Monday, November 23, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orecoa ractT MUW Fetes! New Group In Branch New member were honored t the luncheon meeting of Sa lem branch, American Assoc la tion of University Women, Sat urday at the Marion. There are more than 40 new members in the branch this year and large group of them was Intro duced at the Saturday luncheon and presented corsages. Mrs. Robert Y. ' Thornton, speaker. She reviewed the na tlonal convention In Minnas polls in the summer and also gave a review of the history 01 AAU W. ' Mrs. Thornton gave a brief outline of the development of AAUW since It was founded in 1881 by a group of IT gradu ates representing 8 colleges, to Its present membership of 122. 000 women representing ISO colleges. The first Oregon branch was established In Port land In 1905, followed by Eu gene in 1812, Corvallis in 1021 nd Salem in 1022. The state board of AAUW was organized at a meeting In Salem In Octo ber, 1321 and now supervises 27 branches in Oregon. In many small towns, Mrs. Thorn ton pointed out, AAUW Is the only group that has brought cultural programs to the com munity. New members Introduced by Mrs. Lawrence C. Merriam, Jr., membership chairman, in cluded: Mrs. Richard Beesley, Mrs. S. D. Belden, Mrs. Collis C. Blair, Miss Norma Clark, Mrs. John St. J. Craigen, Mrs. Loren Croxton, Mrs. Warren Doolittle, Mrs. Harrison Elgin, Jr., Mrs. Arthur Gallison, Miss Mathilda Gllles. Mrs. E. W. Graham, Mrs. Robert A. Green, Mrs. Roy G. Green, Miss Mar ian Hendrick, Miss Phyllis Her man, Miss Nancy Hershe, Mrs. Richard Hill, Mrs. Lee O. Hunt, Miss Marjorie H. Johnson, Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Mrs. Dorothy Ids Shoudy Judd, Mrs. Ernest Ward Lundeen, Mrs. Randall V. Mills, Mrs. Charles E. Munson, Mrs. Myron Pogue, Miss Rob erta Rogers, Mr. Leonard Rot- olo, Mrs. Donald Rowland, Mrs. Palmer R. Sather, Mrs. Fred Seherer, Mrs. Wendell Schwartz, Mrs. Ronald M. Smith, Mrs. Frederick F . Staat, Miss Edel Tetlie, Mrs. Daniel Trullinger, Mrs. Gerald F. Uulrich, Mrs. Laurance A. Walworth, Mrs. Lucille Wardle, Mrs. Everett Wilcox, Mrs. Lyle Wilhelml, Ms. J. E. Wood. Mrs. Arthur SDraeue. Salem branch president, reported on the dinner meeting in Portland last week honoring Dr. Fran. ces Moran, president of the In ternational Federation of Unl versity Women, which was at tended by several members of Salem branch. Next event on. the calendar for the branch Is the annual Christmas musicale planned for Sunday evening, December 13, in the First Methodist church. Mrs. Jason Lee, Mrs. Ervin W. Potter and Mrs. Edward Dyck are the committee In charge of the event 1 pr , Woedburn Miss Bonnie Madden, . above,, youngest daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. B. C. Madden of Aurora, ha announced her engagement to Du Wayne Roberta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrey Rob erts of Woodburn. No data has been set for the wed ding. Miss Madden attend ed Canby high school and her fiance was graduated from Woodburn high school In the class of 19SS. Hostess to Club Salem Heights Mrs. John Rsmsge entertained the lit tle Garden club of Salem Heights last week at dessert at her ham on Crolsan Creek. Mrs. Francis Colgsn was . the assisting hostess. The financial report of the chrysanthemum show was given. The group celebrated the clubs 20th anniversary with a cake, cut by Mrs. A. A, Taylor, a charter member. Mrs. Floyd McClellan read the history of the club. The Club will enter the Christmas greens show on November IS, and 18, at the Izaak Walton club house. On the entry com mittee are Mrs. Lyle Bsync and Mrs. Carl Harris. Two new members welcom ed Into the club were Mrs. Sidney Hoffman and Mrs Marlon Miller, who was pre sented a corsage by Mrs John Douglas. The group is planning one meeting in December, a Christ mas party on December 10 at the home of Mrs. Floyd Mc Clellan. There win be a gift exchange for the members with the gifts pertaining to gardening. i Stanford-Wood Dayton Mrs. Arabella Wood was married Saturday, No vember 7, to Shuford S. Stan ford of Roseburg. The cere mony wsa performed by a Jus tice of the peace In Stevenson, Wash., in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Miles. Later, dinner was served at the Oriental Gardens in Me Mlnnville, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Steel of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shouer of Canby and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller of Newberg as guests. The couple will make their home In Dayton for the present )tt gut ffTTT ii i JLJVx i VCl Just few drops of this light-as-air make-up base brushed on with your fingertips and a glowing veil of color covers your face. Concealed are little skin defects . . . tiny tines. Liquid