Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 25, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    fettdson to Coach Sou gh $km, M fay "o Stay a Klorfila
Tift Sporttneter
By A. C JONES, Capitol Journol Sport Editor
Thtrt'i Und where grid forecasters muit b welcome,
When fitey publish their prediction! AFTER pine;
For the guys who picked Iht Ducki to best the Beavers
Should listen when Kip Tiylor makes his claims.
Cl Poly didn't exactly need en eatra touchdown In its
61-T triumph over Willamette tUturdsy nlfht but it got It.
It wti cue of a clock with rutty gears, ruity timer or
something. With nine seconds left In the first bolf. Cal Poly
with the ball on the Willamette X, end Cal Poly leading 14-7,
the Mustangs were held on a line play, a aituation calling
for the machinery to keep running,
Coach Ted Of dahl glanced at the Meek, aaa aeaeia
It tllll read nine teconde and waaa't moving. Cat Pely
then got another play and aeored to lead 39-1 at halftiaae.
Of dahl eaaed ont onto the field to proteat and the referee
indicated that nothing eoold be done new bat that Wil
lamette could be penallied for the coacb'i appearance on
the playing area. "isa cant pcnalite me It ysrds,"
Of dahl aald. "You wait and tee," the ref replied, and sure
anonf b, Willamette waa aei
back IS yarda to apea the
aeeond half with a klekoff.
Halfback Lou Lofland waa
a tough player at Roosevelt
High in Portland but at Wll
lamette he haa been a tough
luck one. He waa ready for
the opening game agalnit CPS
but for every game lince he
waa ailing aomewhere from
item to atern. The continual
uae by him and by Tackle Bob
Dyer of the whirlpool cauaed
the tank to be known by auch
namet aa "USS Oyer" and
The Good Ship Lofland."
One of our favorite recol
lectlona of the 19SS Salem High
football aeaaon waa an in
eldent in the game at Eugene'a
muddy pasture.
It waa time for Ray Taylor
' . '! ' '", V-
. ' . : . -.
. . . aaw time etand etlll
to kick ont of hla converalona for Salem and the firat one
went wide to the right Hia record waa aaved, though by a
penalty agalnrt Eugene ao before making another attempt
ha alogged over to the head lineman, who had a towel, and
aaked him to ahine hla good right toe. Tho official complied
with a poliah job of profeaalonal quality a dramatic moment
minua oily one ingredient; Shoe poliah.
Taylor, incidentally, ge'a credit for 38 of 37 attempta at
place kicking during the echedule, mining only at Greiham
after 10 straight Wa wiab he bad four chances againtt
Central Catholic (dreamer).
Add to the rare thawing at Salem High in atbletict the
past year and this: The Big Six and district wrestling
championship for Coach Hank Jaraa'a teams, the state
eroea-ctutry titles for two years under Coach Vera Gil
more, and fifth place la the atato track meat plaa the
Big Six cinder erewa last year.
Lou Theax defends hia world championship about SO times
a year, he told ua after laet night'a near defeat against Luther
Lindsey. The Tank, aa the rugged Negro apecimen la known
as, la "a rare mixture of natural power and muscular develop
ment," Theax remarked "tremendously atrong."
Actualy Then haa had to win the belt four times, losing
it three times, the last time in 1947 to BUI Longaon and
winning it in 1848 from Longsoa again. When he firat won
it IB years ago from Everett Marshall in St. Louis in 1BJ8
at the ago of 21, "no ont was mora surprised than I was
when Marshall was counted out of the ring," ha told Hardy
Kruekamp, an old friend. -, .
It was Kruakamp, who admitted to being 48 yeara old and
a tough-as-leather 48 at that, who' reminded Theax that he
loaned Theax the pair of trunks ha wort the night he won
the world title In 1938.
SUverton'a boxing pride, Harold Kottra, waa in Salem
yesterday to take his draft physical axamlnatloa aad aald
ha tally expected to pass. He's tt yeara aid. The big
aewa la that Tex Hager, of Boiae, Tri-8tatea promoter, la
trying tt match him with Garth Panter, the 10th ranked
contender for the middleweight title held by Bono Olson.
If arranged, the bout would be tither in Boise or Spo
kane. Hager didn't think too much of the idea of Kottre'a
fighting Harley Breaheare, Ring magazines Ughtheavy "proa
pect of tht month" because of Brethear's inexperience.
Down at Shedd high school the girls have to carry their
own books home from school. That'a because of 23 boys en
rolled, 21 art out for basketball, one la a manager and the 23rd
la )ust out of the hospital with a knee injury incurred in play
ing basketball.
