Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 24, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    a-1. . V.,.
Put u
Tuesday, November 24, 1953
IVItf t '11' f-.
Thesz HereTomiight
Luther Llndsey will showiyY', ft "w"""?''"-? " '
Zmi ThMX tint hruar tnnah ha I , ' V..' V"" I 1 faaasa aa f
Lou Then just how tough he
ii tonight when The Tank; a
favorite of Salem fine, throwi
nu 110 pound at the world
heavyweight wrestling cham
pion. The Salem Armory event
will get underway at 8:30 with
a ipecial between Sugl Haya
makl, the chop-chop Judo ex
pert, and George Drake from
Aj a warm-up to the title
crap will be a hot tag team
match with a 30-mlnute limit,
pitting Carl Engitrom and
Danno McDonald against Red
Vagnone and Hardy Kruskamp.
Llndsey would love to have
Then' ehamplonthip. worn by
the 223-pounder for many
yean, having won it at the
tender age of II from Everett
Marshall. Ever ilnce, he hu
added polish to the belt by
taking on all challenger! to
eliminate them until he be
came undisputed champ.
Ed "Stringier" Lewis, his
manager and coach, is credit
ed with making a smooth, ef
ficient and powerful grappler
out of Thesz and will be at
ringside tonight
Thesz defended his title last
night at Portland against Eric
Pederson, the blond muscular
wrestler well known to Salem
fans. These drew the largest'
Stayton Has 3 Players
Back for Hoop Season
Stayton Three lettermen'
are back for another year of
basketball at Stayton high
school Coach Joe Boyle has
lettermen Dave Nietling, Roger
Nellson, and Wayne Minten
back from the team that was
runer-up In the District eleven
race last year; losing to Salem
In the finals.
The Eagles are the defending
Capitol League champions but
are lacking in heighth this
year. Their last year's record
waa 18 wins and four losses
while they lost one in the
lesgue. Fred Graham is now
the assistant basketball coach
at Stayton.
Stayton opens its schedule
December 3 with Mill City at
Mill City to start their 18 game
schedule. They also play In the
league Jamboree December 14
and the Linfield tournament
December 10, 11, and 12,
Tha arataula:
dotbmt i. at wra cut
CMratar 4, Dallas al Starton
Ttacsmbar s, aurtrton at attrtoa
Swinwr U. 11, II. Unfl.ta tounrr
Datsmbar II Capital Jamaaraa at Sa-
Wm klaa
Oatamatr It, el D&Um
Daeamsar It. at SriarMaa
Dwfflhr sx. StwrttUa at atari
J.a.mry 1, Bllrartoa at Wlllamatta U
Jaaaarr S. S. B. A. al Starton
Jaauarr IS Sacrad Hsart at ealam
Jaauarr IS. Caalral at Startoa
Jaaaarj S3, P&Uamaui at start
Jaaaarr St. at Caacada
Jaauarr M, S. B, A. at Saltai
Fabraarr . Sacrad Mtart al Siarloa
Fabraart S. at Canlral
rabniarr 11. 11. at PrmrlUa
rtbruarr II. at fhUamath
Paaraarr II. Caitada at Startaa
Ducks Elect Center
Pheister Captain
Eugene UJ9 All-Coast Cen
ter Ron Pheister has been
elected by his University of
Oregon teammates as captain of
next year's Duck football team.
The big junior, who took his
prep training at Grant high in
Portland, is the sixth lineman
to hold the captain spot since
A senior lineman from Pasa
dena, Ken Swettzer, was voted
most valuable senior football
player on the 1953 Duck team.
Salt Lake City ) Garth
Panter, lOth-ranklng middle
weight, knocked out Grover
Jackson of San Francisco in
1:59 of the fourth round of a
scheduled 10-round fight at the
Fairgrounds Coliseum last
r. .'--v. 'I : ,t '. - a:. r. r . , .. .- "n-
TrfjHfir Rob,rt Hl,l Harlem Globetrotter center, will
1 W Nti la actios whea the basketball club
toart Oreion thia week and ntit. appeartnr Wedneday
nijht at 1:11 al the new grin In Molalla which seats IIDI.
The opoalUon will be the Beaton Whirlwinds, headed bj
the 1-foot BUI SpWey, former University of Kentucky
Busy Man
Lea Thesa,
here tonight
to defend his world wres
tling championship, also will
accept challenges this week
In Vancouver, Taeoma and
Eurene, besides at Portland
last night. He takes en
Luther Llndsey at the
Salem Armory.
mat gate to date when he de
feated Baron Leone before 25,
238 fans in Los Angeles and
twice had to go the limit to
win from Leo Nomellinl, for
mer AU-American gridder from
There has been a slight rise
In prices.
