W i-- - 'aW-"- a-., -.- i THE CAPITAL j6URNAL. galea. Ortfoa Monday, November 23, 195J Pact II A . i ! 1 ! rOHSAU HOUStt I HI Only $800 Down for this S bedroom DREAM HOME! Sea the famous Lockwood Homt that ha all of Salem gasping with ad miration. 9ftl Be, Ft. ft) t bedroom 4 Large Bvtng room and 4lntag area with big suture window Beautifully deeitmed kitchen with natural birch cabinets Both shower ud tub ft. ward robe eloecta tn all bedrooms Hard wood floor Thar mo-controlled oil er iu furnace ft) Insulated end weetb tr etripped ft) Large storage room Tour choice of oiUrlor and Interior eaters ft) Mo down mvnl if you m lot Appro. ftftft.00 per bo. Includ- fcU iOtTSt, lAXCS, Insurance, ttC ALL THESE WONDERFUL iMtiw for only I1.1UN ORDERS ARB NOW BEINO TAKEN. AO Ml I TBI MODEL HOME TODAY) ' ! PHONE 3-0871 I REDUCED TO SELL I bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, utility. Plastered. Oirui. t-HM. tan WHY RENT? Wea roe can ova thU f-bedreom kerne, rental terma. Corner lot, shrubs. ereea, aunty, dinette, rn. j-eua. T OWNER, 44 Larry, between Sunset ad Manor la Oerdens. Ho traffic wwrriea bar. Ideal for children. Hew I bedroom. Ball t-la wardrobes, Llviag room with fireplace. 10 ill' dining Utility roest plumbed and wind for Sutometle wMhir end drrtr. Auto ait tit forced air furnace, antra large are. Overhead floored tor stores. Alio shower aad toilet. 100 m. ft. IH.aoo. aUO BEDROOM houae. fireplace. automatic etl furnace, hardwood floora. Close la. Call btfora 9.0ft am after l:M pa. 4-IIU. . aUO LARGE LOT. good house, perfect view, as Cascade Drive. Br awatr, call Mill. 271 ST OWKIB Transferred. Xait Bngle weod. Two bedrooma down, larit eom wtaatloa bedroom and plarroom np atatra, lano llelnt room with fire laee, dlnln room, attached aaraae, veoatlaa bltnda. patio, corner lot, forc ed air preaiura type oil furnace, pared atreet, curb, one block from bua. walklov dUtaoce to trade, Jr. Biaa aebool. mono -4. milt' i aJlt GLASS HEAT Ta this seat 3-bedroom hom lovely wath room, cost kitchen, aarece. paved treat Cloao to McKlnler aVhooL TO TAL, PRICI M. Ternu 900 down KZ monthly pannenta. BEN COLBATH, REALTOR 111 Court at. iMai 4wi, xe. t-ntt aSTt1 SOMETHING EXTRA Mod. ranch typo vlth attraetivo ea vraa that make a name to bo proud of rather than Juat a to he it rour eat Lee. Lit. rm.. Din. rm.. and afaa ier bedroom all hare blf picture win dowa with wonderful VIEW of Balem M rnountalna. tile fireplace, covered pa tio, breakfaat bar, plua In telephone, and many other eitraa. All for 111,600, with 4 loan available. DUPLEX W aato two toed Duple lUtlnti, both are alde-br-aMe an one floor, meed at IT.mo and IT.ffftw. Call 1-W47 . lay taformation. ONE ACRE Oa. Aubura Rd. with deluxe well fculll houae. Pull deep, dry baam't, piped U heat. hud. fire., fireplace, llv. rm., din. nn . breakfaat nook haa wtndowt aw, I aldea. Alio haa creek, ether bldie alt kloda af fruit treat, Ill.MO. OLDER S BR. OkSer. but aalldly built home located Beat ea "D" at., I blf BR.. S complete hatha. A bartaln for the irowlna fam- Uy-pk,lt. BURT PICHA rt k. mm at. ott -. l-toti Bth: Mr. Conkuo, aim., 1-iMl 179' NICE HOME Attractive 3-bedroom home en paved' atreet with bus past door. Only 1 year aid. Price tlO.SOa. or Wade for acieage ear Salem. Finish This Home Nearly new I brdroome with carace. Occupied now, but atilt nre.'s some work ta complete. Only 11.600. Will take trailer for part. RAMSEY, REALTOR 3014 North Commercial Office 4-63U Bra. Al Bender. Salesman. 3-1t4 Eve. Jim Ramsey, 4-11 aJTf Itt ACRES ADJOIN I NO DAIXAS ELDERLY COUPLE MUST SELL Very livable house and out bldta. Some aaw timber. Approa. 100 acres aultlvated. Laras front see on highway. Would make good aubdlTtstoa PTtce only 130.000. Will msldeT email acre age, house ar ncome proper u ta Sa te m. CtVll OSCAR SXDEASTROM with JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 41 K. BUh Ph. 4-34U Bva.; 3-111 a37 BY OWNER Pour bedrooms, two batha, Iwa fireplaces, plavroom, double ga rage, View. CASH. TRADES OT TERMS Phone t-44 astr i ' BSOaoObi, nice dining room. Im wrovamenu la. North Otstnct. Bmall Jewa. payment. Phone M1U after ft p.m. a3ll $18,900 CANDALARIA Mew t-bedroom. blrrh w mab. ftauh. finished beAement with eitra bath and fireplace. 