Tuesday. November 24, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefoa Pf 11 i13fh Voted Over thi protest of Mayor Ul Loueks the City Council Monday night voted to widen fcnd improve South 13th itreet for block between Bute and Ferry streets. UThe itlmated coat la $4941, d the width will be extend ed from SO to 40 feet. Alderman Cheater I. Chaae, sponsor for the protect, aaid It would become a traffic con dition area with completion (of the scnooi Administration building and the atate car tol. The mayor'a objection wa hat other atreeta are equally fan need of widening, and that h South 13th itreet matter thad been brought up too aud kienly. It appeared before nhe council on the supplemen tary agenda that if prepared tnly very ahortly before the ouncil meeta. Alderman Dan J. Fry at tempted, Just before adjourn ment, to get the vote recon- ftiaerea, dui no one aeconaea hia motion. Humphreys On foe's Policies f!hieaH) VP) Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey says the Republican administration is working towards a national ' security based on "a sturdy de fense suported by a sound eco nomy." At a $100-a-plate Republican dinner last night, Humphrey shared the rostrum with anoth er Cabinet member, Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, aecretary of health, education and welfare. 'Our concern for our econo my ia nothing. less man our concern for the first line of de fense for every freedom that we cherish," Humphrey said. Mrs. Hobby told the 1,650 persons attending the dinner In the Palmer House that "peace in Korea" ranks first among ac. complishments of the Eisen hower adminiatration. Humphrey said the Republl cans' economic policies are "speeding the day" of tax re ductions. But he said these re ductions can come only aa spending drops. Laments Queen's Flight in U.S. Plane London VP) Lord Beaver- brook's Daily Excess remind ed its readers Tuesday that Queen Elizabeth II departed on the first stage of her common wealth tour in a Stratocruiser, an American plane built In Seattle. The mass circulation, empire conscious paper said in an ed ltorial: "The thought may come as a shock. For the British airplane industry has lately shot out such a high pressure stream of propaganda about the superior quality of its products that it would not be surprising if the British public has come to be lieve that Stratocruisers, and Contellations too, are made in this country. . . . J "There is not the slightest hope that the British Overseas Airways Corp. will have Brit ish planes on the Norm Atian tic run before 1955. "It is certainly a shameful situation, and one which today merits gloomy consideration." Woman Escapes as Train Smashes Auto Woodburn Quick thinking by Mrs. Betty Petty of Hard castle Ave., Tuesday morning saved her life and that of her 7-year-old daughter when her automobile was struck and de .molished by the southbound Shasta Daylight train. Mrs. Petty drove onto the railroad tracks at Lincoln St., with her vision obscured by freight cars on a siding. While crossing the tracks the car mo tor stalled. Seeing the train approaching, Mrs. Petty seized her daugh ter, and leaped to safety sec onds before it was struck by the locomotive. Mrs. Petty's only injury was Jumpy nerves. MAYOR RESIGNS Sheridan Mayor Francis G Bradley submitted his resigna tion at a meeting of the city council last week. Action on the resignation waa postponed until the meeting Dec. 7. May or Bradley said his business needs more of his time. (ASvtrtlMavflfi Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Banltone Ointment Itching stops promptly. Smarting disappears immediately. Banltone Oint ment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Athlete's foot For Ssle fAWel MU6 STM! State at Liberty Phone l llll 3-Story Fall Fails to Hurt Martin Culp ninaow cleaner Mania Culp of Albany fell from the third floor of the State Cap itol today and miraculously escaped with apparently ne serious Injuries. Ha was cleaning the out sides of the windows the House gallery when a grill he was hanging onto gave way. He landed in shrubs which apparently broke hia fall enough to keep him from serious hurt Salem General hospital aaid X-rays had been taken, no broken bones were found, and Colp was "doing fine." Culp la employed by the B and B Janitorial and Win dow Service of Salem. Salem First Aid attended Culp. To Reclassify Security Data Washington UP) Secretary of Defense Wilson has set in motion at the Pentagon Presi dent Eisenhower's order to overhaul classification of data beaming on national security. The presidential order, among other things, dropped the "restricted" label, leaving three classifications instead of four top secret, secret and confidential. A directive, signed by Wil son Nov. 19 and made public yesterday, ordered immediate