Wednesday, November 25, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orerw Pa IS Capital jh. Journal HOME PACE or Flowers This Winter, Sow or Set-out Annuals IN 38 Parales enjoy a cool, moist environment. Growinr flowers in the mid- idle of winter is a horticultural jfeat more or leu restricted to imlld climatei An Intelligent (election of plants is also nec ejaary. You can sow seed or transplant seedlings now and produce flowers during the r inter months. Annuals are about the only i garden subjects that can be seeded now with expectation of bloom during the near fu- Mure. They have a compara tively ' short growing season and thus attain maturity much faster than perennials. Several varieties, as a matter of fact, will come into flower Just sev eral weeks after being seeded. Winter flowering annuals can be grown either from seed or from established trans plants available at all leading i garden supply stores. The I former method is slower but less expensive. A packet of CAPITAL Housewives Delight 111 N. High St seed costs but a few cents, yet will produce hundreds of flowers. On the other hand. the transplants cost more but flower faster. Frequently they are about four or five weeks old when offered for sale and may even be in flower at the nursery. One of the most popular winter flowering annuals is the stock; perhaps the best va. riety for atarting now is the Giant Winter Nice type, so named because it thrives dur ing the winter and blooms in about 10 weeks. The plants are pyramidal in shape and about 18 inches tall. Waved varieties are available In rose. light blue, yellow, crimson, blood red, white and several bl-colors. Other possibilities for mild winter conditions are: calendula, pansies, jnsps, pri mulas and African daisies. Modern Roses Withstand Cold How hardy are modern ros es? Can gardeners in sever climates expect good result! from their prise plants? All-America Rosee Selec tions, an association ' of the country's leading growers and introducers, reports that mod ern roses are surprisingly hardy and standards area ex pected to Improve steadily. Tests conducted by a mid west Rosee Society report on more than 2,300 plants observ ed under the most difficult conditions with no special protection show, that very few plants were killed by the sever temperatures. Of 18 All-America varlet tea tested, only 27 plants were lost out of a total of J55 test ed, a 7 per cent loss. Four teen other varieties selected at random showed a 13.7 per cent less with 48 killed out of a total of 3S7. Violent fluctuations In tem perature subjected the roses to the most difficult condl tions imaginable. Within space of two and one half weeks, the thermometer went from a balmy 60 degrees Far enheit to 13 degrees below ! ro. Snow, sleet and wind also were prevalent during most of the testing period. Sidney B. Hutton, president of AARS emphasized, howev er, that winter protection In cold areas should not be aban doned by any gardner. "The chances are," he said, "that not a single plant would have been lost had protection been applied. These tests prove that with simple precautions, the home gardner can pro tect his prize plants even un der the worst conditions." BY MARK M. TAYLOR JDWl$69M .A 1. That Japanese Spurge or Pachysandra, is one of the best evergreen ground cov ers available for shsdy loca tions? 2. Shore Juniper (Junip perus Conferta) does best In a dry sandy situation at the seashore, making an excellent evergreen ground cover? 3. That one of the most re cently discovered native shrubs of Oregon is Kalmlop- sla Leachiana, a diminutive evergreen adaptable for rock garden use? It prefers a hum usy soil and a sunny location. 4. That the Sweet Bay, or laurel, haa been used In gar dens since the time of the an' cient Greeks and Romans? S. Oil from the fruit of Laurel is used in making per fume. 8. That the seeds of hoi lies take two years to germ- UU 2-1500 C&K LUMBER YARD Unuiler 4 Center Sh. Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 8. High fa. 45751 . Ji it I $2 i lit Ibedraam 1 I ifo'!