30 Alice. Ph. 3-114. a3U BY OWNER, modern houae. fireplace. I bedrootns, t downitairs, single gar ate, e vert in I. 4B University St e3sg FOR SALE LOTS Bl'ILDINO SITE 100 l 130 fet. Close tn. 3 jog. AasessmenU paid. Phone 3-liai. li'V Laaoiriru advcryuino Pet Word, Umea 3t Pet Weed . Pee Weed, I Usees tbt Pee Weed. I esMlh OOt No Beraads Mlalmem 1 W arras BfADIBa la aoeal Newa Oarama Oaly, Per Word . . . . tt Ta Plsca Ad tm Santr Oay Piper, rhan 1-tiM BcfwYw It BJEv REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES nonuL oi a ran uoimuon $7500 FULL PRICE Older type but a real buy. Haa I bed' Moau Blua jesaraU Utility room. Al Ideal rental property. Unfinished ap- italra. earner lot. -rerma anuiti. (CaO for JUT OttnOeBTT, dve. B-NTf Blm I LOVELIEST And leu af elbow yeom. ThM y daady. Party roam with a aorseeiu fireplace that is almoet awl of tnu world. Beatdea. It haa aa outdoor fUe laee and one la the livinc ream. 1 BatAa. t Cay att. earaie. Lavely rroai raid. Pvd. driveway. Aiaseet aew. Owner will ewcnaiiee for iaeame prop erty. Pull price iia.ow. BEAUTIFUL And forceoua. Brand apankin' aew. ' lovely buie bedrooma. 1 batha. Oa . .i iiu.iu. itnnMtrutihla 1W. car larace. Bpacloua work room la aaaeaent. Inauiaud. Porcl air eU fur nace. Batremely liberal terma. Priced at toe moat id ruins prm w CaU for RAT OJIlitMlTT. . ph J-7 Sim. I r.oon living eeldea It'a economical. I bedroom houae thai e la good coDdltlea. Meoda aoaoluUly no repair. Oil furaaca. Pvd. at Inaulated. Lawn and abruba. Well located for a tort, achool and bua. Pull price only SllM. ttau ior aan. m.w LANDER, eve. ph. 4-1017 Blm l IMMACULATE Deep daylight basement. Unfinished apetalra. Porced air oU furnace, la aulated. Wealher-e tripped. Only 1 Tt. old, Lawa and ahrvba. Pull price only I11.IN. xoa u wve u. vu iw CRAWPORO, evo. Ph. 4-M Aim 8-UNiT APARTMENT Walking distance from down town. S eitra sleeping rooms, out oi cny owner very aniwua ta aell. Will accept home aa part parisent IMOO down with a luu price or lie, ow. wan ior n. w. -DAN" IAAAK, ava. Ph. 4-TSS3 Blm.) MOTEL TRADE per either a home or a duplex. Per napa a farm. What have you? Tbla property Jotna the camFua of a very popular colleee. In the best of repair. WeU furnished. Lota of neon tubing. Pvd. drlvewaya. Bpaeloud Uvtng guar tera plua aa apt Thla Is a fine prop erty. Pull price only PI.OOO. Call for N. O. 'DAM" ZBAAK. eve. ph. 4-IU3 "CHOICE 62 ACRES EMERGENCY SALE On the Pudding River. Will. Hit toll. Irritation pump. Only 4 miles from Bakm. Very good modern 4 bedroom home. M by to barn. Oarage. Oueat house. 3 acres strawberries. 13 ft well. Pamlly orchard. Thla is a choice farm. Pull price only Mb.MO. Owner may consider a trade for city prop-, erty. (Call for If a LEAVE, eve. ph., I-41U SlmJ 10-ACRE TRADE Tin eltr vroprrtr. Clot. In. Mod mi I bedroom cltao hour,. Ifschln, ibd. B,ra. Chlckrn bou. Omm. Pvd. rd. ovnar r.porti lou ot water. Full prlct W0. ICIll for MR. LEAVENB, n. pa. I ll" n. FHA CONVENTIONAL UTC.. M TR. vrosRAL oi irro.. m tears LlctDMd AIM la Wua. and Idaho Al Isaak & Co., Realtor orr. Phono 4-1311 or Mnt Wn. t-. 4-1511. 4-W10. I-HTO. 4-1)11 II a. vawn toll t-UM $75 DOWN Buya email cottage at edge of city. Tdeal for handyman. Close to bua line. Your rent money will make the pay mania. YOUR NEW HOME Per only ISia down. Tea. It'a brand new and you can move right in. t lovely bedrooma with large closets. Beautiful hardwood floors. View of rnountalna from picture window In liv ing room. Separate dining room. A dream kitchen wiut vlenter box. En closed utility wired for auto, washer and dryer. City water and aewer on corner lot with both streets paved. Truly a buy at only Il.tM.OO YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT You will never need to look for a Job est la. This country aiore handling a complete line of groceries, meats, hard ware, notions, gas Jk oil and many oth er Items will keep you and possibly your family busy lor years to come. It also haa lovely 3 bedroom living auar tare. If you have a good equity in a home near ftelem you can trade. Your Ineutrles welcome and we may be able to help you. Ml South Ultb Phone 1-1301 Baleimen't Phones: Bvenlnte and ftundaya 4-1111. S-ll&t 4-131. 