Monday, November 23, 195 ?.f 4 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ornoa ' -Y Hayesville HayesvUlt The Hayes ville Home Extension unit held the November meetinc at the home of Mrs. C. B. Andrawn on Lancaster Dr. Mrs. Andre- sen and Mrs. V. Perrine were hostesses for a demonstration on buffet meals. A buffet meal was served to the unit mem bers at the noon hour. Mrs. B. Reiman, chairman, was in charge of the afternoon meeting. Topics for discussion were program planning for next year and the Christmas party to be held at the Halbert Memorial Baptist church in the basement on Dec 8. Com mittee appointed for the Christ mas party is composed of Mrs. H. L. Nation. Mrs. H. Wacken, Mrs. W. J. DeBoer. Mrs.'B. Rei mann and Mrs. C. A. Cale. Mrs. Cottingham gave a talk on Hawaii, having resided there IS years before coming to Salem. She also showed scenic pictures taken while they were residents of Hono lulu. Members attending the meet ing were Mesdames B. Reiman, M. Saucy, n. L. Nation, C. E Andresen. C. Cottingham, w, J. DeBoer, D. M. Duvall, G. Farmer. F. O. West. W. Nys trom, V. N. Perrine, W. Pow ers, P. H. Stetzer, O. Noren and C. A. Gale. Guests were Mrs. H. Wacken. Mrs. A. C. homas, Mrs. H. Alexander and Mrs. Berg Sanders, a guest from the North Howell unit Mrs. Fred M. Burelbach from Cranford, N. J., has been a guest at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. B. Reiman, on Blos som Dr. After visiting friends and relatives here and In San Francisco in the bay area she will fly east. The members of the "Small Fry" cooking club learned how to measure accurately at their meeting Tuesday evening when the demonstration was present ed by Sandra Frey. How to make a sponge cake was dem onstrated by Linda Christen son. Members discussed plans for a Christmas party and the gathering of clothes to be sent to ' the war orphans. Refresh ments were served to the lead er, Mrs. G. Siddall, Sandra Frey, Bob Zahara, Karen Tuers, Jim Squires, Forrest Daclsson, Linda Chrlstenson, Judy Borders and Carol Chris-1 tense n. East Salem East Salem The annual "Harvest Festival" sponsored by members of the Auburn Parents club at the school house Thursday night was con sidered a success both flnan clally and as a social evening for residents of this community. It is planned as an annual event in the fall when schools are having open house pro grams. As in other schools each room had some project mea tured. All year Miss Sadie Roth's first grade teacher has a cor ner of her class room which is the play corner, with dolls for the girls and suitable toys tor the boys of six years. Thanksgiving murals and Pilgrim pictures with harvest time collections were featured in all four class rooms. Working in special booths and with different projects were: fancy work table, Mrs. Donald Griswold, Mrs. Jack KilHnger and Mrs. Douglas ENJOY WHAT YOU'RE DOW"1 Freeborn: produce. Mrs. Don aid Jacob, Mrs. J. E. Catrall and Mrs. Pete Gossen; white elephant table, Mrs. Clayton Jacobean, Mrs. Z. G. Schaeker and Mrs. William Mussmacher; fish pond, Mrs. Glenn Moody, Mrs George Mask and Mrs Donald Townsend; cookies and candy, Mrs. Leland