Past Capital Edited fcy MARIAN Plans for Smorgasbord Outlined Planning for the eighth an nual smorgasbord sponsored by the YWCA and YMCA began thti week with the annouce ment of committee assignments by co-chairmen Mrs. Harold O. Schneider and Gui Moore. The winter event, a highlight among Salem gourmeta, will be at the YMCA main gymnasium Tuesday, -December 8, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Tht public ia in vited to attend. Mri. Otcar Lludahl and Mrs. Theron Hoover will be in charge of assembling, prepar ing and serving the quantities of food required to feed the 000 or more expected to attend. Be cause of the popularity of the event arrangements are being made this year to serve con tinuously from 8 to 8 o'clock. The program of entertainment will be repeated throughout the evening so that all may en joy it no matter what hour at tending. Cava Hoss will be master of ceremonies, assisted as pro gram coordinators by Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Anderson. The theme will be a "Festival of Nations," suggested by the world fellowship and service programs of the YWCA and YMCA for which proceeds of the smorgasbord are used Food, music, decorations and entertainment will carry out the theme. Other committer assign menu are: Decorations, Miss Gloria Kainu, Mrs. James Armson and Ardo Tarum; en tertainment, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone; tables, Mrs. Wil lard Thompson; publicity, Mr. nd Mrs. Philip M. Brandt, Jr. Members of the Y boards will act as hosts and hostesses, while tickets will be sold by the Ys Men's club. Y-teeners will serve the famous pastry desserts, and the Campus Y group will serve as busboys. Norblads Home Congressman and Mrs. Wal ter Morblad returned Tuesday from a month's sojourn in the Hawaiian islands. They made the trip by ship with several other congressional coupies. Meeting them in Portland were their son Albin and Con gressman Norblsd's secretary, Mrs. Charles Woodring. MAJOR AND MRS. Scott A. Bishop, San Jose, Calif., visited last week-end with Major and Mrs. James L. Scott at the Haseldorf apartments. Major Bishop recently retired from the U. S. army air force. He returned to the states after an extended tour of duty with the air force in England. Mrs. Bishop is a niece of Major Scott. Plan Dinner Officers of Court Capital, In dependent Order of foresters, met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Miller. Final plans were made for the Christ mas dinner planned for Decem ber 4 for all members and their Immediate families, the event to be at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. WITH Mrs. Gladys VanDe- Walker for the holiday dinner will be her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Sherman and their chil dren, Sara and Kay. . GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. HrlUel for the Thanksgiving dinner will b her mother, Mrs. W. W. Gabri el, snd her nephew, Dick Ga briel, of Portland. WORD COMES from Fort Belvoir, Va., that Mrs. Robert Graf (Mary Evelyn Parke), formerly of Salem, recently starred in the play "Three's a Family," presented at the post theater. Captain Graf la sta tioned at Fort Belvoir. Today's Menu What's Thsnksglving dinner without that eld fsvorit. gib let stuffing! THANKSGIVING DINNER First-Course Salad Roast Turkey with Glblrt Stuffing Mashed Potatoes Creamed Onions Rriusel Sprouts Crisp Rolls and Butter Pumpkin Chiffon Pi Beverage fliblet Stuffing Ingredients: 8 etips dry S- lnch bread cubes, cup cook-' d chopped giblets, cup chopped celery, 4 cup chop ped onion, t teaspoon salt, V teaspoon pepper, 14 teaspoon poultry seasoning, St cup melt ed shortening, 1 egg (beaten), H cup turkey broth. Method: Mix bread cubes, giblets, celery, onion, salt, pep per, poultry seasoning, shorten log. egg and turkey broth. Makes I cups. Women LOWRT FIBCHEB Guests at Board Members of the board of Sa lem Memorial hospital have in vited all committee chairmen putting on the recent "High Fe ver Follies" of the hospital aux iliary for dinner Wednesday evening. The events is the regu lar meeting for the hospital board with the show chairmen and president of the auxiliary, Mrs. Kenneth Sherman, as guests. Charles II. Heltiel is chairman of the hospital board. Salem Students in OSC Musical Event Oreaon State College. Cor-1 vallls (Special) Listed among! 