Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 23, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Monday, November 23, 195S
Local Paragraphs
Twins to Millars Mr. and
Mr. Wlllism J. Millar, 270
Hrubetz Road, bccama tba par
ents of twins Saturday mora
ine when a son and daughter
were born at Salem General
hospital. Donna Marie, who
arrived at 12 35 a.m., weighed
5 pounds and 9 ounces, and
Donald Richard, arriving at
12:41, weighed 5 pounds and
IS ounces. They have three
other children, Janet 7, Gerald
3. and David 10 Vs months.
Millar is with the Valley Motor
Miss rstterson Speaker '
Miss Virginia Patterson of Sa-
lem is a member of one of the
five Stanford university debate!
teama that will comuete in i
Fresno, Calif., Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday of this
week in the Western Speech as
sociation tournament. Miss
Patterson's team mate Is Arliss
Barnes of Anaheim. In a re
cent Northern California For
ensic league competition at the
University of California she
was second in extemporaneous
speaking. Miss Patterson is a
daughter of Gov. and Mrs. Pat
j tenon.
Camera Club MeetingThe j
aaiem wamvra uuu win hiki
at the new Klasic Photo Shop,
1146 Center street, Tuesday
night. AI Gettman from Saw
yers Viewmaster plant In Port
land will give a demonstration.
Portland General Electric com
pany will show a sound movie
on flash photography.
Baffale Meat Available Ray
Hinkle, 340 Strand avenue,
Missoula, Mont., writes the Sa
lem Chamber of Commerce that
during the winter months he
kills and dresses a small num
ber of buffalo for Montana
ranchers. - He wants to know
if there is a restaurant, club Gibson "Good" Rex Gib
or fraternal organization in son, 1740 Wallace road, was
Salem that would be interested
in buying buffalo meat.
Building Permits O. W.
Klang Wrecking Company, to
wreck a two-story dwelling at
2525 South Commercial, $50.
Ira J. Fitts, to alter a shop at
4298 South 12th, 8250,
Seek Street Improvement
A representative of residents of
Alder street reported to the
county court that it is probable
that they will improve the
street by employing the con
tractor who surfaced Shady
Lane last summer. The request
was made that the court take
over maintenance of Alder
street after the Improvement
has been made. This the court
agreed to do after one year,
providing construction was up
to county standards and no
weak spots developed during
the waiting period.
Would Resign Col. Mark
Hillary has submitted his resig
nation as a member of the Civil
Defense Council because, he
explained, he was not able to
arranged his schedule to tit in
with the meetings of the coun
cil. The resignation was pre
sented to the county court Mon
day. However, County Judge
Rex Hartley said it should be
given consideration by the
Civil Defense Council.
Portland G Bests Here
Twelve members of the Port
land chapter of tha Indoor
Sports Club were guests Sun
day evening of the Salem chap
ter at a dinner at the Holly
wood Lions De i. Dorr Quayle
who attended a recent national
convention in San Francisco
made a report on that meeting.
MandaT. November 13
Company B, 162nd infantry I
regiment, and headquarters de
tachment. Oregon N a 1 1 o n al
Guard, at Salem armory.
Organized Marine Corps reserve
unit at Naval and Ma'lne Corps
Reserve training center.
1414th VAR at USAR armory.
Oregon Mobilization designation
detachment No. 1. at USAR ar
mory. In Alaska
Wltft U. 8. Forces in Alaska
Pvt. Dee 8. Chambers, whose wife
resides at Route 2. Box 409, Al
bany, Oregon, is serving here wltti
US. Army hearquarters. Cham
bers entered the Army last May
' and completed his basic training
at Camo Pickett. Va. His parents
are Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Cham
bers. Route i. Box 358, Albany.
MrKensie Promoted
Korea Brill A. McKenzie of
McMinnvllle, Oregon, recently was
promoted to a sergeant first class.
McKenzie. a wire sergeant with
headquarters battery 623rd field
artillery battalion entered the
Army in July. 1953. and was sta
tioned at Camp Roberts Calrf.,
prior to overseas last Feb
ruary. He has the Korean and UN
service ribbon. The wife of the
sergeant livees at Oswego. Ore
gon, and his parents. Mr and
Mrs. Rod McKenzie. at Route 1.
