Wcdntadmy. November 25, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sate. Ore Paga 11 4 i I i r, - ,J ' J 'if'.-".'J'". . 4 - - GO frying it for Size (Nor. Z tries en Hurt with an aatlst from dob president Walter F. O'Malley in the Dodders' oftlee in Brooklyn, N.Y. Alston, 41, succeeds Chuck Dressen. The new Dodg er pilot, a native of Hamilton, Ohio, was at the helm with the Montreal Royals a Dodger farm club last sea son. (AP Wlrephoto) 'Chart Shows 1130 Miles in New York AV-University of Oklahoma football teams have gained more than 130 miles by running in the last eight sea ions. This year, for the first time, the Sooners may win the national major col'ege rushing title. Figures " released by the NCAA Service Bureau Wednes day showed the Sooners not only a mere two yards behind Cincinnati in the race for ball carrying honors with one game left for each, but disclosed an unmatched sustained perform ance since 1S48. In that span, opened by Coach Jim Tatum the first year and continued by Bud Wilkin son ever since, Oklahoma has the best winning percentage in the country, the highest rush ing yardage total and has been among the top 10 rushing teams each year, placing second in 1949 and 1952. This year's figures are 2,759 yards for Cincinnati, an aver age of 306. yards a game, and 2,757 for Oklahoma, or 306.3. That makes sn eight year to tal of 22,889 yards rushing for SCORES in Capital Alleys INDUITIUL NO. 1 Hm4 If Mra it U) B. Bwood ill, S Cwerott 4M. . BhlpVM 4fl, B. WUiaJU Mi, D. BlUCh Mt. Cl Pftk U Luc 403, X. Wtuaar 44, P. Hln at Ml. Jk WtrbowtU 447, T. BclWtdM ttr 443. f.it.l Clark 4. Burkhtrt 4M, B SchwteTttaabarf St. 4. XHlir Ut. U. HuUtr M, D. Tort MOB 114. SftleaB rllc (It D. NkhoUoa 4. B. FntM 411. W. OaVaU 443, C. Grata 44C, If. Hathtra 127. NttlMUl Battery 1)0. Uwl. 441, A Ctmtrer. 444, IV Mod 441. W. Willi 431. H. Bavrtholomaw 444. Elks ) T. Trmnpaon 477, C. JUim 444. 4. Cfter r! niton 404, l McKinntr 4M, T. rrr 4S4. Jim'm ieWlal) Barrloa J. Mt CallUtar 411, H. livrrtU 44T. B. Clark 412, D. Alhlr 434, & Hurtf 4)1. VJ hr Matar C. lt J. Parity 411. O. vrtroyar 403, A. Hoi ana 404, C. Parktr 441. X. Bullock 41. Stovaaa Jawalar t X. Clark 4M. J. Alfer'.cb til. U onaa 414. B. Oaddaa 404, J. OlntJ 430. l.a Lk (I) P. Arrta 443. 4. Xcklar 411. D. Drtiar 444, A. Lwii 445. O. Ller4 404. Carlr'a Dairy (ti K. VaUta 44, L. lanltr .. J. BciUmbtrt 440. L. W- luod 400. A. Wrltbt 413. Marriowar Milk Hi D. Broua 100. j. Mcrariana 4iz, Htlitrom 434. M. Caaa MV. 4. Brows 414. Hlh ttam oant Klwood'4 aUaonrr, 93. Hlth Uih Mrlaa Itmna Jifftliri, 347). Hit h Intl. aaraa Leurr BUnlay mt Curly Dairy, 344. Hliti inc. Mill Jack Olner of Btevtoa Jtwiltra, 430. INDt'RTRIAL NO. B Hv Rrotbtra 4Q. Mum 447. H. Coa , T. Lannlaan 004. M. Cartar Oil, P RayaoVda 414. Waal Silm HarOwar (0)D. Bchmltt 374, H. Waektn 441, J. ChtTrlaitoa 441, J. Bchlmbari 304, C. I la 431. SnlUnr Jaka lac. 4 H. land It 4M D NoW urll 434, C. Hannum 444. H KremvaU 401, B. HalMn 443. Kaa PotU ItiHraaM 4R. Bchnall 403. D. Pry 411, T. Kay 401, J. Johoaon 403, B. Sul livan Mo. VaUtr OU Co. (4 A. Waratr 400. 