Wednesday, November 25, 1953 Psie 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefoa . FORSALE HOUSES mmm Only $800 Down for thlg S bedroom DREAM HOME! See the famous Lockood Home that has all of Salem gapping with ad miration. MT 4. Ft. t Mroemj ) Larva living room and dining arcs w itb big Meter window 4 Beautifully designed iimmi witn nturai siren fuuiu e oti nowr ana w f it, wra- MM glOt IB all MrHW 49) Hui wood floor f) Therme-eontr oiled ell w see larnnc j insniatea im weain r stripped Lars etorai room m Your choice of exterior and interior eoler 0) No 4own pimtot It you twa let 4) Approx. IM N per mo. laelud- iar inter., itm insurance, etc ALL THESE WONDERFUL IWtBTM Jet Sal M.M N ORDER ARK HOW REINQ TAKEN, SO Ml THE MODEL HOME TOOAYI . phone 3-n .. , ENGLEWOOD ' ft tl planned mm In this Bill h feorhood of ood homes. ..MO se. ft a tli first floor. unfinished upstairs. BiMnnt with play room, forced sir sal beau Insulated, nlcelr landscaped yl4. Double garage, mc oi,vow, ZWASCHKA ' REALTOR noMl-uu . HMOtuist BY BUILDER I bedroom boa, fall kutaeni with doable lUMii party room with flrt n4eee and plumbing far bath, connect ing entry and bail, birch doors and tutehaa wits nook, ceramic ilia vanity and tab tweets'ln bath, utility on main floor, lot SO X 141 ft., 1.240 M- ft 254 Wail MeOilettrtft. Fries SlLtt. Call L. X Whitney, 3-IW9. 0243 T OWWEJl fwor bedrooms, two bath, two fireplace, playroom, double aa vac. rlew. CASH, TRADES or TXRMB. Phono 0-441. a2S4' 4 BEDROOMS Locates Mar LmUo School oa W li ner eUree la an area at riot noma. 3 bo4rooma down and I upstairs. Llv- j iui linn, ymiue iuuwi aaitvuva. h atiu, ntUltr room, stteched c ar. Ne ! lawB d flbnba. Call w for u ep notBtaaent. Priced at t.6.50o.0. Just T 1000 down wit nu tern. NEW BASEMENT atvervtrilnf you would xprt to find tn ttona. s Bedroom, fireplace, auto, oil farnaea, birch kitchen, Blo-faa, HW fioor a, formica counter top, built la vanity la bath, birch wardrobe clouts, fan baMmtot. Located near school and but. 812,80 with t3.too.oo aw. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER , 411 KASONIO BUILD INO TBiurrae, Rati BMit Horttart tfl.nj WOu: I-M1T OffMI I-41W m ! US NORTH $7950 Won't you coma live with met After S years my owners have moved away and X naad new friends. Mr 1 bedrooms and nice fireplace and basement and eute dinette will help make yon happy. And I'm not gotno to need deeoratingl Tea a garage and ettra carport too. only 1 block to bus line. Why don't you see ma today I can be yours for 0T.IM with terms. Call Bowsa Wood, ra. 4-2JU, ova. 2-0422. 224 M. HttH e3U REDUCED TO SELL 1 bedroom, living room, dining room, lichen, utility. Plastered. Oarage, 2-4400. a2lla I BEDROOM, nice dining room, im provements In. North District, Small down payment. Phone 2070! after 0 p.m. a2ll $18,900 CANDALARIA New I-bedroom, birch man. finish. finished basement with axtra bath and fireplace. 20 Alice. Ph. 2-S10I. a303 BY OWNER, Must sell attractive two bedroom home, etteohed garase. Man brtn Oardena. Priced for autrk sale. 2-0340 S3R3 FOR SALE ACREAGE EXCEPTIONAL FARM 4M acres, all under eultlvstion 3M ncrea under subterranean Irrigation free water riahts. Approximately 70 acres of beaverdam. Large barn with automatic feeding tor about 100 head of stock. 174.000 worth of gaarhtnary. Could be md Into a 200 cow, Orade "A" Dairy farm. Oood home for own er and foreman. Priced at l 23.000. ni nes la reason for selling. Owner would consider apartment house or buslnesi property that would require ltttle care or could be managed, an part per oneal. J. E. LeCIerc, Realtor SON N. Capitol at. ph.: 2-3350 bMM REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOMS All bedrooms ea en floor. Also un finished up- Part baieaent. Oaraie. Close to school and bua. Paved street. Pull pee 17.000. Here's a Trade Owner of 3-bedrooen home with un finished upatalra and eaiement in Inslewood district wanta em alter oom Value of hers IT.lso RAMSEY. REALTOR te4 North Commercial Office 4-4211 Bv. Al Bender, ftaleeman, 1-1144 By. Jim Itanwer, 4-lON a3il To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 CLASOlPlEf SDVERYISJNO Per Word, f time ls Per Weed . e Per Ward, times I Per Weed, I tweatb . Owe No BeraadeMlelmem 10 Weeds RK4DBBa in Leal Newa Ceremn Oalyt Per Weed te Mlnhnam 10 Weeds. Tw Mac Atl In Sme IHy'o Ptbprr, I'benw S-240f IVfart It Vam. REAL ESTATE COLBATH'S Bargains on Parade SUBURBAN TRADE Kk 9 badrooai botaa wtrb 10 I It fancod lot. OwBtr wtU trad for Uta built 0 bodna. borno la town. Ul aUOOUiSSra. Pa, 4-04O4 Excellent Buy! Lata ball I bdna. Haac Trat SuO arban noma. Laris llvlna