Pat S TumdtT. Kortabcr 24. 19S3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJcm, OrefM In- The Edits fcy HIXI FORBES Buena Vista Buena Vista Th Buena Vista-Highland club net at tba Community hall Wednes day morning when Evadna Prather and Gladys Stapleton ', gave the demonstration on "Oregon Sweets." President Melba Powers asked for sug gestions tor the new years work, to take to the county program planning meeting. Present were Mesdames Clair Craber, Faye Callles, Henrietta Buiby, Mary Draz doff, Kate Bride, Coldie Bow man, Gaye Dodle, Nellie Mill- houser, Mable Short, Retha Johnson, Wanda Ward, Melba Powers, Olive Wells, Margaret Ililf, Gladys Stapleton, Era . dna Prather, Hazel Wells, L. Gorman, Bessie Hall, - and Elma Hultman. Guests ere . Mrs. Pearl King and Mrs. Fred Scott of Salem. The next . meeting will be Dec. 16, when Olive Wells and Alice Paul son will demonstrate "Foods for entertaining." Buena Vista Women's club '' . held its meeting Wednesday , afternoon with 17 members. Mrs. Lelsnd Prather gave a report for the cemetery com . mittee stating a special meet ; lng will be held In the county ' court room Nov, 34 at 10 a.m. The nominating committee, Henrietta Busby and Faye Callles, presented the follow ing names: for president, Mary Drazdoff; vice-president. May Drazdnff; 2nd vice-president, Bessie Hall: secretary, Har rlet Busby, treasurer, Clair Graber. They were elected. The next meeting will be Dec. 0, an evening meeting with a Christmas party when secret pals will be revealed. Guests, Mrs. Fred Scott and Mrs. Pearl King, greeted the group for the first time this year. Clair Graber and Elma were hostesses.. At the next meeting the so cial committee and program committee will have charge of the party. . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCann of Puyallup, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Engle of Ort Ing, Wash., were visiting with Mrs. Georgia Prather Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ott of Portland brought Mrs. Msud Johnson home after a three weeks stay there this week. The Jersey Cattle club held a meeting at the Community hal Thursday when Mr. and Mrs. Wslt Lierman were hosts Mrs. Victor Bride assisted Mrs. Lierman. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elia Long were Mr. and Mrs. D. Hammer of The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Grieb and daughter of White Salmon, and Mra. John Lavota of Portland. Virginia Busby of Portland (pent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Busby. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bride, Mr. and Mrs. John Dnwdoff at tended a meeting of the Dairy Produces in Rlckreall Tuesday evening which was sponsored by the McMtnnville co-op. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Busby visited relatives in Tillamook Wednesday and on the way had an auto accident when another car drove across the road In front of them and they skidded THE COLONIAL HOUSE Will Be CLOSED Thanksgiving Day NEW YORK STEAK TURKEY DANCE Wednesday, November 25th DOOR PRIZE Modern and Old-lime CRYSTAL Valley Into them, the car was slightly damaged but they were not hurt. Jack Wells gsve bis trsvel talk and showed pictures at Mehama P-TA. Friday night and at Dallas Chamber of Commerce Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells had dinner Sunday at the W. W. Wells borne In Salem. A 4-H not-luck dinner will be held at the Parker school house Nov. 28. The leaders are cooking and sewing club, Mrs. Wesley Fickle; assistant, Mrs. Kenneth filler: food preserva tion, Mrs. Monroe Clint: as sistant, Mrs. Philip Sperling; garden club, Betty Cline; live stock, Jack Wells, assistsnt, Betty Cline. Smithfield Smlthfield Mr. and Mrs. Sol N. Ediger, state directors for Oregon Child Evangelism FellowshiD together wun Jnr. and Mra. Jake P. Fast of North Dallas, Miss Ann Hamm of Dallas, and Mr. ana Mrs. George Deckert and young son of Glendive, Mont., motored to Salem on Tuesdsy evening to attend a Thanksgiving Fellow ship dinner sponsored by the