Pa 2 FOOD SECTIOV I Ai 4r -,Ar ? f ? n 2 Suggestions for That Stuffing The stuffing it quite Import-. nt for the holiday meal tur key. Here's one uilng several tasty foods: Country-Style Stuffing 1 batch of giblets (liver, heart, gizzard) 1H cups of water 1 package of small shred ded wheat biscuits 1 cup cooked rice 1 tablespoon finely cut parsley I teaspoons poultry season ing t teaspoons of salt Vi teaspoon of pepper Vt pound bulk pork sausage 1 cup finely cut celery IVi cups finely cut onion Put giblets Into 4-cup sauce pan, add water, heat to boil ing. Covr quickly and cook lowly until liver Is tender. Re move liver; cook gizzard and heat until tender. Cool giblets, then chop. Save liquid. Crum ble wheat biscuits into 12-cup bowl, mix In rice, parsley, and seasoning. Cook sausage, cel ery and onion In skillet over low heat about 10 minutes, stirring until meal is Until brown. Add chopped giblets and 1 cup of liquid. Stir into cereal mixture and mixi well, NAMELESS MARSHMALLOWS JEWEL SHORTENING OLIVES 5 Z ALL 5c CANDY BARS CRANBERRY SAUCE CAKE MIX Swansdown PIE CRUST MIX MINCEMEAT Produce SWEET POTATOES APPLES Meat TURKEYS S OYSTERS S? ROASTING HENS SHORT RIBS RIB STEAK GROUND BEEF Just before roasting, pack lightly into cavity of 5 to 7 pound chicken or turkey. Note: Double the recipe to Graham Cracker Pie Quickly Made Graham cracker crust pies are always enjoyed. Here is a recipe: Quirk Cream Fie With Graham Cracker Crust lVt cups graham cracker crumbs 1 tablespoon sugar 4 teaspoon cinnamon Vi cup (H print) margarine or butter, melted 1 package vanilla pudding 1 to 2 cups canned, fresh or frozen fruit, well drained Crush graham crackers into fine crumbs with a rolling pin. Combine with sugar and cin namon. Add melted margarine or butter and mix with fork until all crumbs are moistened. Spread evenly in an 8-inch pie pan, covering bottom and sides completely. Pat crumb mix ture down firmly. Chill thor oughly before adding filling. Prepare one package of your favorite vanilla pudding, cool and fill pie shell. Decorate top witn wen arainea mm. xicia 4-3 servings. FOOD 1940 Mission St. MARKET Free Parking Jiffy Borden's Nonesuch Spill, Jonathans Baldwins (W make enough stuffing for a 16-lb. turkey. The original "Thanksgiving Turkey" was, of course, a wild turkey and all of us probably rt member schoolbook pictures of a wide-hatted Pilgrim, his blunderbuss over his shoulder, bringing home the ceremonial gobbler while a lurking In dian leered from the forest Nowadays, most of us "shoot" our turkeys oft the counter of a supermarket but that's no reason to com pletely ignore the old tradi tions. Try a "wild" dressing to stuff your domestic bird this year and re-create the real atmosphere of the day. Wild Rice Stuffing 2 cups, uncooxea wild rice Vi cup cooking oil 1 cup, fine diced celery 1 cup, chopped onion 1 can (1 cup) button mushrooms H cu, chopped green pepper 1 can beet consomme (or 2 cups game or meat stock) 2 teaspoons, salt 1 tablespoon, chopped parsley Wash rice and soak an hour In tepid water. Heat oil in a heavy skillet and then, stir ring constantly, add rice, on ion and celery. Add consom- Large Pkg. 25 3-lb. can 59 15 10 ,or35 14' Pkg. 25' Pkg. 10 Large jar 49 lbs. 25 $100 Box a . 49' m 25' 45' 15c is. 39c i. 25c THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales. Oregon -It. me or stock, stir In mush rooms, pepper and parsley, add salt. Cover tightly and allow to simmer for Vi hour. Many cocks prefer to pre pare their dressing the day be fore they will use it. As a matter of fact, the flavor is improved if the mixture is cooled in a bowl, then kept overnight in the refrigerator. It will give a suggestion of wild turkey flavor to. a farm raised bird. Vegetable Chowder Is Wholesome Fare With all the holiday fare ahead, once in a while it is well to serve just plain food, such as this vegetable chowder: Vegetable Chowder ' cup (ta print) margarine or butter. 