250 Oregon State college stu dents who will appear in the annual Christmas program pre sented by the OSC music de partment December 8 are 11 students from Sslem. Members of Madrigal, wom en s singing organisation in clude Sally Becker, Lenore Phillippe and Pauline Toycen. David Massee Is a member 01 the Men's Glee club, Members of Choralaires. group of more than 50 mixed voices, include Carl Holmqulst, Steve Lee, Roberta Sears and Shirley Will. Kenneth Hamilton, Max Mor ris and Jamea Todd are mem bers of the symphonic orches tra. The program will feature three singing groups and the college symphonic orchestra. They will sing Christmas car ols, Christmas folk songs, and excerpts from Handel's Messi ah. The participating students will open and close the pro gram with a candlelight proces sion. Parties Planned . Before JD Dance Several parties arc arranged preceding the Job's Daughters' Queen s Ball on Friday eve ning. The dance will be at Crystal Gardens, to be attend ed by a large group of the high school students and col lege group. Honored are the present and immediate past honored queens of the three lo cal Job's Daughters bethels. Miss Nancy Snider has in vited a group of her friends for a party at the home of her par ents, the Fred M. Sniders, pre ceding the dance. Miss Jean Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Jones, also has invited a group to her horn before the dance. Miss Charlen Woods, on of the honor guests for the dance, has Invited a group of her col leg friends to a party at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ar thur Woods. Miss Woods is freshman at Oregon State col lege. New Officers New officers of the Wom an Missionary Federation, Grace Lutheran church, were elected recently and include Mrs. Roy Mathis, president; Mrs. Ingvold Kvale, vice-president; Mrs . H. O. Roaen, sec retary; Mrs. Walter Larson, assistant secretary; Mrs. Erick Faaborg, treasurer; Mrs. Al Moen, assistant treasurer. A barzaar and supper on December 3 has been planned by the church. CDA Social Mt. Angel Members of Court Marion. Catholic Daugh ters or America, were enter tained at a social Monday eve ning in the club room of St Marys school. Ten tables of cards were in play, and honors were awarded to Mrs. J. A Kaiser, Mrs. Alois Humpert, Mrs. F. J. Schwab and Mrs Robert Zollner. Refreshments were scrveo. oy me nostess committee, with Mrs. mond Hauth serving as general chairman. Shower Given A bridal shower for Miss Maxin Davenport, whose wed ding takes place in December, given recently at the home of Mrs. James Lure, with Mrs. Arthur Rolnff and Mrs. Roy Hunzekar assisting. Present were the honnrie and Mrs. John Rutherford. Mrs. Harlan Crawford, Mrs. Glenn Hansberry. Mrs. Donald Eastrldge, Mrs. Clifton Irwin. Mrs. Lillian Richmond. Mrs. Dean Davenport, Mrs. Charles Eby, Mrs. Darlen Hansberry, Mrs. Berch Hansberry, Mrs. Frank Caspell, Mrs. Glenn Da venport. Miss Shirley and Glenora Davenport. Gamea were played, after which refreshments were served with Mrs. -Glenn Dav-' enport at the coffee urn. The honored guest opened her gifts which had been placed under an umbrella that had been uniquely decorated for the occasion. Furs Exclusively Per IS Tears LACHELLES 1248 Ferry St I ------mt Initiation At Rainbow Meeting The Misse Judy Atwood, Sandra Johnson, Sue John son, Carol Fussell Pat Schroy er and Sheryle Neiger were iniUited into Chadwick as sembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, on Tuesday night at the Masonic tempi. Assemblies from Dallas, Stayton, McMlnnville, Albany and Woodburn were present at the courtesy night and Miss Doris Roberts, Woodburn, was worthy adviser; Miss Jan Mc Graff, Woodburn, associate worthy adviser; Miss Claudia Hinrichs, Stayton, charity; Miss Ruth Carleson, Dallas, hope; Miss Pat Norgsne, Me Minnville; faith, Miss Mary Anne Carroll, McMlnnville, drill leader; Miss Janet McDon aid. Albany, musician. The Misses McDonald, C a r le n Newport, Barbara Faulkner were the triple trio. Mrs. Paul Griebenow and Paul Bramble, worthy matron and patron of Chadwick chap ter, Order of Eastern Star were introduced along with Wayne Henry, executive committee member; Miss Arda Lien, grand representative to Pennsylvania; Miss Janet McDonald, grand music isn. Marion