Pag THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregm - Tuesday, November 24, I9sj Capital ' Edited by MARIAN Holiday Dinners Of Interest The Thanksgiving holiday will be marked by many din' ner fathering! in the capital with Salem (oik host to rel ative and friend. Dr. and Mra. Lewi D, Clark and family arc to en tertain at a holiday dinner with f ueata to include Dr. and Mri. Lloyd Staple of Eu gen and Dr. and Mra. George Dean of Medford. Mr. and Mra. W. W. Chad wick art to be hoita to a lam ily dinner. In the group will be their aona-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. Leo nard Rowan and Mr. and Mra. Milton Greenberg and their familiei, and Mr. Margaret Erp, mother of Mra. Chad' wick. Mr. and Mr. Harold A. Rosebraugh are to entertain for a family dinner for Mr. nd Mr. W. W. Rocebraugh of Salem and Mr. and Mra. T. W. Child and aona, George and Gregg, Portland. At Smith Homo Mr. and Mra. Ray Smith re to be hot at their home for a family dinner gathering on the holiday. In the group will be Mr. and Mr. Walter 8. Hibberd and family, Rich ard, Judy and Beverly, of Fort Towntend, Wah.; I. L. Smith ef Dill; Mr. and Mra. Rob bert G. Smith, Diane, Linda and Bobby, and Ed Rostein, 1 of Salem, and the host. At the home of Attorney General and Mra. Robert Y. Thornton for over Thanksgiv ing it Mra. Thornton moth er, Mr. Carl tfaberlach of Tillamook. On Thanksgiving day, Mr. and Mra. E. L. Peter- eon are to entertain at dinner for Mra. Haberlach, Mra, , Capitol Shopping Center Fitted to Flitter by IfUlf I06ERS Gnihih) Corsetlor Li-ho,ds X X. that high-note easy way ef v FOR CHUOBtijI n-j ntGHT iCvfWV I. perfect cup V Women LOWBT FISCHER Daughters Visit AtMrs.MoifsHome It will be a gala holiday week-end at the home of Mr. James W. Mott, all three of her daughjtera to be home. The eldest daughter, Mra. John L. Sullivan, and her three children, Francea Anne, Can' dace and Johnny, come Wed nesday afternoon from Oswego. Mil Beverly Mott, the youngest daughter, will arrive from Oregon State college Wednesday evening. Mr. Benjamin Whisenand, the second daughter, and her children, Jimmy and Susan, will arrive Friday from Mar- tinea, Calif. They will be here a Week. Early in December, Mr. Sul livan and family are leaving for Westchester. Pennsylvania, to make their home, Mr. Sulli van being there already. He la in the area office of federal civil defense there for the states of Pennsylvania, Ken tucky, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio and New Jersey. Mr. .Marlon W. Rllea will join Mra. Sullivan and children. Ml Mott and the Mrs. Mott for Thanksgiving dinner. Thornton and son, and for Mrs. Peterson' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mra. John Kettenring and family of Van couver, Wash. Mra. Peterson and Mr. Kettenring are niecea of Mr. Haberlach. Mr. Thorn ton la away over the holiday for two week military service at the Presidio. Justice and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze will entertain as holi day dinner guests, hia son, Don Toozee of Roseburg, her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Dodd, who la viaiting from Nesko win, and their eon, J a m e a Tooze, atudent at Willamette university. Holiday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mr. Edward Dyck will be Mr. and Mra. Arthur P. Sprague and Mrs. Sprague'a parent, Mr. and Mr. Arthur Gallison. Fry Boat Mr. and Mr. Daniel J. Fry will entertain at a family din ner at their home on the holi day, guesta to include their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. William E. Snell and. iuur ciuiutcto irom romana, their eon and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mra. Daniel Fry, Jr., Mr. arl Snell, and the bos- teas' uncle, Milton L. Meyer. Gueat of Dr. and Mra. Es till L. Brunk for the holiday will be their son, Ronald Brunk, who la attending Uni versity of Oregon dental school In Portland, and his school friend, Robert Bobo of Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. and Mra., Carl Allport are entertaining at a family dinner. In the group will be Mr. and Mra. Dean All port and daughtera, Deborah and Kathleen; Mra. Clara Manning, Mrs. Augusta All- port, and Miss Jacquelyn All port, who ia to be here from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill will entertain for a familv group. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. William Hill. Miss Vada Hill, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Walker, Mis Shirley HU1 and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. William Rector and family are to entertain at the holiday dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren and family. At Barry Home Mr. and Mr. J. Albert Barry will have aa holiday guesta their daughter, Miss Donna Barry, and a school friend of the latter. Miss Margaret Little of Great Falls, Mont. The two girls are seniors at Marylhurst college and recently both were chosen for listing in the 1954 edition of "Who' Who in America College and Univer sities." Miss Barry la sodality prefect and Miss Little is vice president of the associated atu dent at the college. ertry tunc! CASWELL'S Club Takes In 30 New Members Thirty new member were added to the Salem Junior Woman's club on Monday night whert the group conduct ed initiation at the home of Mra. Frank D. Ward. New member include the Mecriame Maurice L. Conn, Maynard Eiaaman, Robert Gor don, Clarke Brown, Joseph Franko, Warren Cooley, Don ald Griswold, Francis Waser, Mahlon N. Pengra, Jr., Rollin Page, Quinton Murren, Vincent Fletcher, Clarence Danen, Aus tin Elvers, Donald L. Rasmus sen, Ted Morris, Richard Allen, Warren C. Pahl, Maurice Bux ton, William L. Schaumberg, Keith L. Bateman, Floyd Brod hagen, Harlan Anderson, Ken neth Wait, Keith Thompson, Donald Dougherty, Daniel H. William, Cliff Bowder, How ard El wood and Richard Beese. ly. Games were in play follow ing initiation and winning prizes were Mrs. Joseph Fran ko, Mra. Donald Griswold, and Mrs. Richard Jennlng. It was decided to have a party early in December for husband of the member. Mrs. Douglaa Hay and Mra. Gordon Graber will be chairmen. Refreshment were served by Mrs. Richard Ltnkow, Mrs. George C. Huggina, Jr., Mr. Charlea Knapp. Rebekah News Homecoming waa celebrated on Monday night at the Salem Rebekah lodge meeting at the IOOF temple. Mil Ethel Stonebrlnk was made a member by transfer and Mr. Rena Cowman, Know ville, Iowa was a visitor. Following lodge there was a apron walk aponsored by the noble (rand and vice grand. Mra. Helen Palmer played sev eral numbers on the vibraharp. Mr. Walter Larson a e c o m panied her. Mrs. Carl Dickson gave a reading. Barker Corn, forth also aang during the en tertainment with Mra. Walter Larson at the piano. Today's Menu Apricot preserves glaze a amoked pork butt to perfec tion. FAMILY DINNER Apricot Glazed Pork Butt Mashed Green Peat Potatoe Bread and Butter Gingerbread Beverage Squares APRICOT GLAZED PORK BUTT Ingredllenta: One 2 M -pound (about) boned smoked vork shoulder butt, V4 cup apricot preserves, 2 tablespoons orange Juice. Method: Cook pork butt ac cording to directions on cello phane wrapper. Mix together apricot preserves and orange Juice. Place pork butt in shal low baking pan; apread with apricot mixture; bake in alow (325F) oven 20 to 30 minutes, basting several times. Serve with a little of the glaze over each slice. Make 6 servings. 6 98 ldE) ' Ikil. a - -j vsMm Mite mm Si to . 1198 If "7. ' ' ' Miss Shirley Mae Wolff Duo Tell Engagement The Rev. and Mra. Emanuel Wolff have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miaa Shirley Mae Wolff, to Wayne C. Radke, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Radke of Dallas. No date haa been act for the wedding. Miss Wolff attended Dallas high school and la now em ployed at the Dallas City bank. Mr. Radke also waa graduated from Dallas high school and ia now attending Merritt - Davia Buiines college. Past Presidents Meet Mrs. Leon Hansen enter tained Past Presidents club of Marion auxiliary, Post No. 661, Veteran of Foreign War, last week. Assisting were Mrs. Russell Mudd and Mra. Charles Hunt. The. group planned the birthday party for the post and auxiliary this month. Mr. Gordon Bressler and Mrs. Rus sel Mudd were appointed to buy the birthday cake. Mr. Leon Hansen was appointed chairmen of the decorating committee. The Christmas party of the club will be with Mrs. Gordon Bressler with gift exchange for the members. Berkey-Hancock Sheridan Misa Mardelle Hancock of Tillamook and Gil bert Berkey, U.S. Army, were married November 8 at an af ternoon ceremony in Vancou ver, Wash., at the home of the Rev. Paul Kunzman, who offi ciated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hancock of Cloverdale. Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Ber key are the bridegroom'a par ents. Pvt. Berkey, who has been home on furlough, left this week for Fort Bragg, N.C. Mra. Berkey will make her home In Tillamook. A reception waa given last week for the couple at the home of the bridegroom'a par ents, with more than 100 call ing to greet the couple. Mra. Jack Hancock served the wed ding cake, and assisting about the rooms were the Misses Irene Yoder, Marlene Hancock, Joyce Berkey, Roberta Stutz man, Iria Yoder, Janelle Co blentz and Francea Shenk. Spinsters Select Project Aiatance to the state school for the blind la the new pro ject for Salem Spinsters club. it is announced following the groups meeting Monday after noon at the home of Miss Mary Louis Lee. The club will furniah toy library at the school, donate volunteer time in helping the Rotarian Women Meet on Monday An Interesting program fea tured the meeting of Rotarian Women, Monday afternoon at the luncheon at the Golden Pheasant Dr. Daniel Schulze showed picture of a trip to Europe this pa-it summer when he served with a itudent tour, Mr. K. H. Picken. Mrs. Thomas Roen and Mrs. Charlea Fowler were in charge of the decorations which featured the Thanksgiving theme. Mra. Har ris Lieu waa a visitor, The next meeting ia set for December 14 in order not to conflict with the holidaya, and for that meeting members are asked to take their guns 01 canned goods and food for wel fare. P.I.O. Chapter Chapter CQ of P.E.O. Sister hood met Monday for lunch eon at the home of Mra. K. D. Lytle. Mra. Robert L. Elfstrom, state organizer, paid her of ficial visit to the chapter and witnessed the exemplification of thet ritual. Assisting the hosteu were Mr. C. M. Mar tin and Mrs. G. W. Bruce. Guests were Mrs. John Con way and Mrs. Ben Cave. Christening Event Christening ceremonies for Kathleen Rae Allport, five- month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Allport, were Sunday afternoon at St Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Godparent of the little girl are Mr. and Mra. Richard Lar son of Woodburn. Following the service, a des sert was served at the Allport home for members of the fam ily and the godparents. Kath leen Rae ia the younger daugh ter, her sister being Deborah Lynn. RECENTLY Initiated into Kappa Delta sorority at Oregon State college was Miss Glendo- ris Floyd. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. G. W. Floyd of Dallas. She is a sophomore! majoring in home economics, DOUBLE JltfC GREEN STAMPS TOMORROW NOV. Capital Drug Store 405 Store St. (Corner of Liberty) 15$ N. Liberty SOFT OVER school, and plans other gifts durina the year. Proceed from the annual Chriitma Ball of the club en December 19 will be uaed for the project Member also planned their annual gift of a box of food and toy for a needy family. Next meeting will come De cember 14. OSC Mothers Club . Meets on Monday Oregon State College Moth er club met Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. L. L. Fer guson and discussed future project and activities. A benefit card party ia planned for the evening of Feb ruary 10. Report were given on the returns from the recent jitney dinner. Refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. Adolf Lie- tuvietis, Mrs. Stan Baker, Mrs Elmore Hill. Next meeting Is to be at the home of Mrs. K. D. Lytle. Guild Planning Benefit Nov. 30 Woodburn St Mary a Episcopal guild has postponed its regular meeting date from November 24 to Tuesday, De cember 8. Mrs. Ivan DeArmond will be hostess for the 1:30 p.m. dessert at her home. A public card party, spon sored by the guild and social club, will be Monday night November 30, at St. Mary's Episcopal hall. Pinochle and bridge will be played. Mem bers will bring sandwiches to assist the committee that in clude Mrs. H. Mi Austin, Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Tom DeArmond. Anderson-Bates Sheridan Miss Vivian Lor raine Bates, daughter -of Mr. and Mr. William Bate of Sheridan, waa wed to Charles Oren Anderson of Roseau, Minn., October 30 at an after noon ceremony at the First Lutheran church in Roseau. The Rev. Thure Johnson read the ceremony. Mrs. Helen Neshiem of Sher idan, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor, and Al vin H. Anderson, brother of the bridegroom of Roseau, was best man. The reception waa at the Willie Anderson home after the ceremony. After a wedding trip to Winnepeg, Canada, the couple ia now at home in Sher- lidan. 