rav, dlaiaf rai . wall to wall carpau thmoat. Oftr 1.040 a, ft. of cbotrful floor apaca. Ktal valua at HI. 00. Waodod owner lot. Will trado for amanar aoaas. X BUOOIWalvt. Pa. 4M04 EXCEPTIONAL Larva Suburban Aero out and lovely t badnn. PUtltfOd bono la I ins con dition. Comb. Uttaa Si d-'nini rooms itb flrspiaco. spactouo kitchaa. Oil noat. strata uaa plsnty atoraao spaca orrbd. Prlrad at 00,060. PHA Urm SEE atRS. OOLESBU. Eva. Fb- 1-UH Opportunity Knocks! lllnaaa forcos this aala of fina astab llshad crocarr Jb ntaat buslnsas plus oow storaao locsara. Lnrit t bdrm. apt. in aood commuBlty naar lm. Loni Urm laato rcnawabla. Laria valums. ' Will conaldtr trada for rioma la Solam. CS MR. OOLKBBXS. Eva. Pa. J -bill GLASS HEAT In tola nsat t btdroom home, lorolr batb rm.. cata fcltcheo. alllltr rm.. rast. I blka. from McaUnSty acbooi. To tal prico 04.0M. Terms 0oo down, bal anea by month. SEE BDt COLBATM. ova. pn. 2-4031 Farms & Acreages 30 ACRES On blah war stocked with 11 head youni Jersey heifers. JO tractor, all tool, hay at train. 20 A. la cult., llvs creek. 4 bdrm. older modern home, barn. AH for tlO.MO, Terms. S T. T ANDERSON, ova. pa. 4-2714 1 ACRE i At 0410 sluayslda Road with 4 bdrm. modern boms, burnt., aarase. corner location. Asklnf H.M0. Oood terms. Via. PB. 4-2714 Vj ACRES Near Liberty S bdrm. borne (not aulta finished) variety fruit. Only tl,- 1L.ACRE Close fn (N E l with 2 yr. old 1 bdrm home with all furnish! na. Only 13.200 full price. Xve. ph. 4-2714 - $500 DOWN Burt thw new 1 bedroom bom, bdnd. firs., llrlnt rm., diainy, very lovely kitchen, never been lived In. Wiialo of a buy for Oft OM. Terms 1500 down and 04) par month. Eva. ph. 4-2114 assr iatsi WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES HIGH AND DRY On the hill. Pin home with a fine view. Lovely yard. Pull baaement with recreation room. Claaa A construction. ' 2 fireplace. Very roomy. The price hs been draatlrally reduced to 1 13.000. PHA term If deilred. (Call for UR. CRAWFORD, ev. ph. 4-4030 Slm.f THE ONLY CATCH IS We think this home to a very good our. Part eaiement, Ettra well located for schools, bus and stores, m garage. Insulated. Extra alee patio. I fig trees. Only 11.000 down with a full price af 08.500. (Call for UR, KULLANDbTR, ave. pa. 4-4047 aim.) MR. INVESTOR " Reran your opportunity. A good mod- j era home that Is easy to rent. Choice; corner lot that la Increasing In value daily . Ko repairs required. Bus by door. Very liberal term. Pull prise only 17,050. A MASTERPIECE Brand new and a lovely home. Very specious rooms. Clossts large enough for the husband to crawl into when ha Is In the dog bouse. 2 lovely fire places. Extra large living room. TV reception exceptionally aood. Lawn and ahrube ate lovelv. FHA ttrrna i: iMirea. rull price 114.500. 4 Call for RAY ORI34METT, eve. ph. 2-7470 aim i 6 UNITS Tndtvtdual houees. Only yri. old ; Location Is really excellent. Carpeted floors. Partially furnlihed. Rep. util ity room. 3 garaaea. Real nice yard. One u would be proud to own. Pull prlc 030.000. Liberal terma. AUTOMOBILES This ts an unuiuslly well established agency. It's a money maker. The area is extra good. Lara payroll town. Medium price rises. No blue sky. Well controlled overhead. No dead stork. Very restonable rent on bids. Requires about 133.000 investment. (Cell for N. CV "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-2533 Slm MOTEL TRADE Por a home In or near Salem or a good farm. What have youT 13 Rental units. Part have fireplaces. Very mod ern. Completely furnlihed. Lovely view. Pvd. parking area. Income apprx. $11.- eoe per vr. astremeiy low overnesd. Accominodataa from 3 to 0 per ion Full price 000.000. fCaU for N. O. "DAN" 2BAAK. eve. ph. 4-3433 B.m.t REAL VALUE Remodeled horn with apprx. 1.000 sq ft. Iloor space. 18 Acres under cultiva tion. 4 A bottom land. A. straw berries. Nice view. aBoiaU barn, chicken aeuae. Family orchard. A buy for 07, boo. tcati for MR. CRAWFORD, eta. pn. 4-joae aim.) $500 DOWN On this 10 acre tract. Modern houe In aood condition. Close to Salem. 07 ft eeit. Owner report lou of water. This la a buy for I7.5M. Better harry, rail for MR. CRAWFORD, ava. Pb 4-MJO Sim 4 ACRE SPECIAL All under cultivation. Chehalis soil Very aood modern 2 bedroom house Osrate. Chicken house. Pruit bouse. Ptd highway. Lou of floaera and shrubi. A country acreage yoa will re allr enloy Pull price 413.100. (Cell for MR. LEAVENS, fve. ph. 3-3131 Aim.) 2' (.ACRES Vrrv rlose In north Modern I room heue Very clean Barn. arete Oood well. Irrigation pipe. Soil 1 excellent This property is a good buy for 11.40 Call for MR LEAVENS, ve oh. 3-4134 Sim i PHA e CONVENTIONAL UTO. 20 TRB PEDERAL Ol MTtlS . 