Tuesday, November 24, 1ISS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pact l! DENNIS the MENACE TH WW I CUT IT WILL HAVE TO FOR RENT APARTMENTS PUENllHED apartment. Clew la. mm tlo furnished. Phon noil. Jplll J.ROOM furnished apartment. Alio, bachalor apartment. Ambassador Apartment. 110 N. lummir. JpltS MISCELLANEOUS UUU SAND ORAVEl COIIPAXY Contract Work Ko.d Clearlnf - Dltehu Sewer and Butint Iqulproont Rental Pltchtni by tha root Phono Daye l-,40l Jrvci. 1-4417 or I-7I1I Saltm. Oraion in BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVI MOVE YOURSELF SAVE ' CAR RENTALS STARES . VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE l-llll FAOI STEVENSOIf and AL V.EPORD CENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN UOST CASES DR. HARRY SEULER. DENTIST Adolph BMi. Stata Commercial Sle. aALEM FH. 3-3311 TO" BUILDING MATERIALS rEW LUMBER tor aalo. Almoat ui kind. Cheap. Delivered. Phone 1-3041. malll REMODEL NOW Pre home planning aerrice. Let Sir von n free wiimctc od yW hem remodeling or repair. Alio Installation of rooflDC, evei trough, siding or other building materials. Montgomery Ward !. Liberty Phono 1-1131 SALE Gtrayt door complete with hwd $41 00 Over bead ear. doora, hwd. .... 119 4il waterproof wallbd Ml Malli, 11.71, 1 kegs it IIS Me picture windows tl up Hew weather atrlpped window 14.20 Mew doora. All else ......- S.W 100 Died doora a frame Unpamted cedar ehakee t.00 Fainted ebake with ondtrcourM 10.50 Aibeito eldlai. per aq I.M Pibfttiau roll blanket iBiulatloo. Mew ahake mouidios loe Cedir lenc poete Ctitap 100 fL aeptle tanks I1.U 4" cut Iron oll pipe 78c Moll roofing, lane aupply sal 4" olld orinieburg pipe ...... lie I tab competition roofing fl.9t Cedar ihlnglee, 4 trade ... Cheap New toilet with eeit li.K New bath tube complete 07.40 Double kitchen link complete 40 gal. elie. water htra 0uel ahower cabinet! contplito 14-1 Kiectrto wiring ... 13-1 Electric wlrlna ... ... r mi, tali Laundry trlya. eipt, with fcattna, C. a. LOhU a 80N8 Ph. 4-lot I 1 ail. M. . KiUlf KEITH BROWN PRE-INVENT0RY -SALE- REO. SALI Shlntlai, l-ln-1 Aiphalt lit lb. No. 1: solid orctn in Solid RMl M. Ciothe, Drrer 3 SO 1.1a Clothea Drrtr 4.M f.M Aluminum rooflnl plain or amboaaed. whll, It lam: CorruaatMl or IV crimp: M"xsa" ....I.Tbea. pc. I.STta. pe. 3ft"xl20" ....1.44 aa. pc. I.I? ca. pc. Jt 'im" 4.13 . pc. I 7 ta. pc. nardboaM 4x11 1 10 ta. pc. 1.40 aa. pc. Colonial Doora l-Oil-lil-. . .11.71 1141 Writer Enlrtnaa Handll Sail II M 11 Butti. 4 a 4 .10 pr. Bulla. I I l Mpr. Doora rc). fluan 3 0 to 1-W4-I 1.00 M Welaar Inilda Latah tat Ml Sarient Ke'-ln-rao. Lock aau I M ta. kfouldlnl: 4 'BN Eau RL.T...H 1 It. M t ft. J BN Catlna 01 1 ft. I 'Uld. Cailna I' U f 01 1 ft. I" Uld. Apron R'L M 1 ft. I" Mid. Baia RL 00 t ft. Short Mouldlnia 3 to r ,...ti prlca fall RL No. 4 Com. S4S ....30.00 M 1 I I RL No. 4 Com. S4S ....30.00 M Ctlllni ll Ilk RL "f Dry 40.00 U Keith Brown Lumber Yd Ph. 11111 - Front Court St. "WE GIVE SdtU OREEN STAMPS" SALE! KM. Wire 141 Loornx mft. Eiec. Wirt 1JI Looms 4ft. Wall Brkt. Bo wclamp II lr. T Rated Dup. ftel 13 American Nail txtry ipcl.t 10 00 keg Porelan MalU 0.71 " OKO Metal Outter lac I ' Knd. Dwn. Spout IK 3" Rnd- Xlla Ibc 41 Oal. tlec. Wtr. Heater 01 it) " 00 f0 Oal. Ilec. Wtr. Healer rft.90 40 Oal. Table Top Healer Il.tl K:m. Pan oo. Heiteri-itrt, 4 IV M 31 ca Qalv. Sheet leorrj 10' ..100 Dbl. Steel Slnka cotnp. w 'ipray 41.11 Plajtt Pipe SpeL priced ajk l Money earing prlcee galore Coma In Tou need not be member. Ore. Par ment Union Coop- Salem mallO RUODEUNO b IUPBOVEMXXT LOANS J4 UONTHS TO PAT NO DOWN PATMINT tflTTUATINO SERV1CK ADD AM EXTRA BKDRM ., OARAOE. Etc. ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT OliR OFTICE DICK 1IEYU LUMBER CO. mi Lana Ave. Ph. I4III MO PAR KINO PROBLEM ma)01 EOOn.NO, 1NR1LATION. TllllllB RUBda. Call Wwtem Auto Supply Co.. for free ei timet. 1-7177. wia NURSERY STOCK HOP POR IREl'Bi AND IAVI. Sprtad Int Jvnlpora I3-1I" ajtd Srt. lac. Htathara. Sac Mtddlo Ore. Nurtarp. 4M silmun Bd. Pho.t 4-4IJI. ma FERTILIZER Re4tad aaaaur.. mwA frcav Dcllv rtd anrhtra. FMna l-tmi. bSM By Ketcham 00 UNTIL MTU CAM MAKE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS P1AVO. laa. Call titnlnii. 