Ptfaf 1 t v. la Recital Max Suko, above, ion of Mr. and Mrt. Vera Suko, was presented in pUno recital recently at Robert! ttudio. He Is leaving soon for San Antonio, Tex as, for service In the sir fores. (McEwan studio pic ture) . Jaycee-Ettes Busy On Holiday Project Bllvtrton The recent meet ing of the Jsycee-Ettes was at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, with Mrs. Cordon Elwell as co soeial hostess. Eighteen mem bers attended. . . The young aoatrons worked on stuffed toys and In arrang ing clothes to be sent Korean orphans that are with the Christmas repaired toys, a pro ject of the Jaycees. Named as centennial repre sentatives ss delegates and al ternate are Mrs. Gersld Ar rlngton and Mrs. William Dun can. On the toy snd clothes committee sre Mrs. William Dubcan, Mrs. Gordon Elwell, Mrs. Kenneth Brown and Mrs. Dave Demeter. The JayceeEttes are to spon sor a dance at Legion hall, De cember 6, with general chair man of plans, Mrs. Dick Gentx kow. Chairmen for decorations of tables and rooms sre Mrs. Denzel Legard and Mrs. Jim Nelson. On the refreshment committee are Mrs. Dave De meter and Mrs. Jim Jones. Chairman of the clean-up com mittee is Mrs. Bob Sites. The next regular meeting is to be a Christmas party on December IS, at the Bob Sites home with Mrs. Jim Neleos, as sisting hostess. Anyone desiring to contrib ute new or used toys for the Jaycees' project for home or foreign children, will find boxes In front of local stores, or may have them collected by calling Larry Crennell or Bob Edgerton. e Honor Fathers j ' Woodburn Fathers of Rainbow Girls of Woodburn burn will be entertained by the girls at the regular meeting of Evergreen assembly, Wednes day night, November 23, at the Masonic temple. The business meeting will open at 7:30 p.m. and the fathers are to come at 8:15 p.m. for a social hour, pro gram and refreshments. On December 8 the girls will entertain the advisory board. Accident in Rain Hospitalizes Two Lebanon Driving rain that obscured villon is believed responsible for sn accident five miles west of Santism Junction which hospitalized two Lebanon residents. Ronnie Malick, H, is In the Sweet Home hospital with severe fsce and body injur ies. His father, Paul Malick. Lebanon, was sent to the Sa lem Memorial hospital for treatment of specialists. He has a broken right leg, with POTENTIAL Lw2, V .jit I ! A' L.4 .-J Lebanon Be.t Miller, grower of one of cut Linn County's largest turkey flocks, conducts the enterprise on his Rt. 2 farm, four miles west of Lebanon. His eldest son, David, right, is also a turkey man in his own light having worked with the R. 000 head flock throughout the summer and early fall. The Miler's plan to raise turksys again next year, saving 600 hens from this year's crop for breeders. They hsve raised turkeys on a large Kale or the past three years. Miss Universe Plans Wedding Stockton, Calif. ( Miss Universe, pretty Christian M arte I of France, arrived yes terday, for a look at her home-to-be and to plan for her wedding to a Stockton depart ment store executive. - Miss M artel, winner of the Miss Universe contest In Long Besch. Calif., this year, plans a January wedding to Ronnie Marengo, manager snd pan owner of one of his father's two stores. The 18-year-old beauty ssid she plsns to give up the movie contract she won in the Miss Universe contest snd settle down as a housewife. "She really likes Stockton," ssid the beaming Marengo. "She thinks it's a wonderful little town." River Flood Slices Orchard Lebanon Heavy flood dam sge wss reported on the E. I. Landstrom farm on River road when South Eantlam river wster rushing around a bend by the farm, sluiced away 60 feet of orchard, taking out two rows of filberts and a large walnut tree. Consider able loss of land was also re ported on the William Ellis place. Concern Is being voiced by residents in the River Road sres that if flood wster con tinues to cut at the present rate, a new river channel may be made which will seriously endanger portions of Leban on's residential district. Extensive revetment work completed this fell below Sanderson bridge in the Crab tree area, Js reported holding firm against flood water, For merly this area, at a wide bend in the river, was the lo cation of the loss of much valuable land. Other -local damage In cludes