Monday, N'oTeaber 23. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Safes. Orerot) food SECTION Put ( TAXI - '5., erJ ? w Tuna-Curry Dish for Two Brides elruiiUnl to cut standard recipe down to serve two will bo interested in this canned tuna recip from the National Fisheries institute. For not only does the recipe make use of a popular, easy to prepare food, but it also fives the bride an opportun ity to use the colorful divided relish dish she probably re ceived as a wedding present If her relish dish is divided Into four sections, she may put the tuna in two sections and fluffy rice in the other two. What's more, this tuna dish in cludes a curry sauce, which puts her into the gourmet cook class, no matter how much of a novice she may be. Tuna With Carry sauce 1 7 -or. can tuna . 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 clove garlic 1 medium onion, cut in rings hi bay leaf 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 tablespoon flour Vg teaspoon salt a cup water Drain tuna. Break into chunks. Melt butter or mar garine In a saucepan. Add gar- lie, onion rings and bay leaf,1 and cook until onion is tender, about 10 minutes. Remove gar lic. Stir in curry powder, flour, and salt. Add water, stirring until well blended. Cook 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and pour over tuna. Serve ilh rice and cnuiney. serves z. For Sundae Sauce Here's one ol the best sun dae sauces you ever at and perfect for holiday time, too. Mix 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 1S cup brown sugar and a dash of salt In a sauce pan. Add cup sherry wine and 13 cup water, and stir until mixture Is smooth. Cook over low heat until mixture thick ens. Remove from heat Add ; 2 tablespoons butter or marg arine and hi cup finely chop ped walnuts. , Serve warm over ice cream. Tapioca Offering "Peach Tapioca" is a good dessert and one we're likely to overlook. Just follow the recipe for making the pudding on the tapioca package. Cool In Individual sherbet glasses and just before serving time. crown with cheerful slices of canned peaches. Truly Holiday Cookies . These thin elegant cookies beam a warm welcome to your yuletime guests. They are crisp and delicstely browned the kind of cookies thst just "melt in your mouth." For your holiday time open house, pass a plate of this sweet rich Shortbread. Your reputa tion as a hostess will zoom. Steaming cups of hot spiced cranberry punch are good com pany for these cookies. This is the season for cookies by the dozens and dozens. Keep plenty on hand at all times fresh from the baker or your oven. Quickly made. Short bread Is a favorite of everyone. Shortbread Plum Pudding Days Soon to Be Here Now's the time to get set for plum puddings in preparation for the Christmas holidays. Here is one recipe for such a pudding: Flum Podding 1 Vi cups seedless raisins 1 cup seeded raisins 1 cup currants 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 lb. candied fruit mix l'i cups chopped peeled apple i 4 eggs s 1 hi cups brown sugar J fnacktd) j 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs !2 cups chopped suet 1 tsp. chopped suet 1 tsp. grated lemon rind ,1 1 tbsp. crated orange rind 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour i hi tsp. salt '.' lhi tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. nutmeg 'l V, tso. cloves f hi cup sweet wine or fruit juice Rinse raisins and currants and drain thoroughly. Add wal nuts, fruit mix and apple, blending lightly. Beat eggs thorouahlv. Blend in sugar, crumbs, suet and rind. Sift to gether flour, salt and spice, and stir into egg-sugar mix nr. Add wL-.e and mix thor 13 oughly. Pour batter over pre pared fruits and nuts ana mix lightly but thoroughly. Fill 4 greased cans (2 No. 2M cans, 2 No. 2 can) about 34 full. Fas ten double thickness of waxed paper over top of can. Place cans on rack in steamer with boiling water 1 to 2 inches deep, cover steamer, and steam 6 hours. Cool puddings in cans. Turn out, brush surface of pud dings with wine or brandy and wrao well in waxed paper un til used. Reheat before scrv- ln and serve with hard sauce. Makes about 6 pounds pud ding. Pears, Cranberries Good in Combination Far a colorful and delicious fruit compote for the holidays, combine fresh pears with cran berries. It will be a welcome relief from rich desserts prev alent during the holiday sea son. Fresh peara are washed and cored then cooked in hot syr up, spicy with clnamon. Cook the years just until tender. The cranberries then go into the syrup. The rosy color of the cranberries will be absorbed by th pears for a compote as gay and colorful as a Christ mas package. Rosy Peara 4 pears Anjou, Bose or co- mice 1 cup fresh cranberries 34 cup sugar 1 hi cups water hi teaspoon cinnamon Combine the sugar, water and cinamon in a saucepan and bring to a boll, stirring to dis solve the sugar. Put 2 or 3 of the washed and cored pear halves in the syrup at a time cook gently until tender. Re move pears as they ar cooked to heat resistant serving dish. About ten minutes before the nnri are finished add the cranberries to syrup and cook until tender. Pour syrup ana cranberries over pears and al low to cool. Then chill for serving. Using Sausage Temotlnff oven dinner on a cold night is a Juicy casserole of