:1 Wadnwdiy, NoTtmbcr 25, 1951 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Onto. Pax It n. t JENNIS the MENACE EH, YEH, I'M A REAL HONEST-ID-GCXXNESS BUBStAK. NOW LEAVE- ME t&r3f. WU, YUH? FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS VIED OINGEB round bob Id treadle. A-t condition. Guaranteed. CiiH price. 114.00. Sinter Scwlnr Center, l . Commercial. Opt Friday evenlnt. nlll free bio opter Oct tut ion west- ins house Steam Iron PREB with a Homo Demonstration of n new West Ins house Laundromat or clothes dryer. Yta.ur Appliance Co J 71 Cnemeketa. phone 3-4S11. a SEW1NO MACHINE, used. Electric cab inet. Sewn forward reverse. Oood seuioc condition. Guaranteed. Only 030.00. Sinter Sewlnt Center, 131 F Commercial. Open Friday tvealnc. nail ITHED 00-callon drums, suitable for truh burner. $1.50 each. Norrts Welker Paint kffanulacturlai Co. 1710 N. Front. Phone 43213. Bill- Play Piano! CHILDREN 8 TO IS ADULTS 18 TO 118 8 WEEK'S COURSE $10 INCLUDES ALL CLASS MATERIAL (BEGINNERS ONLY) SEE US! SALEM MUSIC CO. 1U (. Rlfh t. Mon. 1-1701 CRoa rnou ruihore theater nl REDUCED $3 per Day Until Sold STAJATINO PRICE, MOT. 30, 117. If Electric Thermtdore Wall Heater 1.000 WATT NOV. 26, $62.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd phone 3-0111 Front At Court Street WB GIVE SdcH GREEN STAUPS Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODS T WANTS Plane. Fhone t-0110. WANTED Direct mill connection for nil types Western lumber nnl mill products. No credit wanted ttrkUy discount buye'a. Cutlfton Lumber At Builders Supply Co. Csntletow, Indiana nJM d-TEAR CRIB. In toed condition, alio stroller. Cell 1-0330. na303' ELECTRIC RANGES. 1-5110. Woodrra. Pb. SPORTING EQUIPMENT FIVE HORSEPOWER Mercury outboard motor. Phono 1-0030 evenlnrt neMl' PERSONAL SECURITY DETECTIVE AOENCT Prlvit. IBTtatll.tloiu, .11 Irpaa. Pa tina emu. FBont Aar r bum ..jtm. PSYCHIC AND PALMISTRY READINGS Ad v lea on nil matters, we will help you solve your problems. Bring tbla ad and 3 for n 01 readme Open 0 u.m. ll p.m. No appointment Decenary. 170) Portland Road. (Next to Rlck'o Inn i Pill AUTOMOBILES 1MB rORD 4 -door. Radio, bc.ur. -orlrt. IlOf u, at. -lUI. .3H MI'ST ELU 11 Haab Ambulator a. Aoor a,Aa. R.H. O.O. Low aatla.af Will aacrtflcc. Phon 4.-M. aaai DOWN THEY CO! PRICE ALAAHED POR tRD-OP-MONTH IRVENTORT NO TRADE-IN SPECIALS Old RAH t Ml Hrdramatic. a real nice car. Dodte. RAH I 003 lt a nice, clean car. Ford Ford or. RAH I Just completely oterhaulid. with tood paint, lire. Merc. 0-Dr., oodan Ill RAH. 1-toDt tan and brown, spotless in and out, overdrive paisin year, turn els rial, only 12.000 miles. 1 owner. Drives like new car. TouU love it! Ford Deluxe 4-Dr., eedan . ...l Soar kilns let black. RAH. extra clean, etc A very nice carl Chevrolet l-Dr. aedan 11000 Power tilde, tactllcst eeodltlo. really a nice car. Chev, 3-Dr.. clean and oberp . I HO Dodte 4-Door. very nice ahape, RAH, excellent condition 40 Fort 0-DooT. RAH. runa nice ..I . Chev.. panel M Buick Special. Take ever low par menu and Its ycurel Firm oath 3 -Door M..t 00 CatflUac -03- ....I 105 Cbevrolei ttkqp. rrtra tood .1 00ft CHXAP1ES Plymouth 4-Door, perfect motor ilr t H .1 I PKMr. 4-Doot , KANNIER'S USED CARS 4. iHm.jl Nniiid. Mir. IN Una it pm I-ml am 4-n FOR SALE ar MM. IPX C... M Min W;ul4 IriA tm 14 m -ua Mil IriKt. A, J. Ruffu, SUT-till By Kttcham AUTOMOBILES SIGN DESTDUVS SI FORD t DELUXE SEDAN Ford ema tic. radio, heater, two tone leather interior, beautiful flnuh il II BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Dynaflow, radio, heater, tarn atroale. waabera. back-up Uchta. etc. Cuatom two tone Interior. One owner 21. 