20 YEARS LICENSED AlaOO IN WASH - IDAHO Al Lsaak & Co., Realtor Off. Pbon 4-3311 or 3-7010 ft 3-4134, 4-3533. 4-0020. f-TflTf, 4-4047 If bo anever call 4-3340 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE. If your property la fcr taiei rent or rsrhang. iui it a itb us. w hste all kinds of caih humeri STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 13 B High St. ta- WR ARE la need ef good heusei to tell. In or near Salem If roe etih t Hit your propertv for a;e. see ORABENHORRT BRU8 RBAI.TO 524 S. Liberty pa. 1-2411 ca REAL ESTATE ' THREE BEDROOM, DOUBLE GARAGE This new thro bedroom borne with double far us la located In new addition to I be city of A lew. all bones are rostrictod. If yon want tbo finer thlnis la a boose that 10 to make up a bonte then you must aos Ibis borne wit tu tmmaaalata batb. colorful as a rainbow with lie , cava earners for easy cleanmo. Call Cae Bawiias far appoiaiaseai to ooa. i, ACRE SPECIAL . V.rr m lw, touooa bamt Itctf4 u . Oram m t mu 4 lot A.UMI.ll, h.l. tftUlwd '( OWM BUbl CMMld., UklB, ft tmlln n, Mimi la u u ut tl. cm CMt luwliu ft im. TRADE THAT LATE MODEL CAR FOR A THREE BEDROOM HOME Wen located south, ban double plumbing, firealnea, approslmstriy 1 3M sc. ft, a a ii lot, city water, call Dale Raybura for appoint meal to see. TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! Three-year -old Duplex, twa bedrooms each. 000 so. feet. Good sub urban rentals. Onner will tana some close-in acreage. Cell Dale Rsreura for appointment to sea. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE! Immaculate threc-yeerld leree two bedroom homo la Eattmorelend Addition. Lane Urtni room, with clreulatino fireplace, nice diniaa room, laree kltohen with lou of bulltlni and eailna eac. Bedrooms are very ; ' roomr nith lou of elns space. Good financing. 112.100.00. Call Jim Raw una. , THREE BEDR'M SUBURBAN $5,250, $500 DN. Paved street, 100 i tot lot, years aid. double aarase. one block to city but, three blocks to school, stores, immediate possession, M 00 per snoot payment. Hurry, this won't last. Call Jim Ranllna. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTORS) KM H. Cpltol SlreM Olfle, Fboati M m 4-I74I CvtalDM phone: TlbMtU S'lMi CIMt l-WH Jim tU7 XHli JUrtan ' A LOVELY CONVENIENT HOUE Uv. rm. with fireplace, plat glass windows, din. rm. with corner cabinets. 2 bdrm.. bath, model kttchrn At nook. Pull baimt. with rumpus room and fireplace. Slnile attached oarage, covered patio, greenhouse. 012.100. CALL J. E. LAW SUBURBAN GROCERY MARKET Located east. Very nice living uarters. Good equipment. Shoeing excellent return. Owner would con sider taking home la trada. Por details CALL H. K. LAYMON NOB HILL BEDROOMS Salem's finest location, nice kitchen, wall to wall carpeting, Auto-oU heat. Lots of built -Ins. f .050. CALL ORABEN HORST BROS. SPLENDID BUY IN LESLIE DISTRICT Exceptions fine location, beautiful kitchen with brkf. nok. lac. llv. at din. rm.. wall to wall ear petlng, 2 nice bdrm.. plus room for one In daylight basmt., 2 fire Placei. Splendid landscaped lot. with patio and greenhouse, auto-otl eat. See It now. CALL ROY 9. PERRIA GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 124 . Liberty St. Po. j.)in Evenings at Sunday call 8s la men H. K. Larmoa 2-1 13 j. r Law 1-tlll Ror Pern 2-1010 For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston. 2-2471 or 3-3365 REAL ESTATE SHORT ON MONEY? We csn help you get itarted on home ownrrahip. If you are renting a home at the present you can be buy ing one of the following: 1. Cute t bedroom horn with a dandy kitchen and extra large utility. Paved street and close to bus line. 04750 and your terms. t. an..iU unfinished 2 bedroom home on to acre. 1100 so. It. of chicken house for broilers or hens, oood location aoutb. 14300 and your terms. I I. Expansion riorae. in South Salem. close to new high school. Small almost new home with baaement. 1 deRisned for additional rooms as neded. 350 and your terms. 201 South High Phone 2-1203 Balesmaa'1 Phones: BSenlng and ftundayt 4-1171, 3-3441 4-1200. 4-5311. 2-3204. 