Albany will have height again thle year with at leaat
nve o irei or taner. Dave Shelby la 8-7, Bob Kelly 8-5, Don
SUmpa 8-8, Jim Healand 8-4, George Rhodaback 8-3 and Ron
Young 8-3. The ahort ones are only 8-2 or 8-even.
Oh, the rain will hide the tracks at old McCuUoch
Where our football fortunea fell In one big thud;
But the fame of Salem's team will last forever
Though the Rama trod on the Vikinga in the mud.
3 Lettermen on Short
Salem Academy Squad
Coach Bob Funk of Salemlward; Nelaon Paula, 8-10 for-
Job of build- wards; Delmar Warkentin,
ing a basketball machine from
a squad of average height
which Includes only three let
termen. The Crusaders have been out
a week to prepare for the open
ing canto against Gervaii, Dec.
4, in Salem.
Lettermen are Virgil Faden
rech, 5-9 guard; Ken Schra
der, 8-1 center and forward;
and Harold Allitter, 5-11 forward.
Among other prospects la a
v-iuui-s center, bod Mcciana
han. and a 8-foot center-forward.
Bill Pierce, but the oth
ers art all under 8 feet.
The CaDltol leasu enlrv mm
have a B team which will play
prellminartea at 8:43 p. m.
There will be 10 home games
amnnff tha la moulap uam.
plus the league jamboree, Dec.
if, in oaiem.
Other prospecta are Bruce
Dalke, 8-11 center; Jim Wal
lace, 8-9 forward; Dave Phil
lips, 8-10 guard; Loran Heman,
8-11 forward; Walt Bier, 3-10
forward; Ken McClain, 8-7 for-
11 forward; Don Gunther, S
suard Herahal UpTirv K.I
guard; and Ron Knox, 8-11 for
The schedule:
Da. a-oraU am.
d. 11 wu4vwt tam.
D. 11--T.1I Ihirt
Dtt. 14 -Lru jamaaraa.
Dm. IS Waiapart bara.
Da. 1-Tll kr
J- a Carvats tnara.
J- S-atartoa tner.
Jaa, i Mrs.
Jaa. IS Cima ktr.
" is-iabaa., tut. tun.
. is rniaoMta uun
a- n aaaraa aaan kara.
Jaa. Sa-Caaaral than.
Jaa. St atartaa bara.
rah. t-OKaaa Ibara
a. f Concarata bar,
rah. phiiaMlh hara
rah. IS SaaraS Bran Ultra,
rah. la-caalral hart.
Oakland. Calif. O Harry
"Cookie" Lavagttto. Brooklyn
baseball coach, aaya he sent
his resigns lion to Dodger
headquarters Tuesday after
Walter Alston was named
Viking Line
Coach Gets
A parting of tht ways in
tht matter of tha high achool
football coaching staff came
Tuesday night when Supt.
Walter Snyder announced that
Let Gustafson had elected to
align himself with tha new
South Salem aenior high, next
Tht directors authorised tha
shift and a moment later fol
lowed along with the super
intendent's r a commendation
that Al Gray, line coach for
tht Vikinga under Gustafson',
be retained aa head man at
the North Side Institution.
I -a" Tn r" atrji a
f i vi y
Pag 10 Salt m, OrsgOB, Wadneaday, November 25, 19SS
District Coaches Pick Grid
All-Star 7 earn; Five Vikings
Five Salem high school sen
iors were selected on tht Dis
trict A-l football all-star list
announced today. ' The six
coaches said that they will rec
ommend them for any all-star
gams or set-up.
Corvallis placed three, Al
bany two, Lebanon three and
Sweet Home ont for tht 14-
player squad. The flgurt in
cludes three ends, ont guard
and seven backs.
Sslem players art Tom Pick
ens, center; Herb Trtplett,
quarterback; Mlkt Campbell,
halfback; Paul Back, tnd; and
Roy Taylor, halfback or full
back. Tht aclsctlons were made by'
Coach Dick Twengt of Corval
lis. Stan Ciock of Albany,
George VanPelt of Lebanon,
Stan Blair of Bend, Coach
Werkheiser of Sweet Home and
Lee Gustafson of Salem.