McMinnvllle, Oregon.
MllXAlt To Mr. and lira. WUltajB J.
Millar. STS Hrubata Rd.. tvtna. a tor
aad alrl. trot. tl.
MIKK1XSON To Mr. ond lara. Dannla
t Mlkkalooo. Boa St. Dalako. a oer.
Boa. !
TAR-IXB To Mr. and lm Boral D.
Tartar. Amur: a alrt, Bo, tl.
WTTTTtrri Tit Mr. ond Mra. DorrcD
Wnoelor. StlS Bjactrlo Ava o Ctrl, Boa.
WILLIAMS Ta Mr and Mra. Ltro,D
M. WlUlaaia, tot Fair, law SI, a tin
Baa. 11
HOOVER Ta Mr. and Mn Matfard
Xooaar. Inriapandaaro. o tor. Not. 'tl.
SCHULRKR To Mr. ond Mra. RaT.
aieod O avhulotrs. 104 w, Madrona St
s sin. Boa. sa.
Data Changed The next
meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Salem Chamber
of Commerce will be December
2 instead of Wednesday night
of this week, for the reason
that the date this week is
Thanksgiving eve.
Seals Stuck Together Sev
eral persons to whom Christ
mas Seals were sent by the
Msrion County Tuberculosis
and Health Association found
them stuck together when the
I envelopes were opened. The
iation explains that this
" caused oy damp weather,
" th " ny who found
" s' th,t condition will
i'I 3-4775. or write the asso-
ciation at 1345 State, a new
supply will be sent
To Select Best Camellia
A Salem Camellia and Rho
dodendron Society meeting
will be held Wednesday eve
ning, November 25 at the
YMCA. L. B. Loring, plant
pathologist, department of
agriculture, will be speaker of
the evening. Dr. Estill Brunk
will show a new series of
slides. The camellia of the
ye w, be ielected thi,
meeting, which will be placed
in the camellia garden in Bush
park when established
Creek Dammed : A creek
that crosses, beneath Market
road No. 41 has become
dammedoat a bridge, backing
the water up on both sides of
the road and threatening to
cause considerable damage.
This was the report reaching
the county court Monday.
Debris floating down stream
upon the crest of a flood is
blamed for the stoppage.
reported in good condition
Monday at Salem General hos
pital. He fractured a small neck
bone in a one-car accident
near Dayton Friday morning.
Gibson is manager of the Ladd
ahd Bush branch of the U.S.
National bank.
Pleads Innocent Robert
Norman Forgue pleaded inno
cent in Marion county district
court Monday morning to a
charge of larceny. He is accused
of taking a .22 caliber rifle in
a complaint signed by James
C. PershaU, 1080 Hilfiken road.
Forgue is being held in lieu of
S 150 bail.
Life Threat Charged A 17-
year-.old Sherwood youth was
certified to the county juven
ile court Monday by district
court Judge Val D. Sloper. The
youth is chsrgad with threaten
ing to commit a felony. The
complaint specifically states
that he threatened to kill an
Aurora man for whom he had
worked. He was arrested Sat
urday and has been held in the
county jail in lieu of $1500 bail.
Money, Check Taken About
$40 in cash and a $4.50 check
was taken from her purse when
she set it down for a moment
while shopping in a Capitol
Shopping center store, Mrs.
Lillian Willis, 1394 Tierra
drive, reported to city 'police
Win Turkeys Mrs. Ray
mond Goody and Officer Ross
Cruzen topped gunners in their
respective divisions to win ten
pound turkeys in a turkey
shoot held by the police depart
ment swing shift officers and
wives Sunday at the city police
shooting range. Twenty-four
persons tried their hands at
hitting the target with air ri
fles, Capt Lee Weaver report
Paint with glamorizing
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper collection.
Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib
erty. 279"
St. Bonifsce parish, Sublim
ity, Bazaar Thanksgiving dsy.
Turkey snd sausage dinner
11:30 to 3 p.m., parish hall.
Adults 1.25, children 75c. Vol
unteer bsby sitters for chil
dren 1 yr. or under. Dance
Stubby Mills dance band. 281
town Armory Sunday, Nov.
