Tuesday. November 24. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Satan. Oragoa Past IT TELE-VrEWS 2 Rodio-Television TUESDAY TV AND EADIO PROGRAM PTV: MatiaM Theater, 1 "Woman in Bondage (tannic Call Patrick and Nancy Kelley.' j Tha Toymaker, 4:11 A viiit to the Toymaker'a ahop with Jred Giermann a the Toymaker. I Llberaee, 1 Selection! Include: "Lady of Spain," "Vaya Cos Diet," "Open the Door," and "Raclmaninoff Fantasy." Dinah Shore Shew, 1:10 A quarter hour of tnuiic with Dinah Shore. e OH KOIN-TV: Armchair Theater, I:U "Here Comet Elmer" Dale Evans, Frank Albertaon. Jane Fromaa Shew, :45 Setting: Bombay. Songs: "Big Wide Wonderful World," "Many Times." Kaihmiri Love Song," and "Isn't It Strange." Football, IM Oregon Oregon State. KFTV: Bene snow, a rairice Munsei ana ueorge nan are gueni ot Milton Berle. KEX TO BROADCAST 14 HOURS EACH J AT Starting Monday, November 23, Westinghouse Radio C41. WY In Pntlanrl mvimnAm 4h rf"rinM ar-h4 ill tn 91 houri each day. Monday through Saturday. KEX bai been : OJt .KPIN"TVJ Ignlng off at 2:00 A.M. At ajsu Macy'a annual Thanksgiving Day parade with NBC stars, floats, gigantic balloons, clowns,, bands, etc. At : Ub-Dtwa af AsMrica Thanksgiving Day film. . - THANKSGIVING FOOTBALLl IFTV: Frees Bos Review, ll:It With Red Grange and Bud Pal mer. ' NCAA Callage Football, 11:1a Utah va. Brigham Young at Salt Lake City, Utah ("live"). i Bollywood Reel will follow tha game Immediately, about 2:49 P.M. Race to Rose Bowl, hl-lighta of PCC games will be aeon a KFTV at 7 pjsu ON KOIN-TV: Iowa and Notre Dame tie game will be seen at UM . to top the holiday football faro, ... a THURSDAY PROGRAMS: RPTV: This la The Life, I "Giving Thanks Always" Tha Fisher family and their preparatione for the Thanktviging holiday. Dinah Shore, 7:10 A quarter hour of music with Dinah Shore. ' . Yon Bet Yonr Life, S Groucho Mara Is emcee- on comedy quiz. Chevron Theatre, :! "Lost Kid" stars Elizabeth Pat terson and Harry Harvey, Jr., with Mary Field and Ross Ford. Story of how a wily grandma keeps a boy on tha aide of the law. nnnrt. Tack Webb. Ford Theatre, t:10 "Double Bet" stars Richard Egan and T.araina Dav. Martin Kane, It Story concerns the disappearance of La middle-aged sociology professor. On Television KrTVU7). KOIN-TV U) UHP VHF ON KFTV: Orient Express, I "Marked Man," start Thomas Gallagher. t:30 Red Skelton will present his doughnut dunking (ketch, impersonating Clem Kadiddelhopper and conduct the j coe Karni. Ruth Donnelly 2 P.M. Thanksgiving Festival Feature "The Choraliers" and "The Symptionette" with guett soloists, program includes a cast of over 100. S P.M. Gary Moore Show. S:1S P.M Armchair Theatre "Petticoat Politics", Ros- David Rose band in a version of the "Poet ami Peasant Over ture." J:10 Suspense "The Newcomer" stars Zachary Scott and Jane Sutherland. - 10 Danger "The Educated Heart" stara Basil Rathbone and Margaret Phillips with Martin Brooks. A spinster courts tragedy in a romance with a younger man. 10:10 Make Room for Daddy Comedy aeries starring "Danny Thomas and Jean Hagen. 