Holiday. Nww bw 13, 1M DENNIS th MENACE ByKttchom p- 'UP A TUX CAPITAL JOURNAL. Ukm. Ongom PC 17 fOST ELECTION CONFERENCE MARKET QUOTATIONS UNITED STEWARDESS POBTLARS) rmOBVCS UST Batteries Teatatlv, aubJecl l bm- Prmlam saaBtp, nut- eM per seal aMil da- A?E YOU SU(?E CW) WAS TAIXIN' ABOlir THE SWE UY? ONE DOESWT LOOK l A WQHWtf ROBBER! luTOMOBILES sicn BESTOWS II FORD DKLUXI SEDAN Ford om site, radio, hniir, ts ton wether laUrlar. beautiful Unlit tlltft SI BI7ICK SPECIAL HDAH Drneftow, radio, beater, turn Unel, washer, back-up light, tie. Cwtw tva ton Interior. Oo nur-17,-M3 BUlSS. W hV Complete service record 1114 to DESOTO CUSTOM MDAH Om owner 43.173 aim. ipetleat roo- 4 Mian, automatic transmission, turn signals, delui better 1131 M BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Drasflow, radio, heeler, rovers, M. 44 nUu, v hav service record I11M Buiek Sedan Pontile tediaet .. Cbevroltt Sedta .. Old! SodtB LtSttlt Vt Sedta Pord Sedtn VbugrfabetltfUcedCar from Buiek Pealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY tatnereltl tt CtnLir Pbaae S-M2S Sell or Trade Local meobaate will accept chetptr oar in trade tot bit lt4 OMimobllt Delate II. Hu tverr tccotMry. Includ ing brdrtmttle diire. Will five new cu tutrtnte. Phone 3-1164 erenlnti. q31 1M1 MERCtlBT Club Coup. RadM, belt er, overdrive, fender tklrtt, two toot tat. Manr other vxtrta. Will ttcrl Itro for ejulck ia)t. Phone 1-fltM. qJTt FOB iaLR or trade. IPSO Che. 3-door ttdaa. Would trade for m l-uxi lM model truck. J. J. Stcffin. Sta?- IM. 4311 LOOK! ' OWNER MUST SELL 1953 WILLYS ACE TUDOR ONLY 4 MOS. OLD DRIV EN 8,000 CAREFUL MILES EQUIPPED WITH RADIO, HEATER & OVERDRIVE, TU TONE PAINT, W. W. TIRES. COST NEW $2650. SACRIFICE. ' $1,995 CAN BS SSXH AT ELSNER MOTOR CO. Ml K. Hlh Btm oatr im Lincoln -Door evdio Radio. baator. hrdramatlr. new tires, low niteeste. can be n tt Apt. 1. ill! ParUand Ad., after t ptt. QlTI SACtUPICS PONT I AC 4-DOOT Special Dalaso. Hjdrtmatlr. rartto heater. Terr clean. Ill caib. Phone 1-1113. oJTT 1U nrMOOTai ub rbaa. 13M mllat. ownor Phono 3TIM. t IMI PORD Victoria, RAH. automatic enva. other eitru, low Mtleace. real cioaa. Consider trade at older oar. Call; Damn orenlngs, Id XI. X30. o3M lM DB SOTO custom eedtn. Uko nrw. obit I13. HIT K. Winter. e3l AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR athtq BASUTOS TKOCHit vauoy aawwr cw, oi perls win ao.rt roar prob lema nsd ta?t row eaoney prto ostl ittaa. tpeod wrrtoa Cantor at Lib ert? or HEAVY EQUIPMENT -1 CAT FOB Bllt Ttitit l-MW Wll. nils Phillips. SMV M. . TRUCKS INTISXATlOHl 1, tna c.b iw. cm 4MU Wlor. . m. tint' Ht It-TOB fOBB nrtm .aMiltoB. A .t.M at m'U Stat. Tt $3 (llSfDCJlflh. FINANCIAL AITTO LOAM. wiLLAinTri cr.ron ca in Mil caan. Parkla. ft-Ftoatv I-IU1 U . H-1M S-IM LOANS UP TO $1500 a Slrnstur. Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL. It's "- promptly to employed mo or toao. S 1-vlilt lota . . . phont first d Tou select beit payment date Between payday loins Phone, writ or mm la TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 10 B. HIOH ST.. SALEM Sttte License Mot. S-1U. M-14 Loans over (ON to 11M0 and P to to month to repay made br Personal Plotnct Co. of Marlon County uttder tbt Industrial Lota CeewaaJa Act of Ortt on. rJIS sn us ron rkRu. cmr or acreaox LOAN BSBT OP THUSS VI BUY Kal latiu UnrUU Si MtrMU State Finance Co. in a hub at. n t-.ui REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO, ROIfftT W ORHSCN. Pats 687 Cowt . v.c 4-2281 CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 SEX FRED SOHOTT 118 S. Liberty St. PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS Ut a-m and W-Sa) and RO, m SIMMONS V8URANCB AND LOANS Rear "Tay Trades" ' U Oft Dairy K8LM 1XM Kay OftKBRAl PIHAKCB CO LOANS 131 So Commerela! SI Tm 141tl HOUSE TRAILERS Bur TRAILXR HOMES Sell Trade Rent LAN A LANK TRAILXR PLAZA 141 Lena Ave. ta3fl DIRECTORY ADDING MACHTIflf An makes need mMblnes said, rented. torn, aa cam PB a-wTTJ. BL'LLDOZIVO Bnlldoslns. roads, eleartat teeth. Y tr ill Ha key. 111! Patrrtew. phone 1-I1M. o3M COMMERCIAL TYPING Also direct moll edetrtuinf. NATHAN SWAN. 11M HaUate. al' kicTvATTNO Ben Ot)rn At Son. etcaratlnc and cradtni. Land elesrint. Pa. 1-M 0314 INSULATION Inaalation, weatbentnpe, storm sash. Ptoo estimate. T. Pullman. Phont 034 MATTBXISIS Capttoi Bed dins, r en or tea Pall tine new mattresses Ph. J-4eev ornct pi-BNirtiBB surruBs Desk chairs, fUea. fUUat I tapiuatrr. onpnlle. desk Itmpa. writer standa iMa. KCPTIC TAN KB Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. D'roAler cleans sewers, drains. Phone l-4l. 0297 Bamti't sepue tank cleaned, line err ice awaranteed Work. Phono I-7404. 1774. 04 SEPTIC TANK. Sewer, eeptlt tenia, drains cleaned. Ro-Sa-BanUr Sewat Seretaa. Pboo 3-Ain TTPXWRfTKBB Bmlth. Cerwae, lkmtnaw BaraL On gaacstsea Repair Oewrt. I-77l fttTMDOW CftAAJfTJia LODGE Sslem. Lodge No. 4 AT. K A A M. degree, 7 P.M. rv Following their liv day convention In Salem member ol Oregon Farm Bureau Federation elected officer ahowa in thla photograph ai they appeared in their port-election conference. From left: Harria Higgins, third vice-president; Harry Brownell, second vice-president; Ben Robin ton, president; Mrs. Fred Rueck, Farm Bureau . oman'f chairman and Fred Rueck, first vice-president. Special March For Carriers R. S. McKee, 43BO Macleay Road, has been named co-chairman in connection with the "Letter Carriers' March for Muscular Dystrophy." He will work under Postmaster Gen eral Arthur E. Summerfleld, honorary national chairman. The program includes a visi tation to every home in the United States by 100,000 letter carriers the day following Thanksgiving for the purpose of collecting funds to assist vic tims of muscular dystrophy, a fatal disease affecting hundreds of thousands in the U. S-, most ly children. To honor the letter carriers for their contribution of time in rewalking their routes to make collections, a four hour, coast-to-coast radio and tele vision show, headed by Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, will be broadcast the evening of November 25. Oscar Been Injured, Shows Improvement A Salem man who was in jured while loading machinery on a truck at Mill City Satur day is reported in series' condi tion, but showing slight im provement at Salem General Hospital. Oscar Been, 432 Marion street, was injured when a 400 I nniinH whMl that he was load- i ing on a truck fell on him. He was helping dismantle some machinery for Mountain States Power company at the time of the accident. He is employed by the William M. Harris Sal vage Company of Salem. He was brought to Salem by the Mill City Ambulance Com pany and for a time was listed in "critical" condition but is now in less serious condition, the hospital reported. Ralph