faff XI TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Monday, November IS, 195S Is Bride-Elect Dayton Mr. and Mrs. How ard Parli are aDnouBclog the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mix Marian Jean Pari to Howard Putnam of Dayton. Miu Parla is a senior at Dayton high tchool. Mr. Put nam la th aon of Mrs. George- Bcrelne of Dayton and Bod By Putnam of Yoncalla. No date hu ban act for th wadding. &JC GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FKEI DtUVni , aunuiNMnoM 14 CsndaUria Bird. Golden Wedding Dayton Mr. and Mra. Gar nt Lovely celebrated their golden wedding annlverury at th horn of their aon and diughtera-ln-law, In Dayton, on Sunday, November II at f pn. About 40 friend pth ered to congratulate th roup!. Mr. and Mr. Lovely were married December IT, IMS, In Greenfield, Iowa. Tbey came wet to California la ltoa. Later they cam to Oregon and tpent 28 year on fruit farm near Pike, which they fold and retired, moving to Dayton two year ago. Due to th fact they wer leaving for California for the winter, th reception wa a month early. The Lovely hav two eonf, Jerald of Dagget, Calif., and Howard of Dayton; and on grandMO, Nelson. Mr. Lovely's brother-in-law and aifter, Mr. and Mr. Warren Milne of Yamhill, were the only other relative present V Treasured Values (Here are the Directions to the Biggest Treasure Ever Found! 1. Driva Out t Capitol Shop ping Center. 3. Park Car in Fra Parking Lot. 3. P roc tod to Carry Jewelry. AND THERE YOU'LL FIND SAVINGS AND VALUES GALORE JUST FOR THE SHrrlrtG Carlyn'sSJ Jewelry CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Mrs. Whit Hostess To DAK Chapter Wood burn Th regular meeting of Bella Paatt chapter, Daughter of th American Revolution, waa last week at th horn of Mr. Drexel Whit near Monitor. Mrs. Later Kel ler, regent, presided. Plana wer discussed to send gifts of sugar and walnuts to th Chemawa Indian school for Christmas and two box of clothing to DAB approved schools, on to Tamasee school in South Carolina and th oth er to th Kate Duncan Smith school at Grant, Alabama. A transfer of membership was granted to Mrs. Irma Ma LaCur to Multnomah chapter In Portland and Mrs. Bertha Dedman of Canby was received aa a new member. Mr. Karl Xnglemarm re ported that a caretaker had been secured for th memorial cabin at Champoeg and that all material from th old mu seum was being transferred to th cabin. Mra. H. T. Buttertield was elected as registrar to fill out the unexpired term of Mrs. A. G. Douilas who has moved to the coast and Mrs. Clair Nibler was appointed a member of the press relatione committee. Mrs. Mark Thompson was named DAR magazine chair man. Mrs. Claud Brown re ported many puzzles and games collected for th Che mawa school. The next meeting will be Devember IT at the home of Mrs. Lester Keller at Hubbard when each member la to bring a gift for a boy and a girl to be sent to Chemawa for Christ mas. Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy of Pe des assisted her sister, Mra. White, in serving refreshments. Entertains Clubs Delias Th Woman's club of Independence entertained last week for member of th Woman' clubs of Monmouth, Dallas, Oak Grov and vicin ity. Th speaker was Mrs. Janet KnowHon of Oswego, chair man of International relations for the Oregon Federation of Women' dubs. She told of her trip around the world last year, when she visited "pen pals" In msny different coun tries, all members of women's clubs. Mrs. Knowlton dis played many gifts which had been given her by "pen pals," also a collection of pictures of place ah visited Today's Menu It's esy to prepare a noon time meal when you serve soup, plus a salad that doubles as des sert FAMILY LUNCH Clam Chowder Pilot Crackers Winter Salad Bread and Butter Beveraa Winter Salad Ingredients: I cup diced un- peeled red apple. Vi cup thinly sliced celery, t tablespoons seedless raisins, lettuce, 1 cup well-drained canned cling peach slices, S tablrspoons may onnaise, 1 tablespoons svruo from peaches. sneinoa: mix appi. celery and raisins; arrange on lettuce garnished aalad plates. Top with peaches. Blend mayon naise and peach syrup and pour over salads. Makes 4 servings. Miss Taylor Feted Sweet Home A mock wed ding ceremony waa the high light of a shower given In hon or of Miss Ruby Tsylor. recent ly. In the Church of Christ rec reation rooms. Hostesses for the affair were Mesdames Dan Roth. Rovce Lang, Alwin Blankenshlp and Mrs. John Postma. Invited to th affair war Mesdames Tom Reed, Jo Thompson, William Pyle, Aha! Nye, Hubert Points. James tSock, George Bostwick, Nell; Robertson, Roy Coe. Clifford Board row, Hobart McQueary, Fred Santesson, harlea Swan, i Clifford Womack, Orvill Moy erf. Bob Moyer, Otiy Womack, Hoy Armstrong, Charlea Jen-; nlngs, Doris Groshong, Bill Reed, Wesley Ward, Bert Tay- j lor, Marvin Hearon, Fred Vin son, Mattl Jones, Ellis Wil son, Dee L. Krantz, Lyl Moss, Arthur Wonder ly, Jack Gour-i ley; Misses Betty Cheek, Jessie heek. Donna Blair, Joanne Taylor, Marian and Diane Lang, and Vivian- and Zrlene Boardrow; Mesdamas