Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 24, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tuesday, NoTtmber 24, 195S
Orchestra '
Will Play
The Willamette university
eollege of music will present
trie campui cnamter orchestra
' in concert under the direction
of Dr. Willis Gates, in WaUer
ball auditorium, on Tuesday,
fecember 1, at 8:15 p.m. '
; Thr program will open with
the overture to Mozart'i opera
"II Re Pastore. The second
number, Brandenburg Concer
to No. 5 in D Major, by Bach,
is the 5th in series of six
concert! gross! which Bach
composed at the request of
Christian Ludwig, Margrave of
Brandenburg, who wanted
some work for his own private
orchestra. AU were written for
different instrumental com
binations. The Sth calls for
solo clavier, solo flute, solo vio
lin, and the string orchestra.
The three movements follow
the fast-and-slow tempo pat
tern. The second movement is
written for solo instruments
only, while the other move
cents proceed in alternation be
tween the solo and orchestral
groups. Soloists for the per
formance of this work are: Lls-
beth Shields, piano; Marie De
Harpport, flue; Sally Bolliger,
The second group will tea'
ture two operatic arias with or
ehestral accompaniment. Lol-
lie Coffey, soorano. will sing
Dido's Lament from "Dido and
Aeneas," by Purcelr; and Herb
Brower, tenor, will iing II mio
Tesero, Irom "uon uiovanni,
by Mozart.
To conclude the program Dr.
Gates will direct the orchestra
in the performance of Haydn's
Symphony Mo. 104 in D Major.
This work, which was com
posed in 1795, was Haydn's
lasts ymphony. It was written
for the full complement of in
struments found in the classi
cal symphony. The work is in
the usual 4-movement pattern
The concert is open to the
public. ,
Mrs. Meland to .
Head Lutheran Group '
Silverton Mrs. Ole Me
land was elected president of
the Immanuel Lutheran Wom
an's Missionary federation at
the meeting last week in the
parish house fireside room. A
brief devotional period was
directed by Mrs. R. J. Van
Cleave, and the presentation of
the discussion lesson: We Be
hold His Glory," was by Mrs.
Merle. Rasmussen. The retiring
president, Mrs. Elmer Johnson,
was in charge of the session.
Office.- to assist Mrs. Me
land for the coming federation
year are Mrs. Kenneth Hen
jum, vice president; Mrs, Os
car Strand, secretary; Mrs. Ar
thur Dahl, assistant secretary;
Mrs. Charles Hopkins, treasur
er: Mrs. Henry Johnson, assist
ant treasurer. A thank offering
was received.
Hostesses were Mrs. Luther
Hatteberg, Mrs. Nels Nelson,
Mm John Olafson and Mrs.
Harold Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson
were Sunday breakfast hosts
at their home complimenting
Mrs. Johnson's retiring fellow
officials during the past year in
the federation.
Present were the Elmer
Johnsons and .Mrs. Lloyd Lar
en, Mrs. R. Puverud, Miss Ra
chel Berg, Mrs. Conrad John
son, Mrs. P. A. Loar, Mrs. Ole
Melund, Mrs. A. W. Nelson,
Mrs. Chester Bjorke, Mrs. Wal
lace Satern and Mrs. -Adney
On the preceding Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson
had as breakfast guests the
chairman of the WMF chil
dren's department of the Luth
eran Children's re'ormation,
Mrs. E. V. Swayze, and eight
young LCR girls including Car
ol Gillis, Virginia Starrett,
Carole Byberg, Betty Ann Hal-
lam, Kathryn Overlund, Carole
Strand, Carole Gaffey and Jan-
vet Larsen.
Belleques Honored
Wood burn Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Belleque of Woodburn
celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary with a re
ception at the Woodburn
Grange hall Sunday, Novem
ber 22, from 2 to 5 p.m. Their
daughters were hostesses
Both Mr. and Mrs.' Belleque
were born and reared in this
vicinity. Mrs. Beleque is the
jyt mi
Wed in November - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams Lucht,
-III (Sharon Lea Starrett), above, were married November
7. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert P.
