Pat IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. gakta, Oim Tucedar. November 24, 19SS ; 6 MOT in 1 E - J Liu FOR INDOOR PICTURES OF YOUR THANKSGIVING... Oil 12 PRICE SALE! FRAGRANT PINK TUSSY WD ft WEATHER LOTION Double Ireesi Tomorrorj, ovemnilber 25th J' r'- v-.J RcpUr II mm boule 'r 50 Lara. 2at,.)yl .HAND CREAM! HALF PRICE SALEI Ssva 50e ea soothing, emoMhint Towy WukI A WM(h Hud Creen, tool Itegelar 13 Jar, low enly $ 1. DOUBLE STAMPS TOMORROW 7 wevtweev vv ao your Christ-1 mil flft buying ... it if oar last Double Green Sump Say dim ore Christmas. DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS ON ALL CASH PURCHASES MADE AT OUR STORE TOMORROW All Cosmetic, Watches and Leather Goods are Plus Tax WILL IT RAIN! r&tFL- HZZZZZZ- - THIS A. X ft ft. lis J 1 UtjeM Type I I J I I SSE88!& R S.S.S. M MILES 9-ounee J L For WORK or PLEAS URB 7 , X M TONIC 11 NSSVSNE iflf SESUTAN E WK? amino., w WSU&SSB. J 11 1 I 1 I III - . .,,.5. ISTB ' " 1 11 sagiir::'7W I WEATHER Value Klf HX.n fl'l I - I 1 1 -r VtoilM Matiurder. r-S-W-' J I II I " I sew' r to britmtr - - . her Christmas.., Ciy under her Christmas tree... M on Her lips! Alexandra de MaiiofTt Lipstick...perhpe in new, true RED RED RED !. fcsa'vdy nettled in tiant tmacled assowflake. $1.50 aba tea C Uf ftle IF 1 ex-Lax I J (Laxative (fl I C test She 1 AiPANAAcA l TtotiHtU n I w..63c I ANAHIST J I AarlklianlM A I TABLETS 1 H V? jj8c l JlEtH1I ooXer jAy Ttaa am eomplata dietary 2r A pptoment Ueitaauaa.10 lliar-IM a awMiola...wittierra.B-UI Wk hi A29 too-efeBA THE FINEST in masculine grooming, 'HIS Elite Design . . . After Shave Lotion, Cologne or Talcum. Distinctive Northwoods fri trance. Specially designed for refills. Onlv J2.50 each plus tax. Double Green Stamps Tomorrow Rool$2.95Volu. Ac Alarm Clock 40-Hour Metal Ivory Case $1.98 DOUBLE Green Stomps Tomorrow NEW! MflRtHT! RONSON. TRIUMPH Just turn the fwivti bote for simpler, surer fueling f Modern, topered thope'fits the hand to tnuglyl Precision-, built lor years of dependable service. Of course, H features the one-linger, one-motion oction that's built to last. Just "pres7-lt's .litgeleose, Ift out r, Own orn)pgiveonel I.'.7kto.l. lete. Only $8.50 Thi Comfort Yoi'vi Beta Uokinf Fori 7 j&2 1 m mil M IW.III MIINII MS7 Itnt'i at tirilt mw pria. (ills la filter belt estifn ivts roe wnbtlieviblt IrecifaB us ttafefl Weia avtr hist .mi eaitu tammv II BlinieslM aittNTtyinpltisint Milt, strain w , onw, yti neies iiocunsa nra SM" S"00t.. Made tt liMtt sjualrrt IrMwtirM elastic CompHUiy tdiustsolt, tM ait nts tar nftre, 1.59 rUaalHU Sfae(asaaar 'r. Bewtuav, HewMletej. Tiwff ttai iinj, ! srwva p)W imeosn f tMiMtllltwtir, MfwZt'iy' V UJaHa r MiMei. jkt, Mil. VACUTtX weMtM wat vtKet) mm1 tva tlMtMal-, etlMM st karltftiat I Klwy. arm.laeXMl ktaOt jt Ml. tlm,i. '- atrtjrtt fciMhfcoaal It )oetM. VAtHim ttoew H alll Double Green Stamps Tomorrow KjycoNL two (efii't ywn dwiwE tit MfRpb ihb Aneellqee'i WMle Sotta, Oetd tote end Mad t, - - - tjVaneaaai taaaaaeMteakea 1 win VVOVVVtw J WPrtiPl taBBiaafPe' 1 Kit sWaU-l A at (TOO. Ifedelty eieereMter tentyHJ, a l&OOvcifu! Suppositories 29 (Limit 2) Absorbine Jr. S. 79 IlttMI tig lei lOOSiMeb Face Tissues (Limit!) Rubbing Alcohol 19 TW 49c 25 Contalnt70 Absolute Alcohol (Limit 2) SCHICK "20" IN ha mif mill i kfiki iiii-nni ihiai i f lqw inaret cemrertabiy or gr your MONEY BACKI Double Green Stamps Tomorrow Kodak Dual lex II Camera, Kodet Lens Its reflex-type finder makes picture composing easy. Shutter is pre-focused ond synchronized for flash shots. You just aim and shoot for good snaps In color and black - and white. Camera, $14.50, including Federal Tax; Flashholder, $4.25. Other Kodak Flash Cameras from $7.20, including Fed eral Tax. .4 . 