3-474 3 NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES TRADE Will trade for equal or lomer value property, only 41.500 dwn. Bee this 2 bdrm. well arranied home with beauti ful view, lot 45 X ISO, patio. Large liv ing rm.. cininc rm . an bdrmi fplace. pecan firs.. 1.100 eq. ft. floor area, garase. about 0 yri. old. A good buy for 09.450. Cell Mrs. Wool tea TRADE 2 acres por crnr home Tdeal spot to retire. Nice 0-rm. home completely modern. Excellent soil. t acre siraberrie. family orchard, lie barn. N. of Salem. Price 4 13 MO. TRADE SUE URBAN HOME WITH DUPLEX Attractive Cape Cod 3-bdrm home with K acre land In good location clow to scores bus. 3 rental unit for add ed Income. Owner will eccept a 44 000 home in trade. Prk-e red. iced to 114, 150. Call Mr Schmidt TRADE DRY CLEANING BUSINEAR Good, well-established dry cleaning buanM crosaing about 034 000. Own er's health forces sale. Hay consider trade for 115,000 equttr. Por more de tails call Mr. Schmidt NELSON & NELSON FECIAUZ1NO REALTOR 1U M. HUb Fb. I IW WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Small acrease t1o to town with Oood 3 or 3 bedroom home t trade for good city property 1 South High Street Phon 3-1203 REIMANN REAL ESTATE c7 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE H4RD WARE-FUR NTT I'RE stor Trade for home. Mann s Hardware. Deiake. Oregon cbii OPPORTUNITY f unit motel with ewner Ihina quarters. Wetl located within clly lim it. Owner will take nice home up to U ooo. call for mere informettoa J. E. LreCLERC, Realtor 1843 N. CaPtttL Phone 3-3355 cb:m To Place Classified Ads ' Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ROY TODD Real Estate 160 ACRES An exceptionally good 3 bdrm. farm home. Large sheep barn. Cow bam with o stanchions. Numerous other out bldai. 2 fish ana duck poods. 03 acre in cultivation. 4 acres In strawberries. Bal. In pasture and cutover timber. Fenced and cross-fenced, 2'i ml. to nice thriving town. Only $31,500 or will trade for court. SANTA CLAUS IS HERE W have a lovely 3 bdrm. horn 3 yr. old. Llv. rm. large cnouih for ' good TV reception. Large kit. -din. comb. Large alt. gar. 50 x 130 lot. Close to schools, transportation and stores. Price on this home lust 17,000. Rea sonable down payment. SUBURBAN ACREAGE CONTRACTORS SPECIAL 7', Acres 7yr. old 3 bedT. home. Close in south. Wonderful view butiiu In alics. siu.iwo. Roy Todd, Realtor 2310 Stat St Office phon: 2-1501 Bvenlnsa call: Vandercort 2-4200: Simpson, 3-0330; Ruch 3-1910; Todd 3-1731. c203 BUSINESS & INCOME OWNFR LEAVING State. Oood going HAlt-B-O BuaiNCSA. Excellent spar time work. Equipment good condition. Pfione 4-4837. ceJ83 WANTED FURNITURE LAMBERT'S PAYS CAH for used fur niture, phon 2-7462. d383' AUCTIONS Furniture Auction tonite it 7 o'clcks Rt LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile et of Salem on Silverton rord. Ph. 3-6C98. artllll. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK UH-REB BEEr Wtllt. lac, H.telord, 30f. Nothlnc doan. montni to p.r. ruttom kllllnt. Tralltr loan.d tr. Blirni Mail CO. 133, S. M. Pi S-1SSI PETS RO.XIR PUPPIES. 8 wreks old. Reen tered Arc. Inquire 4634 Clark Ave., Krl aer Dtitrlrt. e:4 roR S4LE, mv pet does and pupa at special bargain prices thu week I have Job tn eautern Oregon. Miss Sorrier i. 4 mllet west of Monmouth, nesr AnlkH h School In Cooper Hollow. ec3M PAR4KFET 4 months Blue male w;ib I case. 8115. 03 R. Cottaie. 4-5954 eciftft 'ctVRirq. FINE rHRITM4 gltX Sma.1 deposit Phon 3-434, 1340 CM- mfketa. ci90 GIVE bACHaHVNDupetorCh7m Seven wftaa. AKC reentered Pine pd liree. Red. black At tan. Male, female. Bert Akaess. Rl. 2 Box 302A1. Mr Mlnnviile ec:sT FOwll.RANIANuppy7 mVle. 3 mo. oil Registered Phone SILVERTON. J-M44. ec:i3 CITR PUFPtrs (Corkerei arMritlb. 2 O Phnn 4-1141 ISS Sariimt.B I Ave tc203 BOLLYWOOD AQU4R1UM 194 McCoy, en block east ef N Capital. wj block north ef Madison. Ph. 3-001. c2H B4RY fki A fti E arfa. lnT r canaries' Som ee Hrt A E- Power, 13 Bel levee. Betweea ftV Wiator sad Cet- 4 I rrrs CEUMriOOf BJUO Troptcnl Piaa Pets. MacJaay Wadnasaays. Parakeeu, am, Clesod oc204 LAI S rA.HIU. MM trom m imw limli I Mck. Hut taun, mum . W HMMilh mat AlttM, aehott iM CMptr Hal lev wc2U FABAKEm CUc, Wrtt. CktUUaH watr. Ma takn. IIM u.fcuauia. ,-tlll. MV FUEL aXOCBaOXI LATIWOOB. 1 mwH km. Mint, root, l-ntl .i t-ti. SPECIALS! D Aih. u.,i WnI arauulaka ' bar. block albacr aaot. waar aalxm run. ra. mni FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED HKNI. Oa. ali. Phan. km- iw PUB feALE. Capon roaster, 4 to 7 lb.. One per pound, dressed, or 4fc llv weight. Pnene Ausnsvllle 144 r 4271 Macleay Rd. f2i2 UtlEHE FOR SALE. II each. JtL 4, Box 130. Near Pringle School. f341 WE ARB hatching Haw Uamnshlra Oo Id ea Broad and Arbor Acre Whit Rock, every week. Special price to year around fryer grower. Pox's Hatchery. 3130 Stst St. Phon 3-4040. f PRODUCE WALNUTS: LARGE Preneustt. pin qjallty. Commercially dried, ate lb. 13 No. Utb St, Pftone 3-0020. ff200' SORTED POTATOES, 11.11 per lOOt h ml E. of relier achool. 