Starrett of Silverton and Mr. Lucht is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred William Lucht, Jr., of Mt. AngcL (Alyce studio
picture, Woodburn.)
former Marguerite LaDeRoute.
They were married November
25, 1903, at the St Louis Cath
oic church in St. Louis, near
Gervais, and have spent their
entire life in this vicinity.
They have two sons and two
daughters and 13 grandchil
dren. Their sons are Elmer of
Newberg and Albert of Gervais
and their two daughters are
Mrs. Gen Harrif ord of Mt. An
gel and Mrs. June Smith of
Liberty Lists-
Holiday News
Liberty Thanksgiving hol
iday . testivitlea are being
planned by the residents of
the Liberty area.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holden,
Barbara Joe and Michael will
be the holiday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Caldwell.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wt
Stacey will be Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Russell, Gwenyth, William
and Edgar, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Mur
dock, Mitchell, Marvin and
Mark will leave on Wednesday
evening and spend Thanksgiv
ing day at the S. B. Smith
home in Tacoma, Wash. They
will visit the Don Murdocks
in Yakima, former Salem res
idents, and return home by
way of Spokane on Sunday. -
Axel Robertson will be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Robertson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner
and family will entertain at a
family get-together on Thanks
giving day at their home on
Liberty Circle. Invited are Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Voigt, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Voigt, Sharon
and Jeanne of Corvallis, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Free, Paula and
Joan of Corvallis and Bob
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Free
will be the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W L. Dailcy of Oakland,
Oregon. They will spend the
week end in Crescent City vis
iting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Seeger
and family will have as holiday
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
Seeger, Steven and Robert,
and Mrs. Nina Browning.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Van Dyke
and Judy, Douglas Van Dyke,
Mrs. Glen Vergets, Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Slogetts, Nancy
and Charles, who are visiting
here from LaCook, Nebraska,
will be the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Theil and family
in the Auburn district
Mrs. Helen Dasch will at
tend a family dinner in Cali
fornia with the Robert Dasch-
es, Jack Dasches and Mrs.
Orpha Banta. -
Mrs. Lily Jones will have as
Thanksgiving day guests Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Browning, Mr.
and Mrs. Elbert Jones, Carol,
Bert, Mary Louise and Jimmy,
and Mrs. Rose Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kon-
opa will have as guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Cleo Patterson, Jo
anne and Bradley, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Hayes, Tommy and
Jimmy of St Helena, Mrs. Em
ilia G1U and Mrs. Jess Rose,
Mike and Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl BeU wiU
entertain for Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mr. Carl Bell. Jr,
Mr. and Mrs. Aril Bell, Terry,
Ronald and Arlie. Jr.
Mrs. Ralph Dent will be the
guest of Mr; and Mrs. Henry
Williams and family in Lebanon.
Chiropractors' Auxiliary Plans Year
Anderson-Dow n'mg
McMinnvUle Miss Jean
Downing was wed to V, C.
Anderson November IS at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
E. Smith. The Rev. Lawrence
Guaderian of the First Method
ist church officiated. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Downing of McMinn
vUle, and H. A. Anderson of
Coopers Landing. Alaska,
the bridegroom's father.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a dusty
rose lace dress with corsage
of white gardenias. A recep
tion was at the Smith home aft
er the ceremony for the mem
bers of the families.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are
at home in McMinnvUle for the
winter, but will move to Alas
ka in the spring where he
employed by the Alaska Steam
ship Co.
Bridal Shower
Wil lamina Mrs. Dave
Chamberlin. nee Carol Pear
son, was honored with a bridal
shower last week, given by
Mrs. K. E. Shetterly, Mrs. Pete
Reynolds, Mrs. C. J. Hines and
Miss Nina Hines at the Shetter
ly home.
- Mrs. Carolyn Emerson and
Mrs. Vletta Hines won prizes
t games. After the gifts were
opened refreshments were
served from a table centered
with a two-tiered wedding
cake topped with bridal
couple. Mrs. LucUIe Mitchell
cut the cake, and Mrs. Hines
and Mrs. Shetterly served the
coffee and punch.