4-l. 310 soona Rd. n2lla lie baas Cellini accordion, coat 0, aentng u. practically sew. Phone I-4IM. pill- t (tied walnut office table I need oak typewriter dek I used atenographera ehalra I uied walnut atralght chain 1 wed ateel 4 drawer file TUB COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 141 Ne. Commercial St. Bill EOIE DAVENO, dlnnelta aet, acreen door, amen tneidt door frame. Phone ni. niii TWO PINE card table, four ehalra, all 11V. Soma bedding, dMhea, UvrwaTe, canned groccrlea. trait iar. 101 S. llth after l p.m. naio CLOTBJBILtNE POIT9, Iron lag for Ublea. furniture, ralllnca. 1140 M. Lib arty. Bin BATTERIES ALL Cars Sl tl. 17.11. Ex- cnanie. n month guarantee, opta tm 1:00 dally. Lytic' Tire Mart. nail APRONS FOE BALE. Makea eicellent Chrlitma gift. Mrs. D. Lowlc, 1140 Qarnel St. Phone 1-401 B3U DEBPFKEEEE BOMB Irectera. Teater Appliance Co, 7 Chemeketa .St Pihooa Mill. n RECAPS. M-10. td.f. iiytie a xire aaart. 14 CL'BIO foot Deepfreeae, 1310. I-T7I4. ADDING MAC I Nit. Died hand elec tric Clary Multiplier. 1171 Palrgrcunda Rd. 1-1371. B2IS1 It CD. FT. O. B. Commercial Refriger ator. Double door, Idtel for Xarm, home, rutaurant or tavern. 1 year old. Only lltl.it. Teater Appliance Oo. Ill Chemeketa St. Phone l t!li. n CABBI REOISTERB. from MO up. Clary Multiplier, ion Patrground Rd. 15371 B30I ADDING MACBINB. amaU portable. Price liT.ae. roone a-H7i. nan BOT'S LARGE la bicycle, 133 60. Wean ing macmne. in. enitb conaol radio, 175. rnona iaio. nsaa1 I COMPLETE dark) bedroom aet. M0. eaoo. win coior aavenpori and cnair, 50. Deluxe Kenmort electric range, 1100.00. (170) dark brown writing deak, IK. Oak table and I ehalra, 111. Route i sot i saiem. bjio USED ELECTRIC rang el 110.00 up uied wringer waaner. com like new. eer- oral better uied refrigerator all priced for nelly oulck aale. Muter Berv.eeBUtlone Inc. Ill N. Commer del. Pb. 3-4111. Bill Lane Selection of Died Devenoi DaTenport Hide- -Bed All Sal T-Pi'. lid Room Bt-M3 M rrti-tor I34M Ooed cond We ii-t overitocled on good used jljhlrii diatomotla and Wringer RCA Record Plarlr CAn't tell from new sai price n . Jrdrobel 14.01. iltform Rockirl Mice aelection. USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 s. Liberty Phone 4-1171 Aero th itreet from Armory Term of eourc ntW BITIT ' BOBI ' Spinet Piano, Excellent condition. CU I-141I. 1110 M. 14tb. nin PA IG ID AIRE, BBFRIGERATORB. 1111 Berry. Phone l-4i. awr kcoop Oct your Wcatingheuaf clothea dryer bow lici.il. Teater Appliance Co.. 171 Chemeketa. Phone 1-4111. tan.M ALLOW KD for your old water neater, itogaroieai or conauioa or make, on a new Weatinthoui aut Mat alettrla waUr heater, with a 10- year guarantee. Teater Appliance Co.. Ill Cbemexeta St. Phone 14311. n 4 GOOD DUES Wlihtn. 111.11 up. teat' t AppllaBCO Co. 171 Chitnmtfc St. Phono 1-4IH, BAWBUIT TIftBl. ITl-ll. KM. Lytic- Tin atari, rnoae vtwi. Bill UHrilAb . ivr ! h nun m. still fureiuri y9. rmw - good uiKb refrigerator. 1410 up. Teater Appliance Cc IU Ohtaikta St. Phone 1-4111. USED ELECTRIC Rang, 111 up. Teater Appliance Co, 171 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-4311. PLASTIC -ROTE .require no waxing for your floor or linoleum. Teater Ap pliance Co., in Chemeketa St, Phone 1-4311. n SOMETHING NEW Th. WILLIAMSBURO PIANOPORT. . plan, that n,.d not l. Mainat . wall. S It .1 WILTSEY MUSIC HOUSE not lira mil WEITERN ELECTRIC 11.HI Plant. 13. volt with Edlaon Batttrlaa. A baralln. 3H. Prion. HIM nlH PIANO BUYS! anna .-..-n M H TTWW . RETINISHBD Ill M PRACTICE PIANO. REBUILT 111 00 iiinrvPBltfra taVW AT J. WnaiK. WOOD "0 ESTEY SPINET. MAR 171 H BAST ORAND. REPUl. Si REBUILT M LESTER SPINET Mak. Offlr DAUAOED .'....Sara TIN OVER 70 OTHER BEAtmPUb INSTRUMENTS TO arj.trr prom. BENCH, DELIVERY, TUNING FBEII STONE PIANO CO. 13S. stata Ph. " .311' ORGANO BARGAIN Pit aor piano. Par immediate tale WUi dlecOUBt 1110 t. A BMW, U UUKD- agent meU your needa. STONE PIANO JU, lilt Itaia St. Ph. t-llll .311 RPM PBONOOBAPR. aatirmatk1 chancer. iHi TO record tatiadtae tilbuma. But offer, call lt- n30-, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS QIBL'E BICYCLE. Tw atudtat lleUa. Beat Offer takes. 