Player: Position: School: Wt
Jim Coleman End Corvallis 170
Paul Beck End Salem 178
Dave Shelby End Albany 225
Henry Edwins Tackle ' Lebanon 220
Kent Matheaon Tackle Corvallis 190
Jot Spragut Guard Lebanon 190
Tom Pickens Center Salem 175
Herb Trtplett Quarterback Salem 185
Wendell Scott Halfback Corvallii 170
Vic Dixon Halfback Lebanon 170
Dan Casebier Halfback Albany . 158
Mike Campbell Halfback . Salem 188
Phil Sturholm ' Fullback Sweet Home 215
Ray Taylor Fullback Salem 185
... to be head coach
Gustafson and Gray teamed
up this year to direct tha Vi
kings through an undefeated
season, winning the Big Six
title and advancing to the ;
aeml-flnala in tha state cham
pionship round.
Praises Coaehea
Snyder warmly praised the
two men, not only tor ineir
ability as coaches, but aa
teachers, their moral qualities
and their influence upon the
boys with whom they came in
Tha advancement af Grav
to tha head coaching Job was
In line with tht school s policy
of promoting teachers within
tha Salem system whenever
possible. Both Gustafson and
Gray are graduates of Oregon
State college.
Tht change in personnel
was hastened becauae of the
necessity of setting up the
machinery of tht new high
school which will be opened
next September.
Seniors Get Choice
' It was emphasized last
night that next year's seniors
who live south of Stat street
will be given their choice of
remaining at North Salem
high or transferring to the
new building. However, those
living north of State street
will have no choice in the mat
ter and will remain at North!
It ia expected registration
for the two schools will be
made within the next month.
What proportion of this
year'a championship squad live
aouth of State street and
might possibly follow Gustaf
son to the new achool could
not be Immediately determined.
Gray graduated from Ore
gon State in December, 1950,
ataying to complete hia mas
ter's degree work. He csme
to Sslem ss lint coach In the
fall of 1951, tht aeaaon Gus
tafson came from Prlneville
high school. Gray waa an
OSC center-linebacker when
Gustafson waa a coaching as
sistant to Coach Lon Stiner.
Gustafson haa credited Gray
with building the strong Salem
lint this season, a lint recog
nised aa having mastered lta
There waa no mention made
of the remainder of the Salem
High coaching staff Back-
field Coach Hank Juran or
Junior Vanity Coaches Ken
Brophy or Don DuBols.
Bevoto Hit Big
Time in 'Garden'
Buffalo, N. Y. ( Clarence
Bevo" Francis puts bis wares
on display here Thursday night
before a houseful of college
basketball fans who art among
tht most critical In tha nation.
Bevo and his mates from
little Rio Grande are the head
liners in the first doubleheader
of tha 1953-84 aeaaon la Buf
falo' a 12,000 seat Memorial
Actually, Coach Newt 011
var'a lads probably won't get
a real tost here, except that
they'll be laying before fans
who art used to tht beet tht
college game haa to offer.
Rio Grande meets Kris Tech,
a two year school. In tht other
halt of tht program. Cental ua
opens its season against West
ern Ontario.
Count Turf, winner of tht
1931 Kentucky Derby, was re
tired in July because of a foot
injury suffered whtlt winning
tht Questionnaire Handicap.
With Title
Almost Wins
World heavyweight wrest
ling champion Lou Theax man
aged to get out of Salem with
his title last night.
That's the way it looked to
the packed Armory of 1300
souls who ssw Luther Lindsey
almost pin Thesz In the third
and deciding fall finally de
clared a draw aince both were
knocked cuckoo when Referee
Wenatchee Plans
To Erase Debts,
Remain in WIL
Wenatchee, Waah. W
Stockholders of the Wenat
chee Western International
Baseball League club decided
Tuesday to operate in 1954
and continued plans tor rais
ing money to pay off $18,625
in current debts.
President Paul Thomas an
nounced that WIL President
Bob Abel had extended until
December 10 a deadline for
final word from Wenatchee on
its financial condition for next
Thomas said the team will
make every effort to have its
financial picture cleared by
that time. Stockholders, In
their annual meeting, elected
a new board of directors with
instructions to formulate im
mediately a program for rais
ing the money.
Thomas said a group of bus
inessmen haa offered to oper
ate the team thle coming aea
aon on a lease basis, providing
all old bills are paid.
He reported that George
Trautman, president of the Na
tional Assn. of Minnr Leagues
haa given Wenatchee until
an. 10 to have lta 1954 aeason
guarantee of 33,130 on de
posit. Named to the board of di
rectors were Thomas, Arthur
H. Pohlman, who two years
ago waa preaident of the club,
Dr. Woodrow Murphy. Fred
Burnett and Robert Tyler.
Tony Ross counted to 10 over
their prone figures.