Morgali at Mexico City College Ronald R. Morgali, son of , lege, in separate petitions, have Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morgali of requested Dean Seward P. 1845 Grant street, Salem, Is a Heese to withdraw his candlda student at Mexico City college, for ,ppoiniment United the only institution of higher Sute, ,Uo or 0 learning in Latin America ., 4U . u granting the American-type Jh"r m'n"on tht he is n a m a " chairman of the conference of m'.ii ir.I?iTVm K. the Western Association of Law I. hf.l b!SS nd .tj Colle tht ""U her. next lem high school and attended ,M . . . Willamette university before coming to Mexico City college. where he is gaining an idomatic mastery of Spanish and becom ing familiar with Latin Amer ican customs and culture. LEGALS Mr. and Mrs. J. McNeil, 610 oTirs or saii Commercial St., have recelv- M...Mt m. isu ed word of the birth of a daugh- Th otm.. B4iu Hiihw.r cmnmiMim ter to their son and daughter-rk-'".r.,",r?.SS:-'w. Lieut, and Mr Robert k.ttiu. kun mum .n Hf an. I Kelly McNeil of Miramar, Plant at Relem. Or ion. I StaJed bed for the purchase of all ar anr an ptee f this wsod ewulpment i eevd for all ar anp elae of the scrap material will be roetlrad by the Stat , HMhway Ceanmlaitan In Racira 113. tt. Rkthwar Bulldias. Salem. Oreaon. wntu 10 in, Monday, November 30. 144, t which time th bids will b publicly opened and read. Propoasj form and fall taformttloa for bidder wity be obtained la Room 111. Stste Htthwey Building. Sslem, 1 Ore no, and at tb Equipment Pitol at 1 Sal. ontnrm state hiohwat COMMISSION Nov. 11 11 111 PXrTITTRTX NOTICE NOTTCI 18 HEREBY OIVXN that LBLA K. bIDNKERS ba wee, by order of th Clrewlt Cowrt of tb But ef Ore- tan for Marlaet County, appointed etoo jint ef the estate af MARY B. HUM, any persons bavins claiau against said estate are requested to pre sent thorn, with proper nocbarr, to said aroewtm at lift Pteoeer Trwot BwiMtsa. Salem. Oreeam. wlthta U lawafh from ; tb dote af tht notice. Dated thU lud day rf Nor . 111 LELA bt- MUPJRERAV Vxeewtris of th taut to Msry B. Meia, do- BBOTSM. RBOTTN 4ft SPEEAaTTR A, lift Pioneer Trail Ball dins. Attorney for Tkantrtk. mm. I t. tt. a. STOCKS tBr TsM Aamtaiid Prtatl A da Ira1 Corporauoat Ailtod Cbemlcal AUlt Cbattners American Airline .... American Power Ulb American Tel. TtL 14 American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchisor Railroad .... Bothiibem steU , Boeing- Airpltint Co. .. , Bon Warner Burrows Add In i Uacblst, California Packins .... . Canadian PacllM Caterpillar TTtcttr .... . Celtncse Corporation ., , Cbrraier Corporation . . Cltle Berrlct Conaolldated AVuaoa ... . CewoiMat4 VulUo ... . Crown ZellerbacB CurtUa wmbt Dowlas Aircraft , Du Pwai o Kemoara . Xaiimaa Kodak ., Amtraos Radio , Oentral Xloctrm ....., . Oenerai Pooda Oroarai Motors Oeertia Fu. tr'ijwootf .. . . i . t3H . II . s n . 14 . S3 . 33 . . . 1 . M . 41 1 . 11 . 14 . a 11 .13 Mi . 44 H . . tlN, a WH . M4 Goooyeti Tiro .... 60 T ..... 34 .... 11 "4 Homcatako siininc Ca. . . InternoUontl Ha r Tester . international Paper Johns Wanvilat Kaifer Aluminum , Kentifeott Copper II , t , IIS Llbby HcRen Loct h red Altcraft Loewoa lneoiptraied ... . Lont Sell , Monuomerr ward ...... Ntsb KelTlnato- . a It . IU . wv 114S . 