1U M. ITU et. Bill" DUB SIM GUI round bobla treadle. A-l cotaditMa. Guaranteed. Cuk price. litM. Water Rowing Center, lis Jf. CmmorclaL Ope Prlday ovenm. Bill rm uo opteb oet um iih wot- tot house Steam rea FREE with Hem D.bomu alien ot new West la bouse Laundromat a clothe drrr. TwUr Appliance Co., lit ChMUM. Meat 1-4111. SEWING MAC INC. used. Eleclrlt cab la pt. Sew forward 4 revere. Oood sewing coBdlUon. Outran teed. Only til M. Ringer Bewlnt Center, 13d R. CecamerctaL ea Pttdar eyeaia. , Bill CBSD oO-eatlon drum, suitable lot trash burner. I1.M each. Hifftt walker Mint tfanufacturias Co. nil N. Front. Phone 41311. Bill 1 CD. FT. UM model refrigerate. IM N. Ou ranee h treat, burner 10. Mo torola combination radio 111. Bee ot mi b. Liberty, pnone mil. biw . Play Piano! CHILDREN 8 TO 18 ADULTS 18 TO 118 8 WEEK'S COURSE $10 INCLUDES ALL CLASS MATERIAL (BEGINNERS ONLY) SEE US! SALEM MUSIC CO. HI S. Hlah St. Phone MIDI ACROSS PROM EL5ZM0RE THATR nltl1 REDUCED $3 per Day Until Sold STARTING! PRICE, NOV. 30. 177 11 Electric Thermadore Wall Heater t 3.000 WATT NOV. 25, 85.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Phona l-llll Front at Court Strut WE OIVE lal OREEN STAMPS Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODSY WANTS Flanoa. Phona l-llll. X!r.el mill connactlo. for M trpaa waatani lumber ltd vain product. No artdit .anted atrtctlr dlioount Cutletoa Lumber Bulldera Bupplr Co. caatleton. Indiana na3B4' YEAR CRIB. In lood condition, alto atroller. Call 1-0130. n.311' ELECTRIC BANOES Ph. 1-1110. na SPORTING EQUIPMENT PIVB HOBSEPOWER Mereurr outboard motor. Phone s-aa evenlnia. nc783' PERSONAL SECURITY DETECTIVE AOENCY Private Inrattltatlona, .11 typci. Fa- C1I1. BMC. Phona dap .r nlfht 4-3711. . P3lf PSYCHIC AND PALMISTRY READINGS Advlc ob all matt era. We will belp you aolve your problem.. Bring thla ad and 01 for a II reading. Open I a.m. 11 p.m. No appointment Decenary. 1749 Portland Road. (Next to Nick Inn.t plll AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING BADIATOB TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co, export will eolvc your prob lem ana aav you money, rre jtt mat, speedy aertlce. Center at Lib erty. HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-7 CAT FOB BIRE. Phone1 I 1444. Wll llam Phllllpa, 1340 Abram St. qe FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ' 103 South Church Parkin. .-Plenty Ph. 1-3417 Lie. No. M-1M, S-1M LOANS UP TO $1500 M Slanatur.. Purnllur.. r.. AT personal. If. "rt," prompllr to mpiorM meo or women. l-irl.lt loan . . . phone flrat You oelect belt parment dot. Between payday loaaa Phone, writ, or coma in TODAYI Personal Finance Co. IN S. HIOH ST, SALEM till Lteeiuo Hot. S-133, M-lll Loanl am 1100 uo t. Iiwo the ft. II aneatha t. rtpey made be Peraonal Flnancl c. .1 Marlon Caunlr under the Indaitflll Loan Companltl Act of Oreton. nail ski US POP. JARM, CITY oh AcREAoi WARS BERT OF TERMS WE BUY Real aiUII Mortaaaea contllati State Finance Co. lit a.. Hill St. Pa. 1-4111 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. noorar w .odniin. Pet,. 687 Cxt ..... 4-2283 CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 FRED SCHOTT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS Lie S ill and M-131 and ROY PL SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Heer 'Top Trade." II 01 Dally KSIM 1100 Kc OENXRAJ. PINANCE CO. LOANS III ... Commercial Sc. Tel. l-llll AUTOMOBILES Sell or Trade Local mechanic win accept cheaper ear tm trade for hie 1141 OMaarobile Delate 00. Baa erery atceeoory. tnclod Intr brdramati drire. Win)e sew ear u erect, phone 1-fTII tvenmge. elll POB SALE or trade. Itne Chcv. 3 -door edaa. Would trad (or 1H or I-lea let BMdl trb J. j, B'?!fia. Star ton. )ll lo DE boto cuatma dn. Uk b-w Only 1131. IU1 B. Winter. 3N AUTOMOBILES Mm SIGH DESTDOVS 'II FORD S DELUXE SEDAN Pordomaue. radla. aaatar. tw. une leather Interior, beautiful tuvlale IISH ii i trier: special sedax Dyaallow. radio, aaater. l.rs aliaaia. waahara. back-up UeriU. ate. Cuiim twa tana tnurtar. On. .wncr 11. 11 ealloa, w. bar. cwnilal. Mrelee rec.rd Hill M DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN One owner 41.111 mllee. opotloao cob- dltion. automatic tranamlealoa turn linala, daliua neater mil '10 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Dynaflow. radio, heater, mere. SO. 4U mllee. wa have aerrtc recMd I13H 1 I '47 Bulck Sadaa ......MM 47 Ponllec Sedanet HI '41 Chevrolel Sadaa It. 41 Old, Sadaa Ill M LaEaU. Yl Sedan 00 31 Ford Sedan , w Hxi gef better Used Car from a &jfck Dealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial .1 Center phono I-34U The Seal of QUALITY LODER BROS. FOR THE BUY OF A LIFETIME! '51 NASH $1245 Amnaaaaaer, rah, od. '51 OLDS $1395 sup. M, 4-dr Hrdra.. RAN '52. OLDS $2395 Sup. It, 4-dr, fkH, hydra. '51 MERCURY ..