Maryland Winds
Up Only Untied,
Unbeaten Outfit
New York ( Maryland
alone represented the nation's
major colleges on the list i of 19
unbeaten, untied football teams
Notre Dame dropped out Sat
urday when it was tied 14-14
by Iowa. Louisiana Southern
also dropped out of the select
group with a 33-23 loss to un
beaten, untied Florida A&M.
Only three of the 19 Iowa
Wesleyan. Prairie View and
Florida A&M have not com
pleted their regular season
schedules, a
College of Idaho and Cali
fornia Poly were the only Far
West teams to complete the
season undefeated and untied.
C. of I. won eight games and
the Callforniana nine.
West Names 9
To Shrine Game
San Francisco tUJD Nine
players, including Stanford's
famed passing team of quarter
back Bobby Garrett and end
Sam Morley, have been chosen
for the West team of the Shrine
East-West game.
Stanford Coach Chuck Tay
lor aaid yesterday the other
choices were guard George
Tlmberlake and end Tom Nic-
koloff of Southern California;
end Morris Kay and guard
Robert Hantla of Kansas; end
Jerry Knaflcr. Colorado; halt-
back Jerry Norton, Southern
Methodist; tackle Jerry Con
nor, Nebraska.
Taylor salrl all except con-
nor, Garrett and Morley had
accepted the nominations.
La Crosse, Wis. 1UR La
Crosse State College, undefeat
ed in Its last 18 games, has ac
cepted a bid to play in the
New Year'a Day Cigar
game at Tampa. Fla.
Ancient Satchel Paige of the
Baltimore Orioles has a fav
orite hobby collecting antiques.
WSC Coach
Of Gridders
ruiunan un v-oscu ai
) rurcner or nasningion oiaie
J colleges xooioau squats ui-
closed Monday night that the
school paper. The Evergreen,
had submitted a questionnaire
to members of the grid team
last week asking them If they
were satisfied with the coach
ing staff.
Klrcher termed the ques
tionnaire "the lowest blow
I've been hit in all my years
of coaching." Senior guard
Mel Thompson said the mem
bers of the team thought it
"was rotten."
Kircher said the question
naire also asked the players if
they thought there was any
one member of the' coaching
staff unqualified for the Job
he held and their explanation
for the teams' Inability to live
up to advanced notices. Kirch
er aaid he wouldn't have
minded If the questionnaire
had been submitted to the
plavers after their last game,!
but said: j
"To spring it on the kids
the morning they leave for
our biggest game of the year,
that was really hitting in foul
The Cougars upset Wash
ington, 23-20, In the 1053
finale for both ."quads in
Seattle last Saturday.
Taylor Won't Pick
Rose Bowl Winner
Corvallls 0JJ9) Coach Kip
Taylor of Oregon State, whose
Beavers are the only football
team In the country to play
both UCLA and Michigan
State, declined today to pick a
winner between the two in the
Rose Bowl same.
"They're both fine football
clubs," he said. UCLA downed
Oregon State 41-0 and Michi
gan State beat the Beavers
Ely, Nev. l The divorce
last Sept 18 of Mrs. Hazel L.
Webb from Del E. Webb, co
o w n e r of the New York
Yankees and head of a Phoe
nix, Ariz., construction firm,
was disclosed here yesterday
by District Judge Harry Wat
son. Ogdahl Cites
Of Bearcats
The Willamette university
football squad climbed off the
train here last night at 8:30,
about 10 H hours later than
scheduled because of a track
washout near Crescent City.
The extra period of relaxa
tion they used to recover from
the 32-7 swamping at the hands
of a big Cal Poly team Satur
day night In San Luis Obispo,
Coach Ted Ogdahl said today
that Windy Sequeira had re-
ceived what he believed to be a
University Alleys
i.nir' minos uuil
Maadawt Bnt. U Cckttroni 371.
Furrrr 131. Hobbcntttfkrn 3tt. Arthur
3S. Barbs (21 D. Vlldri Ml. HI1U 111,
Curtli lit, W. Valdrt Itt. I nmu
M (11 Herts lit. Oannon Its. Fall-
tn Jl, HlWrclh 38J. Jh .- (Jt KHr.
miliar 4Jt. NlcholU 180. Johfuon J7.
Uni S41.
