Wednesday, November IS, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOlltNAL. Bslcm, OregoR PC t if: Tele -Views Radio-Television DAVID BLACKMEB ON KSLM FRIDAY MORNING. The King tor a Day on tbe Queen tor a Day program, KSLM, Friday, November 27 ia the program which Bavld Blsckmer attended in Hollywood about fix weeka ago and wrote about for Tele-iews. He aald when the program would be carried by KSLM would be announced locally in advance. No one knowa tor aure Just what hapened except tor pic ture of David wearing the crown which waa carried by The Capital Journal a few daya alter he attended the live ahow In Hollywood. The program will be beard the morning after Thanksgiving day. WEDNESDAY PROGRAMS KPTV: Name'a the Same, Brain Aherne takes over aa emcee in Robert Q. Lewii' absence. Life Ia Worth Living, 7--Biihop Sheen discusses "His tory's Middle Ages," the period from the th to the 15th century. I Married Joan, t Beverly Is to be Initiated Into a junior college aociety, but Joan herself becomes the target for the hazers. My Little Margie, 1:30 Stars Gale Storm and Charles Farrell. Kraft Theatre, t "A Long Time Till Dawn" stars James Dean, Naomi Riordan, ted Osborne, and Robert Simon. Story concerns the good and evil in a man and their struggle tor supremacy. This Is Your Life, 10 A detailed story of the life of some individual aelected by Edwards. ' . , ON KOIN-TV: S:1S Armchair Theatre "Women In War", Wendy Bar rie, Pat Knowles. . . C:45 This Is Your Music Features Helen Parrish. 10 Wrestling From Hollywood Semi-main: Rey Ur bano vs. Genteman Jerry Woods. Main: Honest John Cretoria vs. Bob Cummings. . e THURSDAY MORNING ON KPTV: At 7:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Parade. Gimble'a an nual parade from Philadelphia, Pa., featuring NBC stars Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Burr Tiilstrom and Fran Alison and others. At S:00 a.m. Macy'a annual Thanksgiving Day parade with NBC stars, floats, gigantic balloons, clowns, bands, etc. At 9:00 a an. Dawn of America Thanksgiving Day film. . s, . THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL; KPTV: Press Box Review, 11:30 With Red Gringe and Bud Pal mer. ' , j NCAA College Football, 11:45 Utah va. Brigham Young at Salt Lake City, Utah ("live"). ' Hollywood Reel will follow the game Immediately, about J: P.M. . Race to Rose Bowl, hl-lighta of PCC games will be seen on KPTV at 7 p.m. ON KOIN-TV: . Iowa and Notre Dame tie game will be seen at 10:10 p.m. to top the holiday football fare. THURSDAY PROGRAMS: KPTV: This Ia Ilw Life, 1 "Giving Thanks Always" The Fisher family and their preparations for the Thanksviging holiday. Dinah Shore, 7:30 A quarter hour of music with Dinah Shore. Yon Bet Your Life, t Groucho Marx is emcee on comedy Cjulr. Chevron Theatre, t:30 "Lost Kid" stars Elizabeth Pat terson and Harry Harvey, Jr., with Mary Field and Ross Ford. Story of how a wily grandma keeps a boy on the aide of the law. Dragnet, t Jack Webb. Ford Theatre, 9:30 "Double Bet" stars Richard Egan and Laraine Day. Martin Kane, 10 Story concerns the disappearance of a middle-aged sociology professor. ON KOIN-TV: I P.M. Thanksgiving Festival Features "The Choraliers" and "The Symphonette" with, guest soloists, program includes a cast of over 100. I P.M. Gary .Moore Show. 3:15 P.M. Armchair Theatre "Petticoat Polities", Ros eoe Kama. Ruth Donnelly. 9 P.M. Meet Mr. McNultley stars Ray Miland with Phyllis Avery. Prof. McNultley takes his wife back to the scenes of their courtship. 9:30 P.M. Four Star Playhouse-'For Art's Sake" stars David Niven. 