$1495 Apt. .pa., PH. oo. '47 OLDS "76" ....$695 C.B., RH.( RPdrd. 47. DESOTO $595 mb. a cu, rtn, tie id r. TERMS TO FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE PHONE 1-711 OR 4.1)11 4M CENTER BT. THE BEST DEAL IN SALEM For a Car or Pickup, -I COME TO THE m STAR MOTOR CO. V Hot Weekend Buys! '51 CADILLAC ..$2695 4-deor "II" eodaa. Loaded with eatraa. Whit wall Urea, electric WIBflOW Hit. '51 PLYMOUTH .$1195 Ctanbrook 4-door aedia. l-ten ptlnt, tery low mllease, apotle. Xt c the beat si Plymouth 1 '49 MERCURY -...$995 4-door aedaa, radio, Ixeter, over drie, new paint. If eleaa all ever and a b racial '49 PONTIAC "6" $995 4-dMr diB. radla. beater, hydra matlc; a really ale car t. drivel MANY MORS CARS AND PICKUPS TO CPIOOSI PROM I These csrs carry our 80 day gusrsntee. COME IN LET'S TRADE STAR MOTOR CO. Ualos al B. Oea1 PR. 1-flW AUTOMOIILIS LOOK! OWNER MUST SELL ItSS WILLYS ACS TUDOR ONLY 4 MOS. OLD DRIV EN 1.000 CAREFUL MILES EQUIPPED WITH RADIO, HEATER V OVERDRIVE, TU TONE PAINT. W. W. TIRES. COST NEW 26S0. SACRITICE. $1,995 CAM SI SEES AT ELSNER MOTOR CO. Ml . Bilk Salem Sat IM7 roBD. Price I llll Lya. AteaiM. a l-llll. Sal INS CUV. Muter Deluk. Bacelleal eu dltloa. Friaaa IH7I. 1IM Ferrr. .Ill Ml Pt-ratouTM subarbaa, UN taiba. owner rnoa. 11114. M BUICK Speclel. 1171. UM Crawford art. rnoa. l-aiw. an FOED Vlctena. RAN. automatic drive, elher aatraa. law alleaae. real clean. Caaatdar trade at alder car. CaU Carta, .vaalala. aaxi, Hlle. UN HOUSE TRAILERS Bur TRAILER BOMBS Sell Trice Real LAMA LANE TRAILER PLASA Uel Laaa Ara talM MACHINERY A. C. CAT. K. M Armor and Blade. A-l eondltloa. I1.M0.M. Phone Dallaa UM. A. N. Suadatrom, Moamouta. ore.. R. 1. Boa M. v3?l DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makee uaed machlnea a old. rented, repaired. Roen. 44 Court Ptt. a-471) BulldOKing, road, dear lag teeth. Vir gil Huakey, llll Palrylew. phone 1-1140. OI04 COMMERCIAL TTPINO Alao direct mail ad-artlcta. NATHAN BWAN. IIH Holcate. olll excavati.no Ben ouea A. Boa. excavating ad BradlBi. Land clearing, fh. l ioil oMI INSULATION Inaulatica. waatbartripa, atorm caeb. Pre eaUmataa. T, PUmaa, Phone . elll Caplto) Bedding renovate, new" mattrcaaca. Pa. 1-4000. OPP1CE PUBNITUBE B BtJPPLUB Deak ehalra, Illee, Illlng cuppll. aafea. dupllcatora, iuppIIm, deak lamp, typc wrlter tanda. Roea, cftl Court. , SEPTIC TANK 8 Mlk' Beptle Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter clean Mwera, drain, phone l-ll- 0117- Ham.' coptlc tank eJeaaed, line service, Ouaraatccd work. Phone 1-1404. 1-0774. 0114 SEPTIC TANKS war, irptle tank, draiaa cleaned. Roto-Rooler Beoer Bervloc Phoa l-llll. f TTPEWBITEBS Smith. CeroBa, Remington. Royal, Un derwood portable., Alt make ased machine.. Repair rent. Roea. 490 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaner. Industrial Hoot waiing, nouaecieaaiBg, Phone S-llli, 141 court. obp LODGE Salem Lodge Nor 4 A.F, it A.M. degree, 7, P.M. 281 LEGALS NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNT Botlc 1 given herebr that the nn. den lined admlnlatritrli of the eatet of ROBE E. WH1TLOCK. Oecoaaed, haa men ner nnai accoitnt in laid aatat and thai Prtday, December II, KM, at 911 a.m. haa been aat a tha time, and the Clreult Court Room of th Marlon Coua- iy circuit JUdse Ret Klmmel In Balem, Oregon, haa been filed a tb plc for th hearing ot objection to sa'd final account arm eetuemeot ot aald citato. WIUaIaA OUADTB AALIHO Admtnletratrlt 170 N. Hat Street Balem. Orune Loren D. Rlcka Attorney for the Admtalitratrls Turner, Oregon. Ke. I1.14,Dee.l.l1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREOON POrt THE COUNTT OP MARION DEPARTMENT OP DOMESTIC RELATIONS No. 1MM RUTH MAOLDINO. ) Plaintiff, DONALD C. MAULDINO, Defeadaat. ) NOTICE OP SALS OP REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION Notice la hereby given that ea Satur day, December 10, 1001, at th hour of 10:00 a m. of eald day at th South Eaat door ol th public School Offle Build- log, known a th temporary Marlon County Court