Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 23, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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Salem A Authentic cc4 (juide tc Setter tiling
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Edited by Marion Lowry Fischer
Salem, Oregon, Monday, November. 23, 1953
Ideas Listed for
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rou Writer)
The festive holiday season
which gets under way this
week will make many de
mands on the homemaker for
table arrangement that are
appropriate to the occasion.
Many women are reluctant to
attempt a table "centerpiece,
ttien find the greatest pleasure
and satisfaction in the results
which, once undertaken, are
easily achieved. Some holi
day meals will call for some
thing decorative in the center
of the table; others for a buf
fet arrangement at the back
of the table ... or why not at
one) end of the table for a
Decoration depends largely
on he number of persons to
be served. Western trend is
tnward buffet service even for
small' parties. Any dining
roomt is made larger by push
ing thtt rilnln" Mo auainet n
wall for buflt service. After
all, there's no great rush to get
everyone served at the same
time. Alnd there's really more
room far food and serving ac
cessories when the table dec
oration is at the back or at
one end.
Table Arrangements
Colorful vegetables, fruits
and nuts 'in combination with
autumn foliage from the yard
lend themselves to infinite va
riety in arrangements as table,
buffet, sideboard and even
mantle and 1 front hall decora
tions. Certainly, you can mix
tsVm up.
A mound ,of shiny red ap
ples or mixed fruits with per
haps a pomegranate or two,
some persimmons or even a
small melon ' or two tucked
in; arranged on a nest of col
orful leaves, barberry, bitter
sweet or coniioneaster and
sprinkled with mixed nuts.
That's one of the simplest and
most satisfying arrangements,
especially so since the fruit
and nuts become "interior"
decorations at the end of the
If your table is long, a flat
garland of alternating green
and deep blue-purple grapes
wil prove interesting. Or do
It entirely in green tones us
ing greenish apples, winter
pears and clusters of Thomp
son seedless grapes.
A wooden bowl piled with
assorted small gourds and
green peppers around a deep
purple eggplant seem a good
idea as a beginning with red
berried foliage tucked in.
A decorator with wham we
just talked on the phone sug
gested the hollowing out of
the end of a big fancy squash
In which is placed a glass or
bowl of water for holding a
flower arrangement. Arrange
smaller fruits or vegetables
and nuts on foliage or arrange
all in a distinctive large flat
Scoop out a numDkin or
Hubbard or banana
and fill to overflowing with
mixed fruit! and vegetables
with nut sprinkled over all.
Start with a potted plant,
low if for a centerpiece; high
er if a buffet piece and ar
range fresh foodstuffs around
the base.
By now you've probably got
far better ideas of your own.
Have fun!
Spicy Ginger Ale Punches
For planned parties and as
a charming gesture of hospi
tality to all callers, punch puts
a punch into the holiday sea
son. Easy to serve from punch
bowl or from pitcher. One
needs only a supply of grape-
Turk Whirls,
Are Good
Holidays, with all the par
ties and extra guests, can be
hard on the food budget. Moth
f' '" '""'"" ,7
Him khv iduie 13 act wen, ai-
tractively and economically
each meal.
One way to aid the post
holiday food purse is to spot
light the once-cooked turkey.
Turkey Whirls with Cranber
ry Sauce offer a new treat
ment for the main dish attrac
tion. Well-seasoned tender bits
of turkey are rolled in flaky
tender biscuit dough, and
baked. Atop this Is served a
rich red cranberry sauce. The
flavor combination is one that
will capture the family's praise.
Turkey Whirls,
Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry Sauce
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 cups raw cranberries
Combine sugar and water
in small saucepan and bring
to boil. Add cranberries, cover
and simmer gently 10 minutes.
Pour 1 cups in bottom of 8
inch square pan.
, Turkey Whirls
1 4 cups sifted enriched
2 teaspoons baking powder
H teaspoon salt
cup shortening
Vi to cup milk
1 cup cooked boned tur
key Sift together flour, baking
powder and salt. Cut or rub
in shortening until mixture is
crumbly. Add milk to make a
soft dough. Turn out on light-
ly floured board and knead
gently H minute. Roll out to
9-inch.square and arrange tur-
key evenly over top. Roll up'er. that's fine. Doll the bird
like jelly roll. Cut into pieces
about 1 inch thick. Arrange cut
side down in Cranberry Sauce
in square pan. Bake in mod
erately hot oven (400 deg.) 20
to 25 minutes. Serve hot with
remaining Cranberry Sauce;
Makes 4 servings.