043 mUea. wo hava eomnleto oervloe record 13 m ' DESOTO CTJbTOM SEDAN One owner 43.533 mllea. apotleti con- ' dltlon, automatic tranamlaalon. turn aunala, delate heater $lt K BTJICK SPECIAL BXDANBT Drnaflow. radio, heater, covers. 30 - 400 mllea, we have aervlce record 11301 '47 Bulck Sedan '47 Pontine Sedanct "40 Chevrolet Sedan .. '41 Olda Sedan '30 LaSalle VI Sedan M Ford Sedan ....tool .... Ml VbuoBabenwumdCar fwnafctttoalar OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY CraairtM it cutor rkw l-n 1A $$ F0R-$$ You can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! P0NTIAC 'MRMM CP... RAH '4TMU, RAH DODGE T at Cm, RAH MERCURY .. M 'Of Sedan. RAH ..I ..I V" FORD 'M A.d.1. RAH 'T Rod.. BEST FOR LESS 'M ChTr.)t Cluk Cm. '4J Pontlkc flCpt ...n 'M sttMl,btkr icona.l 'If Dodf. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AT KELLY OWENS CO. 880 N. LIBERTY PH. 3-4113 CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY ALL MRKi LOTH OP THE RALEM UREO CAR DEALER ASSOCIATION WILL RE CLOSES TO MORROW POR THE TNANRR OIV1NU OUDAT .Ml lOU PLTMOITBI Bibnrwan. 1300 : Owner Phone 1774. ' SLICE Special 1171. AIM Crawford Art. Phono l-MH. 303 1053 POBD Victoria. RAvH. automatic drive, other xuu. lew mileaea, real Clean. Consider trade l alder car. Call Dam OTUlnta, 34X1, 30X3. 300 AUTOMOBILES Pfce 253 UNION STRICT ACROSS FROM PtARMN SQUMM '47 0LDS 98 4-DR. Jtl bincfe ftalak. RAM. vv ttroo. brdramatlc, tmmncnlnto. $195 dn. $31.41 mo. 49 MERCURY CLUB OlteUAtM klACk fl.Uk kUblUbU. mik biu uth, wl i kim, Mavituht r..iiU mm.' $335 dn. $4447 mo. WARY OTHER UAMm AMD UODEL Tb CHOOAR TOU, Mt and nr. . WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR CONVERTIBLE STOCK , 48 FORD, NEW riNISH AND TOP 47 CHEV, NEW TINISH, R4H "47 BUICK SUPER, ALL ACCESSORIES TOO CAR ALMOST RA1U TOUR OWN TTRU. ANT RRABONASLI : OPPn ACCRPTSD. HOT ROW AT TOUR PRICE. AUTOMOBILES Sell or Trade Local pjachaalo vlU accept cheaper or to iracVa fee tola 114 OMamabile Delaxo II. Haa every acceaaory, includ Ini hytframatta drive. Will ilvo new car luarantee. Phone 3-0M evenlnoi. 0311 The Seal of QUALITY LODER BROS. FOR THE BUY OF A LIFETIME! '61 NASH $1245 Ambassador, RAH. OD. '61 OLDS $1995 An.. H. Mr. tum rimn '52 OLDS $2395 i. H. 4dr, RAH. krelrL '51 MERCURY ..$1495 rt. r- Rah. od. '49 OLDS ...$1195 cocn. IWB, uwa. y '49 PACKARD ....$895 4 Of. RAH OD. TERMS TO riT YOUR POTKETBOOK LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE PHONE 1-TOT3 OR 4-3311 000 CBNTBR ST. LOOK! OWNER MUST SELL 1853 WILLYS ACE TUDOR ONLY 4 MOS. OLD DRIV EN 8,000 CAREFUL MILES EQUIPPED WITH RADIO. HEATER & OVERDRIVE, TU TONE PAINT. W. W. TIRES. COST NEW 250. SACRIFICE. $1,995 CAN BR SEER AT ELSNER MOTOR CO. 303 V. Rich diem o.3a 100T POBD. Prtta M0. Phono 3 MO llll Lynn Aetoae. eJK 000 CaTEV. Master Delui Bicellent con dition. Pfione 14070 10M Perry. 0103' AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR RAVING RADIATOR TROIRLE? Valley Motor Co, ciperu will aoIe your prob lema and aaee row money, rreo eju mates, spoody aerrlre. Center at Lib- ertr. TRUCKS 100 INTERNATIONAL pickup, bceilrnt coctditlon. Phone 3-0703. days, adit! 1044 1-TONB. I apeed. Cher. Hat bM wit train boa. With or wltbotit 7 Inch holat. Phono 41iSd. d3l3' 104 DODOB panel S ton. Low mileace. A) moat new 0 ply bay duty tlrea. U. Snicm Art Tl. M Peruana Rd elM1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT -7 CAT POR HIRE. Pbeae 3-OU0 1 Ham Phllltpe, IMS Afersau St. ejelfd FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 103 Swth Chsrch Parkins t Pientr Ph. t-lI Lit. No. M-100, S-1M AUTOMOBILES V 48 CHEVROLET 2-DR. Attractive new bine -a ream flaiah . with match inc bom oovera. ntentwr, OMrfact f-nd $195 dn. $31.41 mo. '51 FORD 4-DR. Koa.mkol -r wlk kM.iird rttu l.MrlOT wl HA W.wa ttlM. Ml UC4. AAA WW. $395 dn. $53.90 mo. FINANCIAL WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us AU trp.1 at prMtJ lo.nj. Ttmi to lUlt. M. 1BTMUI1UM WATIM. Ail AlAlllUA Strictly Confidential Hob. Own.4. Horn! OprUd. Hollywood Finance Co. in. niiriatmcli Ra4 INatt Door t. Bulk I Pre. Pmrktus Lit c.ll MDI mi m m rtll' -LOANS UP TO $1500 on Bit-nature. Furniture. Car AT personal. It'n "yea" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vliit loan . . . phone Ural Tou select beat payment da to o Between payday loaaa Phone, write or coma la TODATI Personal Finance Co. , 100 S. HIGH ST, SAUDI State Llcenao Noe. S13L U-1M Loana over 0300 up to HMO and up to month to repay made by Personal Plnanea Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Orel on. '301' SEE US POR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOB LOANS BENT OP TXRUS WE BUT Real cat ate Uortoatej contracts State Finance Co. . lit So. Hlxb St. Ph. 1-4131 r REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. PO0COT W. CORHSCN. Pets D7C0wTtrncs 4-2283 CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 FRED SCH0TT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS tu A-111 ..A II.JM .OA ROT R. AllTUOK. IR80RARCR AND LOANA He.r To. TrMM II U Dallr UUi 1U. HA, ORNXRAI. PTNAMCR CO. LOANS 111 ... CmmrclAl St. Td. l-tlll TRAILERS WANTED SCMTARTIAL t-wlml tr.ll- r. 1. ten capMttT. P.. 4-1M. tan HOUSE TRAILERS Rur TRAILRR HOME. 8.11 Tr.d. RmI LARA LANS TRAILER PLAZA 1.4. L.n. A... taMI MACHINERY A. C. CAT. R- M Aran UA RIAdt. A-l cenoitWA. line M. prmm d.iim in., a. r. AuzKfctrom. Hmanlk. Or. R 1. Ro. M. DIRECTORY AnDINO MACHINES All mikta w.s MKbl.M uK r.r IM, MMirM. RMA. M C9wr. PA. 1771 bt u.Dorivo Bu:idotlnf, roMii. cl..rlng tMth. VI,' II Hiwk,r. 1.1. Ptlr.1... .Rem. I-I14I MM1 COMMERCIAL TYPING Also direct mall odeertlsln. MATTtAN SWAN. 1304 Hole a la. e301 EXf AYATtNO Sen Otjen At Son, ercavattnt and radtnt. Land learla. Ph. 1-3044 ot INOILATIO! Insulation, weatherstrips, storm sash. Free eaUmatea. T. Pullman. Fhone ; a -spue. out MATTBEBOEW Capitol Beddln renerutea. ' Full" Jtnc new mattreaeee. Ph. 1-4. e OPVTCB PTRNfTt RE SI PPL IE Dmk chairs, files flltnt tupptia, safes, de plica tors, aopptlea, desk Inmpa. typo wnlor etassde. Roen. COO Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic ScttIcc. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter cleans sewers, drama. Fhone 3-0400. 0337 Hamei'e senile tank cleaned, itne servtce. O jar an teed work. Fhnne 3-104. 1-4714. W4 Narrow Escape for C.M.Cooper A Mehimi mu narrowly neaped de.Ui Tuetdar vn inf when hi. car cr.ibed into th. rtar end of 4 loaded lot truck near Mehami Junction. log peeltaf back the roof of nil car and the truck "reach" smashing through the windshield and striking the front seat Jn-hes from the driver. . Crsig M. Cooper, SC. was taken to Ssntiam Memorial hospital in Stayton following the crash, where his injuries were diagnosed as numerous abrasions and lacerations of the head and arm. He ws re ported in good condition Wed nesday. Truck driver Wallace A. Mitchell, Albany, was un hurt Police ssid the accident oc curred on Highway 32 about S o'clock as Mitchell halted bis truck in th. roadway when another logging truck blocked th. highway as it -turned around. Cooper's car then ran into the Tear of the stop ped truck. The- reach, the long connecting timber be tween the tractor and the rear wheels, extended behind the truck and pierced th. front of the car. It had to be sawed off to remove it from the car. In addition to the damaged roof and windshield, the car suffered other extensive dam age! Th. truck suffered only minor damage. Home Burned, Folks Thankful On this day before Thanks giving, the ' Stanley Grigsby family offered Thanksgiving in the wake of fire that