4 Mil. 1-1364. 1-471 WANTED REAL ESTATE have bi yers for farms. We need your limnii. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS 30 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-1111 eaJIt NOTICB: II your property la fet eateT rent er each ante, ttst tl with ua Wa have all kinds al cash buyers TATE FINANCE CO. REALTOM ill a High St ce WE ARB tn seed el good bcjsoa to aelL ta er near Aaiem. If you wish be list your property tor tale, gee ORARENlKtlirTT BROS. REALTORS II. S. Liberty Ph 3-3411 eae WANTED amall acreate close to town with food 3 er I bedroom home to trade fee good city property. 301 Booth High Street Phone 1-1303 R EDI ANN REAL RBTATB calll PRIVATE PARTY wants the best t-bedroom home la er near Salem that 111 -OOO caah will buy. Write Poet Ofrice IU 181, Salem. Ore ealto BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NATIONAL PIS with ret. from bankT Chamber af Commerce and Dun and Braastreet. etc. bandung a protect whose tales reached 3H billion dollars 1st. year, haa aa opening in the Sa lem area for a reliable person t hanl) die tribe! tea oi tte Pioduct to ereovn ia in t ht area. Me Selling I However, person selected mutt have ar, 1 100 cash see tired by Inventory ana no goto te aevote approximately 10 hoars a week tn boa inning with m tenuous of devoting full time later. Ptr i on selected must be aapable af making l,ftog yearly as this bust nam givea Man returns Immediately with low evernead. If yea meet all af these reealremente and have local ref writ, alvtna ate. phone sum, etc. te 1 iifjSlai Bos IU Capital Jearaei. 43bl. REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN Oidor I hoi Nu dlnla rtM. IH. Uraw twt Win too, tc mU vlth 1. ... miomm. Pull KU U.H. HIGHLAND DIST. t a am. I Mo. 1 wp. Pun hunml. mma4 fatuo.. Imlp UrtH-dimUod riw tm TV. II. MO trn UI koodl PrM 11. TM. LESLIE DIST. BIL ma. I Ka. HmM lBMm. PU luMt tMa. hu nm. Pl'MloM. Aaw. Ml ami wait M, Uk MM. PrIM K.iM. Twv NORTH . t BR with waflatsh aw. Pull baaemeat Hear haa and at. Ttaceat Pariah. Owner aaoviag la farm. Lei a enow yea thla al IllJe. ' ' WANTED!! AU TTPM OP LUTUKML WHY HOT TBT OOB UBVICSt LOTS itM bwfMtati Ma. Bank, m panMb aMa M paB. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor . ui a. auk rm -m Mr. At AWadar PfcAM I-11N l-llll (-AMI OOTH SAUM Oom to AVhoola. m tat lot I 1. Two anaD houaa, oa tho en, lot. Othar aaeant. A food ronlal aat up. Prle, H.PM. CALL O. B. ORABBNHOHaT JR. JUST RIQHT For a Mania ar email famllr. Heat I adraa. bono. ilr. TV., kitchen Aj nook, path, aula, full aaamt.. aataIl furnaca. aacallant location. MBTanlant ta boa aad achooU- CAIX J. B. LAW OWMDt WILL COflBIDCT TRADB-Braathtaklna Tlaw Oearkoktoa liver and valler and ana of the boat bare ta reare. Dale, aaraae., but llr. aad din. rm . all blrab kitchen, autc-dlehwaahor, todwd. tlra aata-atl keat. laa. plarroaaa aa main floor. 9 alee borne., treea At patio. Tea aaulda't aak lor aartnlaa aaara. Brand Me. CALL HOT a. FERRla. MBBIDENTUL COOKT Calta. AO atlck aaattractlaa. Ceraer Wt la a tor? rood locottoa. All anlu tn top eonditton.M0Bthlr lacorae arar MNN a at onto, ahona br appk onlr. call b. k. latmok CLASS "A- OPPICB BBNTALe-lnd ftoer, element location, heat and Hehte farnUhed, Ideal offlcee for inauraoca. eecounttoa, loana, mad. leal or dental. CAL C L. CAABBNHORST GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS lit a. Liber t at. Ph. l-ltn Brealaca and Bandan call salaemaa H. K. Larraoa -lll Bor a. PerrU i-AaW t. B. Laa l-tllj For Your Insurance Need! Call W. H. (Bill) Johmton 2-2471 or 3-3383 LARGE FAMILY HOME Here lg a good, solid 4-bedroom home with a full basement and auto, oil fur nace, the neighborhood la good and the houae la eitra clean, there's a double garage and even a birch kitch en!. This la HOT bur at only M.tvOOIAsk for Tad Morrison. cm Lee Ohmart 8 ACRES SOUTH I A- cleared, bal. brush and pasture, l-room homt, amall ohlcken houaa, dandy well, large all year spring, good value here for 14,600. Bmall down payment will let you move in aBee Henry Torvend. EXTRA NICE A t-bedreom home with the tblnaa everyone wente entrance hall way, forced air heat. 3 large bedrooms, utility room, nice arrangement for living room, dining-room, kitchen and double garage, well land scaped lei en Candalaila, priced lot al I13.9M. Call Louis Lorena. ENGLISH COLONIAL Just Hated, gpacloua t-bedrooa colonial home with full basement, auto, oil heat and double garage, thla attractive home haa just been lilted for the low price of I1I.600 Owner wut consider trade. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 471 Court at. Phono 1-4115 3-tlll By,.: Henrr Torvend l-MU, Ralph Maddr 2-ltM, Loula Lorena S.W90, Tad klorrlaea 1-4441 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MODERN service station tor lease. Locat ed la Salem's faatesl growing commu nity. Inventory approilmately 11,100. Pot additional information phone 3-339S. cd3ID EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8ALE OB TRADE 3 bedroom houae and metal work ahop In Salem for ether Salem property. Bos 314, Capital Jour nal. cb3S0 INCOME PROPERTIES lERVICR STATION and fuel eU business. Oood location. Phone Albany 1490 or 1114-R. 141 Calapoola SI., Albany. Oreron. cflM FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPKK PR ID AY MONDAY BVBNINOS d37l WANTED FURNITURE LAMBERT'S PATS CASH lar need fur niture, phone 1.7161. aaial I till ii 'V J jviti'fi AUCTIONS AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 440 CENTER ST., SALEM ddJTV FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WEANER PIUS. Phone 4-331. J TV ONE TEAM of Wvrk meree. One WeUh pony, one amall saddle horse, eng amall pony, DOM genu lor children. L. C. Edwardi. 4T Sllvertoa Rd. e3T4 LOCKER REEP-WhiU face Hereford. wc. nuininc aown, g months ta pay. Cuatom killing. Trailer leaned free. Salem Meat Co. Ill SV nth. Ph PETS BOXEB Pt'PrT. male. 3 monthe. Real beauty with an eustandinc pedlaree Terma If desired. Pnone l-tft4. ec3?l' BOXER PrPPIES. ft weeka eld. Reala Ured ATC. Ineutre 4 J Clark Ave.. Kel acr District. tv 114 CANARIES. PINE CHRIftTMAf gift. BmaU deposit, phone l-lt. Utg c he rn eta ttnt Om DACHHtTND Pups tor ChrUtmaa. Seven weeks. ARC reentered. Pine ped igree. Red. black Jk tan. Male, female. Bert Megga, HI. 3. Bot I03A1. Mc- Minnvliia eclll' MVST IKU twe pedigreed Slameee kit lent. earn. Phone I-til after ft ftO pm ec ltl SIAMESa RfTTE.N. Phone 3-Ml ecSTT CITE PrrPlEl i Corkers- Short tails. ftjftft. Phone 4-lJ 419ft Sunnyview Ave. ec3i HOLLYWOOD AOraRH'M INt MrCsy. one Meek east of M Capitol. Ibk blocks north at Madteoa. Ph. 1-awl. ecSH" BABY PAR A RESTS, tinier can arte Some cages. Mrs. A. R. Power. 1)1 Benevua. Between S. Winter and Cot taee. eclwo CHAMPION BRED Boter puppies. Moo res Tropical Ptsh Equipment. Parakeets, Peu Maeleay Road. 43713. Closed Wednesdays. ec34 Journo! Want Ads Pay! REAL ESTATE Rudy Calaba PETS BLACK SPANIEL pupa from very amall parents. 3 each. Miss Somers. miles west of Monmouth near Antloch School la Cooper Hollow. ec3S3 PARAKEETS Da vaur Xmaa ahepplnt NOW white blrda are avallebla. Select atocaa. all colore. Ceae, eeede. At auppllea. P h o a o PARARKETH Choice blrda. Chrtataiae erdera belna taken. 1144 Lltlnaaton. -!. .. FUEL SPECIALS! Oak. Ash. Maple Wood. Oreenslabo We have blork s planer ends. WEST SALEM FUEL PH. 3-4D31 eeJOO" FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED HENS, One year old. Phone lam- WE ARB hatching New Hampshire uoid- wn aroma eng aroor Acre While Rock every week. Special price te ytar vviint ii7i- rowers roi t Hat entry. IflOj State St Phone 3-4t f PRODUCE WALNtrri; LARdl PranouettM. jrino nil No. leih at ... . ....... ....... ii. mi WORM FREE sriTZENBEkCI, DeTjloua C.ntrr , ra. HELP WANTED UVTXO Ql'VRTERk olchentM lor 1 nnnp atalllv llakl a. a ... ilVTl o-a. I.. IV. . . ew HELP WANTED FEMALE TW5 WOMEN for reweaving instruction -... a., uniii.. t-iq sera n nr. Piece work. Write Boa seo. Capital hill 'uu.r wt wtiuesi wanted. Top wages No Sunday work rtttresa aThlTO PRACTICAL III Rat. Tt, . hST PhorTa ' BPllll WDMAM tA . I ...w. " - -- ivi b-asoiiins woy. aiy hem. Piv.dsy week, tu Jason EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB! r wecy eic, future security ....3i P. Oen. ofe eecy.. ft da.. 30-4 ,.ll "Nil day. Out usg - - . ami n-tm t.tna w urb. flic. js- P. Col. trad . sec nivj. pref . Bkkpi , tea leMer M. Ins. UrMalParrtlatP ..tin ,...) ...II 3ft eftSOftUP -.air irm BtUI J(VOS COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOXNCT 4M SUte Si fOreeea Bldg.i gf37f WANTED SALESMAN ADVraTWNfS BOOK MATCH tt Pull ar part time men can make ap te MM oa una it sale, handing big match One for Wast Coast factory. Lowest traatpoHaUoe: fseter eervtcel Christ mas Line aew nady PLUS Otam- aur Otrla. Hillbuuea: doeens of ethers reatartng union lawkl. PRO OUT PTT. MONARCH MATCH CO- 13ew S let. Baa Jape. Calif. ggTTf f d I ""aaaaltj,, I - AUIV JfjSP VaviAillt TTF WANTED SALESMAN OLTSIDB SAXtUMAN for .elactxlcal. hard ore e auumbiaa. bpeyteaca aad ear aeceaaary. Pieaae give references aad eatery eactea. Write 3M Capt lal Journal. etJae WANTED POSITIONS PPAPP BtTTOJCMOLXS worked lea. Jck ear v toe. Psasete H OOSEWORel BY THE BOCB- Pnoae $19 M. Commercial, Apt. ft. h3SI PERMANEsfT CABS fee two children, age l-d. my heme, phone S-ftlftt. hlw PAINTING, PAPEBHANOINO, day er eentraci. Small lose neleeeag. Phone J-Ttej. h3U PAPEB HANGING, pair tiog. Pree eau- avatos. can iacera. ra. -ee33. lof' LIOHT CRAWLER dosLng. dirt level. tag. grading. Pooae 3-1330. hiav HEW CONSTBTJCTION. remodeling, re pair, mm money . I yeare te pay. Phone 3-aoai. hul BRBflS MAKING, altera tlona. brtde. bridal toaaa. Helea Itwvet. Pnone 4-1131. h3n LANDSCAPING, Use tor and llllef work, Service center. Phone 4-1173. h CARPENTER Repair, remodel, cabtnetg and garsita. smau done wewom. Phone 4-434. b3T' RELIABLE BABY SITTER WLU fa days er nighta. Phone 3-IS44. nzu TRES WORK. Topping, trlmmtBg. re moving, inearea. John .rayna. pnone l-iu. hiei MICKXNHAMTB DAY NURSERY State Licensed Inspected. Ph. 3-T4 h3fl MIMEOGRAPHING and TTPINO. Quality work. Reasonable ratea. Mrs. Poe. atU M. lain, rrtone y-astj. nzsi WIEMALS Day nursery. Licensed and state ins pec tea. pnoae 3-aon. naot PAINT1NO AND DECORATING. IS years Salem eaperienee. Pree etUmate. I-H1J. H37 MIDDLE AGED lady WsnU baby Sitting. Your home er muse, mono i-oii. h3 PAINTING AND Waurpreoflng. Pree ea- tlmataa. Phone 3-437, -343, L. E. Nelson, hSftl HEWKAVIMO Por top auauty phone 3-140. lftftf W. tot taee St. h3I3 OPPICB WORKER over 30. deslru per manent live-oay wees poeiuon. con ald treble general office experience, en eellanl typist, willing worker, retpoo glble. Write Box 17 Capital Journal. bJaC EXPERIENCED SECRETARY with ex cellent legal training available half dara. Phono 1-0K3. Mrg. Balrd. h30 FOR RENT LA ROB warehouse space far rent eg lease. Cement floor a. bmk building Down town- Inquire H. I Stiff Pur nlture Co. Phone f-ftll J WANTED TO RENT S-BEDROOM house. Dee, t, Phone 333H. ja30" YOL'NO COUPLE with 3 amall children. desire clean, very modern nnfurnlahed 3 ar t bedroom house, within city limits. 3tust be economical to heat. If desirable will rent or lease for 110 per month. Call 4-ftSOS. ialll QUIET MIDDLE aged couple wish nice 3-bedroom home. Mot over 100. Phone 3TS3I. JslBO FOR RENT ROOMS NICE. WARM, light housekeeping room. Lady. 3 N. Church. J -38' PLEASANT sleeping room for gantleman. 1050 Norway. Phone 34941. H3I4" SLEEPINO ROOMS for one ar two. 790 N. Church. Phone 3-4331. JkJM FOR RENT HOUSES NICE ONE bedroom house, redecorated. adults only. 1134 Wilbur St.. ar call 314 evct. JmaiO I ROOM clean furntahad houaa, AdulU. 40. c. E. Andraaen. 4090 Lancaster Dr. Phone 41347. Jml.9 S-BFDROOM home. North, 5. phone 4-3941. JmZ84" UNFURNISHED, MODERN, 1 large bed room, electrle heat, 140. Phone I-3S94 after ft 00. m379a LIKE MEW. Unfurnished 4 rooms and bath, plus utility with washer and dryer furnished. Lota of storage space. Walking distance to town and jtate buildings. Quiet neighborhood. All rooma nice alxe. Automatic heat. Most desirable for couple. See at 1041 Belle vue. Pbon 3-44 J evenings. Im30 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, basement, oil heat. furnished or unfurnished. 110 Trade St. Jmiai 3-BEDROOM, MODERN home, attached gar see. North, no mo Set or call: OSCAR SEDERSTROM. WITH JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 411 M. High Ph. 4-343 Eve. 3-ft31ft JmI79 BARGAIN RENTALS HPCrriTSS 3-bedroom suburban home with fireplace, hdwd. firs., at tached garage. Beautiful yard. Rent 90 par month with option to buy. CLEAN k NEAT NEWLY PAINTED 3-bdrm. home south, corenr lot. Car port, 43 per month. Ona-bedrm. home with heater and rani. Oarage. Corner lot. Close in (39. M per month. VERY LARGE 4 -bed room home two bath rooms, fireplace, baamt., furnace. 