Using Cold Turkey
Sliced cold turkey and nip
py cheese between layers of
enriched bread spread with
butter make a delicious broil-1
squashler sandwich. Be sure to salt 1
ami pepper individual sand-1 berry sauce, sweet potato-stui-wtches.
Or grill them on range 1 fed orange or otner tropedl-
Kor at the table.
Last Minute Holiday Preparations and leftovers
Centerpiece Simple
juice, cranberry juice (can
ned, glassed, concentrated or
frozen concentrated) and a
few bottles of pale dry ginger
Punches can be garnished
with practically any seasonal
fruit at hand. Try a few
pomegranate seeds or thin im
peded lime or lemon slices
with a whole clove in center.
Extra Flavor. A punch must
be cold so be sure fruit Juices
and ginger ale are properly
chilled. Use plenty of ice. A
good idea for extra flavor and
Filbert-Banana '
Bread Is Special
Lots of fine filberts this
year! Plenty of bananas, too.
Filbert-Banana Bread
Cream Vt cup shortening and
H cup sugar together. Add 2
eggs and beat well. Sift togeth
er 1 34 cups sifted enriched
flour, 2 teaspoons baking pow
der, 4 teaspoon soda, ? tea
spoon salt. Mix 1 cup chopped
filberts with dry ingredient.
Combine 1 cup mashed banana
and 3 tablespoons milk. Add
the liquid alternately with the
dry ingredients. Pour into a
greased loaf pan. Bake in a 350
degree oven for 50 minutes.
Makes 1 very good loaf.
Sandwiches With
Turkey Are Hit
Believe it or not, many
people roast turkey just so
they can make turkey sand
wiches. At least that is what
they say. Certain it is that few
things make finer eating than
slabs of cold turkey meat be
tween slices of fresh snowy
bread. And this is one place
where white bread is com
pletely and wholly satisfying.
Just have on hand plenty of
white bread, butter, mayon
naise, salt and pepper and
you're all set for the refriger
ator raiders. Be sure to have
salt and pepper shakers of
generous size handy because
the complete success of turkey
sandwiches depends on each
and every sandwich being
salted and peppered. Cran
berry sauce on the side.
Suggestions on
1 t I
wOTDSHing I Urkey
If you are a turkev aarnish
up all you like for that first
memorable impression that
results in family and guest
Oh's and Ah's when the turk
makes his appearance at the
But . . . have a good size
plate or platter convenient so
the head of the house can re
move the garnishments and
clear the platter for action;
carving action, that is. No
man, however proficient at
carving, can work his way ef-
ficlently around slices of cran-
to keep punch from diluting
is to use ice cubes of ginger
ale.. Freeze them as you do
ordinary ice cubes.
Cranberry Punch, For each
4 glasses or 8 punch cups, sim
ply combine one cup ginger
ale and 3 cups canned cran
berry juice. Pour into glasses
and float a lemon or orange
slice ... or if you want some
thing really fancy and also
more filling, float a scoop of
lemon or orange ice cream in
each glass.
Grape Juice Punch
To make 30 punch servings,
combine 1 cup water, 2 sticks
cinnamon and teaspoon
whole cloves in a saucepan.
Bring to boll; remove from
heat and allow to stand 5 min
utes. Chill and strain. Com
bine with 3 cans concentrated
grape juice and V4 cup lime
juice; mix well. Pour over
ice in punch bowl; add 2 large
bottles pale dry ginger ale.
Garnish with lime slices or
add small scoops of lime, lem
on or grape sherbet.
Turkey Reminders
When turkey is cooked,
serve it promptly or cool
quickly and store in refriger
ator at 35 to 40 degrees. Be
sure to cool turkey thorough
ly before placing In refriger
ator. Do not hold for more
than 2 days after cooking.