-s - eljSsRjijj ewwin 1 ' Amaryllis Gives Fine Results In Flowers for Least Care ' By MARK M. TAYLOR Of the many striking beauti-, should b potted by the end of PLAN $365 Indoor-Outdoor living is exploited iu this plan for a house erected by the Long Island Home Builders Institute and AFL building trades unions as a contribution toward raising funds for 13 community hospitals. Materials, equipment and services were donated by more than 150 associate members of the institute. The house is offered as a prize in a hospital fund raising campaign. Features Include doors at both ends of the garage to create covered play space for children in bad weather. A picture window adjoining the living room fireplace extends into the finish ed basement, where plants and vines grow up from the basement through the living room level. Sliding glass walls, merge living room and terrace, where a barbecue fireplace la provided in the massive multiple chimney. The house covers 1,583 square feet without porches and garage. It waa designed by Matern & York, architects, 80-04 161st St., Jamaica 2, N.Y. inate, and sometimes three years? 7. The Salt Tree (Holim odeendron) is a recommend' ed shrub with pale purple, fragrent flowers in clusters that does extremely well In heavy limestone soil or near the seashore. , 8. The Franklinia shrub or tree was found growing wild in the 1770s but has nev er been found in the wild since, all plants being de scendants of the original "find"? . 8. That the flowering cherry trees this fall have taken on brilliant tones in their coloring? 10. Redrein Enkianthus is a fine shrub for the arid soil garden, with yellow or or ange, bell-shaped flowers In pendlulous clusters. . having brilliant red autumn foliage and not enough used in our gardens. Question Planting Trees Need Floors That Can Take It? Even the heppest hep-cat, (he jitterieir jitter-bug can't mar the beauty of play room floors protected with vinyl plastic floor tile from NORRIS-WALKER. And hew easy it it to Install NORRIS-WALKER vinyl plastic floor tile at heavy-traffic spots throughout your haute. Wa'll give you all the helpful hints it takes to do your floors this very weekend! We'll Help You Be Your Own Home Decorator 0 mwmmw iiniiPfWwf VnO FRONT IT WET (7W4-1179 ILF- By MARK M. TAYLOR O I hi t loiit Crpriw plant tstds snl from Ttxss. I DltDtexl sttd n flat. OrowlDl aicchr but let bow llk titer sort of folded up for winttr. So far havfj koot them euiakle. Art the cllmbtr vim or trailer vine, and should X keep the to In cool, dry plica or plant outaMo bow. x aart mkm versvi 01 nr friends about their., but no one aeenu to know inythlna auout themr H.r. Ana. It U difficult to tall which or the several apaclea of Cypres you havo there are trtea, shrubs, ereeptnf around flovera ana vinos, nil vine irpt annual of the Hsrnini Olory family. Apparently your trouble la startlnt the sreda Is the common one of "damplni off" which could bo prevented by sterllls tnt the sou In tho flat before plan tint by runnrnf bollln water throvih it or br using a chemical soil dlsmlsctant, DO. A lltht pprai-lns; now with weak solution of a common household chtort ated disinfectant may c:ear up your trouble, but chances are these seedlings re beyond recovery. However. U these seeds were of tho Arltona Crpreaa. which native to Texas, too, the chances ro tbey will still come through all right. Bring thorn Into pro We tod location to avoid tho cold lhU. ill Pampac Orass rurrlve seashore locations? O. L. Ana. Tea. though It mar winter kill. There to a good substitute, however. In Pampas urass. Zebra Orass might also be Plume Orass, sometimes called the hardy interesting. Q is this the right time U novo two small trees to a new location? Mrs. X. B. Ana. Tee. Tbey art dormant when tho leatM have fallen and may bo safe ioved. Be sure to get all of the roots. Make the new hole one foot larger than the spread of the roots, get tree at same depth, water In well and support. If nec essary, by gun to stskei driven in ground nesrby. Jll'p guy wires through a section of old host where it loops arouna tret trunk to prevent binding or chaf ing. By MARK M. TAYLOR I The time for planting dor mant trees ia now in full swing! Use strong, healthy stock. Planted now they will continue growing for sev eral weeks, establishing a good root system for the es sential sprfng growth. Do not permit the roots to dry out eve;, slightly before