R. Harter, Mrs. Jena Graber ana Mrs Dale Olson. The caks wak was In charge of Mrs. Enoch Merrill and the movies were shown by the prin cipal. Mrs. Marjorle Thompson Prizes provided by the club were Christmas Chimes which were given to Mrs. WewietusJ Walker and Christmas candies to Mrs. Katherlne Luyk. Pie and coffee were served by Mrs. Delbert Otjen. Mrs. L.J H. Winger, Mrs. aam banaers, Mrs. Lloyd Mm and Mrs. Vir gil Mahaffy. Mrs Jess Hatch was hostess for a luncheon for the first fall meeting of Garden Road club at the Garden Rd. home Thursday afternoon. Officers for the new year beginning in January were elected. Mrs. Paul Lynch will serve as pres ident; Mrs. Julia Jennings, vice president; and Mrs A. R. Tar tar as secretary-treasurer. A Christmas party with gift ex change is planned for Decem ber at the home of Mrs. Mary Swingle. Past Noble Grands Plan for Christmas Woodburn The regular meeting of the Past Noble Grand's club of Home Rebck ah lodge was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs James Llvesay, Mrs. Frank Wright presided. Roll call was "Something to be Thankful For," and the devotional serv ice was led by Mrs. . Livesav. A memorial service was held in memory of Mrs. Macie Lohse, organizer of the club, who died Nov. 18 at Houston, Texas. Mrs. Guy Engle was In charge of the program and Mrs. Arthur Burt was winner of the prize in games. Mrs. J. B. Gay was Initiated into the club. An auction sale completed the afternoon program. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Llvesay and Mrs. Frank Wright. The next meeting has been moved up to Dec. 10 and hostesses wil be Mrs. Charles Conyne and Mrs. J. S. Cum hings. This will be a Christ mas party with a gift ex change, the place of the meet lng to be decided later. STEVE BOTES jrotfve onlv vooesEt-r to . 9LAM6, ROP69 IF VOOO COME JTHBOUGH WITH THE EoG, -TUfSB BOYS WOULO Be SA.PC l AT HOMC RIGHT taSaVY f WHAT BREED OP SKUNK lAgf you. Hisweov'" i. HIDING BEHIND TWO AT HOMC RrSHT MSaVY rZ 0eN5LE55 CHItaeeN! Il v7 u.aa- a. I Maaaa r ! lif IU L , --.-wi BUT YOU CHOSE TO PLAY SMABT--SO THEY MUST hOW 66 OUO TICKETS TO FREEDOM l M ill MU.Oti' W u CU R THE J BACK 00O'--C DO Wt STABT TMBOtVH.6 SL06S I I ACM OTMEar-W'TM TWaje Kips m i I tm sopev, --53 VJOPEB"HE,S TJ SEAT ft. mm. M IM IN TUB M.W M .-. ra RADIO PROGRAMS! KGW CM NSC Ntt Eaa4af Ufa Paeaar V'M HU1MM roco . s. ' TH TSAM WANT TO M TMI4,' , JU4TW I'M AU.TUNC9 TuerwTOF. THE Tf AM? I eveKTn,l KMaJMAN.fl jst itm II . ., . i if r . v kvyi yi w i aw i a ifiO A T(A Of I NOT (7N THE 9GK1AP. CAM tVM tVK Wl W A LOOSE 9ACK nee UC.lA3 op WMrre navie aw NOW HE 9 AWVE WITH ' COMMON f KACKlft. 7 ORPHAN ANNIE Third Oregon Assn. To Hold Reunion Woodburn The annual reunion and banquet of the old Third Oregon association, (162nd) will be held Satur day, Dec. 5, at the Jewish Community center, 1836 SW 13th Ave., between Market and Montgomery streets in Portland. Dinner will, be served at 7 pa A grand prize will be awarded to the com pany with the most members present and accounted for at roll cal. Master of ceremonies will be Fred L. Peterson; maitre d'hotel, Bill De Bon; chairman of committee, Ralph Gruman; music, Vic