Patt 2 In The Edited hy MIKE fOHBES Ac ;rora Aurora Airman 1c Rich ard E. Brown, ton of Mrs, Clar ance Collins of Mackiburf, to n route home from Guam where he has been on duty since June. Mrs. L. Webert to recovering from a recent Ulnea which confined her to her home for quite some time. J. T. Smith who hi been ill at hit home for the put several monthi, to reported (lightly Im proved. John Struwe to convalescing at the home of his niece. Mrs. Clarence Collins, near Macks-' burg. Mr Struwe suffered a heart seizure while at work at the Hurst sawmill Mar Aurorr aeveral weeks ago. , Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Askin were honored at dinner, Satur day, In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller at Beaverton. Miss Norma Jean Hurst spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Hurst is I freshman at Maryhurst Col lege. A group of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mia Fred Schneider In West Aurora, at a farewell party for Harold Schneider, who was visiting his parents. ACORNS FROM THE WITH OIL MILNI I've always talked a lot. Mr friends tell me. But today I'm going to so one oeiier. i m rolne to talk out of both sides of my mouth at once. One tide's taylnc Thanksgiving's on ' Thursday. The other side's saying that means Xmas Is almost here. Thanksglvtna means turkey . . . lots ol it ... a big dinner ... a homey atmos phere. Xmas means clothes. Parties, dances ... Clothes, clothes, clothes. Cranberry aauce (lb let gravy . . . ah-h-hl You gals can see Vol all at our monthly fashion luncheon pre sented by Johnson's on Tuesday, Dec. 1st In the Gold Room. You can tast all of It at the Hotel Marlon's Thanksilrlna Day din ner. The whole family's Invited and It's golnt to be some sDeclal dinner! Make your reservations now I Phone I-4I23 to day I Come anytime. Girt the wire and Uda a treat Remember In Salem It the The HOTEL MARION PHONE 3-4123 RECOMMENDED AS WONDERFUL EN TERTAINMENT FOR ALL THE FAMILY DON'T MISS IT! HELD -OVER! TONIGHT AT 9:00 REGULAR PRICES! THE AMAZING HYPNOTIST AND MENTAL MARVEL THAT HAS ALL OF SALEM TALKING! ! THE AMAZING MR. V WORLD FAMOUS HYPNOTIST WHO IS HOLDING i.kuwu9 3PELLIOUND AND PROVIDING HILARIOUS ENTERTAINMENT! ! WITH THISWONDERFULSHOW! . (tarn i Valley He returned to Minneapolis re cently, where be is connected with the fire department In that city. Gusts at the Schneider home Included Mr. and Mrs. Ming Kk. Mr. ind Mrs. Stanley C Schrenk and son. Ronald, of Tualatin, Mr. and Mrs- William Dentel, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Werti and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pence. Mrs. Walter Fry entertained at dinner recently, honoring her husband and his cousin, William Fry. on their birth days. Covers were placed for the honored guests, Mrs. Ezra Hurst, Mils Tlllle Fry. Mrs. Martha Henke. Mrs. Harriet Ehlen, A. M. Fry, and Alvin i Fry. Aurora PTA sponsored a pot luck family night dinner Fri day evening, preceding a game of basketball between Hubbard and Aurora. Mrs. Ben Netter was chairman of the food com mittee. Assisting were Mrs. Martin Albers and Mrs. Willis Matthieu. Grand Island Grand Island Attending the annual Future Farmers of Ai.ierica banquet at the Dayton Union high school Thursday evenine of Grand Island dis trict were- Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Finnicum. Mr. and Mrs. Nor man C. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. n. R. Rockhlll, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Tompkins. LEAVES IT TO STATE Peterboro. N.H. Vf A post card received here, requesting information on fall foliage, was addressed: "New Hampshire Keepers of the Leaves Peterboro, N.H.1 . meai s-saei NOW! Continuous Doily! STARTS TODAY 2ND BIG HIT NfW flAWIf MMsm ctnooN mlm W IKJWMCOlOe W aUssssssW- II Donald Donald Mra. K. Iveraon of Donald has another great grandson. A son was born on Tuesday, Nov. IT, at Hutchin son hospital in Oregon City to Mr. and Mra. Merle E. Lear field (Marlene Glanella). The baby weighed 7 pounds, IVt ounce and to the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Cart Glanella of Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Learfield of Needy. He also has two great grandmothers. Mrs. Mary Glanella and Mra. K. Iveraon, both of Donald. Mr. and Mra. Barney Feller are having a foundation put under their home In Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chris to- pherson and children of Wasco, Oregon, are living in a new home in town, but it wasn't a planned move. Their young son, Neal, five, evidently was playing with matches while his mother was out hanging up clothei wnen ihe fooi waraa the house, she saw clouds of smoke coming out, fortunately the entire house wasn't burned, but they did lose their clothes, and the en tire inside of the house was badly burned. Mr. and Mrs. Christopherson