destroy ed their home in Marlon, southeast of Salem. Th. fiv. members of the Grigsby family were without a home today after fire con sumed their dwelling yester day, but Grigsby said as h. looked over the ruins of his recently-purchased home: "We might all be dead If we hadn't smelled the smoke Just in time. The fire swept so swiftly through the two-story house that Mrs. Grigsby had to leave through a lower window when she returned for clothing for baby Rebekah Ann, four weeks old. That was about all the Grigsbys salvaged. Most of them were still In night clothes when they drove 13 miles to spend the rest of the night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Draby, near Scio. Idanha Man Hurt in Collision Near Salem An Idanha man suffered fa cial cuts and his car was bad ly damaged about the front end when it crashed Into a parked car near Cottage Farm about 5 o'clock Tuesday ev ening. Roy A. Nelson, 54, was treated by city first aidmen for lacerations of the forehead. one of which necessitated stitches for which he was ad vised to see a doctor. Nelson told them his car struck the rear of another that was park ed on the side of the road with a flat tire. lock MerfceO New Tork uPV The otocfe market was mlied Wednesday in brisk tradln. Oalna and loaee spread over n ranea of around point, and there were lew laauee strartna outside. Most of the volume Oram up on early tradln. nnd toward the alone there won n olackentn of ia tercet as traders aa- Uclpnted the Thnnkaumn hoiidnr. Bad ness, boweeer, came to an eatimato 1 MM 000 shares as compared With L410l- 000 ah area traded Tueedny. EOSEDALE DINNER Rosedalo) Members of the Parents Club held a Thanks giving potluck dinner at the school house Tuesday evening. After the dinner the colored film, "You'll Remember Ore gon was shown. DIRECTORY ftEPTIC TANES Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Rote -Rooter Sewer Servlee. Phone 3-0337. o TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Remloiton, Royal, Dn derwood portables. AU makes need machines. Repair rent. Roes, 40 Court. 1-4)173. o' WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial Door waunc, bousecleaalno. Phone 3-1117. 17 Court. LODGE Sslem Lodge No. 4 AT. cV A.M. degree. 7 P.M. 281 . M mW twin till! all ilHUCI IMOni v3L " () VV" Urn tn. tans In UniMI '"Wrtcl THI DEAN CLINIC Opoe 10 t-etl 0 mm-4mj ffcrew MCwy. VmH p.ta. MoaOrr. WedretOev o-4 f:4wf. Cireevofte finkliw , . . la e 4Jt4 veo. 34r3 MO TNI 0T IAM0V OIAtV ToUpA tAj 101 IsriltRC- 13,00, STOCKS tBy Thn iMcoUioi Preaat Admtrot Corporatism Aillod Cmeaalanl , ... ... n ... u .... ... no ... M .... H ... . it HH Americas AirhMO .4... ... AmctTtcan rower 4b LVih ... American Tel. Sj ToL AmertcaA Tobaoao ... Anacamdn Ccwper ... AtabUem sUurae4 ... Bethieheen Stoat BociM Airpiaino Co. Sara War not Surrowo Aodia UeeAiew,.. California Pectin Canadian Paciim ..... ... Caterpillar Tractor .... ... Celaneaa Corporation . Chrreier CocawTOUOO. ... Cluaa ServMf) ... .... MS ... .l .... TH. ... 41 1. itdated smmorn ... ... Cooaoiidatod V alien ... IIS Crotm 3llerbnc Curtiso WTlsnl ,. ,., Doutrtne Altera ft ... .... a. .... .... 1 ,...ui Dn rent a ffemouro ... Eastman Kodak ....... Xmeraon Radio ........ ,,, Oeneral Bectrko ,(1 Oeneral Poodn . Oeneral Uoiora .... ... MS n Qeerrta pa. lywoM . fi Ooooaeax Ttre ,,( Homaetake atlnlni Ca. . , International Herrutot ,,, International Paper ... Joono aonnrllw ...... ,,( Kataer Aluminum , Kennccott Copper Ubby McJtett ,a Lockheed Aircraft , Loaves Incerpccaled ... .... u .... w. .... MS .... 7 .... UK .... 