4. Mtna 433, M. Lira 474. V. H enrich 404, B. Clatutn 440. Kaaar'a Bal Brtato (4 L. Bruaa 04, M. Amunda 3T, K. H1U 421. O. WHUama 434. T. Olbaoa 473. Proak'a mt Ban 3 H. 33 ood 400. O. Ac brother 441. L. Boirt 401, T. HorrU 413, B. aulllran 474. Part Iaa4 Gaa aad Coka 411 L. Laudla 393, J. Keller 400. B. Btalar 444. T. Pcndat aat 471. L. WeatPhal 407. Reiser Mereaaata () O. Brewltr 4M. M Powell 414. J. Cornier 441. D. Whlto 440. B. Urera 414. Browa'a Jtvtlart (1 V. Hauten 430, H. Bam we 11 400, C. Hauien 400, 4, Taylor 404, H. Hautaa 431. MeCaao Paad ale (3 B. Thorn pi on 474. W. MeCuaa M. L. OdOtn 447, B. wnkaiu 054, H. Comatock 430. Beeba and Wadiworth fit -H. Rarthnlome 4T4, w Martin 401. L sualoy til, B. Roovra 4D3 O. Ciutey 444. Htcb team aaaa and aerlaa 043 and 3741. Hlth lad. aamt Bill ftallrvaa of Proaka Hou c Rut, 343 Hltb tad. ?) Hirod Conutoek of McCuao Pood sloa, 030. University Alleys MERCANTILE MO. 1 Baldar Btootrta 414 T. Morrto 301. L. MtCaia 430, A. Jaeobaoa 444. J. Cooear FAN FARE ai s "" iii Walter (Willy) Alston, appointed manager of the Brooklyn Dodters Sooners Gain 8 Seasons the Sooners, or 289.7 a game. In total offense, Cincinnati holds a comfortable margin over Texas Tech, 422.8 ysrds a game to 280.9, and in scoring the positions are reversed but the margin is smaller, Texas Tech averaging 38.2 points a game to Cincinnati's 37.8. West Virginia has tallied 322 a game, perfect record Maryland 29.8 and unbeaten but tied No tre Dame 28.8. The passing title is sure to go to a Pacific Coast team, but Stanford, the leader is in a fine spot to have the end of Its sea son marred by the same crowd that spoiled its beginning, Col lege of Pacific. Stanford ia through for the year with 179.5 yards a game by passing. College of Pacific which upset the Indians in the season opener, has 174.9 and a game with Utah State coming up Thursday. ' No one "tlse is close. Washington is 10th at 136.9. Many birds have little or no sense of smell. . . the ALLEYS 400, n. Arthur 444. Ihmk Motor ( C. Hotlachtr 143. K. Hailay 430, B. buck 471. B. Orleai 110. A. Wajoa 437. KkaalOM Ptro (0) P. Ada 444. J. Pallon 400. H. Ntcbola 474, B. Lou 401 R. Duffy 7. Crftcrafi Tium U W. Rodko 371, IB. Bowcut 4, D. Hardy 40ft. . mmpp m. crareroft 441. Oyor an 4 Ban . ). aim. ona 441. K. BoLaar 433. T. Roaka 4S0. B. Talbot 030, B. Cook 471. Mooiry fhrnr- iay (-. Colllna 173. Jnhunn i&i Uootrr 431. O. DooaMooB 417, 4V SmlUi 421. Narr-Martaa n t nnM 317, J. Oartotr 307, Johaaoa 307. Black 444, P. Anderson 444. B.rklaatl linker 3 K. Wabb 414. B. Burklatvrl lao Wibb 403, V. Bcbuls 417, D. Burkland Marias Pcaol Btai ( B. IuU, S14. U Bmltb 444. H. Kna 4BO n Llfnhard iio. W. Carbon 410. Rnlar toa Band. lae. (IlW. Sprliu 407. R. Raboln 431. P. Wattoa 414, W. Hiyden 477, R. KlmaeU 401. Hltb Ind. torao Pay Wobb, 307. fitxh taara tamoDyar and Bona Xna.. 003. Hlth ttam acrlta Marlon Paad Bead, LADIES C1AMIC LB AG I'D Lao'a Plaa Can (01 MerrtU 404. Relako 417, Aaron 433. Ortanlta 344. LltUo 410. tltihland Marfcat (HLln- hard 4eV Mop timer 424, Murray 430, Lav lata 107, Cart 434. Thrlflway Cleaaara (1) Rnnni in Hauiea 411. Pallan 431, Lokaa 411, Xtmko i4. vile ina. acer. tl) Dm too 301, iAita 344, Coirln 300, Bradley no, Thoma. aon 442 BaWrto Broa. 3 Almhlra 400. Jatk- on 317. Han Bum 410. Powehl 400, All britht Ul. SlataiaBj lae. Ate. l wnnicB , Kaiey tn, oraillua 347, Arnohld 344. ftmilh 413. Merrold Phllllovl 4 Krelcl 404. Clark 434, Curry 421. Laird 431. MueUhaupl " vaaaia .aia i TDomu 374. Lamka l, vanfleu 434. Ada 273. Orimm im Hlcb team aerlej and oatna HerroM rruiuppi, mi no in, nun lad. lertee KKrtKl. 