i fcylainid Dislodge mm afield uBtifaZ ly 101 MOWN "s?k i - INGLING ALTERED ABKUPTLT Lilt Friday we had 'phone conversation with a friend i Hebo, on the Nestucca River. 1 streams were high, but clearing, and week-end conditions : looked food. Then came the Big Blow of '53! The wind howl ed, the rain pelted, and the churned-up ocean tossed spray on the highway and stalled traffic. Already high streams mo died and climbed higher. Fishermen quickly cancelled week end plans. ' Ji At this writing, coast streams are in bo conditio (tea .j . to consider, we nave long '- wnimsicauues 01 oia uame nature, ana. an w vu ,j of an optimistic nature Is that coast streams, especially the Nestucca, drop and clear quite rapidly after heavy t . rains. I . Therefore. IF the rains hold off for the balance of the weea, H is reasonaDie to suppose mat sumo umjiw mm? " coast will provide some drift fishing andor still fishing from . the banks this week-end. Certainly, with such recent period i of high water, steelhesd are will be taken as soon as the t rrr?ye';"wf --.-. ifinpj n; j, aia i m; n iioaa N t-Iti,' St.'.Vr'i-'.U-.'.f.',"-'- '.:. ' v-.-o-;iV' '. A f" t . 4Uo5aa. ' " ' J I f, ;'.-:.'V,'i. . --w ....y r We wonder, as we write this, how our friend Tony Buis man is making out on the lower Silelz Tony operates the Riverside Boathouse, and at last report moorage operators '( on me lower river were imviiiaj r rtmnrtv affninct ririfline lost FIRST, YOU GOTTA GET AN ELK! If yoa were lucky enough to bag an elk, or you do .5 i manage to bag one during one of the special seasons 4 ' ahead, we'd advise yoa to keep the meat at a tempera- ! ture just above freeiing for a couple of weeks (at least) i ' before using. Cooked soon after killing, ,elk, like most -, I other types of big game is noae too palatable. After your : elk is properly aged, you can make some delicious a steaks by using this method: Brown some choped onions In butter. When the butter J and onions combination gets plenty hot, toss In the steaks, .' and sear them on both sides. Then cover your old iron skil let, and simmer the steak for around half-hour. While the meat is simmering, mix a cup of chopped mushrooms in with a cup of sour cream flour. When the steaks become room mixture and let the concoction simmer for another twenty minutes or a half hour. Even Dan'l Boone never had ft so good . . . DUCKS, DUCKS, DUCKS We're getting so we hate we have to pass by the game refuge south of town, and the sight of all the ducks nearby makes it hard to concentrate on driving. Yesterday afternoon, we saw literally thousands of ducks blackening the flood water standing in a field . . . Question: How do all those birds KNOW it's a refuge? We've : never even seen a sign along the road to that effect, though there must be somewhere. Could be that Ducks Unlimited ' passes out flight plans to the birds before they leave Canada. GOLDENS ARE TOP GUN DOGS Somebody claimed that we keep boosting the stock of ; Labrador retrievers, just because we own a couple of the i i critters. Now, we love Labs, but we don't declaim the ; i merits of other breeds. The photo above shows Spsrky, i i Golden retriever, owned by our pal Don Cowgill of Leb-- anon, taking a high-dive into the turbulent Wlllamete. ', Few dogs of any breed will hit the water like this. ' - Sparky, only two-years-old, b one of the top Derby Stake ' winners In the Oregon field trial scene. 5 . There are multitudes of geese, including many honkers : out Rickreall way these days. ' previously, you have to man-y the farmer's daughter to get j a spot to shoot over there ... $- : Amity to Play Union Saturday at La Grande t Amity Amity high school Union won from Moro, 21-7, will plsy at LaGrande at l:30ilast Friday by coming from i p.m. Saturday against Union ; high school for the state Class . C football championship. ' The definite decision for I back J. D. Johnson, Halfback LaGrande as the site was an-1 Bob Clemens and Halfback nounced Monday by Coach 1 Gene McKinney. S Ray Stephens of Amity, whose i Wsrriors toppled Monroe In p , i ni f the semifinals last Friday, ESfaCQuCI TO rlOV 1 21-20. ; a . n Stephens said the squad of rrilieVllle, Sne?