J Pi. 12 Wdneay. November 25, 1952 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. felt. Omw It it estimated than art Tl million motor vehicle la DM Flood Damages Pump Re4D0 PwOGwa4MS tnroug hout the world. ' Sweet Horn Riling war in tht Santiam river caused log to be puahed through one FRIDAY 4 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. ot tht pump tt tht water tta Uon damaging It badly., Re pair to tht pump will be effect ed ai toon at falling wtter will permit, according - to Water Superintendent Ward. , ITEVI lOfll i . . , , L lAatbeooUtmL Tl ,W-7n f -THTrfr? "I iUCI jiJfL TfMKlM I 2481' ' WAHTKZBM.MH' SMrt SUnrt Sew two wardrobe. atretehinar aklna from a atrwle pattern I One Ja tailored with aad- tue pocaeia; vne ovier, sotienea oy unprenea pieaia. sou ver lioni feature baea Upper closing. No. 34M Is eat In walit alas 77. M. as. 38. io. . -in. Hue at Each skirt takes only 3 yds. 9-m. Skirt wiUi pocket. IK yd. aa-in. Send Me for PATTER! with Kame, Address, Style Ntimber and Site. Address PATTERN BU REAU. Oapltai Journal. 053 Mu tton street, San Franciaoo 6. Calif. FEEL RELAXED! In tht northern hemisphere about 60 per cent of the earth' surface It under water end in the (outturn temls- phere, about 10 per cent Carol Curtis Pattern 1 s" ""aw. 21711 A H It K mm tn oous AY Christmas Gifts!- DoU clothes cleverly out for simplified int each Item In Just one pat tern piece. Even aa a last-mln-ute gift you can tarn out a com plete wardrobe in no time flat. No 217 la cut for 14. 16. It, 30 in. dolla. Bach Item leea than one yard of fabric. Please order by le. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Addreae, Style Number and Site. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal. M3 Mil lion street, San Francisco 6. CaUf . Ease that teisfoa Chew Wrigtcy't Spearmint Cuts. Pleasant chewing reduces ttriia. Help you feel relaieA ' Enjoy it anvtirat. anywhtr. na good for yo 'Sit ROOM BOARD I TOLD VOd ABOUT FOGHORN PUFFLE INVITING AAE ON A FREE TRIP TO SOUTH AMERICA WHEN HE GETS HIS PAPERS AS FIRST MATE ON A BIG FREIGHTER MAKING THAT RUN -SO IF VOUU BE NICE 10 HIM, He MlbHl INVticTTJU TOO VOU SAID HE WAS JUST ON SHORE BETWEEN SHIPS-BUT from what I Gather. HE HAD A JOB SINCrH LAST SPRING SELLING i ivp Rait and RENTING ROWBOATS A fSTB BAOCINTrlS bus PLemr ROOM"; . IN TEXAS if He was FRESH WATER. rAT ,h ODE STIC OL TflSHg m5v eIIa verIIpSS E vFRllPf NTlTjf Nfl lEINIIITIEINITHAlRlklSl acboss L Wheeled vehicle 4. Parent . Perils 12. Single unit IS. Spoken 14. Not any 25. Performed M. Meeting lor consul ta ttoo Si. One who tranafars property tO. SUms 31. RodVnt 31 Scent 34, American Indiana 3a. Preaantly 37. Orb of day 10. Interrelation 13. Decide 34. Clea, lain 35, Cupbearer of the f odi 17. Military force J. Father St. Wing 40. Speed 43, Calm or peaceful 47, Advantagaoat 4. Adlecuve aufflx (0. Aitrlniac aalt H. Walktnf atick 33, Teutonic water apnte li. Cards nut below the Jack M German riTer as. Secured 5 mIaVJlIIL dgr Eg h e njOP eTaTs