i.".. ...... I Pat IS POKSALIHOUSES Only $800 Down for thit I bedroom DREAM HOME! Set tht (amoui Lockwood Home thit hu U erf Salem gasping with ad miration. : tT (a. ft, a) a Mmi Urte It tint room attd dlalat tree vita Bit picture vtadov a) BeaullfBllr dMleoed aitoae. viia aatuiai atrea eaoiaeie ej Both Mow IM lu I II. vard roho alaaeta fel all Bedrooau aerd awed Iteera e) Thermo-coatrollad ell or H raraace ai imuiH hi w. wj ef atrtpped Lent iimhi room ft) Tiv chalet ef eaterler and Intarlar eelera a Ma dove parmeat If yea ewa le, a) appree. eoe.o. par aw. ids laf lataraak laftea, laaareaae. eu. ALL THBl WODDaiirUL Italarea iar aali il no M OKSDia Ul MOW BKDfO TAKW, ao Ef TO MODEL HOlia TOOATI ruon mil WHY BENTT vhee lata deva talaa line I BK elaalared home. MIU It. La.. lee Tit fleered aula, laauleted, let e,l7l IL. ratal at. alca linnet MI. met aciaa. BURT PICHA RXALTOa 111 M. Ul Oil: I-4M1 tat: Pea Wan, aim.. 4-en ENGLEWOOD vtU planned room la thu aelih- berhood or fooo mwi. aa. ara Lha first floor. aaflntshed upstairs. Bcmenft with play room, forced eir Ml beet. Insulated, nteelr landscaped ward, .Double itrwi. Price is,n. ZWASCHKA REALTOR ' fkMM l-Wlt ITU OrBBl at. el" BY BUILDER todreon tmii, tall balement with double iirtii, party room with fire place end plumblnc for bath, eonnecl Ibc entry tod had, birch doore cad kitohea with nook, ceramic til fealty and tub mui la bath, utility en miin floor, lot a Ul ft.. 11 m. ft 3M Wtit MtOUcbrUt. Prte 14,0. Cill IV a. Whitney, t'tnt. aata Y OWNER. Ml Larry, between Sunset and Mcnbrts Oar dsns. Mo traffic worries hirt. Meal ler children. New bedroom. Btllt-ta wardrobes. Llvinc room wtth fireplace 19'xir dining. Utility room plumbed and wind for automatic washer end drm. Auto matic loreod ftlr furnace. Intro lerte l.rui. Overhead floored for storage. AUo ebewer u4 toilet, IM m. ft. 11100. 3C" I BID ROOM kouM, flroplM. alomfttlc u furnM, norawooa rioara. ctom im CtU btlort :M ft-m-ftftor I M m. 4-MU. 3 T Owns Pour fcodrooni, two both. Itro flrtplteoa, pit r room, doublo to Mft, flaw. CAtH TRAOM or TERM. Phono 1-4441. 24' $650 DOWN Thm thn 1-bodrom bomi U only S fra did. aVtrdwood floor. Plastartd. AttMlwd doruo. Oood lot Prkiod t AIM- Home and 1 Acre Than ara I belreama 4ova and aa aaflalahal wttalrt. Oaraea. rrult and aula. alMka M kaa. H.aoa, vita 11. aaa ion. RAMSEY. REALTOR Mat Marta OommtrtUl Olllea t oil tTra. Al Btaltr. aalaamaa, 1-iata !. Jim lUmitr. 4-1111 a 4 BEDROOMS Locfttod mtr LttUt School on Wll- or Stroot In oa trot, of fin homt. I , bodrooma dovn nnd 1 vortttrt. Uv toid room, dlntnt room, fcltchtn, both, vtllltr room. oUoehtd totoio. Mkt .01 aad ohrubo. CU ui for on polntmwt. Prlcod at lio.MQM, Juit 0, 100.00 dow vltll rHA ttimt. NEW BASEMENT VTorrtblM fo would viptet to find oomo. I bodroomi, ftrtplico, out. rarnkM. wren mierttn. Bioin, RW floor, formieft Mimtar to pa. built- la Tftoltr In btlh. blrcb wirdroba loatU, full bMimvnt. Ltwitcd nror ochool and but. U.Mtt Ub .M0 00 down. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING tniuranro Real fettlo Hortau Loan Offleo: Mill on lea; I.47M or l-nt G. I. HOME t bedroom pi altered heme with att. ar.. ha lot ef eitrae euch a fire place, lneulated, tile balh. lnalde util ity deep well, beautltal landscaped corner let. Government epproved fnr vw.eno. Can b told ea lew dowa pay ajent to O, L Nearin Completion Daady PHA. well conaUocted I bedroom home with att car. which can bo cold aa a low dowa pameat baala approved aovernmen! valuation M IM Checc your ooloit aow. Trades and Financing W have worked out a number af trades and we bare 3 rear financing at 4 tamest, PHA at 4'tH. 30 rears, which la hard te equal anywhere. May be w eaa help yoj If yoa ar abort af caah, need refinancing ar If ru have oomethiBf te trad. Let me knew year heed. Joe L Bourne. Realtor 1140 Berth Capital Ph. 1-ttlO al0 Journal Wont Ads Pay CUBIiritO ADViaTIBIVO er Ward. 1 timet la. Per Ward to ray Weed, a Umee la, rar Ward. I analh tb, Ma aarvade Hralmam lft Werda aaniiu IB Laaal Mava relama Oarr, rar Ward la Mtalmam lft Werda. Te PlaK Ad In Rainr Day', rape, PbM 1-IVM Befara 1 a-ra. FORSALI HOUSES REDUCED TO SELL t bodroom. llrtu room, dtoiw room, kltchom. ntttlt. BlMtorod. Otrui. 