1 i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakam, Orefoa Tuesday, Xoranbcr 14, H54 GENERAL STORE, A FOSTER LANDMARK Tfp i 1 1 ii hi atns. a;ai n I'lu.inwnwyrtt 1 'H si ' . Ta r ! . v,. ( v. ZT; J my .V' -J - .1 k . xU' TT T m mmm Committee Will Study Better Recreation Plan When postofflce ni established t roster to Linn county Feb. 1, 1882, with Aaron H. Yost as firrt poit nuter, it may have been housed in tbia eld store bulldinf with the false front. Anyway, the postofflce la aituated there now In thla Una county town presumably named lor P. J. Foster. Keizer Keizer Brel Holden, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Royal A. Hol den, 1410 Candlewood Drive, left Tuesday for service in the air force. He will be station ed. at .Lackland. Air .Force base, San Antonio, Texas, and will enter the air force as a second lieutenant He is a grsduste of Oregon Stste col lege, where he took ROTC to-lining. Mr. and Mrs. Rawlelgh Reel of Eugene, formerly ef Bailey Road, are the parents of a son. It wss born Nov. 6. The two brothers ef the new baby have been visiting their grandpar ents, air. and Mra. Ed Linnel. - ' The Keizer Kindergarten started Monday, Nov. 9 with It children enrolled. It is held in the home of Mrs. Fish er, 683 Larry Ave., on Mon- perre jouy TIME ME3 dsy, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 0:30 to 1 noon. Mrs. Rsmona French Is In charge. Orcutt's Market was host to the Salem Chapter of Indoor Sports club cske sale on Sat urday. Members of the Xi Beta Sigma Phi conducted the sale. Al of the proceeds will remsin with the local chap ter. The Indoor Sport club is made up of physicslly han dicapped persons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelley of 489S Ridge Drive will have Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hoskvlc of Orovllle, Calif., as guests over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hartman and family, 4180 Brooks, Ave. attended the funeral of Mr. Hartman's mother, on Nov. 18 to Toppenlsh, Wash. They re turned Nov. 17. Mrs. Hartman was 77 years old. She was living in Tacoma, Wash., with a daughter at the time of her death. She Is. survived by four sons, Fred, Otto, and Joe, all of Toppenlsh, and Israel of Salem, Ore.; four daugh ters, Mrs. Ida Stebner, Mrs. Rose Leldy of Toppenlsh, and Mrs. Leah Schlmke of Bow- den, N.D., and Mrs. Esther Stebner ef Sacramento, Calif., a sister and two prothers, 18 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Royal Teets, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Teets of Chemawa Road, has been elected presi dent of his class at Gallaudet college, in Washington, D C.' Davey Farrell will leave Korea for home, about Dec. 1. He la the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Farrell. Lt. Carl Wendt left recent ly for Edwards Field, Muroc, Calif., for basic training. Mr. and Mrs. John Coomler wiU celebrate their 14th wed ding anniversary Nov. 23, at the home of Mr. Coomler's father, K. D. Coomler, at a dinner. The Mel Pillette family are to spend Thanksgiving with his brother and family at Pen dleton, Ore. Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, the former Janet Galser, Is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Galser,' 324 Manbrln Drive, while her husband is stationed at Fort Ord. Mrs. Wallace Cowan, of Manbrln Gardens, hsd a neigh borhood coffee, in hoonr of Mrs. Al Pierce, a new resident. Several birthday parties have been held in the Man brln Garden district recently. Rickey Stevens celebrated his 7th birthday at a party Nov. 1. Jerry Cocoan, 3, and Sandra, 1, had a birthday party. Ronny Bauinger had his par ty for his 11th birthday. Johnny Mason had a lunch eon Nov. 12th for his 4th birth day. Janis Dewey celebrated her r 35 0? (3D (ft mm em -Ksu . .f More effective collaboration between the City of Salem and the Salem School Board in ad ministration of recreational fa cilities is expected to come out out of a conference that pre ceded the City Council meet ing Monday night. In the conference were the City Council, the School Board, the Planning and Zon ing Commission, and the Salem Parks Advisory Board. . Mayor Al Loucks appointed a committee to work, on an improvement of the dual ad ministration which, - Vernon Gilmore, recreation director, Mrs. Carlisle Rites Tuesday Mrs. Nellie Csrlisle, ' SS, died Friday at a Salem nurs ing home after a long Illness. Her home was at 420 Hanson avenue. . Funeral services were held from the Virgil T. Golden chspel Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. with interment in Pioneer cemetery, Salem. Mrs. Carlisle wss birn at Bradshaw, Nebr., February 8, 1888, and most of her life was lived in that state. She was married there to Roy E. Car lisle in 1918, and the family came to Salem to live to' 1838. Mr. Carlisle died 10 years