10 P.M. The Playhouse "Beautiful World" story of a young man who decides life la not worth living and hires a gangster to kill him. II P.M Showtime on Six "Merrily We Live" starring Brian Aherne and Constance Bennett. . . . . KPTV: EARLY FRIDAY "What'e Cooking?" 10:30 Barbara Angell prepares left overs from turkey dinner. Friend of the Family, 11:30 Michael Davenport. Matinee Theatre, 1 "No Escape" stars Dean Jagger, John Carradine and Mary Brian. ON KOIN-TV: 12:30 P.M. Bob Crosby Show Entire troupe opens with 'Papaya Mama", medley of football tunes closes the show. 1 P.M Love of Life starring Peggy McCay. 1:15 P.M. Search for Tomorrow starring Mary Stuart and Lynn Loring ' 1:30 P.M. Guiding Light starring Herb Nelson and Ellen Demming. 1:45 P.M. Valiant Lady, atarring Nancy Coleman and Jerome Cowan. Salem Heiqhts Salem Heights The Cub Scouts of Salem Heights met for a pack meeting on Friday evening at the Salem Heights Community hall. The flag ceremony was con ducted by Den 8. with Mrs. Bernard Knox, den mother. Cubs taking part were Lee Gray, Clyde Knox, Terry Gray and Gary Alderin. Each den displayed handi craft work. The traveling tro phy was won by Den 4, with Mrs. Mike Simmons den mother. The ratings for the trophy are on cub attendance, parent attendance, conduct, and their work which ia displayed. Awards presented in the Bobcat rank, were Michael Byerly, Harley Miller, Randy Ftiesen, Roy Davidson, Billy Greene, Jay Boock. Marvin Dolezal. Gary Gustafson and Gary Sanders. Wolf badge waa awarded to Terry Gray; gold arrow in the wolf rank, to Terry Gray, ail ver arrow In the wolf rank, Terry Gray and Wesley Hawk. - Bear badges, went to .Stephen Tandy and David Vames; Lion award to Lee Gray, along with a gold and silver arrow. Denner stripes were presented to Stephen Tandy and Larry Rector. Following the meeting each den sold refreshments from their own booth and the money earned was for their own den. The next pack meeting is slated tor Dec. It. On Television KPTV (27). UHF KOIN-TV () VH TV TROUBLES? .- Technicians as Daty - Till 9:30 pjsk Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1419S.12th Ph. 4512 Livestock Marketing Costs Go Under Attack IStUMI 1: ta. mm TkaakMl'las Banst S:M a.m. rpTV Taaajua 1 i Las raraat S:N am. KPTV Dsn at Amrnm M: a. a. strrv wast's MUui UM S.B. KPTV iti4 sf tat family UM aav Km liiiiu ram nm na -J 1...U. 11:11 am. KPTV Tin Brasilia KOm Dawa at Aamca 11:1 aaa. KPTV mm Boa Btrtts KOIM Dan si Am.riea U:U am. KPTV NCAA PsstaaU KOIN Dasa si AJttrWa U M assa KPTV Psattsll KOIN Bis rarsff 1: 9 m. KPTV Postbsll KOIN Bs CrsssV l a , s rrrv pastkau Kom Lota si Ufa !:1S IS KPTV PsolbsU KOIN Bsarca Isr Taaarrav im 9 m. KPTV Poatbsa KO otlkUns Utkl S:W sua. KPTV Fastball IOIK-TtiaasMlrtaf Fatlrfal P m. KPTV HoUrvsod Rati KOm TbankMlTlu paatlTSl I M a a. KPTV ThU la Tsui Ltls KOIN Oarry Msora Sasv S: m. PPTV This Is Tour Ula KOIN Armchair Thtatar I II a KPTV On Tour Aeeoual KOIN Armchair Thtatar a:tt am. KPTV Wtlcomt Tratiltrs KOIN Amehalr Thtatar I II p a KPTV Tormaktr KOIN Mr. Moos 4:IS s.pj. KPTV Tormaktr KOIN Mr. Moon I M P.m. KPTV Hoaoj Dotar KOIM asdalt Pali TELEVISION Sole v Service Inttollationi MITCHELL RADIO TV ' 1SS0 State St. Ph.3-7577 S:N .m. KPTV TEA KOIN Mr. WtsthtrmaR Si IS P.M. KPTV Ranta Rlstl KOIN Phots CMS :S la KPTV Huntlni and Plihlns KOIN Dout Bdvardf Ktws t:IS p.m. KPTV Nor Uracil DUau KOIN a port. Scholar 1:M am. KPTV Football Hllllas KOIN Clacs KM 1:a P.m. KPTV Dinah short FOIN Plaes Iht Paes !S aaa. KPTV Ntwa, aporu ' KOIN Plaes tha Pass 8:S P.m. KPTV Orsschs Marx KOIN Meal Mr. McNullT list p.m. KPTV Chttroa Thaattr Korjf Four Star FlarhouM Sf s.m. KPTV Draiatt KOIN Vldtt FlarhouM SiS p.m. KPTV