'H mi. N; watch for sun. No sales Friday after 4. or Saturday. Ed "Spud" Sproed. fflOl HELP WANTED MALE MAN TO CARE tor homes in exchange for house rent. Olve reference aad family statu. 3 bedroom, elee. stove At refrigerator. Box 303 Capital Jour nal. ta303 HELP WANTED FEMALE TWO WOMEN for reweavlng Instruction and work at horn, can earn ft hr. piece work. Write aVs 300, Capital Journal. gb201 PRACTICAL NURSE, 730 21. 14th. Phon EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB! P. Seer., ext., future security ....0310 P. Oen. ofc- secy., ft da., 30-40 ..4135 P. R N , dy, out 0330 P. Secy, steno.. girl ofc. 23-40 ..033ft P. Oen. ofc. 20-40 0220 P. Col. grad., soc. mJ. pref. ..,.3230 P. Btkpr.. gen. ledger 0220 M. Ins. underwriter 0300 up The Best Way to the Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 4y Stat St. i Ores on Bldg.) 4-3381 grasi WANTED POSITIONS PFAFF BUTTONHOLE I worked At cut. 10c. Quick service. Phon 4-4000. hI82 PAPER HANGING. By the hour. Phone 2-3127. hSOV HOUSEWORK BY THE BOLE. Phone 3-IIW. oil N. Commercial, Apt. 3. h203 PERMANENT CARE for two children, age 3-0. my home. Phone 2-0704. h7-03 CARPENTER Repair, remodel, cabinet and garage. Small job welcome. Phone 4-4240. MOft" PAINTING, PAFERHANGING. daj or contract, small job welcome, rnone 2-7092. h383 PAPER HANGIVG. painting. Free esti mate. Dan LUCCrO. Fb. 2-9922. HW LIGHT CRAWLER dosing, dirt level ing, grading. Phone 2-3220. h2H NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling, re pair. No money down, 3 yeara to pay. Phon 3-4001. b201- DRE8S MAKING. alUratlon. bride. bridal gown. Helen Lovetu, Phone 4-1031. h3R LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phon 4-3973. h :ELIARLE BABY SITTER Will go days , or nights. Phono 2-0004. b2S2 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Ineured. John Parn. Phone 3-M2B. h3Sl" MICXENHAXI'A DAY NURSERY Stat Licensed At Inspected. Ph. 2-7BDI h201 MIMEOGRAPHING and TYPINO. Quality work. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Poc. 043 N. '.4th. Phone 3-3643. h23 W1EMALS Day nursery. Licensed and state inspected. Phon 3-4015. h2i3 CHILD CARE. asys. Reasonable rate. Phone 2-0680. h304 YE81 WE DRY horn washing. Paet eco nomical aervlce. LAUNDERETTE Phon 2-5b 1245 Perry h203 WOMAN WIYH 2 daughter wishes housework, preferably in motherless home. Phone 2-4213. h203 PAINTING AND DECORATING. 24 year Salem experience. Pre estimates. 3-7552. h297 PAINTING AND Waterproofing. Pre es timate. Phone 3-4101, 3-0343, L. I Nelson. hlOl- REWKAV1NO Por top quality phone 3-3401. 1090 N Cottage fit h!43 FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brlek building. Down town. Inqulrl H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-0105 J WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE with 3 mall children. dealr clean, very modern unfurnished 2 or 3 bedroom house, within city limit. Must be economical to hest If dealrbl will rent or lease for 310 per month. Call 4-506. a2Sl ROOM A BOARD, arpfar.blr with imall f,mllr or coup).. Phon. 4-IM. ).262a Have Extra Office Space? Insurance adjuster wants deik spar uttA limited secretarial help in exlst .s office. Location unimportant. Will pay iat or shsr cxpenies. Call 3-0071. le32a FOR RENT ROOMS NICE. WARM, lie tit housekeeping room Lady. 084 N. Church. Jk2S4- TELEVISION, sleeping room, kitchen privileges, frlendlr horn. I JO. 5 month. Phone 3-7630 )k24" BUSINESS RENTALS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS warehouse. Sep arate unit, 40' a 20'. Oeorte DUts. 02 0th St., West Salem. Phone 3-0131 )101 JOE PAL00KA C3WDOF SPORTS FAWS SIM GOCO LUCK TO COGGER. KfARLAMt AM MIS RETlNUt AS EMBARK rem. Twe STATES. BUSINESS RENTALS SXaVICS RAF AIR garage, sense equip ment, larae biutdtng. can be used for any butanes. Alee ne bedroom bouse. 1040 South CammefctaL Write J. R Boil. Jeweler, owner.' Surten. Jo202 ONE BIOJNESA RseUX Inqulr lift S. inn. apt. l. joxgi WARKSOUSX OP ATE. New buUdlnc with large parsing area, with r without of fice facilities. Rail siding. Drive-la and track, deck. Per Ail ft truck and pel lets. Capital Clly Transfer Company. Phone 3-341 joloy LOST FOUND LOST Handkerchief containing 040 00 ta 130 bills. Reward. 430 N. ITtb St.. ar phon 31004 after p.m. k20l LOST, BULOVA yellow gold lady' wrtst watch. Reward. Phon 21011. k303a FOR RENT HOUSES 0-BEDROOM bom. North, 05. Phone . jmzot LULE MEW. Unfurnished 4 rooms aad beta, pla utility with washer and dryer furnished. Lets at tor as apace. Wall in distance to tovm and at is uuoing. Quiet neighborhood. room nice aise. Automatic beat. Most desirable for couple. See at 104 Belle vue. Phona 3-450 avenlngs. jm3K S-BEDROOM OJOl'SE. basement, oil beat. luraisaea r uniuraubed. 