404. Uib lad. itni P. Curry, Duck Pins Kara Badla aad TT 0 D. De.n 344, Heniel 344. K- Kayo 444. B. Howard 300, B. Oaulfaler 444. Modera Waadaiaa u. uoift 34, c. Cappa ill, TbaUado 440. 3L Baltb 443, P. Haaaa HI. Darta On Co. fit I. Oraohundro 474. H Be barf 447. 4, Adama 347. O. BlatnLam 434, J. Datta 4t4 QaaUtr Utd Can (1 B. Campbell 407. P. i.Urovt 444. p. Millar 447, B. Bneltro 434, m. Vao Dell 434. Loa Newtaaa (It R. Weloaat 447. D. Tailor 274. R. Darta 4a, T. Howa 431. R. H abler 330. WllUaiett Art Ttlo 4 chola 044. K- uh 417, B. HoOer US. A. Merer 400. Bre 174. Woadraffea Baa 8ba lit D. Prink 443. B Hall 3U. D Bwartt 340. T. Ptihar 377. W. Prank 443. Dran Irtiar anao til B. Bdwrf 104. kf prra 300. I Harrison 443. M. PoUnakI 343. A. Prany Ul. Oteon Plortal 4 fc WUto 443. P Barker 344. C. WildJna 341. B. Juaalina 414. T. Wood 444. Dr. Par U W. Howell 340. J. Memaaa 4U. A. Blahen 347. K. Upper 430, $t. Tlllenaatb 3U. Hllh team atrtaa and oana Dr. Pep per. 3313 and 001. Hie ft lad. oartao-Lca Delta. Woodman Ino 434. Htoh tad W tame td Lepper, Dr. Pepper, 313. Later Grid Practices Proposed E. A. Carleton, principal of Salem Senior High School, will attend an all-day meeting of the legislative assembly .of the Oregon Activities Association Friday morning and a meeting of the board of control of the same organization Saturday morning m Portland. Acting fifth vice president of the organisation that handles details of tournaments, play offs, awards, eligibility, and regulations governing all activ ities in Oregon high school, Carleton, if elected permanent ly in the Friday session, will complete a five year term va cated by Mr. John Cox after his move from Hillsboro to Al bany. . In the Friday session, 22 rep resentatives from 11 districts will meet in annual session to make and review regulation! governing high school. Satur day's meeting will be that of the executive body which car ries out the rules and regula tions. Later Practices Feslble One amendment to be decid ed by the legislative body will be the possible readjustment of the opening of the high school football season from late in August to September. Board of Control officers are Henry H. Hartley, superintend ent of Nyssa schools, president; Marlon B. Winslow, superin tendent at Coos Bay, first vice president; Lloyd A. Gooding, superintendent at Gaston, sec ond vice president; J. W. Ed wards, deputy superintendent of Portland schools, third vice president; Ray B. Osburn, su perintendent at Elgin, fourth vice president; and E. A. Carle ton, Salem high school princi pal, fifth vice president. Tom Figott and Oden Hawes are executive secretary and assistant secretary, respectively of the Oregon Activities Asso ciation. Salem Swimmers Beat West Linn With 8 Firsts The Salem high swimming team, coached by Chet Good man, scored their second win of the season Tuesday 65-19 over West Linn at Portland. They have lost one meet, their opener to Lake Oswego, the team they meet again next Tuesday at Portland. West Linn's Keith Renner had two wins to lead his team while Dave Kromer had two for Salem. The results: 40 yard baeketroka: Keith Ren oar (Wait Linn). LeRoy Orltbanev (Baltm), and Bacraat (Waal Unnr. winnlns Uaaa. 37.3. 