Ford Thtatar KOIN Eta Tosa 1S:S P.m. KPTV Martla Ktnt . roiN Tha Plarheoas lS:at KPTV Blp Plarbaek - KOIN Notra Damt-NC. UlM P-m. KPTV Ntwa Sports KOIN Bhovtlmt sa all llilS .. KPTV Wtathtr Vant KOIN ahovUma oa BIS UilS P.m. KPTV Nits Oal Thtsur MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Soltt - Srvic - InttalloHon Open fraai turn, to t p m. Ph. 1-1611 tltt 8. Ctml BaWm't Flnt TtfttTtston Store FKIDAT MM LB. KPTV DIM Donf Bill M;M ft-B. KPTV Wht' CMklBit turn. KPTV Htw-lra PalU Utlf KPTV Th Bwaitti u-.m . sb. kptv FriMvd tf psmUr I:N .. KPTV MiUbm TbMtar l:M KPTV Om Tour Aecount .n .. KPTV Kst 0mm. liM w-m. KPTV Fat Smith KOIH Donbta r ffothlar i.m p.m. KPTV Wfaeomi TraTttm XOXN-Hltrlkt It Kith 4:M t.m. KPTV Tht Tonnaktr KOIN Otrrr Uoort 4iW p.H. KPTV Th ToTmikatr KOIN Cartoon Tltno :M 9.M. KPTV Howdy DftOdy Kom Atvddio poia :t pm. KPTV Peanut Clreut FOIN mMJ Pau iM 9-m. KPTV St j Klni KOIM Wtathermam :U KPTV-kr KlBC KOIN Prod Mertr :N O-B. KPTV Dean Coll In KOIN Do m Edward Nwa : 9-M. KPTV NW Dlftit koin Muitcal Momtnta T.wt P.b. KPTV B porta Calvaloada rOIN Hank McCunt Show T:t .. KPTV porU caraleado roiN Ossta and Harriot 1:U .. KPTV Ntwa Caravan KOIN Oislo ud HarrJit 14 9.9M. KPTV Oarrawar at Lario KOIN Amoa and Andr :M p.M. KPTV Douc PaUkaokd KOIN Topper KPTV B If HOTT KOIN Piarbouao of Mara t:N KPTV Tott Aakod for It roiN Our Ulit Brooks Itm 9-m. KPTV Wroitllni koin-mt Pruivd baa 1I:W 9m. KPTV Wmtltits KOTN ShowUma wB BlX ll:o 9.9X. KPTVsa-Klovoatk Hour Ntwa 9.9M. KPTV Weather Vano P.9M. KPTV Kilo Owl Tnoator Brush College Brush College Mrs. H. D. Bradrick, leader, took several members of her Brush College 4-H Sewing club "Tiny Thim bles" to Popcorn Community club Friday night to exhibit the style show, "Gay Nineties." In the style show were Mar lene Wacken, Linda Meyers, Donna McClure, Carolyn and Carol Fergusen and Karla Bradrick. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lantla will be Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home ot Mr. and I Mrs. Charles X. Loop of Clear Lake. Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! H0FFMAM"evw.2' PHONE Mali Valley TV (enter ZitS ralrgronnds Rd. Sales - Service - Installation Opea Till I p.m. Daily Bandar from 1 to ( p.m. v By CLAUDE Livestock marketing coats brought several recommenda tions for attack of the problem at the regional livestock and meat conference held yester day at Withycomb hall. Cor vallia. ' . An industry financed meat promotion project; request for research on all phases of meat marketing and publication of a bulletin' Interpreting live stock marketing .information were among suggestions the group will bring up at the final conference to be held January 6 and T at Corvallis. It was brought out that with wartime demand and techno logical developments In pro duction the industry may have overrun demand, which neces sitates either restricting pro duction or reducing coasts. This includes cost reduction all along the marketing chain. Don Rowland and A. Lamb, reresentatives of the Polk County Livestock association, pointed out that for Willam ette valley cattlemen there waa little need to feed cattle to prime or choice grades since there was limited outlet for those grading higher than "commercial." Growers of this area must balance grass cattle with barn fed beef Uur- Thanksgiving Rites For Sweet Home Sweet Home Fir Lawns Lutheran church will hold Thanksgiving services at 10 a.m. Thursday, in the Seventh Day Adventist church, accord ing to Rev. Oliver Everet. The service is open to the pub lic, and the first communion ot the congregation will be held at the close of the service. A