1-lktM. ! WHY RENT? Wboa yo m 0mu ftnU t-bodroom Borno. miaj tors a. coraor lot, ahrobo, mut, atuitf, diaatv. n. 3-ooo. I BXDKOOM. sko diaiu room, lm- lrovamtnu la. Borta DutrteL amau oa pormoat, fhm MIO after, a P.m. Ull $18,900 CANDALARIA B 1'bodroom. Mrck mak. flalak. flnuhod IvaMmoal with osua balk and ftrtplaco. IM AlUt. Pa. -H. a3U BT OtTNEB. Moat Mil attractive too iMdroom homa. attaohod aaran. Maa- brla Oardaaa. Prlcad fat dalob an. -utf. aMi' BT OWfff B. awdtra Iioum. flrcpUca. I aodrooau. i downataira, atait garaaa, ovtnlnta. 401 UalrItr at. alM FOR SALE FARMS NORTH 11 U0 bun II A. all Will a mat t Slit Loam. 1 BR.. 000 a, ft. boom., atta. aarato, eomplato batn. alrad for rant. food bara. chtdiaa boat, I A. aim- or. 19 a. crop, fii.iao. SPECIAL Looklai for aomo oood bottom toll land? I hava It. Como to. lat'a talk It oter. alany fta Uatlnia to abooaa iroav. BURT PICHA KKALTOa it m. hjib at. off: att Sea Wan. alat. e-44CT tilt FOR SALE ACREAGE EXCEPTIONAL FARM 4M acrt. all andor oolUTattottSM acroo UBdar auktorraaoaa irrttattaa froa wator rtihta. Approalmatflr If acroo of boavordam. Largo bora with auiosutlc faadiog lor aooat 100 btad or atock. in.ooo worth of machinery. Could bo mado lata a 100 aow, orado "A" Dairy farm. Oood home for own or and fortraaa. Priced at 3.000. HI- boh la raaaoa for atlllnf . Owtur woatd ooaldtr acartmaat houao r raarntai property (hat would roautra Uttl care ar could bo manacod, aa part pay ment. J E. LeClerc, Realtor IfM M. Capitol AH. , Ph.: I-W REAL ESTATE COLBATH'S Bargains on Parade SUBURBAN TRADE Hko t bedroom bom with 140 s IM fen cod loL Owner wtU trad for la u built I bedrm. horn tn Iowa. SU KIOOINS Bv. Ph. 4-MI4 Excellent Buy! Lat built bdrm. Ranch Type Sub arbaa homo. Lari It In rm dlnlaf ym.. wall to wall carpet thruout. Over 1.440 ). ft. of cheerful floor apace. , Real vala at lll.MO. Wooded coraar lot. Will trad for amaller homa. 5EB RJOO-INa Cva. ph. 4-0414 EXCEPTIONAL Large Suburban Aero at and lovely I bedrm. plMUred home la fin con dition. Comb, llvlnf At dining room wtth fl replace, spaelou kitahta. OH heat, carat ha plenty atorac apaoa overhead. Priced at 09.IM. PHA Urma. SEB MRS. OOLESBXB, Kva. Ph. 3-M7I Opportunity Knocks! lUnea force tbla aal of fin atab- Tlahed tTocery dt meat bualnaa plu oM torac locker. Larca 3 bdrm. avt. la good community near Salem. Lone term leue renewable. Larce volume. Will eonalder trad for bom la Solent. Ul MRS. OGLXABXZ. Bva. Ph. S-M7I GLASS HEAT In thl neat 3 bedroom bom, lovely bath rm., cut kltrhen. utility to., ga rage. I blka. from Me Kin ler achooL To tal price 14,060. Termi 1900 down, bal ance by month. SBB BBM COLBATH. ev. ph. J-48 J J Farms t6 Acreages 30 ACRES 6l highway atocked with It head youaf Jeracy heifer. JD tractor, all tools, hay t craln. It A. In cult., live creek. 4 bdrm. older modern home, barn. All for I10.WO. Term. Se T. X ANDERSON, eve. ph. 4-1114 1 ACRE At It 10 Snnyetd Road with 4 bdr. modern home, burnt , cerate, corner location. Aaktnc M t00. Oood Urm. Bv. Ph. 4-3714 li2 ACRES Near Liberty I bdrm. bme (not n it finlaned) variety fruit. Only I 12 ACRE Tloae In (N E 1 with 3 yr. eld 3 bdrm home with all turnUhinea. Oalr l),3M tuU price. Eve. ph. 4-3714 $500 DOWN aura thte Dtv t atdroom hamt. hdwd. tin., ltvtnf ra.. diaine. vtrr lovely kllch.a. B.v.r b,ca llTad la. Whale at a bur lor ta.aoo. Trrme 1500 dova and ta per month. Bva. ph. a-!Jl $75 DOWN Muyt arcatl cottatt at adit at etty. Id.al for handyman. Cloae ta bua line. Tour rent money vlU make the pay- menu. YOUR NEW HOME Por only IBM down. Ye. It' brand n end toii tea move rtchl la. 3 lovely bedroom with lore closets. Beautiful hatwood floor. View af winuniain from picture window la Uv Ine room Separate din in room, i dreana kitchen wiu, planter boa. En cled uuuty wired for acta, washer atxi drrer. City water and acwer on corner lot with both clreet paved. Truly k buy et only U.9M 00 YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT Yna will nTer need to leak for a lob aaaln. TMa country etorc hahdllnc a eonplet lice ef grocer laa, meat, hard ware, notions, tea e ell aad many eth er Itctna will keep you and aoMlblr your family buar for year ta come. I aAO bat lot iv I bedroom llrinc auar tar, ir you have a cood cecity in a hone aear Selem you eaa trade. Year to. Hire welcome and e may be able I help you. 101 South Huh Phone 1-1301 Saleimea' Phone: Ivtalaea and Sundays 41111. I-IMI 4-UU, 4-ll. 1-1344. I-4ITI REAL ESTATE Ey-B j) Laa oaaurt LARGE FAMILY HOME era It ft lead, eelld 4-bedreaai fcaaa. vita ft IvU aaaeateBt Bad aula, all fur. Bece. lao aeuhBerBaad at dead Bad the haute te eitra cleaa. tbere'e a douala aaraae tad area a alrea kiuh. eaM Tale la a HOT Bur at aalf M.Mt!AU far Tad Hatrlaea. 