11 Showtime on Six "Snowbound" starring Robert New ton, Dennis Price and Stanley Holloway. MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Sale Service - Inttatlatiea Opes) treat an la ess. rte. 1-141 1 1140 a. Cecal Saleta'a first Teaavmasa glare TcitDtT I S a.m. sjtv auaia Karaat IS M am. Km out Dm aahaat :M am. prv-What'a caakiast ll: it a-m. rrrv-aaaUaa raua li.it a m. KPTV Ta aaaaatia 11 :M a.m. KFTV-Mao at ImaUr Suspected Meningitis Now Said to Be Polio Aa tUneaa which was diag nosed early In the month as I meningitis has been changed to poliomyelitis, according to a recent release of communicable and reportable diseases Issued by the Marion county depart ment of health. The upswing In the number of instances of measles contin ued through the week ending November 21 when 11 eases were reported. In addition, there were 8 Instances of Ger man measles. Other cases of disease listed included: L each of hepatitis, Impetigo, meningitis and lobar pneumonia. Sixty-seven physicians, or SS per cent ot those In the county, reported to the health department. East Salem t P.M. Meet Mr. McNultley -stars Ray Miland with Phyllis Avery. Prof. McNultley takes his wife back to the scenes of their courtship. 0:10 P.M. Four Star Playhouse "For Art's Sake" stars David Nlven. II P.M. The Playhouse "Beautiful World" atory of a young man who decides life la not worth living and hires a gangster to kill him. 11 P.M. Showtime on Six "Merrily We Live" starring Brian Aherne and Constance Bennett. ' a a a a KPTV: , ' EARLY FRIDAY ' 'What's Cooking?" 10:10 Barbara Angell prepares left- KPTV: Fireside Theatre, "We'll Never Have a Nickel" stars Hsyden nonce, Ann uoran ana uioria laiooi in a siory oi a j,. urkey dinner, musical producer. ..,. Friend of the Family, 11:2 Michael Davenport. Judge f Yourself. 10-Fred Allen. Matinee Theatre, 1 "No Escape" stars Dean Jagger, John 1 Led Three Live., 1.:10-FBI .gents Inform Phllbrlck Carradlne ,n0 My Brian, that communists are obtaining vital jet-engine secrets. . ON rnrN-TV Nlte Owl Theatre, ll:is "Lure ot the isianes aiarnng, , -.,, e.b- show Entire trouoe ooens with J "Papaya Mama", medley of football tunes closes the show. u at a.m. nm-tba Kont Bis paraff 1S:M r m. KPTV Dtoa Luaa ama KOIN mom CToaer 1:M u. KFTV autlaaa ana KOIH Lan at Ufa roiN Oaarch Tanarrav KOIN OukUnl Utn KOIH Valiant Ladr I N m m. KPTV Cm Taar aaeeaal KOIN ru Buy That I N P.m. KPTV Kala Smlia ICOtPJ Oarrr Moor. KOIN Ara Chair Taaatet I M P.M. KPTV Kata amlta roiN i u lap Tkal KOIN Mr. Moea 4 w p Tri KPTV Wtlcema Travalart J:M am. KPTV Tha Tarmakar U a nt. KPTV Tha Tarmakar I M f m. KPTV HowdF Dooar KOIN adU8 Pat) I II p m. rPTV Bar SI Corral ' , ruin vmaniaa t.tt p.m. JCPTV Tarrp aad Plrttaa KOIN Mr. Waatharmaa l it p.m. KPTV Tarrp aad rtraue KOIN Pheta Ouia I It p.m. KPTV-rStrania Mraature KOIN Doua Sdvarda S:tt am. KPTV NW M.wa-aparta ' aoin Jana maua aioaw Vol a m. KPTV Ubaraca KOIN Raaca Rmar 1:IS a m. KPTV Diana anara KOIN Oraaoa va Oral OB at. T:at p.m. KPTV N.aa Caravaa roiN rootaaii I M p.m. KPTV Milton Barle KOIN Orl.nl Kipraat I M a m. kptv tallica atria koin Had akaltoa l ot p.m. kptv Plraalda TSaatar KOIN Capturad 1:11 a m. kpty cirri. Tbatlar KOIN aoapahaa It: at pat. Kr-rv Jimii. Par Toura.ll KOIN Oaatai lB:ia a.m. KPTV Ld Thraa XJaaa KOIN Maka Room far Daddr U M p.m. rPTV Poalar'a N.wa KOIN Sftawtlma aa Ota ll:ia p.m. KPTV Waalh.r Vana ll: it p.m. kptv mta owl Thtatat Robert Lowery, Gale Storm and Margie Hart. KEX CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS: Two long time favorite Christmas programs will again be acheduled by KEX for the 18S3 holiday season. They are "Letters to Santa Claut" and "The Cinamon eBar." "Letters to Santa Claut" will be broadcast at 4 P.M. daily Monday through Saturday, starting Friday, Novermer 27. "The Cinamon Bear" will be heard at 6 P.M. daily Su.i dsy through Friday, starting Wednesday November 28. "The Cinnamon Bear" Is a Christmas story in children's fantasy. WEDNESDAY TV AND KADIO PROGRAMS KPTV: , "What's CooklnrT". 