A' mliary Meets on Monday At a regular meeting of Mar ion auxiliary Veterans of For eign Wars Monday evening Mrs. Billy Kuder was initiated. Committee reports were given by Mrs. Dave Holweger, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy and Mrs. Lloyd Bob birr. Mrs. Clarence Forbis asked names be given her of needy veterans for Thansgiv ing baskets. Mrs. Don Stupka announced there will be a "luncheon is served" at the Veterans of For eign Wars hall November 28 at 1 p.m. The public is Invited and may call her for tickets. Mrs. Mel Clemens reported 11 ladies had assisted in stuf fing tuberculosis seals. Miss Mary Gilhuly reported on meeting of the well-child clinic advisory committee; she stated they are in need of wooden toya for the clinic. Miss Gilhuly and Mrs. Dorothy Michaels will serve at the clinic Wed nesday. A turkey dinner will be served by Mrs. Sherman Beall and her committee at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall December 5th for a Boy Scout group. Mrs. LeRoy Simson will be in charge of a bazaar November 27th at 435 Court street. Along with this a cook ed food sale is being arranged by Mrs. Sherman Beall. All member are urged to have food there by noon. A sum of $28.80 is being sent to the Veterans hospital for the Christmas fund. Requests were made for material to make rugs at the Roseburg hospital. Mrs. W. R. Burnett is in charge of a program for the Christmas dinner to be at the VFW hall December 13 at 1:30 p.m. A no-host dinner will be served to. the post and aux iliary. Gifts are to be brought for children and food for the Christmas baskets. Following the meeting the post and auxiliary was served a birthday cake and refresh ments presented and served by the past presidents in honor of the auxiliary's 29th birth day. Assisting Mrs. Clarence Forbis were Mrs. Genevieve Olson. Mrs. Gordon Bressler, Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs. Billy Kelso, Mrs. C. M. Briggs, Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Mary Champ, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. George Mason, Mrs. W. J. Dayson, Mrs. Russell Mudd. Mrs. Charley Hunt, Mrs. Ed Vsn Santen, Mrs. Sue Laur ence and Mrs. Leon Hansen. . r J Ray-lVeW I fOOp TOrmeO A troop of Junior Catholic Daughters of America has been organized for the seventh grade girls at St. Vincent de Paul school with Miss Lorraine Meusey acting as counselor. Thev have chosen to be called St. Elizabeth'e troop, and as a Christmas project are knitting afghan squares and donating clothing for the babies in Ko rea o MR. AND MRS. Glenn T. Powcra will entertain aa Thanksgiving week-end guests at their South River road home brothers-in-law and sisters of Mrs. Powers. Coming from Ellensburg, Wash., will be Mr. and Mrs. Orvtlle Roger and daughter, Evelyn Rogers; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nickschinsher. La Grande and Mrs. Winnie E Hassell, Portland. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all Klads. Trasoes, Akdosa Insl Support. Elaatl Hosfery Bsperl filters prlTato ritttag AS TOCTI DOCTOR Capital Drug Slore SSI llsu nines Conor el Ubortr a, Grass) tti THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sakm. Oregon lib :A Mrs. Robert Eugene Howland Salem Man Wed Nov. 15 From Santa Ana, Calif., comes account of the wedding of Miss Ruth C. Razey of that city and Robert Eugene How land, formerly of Salem. The service was solemnized at a double ring ceremony on November 15 in the Capilla de San Antonio, the Rev. Robert McAulay officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Frey of Santa Ana and Mr. Howland is the son of Mr. end Mrs. Don C. Feemster of Orange, Calif. Mrs. John Porter was the only attendant for the bride. Don C. Feemster was best man and ushers were Julio Amaya and Charles Frisk. The bride wore a turquoise brocade damask, ballerina length frock, fashioned with a scoop neckline and full skirt. With the dress she wore a. white velveteen cloche r and matching elbow length white gloves. She carried a spray of pink rosebuds. The reception following was in the chapel. Among those at tending the wedding from Sa lem were the bridegroom's brother-in-law and sisters, Mr J and Mrs. Paul Widowsky. Mrs. ! Al Anglin and Mrs. Frank Borchers, all of Salem. The couple are at home at 2057 S.E. Garinsey, Santa Ana. MRS. CHRISTINA NEW Bt'RGH will spend Thanks giving in Portland with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newburgh. SALEM CHAPTER, Order of Eastern Star, will meet in regular session Ssturday, No vember 28 at 8 o'clock, Ma sonic temple. This is advance night for the incoming officers with Miss Helen Fletcher and John Graybill presiding. GERVA1S Mrs. Lola Os borne, Portland, state noble grand of the Rebekahs. was present on Monday night at Harmony lodge, Rebekah meet ing. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Zelma Connoy and Mrs. Vera McMorris. SUN VALLEY 8 n P a rs ...a BREAU rranfmitinfiMSTME IJ0S9 ""Sit ''0 ' . , , -A. A AMONG those to visit with relatives over the Thanksgiv ing holiday will be Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles and family, Nancy, Steele and Mark. They will be at Seattle with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wilck en. Navy Mothers The Salem Navy Mothers club worked on three boxes for veterans at the Roseburg hospital and completed the boxes for navy men at the meeting Tuesday night. The bazaar and cooked food sale of the group set for Decem ber 5 at the Good Housekeep ing store was also discussed. ,t was announced that the an naul Christmas party will be on December 15 at the home of Mrs. J. H. Lewis. 7 1 ' J JS. .!. Holiday Events in East Salem East Salem Annual Thanks giving dinners will be served in many East Salem homes tomor row. Some local residents are going out of the community to be guests In other homes. Mr. and Mrs. Clark C. Mc Call will have as their guests for the holiday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Seller and son, Stephen from Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. Ford Converse from Portland; and from Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Miller, Barbara Ann, Donald and Jack and Jill. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barker will entertain at a family din ner at their Silverton road home, guest will be Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Barker, Deborah and Kathleen; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Barker, Micheal and David and from Portland, Mr. Barker's mother, Mrs. Anna Davis andi her uncle, Robert Sumner. Guests at the R. Gordon Scott home on Silverton road will be Mr. and Mrs. George Nicol from Salem. For the Hein family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein on Lancaster Drive will be Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hein 'and sons, Virgil and Phil fromj for nana; Mr. ana Mrs. is. z.. Hein and Susan from Bend; Mrs. J. V. Aplet and son, Low ell from Eugene; Mr. and Mr. Stanford Hein, Davis and Den nis from Middle Grove com munity and Mr. and Mrs. George Crump, Judy and Nancy from South Salem; Mrs. Vera Mears from Portland and the hosts. Coming for the holiday and a week-end visit at the Warren Fisher home on Birchwood Drive are their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tyler and sons, Warren and Robert from Seattle, Wash., and for Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ireland and son, Wil liam from West Linn. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Siegmund of Garden road will be at the home of their daughter and family, the Otto J. Wilsons in South Salem for the annual family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mallicoat, Marlene, Dale and Steven of Fisher road are driving to G res ham for the family dinner at the horn of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin La Due of Hollywood drive will spend the day with her parents, the Bert Swansons in Silverton. A guest for the past three weeks and remaining over the holidays at the Milton Black-j Damascus wants to help make this your finest thanksgiving! This year especially with so many of the Domoscus family of dairy product oppeoring ot Thanksgiving dinners all over Salem we feel thot we ore a real port of the community. We ore hoppy to be oble to bring you a COMPLETE dairy line fine products which are certain to odd enjoyment to your Thonksgiving dinner. There's delicious Damascus Nu-Rich Homogenized milk for your table . . . wonderfully smooth Half-ond-Half to enrich your gravy . . . Soured salad Cream to odd flavor to your dressings . . . country-fresh butter to top off your