25 Phone 1-3191 WOOL JERSEY PASTEL TWEED COLORFUL HOLIDAY FASHION Colon, fabrics, stylat all designed to make you look your prettint for the holiday scene. And all so wearable, so fashion-lmpirad, E Wool Jerseys, charming new styles; each with a trotting of white angora trim. Pink, blue, maize, turquoite, alio In black. Sizes 32 to 38. 5.98 end 6.98 (1) Skirts of imported all-wool novelty tweeds. Matkuloutly tailored new straight-line or semi-flared stylet. Blue, green, gray pastels. Sizes 10 to 18. 12.98 Miss Berger . New Queen Of Bethel Misa Ann Berger was elected honored queen on Monday night for bethel No. 43, Job's Daughtera. Miss Nancy Owens, oast honored queen, was hon ored with a gift Installation will be December S. Others elected to serve were Miss Vicky Ward, senior prin cess; Misa Nancy Snider, Junior prince; Miss Karen Thomas, guide; Miss Patricia Whelan, marshal. Fifty-three dollar waa made on the box social which preced ed the meeting. Miss Barbara Keudell won the attendance prize. It was announced that the talent ahow will perform at the tuberculosis ward at the State hospital and at Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star. USWV Groups Meet Sons of Union Veterana of the Civil war and auxiliary met last week. Four department officers were present: Mrs. Hester Cook department president, Vancouver Wn., Cliff Kern department press correspon dent; Zellah Lindgrin depart ment treasurer and Leilia Reynolds of Seattle Wn., In spector. As a part of the business of the evening, an Invitation was extended, for the department convention in Salem in May. Mr. Lura Tandy extended an Invitation to Salem auxiliary to meet at their home for the Humarapunw The Beit Hoit Efficient Service. A VEX PUTIN6 425 South 12th Prince Matchobelli Perfume Crown Bottles are individ ually hond finished and encrusted with gold. Each con tains a hidden beauty too the finest fragrance that skill can create. $5 to $45 in new Wind Song lorst , . . Beloved (both imported Prince Matchabelli Stradivari Cologne and Dusting Powder $3.50 This haunting fragrance will put o love song in her heart ... 2 ounce cologne ond bath size dusting powder' in this important looking gift box. Matching Cologne and Perfume Set New Wind Song Stradivari Beloved $4.50 $4.50 $5.50 She'll use the cologne at home and carry the per fume purse dispenser with her wherever she goes. Presented in satin gift box. Price Plu Tax j Wed In Fall u. Mrs. George E. Miller (Opal Annette Callison), above were married September 19 at St Mary's Glacier lodg. Colo. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B, A. Callison of route 3, Sa lem. The couple are at home at Peoria, Arizona where Mr. Miller 1 ranger. SILVERTOVMr mA u E. Jay McCall have as their house ffueit. their snn nn n- Call, from Hermlston, who came Saturday to be at to family home over the Thanks giving holiday. Mrs. Don McCall and their daughter, "D", plan to Join the group Wednesday evening and will return Kunitaw ... ning to eastern Oregon.. ' . rest of the year. It was accent. ed. Mrs. Cook save a rermw her trin to the natinnal vention in Buffalo, New York, Mrs. Reynolds aa insnr(n gave a report Sleepless? because ef Add Seemacnr Eat 1 or 2 Toms at bedtime at neotraiue acid uttr Kim TUMI POt TNI Tuewr T- rY'lBI Gifts thai will thrill her al Christmas... and many months after! by Prince Matchabelli . . . Stradivari , . , Duchess of and Crown Jewel from France). Prince Matchabelli Creme Sachet Bagatelle $2 A new kind of fragrance! . . . long-lasting liquid sachet in three colorful crown bottles Beloved, Stradivari and Duchess of York presented in a goily ribboned, plastic box. I AHetntrrMini'' CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. (Comer ef Liberty) WE GIVE frfC GREEN STAMPS COFFEE eW VtMH SMotm I frf, wsffTSs..