pork and beans loppea wim browned sausage, rirsi Drown I to I sausages in skillet; brown 2 slices of pineapple also. Meanwhile pour 2 cans of pork and beans into a casser ole; place sausage and pineap ple on top. Slice casserole Into oven to bake at 350 degreea F. about 30 minutes or until saus age is done. 1 cup butter or margarine 4 cup confectioners' sugar 2 cups sifted enriched flour Cream butter or margarine. Add sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Add flour and mix to a soft dough. Pat or roll out on lightly floured board to V- inch thickness. Cut with cookie cutter or. sharp knife. Bake on ungreased baking sheet in slow oven (32S degrees F.) about 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Makes about 3 dozen 2 hi -inch cookies. Dress Up Salad Here's a new version to the ever-popular carrot and raisin salad. Add a few chunks of canned pineapple. Good. A pleasing effect is also gained by diluting mayonnaise with pineapple juice to make a fine dressing. Final Wind-up Of the Big Furniture LAST 2 DAYS Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 23-24 At 1 :30 P.M. end 7:30 Evenings DONT MISS IT! HARE Furniture Co. 255 N. High Opposite Senator Hotel Mincemeat Rolls For a new twist on the per- rinial pinwheel roll, try fill ing it with a mixture of one cup of mincemeat, hi teaspoon ground cloves and V. cup coarsely chopped walnuts. Roll and cut dough as usual. Bake muffin pan cups at 375 degrees. Pep Up Sauce Chopped ripe olives are a life-saver for many an other wise uninteresting and prosaic sauce. The flavor of the olives makes sauces taste better than ever before. We especially like the taste treat chopped ripe olives give to tartar sauce. Try it sometime. Patties of Beans Lima beans are excellent "variety" food. After being cooked, they may be mashed, formed into patties and fried. They may be combined with tomatoes and green peppers to make a hearty casserole. They may be used in a vegetable sal ad. Dinner Treat Individual chicken or tur key pies are a dinner treat no one will be disappointed about. Be sure there is lots of gravy and Just before sealing the chicken with flaky crust, i add a handful of halved blan ched almonds. They give the entree elegance and good taste. Ebner's Park 'n Market 3025 Market Sr. Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Whole or Strained Mm cans 35c Tastawell OLEO 5 ,,!. 00 SUGAR Powdered or Brown Mb. pkg SHRIMP Lou-Z-Ana Reg. 45c, can 10c 39c TOMATO SAUCE 5c Tastewell Buffet cans, can Kaiser ALUMINUM FOIL 29c With Plastic Dispenser Both for Lots of Free Parking $3 Sea Our Selection and Look of Our Price TURKEYS HENS TOMS Ntw York Dressed New York Dressed 4&5 ib. 39' ib. Grada A Grade A Ovenraady Ovanreody 59' ib. 53' ib. 10-16 lb. 161b. to 251b. "Fill that sinter with. Morton, frifind WHBN IT MAIM IT POURS" fcdized or pluia ELSINORE. OREGON GROWN Strawberries, Youngbarries, Logonborrlet, rts Boytenberries (No limit), con .. IUC Flav-R-Poc 303 Site PEAS Reg. 2 for 35c llc-6 fa, 65c IDUl FOt KfSSINt Crater Lake Ytllow Freestone PEACHES 20c Stuffed Grren Olives 49c SNOBOY CELERY 7c No. 2a cans Imparted 5-os. or OYSTERS PURE POM SAUSAGE PINT 55 39 UltNl FINEST CAPONS tailing (hickti 11. 65 DUCKS, FRYERS l GEESE TO MAKE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF POULTRY FOR THE HOLIDAY Crisp, Tender Th vary finest, Ib Perfect for Dressing Lb. Loaf Stuffing Bread 19c 46 at. Can Specially Baked for Your Holiday Fewl Libby Tomato Juice 25C 4 far 99c PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH THANKSGIVING Fresh Produce Sweet Potatoes 4 far 25c Yellow Onions 10L29c Freshie Lettuce 2 for 19c Regulars Boiler Sii Large Solid Heads Choose Your Thanksgiving Turkey from Our Large Selection FRESH KILLED (GRADE V) TOM TURKEYS , N.Y. Dressed (Over 16 Lb. A vg.) FRESH KILLED (GRADE A) HEN TURKEYS N. Y. Dressed 12-1 6 Lb. Arg. FRESH FROZEN SWIFT PREM. HEN TURKEYS Pan Ready 12-1 4 Lb. Avg. FRESH FROZEN (BELTSVILLE) HEN TURKEYS 4 to 6 Lb. Arg. MORRELL PRIDE CANNED HAMS 6 !Ub. LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS .b. iSSc SE89 each ) BUTTER Grade A Rosebud With $10.00 Order. Reg. Prite 69c t CRANBERRY SAUCE 229' Oeeon Spray 17 ot. con ' TOMATO JUICE Large 46-oz. can 119' Hunt's Fine Quolity (Limit) POTATO CHIPS Nalleys Reg. 25c Pkg. Fresh ond Crisp mm mmm, WE'RE GIVING AWAY A $429.9 6. L rree I ICKetS HOME FREEZER. DRAWING DEC. 19 Bond Registered DIAMONDS $1200 in Free Diamonds Diamond hunt has baen extended and mora real diamonds placsd in bowl. Com in and try your luck at picking out a frt diamond. All-Pure Milk 2 fall cans 25 $5.89 Case to Colossal Rip Olives H.t: 29' The Really Bif Ones. rfib. cello 19 - si-.. -.. mtS. 4i 2 - 49c Margarine Limit Pineapple Jce. - 23c White Star Tuna :;i 29' Celery Hearts 2 35c Libby's or Del Mont ft , Hilsi leant V0 1 SUP lr MA Lge. 14 or. bottl HtlKI 15 si. 19c 49c Fancy Quality Plum Pudding For o delightful holiday dessert Mincemeat 55 43c Pacific Borden's fine mincemeat OySlerS ':. 27' Aluminum Foil - 29c oOc value piasnc ron noiuer Southern Beauty- Free 4-page ad of Thanksgiving Spec-ials of last week still available. Check last week's ad again forspecial values! These Specials Available al Erickson's Hiway MM., Woodburn EBKKSOm 282S S. Commercial 3089 Portland Road 3820 E. Slale