House, la Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, I will cell at public auc tion to the anneal Bidder lor caan. the manner provided by law for the aale of real property on elocution, all the right, title and intereet ot Donald C. Mauldlnt. the defendant above named. te-wlt, aa undivided one-fourth lniereat In and to the following described real premise, sltuitc la Mrloa County, Ore gon: Lot I. 1 and t la Block O. North Bldo Addition to BUverton, Marlon Count r. ore on. Bald ssic will be made under aa exe eutloa Issued out of the Circuit Court of th Stt of Oreeon. for th County of Morloa, by the Clerk thereof, and to m directed on Noverntrer ia. DENVER TOUNO Sheriff of Marlon County. Oregon Br: A. I. HAUTTROII Nor 17, 34, Dee. 1.1 LEGALS wxrrLToar pinal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBT OIVEN that Jam H. Coetea end Vernon E. Coat, Mr., a eaeeutora of th eatat OI E. Coatea. Deceaaed, bare filed their final account a uch, and by order of th Clreult Court of th Stat of Oregon for the County of Marloa. the I4th day of December. 1IM, la the forenooa of acid dar bas beea filed a lb lime, end th courtroom of eald court haa been fliad tha olace for the hearing ot oe.ee- tlona to aatd final account and th eel tlernent of ld estate. Dated and flrat publlahed: Not. I, 1011 JAMBS H. CO ATM VEPNON S. COATES. BR. Bieeutor of th En a l f E. B Coatea, Deceased. RROTEN, RHOTEN ftPKERSTRA, 110 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem. Oregon Atutrnatt for Bieeutor. Nov. I, 10, II, 14, Dee.l Cbkete Oral Cblcaee ( Oreln fell la late deal- lag oa tha board f tredc Tuesday after shewing flrmnaa during meet af the morning. eUinr bit particularly hard at new crop wheat dellverlea end all eoybean contracts. The new erep ohesl month were under pressure because of the Im proved outlook for nett re ere winter wheat erep. Bo r be an suffered treat pro fit tsbiae. Cera acted much better thaa the rest of the market, largely becaue of con tinued licbt receipt of each grain. cb dealer reported a earn waa purchased oa a to arrive basic from the country. Wheel deeed - 3 lower. Dec. lHH-ik, com lower to 1 higher, Dec. IStV. oil V.iv btfner, bee. lit. rre !'' "4 lowrr. Dec. 1 11-1 ll. eoybeane 1 to cent lower. Jan I and lard IS to M cent a hundred t-rtadi tithn. Vt, :t.4Mi W. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PROBDCB UST BotUcfaty TaaUtlv. anhiect to bm- ecuate baBe; PremlBBi ttaiitv, aaaat- m a oo per eat aciditv de livered la Per tiaai eo-Tle lb,i nrat oaaU Ity. -, eecead duality, 04-dl. VAJLcp ute and country p.ta. l real laa Balle--WlMleale Lo b. balk ewbo U wboiie. grade AA. M cccvre, Mi. grade, v acore. ccea a. ea score. 44 e; c. 10 acore. tie. Abot price strictly aaatiaal. Vkeee . miubb pnae tw romead whoiaaaien. Ore as aiBgiea, UH-4Aoi Or tee 0 t. ML UMlai to waaieaaiate-Cajr1cel egg contaiatna Be lo, ac tnclod.J l.cb. Portland: A trade large. Olse-eJUc: A craoo medtaau uva-tistei a trade aaeau, ea t i m treoo (arte. .e Peetlaod Dairy Market Batter price u reiaiteret Orate AA fiat. i a cartes. Tie; a wtiat. lie: ear ton, mi B print. Mc Cl peooweera ocndiecl Ml. Pertlaad: On reded Urea, 00-11 do.; grade AA Urge. 44c doc: A lerg. OSo do.; AA medium, tic do I A traa medium. 40-4H doci A trade aiaail aominai, li-iec Sat I Haulier Orad A A. tarao. 1 See; A large. U-04e; AA medium. Me; A medium. 17c; A email. 1-c Carton I sent additional Chaeea Price to retailer. Portland. Oreaoa lBle. 4m-e0; I lb, loaves, II -Mc; triplet. lVfcc leas than in glae. PrenNum brend. tiagiea. Msec lb. lor eingi wheel ooh. Precaaied Am erican en, e-ie. leave to retail aiva- 4H lb. PesOtry ut CBieBeaefRo. 1 oauitv. f.ob. plaaui: Prrera. IW-I lb 17c; 1-4 net reaatere, 41 lb., and over lie; heavy hena. all weight, lie: light hen, all weight, ll-lle, M r Mat re. li ne. DrceMCj Cblekeas R 1 dred ta rate ue re- rryera, aroiiera, i-m roaater. eu wt. 4i-43ei tight Bans. II-.?: heavy bene, ll-!c: eut-up til er, eu eu. Sl-Mc tb i whoU draw, el ite lb. Dreeeod Tarkcro To ret new A tred evtaerated bens, M-tOc Ib.i erliercted torn. Il-lt lb.; according to weights; new Tort dreaaed tern, lie i . Haw Terk draued bene. 4l-4lc . Ta produc er; Or ad A reuBg ben. 40 lb. I.e.. term: A tema. He lb. Rabbit - Averase to grower: Uv white. iba., li-iict l-l ibv to-to Ik. i eld dee. 10-iie. few higher Praab dreaaed (ryrt to reiailera, It-ITei eat up. . Ceaatry Rilled Meata veai top euaiity. -iie n.i reuih bcavlee. N-iac. Laaa. blocker. 