1 .... .... .... s .... ASS .... MS .... "S Loot sn ... atonttomerp War .. Naah Kelflnator a. New York Central ..... Northers Pacltte PacUlo AmarUan PtsA Paeifio Oan BiecUle , ' PacUlo TeL a TeL Packard Motet Car Penney. J. C. Pennaylrantn A. R. ... Pi pal Cola Co " PbUco) Radio " Radio Corporation ..... ' Rayontar Ineorn. ( Rayonter Xnocrp, PI4. . tt Republln Steel Reynolda Metals Rkbiteid oa .... us .... MS .... a .... MS ....111 .... .... H .... ns .... us .... MS .... 1S .... MS .... ''.. .... n .... MS .... MS ...I MS Safeway Storee, Inn. Seotl Paper Co. twnra Roeonek a cav .. .. .... MS Socony Vacuum Oil .... ,, .... MS Southern raciiie .... II Standard OU CoiU. ... standard OU N. J. .... IIS .... ns .. ns Studebaker Corp. Sunahlne Mlnlas ....... Swift 4b 00. Transamarlen Corp Twentieth Century Pnt Onion OU Company .... l( Dnion Pacific United Airline ., United Aircraft ........ .... is .... is .... MS .... 1IH .... ws ....IMS .... MS .... WS .... .... MS tnlted CorpornUoB .... united States Plywood . United Statoa Stmt , .... 1S Warner Pietutee .... lis .... 1S .... MS .... MS Weaurn Union ToL .... Waatlnthavra Air Brak .. WeatinghouM Bleclrtf , WoolworU) .... nft Cbkaro Oalaa Cblcaro 0JJ0 Auonllaa EvkAMat.. mend alow, market duU. Track aaloa (00 lba.lt tf. m. a Hu.. aUtod: IdaAn SpanUh 3-lnch and Urew IM; trocklot sales delivered Jobblno Street basis, Mlchlsas TeUow Olobe 10 w tm wee cent 2-men nnd latter J0. Street salea M low.); Idaho, Oroson ud Waablnitos Spulah 3-lnch nnd larcor 1.00-1 00; MMwost TeUow Gtobos modlom .1i-1.3; Reds medium 1 30; Ida ho, Oreoon. Waahlnaton. California and Mlehlran 30-lb, aacks WhIU Roilm i on crtona twain tonnd oallno 1.4. CtUaace Uvejeiook CUIcnio On Racalota af haca fall I im www expaciations weonasaay and prlci iwmpmtamn or jumpin up oo tn mostly d-r. icw loaos w cnoioa is aa pound weiihto brousht a tm si W it. u IS cento from Tuesday. In early deallnaa alauehUt? iImm wi heir a r aold unevenly aUady to K cnU tower. TO via 013JN fee blah ariaaa teer. la tb sheas aecllon wrteaa worn weak to mostly oo centa lower on slauchter lambs. Most rood and ehole wooled iamoa bow irom I is. 00 to 130.00. Salable rocclnta ware .tinattMi O.wo hoca, 14.00 settle, 100 oalree and i.svw auseep. Portland Lleealoch Portland OJJB Cattle and oaJroa were in anor auppir toaay. Cattle SB; supply U sal tod to few cows snd bulls; early clearance at fully steady prices, raw tanner cutter cows atron welcht cutters 0.04-0: few utility urn iwj.ae; cutiert evowa m .. caiva n: market ateadr acmsldei duality; few utility vealera 11-Uj com- iercini-oa iicbt traas oalra 10: choice yeabtrn 11-13; oommorclal-aood lu hi craaa cnlv U; twd-cholce TtoUro 11-10. Boos 400: market acU-a. streevt; ohoteo 10-33 lb. butchers mostly 04. noma held niener: cnoico sew a jv-Jiae. OVieep 10: eae lot cheeee-prime 111-Bt, wooled lambe ateady nt 10.04; not hint eiae oiiered early. The north PwrUaad Uvea took market will be aloeed a tradln Thuraday and rriuay. roriland Oralat Portland ta-lt Mdo r ffen em coarse araina. Wheat (bldl to arrt?e market basis M. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft Wbile MO H: Sort WhIU (eicludln Rei) 1.34 H; White Club 3.34m. Hard Rod Winter; Or- ainary .se. Wednesdar' ear rwcelpU: Wheat II; aartey 7i liour e: oorn li mill loo . Chlsato II rain Chicato t) AD eorn aontracta oieept December moved up into new seaaonal nittt around on the board of trade Wed nesday m reflection of continued ucht receipts or the oaah mm. Strenoth In oorn helped in rest of the market, which firmed after an erratic start. Stoybean came nhood atron ly la the oloatn half Itour oat ah art aoer in prior to the Thaakaclvtnc tvoUday. In add! lion to the Liwbl yocelpta, which la tn part n reault of Impoundlnsa under the aovernment loom prosraBa. corn do mand aummod from reported onto of leo oat kusbeia to mesco. Wboat claeod -lSC hurhor. Dee. 1 A-H: oorn -! hither. Dec 104- 1 04. . i oam unchanted to his her. Dec 19: rye fe-Se hMhor. Deo. 1.11 1.17: awrbennt 1 to m'A hather. Jr-n. 3 01- 3 T. and lard 33 to 0 cents s hamdrod pound hit nor. Dec 1140-II . 