Hftlfca Btjltdtri KJtp.r (I) Trltr
J30. Krrn 113 rrtxtlcfick; 41t. Coon 190. i
Moor Ba. rrmi fl) Mulrahv 4J7, j
ellrftdrr 111, K and It U. Cut SM I
Krrka Mti (l AnHdOB 110. HtaM
174. Butte KtpIw 3ffi. WraUrn raar
('. tl Klibr 43t. Hall 171, CaiiiiU
351, 144.
Hllh team tamt and itrtft-Uoort
Fit. JVrms, S7 arwl 1010.
t am Wn1a Valdra, 107.
atrltt-Vl Kitamllltt, 4!t.
CI.A8KIC l.RAni'1
Tallty Oil Co. tl) Comtock 131. Jac
DtBow n, Wllkilla 1M. Jim DRo
400. Otrabaeh 017. Wtal KaUta Jstaililn.
try Co. (1 Bona 7t. Prvtt 001. Obtr
man 483. UacFarlana-141. Btrav 561
Millar OH Co. U Malion 108. Hll
larltrt 4 IT, LTournfat 031. Youn 444.
Frwlaat 141. Fraak'a Fiotloto 13
Trwmpaon 510. Hauaan t.J. Junta, 450.
Wattltr 134. Jackion 4t
TrallwaTB Caf ) UfNall 144. KUt- j Lnttr 478: Bauara IJ: Loach 90), Hat
miliar 470. Unaton K0. Luta 4J. Rir.ta 54V Tlia Baoda (1) Jamaa 401: WrfW
4S. Oalan Rartlwar (4 Trttxt 502.1351: AnwtU 400: BtrtMrflOi 414; Hiatt
curtu Ma, Morr.a aa, rut aai. wt
Brla Pportlao Odo (l4j D. Vol-
daa OtO, VaJlupk 441. V Itt out 141, Far
Itr 478, Mom 401. CaphoarO Cala UH'
Handaraon 000, Whlia 101. BunatU 133,
Brauihl 483. Olodt 544
Hltb toom tamt and aariaa Baiam
Hard vara, 838 arxl 3701. Hlah irni. fama
u. v. wivurnaax, vu
ai. nun inq. senea a. mtimw, vwui
tuita MMhiatrT Ce4 too.
Duck Pins
uwni tsann
Wetaffa a ttaai akof) U R. Fhllkrlck
ft. A. Burltton 987. B. Walt t:. K
Artttor S13. I. Richardson lit Rand
OU (It U BtuffU 31. B. Pantrttt 341.
F wort 178. o. woo 400. n. Taylor
sja:sTM. . niano aao, nvrniraj nuartfi JI.
Huchta 311. F Cottytra III. Matter!
rooai in i nanavai bio. t rraaitr ivo.
R Toiino . C. TtiailtMM J70. A. Haaat
Hiak tost lint tonal atrlaa O'.adva
Wood, 111 and 400. Rith loom tama onti '
aarMaWUtOBtlto TaUaj Bank. Oil avad
Capital Alleys
RVskolaoaia lnawrowoa (4t Balton 413.
Ramiay oil Oardnar 118. Cadf OST
roahwtaai 01T. Jim m (0- Ryan 033:
or A 5 ' -
Z : V IL? I
success ef the Salem hunters Sunday In the Bine moon
talaa of eastern Oregon. Dean Mahaffey, left, Is credited
with the first shot and Bob Steinbraek, -Ight, assisted la
downing the six-point, 350-pound critter from a range
of 75 yards. They reported few elk being bagged.
Napoleon Enters
Army at Ft. Ord
San Francisco W) Stanford
halfback Allen Napoleon end
ed the controversy over his
draft status by going Into .the
army Monday.
Napoleon, who scored the
winning touchdown In Stan
ford's 21-20 upset defeat of
UCLA last month, reported for
induction, quickly passed men
tal and physical tests and was
sent with other draftees to Ft
Ord, Calif.
U. S. Attorney Lloyd Burke
aaid as a result the U. S. at
torney's office in Honolulu
would drop its draft evasion
charge against the reserve
Marciano Blasts
Sparring Partners
Oakland, Calif. () Heavy
weight champion Rocky Mar
ciano doesn't pull any punches,
even In exhibitions.
He KO'd Bob Golden of
Denver in two rounds, then
blasted Toxie Hall of Chicago
all over the ring for two more
to the delight of 1,500 fans
Monday night.
He apologized that he just
couldn't slow his blows, even
against his sparring mates.
Line Play
in Finale
slight concussion In a second
quarter pileup and was to visit
a physician today. Tackle Dave
Anderson suffered gashes
around his face.