the washing around a headgate of a Mountain States Power company's dam direct ly east of Lebanon. Several families have been evacuated from a flooded area west of the Grant street bridge. Hell's Canyon Group Meets at Lebanon Lebanon An audience rep resenting many parts of Linn county for the first meeting of the Lebanon Hells Canyon as sociation Friday night, heard Charles Porter of Eugene out line the needs of the northwest for power to develop its in dustry. Porter, who represents the national Hell's Canyon associa tion, traced the benefits of the series of storage dams already constructed on the Columbia and emphasized the need of the high dam on the Snake to com plete the overall plan of water storage, Increased electric pow er, and facilitite flood con trol.. At the close of the address, the film, "Look to the River" was shown illustrating the val ue of the Columbia basin dam development. W. E. Miles presided at the session. leg bone above the break splintered, left knee-cap cup open and numerous body in juries. The Mallck car, a Buick sedan, was found by two Leb anon men, Milton Anderson and Albert Gruggett, about S p.m. Sunday. It had left the road and crashed into a tree Paul Mallck, brother of the injured driver, said the car was a total wreck. DINNERS JANUARY WEDDING PLANNED . r ....... IP Christiana M artel, 18, better known as Miss Universe, Is pictured with, her fiance, Ronnie Marengo, 21, son of, a Stockton, Calif., department store owner. Romance began when Miss M artel appeared to cut" a ribbon at opening of new store. (AP Wirephoto) Woodburn Gives 58 B!ocd Pints Woodburn Fifty-eight pints of blood were secured from 69 donors when the Red Cross "bloodmobile" visited Wood- burn Fridsy afternoon at the American Legion hall. Gallon- ers who gsve blood to com plete their gallon quota were Mrs. W. O. Green of Broad- acres, Fred Hubert and liar old Livesay of Woodburn. Committee in charge were: Reception, Mrs. Lloyd Froom. cloak room. Miss Marcla La- Barr and Miss Marjorie Hall; traffic regulators, Misses Helen McGaffee, Delene Seely snd Harriet Hooper; nursery, Miss Carol Kay Rohde and Nina Rice, all of Woodburn high school. Canteen. Mrs. Floyd Msricle, chairman, Mrs. Edward De Haan. Mrs. Adrian Schooler, Mrs. Kenneth Yoder, Mrs. R. L. Freeberg, Mrs. Gensro Ramon and Mrs. Don Barrett, all of Woodburn auxiliary of the American Legion. Transportation, Gilbert Ram- age; recovery. Miss matet Llvessy, R. N.; desk, Mrs. Al- vah Cowsn and Mrs. Leland Plank; SUtlon I, Mrs. Ray Glatt. Mlse Inez Nelson, Mrs. Delbert Reed, Miss Harriet Hooper: Station II, Mrs. Bar bara Feller. R. N.; SUtlon III, Mrs. O. L. Withers and Mrs. Edward Cotnan. Physicians, Dr. Delve rt Reed, Dr. James Deagen and Dr. A. B. WlUeford. Woodburn Collects Clothes for Korea Woodburn St. Luke's par ish hall will be the collection depot for the Woodburn area during the week of Nov. 22 to Nov. 30 for used clothing, blan kets and shoes for Korea and refugees In Europe, the near and far east, according to Rev. V. L. Moffenbeier, pastor. The local drive will be conducted by St Michael's Circle of Co lumbian Squires. All types of used but serv iceable clothing, shoes (tied in pairs), are required as well as serviceable garments, knitted wesr, blankets and bedding for persons of any age, including infants. Donated materials will be distributed free of charge t h r OM g h existing charitable agencies overseas to those most in need, regardless of race, color or creed. The Squires plan a house- to-house canvass of the area for articles Mondsy, Nov. 30. Anyone having articles to do nate are asked to write a card to Box 118, Woodburn, asking that the articles be picked up. MANVILLE WIEK . WINS ALIMONY New York W) Anita Roddy- Eden Manville, the ninth Mrs. Tommy Manville, has been awarded $400 a week tempo rary alimony pending trial of her suit tor separation from the asbestos heir. LEARN 8 WEEKS COURSE 10 (OfFEREB F0 LIMITED IIME) W We will furnish a piano for your home practice during this course for a very nominal rental fee May be applied to piano in event you wltsh to purchase It Limited fa Beginners Adults - Age 1 S to 11 8 - Children, Age 8 to 1 REGISTER NOW! Classes Starting Soon Limited Number In Each Class tse.gjT S-3T0I tALKM, Aereas from ISIS. High St. TOT CAPITAL JOURNAL, galm. Oram Child Wakes Up, 'Dog Licking Pace' But It's a Tiger syaney, Australia vn . Seven-year-old Mavis Hal eroft woke op In bed early Tuesday morning and called: "Paddy, quick, Daddy, help me. Stop this big dog licking my face. He's on my bed." Her mother looked np and saw a ti.