planting. A good practice is to cover the roots with wet burlap while preparing the planting hole. If this is not convenient, place foots in a tub of water until ready to plant. Dig a hole at least 12 inches larger than the spread of the roots so they will settle and asume a natural posi tion. Loosen the soil in the bottom of the hole. Set the tree at the same depth it was planted in the nursery. (You can tell by this soil ring on the trunk of the tree.) In all space under and around ihm mnte with auiil Viat haa I thr to elxbt weeks for control havi r.fihH with .... nd fa t. bit totle t anlmala so should been enriched with manure, k, w4 wlth c.ution. Further eipen. CompOlt Or peatmoss. Add menlini may determine a more affective hour . niiart f mmInt , t4 told fthOd el application. plant food, mixed with the soil for each 8 foot tree. Tamp soil around the roots slightly just enough to firm it and keep it standing erect. Soak the soil by filling with water after hole is xa full of soil. Cover remainder of hole with dry soil and add a mulch. Prune off any broken or dis eased branches and prune out about M of the top growth. If in a windy location sup port the tree by guys placed about the tree trunk, well padded and fastened to stakes. Remove the guys as toon as you are sure the tree will stand by Itself. Q--0hou!d evergreen trees be fertilised no? H. I. Am. Delay extensive fertilising until flprlnr. New growth hould not b stim ulated now or a sudden eoio snap couia do much damage. Q What can I do with chrysanthe mum still blooming but, having no pro tection, art being damaged by wind and rain? Urs. a. I. Ana. Either provide a covering to shield from wind and rain or you -can till pot them up nd move to a pro tected spot. Soma of them are very ef fective as hous decorations U pilots are shapely. ! q u trtert any chemical that will kill ; weeds before they emerge from the ' ground, or art broadleived weeds the j only ones affectively killed afttr growth j ha. bosun? B. B. j Am. There la a new chtmtcal Kaph th.l Phthilamta Add. whlefa Is reported Fill I to wo effective on pre weed, lambs ausr- ICrtt CiHCnweejej, rat wrwu. .miw -" 1 crab grata and other common weoos. O Ti n too lste to plant a town now? c. St. Ana. Probably, for good ated germina tion as we may have pretty heavy frosts soon. Better to wait now until Spring and bo sure. However, yon can prepare the ground, letting what weeds will grow and remova them or kill them, thereby lightening your Uk In tho eprlng. Q Lawb haa spots of slimy a tuff un derneath grass. What la this and how can you control ItT B. k. A at. This la a condition due to the decomposition of wasto matter such sut grass clipping which mar have filtered down through tho grass leaves next tho soil. Spraying the apota with DO, soil disinfectant may solve your prob lems or the use of n sulphur spray. possible, rake out this material before apraylng. x Q I have a hotly tret 11 years old that has never borne berries. Why and can I help It to do this? Urs. J. M, Ana, Hollies require pollen lilng to produce berries. Wale and femala plants must be planted to insure berries, riant berry bearing holly nearby and you will probably have success, or graft a bcrry-beartng branch to your present tree. Your nursery man can help you on this acore. Q X have read of a spray material that can bt applied to trees or shrubs when transplanting to prevent transpira tion or excessive drying. What u this? K. D. Aat. These art was emulsions not plastlt as many people believe. It transparent and pfrralts on hampered growth when the growth starts. Q Had aomo Aehlmenea trowing pots. They art throush flowering now. How should they be handled? Mrs. B. V. Ana. withhold water and store tubers In the pots they were grown In. Repot In Spring or plant outside If you wish. t How should tret roses bt protected for the Winter? Ura. o. P. , Aas. Port una tely, our Winter art not so severe that we must bend them down and cover them as Is necessary in many places. However, wind damage Is prev alent, so a windbreak of some sort la worth constructing. O- -Wa aia piasinlna ihm plantings around our new home. Please suggest flowering shrubs In yellow and orange colors Mrs. . W. I Ans. Por yellow