Ogdahl cited the line play of
Anderson, who Ogdahl said
"didn't let Cal Poly gain a yard
through him," and of Cliff
York and Ken Cooper, centers
and linebackers,
It was the final game of the
season for the Bearcats. Some
of the freshman players will re
port for basketball to Frosh
Coach Jerry Frei next Monday
lbol(i 3M.
Marlfin CrftmfTf (It Alln 5: P.
kar S4S; Klnt SOI: Kfnyon bib. Ebfr
loli 504. Oftala dicrt 441: Mr
Clury 4: WUItll 4M! Wllktrton 44J;
C. Clin jr. Ml.
Rovltaiitn'i Capital TUr taaatlrr
BinalarMl 411. Rat'.tmt M4. KnlLh
SIT: Quntafion 447: Hnutrn lit HUrr
r4lt tit 8hW'jn 467; Nkholli 4J.
Ltnirfii 417; DutfJ ; LnihofI 130.
RnlfliU f rlib Koutne? 541
Biff .r 44t: Link 4t. Arti 414: B Blrc
lr 541. Wlt?ktiB(la Hr(tnf Crania il
Kendrl 4t; Vritvn 531. Hafra 41. For
iart 4M; Ut. s:S
( Sirkt Ir.n i4.-WllMr IJt Bhrltpn
l; Dt:ka 144: Hart man 111: Mil', ft
537 Ga.tHta f Kllvtrtain ( Htrr 513
Frank 40. Hovtll 155: O Hrrr 430
Btntaon 131.
lana Avrnut fltrflrt (tl Barbtr 138
Nt.ion 52 Dotrfitr 4BU: Ounn 558
Hayr 535 Wdra Furnllirt (tl Olln-
1 1 r 4VH: Parry 610: woodrr 111. Forrmu
Adolph 417
Hlfh lnd. tamt. Max Alltn ot Warlon
Crramtrr. 344. hllh lnd. atrUa.
rarty of N.cholaona lnurantt. H7 (New
Man aorlpt for Uaatia for ituoni, Othar
too a. Dtiant Cuihman 01T ond Vtrn
Ftrrj- 010.
tOMNIiriM. KO.
Ttta Jwl Baa .It Nalaon 471: o.
Claodta Oraar (tl Ooodlo 3M
Btattlar 4M. Wonf 113: Ratvaa 484
'.ppt 547. Al Laoaa Rtfrltorailoti (Pat
-It. Luk 135: Boll Luttt 111: D. Luk
4J4: Bill Luka 108. V Luk 431
lanta and Fata Rafrltaratlaa (4.
Oardnrr 518; R a burn 531: Kvlt
Lotm 574: Brtnnan 601 Rrooka Flrtaia
.otiihlrta 413. ICvana 3ft. Slmmoni 331.
wotvi J4 Ot .!) 47t
Tarminail !; H' om 475: Adana
414. Dnartltr 108: Straw Slit Ounn 171
niifd r ) lit Kar 4: Rt
13V Pftrtrk 4t. Pfkar 453. Haynt 104
Waaadkarti Ill-Prtl 111: Amtln J50.
PUn 454: Wart worth 140 Hlrka 470
Mart t Tavtro Hi Ullttto 4M. Kaaptr
383. Wrmor Jtl. Nolan 431: Holeom 013
t Caottal Dr CotauMN (It-Mlkkal-
aan 471: Boo rim 4 Barca 4)0. Brnka
443: Brvaat 407. Martin Brat tear tit
H Hauirn 483: Ryan 408
Hial taam cam. Hr.,:wema4 rinuM
: to Man tram atnaa. Capital Druo Co.
. 38: hii lrrt taw and aarlta, Tm
i prtnnan or jonai and Fait, 344 one. 001
FOR . . .
1S91 So. Commercial
lit A
This elk trophy isn't growing eat of the
xrlll of the car. bnt It's the evidence of the
Salem Tankmen
Meet West Linn
Salem high school'! swim
ming ' team will compete
against West Linn high school
at p.m. today at the Shat
tuc pool in Portland.
Coach Chet Goodman said
he would enter the following:
rorty-yard free style Dave
Socolofsky and Dave Kromer;
100 breaststroke Jim Hardie
and Jerry Ellis; 220 free style
Jim Lawrence and Del
Frahm; 100 backstroke Dean
Angrove and LeRoy Griebe-
now; 100 freestyle Jim Bou
dreau and Socolofskv; 120 In
dividual medley Kromer and
Hardie; 180 medley relay
Hardie Angove and Frahm;
100 yd. relay Lawrence, Soco
lofsky, Boudreau and Kromer.