8 ACRES SOUTH I a- Bleared, hal hraeh Bad aaatare, l-raaai haaaa. e-H atiletea aeuM. daadr veU. Urtt au ptar aprlat. toad ralue hare ler M we. , auU dova aarawal via let m aten la lea aearr TarraBd. EXTRA NICE A t-BedroefB heaaa vita tha ihtnaa itrjwnt vaata eatraaeo hall, var. tarcad air beat. 1 lerte Bedraossa. aulltr reera. sua arraattairBl far Urt&t roam. dlBlaa-raeaju kitcaea ftad double taraae. veil laad scapad lat aa Caadalaru. prkad aM at U.M. call LouU Lareaa. ENGLISH COLONIAL Jail Uated, apatleut l-Badraaai colonial heme vlth tun ftatemeat, eat. all heal aad double dareee. Itu allraetlre homa haa Jul haea luted Iar Ua lav prate f lll.tot. Owntr vlU eoatlder trade. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS .art Cautt at. Wtaaa I-allft-S-dlM Mn.: aearr Tarraad I-M13. aalph Haddr 1-ltM. Lault Ureal l-MH. Tat Marrlaaa 1-alM HOLIDAY SPECIALS! Oalr four reara aid raach m heme. Bat ktea aevlr daa.Btad. floor rellBUbed. Mlea Urlna-raaai. aeparata diatat-room. Kltchta haa leu af BBUt-laa aad hreaUatt aeon. Tvo lana aadraoma, alee larte badraom la butmeat. Thit lull beeement baa pleatr room lar a laret plar room for Uioae chlldrea. Mav lioatac automatle all furnace. Plaa tared attached taraae. Some Bhade treea. pleotr at lovelr ahrube. Sue br door, tloao to aehaol Bad otere. ratta and ranch fence la back. Priced at lll.eoa. Oalp U.aat dova. balance Ilia real. Ovaer vUl carry toa. tract at t. CHOICE SUBURBAN! We have m f the fte'ft ueall aera&aaa fcr your laapeetloa. B,au ilfal two bedroom home, fireplace. Inaid utility. Ha Dele forced air neat. Built by a real arafUmaa. Shade and lawa la. Price. 111.000. Urna. . CLOSE-IN LOCATION! ' Only lira year aid. tw bedraomc. a Lao floored ottM. ale Urine room, kitchen wtth breakfaat-nook. Hardwood floor, non-draft ventila tion, ell heat, lane att. ear ate. ale hrataa. lardea apot, fenced back yard. Cleae te aohool, a tore aad bu. Only W.700. mU down, balance like renL Owner need Urcer home and will trad for jame ea email acreage. GOOD INVESTMENT! Pour bedroom heme, with aeparate dlnlnc-room. alto baienent Double cerac. earner lot, T1 ft. en Brooke, 351 ft. oa Pine St. MAM 00. Oood terma. Poor bedroom home with pt. for Tentl la back. Large lot. dog la. Houa need palaUac Inald and out. but all thl for only 33.M0. i cellent term. 10 room home on corner lot. Need ftndy man, could be ale apt. np and on down and abould rent for 1100,00 month. Oly 4,U0. Terma. make offer. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN Smith Real Estate , Tel. 3-7007 Day or Eve. 3425 Portland Road No Parking Worriei at Any Time, INCOME PROPERTY 3 houaea ea an lot. located In Englrwood School Dlatrlct. Neat and comfortable one bdrm. home. Price II. KM). Terma. CALL H. K. LAYMOH A OOOD PAM1LT HOME LIT. rm . eomb. kitchen nook with til drain board. It, dea with fireplace, 3 bdrm , It, lot with fruit tree, fa race. See tbl today. ICftM. CALL J. E. LAW TMANrsOIVTNO SPEOLaL See thl lovely home Plneit location, vary excellent condition thruout, 3 alee bdnna. down. 3 up. cood eiorace apace, Ut. rm.. dia. rm., bdwd. firs, oil beat, lnalde utility, nice yard, partially bricked front to act off thit lovely Cape Cod home Only llS.ftOO. CALL ROT S. PERRIS INCOME SPECIAL 3M per month, well leaied. t trnanta. located elcoe-ln on main arterial. Tula property it priced to cell at 137,500. CALL C. L. ORABENHORST SUBDIVISION SITE 33 Acre oa Lancaater Drive. An etcellent cloae-la location an a paved road. Price UJ.OtM. Term. CALL H. K. LAYMON GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS ui a. utwrtf at. n. i-mi CveDlntt at aundayt aall aalumca Iter a. rami l-tolt a. K. La no on IB)tl J. a. Lav l-llll Tor Your Imurance Needi Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston. 2 247! or 3-3365 THREE BEDROOM, DOUBLE GARAGE This new three bedroom home with double car ace la located In a new addition to th city of Salem. All homes ar restricted. If you want the finer things In a bouse that co te mak up a home then you must eee this home with It Immaculate bath, colorful as a rainbow with It cove corners lor easy cleanlnc. Call Chel Rawlins for appointment to e. i2 ACRE SPECIAL Very nlc two bedroom bom located in . Corner on a ale H acre plot. Automat I heat, attached car. Owner might conitder taking a amallcr two bedroom la trade la toe city. Call Chet Rawlins to see. TRADE THAT LATE MODEL CAR FOR A THREE BEDROOM HOME Welt located south, haa double plumblnc. fireplace, approximately 1 140 ea. ft., la a 130 lot, city water. Cell Dale Ray burn lor appoint ment t see. TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! Three-year-old Duple, tw bedroom each. 000 q. feet. Onod ub urban rente it Owner will take some cloae -tn acreage. Call Dale Rarburn for appointment te see. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE ! Immaculate three-year eld large two bedroom home la Eaa t morel and Addition. Large llvinc room, with circulating fireplace, nlc dining room, large kltohen wtth lots ef bulltin and eating space Bedrooms are very roomy with lot of eioso spec, oood Ho a twin. 13,00.00. call Jim Rawlina. THREE BEDR'M SUBURBAN $5,250, $500 DN, Paved street, IM a 300 let, I years eld. double cerate, one block to city bu. three block to echool. etore. Immediate poaaeatloa. M 00 per month payment. Hurry, thte won't la it. call Jiat Rawllua. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTORS) Mta a. Capital fttnil oifka Fhenta: l-tttt ar a-nti tvenlnea phone: Tibbetu 1-ltH chet l-t!t jlm 1-M7I Dale Maybura 1-IH WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If yeur property I tor eels, rent or exchange, tut it wtth as. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE PINANCB CO.. REALTORS 191 S. High St. ea WB ARB ta need ef good heaeea ta cell, ta or aeer Salem. If roa wish to list year property for sale, ORABENHORICT BROS . REALTORS 114 A- Liberty Pn. 3-34.1 ea WANTED Smalt acreace elee ta tew with tood I or I bedroom heme I trad far cood city arapcrty. Ml Sooth Mtah Street Phono I-03O3 REIMANN RIAL BUT ATI ca:il PRIVATE PABTY tU th beat I-bedroom hem la er aeer Salem that til -cec each win bar. write Pact Office THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baiem, Orrfoa REAL ESTATE Juit Drive-Out and Drive-In. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BAIB OB YRAOB 1 bedroom boas and metal work shop In Salem for ether Salem property. Bex 394. Capital Jour s' al. cbJW BUSINESS 4t INCOME Off KB LEAV1MO State Oood cotag BAR-B-Q BUSINESS. Excellent epar time work. Equlpmeat cood coadmoa Prvn -7 felll INCOME PROPERTIES StBVfTB BY AVION fuel ail boaiaee Oood lee Mem. 1U4R. 141 O-ewMi. Albany 141 t., Albany, ef1 To Place Classified Ads 7? adt Calaka I Phon 2-2406 REAL ESTATE iraart mt WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES HIGH AND DRY Oa the bin. Pta heme with a fla tew. Lovely yard. Pall baaaaaeat with recreation eoeaa. CUs A ceastructtea. I fireplace. Vary roomy. Th price ha been dr asttcally reduced ta 1 13 .000. PHA Urma U deelred. iCa for IAR. CRAWPORD, . ph. 4 4C90 Sim.) THE ONLY CATCH IS W thlak tbla hem 1 a very od bur. Part hasemaat. Extra well located for autaol. bu and motm. 14 carat Insulated. Extra aice MUa. 1 fit tree. Only 11.100 dowa with a full price of - '(.au iar ak kuubAitdkr, ev. MR. INVESTOR Here your eppertaalty. A cood mod crw home that la easy to rent- Cholc corner lot that Is Increasing ta value daily . Mo repairs required. Bu by doorVery ttberal term. Pull price only A MASTERPIECE Brand new end a lovely heme. Very opactou room. Closet iar enough for the husband te crawl into when be Is la th doc house. 3 lovely fire places. Extra laree living room. TV reception acptlonaIly cood. Lawn and ahrub ar lovely. PHA Urma If desired. Pull price $14,100. (Call for RAY GRIMMSTT, ev. ph. 3-7471 6 UNITS Individual be use. Only yr. eld. Location 1 really excellent. Carpeted floors. Partially furnished. Sep. util ity room. 3 carafe. Real ate yard. One you would be proud ta own. Pull price eU.ooe. Ubcral term. AUTOMOBILES This tc aa aausually well established etc ocr. It' a money maker. Th area Is extra cood. Lcrte payroll town. Medium price claa. No blue sky. Well controlled overhead. No dead stock. Very reasonable rent en bid. Requires about 133.000 Investment. (Call for N. O. "DAN" XSAAK, v. ph. 4-3033 Sim.) MOTEL TRADE Por a home ta ar twar Salem or a cood farm. What have your la Rental unit. Part have fireplaces. Very mod ern. Completely furnished. Lovely view. Pvd. parkin area. Income apprx. 