Wednesday, November 25, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oreroa Pattl Pagenstecher New Head Of Republican Club Here New president tor the Mar ion County chapter, Oregon Republican Club, it Gerhard Fagenitecher, Salem buiineu man. Election featured the meeting of the group Tues day night at the Senator boteL He succeeds Lloyd Cirod of Stayton, president for the pait year. Corps of officers serving with Pagenstecher includes: Leonard A. Rowan, fust vice president; Mrs. Joseph B. Fel ton, second v i e e-president; Edwin H. Armstrong, third vice-president; Mrs. Robert B. Ebersole, secretary; Richard Denton, treasurer; W. W. Chadwick, sergeant-at-arms. George Haley, state presi dent of the clubs, told of plans for activities on the state level this coming year. A new club for Wallowa county is to be organized at Enter prise next week, and on De cember 9, state officers meet in Coos Bay at which time new groups are to be organ ized in Coos and Curry coun ties. a Announcement of the ex ecutive board for the Marion county chapter will be made plater by the new officers. At tthe meeting last night the fgroup gave a vote of thanks to Girod for his work the past J.wo years as president. U Officers fyeefDec.5 Officers of Salem 4-H clubs will meet for their annual city Vide training meeting on Sat urday morning, December 5, rom 10 to 12 o'clock, at the State School for the Blind, -Ross Huckins, president of Sa lem 4-H Leaders' Association Announced Tuesday. " A woodworking club led by lEverett Wilcox will demon strate typical meeting proce dure. Presidents and vice presidents will receive special training under the leadership of Atithol Riney, county 4-H extension agent. ' Joe Myers, Linn county ex tension agent, will lead the ses sion for secretaries and treas urers. News reporters will meet with June Goetze, Information specialist from Oregon State College. '; Peg Christie, former Klam ath county 4-H extension pgent, now living In Salem, .will be in charge of the recrea tion group w J ch includes song and yell leaders. : City 4-H leaders will dis 'cuss project record book keep ing with Jim Bishop, Salem 4-H extension agent. '. This annual training event is feature of the yearly program planned by Salem 4-H leaders o help city boys and girls be come better club officers. ELECTED Coffee Break Brought to School Board Bringing a apple to the teacher la aa aid custom bat providing the school direc tors with coffee and cooklea is something new In edaea ttoaal circles. At least it is to m em hers of the local heard. Tuesday Bight's . school beard conference, foor men hers of the Hoover FTA pro vided the "coffee break." They did aot Indicate they were "apple polishing,' bat expressed a desire to under stand the problems of the dla triet They remained thronghoat the entire session, something new In visitations, It was suggested that the board hold their sessions la various schools of the system, aa Ides that met with the di- Gartiard F a g e n i lecher, who Tuesday night was elected president of the Mar ion County Chapter, Oregon Republican Clubs. No Restrictions Christmas Greens The time of year is sp proaching when many indi viduals want to take or send cut Christmas greenery to their friends and relatives in California. If you are one of these persons, just go ahead as though you were taking them to your neighbor across it.. nit turn. Vou don't need any inspec tion on cut greenery (holly, alal, fern, huckelberry and similar cut items) to take them into California. And you won't have any trouble get ting them across the border stations at the California line, This is the word from the Ore gon department of agricul ture based on contact with plant officials of the Califor nia department Persons should bear In mind this applies only to cut greenery. Plants as such come under provisions of the state nursery here, which en tails licensing and inspection for dangerous pests and diS' eases. FOG BLANKETS ENGLAND London W) Thick fog blan keted much of southern Eng land Wednesday hampering shipping along the coast. But London escaped and enjoyed warm sunshine. About 91 per cent of U. S. farms have electricity. For Depend able Service CASCADE TRANSFER & Storage Wallace Bonesteele 4 Son Commercial Trucking, Warehousing and Distribution Service 1625 Front St. Ph.3-4444 THEY'RE COMING NOV. 28 . jjjig. Chevrolet trucks for '54 are worth wait ing for . . . worth seeing, worth trying! Be on hand when they arrive. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Record 4-H Delegation Will Leave for Chicago The lanest delegation Ore gon has ever had to the Na tional 4-H Club Congress will leave Portland on Tbanksgiv ing day. They will arrive in Chicago November 28, the day before the Congress opens. Traveling in the Oregon group will be 14 4-H club mem bers who received trips as state winners in their divisions, and another tour who won trips In sectional competition. Oregon has never before had representatives in both achieve ment and leadership the same vear, according to Burton S. Hutton, state 4-H club leader. rectors favsr. -If the moaataln will not gs to Mahomet, Mahomet mast go to ths moantain, quoted Chairman Roy Stewart. The four sectional winners are also a record for ths stats. The winners in sectional judging to receive tripe are Joan Kama, It, Orenco, achievement; Charles Foster. IS, Hood River, entomology; Gloria Johnson, IT, Mllwaukie, leadership, and Doreen Bohn ert. 17, Central Point, meat an imal. Others previously announced as whining trips in state con test are Mary Meier, 17, Hills boro, canning; Judie A., Scott, 17, Hood River, clothing;' Ralph Crawford, 17, Tigard, dairy achievement; Diane Jqnes, 17, Albany, dress revue: Larry A. Maguire, 16, Portland, farm and home safety; Harold Seely, 17, Hubbard, field crops; Mar ilyn Torker, 16, Portland, food preparation; Harris Hansen, IS, Tigard, garden; Diana Sauss, IT, Garibaldi, girls' record; Mary Jane Wait, IS, RickrealL health; Janet Lohrenx, 17, Ti gard, home improvement; Bar- bars carlue, 17, Bend, poultry; and Robert Kirk, 16, Halaey, tractor maintenance. Accompanying them will be two county 4-H agents, Miss Hsttis Mae Rhonemus of Eu gene and Kenneth Minnick of Corvallis and two 20-year lead ers, Mrs. Hlldah Highbe of Bea- verton and Pete Pattee, Con don. Ellen r loo it, secreta ry in the state 4-H club office for 33 years is also a member of the delegation. Miss Esther Taskerud, state 4-H extension agent, and Mrs. Pattee will also assist them. I JUKY SEAT TOO SMALL Cleveland WV Victor Green was excused from Jury duty Wednesday because his 425 pounds and 60 inch waistline just wouldn't fit Into a juror's chair. ' Cortex entered Montezuma's Mexico in 1321. Two Salem Men on Convention Board Cliff Robinson, supervisor of secondary education. State Department of Education; Don Fossetti, principal of. Pendle ton high school, and E. A. Carleton, principal Salem high school, will set ss Oregon's three man committee at the .annual meeting of ths North west Association of Secon dary and Higher Schools st Seattle, November 30, Decem ber 1 and I. The association is sn ac crediting agency for north west high schools and colleges. The Secondary Association is governed by eommittsss at three from sack of ths seven states and two territories, Washington, Oregon, Mon tana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, California, Hawaii and Alaska. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY , mum hurt (turn CaaMal Issaalas f aatar wasve" vstwssarsasaj sssnsl ' Have Your Thsr.!ts(;ivir.3 Day DINNER . at MARSHALL'S Reservations V 2-6630 Oam 11:30 A.M. Journal Want Ads Pay Ihe cipBife that mm . lie FMM ont.of moMi lx V f ?! : i I : 4v pi Uj . - , , I. 7. " KING SIZE 1 Only one cigarette . . . PHILIP MORRIS . is made with"Di-GU: scientific discovery that protects you from certain harsh irritants found in every other leading cigarette . No other cigarette, with or without filters . . can remove all these irritants The excluiive, modern ingredient "DtCV for gentler tmoking that hat aluayt bem tued in Philip Morris. Other important. refining steps add greatly to the mildness... aroma... richness and rare smoking pleasure of Philip Morris! All the rich flavor and aroma are yours... without the need for taste-destroying gadgets or filters. Only Philip Morris offer you this record of safety. For your pleasure... for your protection...Uy a carton! CALL HI, II M FORiTJilUlJUJ America's Finest Cigarette... Make At Yours! Mffi 510 N. Commercial St. - Salem, Ore.