10:10 Barbara Angell prepares Hors d'Oeuvres for Thanksgiving and fruit and seafood cocktails. I Name's the Same, f Brain Aherne takes over as emcee in Robert Q. Lewis' absence. Life Is Worth Living, 7 Bishop Sheen discusses "His tory's Middle Ages," the period from the 8th to the 15th century. I Married Joan, Beverly is to be initiated into a Junior college society, but Joan herself becomes the target for the hazers. My Little Margie, 2:10 Stars Gale Storm and Charles Farrell. Kraft Theatre, "A Long Time Till Dawn" stars James Dean, Naomi Riordan, Ted Osborne, and Robert Simon. Story concerns the good and evil In a man and their struggle for -supremacy. This Is Your Life, It A detailed story ot the life ot some individual selected by Edwards. a a a a a ON KOIN-TV: 2:1S Armchair Theatre "Women In War", Wendy Bar rie, Pat Knowles. 4:45 This Is Your Music Features Helen Parrish. 1 Wrestling From Hollywood Seml-maln: Rey Ur - bano vs. Genteman Jerry Woods. Msln: Honest John Cretoria vs. Bob Cummings. e a e THURSDAY MORNING ON KPTV: At 7:3 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Parade. Gimble's an nual parade from Philadelphia, Pa., featuring NBC stara Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Burr Tillstrom and Fran Alison and others. 1 P.M Love of Life starring Peggy McCay. 1:15 P.M. Search -for Tomorrow starring Mary Stuart and Lynn Lorlng 1:30 P.M. Guiding Light starring Herb Nelson and Ellen Demmlng. 1:45 P.M. Valiant Lady, starring Nancy Coleman and Jerome Cowan. , - 47 Inductions For Hi-Y Clubs Forty-seven new members will be Inducted into the Sa lem Junior Hi-Y Fellowship of the Y.M.C.A. at 8:15 Tuesday night at the First Christian cnurcn. Those fo be inducted include Dwight Edwards club Larry Halverson, Robert Beers, Clay Newell, Larry McCargar and Tom Dunham. John Farrar club Robert Geer, Dave Howells, Roy Strangeby, Ar thur Erickson, Larry Evans, Peter Melln; Tracy Strong club Dennis Pieters, David Taylor, Ralph McCloud, Larry Payne. Jim Heltzel and David Perry, Wesley Rennje club neiin Airicx, oiu oner, enain Olson, Darryl Peterson, Larry Mason, Douglas McCormack; Carle Abrama club Dwight Reinwald and Larry Cum mings; Ted Chambers club SO LOW IN PRICE! Stanley B)elde, Jim Grleser, Will Christensen, Dick Kuy- kendall, Fred Fleury, Doug Ritchie, Rhett Faroe, Homer Wood, Jim Batliner and John North; Lawrence Daggett club Don Harris, Larry Dent, Jim Johnston; Robert McBurney club Burt Edwards, Larry Burkhart, Jim Bowlin : and Robert Bruce; George Williams club Bob Trelstad, Grady Croy, Jr., Anthony Miller, Charles Faulkner and Dale Harris. Bruce Wulf, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wulf, 800 South High street, recently elected president of the Junior Hi-Y Council, will preside during the induction ceremony. WOODBURN DANCE Wood burn The 88th an nual Thanksgiving ball, spon sored by the Woodburn Fire Department, will be held on Thursday evening, Nov. 20, at the Woodburn armory. Danc ing will start at 9:30 p.m. and the music will be by Johnny Relta and his orchestra. GMllO'QllOi MM Raytheon All Channel UHF VHF Lew Down Payment Bank Financing Trades Complete Repair as Installation by K0RTHWESTHLEV1SI0N Sit State Phone 4-5131 MITCHELL'S raster! Trained larrlee ana Inatanatlaa - IsN ttala Si. rbene S-1ITI KOIN Valiant LadT KOIN Doubla ar Noihlna I S p.m. KPTV On Tour Aeeaaat KOIN atrlka II Rich I M a.m. KPTV Kala Smith KOIN oarr Moora KOIN Arm CSVr Thtatat l:M a m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Doubla at Nothlat t at p m. KPTV w.lcomt Traaalara t:M p.m. KPTV Tba Tonaakar t it p.m. rPTV Tha Tormakar KOIN Mr. Uoon S:W p.m. kptv Howar Doodr KOIN-aaddla