10-11 ib.i sow. Hint. it'iH. b Bait. Il-lec Ib.i yearlrn. -e ib. Matlea Beat 1114c Ib.t cuU-HtlUtr. l-io. Beer utility cowe. so-lle lb t caaner- cutter, I1-I0c; abeil down U U. WboiMaiwe t ret alia r. Dollars ver et-t Bf Btra. cnoue. Ofl-ieo ia.. no- 41; good. M4-41; commerciaL 111-14; utility, sil-17; commercial cow a. 111-14: utility, sil-ll: canra-iiltera, 110-11. Boeff Cete Choice Uer bind euart a. 141-11; rouBda, 041-41; lull loin. trimmed, lit-io; tria&aie. m-ii; lore- euartera Ill-Ill dhucka, Sll-il; rib. ltl -61. rera ecu LrOin. enoic. t-ii no., 144-ln ahoutdera, IS lb-. Hi ll: ipare- rlb. ISO-M; Iraab hama. 10-14 lb.. Veal Bad Calve Oood-eholco. all weight a, 3l-; commarclaU. tai-ll. unti Cboiee-prime, iio-it.m: good, Ul-ll. BmebeS Bama Sktaned 111-17. 11-14 Iba. i fined lard In drum 114-ll.Ui elab bacon. 001-71. Portland MltMllaaeeo niMtve lb. sacki-. Waeh, veuow medium. II ll-l it; lane, lin-l.u Idaho ycUowc, met, t 31-1. Ml Ura II. 10-1.71; white. 13-1 00. Fctataea DcBUicc rtuuta. u. m. IA, 01.01-11; alta llll-10. ftw Mil 1-1 or, Al.ll-.M; 10-14 O . I4.00-.ll Ib ik. Si-toe: 10 lb. ii-c; No. M Iba, 70-lte; Wah. RutieU, Il.7b-.t0; taano. a.e.o. ay u. . no. i green aueira. tlvered car tote Lo b. Portland and attic, n-10. Wool Oreaee bast, WHlamtt Tel- ley medium, Il-lt ib.t BaaUnt Oreaoa fin and half-blood. M-lic; Willamette valley iamb wool, esci u-aoats wool. u-aoe. Mebalr M-f7e lb. ca 11-month grew th. f.o.b. cauntrr chloplnc point. BIS producer paying price f.e.b. 1st to condition: creen klac i.-ll lb.; grcea eow hide, Via lb., accord nc ta weight and eualltyi bull hide. l-e ib.i tiu hidea. w per eit aciew prwo lor aoov ciasaes. piiksf t Who eaaie Miliar price ro e. Oregon plant Ne. 1 Jumbo Barcelona lie; Jart Sitae ib.t medium iirke ib.t to grower f.ob. plant be for Nor. 1, II lb. for Barcelona, DuChllly 114 lb. Wain ate Wholes ale a laa orltee. first duality large Ptantuotte 11-Il'be Ib.i shelled, light amber halve, id-lac lb. I light hal.es 11-OJe lb. large Pran euette. ll-io lb. j Mayetttu, led lb.; Mtdiing. 11-14 lb. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from report of Salem dealer lor l a eaiceaeo ot capital jearaas readers. iBevlced daUy.l Retail Peed Price. Babbit Pellele gl (It-IB. Mil, I4 II-S.O0 H00-lb. bag). Erg Mailt H.4I-I 10. Hairy Pad oO-10-l.tS (10-le. bag). 1 00-4 00 UM Wt.). Peoltry Boylat Meee colored rrrere, lie; old roosters, lie; colored fowl, lot; let horn fowl, lie: roaster, lie. Baring Prleee Eta. AA, Met large a. ll-eoci medium AA. 41c; medium A. 4l-41c; email. 1111. Egga wholesale price generally 1-1 crate higher than price above; larg grade A. generally quoted at lie: medium at el. alter, Belterrat Betterfat BuriBff price; premium, Ti ll cents; Mo. 1, 07-00 ceaUi M. S, ee. PertlanS Uvesteeb Portland cjJO Cattle were la chert euDpir today. cattle lio; market active on smau sup ply, mostly steady; tew low good abort- fed steer held above if; lew cutter utility ateer 1.10-11; canner-cutter eow mostly 1-1. few too: utility cows t to ll; few commercial trd 11-40-11; few commercial traded 11.00-11; lew bull unsold. calves II; market eteadyt good-cnoie veeler 17-10 or above; cood-cheleo erass calvee It 00-10. 10: toed-cholce clock calvee Monday It-17 10 Hoc VA: meratet active, atcady te IK hither; choice 1-1 butcher 110-31 lbs 33 71-34; email lota 34 31; choke I fro- oe lb. eow H-li; itehter weight u 1100. Sheep 200; market about steady con- tlderlnc aukllty: good -choice wooled lambs 11-11.11; few chole-prlm lot It- It W: a ccrlocd lot rant lamba available; few medium feeder 1): good feeder bold abev ii; good-choice ewe l-l. Cb Irate Llveetecfe Chicaso ( Hog a cold at ateady to weak price la fairly active market Tuesday, Sow lost a much a n eente, Top prlc waa ll.M, down 10 ceaU from Wonder. choke and prime steer aotd et fully ateady prlcee. Other cradea moved elowlr to eteady to SO cent lower prlcee. A id of hub prim I. MC pound etecri brought the to el Ml ot. siAughter sheep beid eteady. A few choice and prime wooled lamb brought HOW t 130 10. Ss.able receipt were estimated et ll.oo hoes, 11,000 cattle, I0S cairei and 4.000 Sheep. Dr. T l'Ua. R D. Dr. O. Cbaa. R D. DRB. CHAN snd LAM CHINESE NATUROPATH! I : pet a In, t4t North Ubcrlf Office opta Beturdar only, 10 a at. to I a a i t 1 p to Convuitsfim blood kyveasir tad urine teat ore free of chare. Practiced Mnce llll. Write for attrecUv fift. Be etoll-tattoa. lei!