With a fall apiece. Their
tried to lift Lindsey to throw
him over his head for a body
slam. Instead. Lindsey cartie
down on top of him, both top
pling over and atriking their
heada with a dull thud on the
canvas, apparently too groggy
to decide what they were doing
Rosa began hia incantation,
with Lindsey stirring through
the later numbers and rolling
over for tht pin hold, but too
late, so Ross ruled.
Thesz won the opening fall
In 18 minutes by bouncing off
the ropes with a flying body
scissors, a straddling hold. The
champ had to go for the ropes
often to get out of Lindiey's
punishing headlocka.
Fall Lasts 45 Seconds
The second fall waa a f a a t
breath-takfr, lasting only 45
seconds. After taking slugging
from. Thesz, the Negro was
there to greet Thesz coming off
the ropes, flipped him over and
pinned him suddenly.
The Australian tag' team
found Carl Engstrom and Dan
no McDonald winning the only
fall in 22 minutes when they
ganged up on Hardy Krua
kamp, the 46-year-old baldy,
wringing him arm and slam
ming him around. Fed Vag
none, Kruskamp't partner, waa
too far away to be tagged in
but that spmetimes didn t stop
Sugl Hayamaka defeated
George Drake In a lively pre
liminary by softening him up
chops and body slams, then
a body preas.
Thesz will wrestle at Van
couver, Tacoma and Eugene be
fore ending hla current tour
and will vacation in Hawaii, he
v; . : ' : .
It's a Draw
This was tha scene which closed tha Loa
Theas-Luther Llndac wrestlini match at
the Salem Armory last night, ending in a draw when both
were In a atupor from hitting their heads en the deck.
Referee Tony Rosa at right counts them out Just before
Lindsey rolled over to pin tht world ehampfoa la foreground).
! HI II IjatlilaalffllrirTflaasrlPaaW
Sfartina Downfall L" n ie,t) b,iu,,u
match laat night, not knowing that within five seconds
he would be pinned by Lather Lindsey. Lindsey flipped
Thesz over for a body slam and press. Thess took tht first
OSC All-Opponent
Unit Ignores Ducks
31 Beavers Get
Varsity Awards;
Ediger Mronman'
Gridders Honored
At Sweet Home
Sweet Home A movie
showing of the 1952 grid clash
between Oregon State college
and the University of Oregon
was a special feature of a din
ner honoring the high school's
1933 footbaiU team which was
held at Vigue's country club.
Principal speaker was Bill
McArthur, football coach at
Oregon College of Education,
The affair was sponsored by
several mothers of the local
players, and invited guests
were the boys' fathers, SHUHS
football coaches and manageri.
Men alcoholics are five times
as numerous as women alcoholics.
fights Last Might
tBr Ttw AMociatMi hm)
PltUkirrh Bob Bilui-. 121 mu-
burvlw MtpotaUd Cturltr "Doe" Wll- eh. riav Hollr MItm. tutt.
WaMhinston, oqtpotntod Jimmy Wtloh.
!, Columbus, Ohio,
Las Ani.ta Dm Roillni. Ill, De
troit, outpointed Jom LuU CoMro, U,
1 Paso, Ttx., It.
Twn. ViaVBob7 Wllllmi, m. Ha
tui, topptxl Bob Marphr, its. lfllwat
8m AbUbIo, Tti-Chle( AlftB Wil
li tens. 171. Okltbomt atr. outs In tod
Joo Mot sb, in, Aad Aatoalo, 11.
Skcrtrntnto, Cillf. Prk SkldmoTt,
11, Bu rrBDClac. knocked out Boiton
WUavtw, 1M, OBkland, CBllf T.
otjatoa. Tt. Harrtr afcUoa. ITi, Mow
OrltMi. ootpolated Jtarl Xttl, 1T0. (HlB-
homm CXlr. 1-
Bruins Close First
In PCC Rushing,
Defensive Showing
Loa Angeles 11 The Rosa
Bowl bound Bruins of UCLA -won
the Pacific Coast Confer
ence rushing honors, Stanford
the passing laurels and Stan
ford and California waged a
close battle in tha total offense
In total offense, Stanford,
with a total of 3,449 yards,
averaged 344.9 yarda per game.
California, with 3,434 aver
aged 343.4.
UCLA netted 2.230 yards for
an average of 247.7 rushing,
with California next with 1,812
and 181.2.
California was second in
passing, 1,862 yards and an av
erage of 182.2.
The Uclana were the tough
est defensive team in tha con
ference. They led in total de
fense, 1,698 and 188.4, and in
rushing defense, 1,021 and
Oregon waa tha best psss
defensive team, with 578 yarda
and 57.8 average. UCLA waa
next, with 875 and 75.0.