Brown plus Star attraction; publicity, Harry Nelson. Herman J. Gumbcrt Is president of the association and Ed Norene Is secretary- treasurer. ED LOEWEN AT DETROIT Detroit The new dispatcher for the Di'lroit district of the Willamette National Forest is Ed Loewcn, who ca -e to the post from a similar position at Oak Grove, on ;.i.e Mt. Hood National Forest Mr. and Mrs Loewen and their 18-month-old son Eddy, are occupying the clerk's house at the ranger station. THE rcoU THE CASTLES! FOOL- PUTTS. THhT RECSST IM TWtr WALL 6AFE-I SAW INTO THAT saM-Twe rewt op the mjluom HE PROMISED M6- THE MS-LION THAT WOULD ELECT ME QOWERHOR-rr WAB IN THERE. TBO-IN CA3H-ALL I NEECt t THAT WHLU HfC- tOFIHOULO GST TONY f eLaorwEO-rrcouLD be -legal'- 3 rT BE A XWME BUSTER- WHY, J - .,, NOTELLINQ HOW PBRJ I) I i llVj COULD OI f, i LIL ABNER F y AM GOT J STO "-V MAM 4ECOM0 A f A-POUNMN' WIND, HONEST II HC.HAfULVN.7 ABE?-MI IS V AM i-PFr.f-LE-AVIN' 'tM l. DO'N' TH' -X IN TH' LUHCHJy &S.STAM) rtO.'.')!.'-SAtt HAWKINS DAV IS ALMOST OVER , AM' AH PR-ACTlCALl.-y CiOT iO' BEAT.? -Jf FOOL "S ')( ifAT)) (-BVTHOOtJ TM ONK VOBOOV SHOULD NtVCA DO TO 0 iVOMAM -AN-IHTHT rATALittONP f -MAMMVt StJVrArAKC J s PKrvfE. iMACK THROUtH If N US M-INTO HG - MAIN.'."). I V4. KOIN T ras TUtSPAV . M. KEX Ncvt im rrt MdJ laauwi Bark Ilea Wi lilt Km. NUIU DiUu (A. Om4lrf Wi4 Brwa yurnt. la Mm. riftla UU ' fmrr L. Jsf Doc's W(f 0afry HUHf nviMgM Ttgtin M. WUftM D. Gmw7 KwafrH Hitto in Art liktr 4. G4frp Kay Wm Wtisw ibwiKm WaUai luir iiiM ' Urfcr II Kar ftrt Jaak't Plaaa U. iMtrt Dies rvU Witartl Mi Fr ItM Olrb U Aialat fmr taw Girai Taacf mUw klrkham Maate kMrfel Urkkaai Ktrkbaaa Tak 1ft city Taka H caar allay KSLM IWt MM' KGAE ItM Ka. Naars al4at Hachaa aUaltwa TUa Taat tai4ar Jack Kirkwa Nlar Jack Kirk t &mlr Twtlm UvatlNcva KawTUat taaai Uar I lira Off Ksi. PraalM rt. Praaiaa pF llai KOC? Mute Malta Hiwsr M.lU Ml Mute Tn . Mute In . M TtaM Wli Tim Mnar :SS BUl.Ml JhBar Wlbfri Klah. !! i Tftatl!UM II' Htl.i Mnite Uallar H.. 14. lllaa Hm.i CaXMUM :Jf Sun Ml. Mr. MK Vl.iU riU! ,., i:S' I-' Wflh BUI Slam Ria Hi... u K.n i:tt MtOn a M r.. An Slarr Tkal'laaMr Baaan :t Al.i Or.Hr raiiar ! Spaaa CI Slaia Slu :l la nur till rrarlaal lrlat Mailt OSC taaaaaa :lf SIS Sftaaur lal frtela.t Diaila Main p.r, B.aara :M Maa'a FaaiU L. Sraiabanatlt Ulfh ITiaah Itis" i:lt WarlS Na Olrblia ' Sraabaaetla Atvaatata Tiarh IMS :r Dlaah Saalc L Tkaaiaa Vaadareaak Wbl.tlla' Track ItM S: r. Slaalia raai. .! Mm.l Tanta T,I J,m l:ST Draf al Tan . lil.a Half) VTaTkTuk" f:r Draraal BaUaca Shai Mmlak Ma. Mlwarai Track KM ST Straaa W (,... Fl.bat Tawa MM Maala Traik lUt t:' fata Orrbaalrk Maalff Xawa Harry Wbia NUkt lala II :SI Baaarlar I Star Flaal Flul rS T. LU Kl(ht " IS:1.K "aarls riaal Gatat Baafc Daara TIbm Malta Nil kl Saaa lt:!r O. L Jaa Jala Narr Daaea TiaM Nra Nllkt Saa O I Jaa Ore antra Uaaca Tin Maala Ktbl Saar 11 Ntaa BcrarS sbaa Daaaa TIM Lac Gta. t It NUkt Saaa " 11:16 L MrCall BararS Skaa Daaaa Tta LH Cra. Sa It Mtkl Saaa l:lr Tit CaaaaU BaaarS Daaaa Tlaia Mclaaiaa Nlikt Saac II:' CUy Caaacll Skaw Daara Vim Mrfadlra SIsM Sana H:St Slim Off Slia Off Daaca Tlaia MalaSiMaa jM jsiia