1410 Trade mu )m2l NEWLY REDECORATED two-bedroom house, Childra allowed. 3300 Hate! Ar. 3-4203. :m22 4 -BED OOM furnished suburban bom. 40 Suoayvlew Ave. Phone 3-3011. Jm22 an COURT Hot water heat. Prefer old er couple. 004. Pb. 3-435. Walt Soco lofiky. Real Estate. Jm201 3 BEDROOM 5LAT. 4 block blah achool lis n. winter, 2-047. Jm24 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, 1400 N. Liberty. two, rootie 3-iaot. m23 S-BEDROOM BOUSE fully fuTLiahed. RIiencca. Phon 3-3031, 0 a.m. -4 p.m. Jm303' ft BOOM HOUSE, dose to bus nod stores. 20a n. uro. jm203 NICK ONE-BEDROOM bouse, redecoiat- ea. lurnace, garase. aduiu only. 1124 Wilbur St.. or call 3-1540 eves. jm203 SMALL TWO-BOOM house la West Sa lem. 025.00 a month. Call 4-2442. ImSOS NICELY FURNISHED 2 -bedroom bom. Call 3-1042. Jm2l NEAT MODERN house at AumsvlQc. Call at 0T S St, Star too. Ph. Ul. X. A. Ruef. ln.214 S ROOM unfurnished house. 0. Water, aanltary aervlc. No pet. 337 N. Cot tage St. Jm22 3 BEDROOM nous In Hubbard, acre. fruit, berrla. garage, elect, wtr. btr. Oo north on Main St. to sign en bouse. Owner. N. Wrd. on premises Sat., Sun.. Nov. 3 and 29. )m23 ONE BEDROOM furnished cottage. Rea sonable, soma utilities. Inquire 265 Portland Rd. Jm305 CLEAN, S bedroom house. Cloac to tt b'Ildlng. Phon 2-4414. tinlgl NICE S btdroom bouse. Fireplace, stove and refrigerator furnished. Middle as couple, no children. Phono 2-1944. Jm2Sl- CLEAN 3 -BEDROOM horn. OU circulat or, 405. Phona 4-3104. Jm2l' 1 BEDROOM house. Modern 4 rooms. Electric heater and electric stove. Adult. No pets. tn. 1526 Woodrow St. Jm201a SPOTLESS on bedroom furnished. $4 month. Water paid. Phona 3-7709 or S-WJ36. Jm203 3 BED ROOM house, fireplace, larg lot. 450.00. E. A. McOlauflln, Agent. 1035 Broadway, 3-8(111. 3-6612. Jm203 VERY NEAT 3 bedroom unfurnished house In court. Oood location. Must be seen to be appreciated. 048 Bryce. Jm283 UNFURNISHED two bedroom, 140. 1610 N. Liberty St. Phon 3-1464. Evening, 22523. Jm283 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN 2 ROOM furnished apartment with garase. Ail utilities urnisbcd, 135.00. Phon 29084. 2261 Hasel. JP284 FURNISHED x-ROOM, electric rang, refrigerator, 3250. Phon 2-7000. JP2S0' LEE APTS. Salem s Most Distinguished Addreat Thoroughly modern. Ideally located, for those desiring better livlgg. One bedroom units from 882.00; bachelor units as low a 149.50. Inspection in vited. 585 N. Winter. Jp381 BEAUTIFULLY furnished, coxy one bed room duplex. Large room, close to bias. Wet Salem. Rent 86S.0Q. 1211 Edse water. 35100. Eves. 39930. 1p286 CLOSE-IN nice modern furnlihed three room apartment. Adult. Pbon 3-0490. CLOftE-IN furnished on room apart ment. 033 Ferry St. jp242 CLOSE TO CAPITOL 4 rm. prtly turn., privet bath, main fir. 044-50. See Burt Plena, Rltr., 379 N. High St.. 2-4047. Jp28ft VERY CLOSE IN, furnished apartment. Phone 3-0933. Jp2a2 YOUNG LADY to shsr 4 room apart ment At expenses. 070 N. Winter. Apt. E-2 after 4 p.m. lP38f FURNISHED COURT apartment, 3 rooms At garace. Clo in on Nortn commer cial. 855. Phone 3-8648 or 2-4444. Jp ' BACHELOR APARTMENT, rame and re fnsrrator. 2134 Fairground Rd. Phone 3-7054 after ft p.m. )p2i GIRL (Ml. WANTS employed girl to hare apartrawnt. Near state officer Phon 3-3693 fter B p.m. JpaOTi FURNISHED, VERY HUE 3-room court apartment. Range, refrigerator and laundry facilities. 380 S- 17th. Jp2e3 SEVERAL MM. FVRN. Pts.. with pri vet bath. 129 50. See Burt Plcha, Rltr.. 379 N. High St.. 3-4047 )P2i CLOS e' IN.fu ro tsbed 3 room, 6M. One room. 137.50 LUht housekeeping. 835 00. Prtvste baths. 425 N. Winter or 925 N. Winter. Phone 3938. 1P28T NICE, CLEAN, furnished apt. Close in. 444 N. Cottage. IP 4 ROOMS, unf'jrn lifted. Modern, elec tric rana. refrigerator. Water, heat, lurntihrd, 450. 3150 S Commercial af ter 4 Phone 4-1452. )P296 SEVERAL fun.thed apartment, goos location. Inaulr H L Stiff Furniture Pbon 3-9185. IP ft.ROOM APARTMENT. 2134 Fairs round! Rd. Rang and rfrlertor. Call 3-7SM after pn JP24 ONE 2 BEDROOM down, on 3 room up. court apartment. Phon 3-3002 or 1151 WeUerSt. 1P283 97 ROOM. FIRST floor. Christian woman. Adjacent Capitol Bhopping Center. 3-7W1. JP383 82P.5 2-RM. FVRN. housekeeping apt . close to downtown north private en trtnee. see Buft Plena. Rltr., 370 N. High St.. 8-4047. Jp2B5 COURT APARTMENTS, ut lilt Irs furn ished 333 and 155. Trailer house for rent or sal. I21ft PoTtlaPdRd.Jp201 FI'slNISHED apartment. Cioe In. Utili ties furnished. Phon 203. lP3 CLOSE, CLEAN, nice small apt. Utilities, beet, furnished. 054 Center. . 1P33 wTPVmm'Vsli rf mftHTCtO.' " " ' ly LL,LAOWe.fT'LL 60T ID.' OU LAOSTJ. . THANHS, J Bt WrRENT THISTUAE . 