&rthT.,r.c!A-l, Multnomah lues association, will leave by bus Friday morning. Steph ens noted that the elevation at LaGrande is nearly 2800 feet, considerable higher than here. The Amtiy Ben Hubbard, coach said that his regulsr full- back-quarterback, will be back in action after being Amity and li.iion will be play missing for the past seven ;ed Saturday night at Eastern games with an injury. He saw i Oregon College of Education, only limited artion against La Grande. Monroe. The 1-A title game between This gives Stephens and his defending champion Central assistant. Don Smith, a start-1 Catholic of Portland and ing backfield of Hubbard at Grants Pass will be Friday fullback; Gene Ehlers. qusr-i night at Multnomah Stadium terback; Jerry Lenhardt. half back, and Merle Steph-ms, halfback. Stephens said that his team suffered no injuries In the muddy contest st McMlnnville. Scouting of Union was done by a scout for Monroe Just In ease Monroe had defeated Amity and the report was turned over to Amity, Steph- He informed ui that the coait since given up predicting in the coast rivers, and plenty streams are fishable again . . . m iuubh nmc ium.uiK . . . and a couple of tablespoons of fairly tender, add the mush to drive home these days Trouble is, as we've stated behind. Coach John Com- ! isky's main threats are said to ; be the squat, powerful full. Portland (1 Prineville will defend its 2-A high school foot ball title, against Estacada, on its home field Friday night. The site of the chsmpionship game was announced Monday - by the Oregon School Activities Association, which also report- ed: The class B final between in Portland, as planned earlier. Prineville, with a record of 23 consecutive wins, advanced to the finals by beating Vale 2-8 and Coquille 19-7. Estaca da downed Cascade 18-0 and won on yardage over St. Helens in a 13-13 tie. Amity detested Gervais and Monroe and Union defeated j lone and Moro in the class B s Iowa Leaps From 20th To 9th Spot New York 11 Maryland was undisputed master of col lege football for the first tuM' this season today after pushing Notre Dame off the top rung. The Terns, the only unde feated, untied major team in the country, took over first place In the weekly Associated Press poll of sports writers and sportscasters in emphatic fash ion, polling 1.347 votes to 2, 009 for second-place Notre Dame. Tie Ends Reiga The Irish had been No. 1 in the AP's pre-season poll and in all subsequent AP polls until they were held to a 14-14 tie by Iowa Saturday. Maryland, which "finished its 10-game season by routing Ala bama 21-0. picked up 154 first- place votes of the 254 ballots cast The points are awarded on the basis of 10 for first, nine for second, and so on. Notre Dame, which now shows a 7-0-1 record, gained 47 first-place votes. The Irish still must play Southern California and Southern Methodist This is the first time in his tory Maryland has been able to reach the top of the AP poll. Coach Jim Tatum's teams have been In the runner-up spot many times, but were rated only No. 8 in the pre-season survey. The rest of the top five re mained the same as last week. In order, they were Michigan State, Oklahoma and UCLA. Illinois moved up from seventh to sixth while Texas dropped to seventh. Iowa Climbs The biggest jump, as might be expected was made by Iowa, which climbed from 20th to No. 9. Rice took over No. S and Georgia Tech, which will play in the Sugar Bowl, No. 10. Wisconsin, which could do no better than tie Minnesota 21-21, and Southern California. defeated by UCLA, fell from the top 10. The top 10 (first-place votes in parentheses): 1. Maryland (154) ... 2. Notre Dame (47) . . 3. Michigan State (8) 4. Oklahoma (9) 5. UCLA (4) 8. Illinois .2,347 .2,009 .1,797 .1,553 .1,440 .1,111 .. 