7 per month. Walking dlataace to town. NEWLY REDECORATED two-bedYoom house. Children allowed. 334ft Hatel Ava. 3-43U. Jm33 4-BEDROOM furnlihod suburban home. 4471 auinyvlew Ave. Phone 3-3011. jm33 13M N 318T STREET I berootns. den. full basement, fire place, garage, automatic heat. n. 3-4013. Jm379 TRAILER SPACE 110 month with new automatic washer and dryer. No pet Alno small l-room cabin, furnished, 3i. Phono 313. 1140 Oxford. Jm20 3-BEDROOM unfurnished house. Oarage, oil heat, water free, eloee in. 4. Phone 3-110. 4-14. IntfsO TWO-BEDROOM furnished house. Near wua, 304 N. 33rd St. Phone 3-4l4t. jm37t Swft COURT Hot water heat. Prefer old er couple, pii- Ph. l-SUft, Walt (toco- lofsky. Real Estate. Jm3r ft BEDROOM FLAT. 4 blocks high school. lift N. Winter, 3-S947. lmat4 CLEAN, ft bedroom house. Close ta state buildings. Phone 3-4114 JmJIl NICE I bedroom house. Plreplace. atove and refrigerator furnished. Middle age oauple. no ahUdrea. Phono 3-14. 1 lm3l CTJt AN ft -BED ROOM home. OU circulat or. Itt. Phone 4-3I94. J mill ft BEDROOM modern houae. Uvtng room. dining room, kitchen. Phone 3-444 after ft. ImStl JOE PAL00KA Z , rJX ' 7 HA GOWN A K TMU I Sf t o., , A l ". I " T CRATV MXI JGaa? 71 V AAOOfi. J08...WE I tATfla, rmn.yi otta taih r PtAR. IT-V ,5v lajres? f ri,' FOR RENT HOUSES ONE BEDHOOJC taralefied houaa. cav- port. Wkiklas austaaoe, J.a, Ptusne IM3f. 3m3Tp I BEDROOM houaa. Modera 4 gnome. BMvtrte beater and electne ateve. afteaUta. Ha pete. 13a. la Weodrew hi. I7N fTj BNiaRE D two hedreoi M. .Uaeny Sc. Pbama 3-1 3-2S23. Iaai3t PTEABXY MEW t bsdioeia, Byttrth. At tached gar mo. ftwi te wteh water tor- nubed. PtMme 3-Tea. jm3U USINESS RENTALS FOOD DUTBJBUTORS warehouse. Sep arate aall. 4T n so. Oeorse diiu, cu 0th SC. Weel Baiem. Pneae 3-0131. jaMl ONE BUSINESS BaataX Jngd lift B 13 W. APt- k. J03S3 WARXHOUSS SPACE. Rew baUdlag with large parking area, with er wiihout af Itce facia ue. Ball alrdlag. Dilve-la and track desk. Parkllft tracka std aal- lata. Capital City Traaaler Campany. Phone 3-3434. JoJOl LOST 4 FOUND LOST Red aaale Cocker, tag 3111. Nam ed Penny. Beaaid. Phone 3400 er 311. fc3 LOST Handkerchief containing ftfto 0ft 3a 12 bills. Reward. 3S M. ITth at, ar phone 310 alter ft p.m. k3l LOST PAIR OP CHILD'S glasses. Vicin ity 0th aad BaaemoaL Phone 1-374. kJss FOR RENT APARTMENTS ' 3 BOOM furnished apartment. Utilities furnished, bua line. Phone 3-7310. lP3Tt CLEAN ft BOOM furnished apartment witn garage. Ail utuiuaa lurnisoeo, 4.0. Phone 3004. 3341 Haael. JP3S4 YOUNG LADY ta share room apart ment eapeaaea. sift H. Wmter. Apt. B-3 after I p.m. 1p31 CLOSE IN. furnished 3 room, S30. One room. 13 7. tVO. Light housekeeping. ftjia.oO. Private hatha. 43ft N. Winter er S3 M. Winter. Phone Mis. Jp3T IMMEDIATE possession. Court apart ment, EceutUullr deoorated. I rooma and bath, furnished r ttnfuraUhed. Xnaulre Hit a. 13 Lh at. Jp37 MICK, CLEAN, furnished apt. Cloao In. tea h. cottage. jp- 4 BOOMS, unfurnished. Modern, elec tric range, rerrigeretor. water, ntti, furnished, ftfto. 31M S. Commsrclal af Ur 4. Phone 4-1433. lP3a SEVERAL furiilshed apartments, good tocauon. inquire tm. u atur rarajtvre Phone I-ftlftft. iP SEE THIS one furnished, t rooma, bath. clean, me center. jpiie ONK S BEDROOM down, one 2 room up. court aparlawnta. Phone 1303 ar llsl Waller at. Jp23 CLEAN PUBNISHED apartment. Close- in. Phono 3-714. TP27S' SMALL, NICELY furnUbed, private bath. pour oioctt from capitOL a-w.i. jmwm 1 ROOM bachelor apt. Cloao In, SSft N. Winter. Jp31 CLOSE-IN, S room modern unfurnished apartment, Jadulta. Phone J-eeto. Jp37t S-KOOM, WITH garage lust like new. Phone 3-70. jparv 9-ROOM, FIRST floor. ChrlaUaa woman. Adjacent Capitol anopping center. 3-7M1. M33 VERY CLEAN, modern. S room, fur nished apt. Private batn and entrance. 15 N. Winter. JpJlO FURNISHED APT., t rooms and bath. Adults. 3-933. 330 Bo. 14th. J pa BO" ONE BACHELOR apartment. Also, S room apartment, ceu oeioro s:w a m. alter I H p.m. 4-3443. 