ago. Mrs. Carlisle was employed at Fsirview home for two years, and was employed there when she became ill last Jan uary. She was a member of First Christian church and of the Mothers club. She is survived by two daughters. Miss Luella Car lisle and Miss RoneU Carlisle, both of Salem; three sens, Walter and George Carlisle of Salem and Elroy Carlisle of the U.S. Air Force, stationed at Portland alrbase. Liberty Liberty Newcomers to the Liberty area are Mr. and Mra. Robert B. Taylor and their two daughters Judith and Dianne. They have bought the William Hall place on Croisan Creek road. They have moved to Liberty from the Englewood district Judith is in the fifth grade and Dianne in the second grade at Liberty school. A house guest at the Taylor home la Mrs. Mary H. Taylor of Los Gatos. Calif. 2nd birthday at a party on Nov. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Gordnn cn. more axe expecting their son, iuu, uome irom wmtman Col lege for Thanksgiving holidays. Their daughter and hi Mr. and Mrs. John Lattin from Berkeley, Calif., also will be home. Mrs. Hush Adama anon Mo River Road, was elected presi dent of The Citizen's Advisory Commltte of the Marion Cnnntv Health, Salem area. They meet twice a year and advise new health officers of PTA's what to do as volunteers for assist ance to Marion County Health groups, une ot these groups is the Well Child Clinic. The Keizer Communitv Church choir will meet on Thursday night at 7:43 at the church to begin practice on their Christmas music. . said had been in operation for 21 years, on the committee are City School Superinten dent Walter E. Snyder, chair. man, Leitle Sparks, represent ing the Parks Adviory Board; and J. L. Franzen, city man ager, representing the city ad ministration. ' Superintendent Snyder said that a written agreement be tween city and school board, definitely setting out the re sponsibilities of each, would be very desirable, and there was full agreement with this. Chairman Harry , Scott and Gardner Knapp of the school board said a carefully-drawn plan would enable both the city and the school board to get more out of the recrea tion administration. Gilmore said that both Ol Inger and Leslie swimming pools are lesking. and that drainage systems and hath bouses need repairs. . When costs were discussed Mayor Loucks expressed some apprehension that the people might be reluctant to vote funds because of the sharp increase in taxation recently caused largely by school construction. This caused Alderman David O'Hara to remark: The City Council is in no position to lecture the school board about expenses. In the last 10 years this council has sat here and permitted city taxea to treble and city ex pense to quadruple." This brought the discussion to an abrupt end. Naval Air Facility Losing Nusbaumer ' Salem's Naval Air Facility fs to lose Lt. (j.g.) J. J. Nus baumer, USN, who has been the assistant officer in charge and operations officer at the installation since January ef this year. Nusbaumer has received or ders to report to Seattle for duty by the first of the year and will not be replaced in Salem. The lieutenant, veteran of two tours ef duty in Korea, started his naval training un der the V-S program of the Navy after his graduation from Central Catholic high school In Portland. He receiv ed his wings at Corpus Chrls- U, Texas in 1849. 'Lt. Nusbaum came to Sa lem duty from attack squad ron 115, Air Group 11, San Diego, with which he had his two tours of duty In Korea, spending 17 months In all aboard the Philippine Sea from which he flew the Na vy's ADs. He has the Dis tinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with four stars, Presi dential Unit citation,. Korean service medal with five stars. Navy occupation Medal and United Nations Medal. , Some areas on the Gulf and Pacific coasts of North Amer ica get more than 100 Inches of rainfall a year while many parts of the American desert get less than 10. The interior of the house is finisher except for the floors. The tile and linoleum is installed as well as the light fixtures and plumbing fixtures. Place your order now. Come out, one and all. See the high type of construction and materials that are going into this modern new home that's taking shape before your very eyes. We want you to know all about it. Ask the salesman any questions you want. He's right there on the property all day. This is the model home that a veteran from Salem will get on December 25. With the help of the V F W in making a recommendation, we hope to announce the name of that veteran before long. In the meantime, come out! See the Lock wood Home in all phases of construction. n n A rPa! Dr. Will J. Thompson OPTOMETRIST Examination in Afternoon or Eve. by Appointment For Appointment Phone 4-4057 Music Program, Dance Follows Salem High - School Music Department