871 7. Texas .. 8. Rice . . . .. 490 9. Iowa (6) .... 10. Georgia Tech . . 453 .. 419 UP Rates Terps First Over Irish New York W0 Maryland's terrific Terrapins shot up to the No. 1 spot In the United Press college football ratings today on the strength of then- perfect season and Iowa's sur prise tie with Notre Dame. The reverberations of the Irish's 14-14 standoff with Iowa last week-end dropped them to second piece after they had led the nation for eight straight weeks. Rice, tied for the Southwest Con ference lead, and Iowa both moved up among the top 10 teams for the first time this season. Team 1. Maryland 28 10-0 2. Notre Dame 8 7-0-1 3. UCLA 8-1 4. Michigan State 1 8-1 5. Oklahoma 7-1-1 8. Illinois 7-1-1 7. Rice 7-2 8. Texas 8-3 9. Georgia Tech 7-2-1 10. Iowa 5-3-1 Second 10 teams 11 ) Ken- tucky and Texas Tech, 28 each; 13, Baylor 28; 14. Wis consin, 24; West Virginia, 18; 18, Stamford, 18; 17. Auburn, 15; 18, Southern California, 1 14; 19. Army, 13; 20, Okla i homa A and M, 8. Woodburn Lists Opening Game With Newberg Woodburn The Woodburn Bulldogs will get their first competitive action of the com ing hoop season Tuesday, De cember 1, when they host the Newberg high school quintet here. The Willamette lesgue jamboree is set for Dec. 18 at Molalla and the initial hoop clash will be against the Mt. Angel Preps there Jsn. 5. The complete schedule for the Bulldogs as announced by Coach Marshall Barbour fol- lows: Dfntbr 1. Wawbarf hara Doecmbar 4. North Marlon, haro. DKnbr B. Socrad Haorl. hT Dacoanbar II. North Marlon, lhara DacfTabar IS. Laatoa Jantboraa at Ma loila. Datembcr IS. rlawbara. tharo January s. Mt. Anoal. lhara. January I. ailtortoa. bara. January 12. Sandy, thara January 1ft. Eataeaoa. haro. January It, Do;iaa. mora. January n. Moioila. hara. January 38. Canby. hara. January 9S. aaeras flaart. thara Pabruarr a, Mt. Anial. hara. Pabruarr ft. stlranoa. Uiora Pabruarr . aansy. bora. Fabroarr 13, Satacaoa. thara Pabruary IS. Daaaa. bar PaoTuarr It. Moia:ia, thara. Paoruary SS. Caaba, lhara Too niotavt tournamont at SaJoti efll tel. as Wio 1 ASSOCIATED MESS Saless, Oregon. Taceday, November 24, 195S Paga 13 Viking Griddors Transfer Talents to Basketball Court - Four Salem High football players made a sudden trans ition Monday to basketball to bolster Coach Harold Hauk's hardwood corps. They are Tom Pickens and Herb Triplett, both lettermen, and Phil Burkland and Neal ScheideL with junior varsity experience. Expected out to day are Hurb Juran, Nick Er ror and Don Zey, also with junior varsity competition. Hauk said they were "wel comed with open arms" to give him more selection and height, the element needed along with the varsity squad, now trimmed experience. The remainder of to a neat 18, has been out for four weeks. The center position is wide open, although the forwards and guards are ample, Hauk indicated. Competing for center are 8-foot-S Dick Anderson, 6-foot-4 Bob Wulf, Jim Whit mire, Don Crothers and Burk land. Neither Is a letterman. The forwards are Wayne Erickson, Larry Springer, Pickens, Pete Paulus and Gary Patterson. Erickson, Springer and Pickens are lettermen. Trying for guard spots are Triplett Gordon Domogalla, Knapp and Triplett. The vikings will open Dec. 4 with Roosevelt of Portland coming to Salem. Dtc 4, RooMTtii at atira Dm. S, HlUtbora ftl Bliubor Die. IS. sprlnilws u Sruullfl4 Die. 32. BUlaboto l Sim Jan. i. tilitauiM Ullwaukls Jta. a RooMvtll at P0rtlftn4 Jib. 13. consuls si Comma Jan. 1ft. Bond at Salom Jan. IS, Brad at Solan Jan. II, Labonoa at aolaai Job. 33, Xuoaaa al Eutana Jul 3S. Albany at aalam Jan. 21. alaralKlaU at Coos Say Jan. 30. ISorahlulS o Cooa Bair Pro, S. CorvalUa al Salam Pab. s. O ran la Paaa at salam Fab. a. OranU Paao at Salts b. S. Labanon at Lobanon Feb, is. Sprmiflald at Solam Fab, IS, Albonr at Albany Pab. lb, Buiano at aolam Fab. St. uuwauklo at SoMaa. Fab. 3 - uaitn s. OliUlct Ho, tl Tournament. Uatca 1-M. SUM