1 MiVER FOROIVE AW Hll FOR RENT APARTMENTS S ROOM tarnished anartsaenL Also. b a c a 1 a r apartment, amwoe nor Apartment. 44 N. Summer. P343' MISCELLANEOUS MALKU UNO ORAVn, COatTAIX Coeirtti wara aad Curia - OlWha, ar aad BaMmtni Kaulpacal Raatal OltcUlm br th, tot Fftao. Dtn MM .. J-.111 ar t-MU a.:.M. Oraiaa BFI-BIVt TR DClta D-DRIT liOVI TOUUILT AVI 4 CAB RtNTALB . .TAKES - TANS TEXACO CTATION , court rr. puoNf J mi raoc aTEvmaoii aaA al uztuxo DENTAL PLATE RET AIR t-HR. (ERVICt IK UOST CARE. ' DR. HAHBY .aalLU. OUlin Aoalph BMk. But, BALEM PH. 1 IUI a BUILDING MATERIALS MEW Ll'HBEB fat Ml.. AlauKt aaf klad. Cncap. DllTCrad. Pbon, 1-3013 mt2U REMODEL NOW Free borne planning aervlc. Let as give yon n free estlmete em your bom remodeling ar repair. Also ef roofing, eves trough, aiding or ether I Montgomery Ward r It M. Uberty Pbon 3-31 building materials. 1101 maai4 SALE Oaraga door complete with bed 845 00 Overhead gar. door, bwd. .... 13 05 4x waterproof wallbd. lift Nails, 9.7ft. 3 kegs at 3.95 New picture windows ft up Mew weather stripped window 1430 New door, an sues ............ in 100 used door frames Unpainted cedar ahaae 0.00 Painted shake with under cours 10.50 Aatsta aiding, per sq 0.50 Fiberglass roll blanket Insulation, New ahake moulding . 10c Cedar fence posts Cheap 400 gL septic tank 82.50 4" cast lroa soil pine 75c Roll roofing, large gupplr 3.2ft Mud orongcouro pip ssc 3 lb composition roofing ...... 0.95 Cedar shingles, 4 grade Cheap New toilet with seat 24.50 Nt w bath tub complete 81.59 Double kitchen sinks complt ., 41.50 40 gaJ. eleo. water btr. 11.50 Steel sbover cabinet compUta .. 41.58 14-2 Electric wiring 3ac 12-2 Electric wiring SSc Laundry trays, pipe, wash basin. Sal C. O, LONO eb SONS Ph. 4-5051 I'mL N. af Kitser mi1 KEITH BROWN PRE-INVENTORY -SALE- REO. SALE Shinties. 3-ln-l Atphalt 310 lb.. No. 1: Solid Oreea 0 05 sq- Solid Red 0.85 sa. Clothes D-yr 3.80 1.15 Clothes Dryer 4.50 3.50 Aluminum roofing plain ar embossed. while It lasts: Corrugated or ftV crimp: 36 -X96" . .2.75 ea. sc. 3.37 ea. pc. 24"xl20' ,...2.44 ea. pc. 2.07 ca. pc. 26"xl44' .,.,4.13 ea. pc. 3.51 ea. pc. Hardboard 4xx 3.20 ea. pc. 3.40 ea. pc. Colonial Door 3-0x4-6x1 4 ..18.72 11.03 Welser Entrance Handle SeU 12.4 7 05 Butts, 4x4 ftOpr. Butts, 3' M 3'e 00 pr. Doors rJ. flush 3-0 to 3-8x4-8 1.00 a. WeLser Inside Latch Set 15 Sargent Key-ln-rnob Lock sets S.50 . Moulding: 4 ' BN Ease RL 00 1 It. .00 1 K. 3" BN Casing Oft 1 ft. 3" Mid. Casing 3' to 4' 3'i 1 ft. 3" Mid. Apron RL .05 1 ft. 4" Mid. Bate RL 00 1 ft. Short Moulding 3' to T .,..e prlee lilt RL NO. 4 Com. S4S ....20.00 M lilt RL NO. 4 Com. S4S ....20.00 f celling fto s 4 x RL "X" Dry 40.00 m Keith Brown Lumber Yd Ph. 39111 - Front Ac Court St. "WE OIVE S&H OREEN STAMPS" REMODEL1NO At IMPROVEMENT LOANS 36 MONTHS TO PAT NO DOWN PAY;' -.NT ESTIMATINO SERV1CC ADD AN EXTRA BEDRM.. OARAOE. CtC. ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT OUR OFFICE DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. 1715 Lana Ave. Ph. 2-4621 NO PARK3NO) PROBLEM maSOl- ROOFING, INSITLATION. Venstlan Blinds. Call Western A'Jtfl Supply co. ror free estimate. 3-7177. ma NURSERY STOCK SHOP FOB SHRUBS AND SAVE. Spread ing Junipers 12-15" and more. 75c. Heather. 35c. Middle Orov Nuraery. 4930 Sllverton Rd. Phon 4-4432. mb " QUALITY ROSES Sturdy, hand select ed plants. Mlddl Orov Nursery. 4830 Sllverton Rd. Phon 4-4633. mb281 FERTILIZER Rotted manure. Weed free. Deliv ered anyliere. Phon 2-0774. mb398 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD PLAYER plane. 117ft for quick sale. Phone 2-0192. n261 PIANO. SK5. Cell evanlng. 4-2925. 240 Boone Rd. n281' MUST SELL, will sacrifice man's pre war Wilson golf club. Irons. 3 woods; 34 calibre German automatic: ency clopedia. 20 volumes. Never used, radio-phone combination. Phona 27472. n283 1(0 BASS Cellini accordion. Cost 8450, I selling 1300. Practically new. phone 2-4634. D143 USED COIL bed springs. 88 50. Hon Bros. Used Store. 137 8. Com'L n282 1 uied walnut office table 1 ived oak typewriter dek 3 Used stenographer chain 0 uned walnut straight chair 1 urd iteel drawer file THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 141 No. Commercial St. n2S3' USED DAVENPORT At chair. 824.00. Hogg Bros. Used Star. 127 S. Com'l. n3S2 SOKE DAVENO, dlnnette set, screen door, small Instd door St frame. Phone 2521. n3l USED CONSOLE radio, S99 90. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 B. Com l. n283' CLOTHESLINE POSTS. Iron let for tables, furniture, railing, lie N. Lib erty. nJ49 BATTERIES ALL Car 80 95. 