cancellation of the "restricted' category. But it gave classi fying officers until Dec.. IS to move up a notch any "restrict ed' 'Information they consider "absolutely essential" aa con fidential (natter. Ike Pleads for Old West Code By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH Washington UP) President Eisenhower, starting a Thanks giving holiday today, aays no one can "assassinate your char acter from behind without suf fering the penalties an outraged citizenry will impose." That waa the code of the Old West where he grew up and it is a code Americans still cher ish, the President declared last night in accepting the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League's annual Democratic Legacy Award. Eisenhower arranged to leave by plane today for Au- gusta, Ga., for a vacation of golf and a Thanksgiving Day turkey dinner with hia family. He will return to Washing ton Sunday, Kiwanians Hear Thanksgiving Talk "The first Thanksgiving was not a response to abun dance." Dr. E. W. Warrington, for30 yeara head of the de partments of philosophy and religion at Oregon State col lege, told Salem Kiwanians today at the Hotel Senator. He is now an associated pastor of the First Presbyterian church, here. Dr. Warrington in a brief Thanksgiving message, stress ed the importance of "keeping open the east window of di vine surprise," quoting from the poet Lowell. This ia an age "pregnant with great pos sibilities," he said, adding that it would be extremely in teresting if some of the orig inal Pilgrims, such as John Alden and Priscilla could re turn now and see the country whose foundations they help ed to lay. Ronald Craven sang two songs appropriate to the ap proaching holiday, accompa nied by Mrs. Craven. The Rev? George Swft secured and introduced the spesker. WHEATLAND SCHOOL Wheatland Wheatland School will have one day vaca- tion for Thanksgiving and classes will resume Friday mornig, the school board an nounced. teVurffo (f --BfkvmaT? - Ernie Bradtl High Winner Ernie J. Bradtl, 745 Colum bia Street, Salem, waa one of two drivers for Pacific Motor Trucking Company who re ceived top awards from the Na tional Safety Council for 12 years of safe driving at a breakfast in the Maliory Hotel, Portland, Saturday. The other waa John Snider of Canby. Three other Salem men were honored for lesser periods of safe driving. They were E. T. Farlow, SIS North Commer cial, five years; J. E. Pietila, Baxter Road, four years; and D. G. Keghr. 1010 Wallace Road, two years. At the same time 12 Port land men were aimilarly hon ored. They were: J. F. Mc Mahon, four years; C. L. Per kins, three years; C. R. Goheen A. T. DeBenedetti, R. S. Pop- pino, and E. J. Simonsen, two yeara each; L. A. Ballestad, R. E. Harding, J. T. Pierce, D. E. Wildt J. R. Grier and J. Cook, one year each. . Assistant general managei for Pacific Motor Trucking Company, R. K. Lattin, who made the awards waa Joined by J. E. Skofstad, district mana ger of Oregon operations, and Sunt. J. H. McMahon in con gratulating those present for their outstanding contribution to highway safety. Sgt. How ard Benninghoff of the Ore gon State Police waa guest speaker for this occasion. Lattin said that 442 drivers in the six state operationa of Pacific Motor Trucking Com pany this year received Na tional Safety Council safe driv er awards. These drivers have run up the staggering total of 1467 years of safe driving on western streets and highways. A total of 49 Oregon drivers for PMT received awards, i figure representing approxi mately 70 per cent of the com pany's eligible drivers. Reinstated Washington VP) Secretary of the air force Talbott Tues day ruled that Lt. Milo J. Rad ulovlch "is not a security risk" and reversed a 10th air force board recommendation that the reaerve officer be dis charged. Radulovich, now attending the University , of Michigan under the G.L program, had been elated for discharge fol lowing a hearing in which the charge was made that he was a poor risk because of alleged communist sympathies of his father and sister. Radulovich' s attorney, Charles C. Lockwood, said his client was accused because his sister had taken part in picket line activities and hia father had read a "racial" newspaper. Talbott, reversing the recom mendation of the board at Self ridge Field, Mich., aaid Radu lovich had served honorably and well for 14 months aa an airman and aix yeara as an of ficer on active duty. LIQUOR BRINGS WORRIES Colombo, Ceylon VP) Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawela'a month-old government warned its officers in a directive Tues day not to let foreign liquor loosen their tongues. Many ob servers figure the new regime is worried chiefly about Amer ican cocktails. Only about a tenth of the world's population Uvea at al titudes above 1,500 feet. W