Salem- Child Evangelism Fel lowship In the soclsl rooms of the Evangelical United Breth ren church. A feature of the evening was the showing of the film "Stars In your Crown. Salem now has 24 clubs In and around the city. Pratum Prelum Mrs. Oscar Wigle was host to the Prstum Wo men's Society of Christian Service Wednesday afternoon In the church basement Mrs. E. A. Young of Sslem wss the guest speaker. The annual U'-.lon Thanks giving service, Methodist and Mennonite, will be held at the Emmanuel Mennonite church Thursday morning at 10:30. The speaker will be Rev. John Hauler of the Lebanon Baptist church. Webfoot Webfoot Officers elected by the Webfoot subordli ate grange No. 718 recently follow: Master, George Doud; over seer, Ray McManlmie; lectur er, Mrs. Tom Lyman; ateward, Clifford Gibbon; assistant stew. ard, Mike Smith; chaplain, Mrs. Clifford Gibbon: treasurer. D. C. Clark: secretary. Mrs. George Doud; gatekeeper', Rich ard Lofton; Ceres, Miss Laura Shafer; Pomona, Mrs. Arch Shafer; Flora, Mrs. Mike Smith; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Richard Lofton; executive com mittee, Henry Doud, T. Lyman and Jamea Richardson. The men plan to haul wood to the hall Saturday, Nov. 21. The women will prepare din ner for the men at the hall. An open meeting will be held Nov. 28 A Thanksgiving program is being prepared by lecturer Bar bara Lofton. A display table showing ideas for Christmas gifts will be in charge of Mrs. T. Lyman. Officers of Webfoot Juvenile r,ne tor 195- elected at the meeiing neia oaiuraay, Novem ber 14, are: Master, Kaipn Lymsn: over- "'"s uuiinn; lecturer, , xvonne cotton; steward, David Pian, were completed for the Gross; assistant steward, Jan ,nnUal bazaar which will be McManlmie; chaplain, Joane.hoiH at ih. M-i.t.tnn irhnnl Gross; treasurer, Leslie Lyman: ; secretsry. Helen McManlmie; gatekeeper, Steven Lofton; Ceres, Patsy Hendrlckson; Pomona, Marilyn McManlmie; Mora, reggy Hendrlckson; LAS Claire Gross; recreation chair- . . man, Don Shafer. . vs pound snviw lakes' hill r tones Fries Imm4 trM Salad Mat ltd $159 12 Neat Is MWsljlit week 4rfi 12 k I Stadiri - A TURKEY Music by Pop Edwards GARDENS Lyons Lyons Mrs. Glen Berringer, Lyons, Rt. 1. Thursday evening received a telephone call from her son, Corp. Jim Richman In Japan, who is a telephone line' man with the U. f . Army and located near Tokyo. Mrs. Ber ringer stated that she could hear him quite clearly and that it was rriday evening there. Richman baa been In the serv ice year and a half and over seas about a year. Relatives and friends gath ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cruson Saturday eve nlng to help Mrs. Cruson eel- ebrste her birthday anniver sary. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson and Bon nie; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson, Mary Jo and Buddy, and her mother, Mra. Alice White of St. Regis, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cruson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McWhlrk, Maria, Er roll. Hugh and Rhonda all of Lyons, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woffard and two children of Mehama. Miss Judy Kunkle returned home after spending several days In Salem with her sister, Miss JoAnne Kunkle, who Is employed there. Mrs. Virgil Rogers went to Portland Sunday afternoon, to spend a few days with Mrs. Frsnk Keith who Is very ill. She is a close friend of the Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Keys, Ly ons, Rt 1, who recently pur chssed property in Lyle, Wash., moved there Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess of Salem have bought the Keys property here and will take possession st once. Mr. and Mrs. Layman Jones are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of another daughter. Mrs. Jones and baby returned home from the hospi tal. Hugh Johnston went to Rho dodendron Monday, called there by an accident to one of his trucks. Mr. and Mrs. Lelsnd Msn- nlng were Sundsy evening din ner guests in Salem at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Polk. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ed Cruson were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ma ther and daughter, Penny, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hunt of Stayton have moved Into the Forrest Nydegger house. Hunt recently received his discharge from the Army. Mrs. Hunt is a daughter of the Nydeggers. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son, Cecil, returned home Sunday evening after a week s visit In Los Angeles, Calif.. where they were guests at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett. Mrs. George Huffman visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbsrd In Eugene Sundsy. Miss Jeanette Huffman, who had spent sever al days at the home of her grandparents, returned home with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sieg, who have been living with their son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sieg in the George Cllpfell house in Fox Valley, have-moved to the Barney Kir sen house In Meha ma. Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell have as their guest her niece Daphne White of Nwport Lyons The Women's Socie ty of Christian Service held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Leonard Cruson Tuesday after noon. . Mrs. George Huffman, president, presided over the business meeting. Mrs. E. L. Roye led the devotions and Mrs. Alice Huber was in charge of the proRram of the day on "Stowardshlp. house Tuesday evening, Dec 1. Serving of the supper will be from 6 to 8 p.m. There will : homemade candy, Christmas ISU IdlllVWUlK, XUIUIIB. caras, iisn pona, etc. rrc.ciu ',r ,nT "in, .!. . i Glen Julian, Wlllard Hartnell, George Huffman, Oscar Naue, ' Ed Cruson. Loren Chamberlain, Albert Remmenga, John Neal. Russell Thiel, Ivan Smith, Wood Oliver. Wilson Stevens, E. L. Roye, Alex Bodeker, Chester Roy, Mrs. Viola Zan der, Mrs. Inet Ring, Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Hudson and Mrs.' Frsnk Stead, who wss a guest1 for the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian made a trip to Portland Wed-, nesday. They took her mother, Mrs. White, who has been visit-1 lng at the Julian home, to her home in Portland. I The pre school mothers held their meeting Wednesdsy eve nlng at the home of Mrs. Al wood Aronson, with Mrs. Don ald Huber chairman In charge. Plans were made for the Christ mas party and their part in the Christmas program. Present for the meeting were Mesdsmes Frank Spellmelre, Clem Deis ter, John Prtdeaux, Roy Brown, Lloyd Free, Gayle Pennington, etnas S-srae Eirhsra WMmark Karl Maldea "Tat Hm Mat trseaT e The Wonder fa I Wiemeraner 'The Dof aonedett Dot" Donald Huber, Ed James. Wil liam Hargin, Jack Duggan, Wendell Weaver, Thompson and Mrs. Alice Huber. Mrs. Herman Free was hos tess for the Wednesday after noon card club at her home. A 1:10 o'clock dessert luncheon was followed by several tables of 800. Mrs. Orville Downing held high score, Mrs. Pst Ly ons second high and Mra. Rus sell Thlel low. Attending the party were Mesdames Bob Carleton, John Kunkle, Bert Lyons, Earl Allen, Floyd Bas sett, Arthur Olmstead, Oscar Naue, Bob Free, Chester Roy, Andrew Sieg, Vern Nydegger, Russell ThieL Pat Lyons, Or ville Downing and the hostess, Mrs. Herman Free. I Members of the Altar society of the St Patrick's Catholic church held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Mike Schwindt Thursday evening. The discussion topic of the eve ning was bingo parties, one to be held each month. Plan. wVr. mad. for the Christmas party, which will be held at the first meeting In December at the home of Mrs. Mike Fink. Attending the meeting Thursday evening were Mesdames Merrill Brass field, Phillip Pietrok, John Jungwirth, Pat Lyona, Herman Free, Bob Free, Lloyd Free, and the hostess, Mrs. Mike Schwlndt Layman Jones Is in Santiam Memorial hospital, suffering from severe bruises, cuts and lacerations he received Thurs day evening in a car accident when his car skidded on slip pery pavement as he was com ing home from work. The ac cident occurred near Gates. Butteville Butteville Mr. and Mrs. William Dentel and Fred Den tel spent several days in Jor dan valley visiting relatives. While there, they attended the wedding and reception of their niece. Miss Alta Mae Dentel, daughter of Russell Dentel. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jones and children spent the week end in Seattle visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Miller and family. The families are cousins. Mrs. Lillie Cunningham, who spent the summer in Elma, Wash., with her daugh ter, Mrs. James Bosler, has re turned to the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Ray Martin in Butte ville. Mrs. Beryl Breithaupt spent the weekend visiting relatives in Halsey and Cor va His. She has a mother and sister in Hal sey and a brother in Corval lis. Another brother, C. E. Qulmby, has recently moved to his new farm home at Far go, which he purchased IrorrU .Turk Mnrrav "f The annual dinner and ba zaar sponsored by the ladies of the Butteville Congrega tional church and held at the Butteville school on Armistice day was a big success. They served turkey dinners to more than ISO adults and almost ran out of food. Mrs. W. O. Lindquist has just returned from a week's vacation in California which was crammed with sight see ing and visiting. She and Mrs. Elwood Faist of Canby, drove Mrs. Falst'a father, Fred Gar rett, to the home of his son, Don Garrett, where he will spend the winter. They drove Mr. Garrett a car down, and returned by air. They visited Mr. Garrett'a sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dalton at Mt. Shasta. At Pismo Beach they visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carl, an other sister, and her husband. Mr. Carl is an uncle of Marion and Manton Carl of Hubbard. Marion being the flying ace of national fanie. They talked with Jack Kas mussen and Dannie McLeon by phone. The boys are stationed at Ft. Ord. They also enjoyed the 17-mile scenic drive at Monteray of the Del Monte Dhi.,.1. Mnwipal nn j other points visited were (Carmel, The Pinnacles. Sail nas and Stockton valley. The Butteville PTA held Its flneit m CHINESE md AHERICAN DINNERS CHINA CITY SSSS Sooth Commercial Phone 2-2117 Starts Tomorrow! Htm 2ND ..ITflWTD ttl IMUffW MVMMI Dallas Dallas The Dallas Garden club met in the Chamber, of Commerce rooms Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Livesley pre sided at the business meeting. Mrs. Norman Baker gave an account of the meeting of the Federation of Garden club meetings she attended during the past month which .were held et Beaverton, Milwaukle and Portland. Mrs. Howfard Eastman described a plant she had grown in her yard during the summer. Plans were made to have a Christmas party at the Decem ber meeting, members to bring a covered dish also a gift which the guests would exchange during the luncb hour. The prealdent announced that the program would be in charge of Mrs. Clsude Hois- ington and Mrs. Norman f Jttr. presidents of the club. Fea tured during the afternoon was a contest to identify an assortment of seeds, Mrs. Al lie Hennigan won the prize. Mrs. Burt Campbell and Mrs. Elmer Bowman were in charge of decorations, using fall flowers about the room and a center piece of various kinds of vegetables and nuts banked by an upstanding copper tray on the tea table. Serving on the refreshment committee were Mrs. - Earl More, Mrs. Hilda Lantls and Mrs. Paul Morgan. - The special prize went to Mrs. Pearl Hughs. Dr. Robert McKnight mov ed his family to the Milton Miner piace east oi usual last week. The Millers moved into town recently. Mr. Mill er has been custodian at the Sarah Morrison school on Main street for a number of yeara and made the change to be nearer his work. Mrs. L. H. Rowell entertain ed her S00 club at her home recently. A 1 o'clock dessrt luncheon preceded the afternoon of play. Bouquets of chrysanthe mums decorated the living room, and a circlet of color ful fuschias centered the din ing table. Mrs. O. S. Kelly