slippers
Colors: grey er
brown. Sixes -ll
Real Comfort
Felt Slippers
Women er Children
Finely audc soft padded
ealea. Cat ioruble and
1 warm. Colon or red. royal
er wine. Children aisea
to a.
Tree Lighl Sell
ComplrU with
I assorted
lights ,
Let us wrap your Xmas
Mt in colorful paper
and ribbetiiena.
136 N. Commercial
Salem,' Ore.