00. On bird, a swift, has been clocked at 200 miles an hour says the National Geographit Society. LEGAL5 ADMINISTRATOR'S PINAL IfOTICB Notice to hereby siren Obat LaNoel I Myera. a ndmtnistrntor of th estate of Mary Maud Fisher, doceaoed. baa filed rinni account ae ancn, ana wr ot4si e Iho Circuit Court of the State of Ore. ton for the County of Marlon, the 4th day of January. 104, at : o'clock in th forenoon f said day has been filed aa th time, and the courtroom of told court has been fixed aa th place tor the haarrnc of oblectlone to said final account and she eetllemcnt of said as late. Dated and first published: Nor. 30. 1001 LoNOBL W. fenrKRR Admlnkatrator of the letat f Mary Maud Fisher. Deceased RHOTZN, RHOTEN At dPEXRATTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Sulldin Salem, Ores on Attorneys for Admtaletrater Nor. 3. Dec. 1, 0. 10. 33. lOOt. Dr. f . I Us. W D. Dr. O. Con, MJk. DR8. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS L1 potn.ru, Ul North Uberty Office open Saturday only. I as. to I l a.i to 1 I. Consultation. olood preasur nnd urine testa ar free of fherte. PracUeed nc 1011. WrlU for attractive fllfL No bll- oation. MARKET QUOTATIONS rORTLAN. PRU.IN.H LAS RSttMtaATaaiAUf Mm! M er M1AH MtAAl: PrtnlUi lAtttf, iuiV IU. J. U MA Mt Mt u)Al. Unn I. mum n-Ti. tt.i nm ui- Itr. M-Mc ncas. .ulllf. M-Slc TbUw r.nm m4 eoc.vrr rNwu. s watt mm. RSUn A4m I., tula mm M uwl in. LA. M awn. HImi A iiu, II nm. S B. M nm, msii c nn tu, aw., sn wrlcllp bhUau. A.1UH NW t. MrUM Ornw a m. U.I, ils-IISc uinba no laaa. etaaea tSktUikawt fh. Portland: A rad lane, Om-AJsic; A crude medium, 04VaU4e; A trade dmoiL Wri: irade laroe. 01-0JS. Portland DaUF Market aauer-rrics to letaUerar tknm li print. T3c; A carton, tie; A print, T3. carton. 13e; R printc, 00c are to prenuects Candled l ob. Portland: Uniraded larte OO-Olo dot.; trad AA larae. 04c doc.) A Urte. 03e AA medium. Ola aVaa.t a. ;Am medium. 4l-4Se doe., a trade am all somtnaJ. U-30. doe to eUimra--arado A A. la tftci A lane. 03-04i aa medluai. aa: A medium, oict A smalls 47-iOa. Canons :eaia aoaiiionai. lies PtIoo to retailer a. OWttBAi Orswos alntiea. m-0; lb, imtc. 01 -01 a; triplet. IVM loss than ui. lea. Premium brands, alntiea. 0e lb. for alntlo Wheels OOSie. Prcceaaad Am. PocMry Uew C0ileenfrn.(1IO. t OlSilty. t.. piantoM rTxera. jva-i ma 37a. I be- BHt roasters, 4 ! nd 37c; heary hens, all wambta. 10c: iLtM hen, nil weAthta. It -10a. M roeutora, i. lc. Otwea Cbtebeno Ma. I dreoecd U nMisexs- Arryora, nrmier. 01-43 roasteri. all wis 4l-3ct Ucht i 3-3ci heTP bens. 31 -32c: aul-un fr. era. all wu, to-too lb i wbelo drawn, . Oic lb. Peeoad Terbeye f retailer: A trade evlaarated hens. M-ON Ib.i vMerated wmA. ax-aee .; nccerdinc to wcithts: New Tork dressed to aw 43c .; New Tork dreasod hens. 4l-4e tb. To Produc ers: Orado A poua hen, of lb. I.e.b. farm; A tome, 33c lb. aUbbtu Avarace to trewerot Live white. itb-S lbs, 10-lle; 0-0 ifesVb 10-30c Ib.i eld dooa, 10-Uc ft hither. Vteah draaaad fryers to retailers. sd-Olci out UP. M-43C. Oonntrv Kilted Meat Vaai Top tueiitr. 30-lle i youth heavies. 3O-30C Mao Leans, blockera, M-tlo Xk.l sows, lliht, 30-3c Lsa.be Boot, 13-1 so lw.1 yaorlln. Ift-fl lb. MattoawSaat. 11-144 lb.. ouU-ullUty, 1-ltK. Beef utuity eowa. M-3lc lb. 1 eaaaer cut lira, 11-1 to; BbelU down U lt Freeh Dreeeed Mania WholcMlero U retailer. . SolUi pwr owt: Beef Steers, choke. OOO-TOO lb.. 14. 03: ood, 014-41; eommerclal. 31-34i utility, 033-37: commercial eowa, 033-30; utility, 033-31; canneiu-cuttera, 110-31. seel cuto Choice steers hind uarU ore. 040-03: rounds. 