1 medium onion, sliced 2 bouillon cubes 2 Is cups boiling water 1 package frozen succotash 2 medium potatoes, diced 1 carrot, sliced 2 medium tomatoes, peeled and diced 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk Salt and pepper to taste 2 to 3 frankfurters, sliced Melt margarine or butter. Add onion and saute until gold en brown. Dissolve bouillon cubes in water and add to on ion with succotash, potatoes snd carrots. Simmer 13 min utes, or until potatoes are done. Add tomatoes and cook S to 10 minutes longer. Blend flour with milk and add 'to vege tables. Season with salt and pepper. Add frankfurters, heat but do not boll, stirring con stantly until soup Is thickened. Serve hot. Yield: 4 to 6 serv ings. Sweet Potato Dish "Holiday Sweet Potattoes" are one of the wonderful vege tables which may be prepared the day before your dinner and heated in a moderate oven just before serving time. Peel cook ed sweet potatoes: mash, sea son, add a bit of sherry wine for moisture, place in a cas serole and sprinkle brown sugar and coarsely chopped, walnuts over the top. For Hearty Meal Creole lima beans are a per fect choice for a hearty meal. Saute 2 onions In 'i cup diced bacon, add 2 cups cooked tomatoes and 2 cups cooked dried lima beans. Season to taste and simmer about 10 minutes. Wonderful with a green salad. Edible Decoration Edible centerpieces make a lot of sense and they can be very pretty, too. In your best lonking bowl feature a fruit and nut arrangement. Rosy chceked Cornice pears, emerald green avocados, walnuts, fil berts and cluster raisins make memorable decorations. J ihu'i cut, m i trtPPY IT0PS IN QUALITY! 1 1 IMITATIONS ftvjf ii '2 El I LOW IN PRICE Fruited Holiday Cookies On crisp December days the kitchen becomes the center of attraction. Children like coming home from school to find you baking cookies. The coziness of the indoors and warm fragrance of freshly baked cookies create never-to-be forgotten childhood mem ories. Specially designed for the hungry set are Fruited Holiday Cookies. They are spicy rich with raisins, candied cherries and nuts. There's no rolling out for these cookies . , . Just drop on baking sheet and bake. It's a good idea to keep the cookie Jar full of these golden brown cookies. They are good to slip into Christmaa pack ages, too. It's fun to pack box of cookies for someone away from home. Include some cookies from the bakeshop to add variety to the box. Fruited Holiday Cookies 2 cups sifted enriched flour 2 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon cinnamon ' H cup shortening Hi cups brown sugar 1 egg H cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup raisins H cup chopped candled cherries H cup chopped nuts Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Cream together shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg, mixing well. Add flour mixture to creamed mix ture alternately with milk and vanilla extract. Add fruits and nuts, blending well. Drop by teaspoonfuls on greased bak ing sheet. Bake in moderate over (379 deg.) 12 to 15 min utes. ' Makes about 4 dozen small cookies. Prune Salad We like stuffed prune sal ads at our house. You prob ably have your own special cheese mix, but we like to combine grated American cheese with chopped celery. slivered green pepper and chopped ripe olives. We moi sten all ingredienta with may onnaise, stuffed the cooked, pitted prunes and serve on lettuce-garnished salad plates. Elegant Dessert - A dessert which will have everyone talking Sacramento Cream Puffs. For the filling, whip 1 pint cream until stiff, fold In Vt cup sugar, 1 cup chopped or ready diced al monds and a few drops of al mond