4'a r fork Central Northern Paeitlc Pacific American FlsU . , Ptcilio Caa m AteclrM . , Pacific Tel V Tel , Packer Motor Ca,r .... , Penney , J. C , PennarUania R R. .... Prpai coia Co. ....... Pnuo Radio Rtdto Corporation ..... Raronler Incorp Rtyomer Incorp PId. . Republic Steel ...... Rernclda Me la is Rtchfleld Oil Sarewty Stores. Inc. ... Scott Paper Co .... eeira Roebuck at Co. .. Socony Vacuum Oil .... Southern Pacific Standard Oil Ctlll ivtandard OU N i. Studebeker Corp, Sunibiae lllnlnf Swift At Oo. TTansamertca Corp. . Twenlletb Ceatury Pai Union Oil Company .... 1 I'nun Pacifie ' United Airline United Aircraft United Corporation .... United States Plywaodl . 1H , . ! . 114 II.Mi . US 1 t 4 n us i 44 Unite Stales Stool Warner Pictures w otters Union TtL . . . . Wtftlnphouso Air Brake WMtiaenoneo Keetrte . wtolwortb Reese Petitioned to Withdraw Candidacy The six faculty members and the second and third year stu dents of Willamette Law Col- May, that his advice is needed in the pending publication of j . Ih -'.., . .'.. good of the school." McNeils have girl DOUndl 15 OUnCS Slid is flSm- le Scott, Mfttemal KTSnd- . parnU BF Mr. Snd Mrs. Strange Of PenSBCOlS Fls. WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Hut Shelters ih 3 Santa Xopler Comes Friday Santa Claua Is arriving Fri day, November 27 at the Capi tol Shopping Center, officials announced today. He's coming in by helicopter and will land on the Sears building roof at 11 a.m. He plana to circle Salem first and after he lands on the Sears building will climb over the side to parade around all the marquees at the Shopping Cen ter so that he can visit with the youngsters on hand to greet him and drop them free candy. He'll be at the Shopping Center from Friday until Christmas every day to personally greet each child. Officials at the Center also announced that they are plan ning the Northwest's largest Christmas display for this Christmas season. A life-size nativity scene in full color will be in the center of the parking lot. 14 Gigantic Christmas trees will decorate all the light posts and 8,000 twinkling lights will be strung about There will also be gay red and white Christ- i mas bells and merry Santas to make the atmosphere fully complete in every respect. The Capitol Shopping Center parking lot display will be lit lor the first time Friday eve ning ana promises to be a j breath-taking view for all be holden. Staek Market New York i Resistance to modertU aeuint appeared in only a few place ! Monday in the stock market, and the icnerti cureciMa was down. Prices ware down between 1 and 1 point t the most. Oalna seldom weal nivner .nan a poini. Tradlat was sllfhtly blther than aver at at an estimated 1,400.00 shares. That comparea with 1, 300.000 eh area traded Prlday when the market closed sllehtly lower. thleeeo Grata Chlcaca tJP) Soybeans raced up snore than ft cents In ectlve deallnci on tna board af trade Monday, January. March and May scllint abouva the 3 0 mark. Teucblnr aff the atticMlte buyint in beans was new the Poreltn Operation! Administration had aareed t sell aome of Its supplies of soybeans t West Ger many, wblch would reduce the stecka held In this country. September soy beans, rpTsntln the 114 eras, de clined. Corn Bad firm itnderton throuth at the day In reflection of continued llsbt receipt of rah train. Wheat eased at the start and then came the ad atrwatly (award the finish, aided by toe strencta u aoytMn. Wheat cloeed to I cent higher, Dec. L1.M4. corn I'.