I 3 bedrooms I 07 so. ft. U8250 Salem's biggest heme value! See for yourself! U4I Mm en, Bterfins Stvy ml Sunday. cmr P(k ne Hrrtt Stt. kt Mrntof,M etrtrkf, Setrtli Sotttn. eml-oe7t a rtenf Shock-1 easts IHIS New Ike never end eremo ef fresMy f round coffee . . . INSTANTLY w7 REAL SLAIN American military and Japanese civilian police combed United States Ar my bousing area near To kyo for dues to the killer of nine-year-old Rothcbild (above). Her partly nude body, a gag stuffed in h e r mouth, was found by her father. Col. Jacquatd H. Rothchild, two blocks from their home. (AP Wirephoto) 155,767,000 People in U.S. Washington VP) The census bureau says the population of the 48 states and the District of Columbia Increased by 5,- 070,000 from April 1, 1950, to July 1, 1952. The population was estimat ed at 155,767,000 on the latter date, compared to the 150,- 687,361 counted in the 1950 census. Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia register ed estimated Increases during the period. The figures re gionally atates 1952 estimate, 1950 count and per cent of in crease in that order. They Include: Washington 2,462,000 and 2.378,963; 3 5. Oregon I,- 604,000 and 1,521,341; 5.4: California 11,542,000 and 10,586,223; 9.0. FREE LUNCHES DISPERSES CROWD Trieste VP) An offer of free meals dispersed a throng of about 1,000 Jobless Triestini gathered in front of an Allied military government labor of fice Tuesday. The workers staged three demonstrations last week demanding an in crease in welfare assistance and won free lunches each time. '54 CHRYSLER WINS "GREATEST STOCK-CAR TEST IN THE WORLD!" SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. Inc., 435 N. Commerdd, Salem, Ore. Keizer Keizer Stitch N Chat club met Nov. 18 at the home of Mrs. Paul Camp, 1290 Dear born Ave. The evening waa spent a w i n g . Refreahmenta were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lj!i Ciltln, 3145 Will Ave. Donald Clement has been passing out cigars announcing that S pound 14 ounce boy born Tuesday, November 17 at the Salem Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clement live at RL 1, Gervais. He is employed by Truax Oil company. The home of George Blake, 1360 Shady -Lane caught fire Thuraday morning. Damage ia estimated at $2000. The cauae of the fire was an overheated chimney. The Keizer fire de partment saved most of the fur niture and part of the bouse. Mrs. A. J. Fleming of Trail Ave. waa hostess to the Keizer Grange Home Economics club on Thursday evening. Officers elected were: Chairman, Thel- I ma Evans; assistant chairman, Ruby Girard; aecretary, Mae Nekuda; treasurer. Dorothy Goldiby. Installation of officers will be held Nov, 24 at Silver- ton Hills Grange. Bring cake or mm saiaa. The next meeting will be at the Grange hall De cember 3 at 10 a.m. The ladies will clean the hall. Bring a sack lunch. Mr. and Mrs. James Conklln of 5029 Joan Drive are the par ents of a son, born Tuesday, No vember 17 at the Salem Gen eral hospital. Hia name ia Dane LaRue. The Keizer Ladiea Sewlne club met at the home of Mrs. C. E. Shidler, 113 0 Dearborn Ave. The group worked on quilts after which a no-host dinner was served. Those pres ent weret Mrs. J. A. Gardner, miss Aita M. Hail, Mrs. A. A. Niederberger and Carolyn. Miss Kutn Kuiiison, Mrs. Roy Mel- son, Miss Ethel N. Hall, Mra. Arthur Cummlngs, Mrs. Nick LeRud, Mrs. John H. Derrick, Mrs. Hoy Mogster, Mrs, Otto Yunker, Mrs. M. McClay, Mra. M. o. Nichols, Mrs. Ben Clag gett, Mrs. Luther P.' Melton, Mrs. P. L. Kinney, Mra. W. G. Earle, Mrs. Nora Pearce, Mrs. Ones S. Olson and Mrs. Shid ler. Mrs. Otto Yunker will be hostess for the December 3 meeting at her home 5041 Will Ave. The Well Child clinic held on Tuesday eyamined 24 chil dren. Appointments for the next clinic December 15 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Keizer Com munity church can be made by calling 39208. The new Cumminga school will have open house from 7 to S p.m., December 1. Keizer patrons will be invited to at tend and view the new build ing. The 7th and 8th grade as sembly was held on Wednesday, Above you aee Chrysler amaahing the all-time 24-hour endur ance record at Indianapolis to win the Stevena Trophy! An incredible performance! 