Of Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Trader Louie will solve your problem with ease so that you can own a beautiful new ... Raytheon PRACTICALLY ANYTHING IAKEH IN TRADE - TRADER LOUIE H7t Lana Ave. .Phone 1-I55S WEDNESDAY A.M. TO 11:45 A.M UOPALONG CAOSIDV k '.r- r 'T - if'ajs - PLEASE Take THE TANP1 T DO MOU HAVE X I PREFER TO ACT A LAWYER , ) A5 MY OWN HA4 CAS6IDY cSONE LOCO V A MART LAWYER COULP HELP HIM ' T TH WAY TH' I EVIDENCE STACKS VPyAtOTHIN' . C:0 Dav West RFD O retail Orctaa Fara NW Nawa Brtakfaat Mclatftca 6:15 Uaa M'cl KOIN Klark Mur Tlntkccaar Naak MaladlM 6:30 Pata ril KOIN KlMk Orccaa Fara Nawa Braaklart Fr Nci 6:4F farm Time KOIN Kltk Baar Cliff Carl Naak Nat. Nawa 7:00 JakniiT willilKOIN Klaak News "" " Hcaalmwar Brcafefatl KOCO Black 7: IS CaantryEd. Stmt M. Avroaiky Brcakfaaft Naak KOCO Rlacb 7;.1f Ncaa Ncwa ; Rak Garrc Gafls Breakfast KOCO Black 7:I5 Knot Man. VarlcHca Bafc Baiaa Ncwa Naak KOCO Black 8-00 014 Baaia Caa. Wewa Br rah fait Cecil Brawn Ncwa Ncwa g:l OI4 Haaaa Ncwa Clak . Fan fir AUaijs alder KOCO Klacl R:3f Old ffaaca Taar Mta Bcaakfaal Havca al S alder KOCO Blaak 8 :r Old Ritn Boacmir Clak Beat Saldcr Newt "10T Vcw WWarpca A.M. Edit. Dr. Sward ' Ncwa lay'e 9;I5 Erca aa Ikla Aanl Jennr Tada' Stat Call taiBtry Hpldcr Becarma 9 secret Starr Hclaa Trent Daablc ar Paitat'a CalPSalder Rar'a :df Secret Starf Oal aada Nathla' Bin Caaatcr kaldar Bctardl 10:,. Hat teas Htc. Baad Ufa C. Hantley' (i Hard"r Nawi Bare 10:1 f Ilattcaa Bat-M Pcrktoa Taay MarUa Tela-Teat Mr. Krartka Becarftt 10-31 Strike It . Dr. Malana Mr Traa Maala Mr. airtaa Baa IO:1, Rich Ciaid. tlht ttarr Matle Mr. gwytkc Rccarla II; (H Rak Ha pa " Mra. Bar ten Wbliperlai Ladlaa Fair' Ncwa Ran II : t P. Frederick Perrr Maaen Cirt Marrlea Lad lea Fair Haldar Raaarda 11:.' Phrase Para Nara Draka New Qaaea far spider Bart : ll;Jr tnd Chance Brlahter Da)arnaf Beet a da? Spider Reaarda j FM Mcr.: KOIN It DIAL LISTING KOAC, 550 MiKOACWc ranntr Asenti Blda 'Em Cawbori t:M. Ulnt and Learning i l Cklldraa'a Thaaleri :M, Ncwa and Weather: lilt, Kveatnr Farm nanrt t3. Med I tat Ian i 1I:M. nlra Off. ML'TT & JEFF HOW COME V0U fSAMe OlONTSTAV A V 0L0 LITTLE LONGER STORV. WITH WOUR WIFE V JEFF pAND FAMILVPyaW? x love aav wife, but SHES JUST TOO EXTRAVAGANT' EACHDAV IT WAS,MUTV HAVE fUS!' MUTT, I NEE D 15' "MUTT, 6 WE , ME 5.'"ALL DAV LONG! . tiin " V WHAT DlDSHE DO WITH ALL THAT DOUGH? I DUNNO J I NEIER GAVE HER ANV REX MORGAN. M.D. Fee! istisfled... Chew Wriilcy ' Spurmint Cum. Help relieve monotor.y, boredara. Makci lime pu pleauntly. You (eel belle. -do fltatant chewing helps V" irrp nappy ABir.iaVa" - chiwiho oiu v v A04M H ROOM a BOARD 11 ja 1 F0GH0RNPUFFLE CAM SURE TAKE ON A CARGO OF CALORIES VHEN HE DOCKS AT "THE DINNER TABLE"-! THOUGHT THE JUDGE WAS A WARVEL AT STOWING IT AWAY. BUT WHEN 'FOGHORN i SPADES INTO A MEAL.HE MAKES THE JUDGE LOOK LIKE HE S JUST NIBBLING.' By Ahers AKD 50 VOU WONT BEGRUDGE HIAA HIS CXXlBLE-DLCKHfl":V-.S Of FOOD THE OLD fCX TELLS OF THE TIME HE WAS SHlPWCECKtD KSD A EARREN ISLASnHt?t HE BARELY SURVALDON A DIET OF M05S-AM3 SEA-GULL EGGi' KaSaSaSaX'lVa,T9 AU.! 50??V WE ) IT CXLY J 1 M 55 CAiE.' J NJ-6 TO jlpljlWI JJ 'NUN J DONALD DICK f if llS please maTiiaimr liiiTI''" " " I OUiET.' I'M v IBOOK'I! 