1.39 Combination FITCH SHAMPOO ond JIFFY SHAMPOO BRUSH SPECIAL DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS 5 When yen aaed Iraulin-our weB stocked prescription department it Squibb Insulin headquarter! in your neighborhood. We alto carry a full fine of other dia betic supplies to meet your etwy need. We .tock only the finest Insulin manufactured. If your sector hat prescribed Intuits e highly recommend Squibb Insufan because you can take St ith confidence. Tour doctor ould approve. TWICE THE BIAVTIPYtMC BENEFITS POt ?J4 LIQUID CREAM POt HANOI AND iODV For a aVnffed tine only I A aper-eoothinx. aimer. aawotbint loboa for both baode and body. ..anrieht with beDcScUl, beantify. in CHOLESTEROL and LANOLIN. Soflena, I llill inUMMt at Ufa "i 4 ,X-''' , - - flfc . it .t 1 A w..iaii ,hew SHAVFY 4mikiwtMM I ilniii iln'ii ii il iafd I M 7Sc Site t I Oetular4Sc I 1 BAYER M 1 Hydrogen f 1 ASPIRIN I I Peroxide I Bth not m Tltrr 9Qcl Kw Ost 1 f "" i;Jy 1 $2.50 St. Regit POCKET WATCH $1.98 Top Quality I wrwi car iti I Capital Drug 10 T HO-RISK-TRUL -SNAVO el I $S.tS. Cketk er eeer er, ee. I eleiee; AM Mtoi lee le CeMenae. j Cold Tablets 9Qc eaattj 14-euact LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC The lrgtn 79 0T- FloihehhtM DOUBLE 3REEN STAMPS TOMORROW LADY ESTHER Sensational Beauty Bargain 4 Purpose Face Cream $1.38 . . Special 98c Tex Limited Supply Gt Tour Tomorrow DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS Special Offer on Closeout LIPSTICKS NATIONAL BRANDS 1.00 Chen Yu 79 e 1.00 Peggy Sage 79, 1.00 Harriet Hubbard Ayer 79c 1.00 Lentheric 79 c Most Colore Available 1.00 PEGGY SAGE Manicure Polish Closeout JOc Special all 7 Moat All Colon DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS Amoiing Anti-Entyme Action Against Decay 47c Tube Ammoniated Tooth Paste AMMIDENT 2 far 59C DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS 70c S-ox. Maple Grove MAPLE SYRUP 100 Pure Maple u Double treei Sftmpi 59 KENSINGTON BATH SOAP 3 Magnum $100 (Large 10 01. Bars) Tear Choice at I Fragrancee DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS Get Your Dorothy Gray Winter Lotions New All Retutar $2.00 Site Blustery Weather Lotions For a limited time Limited $100 supply better boy now .... ' DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS SPECIAL VALUE Contour Lift Treatment RUBINSTEIN'S Estrogenic Hormone Oil . . 2.50 Contour Lift Film 5.Q0 Both for 500 Plus Tax Oh darling it's Matchabelli Prince Matchabelli Potpourri Cologne and Dusting Powder "Spice Box" $2.50 A 4-ounce flask bottle of spice laden cologne with generous bath-size dust ing powder . . . presented in gaily decorated spice box. SPECIAL VALUE $6.50 BELOVED Perfume from France for $4.00 Pint our own matching Cologne at NO COST 405 STATE STREET (CORNER OF LIBERTY)