-lt bUher, Doc. I ll-, eel ,- hither. Dec. 14S II. rye S to 1 cent hither, Dec. l. l.ltv, soybeans l1- lower to IS hither, Jan Itt-I N, and lard M to rents a hundred potinds hither, Dec 14.31 14 1. Portland Uveeteek Portland dUb Trad lax was arllvt the Portland U re lock market today. CatU ltofti market active, steady: eewa a Irons; lead choice around 91 lb. fad ateer 14; few load tood-chttle held around 11 40-31. to; few good tram and short-fed ateer lt-11; few commer clal-twod belters 17; eutler-auiltr steers and belter 1 10-11; can nr-cu iter cow meetly T-l; few I to; down; atUltp cows f-ll; commercial held above 11; trtllltr Pll U-13: eattera down to I. Calve 444); market tctlvt. stetdy; good-cheie vaalers 17-11; good-cbolcs rasa calve 14W-1IU; several lot a ood -choke stacker steer calves I ft-17. few 17-ft. Hess llto; market acuv. Vftc-IW hither: abelce IM-m ft. bauher U.ft 34: crvMe IM-M lb. 11-13 to: abate rw-to lb. ws to-ll. cbeiee Uft-ftto 1. stats lft-ll. Sheep lift: market ectlve. steady to stremt; tiUrai top hteber on Im proved ouajltr, sewrsl lots choke wooleS lemba II; few choice-prim leu 11 ba it; ed-chtea Jamba slow; few eood feeder 14; ntUlty na l.w-4.ftt; bc U I. AST1IUATICS! h'i oat y to broatho Perry's Drag Store 128 8. Csmmerclil St. Csfeft e ma. sieasod In Par Hand a-Tla lb-1 lirat al Ity. -. aecaad ajuaUty. M-wl. Valley rcatea and couatry , I aanta teea. aaisw waaiesai l a-a. balk anbaa la waetiaaala. trad AA. ftl eeeea. aatba; A irad. SI acara. iat B. N eetva, 4et C. M scare, tla. A bee art trtettf aanuaal. Cbeoea aelllnt piies t pwrilaajS wbaleealer. Oretea atatles. 41 hk afta: Oreaoej ft B. loal. IS-ftlSfe. xea la Wbeleealere ii.Caadled ema coauialna s latta. caaea lacluded fb. Portland: A trad Urte. im-dlTea; A trad aaodlum, MVa-asc: A trad trill UH; B trad lar. II-UV PwltaM Dairy Market Bettsjr Price u retailer: Orad AA prlat. Tic; A carton. Uti A prUU, TAa. carte. 7e; B prtals, s. Etta t protmrera CandlaS I.e.. Pertlaad: Daaraded Ur. a-i dea.; ira4 AA larce. 14 do.; A lam. die doe. ; AA medium. 11 doe.1 A trrad mediate, 41 -ti dee.1 A rada amail nominal. It-J4e. Eat t Setellere Orado AA. lame, tttc; A lane. l-eet AA medium. Uc; A medium. He; A emalL 4V4A. Cartons 1 seau addlttaaaL Cbeoa Prtaa t retailer, ParCena. Ores on alas lea, dftH-4; ft lbs. laat. ftl-Uc: triplet. IS lass that, aia- las. Premium brand, slat lea, ft for slntle vheels MS. Procaued Am. erlcaa chees. ft-lb. leave Is Mlali, 41 r- i. Poultry Ale Cbleb4aa-.rHv 1 auallt. IaS alanut: pryera, ISe-ft Ibe lit; 1-4 las.. He; raastar, 4S lbv, and ewer heavr hena. all wakhu. Iftc: liaht bens, aU weistu, lt-IH, aid reosUrs. 14- Drimid fleltew Ma. I etraeaed U retaitera rryers, srotltrA 41-41 routers, all lU. 41-41ci 11 hi bene. ae-sec; neary nent, ll-ue; ut-Hp fry. era. all tu, fts-Ms lb ; whale Sraws. U- 4e lb Dretiaod twrkera-r re tab eta: A arracw Ylaerated hens, ftl-aft lki rtasrated tom. 11-14 lb,: accorwiaa- to weisbu New York dressed total, 41 m.: New York dr sated ben. 41 lb. To producers: Oreda A yoitnc ben. MM lb. f.a.b farm: A tarns, tbt la. kits Svarat ba trrawwrat Uva white. IH-ft lbu ll-Jle; ft-4 laH 14-304 lb.: eld doea, ll-lle. few hither. Prash frrsr u rstaiiera. a-4tei mmi up, se-esc. Cownlry KICod Maata Veal-Top auellty. M-Ilt B.i heavtes. lb-lac. aia Lean, biecksr. N-IB Ib.i aaws. uini, sa-aae. Lamba Beet, n-M . yeaiilnc. aa-na in. 11-14 m i attu.itiutr. l-lc. Beer-Dtmtr cows. M il ft i eaaasr- cutters, 17-ltc; sheila down to lb. Freeh Dreaeed Meata Whaiasaiai to istaUara. DaUar nai ewt.: rf-tert. choice. ftet-TM Ins.. ltd. ood. 134-41; commerclsL 131-34; utility, i-37; commercial eowa. MJ-x utility, 133-11: eannera-eulters. 