-er on the bed. It was licking Mavis' face while her 3-year-old sister Fay slept beside her undis turbed. Claude Halcroft, the chil dren's father, picked up a .23 rifle, took careful aim. "I did not have to tell Mavis to keep still," he said later. "She was under the blankets, very frightened, and as still ss could be. "I fired and the bullet went through the tiger's nose and jaw. It was away In a flash through the door and Into the street" The animal was found later, weak from loss of blood. It had escaped from a cir cus after someone tampered with the lock on its cage. Meanwhile Mavis spent the 2ay in bed. Not because of shock, but because she has a cold. Woodburn Cubs to Be Rotary Guests Woodburn The regular meeting of the Woodburn Cub Scout pack was Friday night at the Washington school with Ralph Pickering, Cubmaster, in charge. Den IV won the traveling bear head award for the month for having the largest num ber of parents in attendance. Skits were put on by Dens I. II. Ill, and IV and moving pictures of the Scout Jamboree in uauioriua last summer were shown by Sam Smith. A district meeting for Scout leaders in the Silver Falls dis trict will be held Tuesday niRht, Nov. 24, at Monitor. Ralph Pickering, who holds the office of district commissioner, will attend and act as master of ceremonies. Several others from Woodburn expect to at tend. Wednesday night, Nov. 25, the Woodburn Cub Scouts will be guests of the Rotary club at the local theater for the picture "Mr. Scoutmaster." All Cub Scouts should be at the theater by 6:43 p m. PILGRIMAGE ASSURED Jerusalem (PI Border ten sion between Israel and Jor dan will not hold up the tra ditional Christmas pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, authoritative sources said Tnetday. VOIR NORGE DFAI.ER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 339 CHKMEKETA ADULTS-CHILDREN PIANO OftlSXM 113 ta atsjf luunere Theatre Phon 2-8708 Blaze-Damages Widows Home Blrverton A property and furniture loss approximating more than 12,000, was report ed from fire at the 728 West Msln street homo of Mrs. Ethel Back and her six chil dren, early Saturday evening wnue toe family was attend ing show. Intense best and smoke wero confined to the interior of the house. Beds and per sonal clothing were damaged only by smoke, due to the work of the volunteer firemen. wno were unable to control the extensive da mass to the floor near an oil beater which presumably started the fire. A large hole was burned through the roof and the plas tered wall were badly dam aged. The volunteers arrived in time to save the family pet, a dog which suffered bed burns, but will survive. The family was given shel ter at a neighbor's home un til other living Quarters can be provided. - Mrs. Black is a widow. Service Station King Passes Seattle W Earl McKale. who founded a West Coast service station string with a tire repair shoo here in 1922. died here Monday night at the age of 62. He had been in ill health for several months. McKale's service station empire spanned the west coast At the time of his death the huge firm he headed and gave nis name to operated 18 sta tions and a Nu-tread factory In Seattle, nine stations In Portland and 17 stations and a factory in San Francisco. McKale, who moved here from Kansas in 1017, was cred ited with a number of first inJ the service station business. He was the first to use credit cards for gasoline products and the first to offer air and water service at gas pumps. Business to Halt Over Thanksgiving Woodburn Woodburn banks, schools, the city hall, and most stores and business houses will be closed all day for the Thanksgiving holiday, Nov. 28. A few restaurants, service stations and at least one drug store will be open. The usual holiday schedule will be in effect at the post office. Regular dispatches of mail and distribution to post office boxes will be made, but there will be no city or rural delivery. s Woodburn schools will be closed from Wednesday after noon, Nov. 29, to Monday, Nov. 30-. trend seen iae of the rssnovs