tjb& r E C gSsTsECTfrsCSR H APlfE EIEP E N N Solution ef Veatarday'a Puule OOWN L Cloainr meaauret of emuaical compoaitloa llndiio plant 3. Addreu again 4. Sharp end . Italian river CCuitomer ' M H I' f "J4 I4 l" I" a ' - jj tt IT f 1 71 T-TS (,,:, sTTi ''"", 'tr T" ti Ui jy 3S" F n IT f rsr jt --J7- o-,;,. ,. -ir fY w irpr 7r sr -j,w 3T " 5 'fg- 33" !"3T ' xr mm ftmw&ummjn ' ir Kse1wss, .sew isfiL. ., POOO , ITT r .lH evVEU MOgg Vl JUT iVTHgn fcxl iKAN I V gTUVTlMl gtAW YfH,CXHY At? 1 PO60K, COaCH.lU 1 UK3XY SO INTO ONNA PUT TutNM SOTTA WTAC 1 IUS tPfOUIKr? MlPP 10&kJ&OClU3 I Of TH frOZt04Vl'JfO-Ori t BlOM' ittUlti UIT TO Be ON ) MlPPIt HOUtt ANO ROOMfe VMM. I I I 7 X I i .VA TH t-k I la, i. I I V I AT 1 1 I V -Ba7 V V eV . I iw 1 I (V' SjaV Ilv V i "v tii 1 ;-,5ija V" I J5t-rV i, JT1 ORPHAN ANNIE I " ",T "s f THose twombO w prtboh? T txavMvx no-but S I Lj TMAfwwsrvwa twf Muwrnowe mcreuttnkski vss-rHoTY J mho him tt thb I it mm ti VQSSf- " WVEDAMJJOH I I AM-DK YOU I D WOUKT- I CAR THAT PICKED It O.tl'SCMt" I wOMKSW-rVER TOOtrtHBJ. i KNOW THEM W-M-?) PRORwHOHM. I "'? ) J DON'T WOBRV, THANK VO1.' WMV,TMET JTf CCH.'! I Ta rH' T WlO(.-TH' UAFF 4 f SO M AN D OVCR TW ' VI LAOlES.?-A(Cl.L I M-WIIVT . MAN-EATIN"-??- Y1 -THAR lAFf i ON MONCCT ABC.'.'- 'AM f LI'L. BACHClOtt. V MEW(0' ffa BEAST? T TMAft'SNO l NEVER , . ON TMI4 H SAtXE HAWKINt CMO.f-Vl EF VO- Pll ASK Jf I KTJST rifesA . ASTTMA!r yf was. ncs ) da-,an vo lethim V nata a Akin an t ooinv Inwinuunu vnrDivt i I . L 6owtY,juo5,eur we cornered wf an hi6 chjn i Wxctnlwt.. yV 1 I I . TTS A WHITEWASHED I I PARK) AT TH' CJRXE-R.T(fTW' I K. ' Tfi , If THAT ANIMAL INTO 1CIRCLE-B BRANP AN R1PPEN BY I WE IjOCttEP TK' l Kl 1 ;l II THrS COURTROOM I WP CRAVEN TH' NkaHT HE ROPE I BUNCH OF EM THAT6 A N I t I I THAT'a, THP . I arm t. ir w.im nu'jiAcn k I I utu( in am' i rucu 1 Nil I m . "TL. I I PfaEICWr H0R6E HOPAU3N6 CA6610Y AN' II fJROUSHT Klf 1 CANT PROVE I Hil V nT 3 r 1.1 I -Vv 6UNNEP POWN HI6 OWN UNCLE' I HERE ! THIS I ANYTHING J 1)1 1 1 aW 1 Z'iA 1 MUTT JEFF 1 r.r61 I WHATAgE VOL) fTHe CUV ITS SIMPLE Y WHICH ONE ? F-aiAr. .r-i a - J I DOING UNDER J T7 SAVS HrLt- JUST STAV 1 1 60T A DOZEN.' c-K P1HEU.Q JEFFI Kthe bjd?Jh'!!!g.! N shoot me awavprom Khedidnt W I REX MORGAN. M.D. DONALD DtCK " ' JiCi-tt- lfe L-T-rrr-rl ICbJill 1H I ?1 ! J Mi I L . rtwi -m-s-LS I It! r I . Kll-li I I ' I 1 f-1 1 UL 1 I I f .1 - I I N: i - P"V t , 1 MART WOBTB ' f"tw7 e or Mceoe RuNNlti 1 TR('f J tTwW-t-Trf?a -JW aV 1 I H kit ) lareorwa M ar Ken attaataM rWotam Vis para w aow aia ma nt Tuinw aa aiwr a u Dan w aon aie ra aiw Braaalaaa rata Baa j:'4j ran tim laoiM at raa a f cuit a ch k a ftm Mm. wtBa IvoDI BJant Nm iwtaffil araakiaat aoCO aua I f? cHiio aa. am at. imi aruataaa ma aoco ai e.aaHm n MttnM aiuafaaa Brtaal IKOIMi 7.JJ . ibaM a.m aa aa a a uniM tt I r Na araaiaaa (Ml Bran Nm aoco Klaae , I'll ow w am na r.Ur aiui xm aoco aia i'lt Matfa Baa Ma aiaMl iraalaal aiua aplr aoCO IM m mu b anuaia cia aiaia luai ana na i t Mm W. Warn D. e ' :lt Jala Ran AaM J T.rl Hal CraanUn Baaaata t-M Bae Btlai Treat " hu CaM anka nil t:U tattaaa Oal aamtof Bataaaa 0aa tMaa l:la.atira Baa. Baa Ufa ' C. Bratai- oT Unit Baaa lt:IS ranr au raralaa Taar Maatla Tito ta Mr. etartka ttiataa :3 Itrat Blck Dr. Mtltat Mr Traa BalU Btja Mr. aarta Ban :45 airiaa aata oataa Luai aura Baiua. Ba. Mr. wrta Baaaraa II :M Ba Baa Mra. Bartaa Wklartf Lullat' rait Stw Bare 11:15 r. frUatltai r. Hihi GUI Murla um' Ftlr ima Baaarta ll:3rferaaa fan Xarak Brakt Nan Qaan lac Baiaw Bara 11:45 MaMaak ratlBrlaaiar DajBaa tcJ Dr ! Ina nt aite.1 bodi te u, a.ta. to u a-at hex art, t aa t at. ' DIAL LISTING KOAC, I5 Ifftir Tiaaraeaa r.n.1 t-aa. taua- ma.r ami aatr-ij raai'a TBaalaai I ta. Barava Baeaall a:ta, Nm, Weatktci tta- hbv Taaataai t aa, Uataai aiA MteiuUMi Uiaa, am on. vrkr rvw-vw waalkari met, Ctaitll BaUi lt:ea. Nawa aai Wtathan l:ae. rnaek MatUi I aa. oil ktUi t:te. fae HENRY By Carl Andtrton By Abtra T. Beverage i. Metal with neallaihaa oxpanaloa . undtrkeat a. aur up 10. Dillaeed 11. Tidlnra 17. rrench river 1. Comfort 33. Quantltr ef medicine 14. Vara 39. Colt pea 3d. New Teatamenl epeUing 37. Wandering 3. German city 19. Irench marshal U. Started BuddenlT eaide SI Soft mineral St. Decapitate M Sialka M. Chang 40. Warrr.th 41. Sptndta oa which a wheel turne 43. Made th-aad 44. Feminine name 45. Medley 4. Naarett in place 4a. rroaea water Granddaughter of Survivor Of Whitman Massacre Dies Coeur d'Alene VP) Mr. Mary Canfield Ferrell, 87, granddaughter of the only white, man to escape the Whit man massacre . Nov. 29, 1847, died here Tuesday. She had been ill about a week. Mra. Ferrell's father, Oscar F. Canfield, a a boy of 12 also escaped death in the mas tecrc at Walilatpu, near Walla Walla, Wash., when the Indians struck down missionary Mar cus Whitman and his white male followers. The former Mary Canfield was 12 yean of age in 1878 when her parents moved to the present city of Coeur d Alene which was the same year Fort Coeur d'Alene was established. The family homesteaded here and for many years Canfield furnished beef for soldiers at the fort. Mrs. Ferrell regarded Coeur d'Alene as her home for the last 75 years. She lived for a time in California with her grandparents. After her mar riage to William Ferrell, she lived at Ferrell, Idaho, on the St. Joe river. Her bus band es tablished the town more than SO years ago. Mrs. Ferrell often related how her grandfather was able to hide in the willows near the Whitman mission for three days after the massacre. He walked for nine days and nights to the Spalding mission at Lapwai, Idaho, af.er that for help. North Howell New Factory For Lebanon Lebanon Construction of a manufacturing plant to produce a machine which will fashion a new design of building block will start soon on the new South Gate shopping center lite south of Lebanon. The firm will be Shake Block, Inc., headed by Guy Scaltreto president; Clarence Davis, vice president, and Leonard Kuske, general manager. The plant