111, 400 per yr. Extremely low overhead. Accommodates from 3 te I persons. Pull price 10.000. (Call lor N. O. "DAN" ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) REAL VALUE Remodeled home with apprx. 1,000 . ft. floor space. 10 Aere under cultiva tion. 4 A. bottom land. A. ctraw berries. Nice view. Small barn, chicken bout. Pamtly orchard. A buy for 97, 00. (Call for MR. CRAWPORD, vc. ph. 4-W10 Sim. I $500 DOWN Oa thl it acre tract. Modem boat In cood conditio.. Cloae to Salem. 17 ft. welL Owner report Jot of water. This U a buy for 17,500. Better hurry. (Oil for MR. CRAWPORD, ev. ph. 4-WJO Sim.) 4 ACRE SPECIAL All under cultivation. Chehella soil. Very cood csodern 3 bedroom houa. Oarage. Chicken boos. Prult hous. 5vd. highway. Lot of flower and trubs. A country acreace you will re ally enjoy. Full price 113.500. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-3731 Sim.) 2Vi ACRES V,rr cloae tn north. Modern I room nouae. Very clean. Barn, taratt. Oood vrlL Irritation vine. Soil la eicelleut. Thte property te a tood buy lor I7..&0. lean lor MR. LXAVINa, re. ph. 1-41H aim.) rHA Jr CONVINTIONAL VTOB .. 30 TRJ5. FCDIRAL OI MTOS.. YEAR. UCXNaXD klSO IN WASH. IDAHO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Oft. Phono 4-IJI1 ar -1IM Irt. 1-1711. 4-1UI. t-ttJD. 1-717. 4-IMT II a. .never call 4-2241 C2I1 NELSON Reduced for Quick Sale 94,9001400 DOWN Well built 3 bdrm. home about 4 yrs. old. Insulated, lot 89 a 135. fruit tree. Oood neighborhood. Low taxes. $ mile N. on 99K. Call Mrs. Woollen $9.250 NORTH Nicely arranged 3 -bdrm. plastered Home, rplace.. bwd. floors, 11 vine rm. dlnln rm.. utu. rm.. Insul., oil fur nace, car., pvd. at. a cood buy for 99.2M. Call Mrs. Wootten Wanted A Client Who Can Appreciate Value Thl excellently built 3-bdrm. while shake home with oversls carace ha been reduced for tmmed. eale. Llvinc rm. ta adorned with a heat ola tor fplec that add utility as well aa beauty Kitchen' has ample eating epace. One bdrm. larte; 1 smalL Lot 40 a 133, pro viding nice lawn carden apace. Just 98.500. Cll Al Wattl, 3-724 2 BEDROOMS & DEN CLOSE TO HI SCHOOL You will Ilk thl lrg llvlnr room to dtntnc room. Autom. ell heat, at' tractive fplace. Oood ekied lot with hade tree. Price M,W0; 91.9M dwa. Pay balance like rent, FUEL BUSINESS Puel business eitabllshed many years. Oood aources of supply. Owner has other Interest. Equipment to business 834.500. Terms to responsible party. Call Mr. Schmidt. NELSON & NELSON aPRCIAUZlNO REALTOR 701 N. Htlh Ph. 1-MU cite- EDO I OP TOWN t BR, 3 bath. 1 100 oq. ft. ef floor apece. 3-rar g a rase. Lots ef oak tree on this Is re lot. Price 913.000. Out of state owner wrote to cet an offer. Im mediate posAetiion DELUXE HOME 9 BP. . 9 batha. 90 x 39 den. 14 ft. playroom la basement with fireplace expensive floor coverings drapes, tee. view lot with wonderful tree to ahrub -crand family home. 1500 DN . 4M MO. Nice little w. Salem bom with fire place h carase PrVe 93.000 W.MUSGRAVE, Realtors 1911 Edxewater J-llM Bv.: 1-9439 else to Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PAL00KA tl HAVf 'IM WFAgy A flK m joe Ht TH t rWtSM T f THEV 00 CTVL Bt M THE LATER. .a-f tVL GITCHA atfORf KIM SAY l tffur XOPffO BUM vAT ALL 1 UST ME I TBU WIT A EOfTKJNS. HE1L BE HERJ W IA . . TAYVAH jgt a-mAA AUCTIONS ; FURNITURE AUCTION! Wednesday Nite, November 25-7 P. M. t reams af oood quality furniture from n emsiar tcb add te the hlchast $ pc. Mr. Mr. Bid re em aM Hike awi. pa. Meat SedTeam et. Moatac glee. Raoce ft. pricidalrc rcfrlceratcc Mah. rdlo-hncraph oambiactlea, f3 cacao like aew). Oray frels davena chair (cood). Prelsc dub chair traapberry). Oeedl Set bank bad eempleta. t tall veal rues cd. Boi cprint mattreu i. cood.). Buy waahint machla. pe. dinette act. Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard 191 SUvcrtoa Rd. 8USINESS OPPORTUNITIES NATIONAL PIBM with rcf. from bank. Chamber af Commerce aad Dun and Bradstreet. etc.. handlta a product whose sal reached 34 billion dollar last year, has aa opening la th Sa lem area for a reliable person to bandl distribution ef It product to account la, tbl area. No Salllncl However, person Selected most hav car. 9100 cash secured by Inventory and be able te devote approilmauly 10 hour a week la beginning wtth In tention of devoting full time later Person eicted must be eapabla af maklnr 910.000 yearly a thl bulaea give high return Immediately with low overhead. If yoa meet all ef thee requirement aad bar local ref. write, el ring axe. pbon attttk, etc., to Box 389 Capital Journal. cd3S0 GOOD SPARE TIME bualaess. Anyone can handle. Inventory alone will repay original Investment. Oood return. Only 4400. Boa ML Capital Journal. edsao MODERN service station for lease. Locat ed la Salem's fastest crowing commu nity. Inventory approximately 91,100. Por additional Information phone 3-0309. ed3S0 WANTED FURNITURE LAMBERT'S PAYS CASH for used fur niture. Phone 3-793. da293 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LOCKER BEEP White face Hereford, 30c. Nothing down, 0 month to par. Custom kllllnt. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat CO, 133 S. 2 Lb- Ph. 3-4848. c PETS BOXER PUPPIES, 9 weeks old. Regis tered Arc. Inquire 4634 Clerk Ave., Rei ser District. ec2M CANARIES. PINE CHRISTMAS Clft. flziall deposit. Phone 3-4343, 13 cue meketa. cc299 GIVE DACHSHUND Pup for Christmas. Seven weeks. AKC registered, nne ped igree. Red. black to tan. Male, female. Bert file aegs, Rt. 3, Box 303A1. Mc Mlnnvllls. ec282 MUST SELL two pedigreed Siamese kit ten. 3M each. Phone 3-393 alter o:oo pm. CC282 POMERANAN puppy, male. 3 mo. old. Hecisierea. rnonc mlvskiu", , c282 CUTE PUPPIES (Cocker.. Short tails. M 00. Phon 4-3B43. 4SH sunnyview Ave. 2W HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 19M McCoy, on block east of N. canitoi. i oiocce north of Madison. Ph. 3-MOf. cc394 BABY PARAKEETS, clncer canarlea. Some cages. Mrs. A. E. Power, 139 Bellcvuc. Between 8. Winter and Cot tag. ec3M CHAMPION BRED Boxer puppies. U cores Tropical rish Equipment, paraiteeu, Peti. Macleay Road. 43773. Closed Wednesdays. ec244 BLACK SPANIEL pups from very small parents. 3 eb. Miss Somen, 9 miles west of Monmouth near Ant loch School In Cooper Hollow. ecU3 PARAKEETS Choice birds. Christine orders being taken. 31M Livingston. 3-1843. erSS" FUEL SPECIALS! Oak, Ash. Maple Wood. Oreenslaba W hav block to planer ends. WEST SALEM PUEL PH. 3-4031 300 FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED HENS. On j ear old. Phono 25030. fill' rOR SALE. Capon roaster, 4 to 7 lbs.. 55c per pound, dressed, or 4&c live weignt. Phone Aumsvllle 741 or 4379 Macleay Rd. 1383' GEESE POR SALE. 13 each. Rt, 1 Box 1M. Near Prlnale School. tail WE ARE hatching New Hampshire Oold en Broad and Arbor Acres Whit Rock, very week. Special prices to rear around fryer crowers. Pox's Hatchery. 3830 Stste St. Phone 9-494. f PRODUCE FILBERTS tSe POUND, walnuts 30c pound. Delivered 1b Salem, rue pounds to over. 1830 Wallace Rd. 3-2213. ffaeo WALNUTS: 1.ABGE Franquettc. Flfte quality. Commercially dried, 30c lb. 1395 No. 14th St. Phone 3-53. ff20 HELP WANTED FEMALE TWO WOMEN for reweavlnc Instruction and work at home. Can earn M hr. piece work. Write Box 3M. Capital Journal. , gb28l PRACTICAL M BSE, 731 N, 14th. Phone 3881. gb!81- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE JOBS See as for quality lobs. Benefit by our knowledge f employers and by eur experience In the community. Check eur llstlncs Won Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494 Stae St. (Oregoa BldC.) 4-8141 Cf3M mm 2 dSH gldJJSS iMEY 60MNA SWIU I rOVAN,-. NaT OKAY- fjUW 1 I S-ST T AUCTIONS t act metal Uuadxr tub. Oak has tree. I coed poster bed. I cht-a-drwr. BUrdweod baby bed complete M ft lai. Table near lamp 04 RoUoway bed. panel end. t b-pc. breakfast acta t catwcl radio. Walaat panel bed. Plata class mirror. t pc metal ice cream eet (table and 4 chair). And many ether misc. article af fur ature. Com l Phone I-9M1 ddaso- WANTED SALESMAN OITHIUE SALESMAN for .electrical. hardware to plumblnc. Bxperlenc and car necessary. Please clve references and salary expected. Write 399 Capi tal Journal. gsWO WANTED POSITIONS PFAPP BUTTO NV OLE 8 worked cut. 10c Quick service. Phone 4-4900. hail PAPEB RANGING, By th hour. .Pbon t'tin. njo NON-UNION SPRAT PAINTER. PHONE 3-4400. hM0 HOI SEWOBK BY THE ROUE. Phone 3-M40. 