have been working on a ranch at Wasco for the past year. After their home burned, their employer rentea tnem house in town until their house can be re paired. Barney Feller and his daugh ter "June-Bug" went on a goose hunting expedition over tne weekend and brought - a goose back with them. Sgt Kruekman is t ome on a nine-day leave. He expects to be released by the army snoruy aixer tne new year. Jerry Yergen. son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yergen to home for the Thankscivine holiday. He has to report back the day auer inanugiving, at which time, he believes, she will be sent to Hawaii. He to with the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Her II n and children from Astoria, were weekend guests of their father, John Pelto. Mrs. William Blem of Mt. Angel, who had a lung opera tion last summer ii, now re cuperating from pneumonia at the home of her suiter, Mrs. IVltwt Hn,r Af TVn,M I Rrnfa Pol tn . Tl - I nil v& Villi Pclto of Donald, left Monday morning for Parks Airbase In California. From there, it is believed, he will be sent to the large airbase in Japan, and he will probably be gone two i years. His enlistment will be up in August of 1S5S. He has just been home on leave. He is a radar technician. Last week, John Pelto and his son, Ernie, drove to Se- attle, Wash., where they visited Mrs. Hilda Matta, a sister of John Pelto s. Saturday evening, Nov. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haener celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary with a party at tended by more than 40 friends and relatives. Square dancing was the chief entertainment of the evening. Guests came from Lebanon, Portland, Salem, Monroe, Broadacres, Mt. Angel, Inde pendence, St Paul, Newberg, Aurora, Donald and Virgil Haener of Long Beach, Calif., was here for the celebration. Joan Mendenhall, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mendenhall, was honor ed with i day last party on her birth-! week. She received i . 1,.1 -in. ..-..,....,,. , piayea ana tne usual cake ana ice cream were served rr ill HUDtKI IAILUK lt AVA GARDNER j HOWARD KEEL Ji fit mint COLOR! STARTS TODAY! Broadway's Bintest Musical Now on the Screen! at 6 M ammi I 3 HI i-QBESIff-i GRAYSON -KEEL ANN MILLER Keenan WYNN James WHITMORE-Kurt KAS2NAR ALSO rOMFOY SHORT "OONT FORGET TO WRITE" THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orero pictures were taken. Youngster attending were, Ruth Kauffman, Robert and James Erb, Lynn and Gall Mendenhall, Connie Peterson, Sally Iveraon, Snarlene as Den nia Bell, Shawn Peter and Douglas Feller, Myron Blake, Jr., Betty Lou and Freddie Ba ker. Adults were Mrs. Virginia Bell, Mrs. Leland Erb, Mra. Al Mendenhall and Mrs. Warren Feller. Unionvale Unionvale i Mrs. Orick Busick, a regsitered nurse of Unionvale In home training, to preparing to start two classes In home training Saturday. Nov. 28, at the Hopewell borne of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Terrlll, where a room to especially equipped. One class will be for Grand Island and Union' vale and the other for Hope- wen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Don' icht of McMinnviUe. have i girl, Suann Lorraine, weight seven pounds IS ounces, born Nov. 18 at McMinnviUe. Mrs. Walter Diebel. who to In the McMinnviUe nursing home to slightly Improved. Victor Launer who received a broken right leg July 10, and was in McMinnviUe about four montht. Is at his home again. Webfoot Webfoot The -Webfoot Home Demonstration unit held an all day meeting with dinner served at 12:30 Wed nesday. "Corsage making" was the lesson with Mrs. Stephen Benedict and Mrs John Hardy the project leaders. Mrs. Gerald Hadley and Mrs. John Hetfley Were guests. Attending were: Mesdames Benedict, Pete Edlger, Ray McManimle, T. Lyman, Dale Massey, Archie Shafer, How ard Lovely, Gordon Graham, John Hardy, Harry Sherman, James Watts, t. R. Zinsli. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lovely in Dayton and making gloves will be the project with -Mrs. Gordon Graham and Mrs. Lovely, the leaders. Scotts Mills Scotts Mills Mrs. Henry Shilts is in Silverton hospital where she underwent surgery Wednesday morning. Mrs. James Nicholson was able to return to her home from the hospital recently. A farewell dinner, honoring the Lawrence McCracken fam ily, who are moving to On tario, was given at the Friends church recently. Honoring little Roger Mack. several young friends gathered at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Mack, to cele- Drate his birthday. Mrs. Almond Rich has been visiting her daughter's family wno live in southern Oregon. Scotts Mills Fire of undeter mined origin completely des troyed the resident of Kearney Robinson, early Friday morn ing. Mr. Robir.ton, an elderly man, was awakened by smoke about 2 a.m. and ony had time to escape. U!YA ADMITTED