vegetables ond rolls . . . ond glorious Whipping Cream that's JUST MADE for pumpkin pie! You'll find them in the fomous red ond white Damascus eortons at your grocers. They're delivered fresh daily to make sure you get all of Damascus' fresh, delectable flavor on Thanksgiving . . . AND EVERY DAY! Damascus MILK COMPANY Phone 4-5441 Two to Be Feted Honoring Mis Norma Cam field, who is to be wed to Dar win J. Kerber, and Mrs. Wil liam McCormack (Bernic Im lah), a recent bride, a dessert supper and double linen show er are planned on Friday eve ning, Mrs. Allan R. Mann Jr., and Mrs. James Zwaschka to be hostesses for the affair at the John H. Johnson home. Mrs. Johnson is assisting the hostesses. Guests will Include: Miss Camfield, , Mr. McCormack, Mrs. Otto Camfield, Mrs. Law rence Imlah. Mrs. Mildred An gle, Mr. Bruce MacDonald, Mr. Louis Lorenz Jr., Mrs. Richard Lee, Mr. Paul Haw kins, Mrs. James Rock, Mrs. Allan Olson, Mrs Allan Otto, Mrs. Richard Grenz, Mrs. Barnes Rogers, Mr. Jack Hutchins, Mrs. William Kaer, Mr. Richard Hodgson and Mr. Earl Eshlman, the latter three from Portland; Misses Gwen Fry, Alice Glrod, Mary Feike, Susan Perry, Joyce Armstrong, Joan Marie Miller Anne For ristel, Elaine Stanley, Sue Raw- linson, and Mary Jane Rudd. Junior Catholic Daughters Active Woodburn Tikakwitha troop of the Junior Catholic Daughters of America met at the home of the counselor, Mrs. Joe Gamroth, last week. Plana were discussed for a "mothers' tea," the date to be decided later. A theater party also, was planned for the eve ning of December 5 when fathers will be escorts. Members are making stuffed toys for Christmas gifts for the children at Providence nur sery. They will also make a gingerbread house for the children at the nursery, super vised by their counselor. A stamp collection contest is being sponsored by the group, the winning group to be treat ed by the losers. Officers chosen for the next two-month period are: Sheron Donnelly, president; Cathryn Naener, vice president; Lanna Smith, secretary; Hildegarde Sticka, treasurer; Lanna Smith, reporter. The next meeting of the group will be Wednesday, De cember 9. man home on Lansing avenue is his sister Mrs. Ralph Bock from Los Angeles. .CISSOHIST Com forts So Quick .V J Pacific Wednesday, November IS, Mrs. Grunde Visits Unit Mr. Clarence r.m.j. .. - trict No. 2. president, Ami,'. ..-..?. monmouth. was present at the meetin. unit No. 138 Tuesday night fa. present the group with a check ' for coin over their .. - - - -..viuuvr ship quota. The walker which the unit nurehased this fill .... . . play. Two baskets for veteran ....... .r. wen uuea and will ' be distributed nn T k . L giving. Also on display wer the gifts for the veterans facili.J iy snop in i-oniana. Mrs. Mvrna Hales h.j . auction sale and Mrs. Dan Pan.'.' tovuen was in charge of r. freshment and th - Assisting were Mrs. Lestr Geer snd Mrs. Henry Sierp. r Announcement was mils' that the icwing club will meet with Mrs. Clyde Warren all" day on December I. The Christ- mas meeting of the unit is set 1 for December 12 and will bs- the onlv meetine In TWamiu. H V...,UU,,. The junior auxiliary chairman. mrs. r rcu maumcw; announc-1 ed that the group will meet an'' December 12 lrom 10 a.m. to ' 12 p.m. at the Woman' club' house. f veterans family who lost their" nome eariy mis wees: by fir ' Seminary Club Meets Mt Angel Mount Angel j Seminary Mothers club of th Mt. Angel area plan it next meeting in Silverton, Tuesday) evening, December 1, begin-; ning at 8 o'clock. .' Mrs. Anton Zastoupil, vica president of the club, will be hostess to the group at her, home. The Mt Angel area in-, eludes members from Silver-, ton, Gervais, Woodburn and Mt. Angel area. ' r MRS. WALTER L. 8 PAULD ING will be at the home of her , brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ' and Mrs. Clay C. Miller, in Gresham for the Thanksgiving holiday and then travel to Portland to spend the week-' end with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James ' Bennison and family. DON'T FORGET Aufrane's far those ItwipfB sire taste appnllnr Xmas Gift boxes of canned fruits A rs serves, some with not meats and delicious dried Oregon Italian prunes. We also hsvt a few eases of good solid pack tomatoes in No. 24 tins. AUFPAW CUSTOM UNNUY-3-14.7 Bldg. ' V il it i i