111-33 BccP Cat Choice steers bind uart- era. 4l-U: raond. I41-4I: full loins. trimmed. iTe-a; trltntles. 131-Ui far Quarters. Ul-ldi tcbucka, 111-41; rtb. IbJ-ftl. Perk rata Lotns. choir. I'll ma.. isa-ki: shoulderi. l lbs., 131-40; spare- libs. 1M-44; trash ham. 1ft-14 lb, 14. Veal nwd Caltee Oood-cholc. all we If bis, 434-11: commercials. $33-11. Urnbt Choice-prims. U-17 M; caod, $14-11. Smekad Mem Skinned 11311. 11-11 lbs ; liaed Urd to drums 114-1 M; slab bacon. Hft-11. Parllaad Mlseellaaeea Ontoma to lb. ack., Wah yellow medium. Il.ll-llft: larta. llJft-t.44: Idaho yellows, me d . 41 U-I W; latte $1 M-l.ll; whit. 13-1 to Petaleae Deschutss Russia, O. . No. 1A. $3.11.71; else 13.11-1.00, few $3.M; l-lft ceu $3 3i-.M; 10-14 t . 14 00-1; 1ft lb tk. Ift-I&c: II lb. 33-e; No. 1. ftft lbs., 70-llc; Wash. Rusjet. $1 14-.W. Idaho, 13.M-.M. Hr O. No. I treen alUlta. de livered ear lot f.o.b. Portland and Se atllt. 11-31. Wool area basU, WllltmotU Val ley medium. ftl-Ua lb.: Eastern Oreson fine and belt-blood. -83; Willamette Valley Umb wool. 43c i U-montb wool. U-BDC. Mobarr 4S-IT A on 13-month trow tb, fob country shlpplnt point Hides producer paying price f.o.b. Portland, calf skins. lft-17e lb., accord lag to condition: creen kin. 11-13 .. green cow hide, T-ftc lb., according t wel-bt end quality; bull hide. l-4c lb.: lu bkiea. M pay aant below prteas tor above classes niofta - Wholtwale Minn prle Oregon plants No 1 Jumbo Barcelonas : lane 37 lb: medium lb.; grew art fa b. plant before Roy. L it lb for Barcelona. DaChlUy 11 lb. W am eta Wboieeal aeUIng prices. first auellty larce PranHiitea ll-si1 lb.; abetlad ll ht ib nslvm 'l-ls lltht halve Tl-I3e lb. Urte Prsn- quettes. ll-30c lb.: Mars I tie, lie lb.: seed Unas. 1314 ib. SALEM MARKETS Cmttled Crow, reports of Islam dsalars for the geldeaee of Capital Jearnal reader. (Berlsed dstly.l Ketatl Peed Prtaeet Bebbtl PeSete (1.4ft (M-1b. baa). $t ift-ft.M MOO-lb. bat. Kyg Maah 4.4ft-ftl .lw. Dairy Pood U 34-141 Iftft-ft. bag): II M-ttO llto Wt.l. Pawltry ttovlea Prf a Oatpyed rryers. 37c; old rooaurs, e; colored fowl, Mc; lerhorn fowl, lftc: roast r. 17. Baring Prleee Etts. A A, lie; large A, 1-I0c; medium AA, 47c; medium A. 4l-47c; smH. 11 -11c. Etta wholesale price generally l-T cents hither than prices above: line grade A, generally quoted at He: medium at ftl. Bwttee. Buttcrfal Betlorfst Burin pries: Premium, to ll tents; No. I. 7- cents; Mo. S, 44. Pwrtland Grain Portland oeV-No bid. Monday'a car receipts: Wheal M; bar ley I: flour ft; corn !; eets mill feed t. HUBBARD MEETINGS Hubbsrd Thblis Rebekah lodge will meet Tutsdsy cvs nlnf, Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m., at the Rebekah hslL The Latdies Aid of the Hubbard Community church will meet on Tuesday aftenvoon, Nov. 24 at 1:30 p.m. for this meeting only, at the parish house. The earth contains about 197 million square milts. Final Wind-up Of the Big Furniture AUCTION LAST 2 DAYS Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 23-24 Af 1 :30 P.M. and 7:30 Evening DONT MISS IT! HARE Furniture Co. 35S N. Hik (i a SBB ' tZZ'-l i S Joanne M. Gruver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. Gruver, 548 Sixth street, Woodburn, who recently received her silver stewardess wings with the. United Air Lines, following a five-week course at United' stewsrdeas train ing school in Cheyenne, Wyo. Miss Gruver will b flying on Malnliners in and out of Newark, NJ. She la grsdu- ' ate oi th. Molalla high school and attended Oregon Otata college and Santa Ana college. One of her jobs prior to going to United was with a radio station, Mid Willamette Obituaries John H. Hamilton Sheridan Funeral services were held Nov. 20 at the Sher idan Mennonite church for John Henry .Hamilton, SI. In terment was in th. Mennonite cemetery near Willamina. Mr. Hamilton was born March 7, 1872. at Collins, 111., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Hamilton. He was married to Mary Berkey 59 years ago, ad to them were born five sons and two daugtv ters. He is survived by his wife, of Sheridan; five sons, Ray of Grand Ronde, Titus, Ivan and Charles of Sheridan, Tim of Hammett, Idaho daughter, Mrs. 'Leah Evers of Sheridan; two brothers, Edwin of Kansas and Ira of Newton, Kansas. Chleaara Uveeteek Chicago UtV-All Sections of th nv stock mark moved hither la aattv dealtnts Monday. Receipt of hots war th tan sliest sine Calumbu Day. totaling ll.fto bead, and bu ichors lumped H to 7ft cent. Sow were around to cents hither. The limit ed afferlatt were cleaned up early a both packers and arder buyers seemed anxious to tit alaugbter materia!. Tap WSS 123 00. Cattle arrivals alio were below pocUUons. Buvera asked sharply higher price, a fact wbtch reuroea u saint an early round. But buyer eventusllr paid M cent to 11 00 hither pries for lUers whll heifers Jumped l 00 to llto. Cowt and bull advanced while veelers held steady. Top waa ni b fee a loaei of aitn prime l.lll pound fed steers. Avers hoke to Msh pvlauo oflertna Weal t $34 00 to 131.71. A modcreteiy acuv iratw oeveier a the aheep pens. Lamb and year Unas aid at steady prle whll wa record ed catnt ranting to 1ft seats, bftost sales af good and cholco lamb were at $14 A t IM.U. Other salable receipt war aatlmatad at 11.18S cslUe, W eelvee and . sheep. Chlear Oalma Chlcato UJbtbupplie moderate, 4M- man4 light, market about steady. Track sales M Rib.i: V. S. 1 anises stated: Idaho Rpantsh 1-Inch and larter 1 11; Wiaconsla Yellow Olooea II per cent S-lnch end larger .1. 71 per acnt 3-lnch and larter .to; truck lot sales de livered Jobblni street be Is Mttnwsn Whit Globes 7ft per ent l-tah a ad laner 1.01. Street ttle Aft lbs.): Wane, Or ate ad Waihlnttoo Soanlsh 3 -Inch and larger 1.10-l.Tfi; Midwest Yellow Globes mediant 1.001 1ft, small .ftft-.Tfti reds l 3ft- uaha. Ores on, Washlntton. Cali fornia and Mlchltan Whit Olobe I tnch and larisr ale 1 to l-taoa 11b- 1 to. Pertussin does more for coughs of colds because... It wwrfct ftytMleftit tirouUteai Nature's wtm rourh-o?asinc action. N not oiy rabiiyts it looaens sticky phietrn afKlthtMlvwAkM mc spdli. That's why so many doc tors have prtscribwd rUTMSIH Oppatltt) SMter Hotel i , t t- DEATHS MaggU Melee Msssle Meier, at rasldene. RouU L Jeffs raon, Nr, U al the ag of ft yssr. Aurvlved by children, Mrs. Marcuerltt ' Msrlatt, Mr. Mary Pettyjohn, both mt Jefferson; on grandson, Lloyd lAarlstt, Jefferson; also U great erendehlldran and on treat greet traMda