t .... uiu,. una DC en elected ,he 69(h member of the U.N Food and Agricul- and',tural Organization. STARTS TODAY! Minute Tomorrow Cotlimoui Irssi 1:45 P.M. "Tw. Ailf aJiMaU Howm Bobby VAN i j ii j i y r. k Buena Vista Buena Vista Mr. and Mra. Leo Drazdoff ui family and John Drazdoff are vacationing in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sullivan of Reedsport spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Georgia Prather. and then took Mrs. Prather home with them, Sat urday, for a few days visit. Emily Benin has returnea home from Salem where she has been helping care for her daughter, Mrs. Walter Holman since she had an operation in the General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ander son were called to Seaside Sat urday by the death of Mr. An derson's niece, Mrs. George Gurwell. She will be remem be red as Margaret Criderman to many here. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bride had dinner with Mrs. Marie Smith Sunday in Portland and visited their niece, Dorothy Hermans, who attends school there. Mrs. Lule ' Fuller of Salem returned to her home in Salem after a two weeks visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fickle, Mon day. , Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wells this week were Mr. and Mrs. Rou Smith of Riverside. Wssh., and while here visited his sister, Mrs. Myrtle Wells, in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swering- en of Salem were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Wells and Jack had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil HulU man. Rev. and Mrs. Melville Wire of Salem were entertained at Sunday dinner at the Gordan Wells home. Arden Detering spent the week-end with his Dad, Fred Detering. Arden Is going to col lege at Oregon College of Ed ucation in Monmouth. Dayton Dayton The annual Fu ture Farmers of America Par ents and Son Banquet was held at the Dayton Union High school gymnasium on Thurs day evening, T:30 o'clock, Nov. 20. Gene Tompkins, president of the local chapter, was master of ceremonies and had each boy introduce his parents. There are 62 FFA boys in this chapter. The following program was presented: Roll call, Norman Finnicum; welcome by Mar vin Litschcr; invocation, Ger ald Aebischer; FFA creed; mu sic by the Sheridan band; su perviaed farming reports, Le Roy Rockhlll; chair reports by Carl Daunhauer, Kenneth Al bright, Eugene Walther, Keith Hanna; Safeway awards, Larry Wirfs and Norman Finnicum; chapter farm report, Tom Roth; recreation. Gene Schmitz; national convention, John Smith; leadership cooper ative report. Jack Seley. The address of the evening was given by Vernon Van Do melen, FFA northwest district vice president. Arnold Braat and Arnold Hildebrandt were elected to become honorary members of the chapter. Hildebrandt is the advisor. Braat donated a sow for a Swine chain. The turkeys furnished for the banquet were a gift from Harvey Stoller, who is also a school board member. The banquet was planned and served by the home econ omics department, under the supervision of Mrs. Jane Mills, ! instructor. The local I FA officers are: , Gene Tompkins, president; Du- ane Barnes, viee president; i Norman Finnicum, secretary; i John Smith, treasurer; Jack Seley, reporter; Keith Hanna ; sentinel. Arnold Hildebrandt, advisor. The Christian Woman's Fel lowship met for 1 o'clock des sert lunch at the home of Mrs. Vernon Foster Thursday. There were 27 present, Including three guests, Mrs. Riter Dean of Seaside. Calif. Mrs. Oscar Dower and Mrs. Robert Co burn. Mrs. Carl Mitchell conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Brooks Sweeney had 15 Tom . - easT m -M ; m a r m 1.11 Mothers: Get Hit Kiddies (and Pap too) out of the kitchen while you prepare the Thanksgiving dinner! Send them (and Pop roe) to this wonderful cartoon thaw! Doors Open 1 0:00 A.M. - Show Starts at 10:30 A.M. Out at 12: IS 'Mi Children, 20c the devotions and lesson com' bined. Mrs. Earle Co burn was auc tioneer for the annual sale. The Dayton Reading club met Friday for 1 o'clock des sert lunch at the home of Mra. Dolph Goodrich. ' Mrs. Russell Coburn, presl dent, presided over the busl neas meeting. It was reported that 120 knitted blocks had been made by the member and sent to Korea for their use. The group will continue mak ing such blocks after the holi days. Mrs. James Watts Introduced her sister, Mrs. Del Holcomb of Eugene, who gave a report on her trip as a delegate to the 7th triennial conference of the Associated Country Women of the World, which was held In August at Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Robert Leightoa. of Yamhill was a guest. Mrs. Clare Heider was voted into the club as a new member. The next meeting to be with Mrs. Clete Gel, and Mrs. Wil liam Chandlee of Hills boro to to