TWaanjal. Bis SU Oamaa. UP Selects Shaw, Pheister to PCC Portland din Oregon's Ron Pheister and George Shaw and Washington's Milt Bohart were the only Pacific Northwest players to make the United Press all-coast first team, but several others came in for hon ors en the second snd third teams. Oregon St .tea fine guard, Laverne Ferguson, waa named to a spot on the second team. Duane Wardlow of Washing ton, a tackle; Wayne Berry of Washington State and La Grande, Ore., a halfback, and fullback Flip Kleffner of Idaho, also made the second team. Hal Reeve of Oregon was named to a third-team tackle berth, and Des Koch of South ern Cal., whose home is Shel ton, Wash., made a halfback spot along with Tackle Dean Chambers and End George Black of Washington. Italian, US Cars Win Race Honors Juarez, Mexico Broken 1 bodies, hearts, csrs snd records Tuesday gave silent testimony to the skill and courage It takes to win the Pan-American road race. The fourth annual South-to-North races over 1.912 miles of Mexico countryside ranging from tortuous mountain roads to long, straight speedways ended here Monday. Italian Lancia, and American Lincolns drove away with the bulk of the honors. A three-man Lancia team headed by Juan Manuel Fangio of Argentina swept the big sports csr class. Fsngio finish ed in 18 hours, 11 minutes. Chuck Stevenson of Lyn wood, Calif., and Milwaukee, Wis., took his second strsight victory in the big stock csr di vision, leading a group of four Lincolns to their second sweep of the class. His time wss 20 hours. 31 minutes, 32 seconds. John McKenna. head foot- i bail coach at V. M. I., was line j coach at the school last season. fights Last Hight B? Tim Antswttt Prfit .Wttvklrss-toa oiardtl., 1M. fte.tviua. uiMUt! Tug (KVel gtjsvy. . CM... HlCI. ! Ptntsj- rrmvtfmm, B. L Wtllkt Trtrr l1. WMli.ni.on D C, iMpi Chtrllt WU U.m 1st, Nrwt,rk. N J , A.H La Cllr OiTth Pin'tr. 1, stall L st C:tr. attop4 Orovw Jscktotv iu, ftao Frtntiac; 4. rr.ta. H. f.Jot ftiDdotii, !. Bo ton tAPfw Jot DftJotiB. in. Buffil), t. Oft!), Cwllf. aillr IN.rax-k 111, fv Antlt, nto1aud Otvctr Twr. UI JucrM. ux.. It wlwi.-.Ciirly Mmrti 111 V Wr fnr, Mu., utMtaiM Tftrnay TibM. ffoawaa. l. sjsks, w.et ... ftstfrt Ttauwr. IU. prUtfMttf. MaVM, 99$94 aUBSlsl. i. sniiiiibfiaii, t UNITED PRESS Northwest Loop . To Pick All-Star Team on Friday The Northwest Conference all-star team will be picked at a meeting of school olfl ernoon at the Multnomah hotel in Portland. . Attending from Willamette university will be John Lewis. athletic dlrctor; Ted Ogdahl, U00tball and track coach; Jer- ry Frei, baseball assistant football and freshman basket ball coach; Les Sparks, fac ulty representative; and Dr. G. Herbert Smith, president. Coaches will vote for 11 plsyers for the first tesm but not for his own, then for sec ond tesm and honorable men tion. Schedules will be set up also for track, golf, baseball, tennis snd next year's football games. Bearcats, OCE To Play Tonight Willamette v university ' and Oregon College of Education basketball teams will have their second informal practice game at 8 o'clock this evening at the Willamette gymnasium. Willamette will open its sea son Dec. 3 against the Univer sity of Hawaii, while OCE will begin Dec. 1 against Pacific. The Bearcats and Wolves scrimmaged here last week to a 99-81 decision, unofficially, for Willamette. Coach John Lewis said he still is trying out com binations and will alternate platoons again tonight SCHENLEY the best-tasting whiskey in ages in a fabulous holiday decanter SPECIAL NOTICII": jS "7'" ?Nv ; J Production of the crystal-bright fjf ' "JT 'aW' jJ T . "vS. I Schrnlej oVcsnter is lunitrd because ' V i$ rSfC'- 'ffyf ''-T-, b a of the many slow, hand operations j .tni'lV'' IjfiS '. rfxjuired. Present supplies re moTing W wfii!!&ii J'tt $-LgCSisboV I (sst. We suggest that you stock up now If mfA ' P1 iiVV1 ; not only for your own enjoyment ' I ' m jf ff - yft-y f-tf- Tt V Viv'' ? loiay. but slso for holiday parties. j ' 7 l' 'Y4rh$HP' -V2S?trR ll ' a ' MW . u a-jtaa- . YfKl tl faeVrfflUer or , 7! I VT3( 1 gSSkywwnd bottle. 