Fal. I H (at, KPTV Bap 11 Corral KOIN Kll Ctraoa l:M a m. KPTV Namaa tha Sama KOIN-kfr. Wtalhanaaa I: It a m. KPTV Namaa lha aaau KOIN Phota Quia . I M p.m. KPTV aid rorlar roiN Dout Sdvarat Stat pm. KPTV NW DUaat KOIN Thl. II Toar Mull T:St p.m. KPTV at. bop abaoa . KOIN Cba.aa aa Kins I S s at. KPTV Coka Tlmt KOIN Plabla t :e) p.m. kptv N.wa ctrtrta KOIN Plahta IN p.m. KPTV I Marrlad Jeaa KOIN Arthur oodtror I M sat. KPTV Mp litlla Martlt roiN Arthur oodrrap . I:H p.m. KPTV K rati Th.al.r ' KOIN atrlka 11 Rich lt :M p. at. KPTV Tula la Tour Lilt KOIH ra eM a Bacrol lt: p.m. KPTV Caaaleada Amarlca KOIN Wraalllnt II :M sat. KPTV lllh Hour Ran koin ehoauma an ait 11:11 p.m. KPTV Milt Oal Thaaur East Salem The extracur ricular activities for Washing ton school pupils, like Cub Scouts and 4-H clubs are the special Interact at the members ot the Mothers elub and all par- ents of the community this monln. Two 4-H tewing clubs hsve been organized. Mrs. Robert C Anderson is the leader ot one club. They have taken the name "Merry Stitchers." They meet every other Wednesday afternoon In members' homes and will have their third meet ing this week. Officers are president, Caro lyn Jelden; vice president, Jan- et Johnson; secretary, Janet Anderson; news reporter, Kar en Englebretsen; song and yell leader. Mickle Kemper. Mem bers are Mary Faye Lermon, Janet Peterson, Karen Brown, Mickle Kemper, Karen Engle bretaen, Carolyn Jelden, Janet Anderson and Janet Johnaon. The second sewing elub was organised the past week at the home of the girls' leader, Mrs. Harvey Page. Mrs. Samuel Pahl is assistant leader. Officers elected were president, Janice Pahl; vice president, Jackie S mat ley; secretary, Eileen Smalley; aong and yell leader, Sharon Suran and reporter, Darlene Clark. Members are Sandra Volting, Janice Pahl, Roberta Johnson, Jackie Smal ley, Eileen Smalley, Sharon Su ran, Janice Johnson, Sharon Mullln, Marietta Pendergast, Marilyn Page and Darlene Clark. Mrs. Fred Smalley and Mra. M. F Vbltlng were guests of the girls for this meeting. They meet every other Thurs day. The cooking clubs with mem bers In I, II and III for 4-H work have organized and will meet the first and third Tues day nights in members homes. The second meeting was the or ganization meeting held at the home of the girls lesder, Mrs. Dale Malllcoat on Fisher Rd. Mrs. Albert Suran is assistant leader. Officers elected are: presidant, Judy Pahl; vice pre sident. Gay Lee Kepplnger; secretary, Marilyn Page; news reporter, Msrlene Malllcoat; aong leader, Sharon Suran; yell leader. Judith Howard. Pro. acts to be taken up were dis cussed. Members are Eileen Smalley.. Judith Howard, Kay Ingle, Sharon Stiran, Gail Mar ble, Jackie Smalley, Gay Lee Kepplnger, Sharon Mulliru, Marietta Pendergast, Marilyn Page, Judy Pahl, Diane Muller, Monica Smith, Sandra Pan krats and Mariana Malllcoat At the Thursday meeting of the Washington school mothers club meeting at the school house, the organization of the Cub Scouts for the boys waa on program for consideration. The leader of last year has moved from the district and a new leader and den mothers are being planned for this year. James Kern from the executive office spoke to the mothers of this work. ' The general theme of pro grama tor the elub this year Is "Education Around the World." At the first meeting it wss dis cussed on the local level and this month, the state, with the national and International to follow. A film, "Your State'a Higher Education" in color from the state board of higher education was shown. The mu sic waa provided by the first