40 yard breaiutntfe; Jiaa Lawraao iflalemi. Jim Hardla iSalemt, and Barn- mora tWeet Llnnt. Winning; time, 34.4. 40 yard frautyla: Dava Xromac (Ba lers). Daro Bocoloiakr (Salami and, Littlo Wea4 Linn). Winning tlma, 314. 100 yard braaaUtroka: Jim Hardla (Ba- lemt, Oary Riach (Salami, and Rlnkaa I iWeU Linn), winning tlma, i:. 300 yard free trie: Dal Prahm (Salem). Jim Lawrence Saltm), and Roha tWaat Linn). Winning tlma. 3:31.4. i loo yard backitroka: Kaltn Rannar (Weal Linn). Dean Alitor (ftalem), and LeRoy Orltbtaow (Salem). Winning alma. 1:30.1. 100 yard freealyla: Jim Boudrtan 6n- lemt. Da SoeoloUky (Salem), Char lea Lane wen unnt. winning tima, Individual medley: Dart Rromar (Sa lem), Martin Sammooa 'Waet Unn, Dean Antora (Salem). Wlaalng tuna. 1:34 3. 130 yard modify relar: won wy Baitm (LeRoy Orlabanoar, backatroka, Jim Rar die, braaaUtroka, and Dal Prahm. frea- atylei. winning tlma. 1:30.4. 140 yard freettyle relay: Won by Salem 'Dav Promar, Dava Bocolofaky. Jim Boudreau, aad Jim Lawranot). Winning tlma, 1:30.3. Woodburn to See 'Trout Story' Film Woodburn Fisheries man agement is the subject of a pro gram to be presented at Wood burn high school November 30. Austin Hairier. Game Com mission Education Agent, will trated talk followed by the 20- give a 20-minuie, chart-lllus- minute film 'Trout Story, a sound, color movie produced by the Oregon State Game Commission. The film tells the story of fish hatcheries in rela tion to over-all management This Is the third in series of programs being presented by gsme commission personnel to students throughout the state. TIDI TABLE TK f.f T.ft. Or,... N.mW.. 1IU (crartM h ii. . ma a- omaa lirr.r. r-.HI.aa. Ontmml Hmabir Tint Hritbl Tib. KMckt Ifh Waurs Lev Witui St I II an. 14 I II . II IS S B. IS It S B. M I MSB. 14 SB. 1.1 t It SB. It MM SB. II St I It I B. S T II 44 I I. IS t II S B. I 1 st a m .b. tt mi a. n 4 41 IB. It II 41 SB. t.1 St in ib. 4 4 ii it a b. n 1 II B. 4 4 1 tt SB. 14 v Watt DlHen w - -ae. m - w r. ssass- - n. -r -v V;,-v -:.'-. f..'-,NJsa. l : - Who's Confused! last Bight's Australian tag team match. Carl Engstrora (left) la getting In to make It nanimona as his partner, Oanne McDonald, gets clamp Red Vagnone'a head while Hardy Kraskamp (right), gets toa hold McDonald. AP Guesser With Army and Notre Dame By HAROLD CLASSEN New York WV-This Is the week of tradition in college football. Except for the Notre Dame-Southern California game, neighbor will be slam ming neighbor. And the Irish Trojan rivalry is so establish ed the two can argue as neigh bors anyway. Last week's forecasting ef forts ran the season's figures to 336 correct picks and 80 misses. That brought the av erage to .780. Here are the final picks of the yean THURSDAY Penn over Cornell: This is George Mungers farewell as coach of the Pennsylvanians. He will leave them smiling. Texas over Texas A&M: The Longhorns talent on the field will overcome any advantage the Aggies may derive by play ing at home. Utah over Brigham Young The game you will see on your TV screen. The Utes already have clinched the Skyline Con- ference title. dther Thursday Games: Colgate over Brown, South Carolina over Wake Forest, Detroit over Wichita, College of Pacific over Utah State, Vir ginia Tech over Virginia Mill tary, Wyoming? over Denver. SATURDAY Army over Navy: Army has the more