Veil spreads quickly . . , easily . . . evenly without caking, without dryness. Seven "natural" complexion shades to choose from. W (plus tax) Woodburh BPW Club Entertained Woodburn Madam Mlnouf- let French dress designer of Portland, was the special guest of the Woodburn Business and Professional Women's club at a social meeting last week at the Woodburn library club rooms. Mrs. Thomas Baldwin presided. There was a large attendance of members and visitors. Madam Minouflet spoks en customs in Franca and her ex periences there and in the United States as she designed a dress, using Mrs. Don Xquall as the model. She was accompan ied to Woodburn by her sister, Miss Claire Minouflet who sang several numbers accompanied by Miss Jane McGrath and also French songs without accomp animent A food sale by the club was announced for December 12. Refreshments were served at the meeting from the lace cov ered table centered with chry santhemums in autmun colors and candles. Mrs. Baldwin pre sided at the coffee urn and Miss Marie Thompson served punch. Members of the international relations committee, Mrs. R. C Equall. Mrs. Frsnk Bentley, Mrs. Eleanor Vlckers, Mrs. J. T. McCarron and Mrs. Nellie Muir, served. The next meeting will be the monthly business meeting oft December S at the library with the hospitality committee in charge with Mr. N. A. Mann as chairman. Mothers Club Members of the Washington school Mothers club saw a film entitled "Your State Higher Education" last week at the group's monthly meet! n g . James Kern was guest speaker and spoke on Cub Scouts and the need for leaders. Miss Hendra Klaba's second grade and Mrs. Anna Martin's fourth grade provided enter tainment with songs. The at tendance award was won by Mrs. Inez Green s first grade. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Robert Engle and Mrs. James Elliott Helping were Mrs. L. Hilton and Mrs. Frank Graham. Mothers will exchange fa vorlte recipes at their next meeting which will be Decem ber 17. e Engagement Told Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hatton announce the en marriage of their their daugh- gagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Shirley Hatton, to Ted Vanden Bos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Bos, also of Lebanon. The nuptials will take place December 5. Furs Exclusively For It Tear LACHELLES 1148 Ferry St Itcljftacl ljjrbkj Bfrutat AYHPUTIW 425 J. 121k &&t. 6EE . . . BERNICE MATTISON Trained Charles of the Ritz expert at your service here At Star Chapter ! Mrs. R. W. Burr, grand rep resentative to Washington and worthr matron of Gervais chapter, and Pierre Asplnwall, worthy patron of Gervais chap ter, Order of Eastern Star, were honored on Friday night at Trinity chapter meeting In Sa lem. There were guest from Chsdwick chapter, Salem, Na omi chapter, Dallas and Ger vais chapter at the school of instruction conducted by Mrs. J. D. Vsn Wyngarden, Mrs. Willis Brown and Mrs. L. M. Flag. For entertainment there was an auction and carol ana Chuck Stuart of Mill City danced. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shlpler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Phillips served refreshments. i Junior CDA Event Woodburn Miss Shirley Brown, the newly elected pres ident of the St Marie Garettl high school troop of the Junior Catholic Daughters of Amerl ca, was not able to accept the office as she has not yet been initiated and Miss Betty Reis, the vice president, was made president at the regular No vember meeting. Miss Frances Serres was elected vice presi dent The troop" plans its next meeting at the home of Miss Serres when they will paint a Nativity set of ceramics to be displayed in a store window in the business section during the Christmas holidays. They are also to bring their uniforms to the next meeting. Refreshments were served after the meeting by the host ess, Miss Reis. OF THE Rnrmnin 711 I I II II I I I I I I I ' bififlfe - JLf I I h, '-.-iff- - . MUSCOT: Now, for tew pennies, ma can bay lbs btli Nasoco Sum mow) Wheat, to s handy size to 8t tiniest cupboards I New tock-a top keeps the goidta biscuits always fresh I aa t Past Chiefs of Lodge Are Honored Silverton Two past grand chiefs of Hope temple. No. 21, Pythian Sisters, were pro gram guest at last week's an nual homecoming observance. Mrs. Albert Grinde and Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman, both members of the Silver ton temple, have served in the state's highest otfife, and were honored In being escort ed to the altar by Mr. Casper Oveross, and each presented a corsage by Miss Merle Bowen. Other program numbers hi' eluded an accordlan solo by Mrs. Casper Oveross; trom bone selection by Raymond Kaser, assisted at the piano by his mother, Mrs. Harvey