Uckweed Hesse Set. Sea. SIS. SAUM'S MOOSIt HONS VA1US MX. k mt ttOO . S7 K. fl. tviffc 3 aiifcaswi. MaxM H assrmi mnm 91 r tMJ Msertl In MoiVlf9Me) tsttt" to SMS Soto. stMn, 1-071 Met I""-" SlVasSST 1 OPFN FRIDAY NIGHTS You owe it to yourself iViT ' to try the coffee that's Xag f than any coffee packed SSFf P J SPEC,Al f I in vacuum cans or bags! Bga,J rkb II t Applegate Faces Trial In Peiping for Spying Hong Kong U Threa Americans seized by the Com munists last March while sail ing to Portuguese Macau have been transferred to Peiping prison and will go on trial soon for espionage, it was reported today. Road Race Won By Argentina ' Juarez,' Mexico ) Juan Manuel Fangio, crack Argen tine driver piloting an Italian Lancia sports car, Monday won the international sports car class of the fourth Pan Ameri can road race. - - Fangio flashed across the finish line a few minutes after Italy's Umberto Maglioli, driv ing a borrowed Ferrari, set a new record for the 228-mile fi nal lap from Chihuahua City to this border town. Msglioli's time was one hour 38 minutes and 30 seconds for the distance. Fangio's elapsed time for the 1,912-miles of the border to border race was 18 hours 11 minutes more than 40 minutes ahead of the record set In 19S2 by Karl Kling of Germany in Mercedes Bentz. Miles on Friends Service Committee Newberg HV-Carl Sandos of Portland Saturday was install ed as chairman of the Port land regional office of the American Friends Service Committee. Other officers are Francis Dart, Eugene, vice chairman, and R. A. Hungerford, Port land, . treasurer. Members of the advisory council Include Ross Miles, Salem, and Laura Dann, Corvallls. CLOSE OUT SALE on - REMINGTON Long-play and 45 Extended Play RECORDS 12" Classical Were 12.88 Now 10" Classicol Were $1.99 Now 10" Popular Were $1.S( Now 31.19 S1J9 11.09, 45 Extended Play Were 19c- Now 9e SALE LASTS THRU DECEMBER 5 ONLY Downtown Store Only Corner State and High Sts. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS The usually reliable Chinese language newspaper Web Klu said Richard Applegate, Na tional Broadcasting Company correspondent and former Un ited Press reporter; Don Dixon, International News Service cor respondent, and American Mer chant Capt Ben Krasner only recently wero takes to Peiping from Canton. They will be tried by Joint court composed of publlo se curity forces and people's court, the newspaper said. The newspaper said Apple- gate's yacht, on which the three men were traveling when the communists seized them, now has been taken to Whampoa, a seaport near Canton. State Department officials in Washington have . feared that the Chinese communists . are trying to force the three men into signing confessions that they engaged in espionage. In the past the communists have held Americans until they signed false confessions. American officials said the three definitely wero not car rying on spying activities and that any espionage charge would be completely un founded. Per capita beef consump tion in the United States rose from B! pounds in 19S1 to an estimated record 75 pounds in 1953. Fully Automatic-Fully Proved PowerFlite Dodg federation' N ""J owsi fwmsnce and cc , dutch Dliau - vugs rvuiu - '54- Stan Baker Motors 525 Chemekera St. Tuesday, jioretnbeT 24, 1931 ' French Arrest Union Leader 1 Paris m French nollea! have finally arrested Beniir Pranchon, secretary general p f, the big Communlst-dominaiw ed General Labor confederal tlon CGT and fugitive susP last Msrch. ,e The 0 . year . old metal. worker was nabbed yesterday as he left a meeting hall. where, in defiance of tae x eight-month-old warrant, he presided over a union meet-? tag. Z He is charged with endan gering the security of thai state. His arrest was ordered . March 24 after police raids on Red offices and the arrest,.. ox several other CGT otucialj.r Finland's Spy Casei Opened Tuesday Helsinki, Finland CA Fin land's biggest postwar spy trial opened Tuesdsy. Seven men and a woman were brought be fore the court of appeals charg ed with gathering and chan neling secret Information to unnamed foreign powers. , Army Capt Martti Salo, 33, was described as leader of the. ring which the prosecution saM transmitted Information which. could, have endangered the, security of the nation. 1. i i i t V I lllf -o - r 1 fl st i M V.