22, 1 p.m. Sponsored by South
Salem Lions club. 278
Learn knitting. 341 State St.
3-5654. Wednesday thru Satur
day. 1:00 p.m.-4 p.m. 302
Indoor Turkey Shoot, Sun
day, November 22, 1 to 5 p.m.,
at new fire hall, Sublimity
Fire Department. 278
Nohlgrens' will be open
Thsnksgiving Dsy. 12 noon
til 8 p.m. 281
Indoor Turkey Shoot, Sun
day, November 22, 1 to 8 p.m.,
st new fire hall. Sublimity
Fire Department 278
Good supply of fresh killed
Grade A turkeys for Thsnks
giving. Orwigs Msrket, 3075
Silverton Rd. Phon 4-?43.
Turkeys, ov.n resdy, direct
from the form. Pilgrim Hatch
ery. 585 Ninth St, Just off
Wsllsce Road. 280
Coast Guard
Has Vacancies
Applications for enlistment
in the Coast Guard are now be
ing accepted by that branch of
the service. The enlistees are to
till vacancies currently existing
in monthly recruiting quotas.
Applicants must be between
the ages of IT and 28 years, if
they have had no prior military
service, or under 35 years of
age with prior military serv
ice. They must be in good
health and pass the Armed
Forces qualification test.
Men accepted will serve a
four-year enlistment period In
the Coast Guard starting with
13 weeks of basic training at
Alameda, Calif. They then will
be assigned to Coast Guard
cutters, shore stations or service
chsool. Men in this area wish
ing to enlist may do so at the
Coast Guard office in the
Courthouse building in Port
land. 3500 Isolated
(Continued from Piae 1
Near Grants Pass the Rogue
River swept away a cofferdam
at a loss of $50,000. The coffer
dam was being used while re
pairs were made to the Savage
Rapids Dam.
The Rogue still was rising
Monday, and lowlands were be
ing flooded. No communities
were threatened.
All the major highways were
blocked below Eugene. The Pa
cific Highway was flooded "ear
Grants Pass. The Coast High
way, , the Redwood Highway
and the Willamette Pass High
way between Eugene and Kla
math Falls were blocked by
Highway officials said' it
would take at least two days
e at least two days
to reopen
way, which
huge slide above Oakridge.
They had nearly cleared away
a smaller slide below Oakridge
before discovering the big
slide had covered at least 150
feet of rosdway above the
Rogue River Damage
The turbulent Rogue river
flooded out at least seven hous
es about three miles west of
the town of Rogue River. Two
families were evacuated early
Monday morning.
Water blocked Highway 99
at Savage Rapids Dam on the
south side of the Rogue.
The turbulent river flooded
many cabins in the McLeod -
Shady Cove area about 15 miles
northeast of Medford. Furni
ture was removed, and the cab
ins were secured by cable at
tached to trees.
The Rogue level reached 17
feet at Gold Bay Dam north of
Medford Monday morning.
That was .3 less than the crest
of the January, 1953, flood
which caused heavy damage.
Observers said the present
flood probably will not Tesult
in such serious losses, although
R. D. Church of the Weather
Bureau's Medford office said
the crest may pass the January
About 240 million people
spesk English as their primary
Colorful cotton percales for dresses,
aprons, shirts, skirts or housecoats. Plain
Seersucker for playsuits. Printed piisse
for pajamas or gowns. Rayon n e t f o r
over formal skirts.
.icsui . -
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'Lottery Ticket Sale
Charged to Local Man
A. charge of selling lottery
tickets brought the arrest of
David Lester Scott, 2605
Lor i an Lane, Satvrday at
Scott's Motorcycle Center, 315
Mission street.
City police said Scott is
charged with selling tickets on
a motorcycle being raffled off
by a Portland motorcycle deal
er in violation of a city ordi
nance. Scott told officers the
tickets were left with him Sat
urday by a man presumably
from the Portland store. Only
three tickets were sold from
the two books of tickets left
him, one of them to the arrest
ing officer. Police confiscated
the remaining tickets, two post
ers advertising the raffle and
a picture of the cycle being
given away. Scott said the
money would be refunded on
the tickets sold.