cohesive unit. Fred Attaya, the Cadet back and Army's best kicker, will not be able to play. Steve Eisenhauer, Navy's great lineman, haa been shifted to his old position. Yet the carda all say Army. You can see for yourself on the TV screen. Notre Dame over Southern California: The Irish forces unveil their talents on the edge of Hollywood. They will win their gridiron Oscar. John ny Lattner to have a busy aft ernoon. Georgia Tech over Georgia: The Georgia line has been dub bed "the sieve." That should make it easy for the Tech backs In their Sugsr Bowl prep. Holy Cross over Boston Col lege: The Crusaders are back Whether jttlt mating In twn rill ditUat cHr, we .Her the flneat in werry-free snoring serr lee. Our leeal starage and aa lug facilities are uiexeelM. And a represenUtlTea far Allied Van Lines ire eaa place at yar dear the werld'a largest tong-dts-tanee saevlng ergamsaUaa. Al Ued's espert Backers, haadkrs aad drlrers salrraard list ptmttltet erery step ef the st. Call at far estimates. AUOM TOWN M J ACfOM TM NnN M To many men la ring la the problem of Referee Tony Rosa hi Casts His Lot on,the right track after a mid- season slump. Rice over Baylor: What a block and ; tackle party this will be. Rice to win and share the Southwest Conference title with Texas. . Duke over North Carolina: Worth ' Luti . and Country meadows to pull the Blue Devils alongside Maryland as co-champion of the new At lantic Coast Conference. Alabama over Auburn: Two of the South's most powerful clubs commit mayhem on the Alabama field. That's what gives the Crimson Tide a slight edge. Finishing the season In a hurry: East: Villanova over Ford- ham. South: Tennessee over Van derbilt, Florida State over North Carolina State, Mississip pi over Mississippi State, Flor ida over Miami, William and Mary over Boston University. Southwest: Southern Meth oditt over Texas Christian, Texas Tech over Hardin Sim mons, Oklahoma over- Okla homa A&M, Arkansas over Tulsa. mm More Power! More Glamour! New Lower Price ! Instant Action Engines with Super Induction New Flight-Line Styling New Salon Lounge Interiors New Perfected Power Steering New Improved Power Brakes New, Fully Automatic Drives i'f 1 Chavez Vs. King Tonight on Video San Francisco (UJD Young Eddie Chavez takes on Arthur King of Toronto, In a 10-round nationally televised bout to night Chaves, 22, from nearby San Jose, Is a 6-5 favorite although the ' 26 -year -old Canadian champion la ahead of him in the world rankings. Both fighters will come in over the lightweight limit probably around the 138- pound mark. Both are report ed in the best of condition for the important clash. KOIN-TV, Portland, Chan nel 6, will carry the bout at T p.m. Far ' west: Colorado over Colorado A&M, Arizona over Tempo State. SATURDAY, DEC. 5 Notre Dame over Southern Methodist, Houston over Ten nessee. ' it- 3GHnX323s I., J ft I33M L, I m m .BviBBh m m m va m - aw aw HUDSON WASP THREE OF A KIND! (.infield to Open 25 G Slate Dec 2; McMinnvUle A fat 23 lama schedule awaits Coach Roy Hel ser'a Llnfield Wildcats right after Thanksgiving vacation. Helser, starting his second year as hesd man of the Cat casaba outfit, plana to work the Cats through most of the vacation, giving the players Just Thanksgiving day U. First game tor this year's club will be December 2, against Clark