flavoring. BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half CAPONIZED TIIDIfFVC U- S. NO. 1 COTTAGE FRYERS lUIUlLIJ Just the Best CHEESE $1 TOHJ 47 HENS 19e j Fischer's Aged Cheese pork Loin Roast ib 54c RiB STEAKS Lb. 49c Spare Ribs LD. 54c Lfc Oc t Year oid Center Cut Pork Chops .. Lb. 59c ! -I1M11, For Stuffing. BEEF ROAST UAM( """ CHICKENS 29c u mm Whole lb 59C 49c Guaranteed Sweet Hkkory Smoke Oven Reedy GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes Cranberries BANANAS CELERY Lb. 5C Lb. 23c 2.b,29c 10c iwf? f Golden Ripe Large Bunch CABBAGE t?, ,o TOMATOES POTATOES 3- Tin ItC C U.S.No.2 C Jumbos Coi. Lb. DC CA OQ. Med. Solid Heads ---- 3U lbs. OVC s?,lR!JiP Tomato Juice Cranberry Sauce cider 5xr39e 4J.M- 20c juicer... I 79C Gal. . C d 2 can, 35C No Preservative Ice Cold CORN PEAS Beverages and 0 c.P. Brand Dont Forget Mixer 33c O N 2 1C- Your VL. Cot. Creem Style Z cans ZDC Stuffi"9 Breod Sed BROADWAY MARKET MINCE MEAT A D Broadway and Market St. AC Tt j Star Hours I a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day 3C Thursday Including Sundays ordens 21 at. THANKSGIVING DAY Prices Good Tuet. Till Sunday Raisin Tartlets "Raisin Tartlets" are ever so delicious. See how simple they are to prepare: Line 8 muffin pans with ij recipe plaint pas try. Combine 1 Va cups seedless raisin, 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 tablespoon brown sugar, and fill pastry-lined muffin pans. Bake in hot oven IS to 20 minutes. Swiss Steak With Rice Delicious Here's a trick for varying your Swiss steak serving. Ar range the tenJer braised steak, cut into individual servings, over a bed of fluffy rice and garnish with green pepper rings. Swiss Steak Supreme 1H pounds beef chuck or rfound steak, cut 1 inch thick V cup flour V4 teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons salt Lard or drippings 1 onion, sliced 1 No. 21i can tomatoea a teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 green pepper, cut in rings 3 cups cooked rice, if desired Dredge both sides of the steak with seasoned flour. Brown on both sides in lard or drippings. Add onioni tomatoes and Worcestershire sauce. Cov er and simmer for 2Vi to 3 hour., or until tender. Cook pepper rings 5 minutes. Serve steak on a bed of fluffy rice, if desired. Garnish with pepper rings. 6 servings. LOCKER BEEF WAR Lowest Prices in the Stale 1000 head Eastern Oregon grain-fed beef. Hurry! They won't last too long. Hauled in our own trucks from our Eastern Oregon feed lots. Buy and Save at Packing House Wholesale Prices CUTTING, WRAPPING, CUSTOM KILLING and CURING Fancy Eastern Oregon White Face Beef Front Quarter lb. 16 Salem Meat Co. Serving Fruit Cake Rich moist fruit cakes, lav ish with walnuts, almonds, candied fruits, raisins and dried fruits, should be enjoy ed throughout the entire holi day season, serve it in va riety of ways. Cut thick fin gers of fruit cake to pass with She's saving money A pack of chewing gum would cost more if it weren't for ad vertising. You get 5 sticks with 18 wrappings for only a nickel the same price as 40 years sgo. Cum manufacturers- use adver tising as their lowest-cost way to spread news and information . ru Omnlumml Half or Whole lb. 20 Hind Quarter lb. 25 Monday, Norember 23. 1933 eggnog, wine or hot whole '. fruit nectar. Cut Inch-squares to coat with dipping choco. late and serve as a eonfec-i tion. It Is esimated that the pop- , ulation of the Roman Empire about 30 a d., was about 83 ' million. t about their products. Selling this way makes mass production possible which means lower production) costs, lower selling costs, lower prices. Yes, advertising is a low-cost selling method thst helps keep your living coett down. ft hj Ik AdwmtUmt f Jmmtm Fancy Double AA Young Steer Beef lb. 25' 1325 Soulh 25lh Phone 3-4858 0