He was cited to municipal
court and was scheduled to ap-
per Tuesday morning.
Although an annual death
rate of 40 per 1.000 people
was not unusual two centur-
i ies ago, some countries today
j have death rates of less than
10 per thousand.
No. Liberty
Top photograph shows great, wind-whipped seas crash-,
ing against the rocky promontory that features Boiler Bay
State park. Breaking seas threw spray over much of the
parking area. Lower view shows drift carried against the
fish dock at Taft by a strong wind and an incoming tide.
Elsewhere in North Lincoln county bank erosin threatened
homes, communication lines were down and homes ma
rooned by flood waters.
River to Crest
(Continued from Page 1)
At Corvallis. the Willamette
reached 13.1 feet this morning
and was slated to hit 21 feet by
10 a.m., Tuesday. Flood stage
there is 24 feet.
Some flooding is due in the
Albany area Tuesday. The Wil
feefthls morning and ia pre
dicted to reach 22 feet by 4
p.m., Tuesday, two feet above
flood stage.
Quantities of surface water,
the rain coming down so fast
and heavy a soaked ground
could not absorb it rapidly
enough, were adding to the
flooding of several highway
sections. i
Silver Creek lp
Water in basements and
flooded streets were the addi
tional woes to vslley commu
nities following the week-end
Silver creek at Silverton
came up five feet in 36 hours.
Also from Silverton area it was
reported Pudding river was
three and a half to five feet
over the old Salem-Silverton
Nationally known Galey & Lord ging
hams, petaldown crepes, checked taffe
ta, plain denim, flocked denim, pleated
embossed cottons, printed seersucker,
kitchen prints are but a few of the ma
terials to choose from.
36" to 45" .jVyYd.
highway about two and one
hold miles out of Silverton.
Pudding river ia expected to
come up during the next 24
Silverton reported quantities
of standing water in and about
the town.
(Continued from Page 1)
The luncheon is slated for
11:43 a. m. at the Senator Ho
tel. Ever? Republican ore-
cincl committeeman and com-
mitteewoman in the county
is asked to attend the lunch
eon event called by the exe
cutive, group of the commit
tee. The committee realizes oth
er sections of the state also
are recommending men for
the position of U. S. attor
ney, but there la no reason
Marion county, too, can not
take a recommendation for a
capable man from this coun
ty, says Winton Hunt, chair
man of the Republican Cen
tral Committee.
Bad Weather ' ;
Grounds Planes
Bad weather ever the past
week-end Kept plans at the
Salem Naval Air Facility on
the ground for all but about
one hour Saturday.
It also kept Naval planes
from other stations on the
ground here. ' Three FSFs
being taken from Seattle to
San Diego landed here Friday
afternoon because of bad
weather to the south and were
still here Monday as were two
AFa from an all-weather
squadron of the Navy at Saa
Diego. The latter landed here
Wednesday when the bad
weather continued the pilots
returned to their squadron, ex
pecting to return to Salem this
week to pick up the planes.
United Atir Lines flights In
to Salem made all of their
stops here Sunday but three
of the flights stopping here
were forced to skip Medford
because of low ceilings and
fog conditions there. These
flights were southbound
flights 178, stopping here at
4:25 p.m., and 188, stopping
here at 750 p.m., and north
bound flight 175, which stops
in Salem at 8:50. Flight 168,
which terminates in Medford
terminated in Eugene Instead
and the other two flights dis
charged their Medford passen
gers in Eugene.
Cascade Put Behind
By Californiq Slide
The Southern Pacific pas
senger train "Cascade , north
bound, due in Salem at 8 a.m.,
was blocked by a slide in Cal
ifornia and was not expected
until 4 p.m. Monday.
Reaching Portland, probab-
ably about t p.m., the train
will have to be put into condi
tion for the southbound trip,
and may not reach here before
10 p.m. The regular time of ar
rival in Salem for the south
bound "Cascade" is p.m.
Probst Court
Uarcutt MoDlffomtrr wwvtifnhti:
shut, ftpr-.LM4 tvt tu.tot.
Wllllftm Hokwrt LstVrat tuvrttBUUt:
Kttat 8vpprU4 4i MM4.0.