be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cornett and family escaped serious In Jury while returning from a trip to Nebraska last week. They were near Vale when a large boulder came tumbling down, striking the running board and side of their new Oldsmobile. The car was damaged ex tensively but none of the oc cupants of the car was injured. The Cornetts had been to Nebraska due to the serious illness of her father. Aumsville Aumsville The Women's Auxiliary of the Gold Star Post No. 175 of the American Legion held their second meet ing of the month on Wednes day evening, Nov. 18. The women voted to send two women's Christmas gifts to the Veterans hospital in Portland. The hospitalized veterans choose gifts from ar ticles sent in by auxiliary units all over the United States to send home to their families, en tirely free of charge to them. The unit will hold "kidnap coffees" during the winter months as a means of gaining new members. Tentative plans were dis cussed for the annual Christ mas treats for children of the community. After the business meeting the post and auxiliary met for games and refreshments. Monday evening, Nov. 18, the Aumsville PTA held its reffular monthlv meetinff with . V nra.iil.nt Ma Tv.n TIsm I presiding. The group voted to show a movie to the children during the business meeting for one month on a trial basis. The committee appointed for the year's project Is Mrs. Bob Mickey, Milo Mills and Mrs. Loren Bower. The women had charge of the program. Mrs. Bob Mickey is program chairman for the year, with Mrs. John Hotaling. as her as sistant. The program consisted of "Advise to the Lovelorn," given by Mrs. Mickey, a mono logue by Mrs. Marvin Bradley, and a selection of vocal num bers by Mesdames Helen Fow ler, Cleo Lee, Goldie Garver, Violet Phil, Fern Mikkelson and Sara Way. There will be no business meeting in December. Mr. and Mrs. Way and AI ban entertained out of state guests recently. Mrs. Alban's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J 1 m Johnson and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Er nie Johnson were the guests. Fairview Fsirview Mrs. Leonard Lembkie of Fairview complet-; ed picking her 44 acre Walnut crop with one picking this sea- j son. Ordinarily three pickings, had to be made to garner the crop. This season's crop was less than half average, she said. COSTELLO IMPROVES Hollywood Comedian Lou Costello, who collapsed last October 29 from nervous ex haustion, is recovering nicely snd plans to return to televi sion next March. I0M0M0W M08NIW IT 10:00 A H. BIG CARTOO" CARNIVAL! and Jerry Cartoons Pop, 60c Amity Amity The Women's So ciety of Christian Service of the Methodist church held a bazaar and turkey dinner last week. About 45 persons attended the annual Three Links club dinner at the I OOF hall Wed nesday evening, Nov. Id. Roast turkey featured the meal. The president, Mrs. Cordis Morrison, announced that the membership bad grown from IT to St. She announced elec tion of officers and Christmas party for Dec. 16 at the John Lahley home. The Amity Woman's Civic club held its November meet ing Friday, Nov. 20 at the P. E. Meeker home. Mrs. William Sprual presided. Plans were made for a no. host luncheon January 21 at the Methodist church. Wom en's societies of the various groups are to be invited. Mrs. William B. Chandlee will show pictures. Mis. Lawrence Noff singer I Chicken in a Box WILL BE CLOSED Thanksgiving Week Open Tuet., Dee. 1, 1953 2190 S. Commercial TURKEY DANCE Wednesday, November 25th DOOR PRIZE Modern and Old-lime CRYSTAL WOODBURN FIREMAN'S THANKSGIVING BALL j THURSDAY NOVEMBER 26 j WOODBURN ARMORY j 9:30 P.M. TO 12:30 A.M. ADMISSION $1.00 THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER 12 NOON TO P.M. ROAST TURKEY AND Baked Premium Ham 'Jlffftlqt&b Famous Buffet All You QOc Can Eat for Till (Children under 10, Jutt 44 c) THANKSGIVING DAY MENU 12 Noon to 8 p.m. Asst. Wheat Wafers - Relish Sticks - Potato Chips 20 Varieties of Delicious Salads on lea Pickled Beets and Onion - Applesauce Topioca Pudding - Hot Boston Baked Beans ROAST OREGON TURKEY - BAKED PREM. HAM With Celery Dressing I With Roisin Souca Moshed Potatoes I Escalloped Potatoes Giblet Grovy - Vegetobla I Green Vegetable Hot Cloverleaf Rolls and Butter Coffee at Your Table by the SHex-full Ice Cream, Sherbet or Hot Boysenberry Sundse folk Downtown Salem Wednesday. November 15, iojj was assisting hostess. Amity Church of Chrii honored new pastor, Jan. Matthew Alley. D.D and lb? Alley, with a reception at th. church Friday evening. T number of Yamhill county pat. tors of the various Carina, churches were in attendance Dr. T. M. White was matter of ceremonies. U.S. eronlanrfe 4aU1 .iJ. 484 million acres. WEDNESDAY PRIME RIBS ef Beef Ant Jut with Baked Potato Open 6:30 Ph. 2-7592 - A TURKEY Music by Pop Edwards GARDENS net kit 0CMItTBs On Store Street