THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Orcft Monday, November IS, Hit ' a! It. ' i I ti I 4 Y.y lis Pity Her Tonlcht Willamette University faculty trio above, will be presented In concert Monday evening at 8:18 o'clock in Waller hall auditorium on th campua. Pic tured in reheanal, left to right: Willis Gates, violinist; Ralph Dobbs, pianist and Cella Koch, cellist. Amaranth Event Cards and dancing featured the social meeting of Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Ama ranth, Saturday night at the Masonic temple. Guests Included Mrs. Bruce H. MacDonald, Miss Mary Lou MacOona'd, Mr. and Mrs. A. E Danielton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bushnell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Cummtngs, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Suttter. FORD 8TBEET Birthday club will meet this week at the borne of Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Mrs. George M Initio being the honor guest Others attending were Mrs. John Minifie, Mrs. Grace Maring, Mrs. Melvin Lyons, Mrs. James Johnson, Mrs. H. Keen er, Mrs. John Juttis, Mrs. Ira Bolaton, Mr. Hobart Dixon and Mrs. Clark. .- DON'T FORGET A franc's far the taiexpen srre teal anpeaUnt Xmaa Gift eme at aaaned India pre serves, aoma with not meata and delicious dried Oreran Italia prune. Wa alae hare law aaaee af food toll pack tn N. ih una. lUfMIK CimOH UHKOT-J tW Welfare Projects Discussed by Group Welfare work of the Marion county salon of 8 and 40 was the topic for discussion when the group met last week at Chi na City. Delegates to the area E child welfare conference in Portland the first week of November re ported on the meetings and the work accomplished for the fur therance of the child who needs help. They stated that among the things stressed at the con ference was the need for scrap books and toys for the children of the tuberculosis hospital in Denver, Colo. The annual Christmas party for members was planned for Wednesday, December 16. Ar rangements for the party will be made by a committee head ed by Mrs. Earl Andresen as chairman. CHAPTER AB of P.E O. Sis terhood Is meeting this Monday evening at the home of Miss Ann Boentje, 1100 Chemeketa, Miss Jean Spaulding as assist ing hostess. Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER Shower Is Given FREE ESTIMATES On Kitchen Remodeling Old or New a. CAPITAL STORE 181 N. Hlrh Ph. 4-S4S1 Ticket Cammittee The ticket chairmen for the Queen's Ball of Job' Daugh- i ten on Friday night at the Crystal Gardens are being an nounced. They Include Miss Francis Burns, general chair man; Miss Glenda McCormick and Mia Janice Button, co chairmen. Garden Club Meets Salem Height Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst was hostess to the Friendly Neighbors Garden club last week at her home. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Donald Dawson. Mrs. E. L. Gray conducted the business meeting, and the group decided to enter the Christmas greens show, sched uled for November IS and 18, at the Izaak Walton league HiiH tinne anri tnnntnpsri hv ' the Salem Garden club. Named on the entry committee are Mrs. William Hall, Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, Mrs. William Gardner, and Mrs. Chet Ander son. Mrs. Darlene Coon was in I charge of the program and in troduced the speaker from the Green Thumb, who demon-' strated flower and dried ar rangements. Guests were Mrs. Iran Davis of Bloggett, and Mrs. Forrest Fulton. Council Meeting For Scout Groups The Santiam Area Girl Scout Council will meet for their semi-annual council meeting In Lebanon on November 30. The meeting will be- at th Girl Scout Cabin at 8 p.m. Topics to be discussed will include a sale, the nominating cemmottee report, and the cal endar procedure. All adult members of the Girl Scout council and others interesting in scouting are urged to attend. Transportation may be arranged by calling Mrs. C. J. Kunowsky before Saturday, November 27. ROBERTS HILL Billies Square Dance club is meeting next Tuesday evening. On the committee are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Senz, Mr. and Mrs. Del bert White, Mr. and Mr. Al vin Robison. Callers for the dancing will be John Geisler, Margaret Bourman, Frank Senz and Emma Prunk. Honored at a ahower last week wa Mrs. B. R. Gregson, Th affair was at the home of Mrs. Ed R. Gregson, and the hottest wa Mrs. Vine M. Gen. n. Guest were Mesdames B. R. Gregson, Horace Haskin, George Eller, Floyd Dowd, Gordon Schwalen, Gust Schwalen. Ed Klukis, Jamea Paris. Merle Main. FmiM Koch, Alva Byera, Carl Statu, Rex Cain, Jamea No ble, Minnie Knight. Elbert Neal, Glenn Spencer, Orval Veneman, Ed Bristol .Cecil Fletcher, Charles Kinzer. W. S. Brown, Glady Oliver, Clinton Lammera. Robert Hinkle, Luraina Pritchett, Ed mund Ben. Al Straver. Grar Ogle, Jay McDonald, George Hanley, L. J. Monner, C. E. Jantze, T. D. McClain, An na Lammers, Dale Biles, Wes ton Johnson, Lloyd Jones, Marvin Acheann. mit Aiia Weaver. Game were in play during the evening, after which came the nresAniatiin of gifts and refreshment. Y-Wives Alee At the Y-Wives meeting last week the committee chairman for the year were announced. Mrs. Gardner Bennett, 1 chairman of membership; Mrs. Charles Price, hostesses; Mrs. Marvin HumDhreva. nhnne Instead of a Christmas gift exchange, the group will give a kitchen shower on December 17 at the next meeting. Gifts will be used In the new YWCA kitchen. . - NAVY