87 Oft. Ex change 12 month guarantee. Open till 9 oo daily. Lytic Tire sftrt. S293 USED DESK, 829 7ft Hogg Bros. Cied store, 137 s. com L a2S3' atngrr tred. Oood sewing condi tion. Guaranteed. Cash prtce, 39 94. Singer Sewing Center 139 N. Com'l. (Open Friday evening! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS , I OLD PAVEXO bed. 020.00. Hogg Bra. ud stor. 131 a. coa l n" RADIO-PHONO COMBINATIONS We are evtrjiocked. Your chose f any stegl speed la atara. (tft-fta. 8 speed. 88 J up. Recorder. T9t. Radios, 5 00 up. TRADER LOU tJL 181 LANA AVt nJM DEEP9REEZB HOME free Mrs. Tester Appliance On, 37ft camkta St. Pnea S-4311. SPECIAL! .'- ONE WEEK Mew S laser light weigh psrtabl sew ins machine. Round bobbin, sees forward aad revers. eutssaatkt tealea. binged ex floating foot. ONLY $108.50 Include free estng lessons. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. CornX (Open Friday evening) RECAPS, aee-1. sO-ftft. Open Sunday's. Lyties Tire Mart. n393 14 CUBIC foot Deepfreea. 8200. Pbon 8-774. , B ADDING MACHINES. Used hand elec tric. Clary Multiplier. 197 Fairgrounds Rd. 3-5374. n295 IS CU. FT. G. E. Commercial Refriger ator. Doubi door, ideal lor farm, home, restaurant or tavern, t yeara old. Only 1298.95. Teeter Appliance Co, 875 Cheuieketa St. Phona 3-4311. n CASH REGISTERS, from 830 up. Clary Multiplier, 1970 Fairground Rd. 3537ft. a24 mm projector 612.50 10 mm sound projector (13 TRADER LOUIE. 1870 LANA AVE n33 ADDING MACHINE, i mall portable. Price 457.50. rnon 2-5375. D383 BOY'S LARGE site blcicle. 822.50. Wash- ing macntne, lit. Zenith console radio. 825. Phon 3-8340. n282 New Preexer at Wholesale TRADER LOUIE. 1173 LANA AVE n28S USED ELECTRIC range 135.00 up used wringer wasners, come like new, sev eral better used refrigerators all priced for really quick sale. Ifaster service stations inc., 30ft N. Commer cial. Ph. 3-4163. n26J ITaUtri atavtrl U.'.lni.l ..kin.. machine. Sew forward and rsvevM. Look Ilk new. Ournted. Oaly 074 50. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Com'. , (Open Friday evenlgnsl n38S BETSY ROSS Spinet Piano. Excellent eoDoiuon. vau 4-843. 1210 34. 14th. n289 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS. 1918 Berry, pnon 2-2546. a282 SCOOP Oct your Wcstlnghous clothe dryer now 6169.9ft. Yeater Appliance Co.. 97ft Chcmtkcta. Phona 3-4311. n Klectrolux Vacuum Cleaner lata model all attachments 839.50. TRADER LOUIE, 1870 LANA AVE. n283 80.0 ALLOWED for your old water neater. Hegardiess of condition or make, on n new Wei tins house auto mat electric water heater, with a 10 year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co., 37ft Chemckcta St. Phon 3-4311. a Harlay Davidson Motorcycle, tip-top 1125 TRADER LOUIE. 1870 LANA AVT n383 GOOD USED washer. 816.05 At up. YeaU er Appliance Co. 37ft Chemeketa St. Phon 3-4311. . n SAWDUST TIRES. 070-15, fl 95. Lytle's Tire Mart. Phona 4-0033. n293 HOSPITAL BED for al or rent. B. L. still Furniture Co. Phon 3-9184. a GOOD USED refrlierators, 34950 At up. Yeater Appliance Co., 37ft Cbemekta St. Phon 3-4311. n Terrific Bargain In bedroom suites. TRADER LOUIE. 1070 LANA AVE. nJ(l USED ELECTRIC Range. 019 95 At up. Yeater Appliance Co, 37 Chemeketa St, Phon 3-4311. b PLASTIC-KOTK require no waxing for your noora or linoleum. Teeter Ap pllsnc Co, 37S Chemeketa St, Phon 3-4311. B SOMETHING NEW The WTJaUAMSBURO PIANOFORT, a piano that need not go against a wait. Be it at WILTSEY MUSIC HOUSE 100 Stato n:n PIANO BUYS! BCHROEDER. II" DPR., RcpiNiauED isn.o, PRACTICE PIANO. REBUILT 1 W CmCRERI.NO, SMALL. ROSE WOOD IB P ESTET SPINET. MAH. tn.M BABT ORAND. REPIN. REBUILT Mo OO LESTER SPINET U.k, Olffr WCRLITZER SPINET. OAUAOED s.vo 75.00 OVER OTHER BEAUTIPUL INSTRUMENTS TO SELECT PROM. ENCH, DELIVERY, TUNING FREE! STONE PIANO CO. 11M But. Pb. 1-MI1 OH1- ORGANO BARGAIN F1U any piano. Por Immediate al will diicount 41500 00. A buy. If instru ment meets your needs. STONE PIANO CO. 1380 Stste St. ph. 2-3SI GARAGES On your lot, to your specifications. 80 months to pay. Free estimates. BORKMAN LBR. At HDWB. CO. 3400 State St. Ph. 3-3701 nJl SET OP DIAMOND RINGS. Value 4475. Leaving town. Special. 8228. 13 t oe center, excellent Yasa sten. S v m - 0 p.m. 1965 Orant St. n293 Nlc assortment of desks (19 95 Chest of drswers ..I 9 95 Console radio ... 819.9ft OU circulator, rxcel. rtrxL ....819.9ft USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 S Uberty Pbon 4-0271 lAcrok the Street from Armory! TERMS OP COURSB nisi COED YORK trumpet. Excellent condi tion. One year. Pbon 4-163 ven:ni. nJM GIRL'S BICYCLE. Two student vlolkni. Best offer takes. 148 N. IJtb St. n33 By Ham Fisher