flowers try forsythla, I J limine, hybrid brooms or kerrla. Por: orania flowers try asaleaa, flowering guinces. poms ran I te. Q What Is Polnclana and will It grow here? I hava read of this and am curious about Urs. C. T. Ans. This la a small tree or ah nib of the Pea family native tp warmer cli mates so will not aueceed here. Q Will the Bird of Paradlst grow here? Ura. H. B Ana. Not usually successful, though t havt seen plants that survived a mild Winter and bloomed well. Bontanleallr. It la Strelltla Regime. It can ba grown In the home greenhouse. The Wright brothers' first plane was damaged after Its fourth flight and never flew again. ful house plants available, per hapa the Amaryllis fives the biggest and boldest flowers for the least car. Amyrllla Is a genus of South African bulb ous plants that bear single, large ltly-llke pink, white, rose, red or purple flowers on a single solid stem. The true member of this genus Is the so - called Belladonna Lily which grows out of doors In warmer climates. For indoor flowering it likes a soil com posed of fibrous loam, leaf, mold and sand In about equal parts. It is a gluttonous feeder and during blooming period must be given frequent appli cations of a liquid fertilizer. One of the beat things about the Amaryllis is that with good care most bulbs will live from 15-25 years, or even longer! wnen potting a newly pur chased bulb, allow an inch of space around the side of the pot to allow for growth of the bulb and roots. Be sure drain age ia good in the pot or else the bulb may rot Set the bulb so at least half of it shows above the soil line. If a Christ mas blooming variety set the pot In a warm place. Others should be kept about 55-60 de grees F. Never allow the soil to become dust-dry. When you see a bud pushing its way through the. bulb, aet the Am aryllis in an east or south win dow. Give the pot a half turn every day so that the light is evenly distributed to all parts of the plant It necessary, you may have to usa pot sticks to hold these tall, heavy-laden stems erect. In the summer the pot can be sunk In the garden to extend the lives of the flow ers and to ripen the bulb. Different Species ' . ' Of the different species of Amaryllis, the following are important: Equestre A soft pink that grows abundantly In Florida and the south. Formoslsslma Sometimes called Jacobean Lily, a native of Mexico with bright crim son flowers. Halll Really Lycoria Squa migera and mistakenly called an Amaryllis. Johnson! Large red flow ers with white veins (often re ferred to as Hlppeastrum) and a native of South America. Us ually without fragrance and available in single and double flowered sorts. The flowers bloom several to a stalk from December to aummer. For patio gardens, window or porch boxes they are excellent.- The best sized Amaryllis bulbs to buy are those about the size of a tea cup. Dutch grower leave the roots intact which will speed up blooming so don't remove them. Bare bulbs must then grow roots aa well as tops quite an effort Involved! The bulbs can be stored at about 50 degrees until buds show then can be brought to light and warmth. The fancy leaf Caladlums make a colorful display. These are large-leaved herbs of the Arum family native to tropi cal America. They are grown for their colorful foliage, rath er than flower brilliance. The tubers are atarted top aide down on damp soil until roots start close to the crown when the tubers are reversed. Plants should be kept warm and be given frequent waterings after groth starts. These can be planted outdoors about two Inches deep after all danger of frost is past. Golden Calls Th Golden Calla is another highly decorative housa plant of the Arum family. The tubers October tor March and April nioom. callaa do best when kept at a temperature of TO degrees. Potted bulbs should be kept In a dark location and slightly on the dry side until the roots begin to form. Feed with a liquid fertilizer and keep at a moderately warm temperature from the time the rtalks appear. After through ilowerlng, gradually withhold water and store in a dark, cool place. Of the various callas, Elllottanna or Golden Calla, la the best tor Indoor pot cul ture .although Zatedesch Ethi opa, the white calla of the