MOTHERS club Is meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ray Walden, 1105 Mission street. The group will make plana for its Christ mas bazaar ' and food sale, planned for December 5 at Good Housekeeping store. Bolser-Becker Wedding Nov. U At an afternoon ceremony Saturday, November 14, in the First Christian church, Mrs. Anna Alberta Becker wa mar ried to Elwood Bolter. The : ceremony wa performed by , the Rev. Donald Payne before member of th Immediate I families. The bride wore a teal blue I afternoon dress with shell pink hat Her corsage was of pink i rosebud. A reception at the home of the bride followed the cere mony. Mrs. Lloyd Craft of Gervtit, cousin of the brics, cut the cake. Assisting were Mrs. uon Nusom of Gervais, Mrs. Allyn Nusom, Mrs. Fran cis Nusom of Clatskanie and Mrs. Norris Becker. Mrs. Lola Brooke of Oak land, Calif., came north for her sister's wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lindsay of Albany, for mer resident! of Salem, attend' ed the wedding. Mrs. Lindsay it a daughter of Mr. Bolser. Other out of town guests at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Craft of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rogers of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. John Kahles of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Nusom of Clatskanie and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craft of Gervais. , Benefit Party A large number attended the benefit card party and dessert sponsored by Cherry court. Or-1 der of Amaranth on Friday eve-1 ning at the Scottish Rite tem ple. Winning special prizes were Jonn Tee Hume, Everet Giv en. James H. Turnbull and Mrs. Willis Sullivan; Winner at cards included Mrs. Vera Sav age, Cecil Hunsaker, canasta; Mrs. Carl Guenther and Gail Jones, bridge; Mrs. John Tee Hume and Mr. George Nelson, pinochle. , WINDOW SHADES imu. SUK t KiQtT SK (rtraaeriy latBhaMt levari 2M L ltd SL PWt4-tlSi Journal Want Ads Pay Your Doctor Knows. that th nam SL Joseph" ae (urea "aspirin at its bast" you cant buy better at any prica to relieve pais of headache, colds, muscle aches. Pocket or pun tin la world' largest seller at 10c J BUY 100 TABLET BOTTLE MLT 4S Get After Suffering of KMCTI0US C01DS! Needed Now! Easy 2-Sttp Treatment GIvm Such ComfortimJ RtftaJ When on Infectious cold strikes anyone In your fam ily, mast effective relief from suffering h what yea want. So, us dependable VapoRub this special way. Millions af mothers have proved1 its effectiveness! J satMsfaVfsanal ' - - To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 . T (all Upper Irenchiel Can oarHee, Creepy C evens ef Ms, Hted-CeM ShrffhsMsi Just put VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of ateamlnt wilir, as directed in package. Breathe in the tooth. Inf. medicated ateam. With every breath. VapoRub'a active medication penetrates all through th cold-stuffed not and the throat . . . deep into the Urge breathing patsaset. It helps break up congestion. It aoothct and moistens dry, irri tated membranee . . . relieves the cough, makes breathing eatierl The, for Cantinvad lUf rub VapoRub on chart, throat and back, and cover with a warned cloth. VapoRub spreads a won derful feeling of warmth and comfort It soothes away tight nest, muscular ache and pains. You feel so much better! And under that warm glow, Vick VapoRub keeps on working for houri-brioging mare tad store relief! . . . So remember-when any one in your family gate aa in fect '.ous cold -the aooaev yon us Vicka VapoRub. th aoona you relieve th suffering! Mod by Vicki WoWeUeodnfl CoMi Specioliiri WICKS VVapoRui DEBBY Washable Orion and Nylon Wool and Nylon IITTIE FRENCH $H0 115 N. HIGH ; as teMst J : give her the stockings she loves to fill.. Give glamorous Bollp-Stiarmpcrs! She'll love the personal touch of stockings in her very ow n leg-size and the way they sheathe her legs curve for curve with diaphanous, flattering fit. $1.35 ,0 1 .95 , pair "V, S 11 si M Saatet I, morlite Ifra rir Sim Stole It. SnoStlt. ajnehea riaaaie, bar (I1. tew Imw km. ftp ,.. The services of our interior decorating deportment arc available to you without cost. Present Dining Elegance bSs In Specials 'Til Thanksgiving Modern Bleached Mahogany to, four i 229 Oval extension table. Spacious credenxa, four tide chairs. Formerly 395.00 O)Q50 Now y i t m -mm S other sett similarly priced French Provincial Oval extension table seats up to 10 people, four tide chairs, two arm chairs. Lovely Hutch china cabinet. Formerly 564.00 AaT5Q. Now ty t other sets sale priced from which to choose Plus Carpet Values! Here ore some ALL WOOL Carpet broodloom thot are moking PRICE news! 1 ROLL 9 fff. $5.95 1 ROLL 12 ft. Rq Td. $8.95 1 ROLL 12 H. Sq Td. $5.95 1 ROLL 15 ft. 8q. Td. $11.95- Traditional . 18th Century Mahogany " Handsome Sheraton dropleaf table will tear ten people comfortably. Love ly carved back side chairs. Two ex quisite host and hostess chairs. Form erly 495.00 2995 Typical Early American Beautiful solid hordrock mapla dropleaf dining room table, four lid chairs, two arm chair 54 inch Hutch Bate and top. Formerly OA COO 575.00. Now ? 7 3 CHOOSE FROM TWO OTHER SPECIALLY PRICED SETS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK BELLE-SHARMEER .stockings in her personal leg-size Park free on our lot while you shop at . . V We Give C.I.CI FINE FURNITURE AT POPULAR PRICES SINCE 1194 230 CHEMEKETA STREET-SALEM ... v.- M ." VI""--.