grade room pupils ot Miss nen- dra Klabe and Mrs. Margaret Martin's fourth traders. The attendance award for mothers present went to the first grade room of Mrs. Inez Green. The club president, Mrs. Halbert Kemper, announced a sum of 8174.07 cleared at the spaghet ti dinner served the first of this month, which was consid ered a success. At the Decem ber meeting members will ex. change recipes for their gift exchsnge. - .mm ant ii tone rabs CANeitel Vats acorns pain, tmitijmuk " thUWt Thro raWmwotDCaxaT wild cherry hard candm contain antibiotic Trrotbricia to fight rhroat Banna, aod pain-rtUarins Btaaocairaa to halo atM tort, icralchy jhroala -vara j?t lorrlU taDltlt. . touch hat than moat antfoH oik throat ublaatTry- Wl 'war. ..ten aanar I CHILTON'S I moot Tablet mail WIDNIIDAT . , S:t a.m. KPTV Klocl. Koraar 10 oa a.m. KPTV Dint Dana aahaal lt ia a.m. KPTV WhaVa Oaaklnal 11:01 a m. KPTV Haarklna Palla 11:11 a.m. KPTV Tha B.nn.tla 11 la a.m. KPTV Prl.nd a! PamltT U M a.m. rPTV TBA Kom aia raraff KOIN Bob Craabr l:ta p m. kptv Matlaaa Thaatap KOIN Lova of Llfa KOIN Starch Tomorrow KOIN OuJdloc Lit hi DELIVERED IN SALEM . This low price buva a Pontine Special 4-Cyl. 3 -Door Sedan. State and local teree. If any, license, optional equipment and ecceeaortee are eitra. Prtcea au bract to change without notice. Price may vary to aurroondlng communities due to traniportatlon dlfierentlala. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR TOU CANT MAT A PONTIAC Kelly Owens Pontiac Co. (UN. Liberty Sf. ' GO UNION PACIFIC To the joy of Christmas add die pleasure of bring ing the whole family together. Union Pacific's Half-Fare Family Travel Plan offers so much la holiday trsvel ran! You'll find tba trsin sglow with the good fellowship of the season. Enjoy the festive holiday foods, graciously serred i t . the friendly warmth of the cheery lounge . t . the restful comfort of a reclining coach seat or comfortable Pullmsa. litre Have Trains Dally Te mm4 frtm twa stoat Qnvtnitnt Jefsrtm...fmtt, JtptnJ.ilt tcktdmUi.., fnmmi pUP ''.. . . Warraa StntAmUnvt "CITY OP PORTLAND" Sfmft-m IT " " ' " tWlMavaT AaJt orW (Mo forte's HoK-hn rWy TreveJ Pleat 6INERAL PAtSINOER AOfNT Room 751 Knock Block Phone BRosdway 7771 Portland S, Oregon a. Your Standard Healing Oil Dealer Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! Try HOFFMAN Teuvwo" PHONE Mill Valley IV Center tltl Fairgrounds Rd. Sales - Service - Installation Open Till p.m. Dally Sunday from lit $ p.m. Your Standard Fuel Oil Dealer TWHHDmli FUEL OILS 1174 EDGEWATER ' PHONE 2-4151 Valley Oil Co. Meier Printed Delivery Ticket ic Ample Above Ground Storage Triple Filtered ic Budget Terms If Desired Phone 2-3633 Your nn ! : '3 cuts heating costs aaa ' . wx-. t mi m - s ssJgs-m. 3 CsiZsal-Zs- ...with Standard Stove Oil. the pure fuel that gives warmth without waste Fuel-Mvlng Tip From Your Housawarmer An accumulation of as Utile at '$ inch of tool in your oil slope can incrtaie fuei consumption 10. It pays lo keep it clean. Ask your Houacwarmer for ewnomicaj Standard Stove Oil. It's 100 distilled to bum evenly and completely, with no objectionable smoke, loot, or odor. Standard Stove Oil ignite easily, flowi freely . . . even in coldest weather. And it'i uniform throughout, won't flare up or die down . . . instead you get steady, comfortable heat. You'U find the friendly Houaewarmer in your neighborhood by calling tha Standard Heating Oil Distributor or local Standard Oil Office. For prtuurt-type burnert, atk or Standard Furnace Oil with TUERMISOL STANDARD STOVE OIL j tOAA Ot TH$ aVUU f rtlAaMWItl