District Court
Hooart Hon&aa rartM. UTcny. lMa
mooMBt, aiu ia u,u ax iita boil
even Lm awMDtr. noute 4. Bex ere.
hunting on a sam rlaa. aatd sat SfeM,
un ordtrMt rtturnad u SaUnda&t. .
Arthur Lm Tnldi. bob support, aaa-
tlmipd to Movtmotr M tor otfnulmi to
coatult oowMat. htld la lt of Sue ooU.
Municipal Court
Jorco HUdo Tfsar. HOT flouts ISA
trMI, drlvlnt wnijo Intoxicated, ploodo
lanocrnt, trial mi Mr January sa. ft Id
im uu or izne oou.
Dok) Lfitff Scott. SON Lotus lana.
Mlllna iolurr Ucktt. olloo to oourt.
Marriage Ll-iense
OI,n Slim Wtnsio. IS, V. m. Wan,
tot South ma St.. aolrm and aandro
Juno iMHoaia, us. ot aomo, Tumor.
Cdwla A. ITanul, It, TV Uohntdtn,
Ml ima A-., and Laura Buren, St.
houMvlti, S4M XetUt tlk St, aalnt.
Richard Otno Spoor, II. V. a Arar.
Port Orchard, Woab., aod Sloanar Bor-
baro Harmons, lo, atudtnt, aaattlo.
Bdwartf I. Titia, 11, lector, MfBaaa.
and Joaophlno Daffcnaouto, at,
kaapar, oatao. Or,.
Phone 3 -
Handsome printed jerseys, printed rayon
gabardine, fine quality rayon crepe, mat
lise crepe, moire taffeta, striped taffeta,
orlon nylons, pucker orlon & nylon linens
and dozens mora for your gift sewing.
39" to 60
Allies Agrc
: (Oorttnuad (ram Pace 1
Dean, wha lenreaente the
United Nations which fought ia
Korea, told newsmen after
Monday's meeting he was "still
optimistic" although he felt the
talks were moving at "snail's
Arbitrary Deanaad
He said he told the Reda
they were making an "arbi
trary demand" by Insisting oa
non-belligerent participation
without making clear exactly
what the added nation's roles
would be. The communists
have proposed that non-belli- '
gerenta attend without a vote
on Important matters, but have
refused to go into detail oa
tnetr plana.
My questions are very rea
sonable," be said. "Won't you
nleasa studv them and renlvT"
Meanwhile, the Swedish
member of the Neutral Nations
Repatriation Commission aided
with the Allied command ia .
the view that all war prisoners
who haven't returned to their
homelands should be released
as civilians Jan, 22.
That is the way, I read the
armistice agreement," said
MaJ. Gen. Jan Svcnstrom.
There is no secret about li
the disposition of the prisoner :
will be up to the Indian Red
Cross and the ITNRC"
Svenstrom's interpretation
like that of the U. N. Command
runs in variance to that ex- '
pressed by Prime Minister Ja-
waharlal Nehru of India, who
has suggested that the problem
be tossed back to the Red and
Allied commands if the prob
lem remains unsettled.
With only 23 more working
dajs left out of the original
90-day explanation period, it
was obvious the explanation
would not be completed unless
there was complete and
entirely unexpected change '
la Red tactics.
Trieste Parley
(Continued from Page 1)
The Italian spokesman said "
the United States, Britain and
France on Nov. II had sug
gested that Italy and Yugo
slavia meet with them on Tri
este and that Italy had accept
ed the Western suggestions "in
Details Unkaawa
The details of the 'Westera
proposal have not bean mad
public Previously Italy had
suggested that before a con
ference, Italy and Yugoslavia
should be put en the same foot
ing with regard to Trieste by
either Italian occupation of
Zone A, now occupied by
British and American troops,
or Yugoslav withdrawal from
Zone B. Yugoslavia turned
down that aua-eeation flatly.
Italy spokesman said today:
"Insofar aa Italy is con
cerned, there 1 a green light
for the five-power conference."
Pasadena, Calif. W) The
Eastern representative for the
junior college Little Rose
Bowl game on December 12
will be announced Sunday
and the Western representa
tive the following day, spon
sors say.
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