1P30 CLOSE TO STATE and Oencral Hospi tals, l room rurnitneo. nawiy reaec orated. Oarage, 301 Nebraska St. JpJIO COURT APARTMENTS, utilities furn ished 13 and 0. Trailer nouae ier Tent or salt. 3311 Portland Rd. JpfOl ft-ROOM furnished apt. ftlft 0. 13th at. 30. Phone 40333. JPU ONE -BED ROOM court apt., furnished. Close tn. atme. jtmo ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED front, 3- bedroom. batn. private entrance, rooa hL els sb. adulta. I4S H. Uth. pnone 382U. JP3W LEE APTS. Salem's Moat DUtlngutehed Address Thoroughly modern, ideally located, for those desiring better living. One-bedroom units from 183.00; Bachelor units aa low as ft59.ft0. Inspection invited. Mb N. Winter. Jp7 FURNISHED apartment. Close In. Utili ties furnished. Those IMH. JP asnnu .,nlatViaw1 ainairl main t AlSO. bachelor apartment. Ambassador Apartments, too N. Bummer. j?3''; MISCELLANEOUS SAUU BAND GRAVEL COMPANY contract wore Road Clearing Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Poet Phone Days 1-fttOft Eve 3-4411 or 3-1411 Salem, Oregon m" BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIYB MOVE YOURtSKLP 8AVB 4 CAR RENTALS - STAKES - VANS ITXACO STATION ftlft COURT ST PHONE 3-131 PAGE STEVENSON and AL MEPPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOB1 CASES DR. HARRY SEkfLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bids . StaU Aj Commercial Ste SALEM PH 3-331! BUILDING MATERIALS NEW LUMBER for aale. Almoet any kind. Cheap. Delivered. Phone 3-3043. ma3S3 REMODELING St IMPROVEMENT LOANS 3 MONTHS TO PAY NO DOWN PAYMENT EST1 M ATI NO SERVICE ADD AN EXTRA BKDRM . OAFAOE. Etc ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT O'JR OFFICE ' DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. 1171 Lena Ave. Ph. 3-43 NO PARKINO PROBLEM ma301 BOO PINO. INSULATION, Venetian Bltnda. Onll Waatera Auto aepp.y ce. for free estimate. 3-1171. . ma" NURSERY STOCK SHOP FOR SHRUBS AND SAVE- Spread ing Junlpera 13-lt" and more. iftc. Heathers. Isc. Middle Orove Nursery, 4930 Sllvertoa Rd. Phone 4-4413. mb QUALITY ROSES Sturdy hand selected plants. Middle orove nursery, eeae en vertoa Rd. Phone 4-4413. mb37' FERTILIZER Rotted manure. Wood tree. Dettr ered aayhero. Phone 3-4714. mb To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 toon I K(M TBVf TTALK TH...VfR MVf Pt MOatf aVOT DOS TW SCIA-FTER tMA A THINK M FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANO, SSS. Call aveaiagg, 4-333. 340 Boone K4L suei- LM BASS Cellini accoxdloa. Coot ft4ft9. eelUng 130. pracucaliy sew. pnone l-UA . n33- 1 ased waJnat office telle I aaael aak Ipaesmter desk B need auaoarapAers ehairs B uaod wainu airatght chaUS 1 aaed steel 4 drawer fUc TVS COMMERriAI. BOOK eTTOH 141 No. commercial St. n3S3 LARGE BOY'S BJCYCLB with acgeasor- lea. Pbeoe 3-aaea. ess a- gain. inr BOSK DAVENO. din ne tte aet. screen door, amall Inside dear frame, pnone 931. B3S1 TWO FINE card tablet, four chairs, al lit. Some aeddlag. eltabee. silverware, ennnea aocarlea, fratt Jan. Soft S. lfttb after I p.m. ala POBTABLE LAtJNDBY Traya ft ftft. H model Aateeaatte waaner. ua wew ft ftft. Oood alder Wringer Washer li t. Oiaa Weedry, IftOjft M- Bummer. B31ft- CLOTHESLINE POSTS. Iron lata far tablaa, furniture, railing a. no si. ut erty. ' n2 TRIKE .. Boy's Bike 94". eery good one only 33.SO. otri a Bute ic.ae. tveany new Pedal Fire Truck 10 00. Olen Woodry'a. 10 M. Summer. nlTf USED S-to-4 room glae oil heaters, 114 . Hogs Br oa. oaed tare, ui at, opm i. nJIft" S MORE Dayslt Olen Woodry'a Sofa Miter sale, see uus any ai a uwunw new. lftQe H. Bummer. n37 BATTERIES ALL Cars ft. 7 ftft- Ex change. 11 montiie guaraniee. upen UU ft. ft dally. Ly tie's Tire Mart. n33 FINK FRIG ID AIRE Deluxe Else. Rang. muon less in in reauy wonn ma.w. Terms. Trades. Olea Weodry, 1001 M. Bummer. nJ7 USED DAVENPORT, 1 1. Hogg Broa. Used Store. 131 a. com J- nara- DROP HEAD Sewing Machine, A-l. Inc. att. amy u se. aim aiecine sorer, mdl. like new T., Olea WoodTrg, law Si. Baauner. P37 recaps, ooo-ift. -. Opea Blinds r-e-J Ly tie's Tire Mart. iuvsfh BLEACH LAMP Tablaa. aaed. Lie ea. Woodry. IftOft M. Bummer. mre- USED ft PC oak dining r'llte, 134.7. Hogg Broa, Used Store, ill a. com i. ' n379 GUARANTEED OIL Stoves. Hke new 20.00. Olan woodrr. jutv 14 CUBIC foot Deepfreeae ftSftO. Phone 1-174. n" WAL. BED. Suite a ftft. Olea Woodry. IftOft M. Summer. BOOKCASE Class doors. 