043.41: fuU loin. trimmed. OU-M: tr lane lea. 330-23: foro- ouartcra, Wl-ll; huck. Wl-il; riba. fwa-av. reeoi Cwtn iwna. emelea. 0.11 ana 044-11: trtouldera. Id lbs WHO: eporo rih ru-04, iraah hama, 10-14 lb, 043- 1. Veal snd Calvwe Ob ad tholen. nil weicbta, 3-): wammeiwlala. 033-. a-hm cae.00 prima. OJd-XI.Wi nam. 133-30. Bekod Mama Skinned OM-0T. 11-1 lba.i lined lard tot drums 114-ll.Ml alb Docon. nao-Ts. In. eockJ.. Wash, yellow meoium, ii.io-i.io; inroa, oi.3-l.4; Idaho yellows, msd, Ol-U-t.04. tor ti.H-i.is: waite. os-o. ntsteeDeachutea RusabL TJ. sl too. 1A. 03 0B-7I; also U tS-IAO, low 0S-M 0-1 oc. 0J 3I- M; 10.10 os . tt.M-0 30 lb sk. tO-Cfic: 10 lb. l3-3tci Me. 10 lbsH 70-OOci Wash. Russet, 03.70-.00; iBHDw) RM.w-.ve. Har u. s. N. B araon alfalfa. Uver ed car let f.o.b. Portland and So- it i a, .0-30. Weolareas basis. Wtllamstto VaU lay medium, Ol-I0e ib.i Eaatern Oveton fin and half-blood, -02c; WlUnmotto vaiir wmn woo, cjci iJ-montB i U-OOc. Mebafr OO-Ole lb. on 11-montb srov tb, f o.b. country ahlppln potnta. Bldoa Producers parlns price ia.h. Portland, calf akin. 10-lle In, neeord- tn to cotKuuon: treea kim. tl-13u m.: treea cow hldee, 1-0c lb, ccordtn to welrbt and uuallty, bull hides, -c lb.: Hue hides. OO nor aenl below nrlaaa tor noovo ciaasea. leant aolttasT avian f.o.aV Orecon plnnto No. 1 Jumbo Barcelonae ac: larua ittM ls.: medium svo rower rob. plant before hov L II lb. for Bart:c&anv DwCullsvo Ilia ft. waunu wnoMsaw eeoin nrtcoa. first ouaUtp lane Franuettee 33-13 VM Ib.i ahplled. llthl amber nalvea. TO-70s lltbt halves 1-3e tb, Urte Frnn e utiles, in-awe .; mayetitOA, to aeeoUinca, U-loa lb. SALEM MARKETS Coaa piled Item reports off Sateen exenwnw let too swtdauoe of CapttaJ Jecumoi readers, .aUetoad daOtrJ Retail Peed Prieeoi Raaott FoOeso 3.U fOO-Ih. nam), 4.10-0 30 (14-10. batl. Bar Maen 04.00-00 -. Datrp Feed 01.30-1. 01 Itw-aw, bo) 0l.M-4.0w U0S Wt.). Poultry OMrtnn Filtnt colored Irowr. 31 c: old roosure, Ic; colored fowl. soi lee horn fowl. 10c: ronttero. tic urin rrwao nuts. A A. m: larto m. fll-Ooc; medium AA, 4ii atodium U-47c: small. 11-114. nuwt whole prices ceneraily 0-1 contt hMhor than prices above: larte trade A. anoraUy uueted at oici medium no 04. Bolter, Betaerfal Boiterfat Burin pneet premium, m Tl eenUi Nc L 47 -o cents: Be & Owc The American Merchant Marine Library association places about a million books a year aboard merchant ships. ASTHMA & BRONCHITIS MUCUS LOOSENED WHILE YOU SLEEP FREI TRIAL Do you suffer from stubborn nMRln. eoutrist Do tchj oouah and eoutih anl Almost ohok. trylnf to Art rid of thick, sticky, com ladm mucus, so that your brmUiln Is dlfilcuUY Such dlstraslnt symptoms oftn ar. du. to recurrlna aitacks of Bronchial Asthma or atmpl. Bronchi Ua, and may reault In, Mrious Mai of ileep ao that you fMl wnk and Urad. In such cues, thousands of suffers an now dlACOvrr Inc woDder-Anothlna; relief In our medlcln. called AKOL, for th. Re Uer of Paroxysms of Bronchial Asthma. UAually Ul. flrit oom of AKOL toes rlht to work helptn nature three ways. 1. Helps kxMen and remove thick, strans. Una mucus. 1. Thus helps allay coughs snd wheeling. I. And thus promotes freer breathing and mora restful natural sleep. For th. ask. of your health do not fall to writ, for I DAY FRF, I! TRIAL of this Nationally Advertised Product which has snd Is flvtnc amaatn. quick relief to thousands. It will coal you nothing- and may prove to be the turnlnc point In your Ufa. No cost or obligation except to return and pay few omta pojUe. If not de lighted with mult, as thia la not a sampla. WrlU today, NaUanal UbwaUrles, Oa4t, Calif. WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Nut Shelters