announces pro gram for Tuesday night, etart ing at o'clock, to the high school auditorium. The program will be fol lowed by an all-school dance in the gymnasium. The dance band, directed by Herb Break er, is considered one of the best the school hss ever hsd. The musical program fol lows: Serenade Mozart Over the Rainbow , Arlen-Harburg (String Orchestra) Piano Concerto to C Major Williams Soloist: Stewart Goldbatt China Doll Anderson Song of Jupiter '. Handel-Anderson Salem High School Orchestra Trumpet Solo: Trumpeters' Lullaby Anderson James Fiske, Soloist We Sing Thy Praise Bortniansky-Tkach Dear Hearts and Gentle People Baum Over the River and Thru' the Wood . . . Arr. Stickles Drawing by June Lytle Salem High School Girls Glee Club Storm King March. Finlayson Green Cathedral Hahn-McKay A Walking Tune . Grundman King Cotton March .. Sousa Directed by Herb Brower . Salem High School Band Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee Bach Praise To The Lord Christiansen It's A Big Wide Wonderful World Rox-Wood Salem High School Choir Accompanist Gaynelle Methany Twirling Exhibition: Mary Jane Wait Feitival Finale Maddv Thanksgiving Songs Arr. jonnson Band, Orchestra, Choir Glee Club Livestock Group to Meet at Macleay Macleay Grange ladies will be host to the Marion county Livestock Association Thurs day, December 2, for their annual meeting and banquet. Dinner time is set at 6:30 with a program at 8:00. Henry Ahrens, says there is special interest locally among stockmen because the Marina county Stockmans Association la cosponsoring the Western Oregon Stockmans Conven tion in Salem to January. -Karl Wlpper, Turner; Ful ton Watts, Silverton; and Ad am Hersch, Salem; are all all ,MinM anH irt arranaine th December S program open to. uie puDiic. Thousands With liKonrnie " SUHUP Sound All NigM-Awakt Frtsh . Vtcrt of new safe Dorntta Hwpiag Capsule have found ae ytm c blcsard eound sleep. Dormm hm been clinieallr tested lor safety am4 is fuarantccd noo-habit 1armm4 The world of medicine pcogrsm so why tolerate a lieepleas mit that snakes you tired and worn out the next day. Now for only $t par capsule you can find the rest yea want. Dorm in costs but 42.3$ for M capsule -ao safe no preaoriptioei is needed and Dormm must help you or your money backl Accept no substitute. Then 1$ No Substitute For' SLEEPING CAPSULES V 4 y A recant survey among ploteweoren pointed to the answer when It revealed that 71 ef then wear their plates All rite time, day end night. Most of the others take then oat at rdght. This It a high tribute to the quality end comfort yowr dentist builds Into a dental plate ... an tmpor tout indication ef yoer dentist's sM at this Vaporrant phase ef Dentistry. Atk Your DenfJtt About TJtt Advantages ef ' "immediate Rett oration" ... the modem technique that eflMrnalM the onborTOisasoiit ef toothless tfoys ... crakes k possible for yew te carry en vow normal acnVities, without estra Ion ef time from work. IMMEDIATE RESTORATION en ables you to start wearing your Dental Plates THE SAME DAY your teem ere extracted. ;3 CONVENIENT HUMS, ADJUSTED TO THE PATIENTS OWN BUDGET, ARE EASILY ARRANGED AT DR. SEMIER'S. Pay In Smofl Weekly er Monthly Amounts fake any reasonable length ef time. . No Advance. Appointment 1 Rtqvlni MIDOfWORK CROWNS INLAYS EXTRACTION! HUINOS PtATIS X-RAYS ace iviu DENTIST Today for a Healthier Tomorrow titular bsalMllM a km ACT NOW I ft i t iii 1 1 Hi fit ittrctfi Via AND STAFF OF MOIITItID OINTIirl i irmu u ittttihi warni-ADoi.... SfATE t COMMERCIAL talamOraian Offices Until l IUOIW rOMAN r i :viiw7wMfi(ffNf,-i.i'aiil t'loi' jiii"'," . WHEN YOU BUY . MEDICAL and HOSPITAL PROTECTION, IIISI5T ON A "SIAVCr PLAN lore than 125,000 Oregoniant prefer the "SERVICE BENEFITS" of O.P.S. membership. Some 1200 Oregon doctors provide these "services" to member families with annual incomes up to $6000 without additional charges for contract benefits, for families in higher income brackets, O.P.S. regular payments to doctor and hospitals take all the "sting" out of unexpected bills. YOU can have these same "SERVICE" guarantees when you bold an O.P.S. membership card. O.P.S. is the Oregon Doctors' non-profit organization, operated in the public interest. Other than necessary reserves to protect subscribers and modest operating costs, every penny paid in dues, goes out foe SERVICE. Please ase coupon for literature. CROUP Ufl AND WEI KIT DISAIIUTY PAYMENT INSURANCE CAN RE COMRINf D WITH AM OPS MIDfCAl AND MO SWT A I SERVICE PLAN a .. APAfKAE THAT CANT IE IEATI OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE Cte? BLUE SHIELD O.FX ClAIMl AN SAltS OITKIJ h FWton. SMa. Amria, oaseoN awTStciAW srvks Sit S. W. CI In lOTI, Fwttoirf 4. Oraton FI.m m4 mt infenMtien abevi par MfOICU. k4 MOSFITAl SflvKI PIANI D 0OU HAN mm nalMl NOM-OSOU (I SALEM 2-0971 r rat