- Boats Still Needed AtMaplelon Mspleton, Ore. (A) Resi dents of the area west of Msp leton still were usinf boats Tuesdsy to reach tha Eugene. Florence highway. - Other residents of outlying aress marooned when the Sius law river began flooding over the week end, were able to walk to town. Th river is dropping stesdily. . . STOCKS (By The Aaaoclated Press! Admire Corporation Allied Chemical ,,,, Allta CT. aimer , , Amerltaa Alrllaae ........... Amerkaa power Llgh tt a II , 41 UH IlllH . 4IH . 11 meriraa Tt m Amertcaa Tobacco , Anaconda Copper AtehUor RaUroad ..... ...,.,,, Bethlehem StoU Boeing Airptalao Co. ., Borg Warner . 04", a 41 . 14 rrowc Adding Hacbtai. , . US California Packing , Canadian Pacillc Caterpillar Tractor , Cclanet Corporate . 104 Chrysler corperauea Citiaa Bervtce Conaolldated Eomom Cooaelldcted Vuitc , , Crown Eellerbach Curtis Wright , Deueis Aircraft Du Peal oe Nemourt . lit 71 . 41S . Ill, . It . .. II. . It .101'. ,. 40'. 10'a . til. .. Ma . ' ,. tot. ,. .. IIH . ii v .. no .. 40 S .. 14 H Estma Kodak Emeraos. Radie ... oeneial t:cetr ....... ......... accent Pood .. Oaneral blotor osoriia Pno- fiyweod ........... Ooowraai Tiro Home take Mining Co. .......... lateruallonal Harvealai international Papal John Man vile Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper . ......... Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft ., Loecea Incorporated ,. 41 .. .. IIH .. Utt lis ,. 174 .. II .. It .. 1 .. 314 ..HIM .. 4 .. Tl .. 17H .. .. 17 4 .. lit .. II " ui I0A. .. " ' .. lilt .. ' . Uti LOB BCll Montgomery Ward Naab KelviBato New Verk Central Northern Pact lie Pacific American Pleu Pacific Oca Electric Pacific Tel. At TcL Packard Motor Car . Penney, 4, c Pennsrlvanla B. B. , Pepsi Cola Ca. Philoo Rdi Radio Corporation ... Rayonler Incorp Rayonier Incerp. Pfd. . Republic BttM ......a. a. ... Reynold! uetai Riehlield oil Baleway St or, tne. Scott Paper Co. near Roebuck 4k Co. . a Boconr Vacuum OU ...i Sou. hern Pacific Standard Oil Call!, .. lit. . II .. H .. 11 VI .. 1 .Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. ...... ' Sunebine Mining .. Swift CO Tranaamerlea Corp .. Twentieth Century Pot Union Oil Company Union Pacific ........ United Airline United Aircraft ........ ........ .. 4114 .. 14 .. 11 le .. IIH ..111 .. 11 .. ... ... 3 ... S1V. ... 11 ... 41H ... 1314 ... KH United Corporal. .... ........ United State Plywood On Ilea Steles Steel .... winter Pieturea . Western Union TcL Waatlaghout Air Brake .-.a. Wettingheuae Electric a Woeiwertb ... 4114 Sleek Market New York uv-Th etoci narget wae mixed Tuesday with many leading Uaue ahowlnc troni itlni. Prlc chants covered a ranee ol around t votnt either way with most plus and minus sign la the tuailer frictions. Velum came to an estimated 1. M0, 600 share. Ttiat compare with 1,410, aherea traded Mo&d7 when tb asarkat wae a little lower on balance Portland OTt You could tell from th tradin on th Eaatald produc market Tuedar that th Thanksgiving holiday 1 close. Demand axeeeded supply at some points for cranberries, yam and eweet potatoes. Lart Oregon craneorrie toMi nrm at M il to 11.11 wholeaal for 14 pounds la on pound bag. There weren't many eaitern berries on th mgrket and these went at clean up price. Bweei potsieaj, irom tcainornia, oki to a top of 10.11 with, moat tod ooea priced generally a 5tlar lesa a hamper. Texae yama wholualed at 14.00 to 71 and Louisiana yam were IS to 11.31. Oregon farmer! didn't Offer much rer th early morning market and everything had s ltaUcea ton. Chirac Oelens Chicago 4UJ0 Supplies moderate, de mand low, market dull la aliehtly weaker. Track him n lbt.1t U. B. t aa le at led: Ids bo Bpantah H per cent or more U. S. 1, I -Inch and larger 1.10- lll; trucklol oaiec delivered jooatnc otreel bails. Mlehlgaa Yellow Olebct 10 per cent 1-Inch end lerger .01-1.00. Street aiiu (10 lbs.i: Idaho, Oreton and Waihinrton Spanish I -inch and larger LtO-1.71: Midwest Tellow Globe medium 1.00-1-90. small .00-K; reds medium l ilt Idaho, Oregon. Washing ton. California and M Knit an White Olobes i-inoh and larger, also I t J inch, 1M-3 44. Pertlanl Oral. Portland IAV-Wheel (bidi I. .rvlv, market, bail, No. I bulk, delivered eoeat: soil While 3.341 Son Whit, leielodlna Ren 1.14; White Club 3.14. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary l.ll. Tueadar'a car recctptot Wheal 44i Hour I: corn 7; mill f..d 14. DEATHS Martha a) Davie Mrs. Martha E. Davie, Ute realdent of Balem, at a local ntfretnt homo. Nov, 31, at th at of ST years. Survived by sons, James Savia, Balem, J. Leslie DattS, Gervala. E. T, Davis, Mootetsno, Wssh., and Robert Davis, Renlee, Calif.; da ue liter, Mrs. THeron Hleka, Salem. She regularly attended church aervlce at th Pi rat Church of th Nerene, Balem. Services Prlday, Nor. 11 al 1 p.m. la th Howell-Edward Chapel With th Rev. William Clay officiating. Interment at Belcreal Memorial Park. Hard Meier Maggie Meier, tl residence, Rout 1, Jefferson, Nov. 11 at th of It reara. fturvtved by children, Mra. Marcuerltte Marlatt, Mra. Mary Pettyjohn, both of Jefferson; one trsndsea, Uoyd Merlatt, Jefferson: also all treat grandchildren and on great treat tranddaughter. Service Wednesday, Nr. IS at 1:10 p.m., la th Howell-Edward Chapel with th Rev. Mervia McOlll offlclatiat. Inter ment at Coi Cemetery, WttNTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cosh Prices Willamette Nut Shelters MOTHER, CHILDREN DIB IN riRB Johnstown, P. A mother and live ehUdren burned to , death Tuesday In B lire) whlclt swept a lour-lamily aprtiieif' house. . Three) . other children ' es- caped one suiUring minor burns. Two other iamillea In the frsme building also tied without Injury. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Ben N. Foster Dallas Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Friday st the Bollmsn Funeral home for Ben Nelson Foster, B, who died Saturday of ill inflicted bullet wound. Rev. Earl Benhow will officiate. He hsd been in 111 health for some time. ; Mr. Foster wa born near Knoxville, Term., February 10, 1894, and came to Oregon in 1912 and since then mad his home in Polk county. Surviving are his widow, Vivian; a son, Robert N. Fos ter, Portlsnd; a sister, Lorain LeFori, Portlsnd; a brother, Ed Foiter, Portland; his moth- er, Mrs. Laura Foster, Port-,. lsnd, and two grandchildren, Commitment services wilt be at Mt. Crest. Abbey crems- torium. ' , ..': Sterling Clark BUverton Sterling Clark, 68, Route 2, Box 66-A, died la Silverton hospital Monday where he had been taken for treatment following a heart at tack. Mr. Clark had lived in tha Silverton . district for threa years, coming from Prairie City, Ore. : Surviving are his wife, Elms; a son, Dslton, Redmond; snd a daughter, Virginia Durfey, Unity, Ore. Funersl announcements wiu be made later by the Ekmaa Funeral home. Lester Bateson ; Lebanon---Funeral servlcet for Lester Lyle Bateson 47, were held Tuesday et the Jost Fiintf-rel hnms Tnlaarmattnt -svsia in tha Mt. View Cemetery, Oregon City. - . A worker in the lumber In dustry, Bateson hsd lived a Lebanon since 1942. He waa born near Prln.vllle, April 24, 1906. ' He was a member ot the Lebanon Elks lodge. - Survivors include his wide ow, Edith; children Bally, Richard and Joyce Ann; moth, er, Mrs. Edward Bateson, Ore gon City; brothers, Walter o Cornelius and Ralph of Lab. innn' .1.1 U .TaSm ILT . ,t dox, Lyle, Waih., and Mrs. Ernest Evsnson, Oregon, City. KAn pi A Avic Albany Mrs. Marl Avis Smith, 70, Klamath Falls, died at the home of her daughter,' Mrs. Sam Freemen, at Halsey Ssturdsy and will be buried In Mt. Calvary cemetery at Klam ath Falls, where her body is being sent from the Fisher Fu neral home. She wss born at Minneapolis. Minn- and had lived in Klamath Falls since 1929. moving to her daughter's home only a month ago. She was married at Minneapolis,' April 29, 1912, to Leighton H." Smith, who died In 1939. Tha daughter is the only surviving member of the fpmlly. HEALTH TO YOU . After Correcting HEMORRHOIDS (PILES) . Flatols, f1ure. FrolapM atjg Other Rectal Dleortera. Wltk out HoapiUlliatlan. RUraach, Clan and Other DifaaUT. Dlaardera, Write or Call for Free De scriptive Booklet TexUy. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturopath Proctologist 1144 Center 8t Phone Mill To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 (.lUttet KM SI