held high score, Mrs. Charles Graham low and the traveling prize went to Mrs. Elmer Schulson. Mrs. Florence Hunter and Mrs. Frank Hobson filled in for the afternoon. Members present were Miss Hazel Butler, Mrs. John Frie sen, Mrs. Charles Graham, Mrs. Elmer Schulson, Mrs. Pearl Hughs, Mrs. O. S. Kel- ley. regular meeting Monday eve- nlng. Nov. 8. C. Stewart Clark of McLaren school wss the i speaker of the evening. It was announced that there would be no PTA meeting inj December, but that the school Christmas program would be presented Wednesday evening, Dec. 23, when the usual bags' of candy will be presented to the youngsters. Mrs. Eddie Jones. Mrs. Jimmy Johnson and Mrs. Glen Haines volun teered to till the bags with the candy. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs 'Jlen Haines, Mra. Dan C.ark a.-d Mrs. Howard Freeman. Glen Haines is now em ployed on the new court house construction job in Salem and drives back and forth to work each day. ENDS TODAY; Open 6:4J "DESERT LEGION" "ABBOTT COSTELLO GO TO MARS" - STATS TOMORROW - ROBERT m HOWARD TAYLOR GARDNER 'KEEL , Ih4 T4ir It) Ttklllfltf . MtNtlly in "Tfct lint! l sIpmbM llttr" rutt Milan JMP&j BIG HIT!- C - Feature 15I1SB1 Mrs. O. S. Kelley has been elected noble grand of Almira Rebekan lodge. Other officers elected to serve with her for the coming year were Mrs. M. V. Wolverton, vice grand; Mra. Ralph Howe, recording secre tary; Mrs. John McCuiston, fi nancial secrctray; Mrs. Jack Ragsdale, treasurer. Appointive officers wtH be selected later. A social hour followed the business session. At the close of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Barnhart and Mrs. Pete Kunz served re freshments to the group. Fruitland Fruitlsnd Mrs. Kenneth Runner, Mrs. Ema Rurmer, Mrs. Arthur Schulz and Mrs. Standifer were hosts to the Fruitland Women's Circle Fri day afternoon at the church annex. It was decided to have the Christmas dinner at the annex Dec. IS. Mrs. .Larry Wagner has in vited the members of home Extension Unit for a 10:30 o'clock breakfast at her home Tuesday Dec. 8. The Fruitland 'Mother's club is sponsoring "An Open House" at the school Tuesday night, Nov. 24. The hours are from 7 to S o'clock. The Wright brothers' flrat plane was damaged after its fourth flight and never flew again. J pnoni a-sos Boys & Girls BIG CARTOON CARNIVAL! 15 Tom L Jerry Cartoons Thanksgiving Morning At 10:00 A.M. Mothers! Get the kiddles (and Pop, too) out of the kitchen while you prepare the Thanksgiving dinner! Send them (and Pop, too) to this wonderful cartoon ahow! Doors Open 10:00 A.M. Show Starts 10:30 ... Out at 12:15 REMEMBER THE DATE, THANXS6IVIN6 MORNING AT .10:00 A.M. Children 20-op 60 LAST DAY! JAMES CAGNEY "LIONS IN THE STREET" HELD OVER! Tonight ot 9:00 Regular Prices! Amazing Hypnotist And Mental Marvel! "THE AMAZING MR. V." World Famous Hypnotist Who Is Holding Crowds Spellbound and Providing Hilorious Entertainment RECOMMENDED AS EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT for the ENTIRE FAMILY! ! ON THE SCREEN ENTIRELY NEW SHOW TOMORROW! ALSO IWmuiaiUTK!rr NEW units CSKOON Wash M mtm St IKHWCOtOt H&H 2360 Slate St. PRICES EFFECTIVE TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Ocean Spray 1 lb. Whole or Strained Cranberry Sauce limit Can Mince Meat TSL . i 30c Fancy Real Bargain Pumpkin Giant Ripe Olives St ...19 CRISCO LIMIT Large 9-ln. Restaurant Pies PUMPKIN OR MINCE CA 79c Value A t COME IN FOR A FREE SAMPLE TAIfC Swansdown .... .Each Fkf. 22c MlVPf BeHy Cr0Ckcr 4pk'fc"C MIXES Tilbesl Jelly Poll 4pkt, 99c S&W COFFEE ib. 79 Mandarin Oranges - .. 14c Bulk nPr Pitted Dates ,t lj C & H - Raw Sugar PRODUCE Cranberries 2 29c Sweet Potatoes 2. 17c Danish Squash 5c Celery 9c Delicious Apples 2 35c Oranges Sw 2 35c HUE MARSHMALL0WS GET YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY HERE We sell only fresh killed (not frozen) poul try A No. 1 grade at most competitive prices. GROCERY AND MARKET Phone 3-3823 No. 303 can 9' each 3179 . each LIMIT 8 lbs. 95' Powdsrad Brown 19 r