baptismal service will be held in connection with the morning ' worship, Sunday, November 29, and also the adult confirmation service, at which, time the formal organ izational efforts of the con gregation is to be in effect. STEL'SLOFT ing the winter to spread ant supplies - and avoid market gluts, they said. Kenneth - McCrae, Mon mouth, president of the Ore gon Purebred Sheepbreedera association, said a lamb grad ing choice, marketed milk fat off grass early in the summer. Is the most profitbale for west ern Oregon sheepmen. "Good" grade is sufficient later in the season, he said. Sheep can be used to the best advantage In both east ern and western Oregon to uti lise forsge resources now go ing to waste, it waa pointed out Quality in animals is closely tied up with their effi ciency aa forage users, McCrae said. Only one-third of the live stock produced in the state is sold through the North Port land Union Stockyards, Ore gon's sole central market Less than 6 per cent ot the stock going through auction yarda in Oregon, Washington and California are purchased by traders for resale through ter minal markets, the great bulk goa back to the farm or is slaughtered by the buyer. Oregon State college statis ticians estimated that about one and one-third million red meat animals are slaughtered in Oregon each year. They include 380,000 beet. 600,000 lambs and 350,000 swine. -Consumers spend about 6 per cent ot their income tor tneir snare or in is supply, ites- tauranta use about 30 per cent of the total. - The average housewife spends one-fourth of her budget on meat this figure has been quite constant through number of years of high and low prices. It seems relatively unaffected by short time advertising campaigns such aa the recent one in Port land which Increased lamb consumption by 300 per cent in that city. Charles S w a n g o. Lane county cattleman, served as chairman for the meeting. Arrangements were made by Jim Elllng and Ed Colea of the Oregon State college staff. Mail Carriers Rewalk Routes Salem's mail carriers" will rewalk their routes late Fri day but it won't be - tor the purpose of distributing letters, circulars, magazines and news papers. . Their self-imposed task will be that ot receiving contribu tions for the I4.uu0.000 fund which will be used in .the search for a cure for muscular 2 Teachers Go fa Los Angeles Meeting Miss Ada Ross, English su pervisor, and Miss Amanda Anderson, English and debate teacher, will represent Salem at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teacher of English In Los Angeles, No vember 29 and 27. The organization, composed of teachers of English from elementary schools through college levels, will discuss problems in communications of all phases of English. The unofficial delegates will at tend a variety of sections and will return Sunday. REDS AID REBUILDING Tokyo Peiping radio ssid today Chinese communist sol diers are helping to rebuild Pyongyang, the rubbled capi tal ot North Korea. Walter Schuster ot Chicago was president of a bowling league lor 30 consecutive years. I YOU PAT RENT 1 YOU CAN AFFORD T0IUYA . VTrlOCKWOOD HOME J Appro. $59.00 par me. SoM Coarftoc f oclt flfiam l4o)ffta Stag in . """'"'Jlism. 