ashler. Announcement ef aervlcw later by Um HoweU-ldward Chapel. Neltlo terltat M ell Is Car Hate, ta local nursrnst nome nor. aa, uie resident oi tsa nas son hv. 3nrivea by two dniMbler. Miss Luelle Carlisle and fttlsa RooeB -Cerllsle, both of Salem i toot, Walter an4 Oeorta Carlksl. both of Aalem. and BV roy CarlUI. U. S. Air Force. PartlaM Air Base; brother. John Oil Wand, Orans island. Near. i also awrvived br throb trandchUdren. Service will bo held Tuesday, November 14 al llJft a. Is the V lr 1 11 T. ooldon CbapeL Intormenl la the IOOP Cemetery. Tbo Rev. Don ald ffaya affUUatlns. v , Martbs t?etoaMa Mrs. Martha CoWmaaw t thto clftp. Not. n at Mm u of 14 rears. Survived by duihtr, Mr. B. O, Beach. IftlS llth St. Announcement of atrvwaa later by th W. T. Bltdon Oo. . . Martha I. Davie Mrs. Martha E. Davhs. lata reelaent of Salem, at a local auraing home. Nev. at th at al ftl year. Survived ay tons, James Davis, Bstara. J. Leslie Davit, Oervals. X. T. Davis, Moatesano, Wash., and Robert Davit, Ben Ice, Callf.1 daushlcr. Mr. Theron Hicks, etalsat. 8 be retniarty attended ehurch services at tb First Church of Ut Nassrene, Aelem. Announcement of services later by UM HowU-Kdwr4t ChPi, Waller Craven Wetter Craven, at th family restdtneo, ftl yesrs. BuTVlved by wf. Eva Craven. 1010 Fir at-. Nor. 11 at th at at Salrm; three daughter. Mrs. Paulino Neumann, Mrs. Ethel Riches, both of So lent, and Miss Sarah Craven, Milwaukee, wis.; one son, uics i. craven. JMieau one brother. Berry Craven, Bradford. Kngland. and two traaddaughtara. Serv ices Tuesday, Mot. 14 at 1:10 p.m. aft th Howell-Edward Chapel. Prtead ar requested not to send flowers. lW. DE8. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 241 North Ubejvty Offlco open Stturdty only, M a ox to I am.i S to 1 a.m. Consultation, blood arsosara and aria tect ar fro af enarta. Praetlced tlnae HIT. write tor attraetlv girt, n obit tatiaa. Kidney Slow-Down May Bring Restless Nights When kidney ftmctkm ofarwe eVvera. aiawP folka eomplata of nerolns bachard. need, aches, diailnee and loee of pep and onercr. cBMafarta If Twdutwd kidney femrtle. Is awb. tiac ywn down- do to cb oomeaoa caueaa txaa two etrara. weev-eaientua or txpe. to oatd. Minor bladder InttaUone do to cold or wren dirt may eon ajottins ay nights or frequent a as s tree. Don't nealeet your kidners If theaa eovicN tlona bntrkwr yow.Try Doaa's Pill mild df aretic. It 'e asnaxlat now many time Doaa'd Kfve happy rellei frntn throe discoasfnrta " twin the 1 mliaa of ktdnev tubre astd Altera Bush out orasto. Ask for wear, lartrf eecnwmf Bis and anew saaaop. Got Dean's Pitts today. FilUSTEROLE flrat rMMl-uses monng as ARTHRITIS ACHES-PAINS Mort Comfort WMring FALSE -TEETH Her It a esat way to orercomS laos plat dlKomfort. 1 aad lowar pis tea Bald ttteai nrmer aa that tber feel mora comfortable. Na tammy, trooty. aasty test or feeling. It' olkalia faoa-actdi. Doe net eoua. Cbock "plate odor identura braathl Oeft PAATEETM today at any dnafl ator. Bladder Irritation worrtod bp ftoo freooent, bvrntn; as Itching rlnatlem. Oettiag TJp Mlihta, Backarhe. Pressare over Bladder, or SAronc Ckradr Urine, due te minor Rldne . and Siea IiritetAwa. nek your dsuaglil abovt aswAJarompt, pautattvo reltef frawa ; CTprt. trf Ti-.rt. .-. Zvzz MMm , In pact 3 yare prw eefety and taoosea. ; Poo, t waeto ttovo. Asa dmga Sftt I crywntx awdot oHWj-r-bact t-wtaa. MM