flor ists will perform very well. Gift plants of this calla can be readily transferred to the gar den after having performed in doors. They must rest a month or two, however, after bloom ing Indoors before being set outside in a rich humusy soil and In a sunny spot There is also a so-called black calla. Arum Palaestlnum and a red calla, Sauromatum Guttasm. Callas are often called Calla Lilies erroneously as they are not lilies. v Some food general rules for all house plants ! J, not to over- pot by placing amall plants In large pots; Insure proper drain age In pots; do rot till the pot ' with soil, leave at least a halt; Inch of space between top of soli and rim of pot to allow for watering; keep faded flowers picked and remove any seed pods that might form. Plants for Bouse . Some good pot plants for the house besides the ever pop ular African Violet Include: Polnsettia, Cyclamen, Gloxinia, Primroses and the popular. bulbs tulips, daffodils and hy-1 aclnths. Even gardenias, dwarf lemon trees, etc., hava gained a lot of favor aa house plants in recent years. Other suitable plants In varying favor ac cording to one'a personal tastes include: Wandering Jew, Ser pine. Rubber Plant and the large group of cacti and succu lents and, of course, a wide variety of ferns. Of the many house plants available to add color to .the home, I think that many1 of our Make Do Drawer -partltlaaa tor. storing small items neatly can be made with Irregular wood strips, nailed, glued or screwed to th drawer bottom. Smalt items slid easily up the sloping face of th strips, instead of catching In corners. . dwarf flowering shrubs are the most attractive. Asaleaa and miniature rose com In this category. 1 Th secret of success with them is plenty of light and free calculation of air and dally watering. We have discussed her only th blooming plants or ones with colorful leaves. Then are many other plants frown, prin cipally for their foliage or exotic shape such as Ivy, San-' cevleria, Phllodendros and Sax Befonlas. - Shrubs, Plants, Flowers : Salem's Largest Beleetlen ' SERVICECENTER lt55 Ind, West Salem -M. 41571 , FOR GARDEN PROBLEMS CAU. 4-567S ' ' BRYDOH'Slr- 5ALEN VENETIAN BLINDS UPnU SHAH iDWBY SHOT 'FormeVlr ftcnholdt A LewU 260 i. 21st SI. then 4 1S56 ri bedrooms S7 sq. ft. I .-8250 N , mi Salem's blaaesf home) valuel S for yoursrfl ' Mrfl t.m pji, ,frttne Sslvrrfey fid Sr Jar, NflW ck end Hf,l 3 to. H, Mme etsfrkt, Savtli Setoff. . hm-071 ai I- MADE TO ORDER Standard Sliei in Stock A comnlet line of custom built fireplace screens and fixtures. All tvtei. All sizes. Available in solid brass or any finish desired! See our complete display. . D0UGHT0N HARDWARE ft. 14711 155 (sari W Give ZC Greea Stamps Winter's Coming . . Better SEE RADIANT GLASSHEAT 1S40 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-4263 Custom Made Drupes Only the highest quality materials and th finest In workmanship. Com In and select from our wldo assortment of dropery materials in florals and solid colors from which you con hav your drapes custom mode to your exoct specifications. See th new fad proof Glosscloth now available. W also feature Kirsch Rods th finest In tro vers and curtain rods. Double-duty Kirsch Rods and all Kirsch repair ports also In stock. . . FREE ESTIMATES Capital Shade & Drapery Shop Formerly Relnholdt & Lewis 560 S. 21st . Fhn4-3 FERTILIZE NOW with Maudrones Organic Soil Builder Power Driven Law) Spiker to Rant H0W5ER BROS. 1115 S. 12th Ph.3-3646 Christmas Ideas For Your Green Thumb Friends Good Examples: POTTERY AND SHEARS Valley Farm Store 393S Silrerton Rd. Ph. 44624 Pre Inventory CLEARANCE WALLPAPER SALE 200 Patterns Formerly Priced to 3.S0 per roll Only 25c per roll McGilchrist & Sons 2S5 No. Commercial Wallpaper, Paints, Roofing ataasllaBllllllBBlllSBlSBlllllllllllllllBlllllllBllll i 1 1 -s assasallavsaa- This family tw its Mueller Climatrol isfomoffc Oil HfifJcj VAr u e wt e AiUy. Vtr UfmMI et Wtt WMfc MmM Mt whs mw nln Dm fu.l-HHty lf wwiilww M4. ' br Cllmaml l kMrttn wl Ml ym ! t MtiMSy wMl r M to mmn wayi n-aifis ' sjnsj hsjTttvtiSiiL Why Wt" Ml JV W.pkua mud k tm e fm kMfc to mt i rw Imm. Ui m r "' mm I eta. CaS m. f.luelfoCl.rcofro! D. E. COOPER & SON 540 Hood Phone 33603 t-.'.l 4