2,167 milea in 24 houre 'round the clock over the toughest hard-top track in the world! Here ia thrilling proof of the atamina, durability, and safety of the new '64 Chrysler. Its ais-k.p. FirePower V-8 engine and Pewerfllte fully-automatic tranamiaaion far out-performed all other cars in the history of this event! And set the amazing new record without any replacement of engine parts! Now COME DRIVE THE CAR THAT DID ITI Th Pow.r of leadership is yourt in a beautiful November 18 at 1 p.m. The fol lowing program waa enjoyed by the students and teachers: Mra. Lewis' room, tumbling, Kenny Mcintosh, Walter Steln. brook, Jimmie Fox, Don Wil son, and Ray Porter. A play, The Dead End or Bofapilllo" waa given. Those participating were: Jill bhepard, Linda Law rence, Linda Lorley, Joy West, Sandra Cell, and the announ cer Judy Mogster. Mr. God dard'a room, Carol Hunt and Donna Ekin presented a num ber in song. David Hunt played a guitar number and a ahort skit "Beat the Clock" was giv en with Don Draper, Guy Fish er, Michael Roher, Melvin Hashie and Keith Kilday was the announcer. Mra. Macnama ra'a room, the whole clan took part in a play entitled "The First Thanksgiving." Announ cer waa Shirley Bagger. Mils Burch'a room, a skit "An Oper ation" waa given with Monte Olson, Ralph Morgan, John Rohrer, Richard Ronk, Bill Johnson and Boyd Poteet tak ing part The announcer was Albert Leslie. A trumpet solo was played by Gary Nopp. Mrs. Brown's room, Lola Roberta, Carol Johansen, Sharyl Bra asch, Anita Moore, Susan Deal, Pa. l.n,. C. nJu I -.. - Maura ouiu Dona McCdV aang the number Tropical Island." Vera McKin- zie was the announcer. A ahort skit "Dream Boy" waa present ed with Judy Jamea, Beverly xreet ana Ann welty partici pating. A turkey social was held at the Keizer fire hall at S o'clock on Friday night. It was spon sored by the Keizer Lions club, the proceeds being used to help in Dunaing xuna. The Ladiea Foreign Mission ary society of the Keizer Naxa- rene church, met at the home ol Mrs. Emma Six, on Thurs day evening. President Mra. Alma Dixon presided. Mrs. Folly Close led in devotions. Mra. Blum led the missionary study. It was voted to meet one day each month to do sewing for missionary boxes. They also decided to meet on day each week in a home for prayer. They will meet this week at the home of Mra. H. P. Lenton on Will Ave. Mra. Six and Mrs. David Friesen served refresh ments. Ernest E. Porter of 4850 Rickman road, la recuperating m . ' I SMK;U.4&&'4.:4ajBh. . -; -J '54 from the head-on collision be had last Sunday night between Hubbard and Woodburn. He had a fractured left leg. He un derwent surgery Wednesday la the Salem Memorial hospital. Hia wife, Mrs. Anna Porter, waa killed In the accident A Thanksgiving service will be held at the Faith Lutheran church on Wednesday, Novem- bee 25 at a pjn. The women of the church society will be In charge. . Sunday, November 29, the Luther League of the Faith Lu theran church will have Mr. Douglas Coa of the "Young Life movement as their speak. or. The Jolly Bakers, 4-H cook ing dub hsd their first meetina on October 28. Members are: Connie Jamea, Nona Schmidt Toy Eshe, Judy Sacks, Karen Roae and Barbara Blumenstein. Their leader If Mrs. Straw. Ellia Brown of 4735 Ridge drive la in the Veterans hospi veil mmmA mm. J -..!. yew Dent Have To Pay ' f xtra Penny forth on CilEBIT t-i -i u.- -T. , III' l.lMaVWirAlMix.T-l ---e-sM-aAA-i-iTHir - AW M W ' wuick SERVICE Olossea mode to exact escripHon of your . Registered Optometrist. 12ioi BttHHtm orvaun OFFICE! l Mill I fMtfrase R RECTI ON JIM RUNS Here a Jim Smith, four-year Freighter and solid citizen , in Salem since Ions before Joining Consolidated. A gradu ate of Willamette University, he's office manager here at our Salem terminal. Jim'a alaa nmh nf u. sim : Shrine Club Uniform Patrol. He's married and ia the father ' pt an eight-year-old son. What little apare time Jim doea have la taken up with fishing and, sometimes, a little golf. CONSOLIDATED 1435 K. Hoyt St mind you, this was no special car! Selected from regular pro duction models by AAA ofBdala, thia ia the beautiful Chrysler now on display! Thia ia the aame record-breaking performer we invite you to come drive! And what an experience for yon! You'll feel the one and only Sit-h.p. performance! Performance that aaya you drive the leader. You'll ese new beauty inaide and out that telle the world you drive the leader! Come drive the '64 Chrysler yourself for the moat exciting and memorable panes ionce of your motoring lifetime! tal at Vancouver, Wash., be cause of a severe case of flu. He la improving and will be home soon. - The 4-H Flapjack cooking club 1 held their second meeu lng Wednesday, November 18 at 4:13 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Collins. All members were present They are: Diane Reditu ger, president; Sandra Cluck, vice president; Florence Orton, secretary; Kyle Collina, song leader; Barbara Pierce, report er; Stephanie Anderson, Nonie Carr Alice Penrod. The leader of the group It Mrs. Orton. Hsr assistant la Mrs. Collins. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mra. Bus Redinger on Dec 2. NIKS KUIMC lit Accepted by the Amerleaa Medical Association Council on Physical Medicine. . FLOYD IENNETT ' Senator Hotel One' ' led Ms. STATS 4 COMIIURCIM Salsa, Ow OUR OFFICE mi GUI WAYS Telephone 1-9117 . r J . i 1 ft VJ.-i I u w