Guests invited were Mes-
dames Stella Pearson, Lola
Lord, Lucille MitcheU, Alyce
Thompson, M a n d a McBee,
Ximena Pearson, Joan Shetter
ly, Doria Sundrud, Vletta
Hines, Virginia My hre, -Carol
Huntley, Joyce Zim brick,
Louise Clawson, Marylee Fox,
Carolyn Emerson, Leona Zet
terberg, Maxine Endres, the
; Misses Margaret Fiet and Judy
Auxiliary to the Oregon' As
sociation of Chiropractic Phy
tic tans closed their state con
vention Saturday, several In
teresting affairs being ar
ranged for the women who
were here with their husbands
for the association event
Members of the auxiliary
heard John Davis, interior dec
orator, Hamilton Furniture
company, in an interesting
talk, entitled "How Not to
Decorate Your Home" during
their noon luncheon Saturday
at the Marlon hotel Mr. Davis
was Introduced by Mrs. Paul
G. Stapran of Salem, toastmls-
Speaking before the group
also was Dr. J. La Boise De
Rusha, dean of Northwestern
Chiropractice college, Minnea
polis, Minnesota, on "PrlvU-
eges of Chiropractic." Terry
Meisinger, son of Mrs. J.' A
Wlltaey of the Wiltaey Music
house, entertained the group
witn accordion solos.
Among other special guests
introduced were two national
auxiliary officers, Mrs. Gordon
Peffley, president and Mrs.
Walter Rich, secretary, both of
roruana; also Mrs. Glenn Par
rott, . Molalla, retiring state
prwldent; Mrs. W. A. Budden,
snetterly. John Majors, Miss
Lillian Hines, Mrs. Rollin
nines. Airs. Jeannio Bails, Mrs.
u. K. O'Reilly, Mrs. K. T.
trankiin, Mrs. Frank Fawk,
Mrs. Irene Parton and Mra.
oniriey Johnson. . , .. .
wife of the prajaflent of West-
Stataa 0Uege, Portland;
and Mra. Lloyd Hockett. Sa
lem, first state president of the
On exhibit was a replica of
the Oregon State capltol made
especially for the occasion by
Peerless Bakery, Salem.
At the close of the luncheon.
Mrs. Lloyd Hockett Installed
the new officer! for 19S4.
They are: President Mrs.
Paul G. Stapran, Salem; first
vice-president Mrs. Ralph Hill,
Portland; second vice presi
dent Mr. Ralph Svehaug, Es
tacada: third vice-president
Mrs. D. E. Wilson, Newberg;
secretary, Mrs. L. E. Rarey,
Portland; treasurer, Mrs. R. F.
Schmidt Silverton;' auditor,
Mrs. P. W. DeMarco, Salem;
parliamentarian, Mrs. R. M.
Peffer, Corvallis; historian.
Mrs. J. J. McCarthy, Sweet
Mrs. Stapran announced the
ra-appoiaimcm ox mra. nailer
Rich. Portland, a delegate to I
the joint legislative council of
Oregon; also the appointment
of Mrs. Glenn Parrott, Molalla,
as press chairman for the aux
iliary. During the general business
meeting of the group, it was
announced that projecta com
pleted during the year includ
ed donations to the Free Chil-
dren's clinic of the Health Re
search foundation, to the Dr.
W. A. Budden scholarship fund,
and to the laboratory of West
ern State college. Assistance
1 being given to the Pan
American student fund and to
the penny art fund. Plan are
now being made to assist la
furnishing bedroom in the
new Salem YWCA. And two
new project for the coming
year comprise pending a goat
for relief In Korea and giving
needed sewing material for
th aid of German young peo
ple trough the German Youth
Administration program.
Take 'Em Out!
Hamburgers .. .' 19c
French Fries . . 9c
Milk Shakes . .19c
Root Beer, Cokes 9c
Coffee, Orange . 9c
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