'Oj' "a' V It A VrAr Wednaadar, AH. It ,xw" Ncwa and Wcatheri !:!, Biaaelallr far Waajaai U., Miaiai, Nean rar Baar. New Officers for Service Committee The new officer! for the Portland Regional office of the American Friends Service Committee took over st the annual meeting held at New berg in the Friends church, Saturday. Presiding as the new chair man was Carl Sandoz of Port land. The vice chairman is Pro fessor Francis Dart of Eugene, and the treasurer is R. A. Hun gerford of Portland. Members of the advisory committee, in addition to the foregoing, are Ross Miles of Salem. Lyra Oann of Corvallis. and Bernhard Fedde, the executive secretary. Under the leadership of Mrs. Dann, the chairman during the past year, the local office of the service committee has col lected and forwarded for over seas relief over 55.000 pounds of clothing and soap with an estimated value of at least $55, 000. Trucking companies have donated over $774 of services in hauling to the port of em barkation. In addition $28,122 in cash has been raised for the work of the Quaker committee both overseas and at home. Ammunition Barge Pulled Off Shore Astoria W An ammuni tion barge. loaded with 700 tons of artillery shells, was pulled off the shore near Long Beach. Wash., Sunday. A crowd in 500 to 600 auto- L.i1. . J . I 1 L inuuiira mi ncu mi uic Mraiu I In wAfrh the Ilia KnlvnffA Phir.' pull the barge free? j It ran aground Nov. 11 after breaking away from the tug boat Columbia Queen. MARY WORTH MR.5H18JI1AN!.. JM'-.-VOO i rMnWrcflMF Mrsr THE IUAU .. .THE rt8T-! RlVtRBVi -THt 6AIT ,,. -T y -rOUlfttDVMMTWCrSOMrSE -4Sr. " . y A wuiMMieoMiittA- . a,ID RWvTIES ARE XA BtIT NOT WHEN THE 6UEST4 ARE IN THEIR SCCOND CMILDHOOD!- TH ANK5 , AND OOOCNKiHT! - ACROSS L One who te- complishei ft. Kind of rubber Bounder UPreu IX - - -, th Terrible 14. First name of a famous violinut 15. Onset 17. Born 18. Leave 19. Thinned 21. Corrupts 2.1. Greek letter 26. Poker sukw 27. Strokes Kently 30. Japanese statesman 31. Secondhand 34. Small fish 35. Winter storm 36 Black liquid 37.HeaveTy body 28- Masculine nicknam 39. Suitable 41. Approached 4.?. Glut 47. Pair: abbr. 4R. Yale 49. Loses luster 54. Gone by 55. Lohengrin's wife M. Ireland 57. Operated 58. Profound nMm QeIIueE bWTl6gCiRAGT PIAiriAldlLMNTAIDI I R HElfiO.NWaD'p T A7 E R TpRigtMlAiNlCiE T A NmAEuMIElLL I T SnPlMERAS Solution f ftaturday'a Puxzla M. Drlvtnf Una DOWN l.Call 1 Mats! It is mined At htwiiwtm I 2 i - , S b T" B : 9 10 II '-; ' ' . z .Ig: 'J ;' . MB -V mb. '. i,) it it f.-4 il - Wl j. J 24 v ,,,,, .5 Sv 33 j? 3T ' ' -. 7t . ' i J -W -J "... 7 ;.r 'f.y ' .'i . Mir, i 'ifm J -rV il ii IS IT ' 37 " 33 7T ii ti I Poultry product ! 4. Rultd 6. Faittn t Greedy T. Hindu queea 8. Comers t. Crlte 10. SSitltertd I 11. Act 16. Negative O.Cuido'1 lowest nota SI. Ten.e n. Handle S3. Repetition SI Roatlini Itaka SB. Tov.-n In Ohl 29. Sea bird St. Carry 31 Had debts J.V More thlnlr acsttarM ST. Asserted 40. Jumbled type 41 Slander t-Ial 43. Burn 44.Samos 4J. Story 44. Gaeli 50. Doze St. Hurry tl Soa of Cad 14, Javanese aoi f .