1-OS71 pyre lima dystrophy. Victims of the ailment, term ed the "mat Mysterious dis ease are doomed to death un less a remedy is discovered that will check Its ravages. The drive tor $3,000,000 Is backed by the Muscular Dys trophy Association ot America, inc. Honorary chairman of the "letter carriers inarch' ia Post master General Arthur E. Summerfield. Tbe solicitation has the active support ot Wil liam C. Doherty, president ot the National Association ot Let ter Carriers. Locally the effort is headed by Richard McKee as general chairman. Working with him will be Ed Amo of West Sa lem; Ray Morrison, Lea Nies wander of Hollywood: Don Graves, Clifford Lathrop and Bob Parrent ot the main of fice. -. . ... i Householders who wish to contribute will be asked to turn on their porch lights at a time to be announced. . SweetHor.s Sssks . Junior First Citizen Sweet Home Nominations for Sweet Home' "Junior First Citizen' of 1933 are now open according to Mike Fiaaca, chair, man ot tbe Sweet Home Junior Chamber of Commerce awards committee. Nomination blanks are avail able at the city nail and tha nominating deadline is Pre. IS. Although final selection ot the "Junior First Cftlren" rests with the Senior Chamber ot Commerce, preliminary ar rangements are handled by tha Jaycees. The winner will be named at tbe annual Chamber ot Com merce dinner in January. Selection is made on the basis ot leadership, contributions to the community and high moral standards, and tha winner re ceives a framed certificate and key.1 . Fnoy 6 days of Sun and Fun on Greyhound's Expense-Paid Vacation to DESERT INTERLUDE that Includes Ira-tporterrlo-, 3 nights at Tahquits Vista Hotel or El Eitce-ra, 4 days' meals at choice ef restaurants, rwa scenia limousine tours ef area, ether features. Got com, pitta details an this delightful Vacation -ette. !81.40 Price, from Solesn, Only J. L. WELLS, Agent 4S0 N. Church St. Ph. 22421 GREYHOUND mf m a ' d M ... tho nation s jejophone lsysi 1,000,000 1899 1 , V(m ifr . , . ... "rmC.r J A-' ....... . I ssT aF 1 I Z" a 4 A .-, H (INVENTED I 1876 I 30,000,000 1946 .... II 50,000,000 1953 ,t It took 23 yean to install the first million; yet 20 ,000,000 telephone ham binttalledinthVnUdStatmuncld46. 50,000,000 TELEPHONES NOW SERVE THE NATION In the West alone, more than 6,000,000 telephones are at wort. 1. America' SO millionth telephone went into service in the White House office of President Eisenhower just a few days ago. Yet, only 77 yean ago, America'! telephone system consisted of little more than a wire strung through an attic in Boston. Today telephone service binds together tha great nation it helped to build. In the 77 years gtnee Its invention, tha telephone has become a moat important part of the American way of life ... a mena of chatting with friends . . . an indispensable tool of commerce ... a vital link in our vast chain of defense. DRIVER FINED Albany Clarence Roy Mor rison, S3, Albany, paid 175 in Albany city court after plead ing guilty of public intoxica tion and being involved In an accident. Municipal Judge Wil liam Bollman reported. Morri son wss arrested Sunday after his car crashed into one regis tered to Cecil Burkharsj also of Albany. .''Sn Til Each Hlephon wt add mokis yours mors valuable Each time a new telephone la installed, your telephone be comes mora useful For each new telephone means you can call more people. More can call you. Every day your telephone service mcreaaea in value, while H remains low in coat. YOUR TELEPHONE IS ONE Of TODAY'S I EST IARGAINS 2. About 5,300 telephone companies serve tha United States. Of theae, more than 200 are located in the Pacific West. Working together they have made the world's best telephone service available at a reasonable Plica ... well within tha means of Marly awyona, 3. In tha Pacific Wert we've added telephone! oven faster than the nation as a whole. Since January, 1946, Pacific Telephone alone has added over 2,225,000 tele phone. This hat nearly doubled the number at work. We've also improved equipment to aerve you better. Pacific Telephone