414 N. Commercial, Apt 3. hin PERMANENT CARS for two children, age 3-0. my horn. Pbon 3-07M. HM2" CARPENTER REPAIR work. Phone 3-1439. h3a CARPENTER Repair, remodel, cabinet and garages, Small job welcome. Phone 4-4M9. hJOS PAINTING, PAPERHANGINO, day Or contract. Small Job welcome. Phone 3-7M3. h293" PAPER HANGIVO. painting. Prec esU mate. Dsn Lucero. Ph. 3-9S32. b3' LIGHT CRAWLER doling, dirt 11 tnc, cradlni. Phon 3-330. b3M NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling, re pair. No money down, 1 yeara to pay. Phone 3-dOfll. h291 DRE9B MAKING, alterations, bride, bridal cowna. Helen LovctL Phone 4-1431. b2 landscaping, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-3573. h RELIABLE BABY SITTER WIS CO days or night, prion 3-9964. h783 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving, insured. John Payne. Phone 1-6828. nam" MICKENHAMft DAY NURSERY Stat Licensed Inspected. Ph. 2-7891 1.291 MIMEOGRAPHING and TYPTNO. Quality wore. Reasonable rates. Mr. Foe. 465 N. 16th. Phone 3-3643. h39S WIEMALS Dsy nursery. Licensed and state inspected. Phon 3-9019. h295 PAINTING AND DECOBATING. 33 years tsaiem experience. Free estimates. 3-7552. HM7 MIDDLE AGED lady wants baby slttlna. xour noma or mine. Fbon 3-4131. h2M PAINTING AND Water proof ln(. Free es timates. Phone 3-4307, 3-8242, L. E. Nelson. hJOl RJCWEAVINQ Por top quality pbonc 3-1401. 14M N. Cottage St. h2S3a OFFICE WORKER over 30. dastra per manent five-day week position. Con siderable general oillc experience, ex cellent typist, willing worker, respon ses, writ eox csi capital journal. h3M EXPERIENCED SECRETARY with ex cellent legal training available half days. Phone 3-92. Mrs. Pslrd. h280 FOR RENT LARGE warehouse pcc for rent or leas. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-9106. f WANTED TO RENT 3-BEDROOM house. Dev.. 1. Phone 2535ft. Ja280' YOUNG COUPLE with 3 small children, desire clean, very modern unfurnished 3 or 3 bedroom house, within city limits. Must be economical to heat. If desirable will rent or leue for 170 per month. Call 4-9506. Ja281 BOOM A BOARD, preferably with small family or couple. Phone 4-3589. Ja28J Have Extra Office Space? Insurance adjuster wants desk space and limited sect et aria! help in exist ing office. Location unimportant, will pay rent or share expenses. Call 1-0071. Ja283- QUIET MIDDLE aged couple wish nice 3-bedroom borne. Not over in. Phone 335 Je2R0 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE. WARM. 11 ht housekeeplnc room. Lady. 485 N. Church. Ik384 PLEASANT sleeping room for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Phone 347. Jk284 SLEEPING ROO4MS for one or two. 790 N, Church. Pnone 3-4335 Jk280 BUSINESS RENTALS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS warehouse. Sep arate unit. 40' X George Dllts. 435 9th St., West Salem. Phone 3-4121. r 30301' SERVICE REPAIR g erase, som equip ment. ler buildlnc, can be used for any buslneae Also on bedroom house. 380 South Commercial. Write J. R. Bolt. Jeweler, owner. Stayton. Joasa ONE BUSINESS Rental. Inquire 7V9 S. lath. Apt. 1. Joaia WAREHOUSE SPACE. New building with lara parkin aree with or without of fice facilities. Rail stdlng. Drlve-ia and truck dock. Forklllt truck and pal. leu. Capital City Transfer Company Prtort 2-3438 )o303 LOST & FOUND LOST Red male Cocker, tac 3717. Nam ed Penny. Reward. Phone 34180 or 39181. k3M' LOST Handkerchief containing 180 00 tn 130 bills. Reward. 430 N. 17th St.. or phone 31901 after B p.m. kMl LOST, BULOVA yellow cold lady" wrist watch. Reward. Phone 3717. 1.382' Toeadar, November 24, 1953 ' LOST 1 FOUND LOUT PAIS OP CHILD'S Clasea. Vlcla ity th aad JUMmcak Pbaa 1-3144. Ua FOR RENT HOUSES 2-BEDROOM hum. Bert. 914. Pbona I 4-30U. Tart" bath, pias utility with washer end dryer faralshed. Let af sterace apace. Walk in distance la town and atata buiidias. Qulcl aelchberhaeeV All rooms aic ais. Aatomatl heat. Most desirable far couple See at 1049 Bell, vu. Pa ens I-44M evening. faUOS S-SCDBOOM BOL'IE. basemcat. all heat. St. Jaiai NEWLY BED EC ORATED dwa-bedreora house. Cnlldrea aUewed. MM Haiel Av. 3-4JU. , .'man 4-BEDBOOM furaUhed aubarbaa horn. 4474 Suanrvlaw Ave. Phone 1-M71. fm3W 13M N. 3 1ST STREET I be rooms, dea, full basement, fire place, c erase, automatic heat. 9M. 1-4013. m370 NEAR THE CAPIYOL and easy welkins distance te downtown, la thM lara 1 bedroom bom unfurnUbed, except for electric rnc aad oil clrculitor. 949, adult or adult and I child. Joe U Bourne, Realtor. 1149 N. Capitol. Ph. I -S3 II Jm390 TRAILER SPACE 110 month with new au lorn att washer aad dryer. No pet. Also email 3-room cabin, furnished, Ui. Phone SIMS. 1740 Oxford. lm3M 3-BEDROOM unfurnished bouse. Oar as, oil beat, water free, cloae la. 143. Phone 3-7105. 