'S VIL ?L I FAN FARE gsf Pu Guard Richter Gets Grid Honor At North Marion Hubbard Louis Richter, ' a letterman guard for four years. has received the Hubbard Vol unteer Fire department foot ball award for the second year In succession. He was selected by the football players. The announcement was made at a banquet sponsored by the Hubbard fire department with Clarence Friend, fire chief, as master of ceremonies. . The players also named Merlin KUewer and Merle Mc Laren as co-honorary captains. Speaker was Howard West cot, assistant coach of Portland State college, who related "The Merits of Football." Walter Aldridge, North Marion head coach, introduced his players and thanked parents for their support. , ' , . Don Reed,' assistant coach, described the B team's season and cited parents and organi zations for their support. Two members of the board of edu cation, Eugene Cole and Wll liam Fobert, spoke briefly. "Highlights of the Pacific Coast Conference in 1952," a movie, was shown by courtesy of the University of Oregon. The banquet was prepared by the auxiliary of the Hubbard fire department and served by Pep club girls. : James (Red) Smith, Duke halfback, is a malor league baseball prospect He's a left- handed hitting outfielder. ' SlINOtO WMIHIT, riOOF. SIS OIAIN NIUTtAl m m Ml Navy's Returned Goat Said To Be in Shape for Big Game Annapolis, Md. 1UD Re lieved navy officials announc ed today that army a cadets apparently didn't 'brain wash" the boat - The naval academy's horn ed mascot was given a thor- ougb physical . examination 1 last night just as soon as he ". sacs insisieo, came back from his famous) on Personally eseortlrf the and hotly-disputed trip to thefe"1 back to West Point'' cadets home at West, Point The verdict was he's in "great shape" for , Saturday's . big 1 Army-Navy game. Billy was returned to An napolis by a red-faced Army Ueutenant-colCiiel, who admit ted he "felt like an ass" after chaperoning the goat on a seven-hour - truck ride - from West Point s It was reported that the re turn of the famous Navy mas cot had been ordered by a defense department . off ictal. Whatever the case, Vice-Ad-mrisl C. Turner Joy, the su perintendent of the Naval Academy, wants it made clear that the Navy doesn't belike Billy was "kidnaped" br Army cadets. The truth of the matter is, the admiral an nounced solemnly, that - the goat was merely showing a "pathetic" group of cadets the way home. "Escortea" Cadets Horn ' "A small group of Army ca dets lost in the fog early Sun day morning In - Annapolis stopped to ask Bill the Goat for directions to Grant Hall, West Point," explained Joy, SPIIITs. tCHINUT OltTIIIUTOIt. INC lyWaftDMsM who learned how to talk like a diplomat while negotiating , the armistice In Korea. "B1U, being a gentleman In ' all . circumstances and being ' fearful In this ease of what might happen to the pathetic 8Toup ten to its own ae- . Ida. All-Oppcr.snt Team Lists Ducks Moscow, Ida. tin Three Utah Redskins and three Ore gon players head the Idaho . Vandals' all-opponent team re leased today. . Idsho absorbed defeats from both clubs. Utah defeated them, 11 to 0, and Oregon won by a score of 25 to 8. ; The all-opponent team: Ends ' Dick Buback, Utah, and Ken Buck,. College of Pacific. Tackles Milt SchwenU, Wash ington State, and Hal Reeve- Oregon. Center Ron Phelster, Oregon. Guards Jim Durrant, Utah, and Laverne Ferguson, Oregon State. Backs George Shaw, Oregon; Wayne Berry, . Washington state; Dick Imer, Montana, and Don Peterson, -Utah. - . --! s , - Hasty House Farm's Hasty Road the all-time juvenile money-winning champion with 1240,94" in purses for 1933 will train at Hialeah this win ter. 1 " j .i.trith exdauwe tspsjs sion stopper. Tilt the bottlt and se Aow it work. NtW YOK, N.V. ' ' t t- ! V' ,1 ' 6 ' i -; cu explained. 'Playoffs, ii