Johnny Russell, Al Taylor, Forrester, B. Ross Ivans, Lloyd Jacobson, John Davis, Otto Pltchford. Elsie Bourgeon, Luis Innes, Chart Tripplett Jim Moon head ; Misses Vivian Trlplelt and Darlen Innes. Sordello-Hickey Wedding Recently , Lebanon Tha Presbyterian church wa th scan oh Fri day evening, November IS, for th nuptials of Mis Bonsdel Fsy Hlckey and John Bordello. Tha bride la th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verdlnand J. Hirkey, Lebanon, and tha bridegroom la tha son of Mrs. Theresa Bordello of LaVeta, Colo. i Wearing a dm of white oat and old lace. Mis Hlckey was escorted to th altar by bar father. Her flowers war pink and white carnations. Tha matron of honor,' Mrs. Robert Boyd, wore a frock of forest green net and carried yellow carnations. Mia Anna belle Hlckey, bridesmaid for her sister, wore a salmon col ored dress and carried) white carnations. , Best man was John L. Rich ards and ushers wer Keith Richards and Robert Boyd. At the church reception, Mrs. S. Z. Isom and Mrs. Jack Rich ards pound and Mrs, Anna Olahesky cut the caka. Tha couple will live at 14 River street, Lebanon. FALLS CITY Miss Edna Freer, daughter of Mr. and Mra. B. E. Freer of Falls City Memorial Services Held at Mf. Angel Mt Angel The Knights of Columbus annual Memorial Rerricee wer held during the meeting of tha organization Tuesday evening la tha meet ing room of Et Mary's school Rev. Hildebrand Melehlor, OSC. gave tha eulogy and speaker was th Rev. Gabriel Morris, OSB. Plsns war outlined for th annual Initiation of new mem ber which will be hld in De cember, and a special meeting Is scheduled tor Dec. 1 to com plete th final details f th all-day program. Grand Knight Leonard Fish er announced that Earl Zak a vilwauki. state Insurance chairman, will be tn ML Angel on Saturday to lace ar oz adult and juvenile insurance. Members will recite th ros- sry for peace aver station KOCO. Salem, Monday eve ning, Nov. It. I Winter's Coming . . Better SEE RADIANT GLASSHEAT . 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. PR 4-6263 Lovely Selection ef Infants Sweaters y PANDORA COME IN SOON AND INSPECT THEM Margwen't (spMI was honored at a kitchen show-' er recently at the Methodist j church parlor with Mra. Paul1 Cox and Mrs. Zugena Ross as hostesses, j Games wer played with Mrs. Carl Barnard and Mrs. 1 George Kitchen wining prizes. I Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS tlT 8. High Ph. 45151 DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE IN OUR NEW SHOP YOUR OR OUR MATERIALS SEE OUR SAMPLES IN YOUR HOME Traverse Rods Installer!) A Complete Drapery Service "Everything for Yeur Window" ELMER THE BUND MAN Fraa Estimates 3870 Canfer , Phone J-73M Attending from Dallas were Mrs. Allle Hennegan, Mrs. Os car Hayter. Mrs. Sadie Grif fith. Mrs. J. R. Allgood, Mrs. WUlam Duncan, Mra. Mars Slack, Mrs. John Cerny, Mrs. Roy Donahue, Mrs. Howard Eastman. i PRICES GOOD THRU WED. if 69c Victv Poultry Basfer 29 If pMftrf Variety 39c Household Weight Aluminum Foil Ideal far halplnf Cook that Thanksgiving Turkey fa Perfection! 23c Variety Reg. 10c STRAIGHT PINS 2 for 9' Vsrlety $3.96 Durable Plastic Shower & Window Curtain Set $1198 u Mod of fade-proof, heavy plastic. Assorted color nd patterns Variety Reg. 2 for 25c FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES 5 t ea. Limit Four Variety $1.00 Fancy Gift Boxed Toilet Soap 39' Hord-milled, eosy lather. Carnation, Pine, Lilac, ar Apple Blossom 6 bars in box Toiletry Urn It I Boxes Fifth Avenue Thanksgiving ICE CREAM 43 Pumpkln-shopcd and flavored1 center la vanilla brick Candy i or qt. 85c Reg. SI. 00 TUSSY Wind & Weather LOTION Now 50 $2.00 else $1.00 Toiletry My-Te-Fine BREAD DRESSING 1.35 Ready fa ma, ut add water. Seasoning packed epertely. Use os yeu wish Bakery taking Plot? Use My-Te-Fine Pumpkin Regular 13c 3 tor 29c 10 lig No. 2 tin Limit Si Toiletry Fifth Avenue CHOCOLATES One $115 layer A Mora delicious than aver. Just tha candy to top off that Thanksgiving dinner with. Candy LsVr?jrA aW ! -Ni- UUM, vtrMtl 1 oriwuaft r n r i nrni i in amjsn ei re m iwawrtatmririn sissi i t - THANKSGIVING FEATURE! itaiiLiiiaiiiMwaiJAyiui i Original Rogers Silverplate in tyaawp 5 t !U2 ! Penney's Own "Jubilee" Pattern! EST FreMm Drugs TOYLAND OPEN 14 N. LIIERTY Wa Reaerva the Riant ea Limit Qaaatitiea Lower Level n 35 PC. SILVERPLATE SET quality considered ... the most out' mm tr standing value fenney s has ever known! SIRVICI FOR S INCLUDES 8 teaspoons 8 soup er dessert spoons 8 hollow handle knives with stainless steel blades . . . grill or dinner type! 8 forks . . . grill or dinner type! 1 butter knife 1 sugar shall 13Z5 4.00 Stunning Jubilee Pattern,.. designed exclusively for Penney Excellent Quality ... expertly crafted by tha world's largest manufacturer of silverware. This b yeur chance ef a lifetime to own a fine silverplate service, one you'll always treesuae. It's en extraordinary value e fitting setting for Thanksgiving! Buy for yourself or put sat away for someone's thrilling Wadding or Christmas gift! mranMagoMi