4-1949. Jmll . lie col BT Hot water beat. Prefer old er couple. Ml- Ph. 3-9M9. Walt Soco lofiky. Real Estate. JnvJIl t BEDEOOM PLAT. 4 block blsb achool. Ill N. Winter. 3-147. Jm3S4 - 3-REDROOM HOUSE. 1409 N. Liberty. 150. Phone 3-1801. jmasi 3-BEDBOOM HOUSE fully furnished. Reference. Phone I-M37, 9 a m. -4 p m.- -Jm3S3- DOWNSTAIRS, 1 bedrm llvtn rm.. din- tag rm.. Kitchen, bath- M3 M. O till tie Paid. IM & 19th. Ph. 3-3101. Jm3Ma UPSTAIRS. 3 bedrm.. llvinc rm, kitchen. both. 52.5. utilities paid. IM s. 19th. Ph. 3-1101. Jm380 VERY NEAT 1 bedroom unfurnished: -houa la court. Oood location. Must be seen to be appreciated. 449 Brer. JmSIt 4 ROOM HOUSE, close t bus and stores. 309 w. 33rd. jmau NEAT MODERV house at Aumsvllle. Call at 97 st, Staytoa. Ph. 341. I. A. Ruef. Jrallt I BEDROOM house In Hubbard, acraa. iruit, berries, carace, elect, wtr. htr. Oo north on Mala St. to alca oa house. Owner, N. Ward, oa premise Sat., Sun Nor. M and M. JmSIS ONE BEDROOM furnished cottage Rea sonable, con ntlUtlas. Inquire 3845 Portland Rd. jmJ89 CLEAN, 3 bedroom house. Close to stste ouiKaincs. Phono 3-414. Jmllt NICE B bedroom house. Plreplae. stove ana refrigerator rurnlshed. Middle ac coupl. no chUdrea. Pboa 3-194. JmJIl CLEAN t-BEDBOOM bom. OU ctrcolsU or. ie. Phon 4-3844. Jm38l S BEDROOM modern hous. Llvinc room. aiums room, aitcnen. Phon 3-8484 ftr 3. Jm38l 1 red ROOM house Modern 4 rooms. aT.iec.rie neater ana lectrte tov. Adulte No pet. 9. 1939 Woodrow St. Jmlll UNP1TRN1SHED two bedroom. 940. 191 H. Liberty SU Phone 2-1144. Brenlnsj, -M33. Jm283 VEARLY NEW 3 bedroom, smth. AU tached carace. 9830 with water fur nlihed. Phone 3-7858. Jm380 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN 3 MOM furnished apartment with carace. AO ntllltte furnished. M M. Pboa 19M4. 3341 Uasel. JP38I BEAUTIFULLY furnished, cosy one bed room duplex. Large rooms, close ta bus. West Salem, Rent 949.M. 1211 Edge water. 33109. Eves. 99939. Jp285 CLOSE-IN nlc modern furnished three room apartment. Adult. Phone 3-94M. JP2M CLOSB-1N farnuhad en room apart ment. 933 Ferry St. 3P383 CLOSE TO CAPITOL 4 rm. partly furn., private bath, main fir. HI. 60. Be Burt Plena, Rltr., 379 N. High St., 3-4047. Jp28fi VERY CLOSE IN, furnished apartment. Phone 3-M33. Jp2l3 YOUNQ LADY to char 4 room apart ment to expense. 970 N. Winter. Apt. " -2 after 9 p.m. Jp291 FURNISHED COURT apartment, 9 .'com Ai garaa. Close la on North Commer cial. 353. Phone 3-8648 or I-M44. Jp BACHELOR APARTMENT, range and re frigerator. 3134 Pelrfiouad Rd. Phon 3-73M after 4 p.m. Jp285 GIBL (Ml. WANTB mployd Ctrl t share apartment. Near atata offices. Phon 3-3892 after 9 p.m. Jp3M FURNISHED. VERY NICE I -room court apartment. Range, reirlserstor and laundry facilities. ISO 8. 17th. Jp283 SEVERAL l-RM. FURN. apta.. with pri vate bath. 12 0. See Burt Plena. Rltr., 379 N. High St., 3-4047 Jpl83 CLOftE IN, furnished 3 room. 9)30. One room. ti7.o. Lieut housekeeping, 635 00. Private bathe 43 N. Winter or 923 N. Winter. Phone 39188. Jp387 NICE. CLEAN, furnished apt. Close In. 444 H. Cot tac. Jp 4 ROOMS, unfurnished. Modern, elec tric range, refrigerator. Water, best, furnished. M0. 3150 S. Commercial af ter 4. Phone 4-1453. Jp2S4 SEVERAL furitiabed apartment, cood location inquire L Stiff Farnttur. Phon 3-91M jp 3-ROOM AFABTMENT, 3130 Fairgrounds Rd. Rang and refrigerator. Call 3-7M after p.m. JP285 ONE 3 BEDROOM down, one 3 room up. court apartments. Phone 3-3093 or 1151 Waller l. Jp83 t-ROOM. FIRST floor. Christian woman. Adjacent Capitol Shopplnc Center. 3-TW1. Jpai3 VERY CLEAN, modern. room, fur- mined apt. private bath and entrance. 1155 N. Winter. Jp280 S3C.M l-RM. FURN. housekeeplnc apt, cloae to downtown north private en trance see Burt Flea. Rltr, 37 N. Hlsh St., 3-4047. Jp28l FURNISHED APT, I rooms and bath. Adults. 3-9331. 33 So. 14th. Jb3I0 ONE BACHELOR apartment. Alio, room apart men te Call before t:M a m. --fter I 00 p.m. 4-3643. Jp280 CLOSE TO STATE and General Hospi tele room furnished. Newly redec orated. Oarage Ml Nebraska St. JP2M COURT APARTMENTS, utilities furn ished 435 and IM Trailer hens for rent or sale. 3319 Portland Rd. Jp301 3-BOOM furalsbed apt. 919 S, 12th St. 930. Phone 44333. Jp28 ONE -BEDROOM court apt, firniUhfd. Close in. 30714. JP333 ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED front. 2 bedroom. bath, privet entrance cood heat, cleaa. adulte 149 N. Uth. Phon 3839. jpC By Ham Fisher 9