California collected the moat
pasa interceptions, 23 returned
299 yards with Stanford sec
ond, 20 and 148.
Oregon was tha second best
total defensive team, 2,248 tor
an average of 224.8.
(Br Tilt ataoelttad FraM)
ladunt Cantrtl It. Trl atatt M.
Sail SUM SS. rraaklta VS.
?uottattaa 10. Coooordla, lad., M.
arlar II. Inaitnt Ttcb Si.
St. Joaaph's, Xnd., Tf. ao4ffraa "1.
aouthwntara .Okla. M. aWathwMtara
Kan. St.
raelllt Lauwrta 4T, Wnlara Waaa. 44.
aurriud ts. MaTTlaaa Ittdi tt.
rso BAaatraAU.
av Tort lt. So ton as.
PhlladflrMt SS. Baltlmort N.
arraciut St, Ktocbaatar St.
Ts,r Tnr WoUh Away
Wt Fli Them Wbt Olbrrs Cat
44S Slata, SaltH. Oraraa
Oaaa rrli.r Mial til t p.B.
Capitol Shopplns Center
Corvallis UB Oregon State
football coach Kip Taylor has
recommended 31 players for
1953 varfity awards.
Receiving third year letters
are Ralph Carr, Laverne Fer-
Corvallia OJJS Oregon ueon ana jacx nnion, aemors,
State a 1953 all-opponent foot- na Jlm wunrow. junior,
ball team ignored the Univer- Second year lettermen are
alty of Oregon Ducka whom the Hon Aschbachcr, Ken Brown.
Beavera downed 7-0 last Sat- Calavan. Wee Ediger. Joe
urd.y j Fulwyler, Bill Johnson, Tommy
The' team Included: Morley I Little Jim Luster, Jack Petraon.
and Steinberg, ford, endsiU'm Roberta, Ron Stegrlat and
Wardlow, Was. aif on, and Lew Williams. -Schwenk,
WSC, tackles; Bo-' First year awards go to Laird
hart, Washington, and Timber- Brattain, Howard Buettgen
lake. USC. auards: Hazeltine. ibach, John Hall, Dick Isbell,
California, center, and Bolden,
Michigan State, Larson, Cali
fornia. Cameron,, UCLA, and
Garrett, Stanford,' backs.
Franz Leads OCE
In Practice Tilt
Bob Frsnz of Oregon Col
lege of Education led scoring
in the aeeond informal prac
tice game last night between
the Wolves and Willamette
university at the W. U. gym.
Franz, a footer, totaled 10
field goals in the game which
aaw both coaehea alternating
playing combinations. '
John Lewis, Willamette 1
mentor, cited offensive play of
Neil Causbie, 8 feet 7 and Jer-t
ry Patterson, 8 feet 8, plus the 1
all-around work of Dick Hoy
and Bill Colvard, lettermen.
The Bearcats will take1
Thanksgiving day off. then
practice Friday morning to
make u?p for it. The season
will open Dec 3 here against i
tha University of Hawaii.
Tom Jones, Art Keith, Dick
Mason. Bob Rigert, Jim Rock,
Vera Sam pels. Pets Scott, Andy
Skltf, Larry Stevens and Dick
Van Lorn.
Ediger, end from Dallas, won
"lronman" honors for his 431
minutes of plsy out of a pos
sible 840.
Marvin Uaaery, a senior who
lettered last season, did not ful
fill time requirements . in t
1933 aeason. Tht Beavers lose
eight lettermen by graduation
this year.
394 Nafc Chared
Phot S-toOO
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V Reducing )
( Slock
V Reducing )
We've Kissed Our Profit
Good Bye on These
41T 1946 Dodgt 2 ton, 2 apttd, S apttd
transmission $495.00
66T 1950 Chtv. carryall 995.00
8T 1947 Dodgt Pantl, Clttn-Good tires. . . 495.00
80T 194S International Pickup, Worth mora 595.00
88T 1950 Ford Pickup V ton-Ntw paint 895.00
95T 1950 Ford 4 ton Pickup-Sharp 1295.00
98T 1949 Feed rickup-Ntw paint-Sharp 795.00
102T 1950 Ford 2 ton, 2 tpttd, 82S nibbtr-
vtry sharp 1 099.00
103T 1950 Ford 6 cyl. Pickup-Ntw paint.
Good buy 795.00
104T 1949 Ford 8 cyl. Piekup-4 rfpeed 695.00
105T 1949 Dodgt ptntl-Darn goad buy 695.00
106T 1940 Ford Truck a tttal 195.00
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rill '
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