HIT -h, QtJiil&
, lL--- ter. j
171, rfT S I IJiW.h- al I A
j- Ijdy few -
Visitors are slways welcome at
Otympia Brewing Company, Otympis, wssh'ngton,
"On of America's Exceptional Brwris"
1.V -
-'! ----if
Smart Football,
Say lowans of
Clock Stopping
Iowa City, la. (U.R) The Iowa
football team today gave Notre
Dame credit for "smart foot
ball" in the clock-stopping tac
tics that enabled the Irish to tie
the Hawkeyes 14-14 with six
seconds left In their game Sat
urday. The Hawkeyes were disap
pointed about not having beat
en Notre Dame, but they were
n't grumbling about the "in
jured player" timeouts that
gave Irish quarterback Ralph
Gugllelmi time to throw two
touchdown passes.
"It was smart football,"
Iowa Captain Bill Fenton said.
"Any good team would have
done the aame thing if It need
ed time."
Jerry Holcengert, Iowa's sen
ior center, said he held "no ill
feelings" about the time-saving
"We Just felt bad about get-
What is more cheering than the warming rays of the early morning sun
. . . those long white fingers that probe into the shadows and dispel
the gloom of the night? The world becomes bright and full of promise.
The spirit is warmed and uplifted. It is this kind of "lightness" for which
Olympia master brewers constantly strive in producing "America's
Original Light Table Beer" ... a lightness that is apparent in the taste
... a delicate, sparkling flavor achieved by skillful brewing, choice
ingredients and our famous water.
Dodgers Name Manager,
For 1954, Walt Alston
Brooklyn (UJD Walt Alston;
who played only one day of
Major Lesgue baseball, today
was named to manage the
Brooklyn Dodgers in 1B34.
He succeeds Chuck Dressen,
who after leading the Dodgers
to two successive National Lea.
gue pennants, was let out when
he demanded a tnree year con
tract. Alston, who will be 42 next
Tuesday, played his only game
injhe majors as a first base
man for the Cardinals in 1938.
Johnny Mlie was the Cards'
regular first baseman at the
time and was too firmly en
trenched In the job for Alston
to supplant him.
However, he was a success
ful manager for the Dodgers'
Minor League farm teams at
St. Paul in the American Asso
ciation and Montreal in the In
ternational League.
TERF8 vs. 800NERS
Columbia, 8. C. JP) The
University of Maryland, the
nation's top ranking football
power, was selected Tuesday
to meet Oklahoma In Miami's
Orange Bowl Jan. 1.
Tliaa far Tan. Orwaa M.t.ssWt. IMS
(CasaalM ar o. B. Caaal a oaaSaUa
Sana. PartlaaS. Orataa)
Ifavaabar Tima nrltbl Tiraa Haltht
null waura
St l a.m.
a.m. Tl
Lew Watara
I II a m. S.l
I II p m. -I t
t il a.m. I I
io io a.m. -a t
10:11 a.m. I.I
10:94 p.m. I I
11:11 p.m. S.l
11:11 a.m. S.l
11:1) p.m. t.T
U: a.m. I I
l:U p.m. 1.4
1:11 a.m.
J p.m.
!: a.m.
1:1 a.m.
I II a.m.
II p.m.
M a.m.
4:11 am.
1:11 a.m.
VII a.m.
ting beat," he said, despite the
tie score.
All the Hawkeyes made it
plain that "Notre Dame tied us.
We didn't tie them."
44 r. . w wmr . aO
t's the Water
Kansas U. Mum
On Successor to
Resigned Coach
Lawrence, Kan. ttK Kansas
university athletic officials de
clined comments today on re
ports that at least six persons
were being considered as sue
cessor to J. V. Sikes, resigned
head Jayhawk football coach.
Sikes waa unavailable tor
comment about the future. But
when he resigned after Kan
sas' 10 to 0 loss to Missouri
university Saturday, he aaid .
he had not been approached '
by any other school.
Most mentioned as his pos-
sible successor was Pete Elliott,
head scout at Oklahoma, an- -other
Big Seven conference
member. Another person men-
tioncd was Harry Smith, Una
coach at Missouri university. -
Against Michigan In 1824, '
Red Grange of Illinois took the '
opening kickoff and ran ii
yards for a touchdown. ( '
buys y'u omoy
lockwood Home
Satam'a Bigpaat kasaa vsUwa. iampaml .
Camparal Camperat Saa aaaeal Max ,
ami display a caraar af Fash anal Hawila
SK, MamlrtasMa district, Savr Sataasv
PhaM 7-071
Hi SlOA-Of IUi Boat 401. i
. Traaa Harks Sat V S NtOt