Mid-VVillameUe Obituaries Willii H. Faxon Albany Willis How. Fas- 00, ao, ntlrnl farmer, who bad been a rwldent ol Albany and vicinity for SO years, died at an Albany nurainc bom. Tuesday. ; Tb funeral will b. held at the Fortaniuar . rredericksen Funeral bom. Friday at 3 p.m. ' Burial will b. In th. Waverly Idemorial cemetery. ' Mr. Faxon was born Nov. 7, 1173, at Grand Rapids, Mich. H. married Leona Crabtree, Dec. II. 1001, at Mountain View, Calif. They celebrated their foltien wedding anniver sary her. two years ago. H. was a veteran of th. Spanish-American War. Be sides his widow, Mr. Faxon is survived by daughter, Mrs, Edna B. Ackland, Lebanon, and thret sons, Glen, Alexan dria, Va.; Milton, Toledo, Or., and Gilbert Faxon, Corvaiiis, and IS grandchildren. DEATHS Mra. Marth B. Da via. t mldeut of amlom. nt Meal nuruln heme. Her. 33. at the ace of 0T iwore. aurtirad by aona. Jamas Davis. Salem, J. Laatl Davit, Oervola. B. T. Davis, Mostosano. Wash., and Robert Davis, Rentes. Calif.t dauihter, Mrs. T heron Hlcka, Salens. She recularly attended church services at too Pi rat Church of the Haiarano, Salem. Services, Friday, Nor. 11 t 1 p.m. in tb Howeii-anflwarao cnapei who one Rev. -William Clay offklatlu. InUrmcna o Bakrcat Memorial Park, error Ooerpo Matfeauoem Harvay Oesroe Murchlsoo, tn lo hospital Mot. 34. Late resident af La Orandc Survived by parent, Mr. nd Mrs. Earl Murchlsont sUUr, Ruth Ma Murchison; brother, Daniel Murchison: and randfatber, Dan Murchison, all of Ln Grande, Announcement of osrvtce Uter bp VlrtU t. oMea Co. John V. Brunner John V. Brunner, let resident of low N. 0th St.. at Mekroall Nor. 34. Survived by wife, Mrs. Joy Brunner, Salem. Serv leefl will be held at the VlroU T. Oold ChnuoL, Friday. Nor. 11 nt 1:M P-sa. In Urment i Duytom Ore on, Mark MiUor Mrora Late realdent of Trooldale, Orececi. tn that city November SI nt th ase of 31 rear. Survived by nephews. Dr. John Urera, Oreoon City, VlrtU Myera, Indo ace: nieces, Mrs. Mabel HiU. Sa le aa, Mrau Rilda BwoO, Saiem. An issmint of sorvteos wtu be made Utor br th BowaU-Bdwurds Co. laneh l Blanch Our em, Is this city. Nerembor 34. Late iwtldoat of Omnia twas. Ore- ton. Orarertde aarrMot win bo Friday, November 11 t St. Barbara' Ccmeurp under tn direcuen os the w. T. lutdosi HEW! SmiAUZEO RELIEF FOR CHILDREN? HEAD ftOLOS ffldVosttw WL Joamph NwMioe41 For CAUldrum mndo Just (or your cnuai cjoninin rrffo-synepnrino aim cthor eloctOT-oprovcMl medlcataOP In purw water bnao; toothing to nnint unotMst. Soioly crjock anocxat, tnliileo. Gmamttm boilo only fide, SBo. Owl St, Joooph hos Drops For Children. 19 YOU CHIU'S COUOH branchial trrrtaliu of coldV.r haw ' r. jMirs mu rat na Miuua EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH! If you here trouble ritfc pis oat bar slip, rock, canst tor ume-M Up SfisBBBO Flasu-Uner. Ono i no aooiicaduo fmanvirpsm noiURwm pormw Personcl To Women Will. Nagging Backache kWnv IMk, b ott iBBntnrt to s4 knrlk. Wkn turn limj mmiMmm, aiKk n nm. mmi nran, mm Oin nwrtaal r..Miii.n.w.n...rarromrwn mtmm .-nlk Mtan bbA. 1.1iilnibiiAM.inw-rnlwr Bnnte.intiirln-Mtinin. DiJt BnUn iiiiIMibi U an.nill. bM nun nm.Trr tha.'. rUb-a nil. Ai. Mk It. BM..I.B B, nv than Dn.'. Stn km, .mm fm tlm. AlMHnfon. Ik. II nlln at kUnr Wbn anl Alter. Snhnrtv m.1 An nr Ht, Brri, Mm. i.MIkn,nBwirl Mttgill misl nuewnso ARmumm riaea-ijMr nendy eo ymmg patoe. Briswoo nnm sadks loosi panmo en a way no flRoevuVar or posco can cVo Swan em cMrupaorpaOSN tt o i iititwayoareelssair. Ywojduiei sai asiTTHiaisi ssEundp Inp toot utnw eWPlaea Unor oo ajsafclnsmt bw or Iwmor. mm sod 1c mosda arlaulp. Soay m mm, taitaleee asiarlaec awntAm Oo paw tmtl yww plate aamarsbl a sWarmd. Memop bock ti mm wthlili miiitid. its ysnr Ammhlt 1 ! i !