Kaser. Mrs. Kaser, most excellent chief, named her committee to arrange for the Thanksgiv ing basket for a deserving family, Mrs. K. Z. Kaufman, Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr, and Mrs. Jack Morton. A Christmas gift of 110 for the MacLaren Boys school at Woodburn was voted. - At the December's meeting, officers will be elected for the coming year. The social and refreshment committee for this meeting will be Mrs. Jack Tuggle, Mrs. Mabel Monson, Mrs. Earl Meyer and Mrs. Clarence Morley. Mrs. Delbert Iverson, chair man of the past week's sale at Hogg Brothers store,, told of netting $77 from the kitchen, baked food and gift article af fair. . The homecoming supper and decorations were directed by Mrs. Harry Kuch, assisted by Mrs. Bessie Morgan, Mr. Alva ORIGINAL NABISCO SHREDDED VHEAT ..-XgTl VsnCleeve, Mrs. Net Xang sev and the Misses Bernlce and Wilma Langsev, CDA Social Set For Monday Evening Mt Angel Mrs. Raymond Hauth will be chairman of the committee In charge of the so cial for member of the Cath olic Daughter of America to be Monday evening, Novem ber 23, in the meeting room of St Mary's school. The so cial will begin at 8 o'clock and al member are Invited to at tend. Card and refreshments will be on the program for the evening. Assisting Mrs. Hauth on the hostess committee are Mr. Gene Holler, Mrs. Gordon Aman, Mrs. Edward Scha sell er, Miss Eustell Bauman, Mrs. EmU Boc hilar, Mrs. Harold Bourbonnsis, Mrs. Edward Holier, Mrs. Joseph Frank and Mr. M. A. 'Beyer. Addtrionel Society OnFeealO Auxiliary Group The membership eommlttee of the Veteran of Foreign Wars auxiliary met recently at the home of Mrs. Don Stup- ka to make final plans tor "Luncheon Is Served. The public is invited to this event which will be Saturday, No vember 28 at 1 pjn. at the VFW hall, Hood and Church streets. A number of prise are to be offered. Formulating the plans for this event were Mrs. Lloyd Evans, Mrs. Dale Holweger, Mrs. Tim Briggs, Mrs. Vernon Glass and the hostess, Mrs. Stupka. DIGinnufnffon... You get six trig biscuits of boosst food -100 whole wheat, including even lbs bra and wheat term. All at a unjr pries say hard-pressed ' budget can afford I IJ I ULstsd Mrs. Keyser Is Hostess to Club MaelMr Mrs. Ralph Key ser was hostess to member of the Maeleay Woman' club for a dessert at her home last week. At the business meeting a report was given on the Mar- lea county Women' club con vention attended by Mrs. AI- Sahll, Mrs. Harry Mar tin, Sr., Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mr. Robert Anderson and Mr. Arthur Johnson. Mr, Hudec and Mrs. Ma ge gave short reports oa- the visit to the Salem Woman's club when they ware invited guest. Mrs. Samuel Miller, Com- m unity Chest chairman, re ported that the drive had been completed. The group voted to have cake, cookie and candy sale at the December community club meeting and to sponsor a gift exchange at the Decern, ber club meeitng. The December meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Arthur Spelbrink. - Present war . Mrs. Sick Johnson, Mrs. F. E. Johnson, Mrs. W 11 ber Miller, Mr. Sam uel Miller, Mrs. Harry Mar tin, Sr., Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., Mrs. James Hudec, Mrs. Virgil Burson. Mrs. Albert Sahli, Mrs. Donald Ream, Mrs. V. L. Marten, Mrs. W. X. Cole, Mrs. A. A. Spelbrink, Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mrs. K. Cole, Mrs. M. M. Msgee, Mrs. JMQ NI WHY HI MB OF TW FAMILY nnWiifffwUdsM DANA'S OOTtRY Capitol Shepp tag Center or sa ms aW HtfJ a Don Ferren, Mr. M. L. Rep- kins, Mr. Arthur Johnson ana the hostess. e MRS. OLEN ROBERT sad Mr. K. A. Thisiewaito were Hostesses last week at the koso of Mrs. Robert tor members eg the Welcome Wsgoa club Me. 1 for dessert and cards to raise money for a Christmas party for Falrview home. Member present included Mrs. J. C. Randall, Mrs. Rus sell Powell, Mr. Maurice Bux ton, Mrs. K. E. Winkstmerder, Mrs. Clara Davis, Mr. Viola Gof fried, Mrs. R. O. Steven and Mrs- J. D. Seat MRS. EVA HEMMAN was honored last week at a surmise birthday gathering at the home of Mrs. Susan Wruble.. The hostess was assisted by her daughter, Miss Mary Wruble. Others present were Mrs. Hen ry Kropp, Mrs. Roy Corns toe k. Mrs. Bernard Peterson, Mrs. Leon Cooning and daughter, Nellie. Mrs. Ruth Bischoff. TBI... ' 1HHMIVM Per Lasttmg Halt Beaaty uunnurnfBnB SHOPPTNO CENTER DO YOU KNOW? Oeadwlll Indastrls Is a shattered wanhep far bead capped passu . , . Tea discarded eisisist aae Mesas waf fcaa Uum Independent Telaphrae -U far a GMdwttl Tree. Pickup Daysi Tuesday, West kVn and Seath ef Crater rridaya. North ef ' Center 4K Always Delicious... Your grocer has the ooe-and-only Nasojoo SHUtoes Wmur aew, la tbJs sew packaga. regular iz-ouace secxage. lata it suinca trmuu mcsn ceeviir