will make ma chines to turn out a revolu tionary designed building block made either from pumice rock, cement, or tuftstone. The mak lng of the block itself is not contemplated. When the concern is in oper ation next summer, from SO to 60 persons will be employed. First units of the machine are being constructed now at Hobbs Machine shop, Lebanon. Continuation of the manufac turing Is planned there until the new factory is built. Material contents of the block are similar to ones now on the market, but the design It new. When constructs Into a wtU, it gives a shake appear ance, shedding water faster, and preventing seepage through the block. Air pas sages inside the block afford high Insulation qualities. It also has outlets for electrical boxes already constructed into the blocks, cutting building costs. Tht machines will be sold on a nation-wide basis, and with the sale of a machine goes a franchise for block building rights in that territory. ' A unit of talesmen will toon be placed la the field, covering every state in the union with headquarters here. The new block construction does not require stucco or in sulation from dampness and gives exterior personality to tht wall, along with durability and low cost in construction. Exterior color it applied with concrete dye, which is applied lik paint, North Howell Mr. tnd Mrs. Andrew Hall drove to Fossil, Ore., recently to get Mrs. Hall's parents who will make their home with the Halls this winter. A jitney supper to start at 6:30 p.m. was planned for the Dec. 15 meeting by the PTA Tuesday. Harold Bartsch presided and the meeting irt well attended. Mrs. John Campbell, the teacher at North Howell, gave a talk on "What's right with our achools." Conrad Gunderson and Har old Dunn are co-chairmen for the jitney supper. The chicken dinner and chrysanthemum show put on by the North Howell Grange was well attended regardless of weather. Dinner was served to about 200. Mrs. Ada Spencer of Port land Is spending the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Amy Beer. She came to see her mother, Mrs. Louisa Johnson, who is ill. Lebanon Jobs Going Begging Lebanon Interest In the coming Waterloo city election Dec. 7 appears lacking, so far as candidates for the various offices are concerned. With the deadline for filing now past, five officers have no seekers. Candidates who did file are not opposed. Mayor Douglas Gates has filed for re-election, at has the recorder. Beda Pearson. Five councilmen have re-filed. They are Joe Hetterschied, Lee Dob son. Walter Ashlock, Chester Pearson and -lim Plymell. Sue Lidstrom, former coun cil member, has moved from the area. No one has filed for that spot, nor for the two new ly created posts on the coun cil which will give the city eight councilmen. There were no filings for the office of marshal or treasurer. Present treasurer is Polly Thomas. Marshal Robert Mil ler resigned before moving to Sweet Home and the city Is now without benefit of head law enforcement officer. .