When serving turkey, do
not leave it at room tempera
ture or on a hot stove more
than an hour. Cooked tur
key and turkey dishes when
warm, spoil quickly. Cool
leftover portions of turkey or
turkey dishes quickly and put
them in the refrigerator. Do
a i.VfiVvkJ
ALSO TRY-Spoghnl, tolwltftM.
Stuffing !
For Goose
Or Duck
Roast goose and duck are
increasingly popular, now be
ing available both fresh and
frozen, ready for the- oven.
There's even a few junior size
geese being marketed for a
rapidly expanding "trade";
frozen and oven ready. Distinc
tive and delicious. This reci
pe will take care of a 10-to 12
pound goose or 2 junior geese
or regular ducks.
Orange Stuffing
i cup butter or margarine
V cup chopped onion
Us cups chopped celery
1 cup boiling water
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons poultry season
ing Vi teaspoon ground black
2 tablespoons grated orange
2 tablespoons minced pars-1
2 quarts (8 cups) toasted
bread cubes
2 cups diced oranges
Melt butter or margarine.
Add onion; cook until limp.
Cook celery until tender in
the cup of boiling water In
covered saucepan; add season
ings, orange rind and parsley.
Add to cooked onions, bread
cubes and diced oranges; mix
well. Stuff body cavity and
neck of 10 to 12-pound ready-to-cook
goose, or two junior
geese or ducks. .
Cinnamon Dumplings
With Fresh Pears
Oregon's pears are enjoyed
in a fruit dumpling. Try
Fresh Pears, Cinnamon
4 Anjou, Bosc or Cornice
Vt cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch ;
IVi cups water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon grated lemon
Dumplings: ,
1 cup biscuit mix
Vi teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cooking oil
Vi cup milk
1 tablespoon sugar
V4 teaspoon cinnamon
Combine sugar and corn
starch in a saucepan that can
be tightly covered. Add V
cup water and stir until
smooth. Add remaining water,
lemon juice and grated lemon
rind. Bring to a boil, stirring
constantly. Add halved and
cored peas. Cover and simmer
for 10 minutes. Combine bis
cuit mix, Vi teaspoon cinna
mon and 2 tablespoons sugar.
Mix cooking oil and milk to
gether; add to biscuit mix and
stir well. Drop batter from
end of teaspoon that has been
dipped in the hot syrup. Place
one teaspoon of dumpling mix
ture on each year half. Com
bine remaining tablespoon of
sugar and Vi teaspoon cinna
mon and sprinkle over dump
lings. Cover and simmer for
15 minutes. Serve hot with
cream. Serves 8.
not keep turkey dishes such
as creamed turkey more than
one day before using them.
l Vi
Favorite Way to serve Apples With Roquefort spread.
Feature Apples During
Holidays; Plentiful Now
(AP News Features)
Make the most of apples at
holiday time. Such a crisp,
crunchy, comfortable fruit!
Serve apples our top-favorite
way when guests drop in or
for Just the family. Shine the
rosy red fruit until It gleams,
place it on a lazy susan or a
tray and offer it with Basic
Roquefort Spread or Dip.
To make the Roquefort ac
companiment we allow a quar
ter to a half pound of Roquefort
and a half pound of cream
cheese to stand at room temp
erature to soften. Next we
work them together with a
wooden spoon and then force
through a fine sieve to make
smooth. After that we thin with
cream or mayonnaise the
amount depends on whether we
are making a spread or a dip
and add dashes of Worcester
shire sauce and celery salt. We
serve our beet fruit knives with
the apples and let everyone cut
his own slices to spread or dip
into the luscious Roquefort
mixture. Our eaters are always
mad about this combination!
We think yours will be, too.
Another delicious way to use
apples is to put them in a relish.
ladle it into small Jars, decor
ate gaily and pack into Christ
mas boxes for your best friends.