Junior college at Vancouver. Nine other non conference games are on tap, with the Northwest' conference slated to start January 6. Plan Grade Tourney The Llnfield College athletic department la now deep in the ! nlniiln, n. Ik. . J I annual Old Grade tournament A total of 18 teams, eight more than last year, will tangle in the i tourney open to teams coached by former Llnfield ath letes. It if divided into two brackets, and set for four days. It will start December 9. Seven of the eight teams that competed last year will be back, with only defending champion Oakridge not return ing. Tourney will be conducted in two eight team brackets, chosen by draw. It will be a single elimination tourney for the championship, but every team will still go for a final position, playing three games. Bracket divisions have been labeled "Cardinal" and "Pur ple," ahd winners of both will be given trophies. Play will start Wednesday night, Decern 9. Dayton will tangle with Stayton and Willamina will take on Shedd In the first night game. Both games are in the "Cardinal" division. . Six tames art) scheduled for FIRST... for the fuel that is clean, efficient and economical us "Prco-to-loco CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-S862 1 Vf qmiacuhr Lower Priced Running Mate of the Fabulous Hudson Hornet Here's Hornet-like power and glamour at a new, lower price! It's the new Wasp, with more power from its Instant Action Engine with Super Induction. When you atep on H, something happens . . . liutantlyt Because the new Wasp, like all THE HORNET end more peorarfut than ever. M fMtvret kmurioui Interim end new ledford Cord fabrics, color honaoniied with tporVHeg naw anterior cor colon. te WASP theIFT Compact, v evhtondmo end aste ef handllns. rVked wHhin reach ef mUlieni. UlltJ Tournsy Set Thursday, with eight on both Friday and Saturday. Cham pionship games in both divi jions will be Saturday night Coachea and teams compet ing in the tournament are Day. ton, Charlie Johnson; Stayton, Joe Boyle; Willamina, Tom Co wan; Shedd, Cliff Sax ton; Yam. hill, Ed Miller; Meahkahnle, Neal Abrahamson; Newport, Jess Edwards; Madras, Ole Johnson; Philomath, John New. man; Halsey, Ray Warren; Mo ra, Jerry . Disch; Falls City, Tom Hughea; Oakland. Walt West; Maupin, Len Monroe; Culver, Buck Monroe; and Glendale, Don Balch. Pioneers to Send ' 28 to Hawaii Tilt r 'Portland ) A 28 man football squad will represent Lewis and Clark College si Honolulu Dec. 4 In fame with the University of Hawaii. . Because heavy ralna ' have . made th ftid almost unusable, . drills will be in the gymnasium the rest of the week, Coach Joe Huston aaid. - Phone 14-1451 195$.Commerc 1954 Hudton Woap Out Stda ia! Hudson, has exclusive "step, down" design with its low oanUf of gravity, it huga the road mora tightly, rides more steadily, ii safer than any other make of car you've known! It's the outstand ing value of the year! Drop inj try Wasp first chance yon have. aakiM t. chaast kmri arthai Nortonal Stock Ov Owmplon lor Hta straight yaor. For 1 934 ie Hornet b Hornet-Mis clamour end pewar ki the lew medium price Held. acenonicol edition ef ma Hornet, with got aconomy. :Yeur prttant car will ntvtr ba worth mora a a . toa us todayl' SHROCK MOTOR CO. Red Star Transfer Uhertr a Bastaesa Ph. Mill aatirt f 316 N. Church Salem, Oregon