Make the relish now and give it
time to set so you'll have time
to lit during the holiday rush)
Apple Relish
Ingredients: 4 cups prepared
apples (about 3 pounds ripe ap
ples), 7 cups sugar, cup vin
egar, H cup finely chopped nut
meats, Vi cup seedless raisins
(rinsed in hot water and drain
ed), "z bottle liquid fruit pec
Method: First, prepare the
apples. Core and grind about 3
pounds fully ripe apples. Meas
ure 4 cups into a very large
saucepan. Then make the rel
ish. Add sugar, vinegar, nuts,
and raisins to fruit in saucepan;
mix well. Place over high heat;
Spices are expensive. When you buy - buy for Flavor buy
D LUD Kl w
bring to a full rolling boil and
boil hard 1 minute, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat
and at once stir in liquid fruit
pectin. Skim off foam with
metal spcon; then stir and skim
by turns of r 5 minutes to cool
slightly, to prevent floating
fruit. Ladle quickly into hot
sterilized glasses; cover relish
at once with Vt inch hot naraf
fin. Makes 11 medium glasses.
Yams in Salads
And Desserts, Too
Yams in flavor and texture
combine well with fruit in sal
ads and desserts. Here are two
easy-to-prepare recipes In
which yams are teamed with
Chilled Yam Ambrosia
(Makes 8 servings)
2 cups diced cooked yams
1 No. 2 can fruit cocktail
1 cup orange sections ,
1 cup diced bananas
cup shredded coconut '
Dash nutmeg
In a large bowl, combine all
Ingredients; mix lightly. Chill
thoroughly before serving.
Yam Fruit Salad
(Makes 4 servings)
2 large yams, cooked,
peeled and diced
1 cup well-drained pine
apple chunks
1 cup diced bananas
1 cup unpeeled, diced apple
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 3-ounce package cream
3 tablespoons orange juice'
In a large bowl, combine
yams and fruit; sprinkle with
lemon juice. Chill thoroughly.
Soften cream cheese; add
orange juice and mix until well
blended. Pour over chilled yam
fruit mixture. Toss lightly.
Serve on crisp lettuce leaves.
Pineapple chunks and fluted
banana slices may be used as a
garnish if desired.
-y. SINCE 188l ,
ia. vwiir" z-v-'--K- y .
Using the ;
Of Turkey .
Use the very last bit of
meat on the turkey bones for
this rich and wonderful "Tur
key Olive Mousse." It's a par
ty dish for sure and one w
like to serve on special holi
day buffet supper or luncheon -menus.
We use a can of cream
of chicken soup for the base
so it goes 'together easily.
Pieces of ripe olives, crisp
celery and bright bits of pimi
ento make it extra pretty and
add to its excellent flavor.
Garnish this entree salad with
sprigs of parsley and shiny
black olives. . .
Tnrkey Olive Mousse
1 envelope (1 tablespoon)
plain gelatin
Vi cup cold water
1 OOtt-ounce) can cream
of chicken soup
lVt tablespoons lemon Juice
Vi teaspoon prepared
mustard .
cup mayonnaise
cup ripe olives
H cup chilled evaporated
' 2 cups finely cut cooked
1 cup finely chopped
Vi cup diced pimtento
Soften gelatin in cold water,
then melt by setting pan over
hot water. Blend in undiluted
soup, lemon juice, mustard
and mayonnaise. Cool until
slightly thickened. Cut olive
from pits into large piece.
Whip chilled evaporated milk
in chilled bowl until light and
fluffy. Fold Into cooled gelatin
mixture. Fold in olives, tur
key, celery and pimlento.
Turn Into loif pan (about 8 "4
by 4tt by 2Va inches). Chill
until firm, unmold and slice
to serve. . ;. ,
Serves 6 to 8. i
Points on Cooking ' '
Smaller Turkeys 1
Remember when cooking the
smaller or junior size turkey
that they are young and tender
and contain a small amount of
fat so they must be handled
Because of the small amount
of fat, conserve it and rub in
other fat which can be butter,
margarine, shortening or salad
oil or cover top with a cloth
dipped in fat.
Do not tuck in the cloth.
Avoid over-cnoking the small
bird. Test it when you think it
has reached the "done" stage.
A six-pound bird should be
checked after It has been in the
oven 2 hours. Roast preferably
in a V-shaped rack, breast sidf
down. Like bigger turkeys.
Junior will have better flavor il
allowed to stand before carv
ing. , i