13 7. Hogg Broa. Used Store, 1JT s. com t. nave- THANKSGIVING SPEC1ALI!. Nice S PC Walnut Dining Suite only ta so. urge Banouet Site Oak Tabl M. Olen Woodrr. IftOft M. Bummer. n379 ADDING MACHINES. Used hand at elec tric Clary Multiplier, 1I7S Pairgrounaa Rd. 1-837. h395 WONDERFUL BUY.l Big 10 Wasting- house Refrlg., almost new, oniy we-ev at Olen Woodry'k. 1900 M. Bummer. nil CASBt1 BEGISTERS. from ftSft up. Clary Multiplier. 117ft Fairgroanaa no. xsjia. n3' PC. CHROME Dinette 39.9ft. Olen "Wood ry. IftOft M. Summer. azip- SCOOP-Jet your Westlnghouse clothes aryer now -eiw.e. iiir atiH Co 378 Chemekcta. Phone 3-4311. VELOl'R DAVENO. Club Chair. 49.95 for both. Davenporu to recover 10 00. used Arm Chairs and Rockers 3 90. Olen Woodry. ICOft N. Bummer. n379 ftftg.ftft ALLOWED for your old water beater. Regardless i conouion or make, on a new Weatlngboose automat ic electrle water heater, with a 10 year guarantee. Yeatcr Appliance Co., 37ft Chemeketa BU Phone 3-4311. n YR. CRIB ft. 7ft. Oood Buggy S.lft. HI chair 4.H. Training Beat i 75. jiaini nette 4 SO. Olen Woodry, 1909 N. Sum mer. GOOD USED refrlg eratora. (49.60 Is up. Yeater Appliance (70 J7i tnimtnii St. Phone 3-4311. NEW S-WAY Floor Lamps ft-ftft. Olen Woodrr. 10 N. Bummer. DJir SAWDUST TIRES. 470-rt, 8.9ft. LTtlea Tire Mart. Phone 4-B03. n393a OSPITAL BED for aaie or rent H L stiff Furniture ca. pnone a-aita n- TWIN REDS Complete 19.78. Olen Wood rr. IftOft N. Summer. naia- UBED ELECTRIC Rentes, I19.9B fs tip. Yeater Appliance Co., 17 cnemeiceta St. Phone 3-4311. B GOOD USED washer. tlS.OS Jk up. Yeat er Appliance Co in cnamcKCia i Phoee 3-4511. B -" DEEPFBEEZB HOME freeiers. YeaUr Appliance Co. 37ft cnemeggia m Phone 1-4311. n TABLE RADIOS 1.1ft. O. Woodry. n27' PLASTIC-KOTE reouUes no waxing for your floorg or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co., 37ft Chemeketa St. Phone 3-4311. B IS CU. FT. G. E. Commercial Refriger ator. Double door. Ideal for farm, home, restaurant or tavern. 1 years old. Only ft399.9ft. Yeater Appliance Co.. 37 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-4311. n FREE BIO OFFER Oct the 1 95 West lnghouse Steam Iron FREE witn a Home Demonstrttlon af a new West lnghouse Laundromat or clothes dryer. Yeater Appliance Co., 37ft Chemeketa. phone 3-4311. n SOMETHING NEW The WTXLIAMSBURO PIANOPORT. a piano that need not go ataintt a wall. See It at WILTSEY MUSIC HOUSE 1160 State nan TYPEWRITERS ft.1ft-33.80-3 50. Woodrr, IftOft N. Summer. n379 WESTERN ELECTRIC lillU Plant. 33- volt with Edison Eattcrics. A bartaln. t0. Phone 32. niftO METAL FENCE Permanent. No upkeep. Pree eatl mates. 3 mot. to pay. BOR KM AN LBR. HDW. CO I4M State St. Phone 3-3701 tt379 GIRL'S BICYCLE, Two Student violins. Best offer takes. IS N. 13th St. n313 USED SINGEB round bo bin treadle. A-l condition. Guaranteed. Cash price. 114.50. Sinter Sewlnc Center. 130 N Commercial, open Friday evening. nJll" Lerge selection ef Used Davenoa. Davenports, Hlde-a-Beda. All aale priced. Mlrrora .. 3 Oft Refrigerators, good cond. 34.50 Twin or Pull else bade, roar choice ft 5 Oaa apt. Range, special 40 Console Reditu 19 95 USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 & Liberty Phone 4-SS11 (Act oaa the Street from Armory n3T' 1ft BFM PHONOGRAPH, automatic changer, with Tft records Including ft albums. Beat offer. Call 4014. nJ MIP IT. HNOSS. I At TMbU WITH M0OCLING.H lUt STATUf S fWISMf D... AMD MOVf-HA HA. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS: marwa-tMn ttartfiNat. uKawLx Klac trie cab inet. Sewe for wars ok reverse, uoow eewlng condittoa. ouaraaieeej. uaii S3 eft. Binger Sewlnr Center. 1M Ml aaaa Wpaltalft anaTatOlnat. I nsftlf used lA-aallom drums, suitable tod trash humors. HH Oaca, erroi Wsiker Paint Manufagtanas n- H. Front. Pbeae 4331ft. s3SJ 1 CU. FT. late model refrigerator. tal oaa range wiui wa ura." nvj torola combtnaUoa radio lift. See al t3t a. taieeriy. rneat eoi 1 1. aw UPRIGHT piano. Very good condition. Phone X0407. PIANO BUYS! awCHROEDER. ft! t7PR RKP1N1AHXD ftftftft ft PRACTICB PIANO, REBUILT 13ft CHICK ERIN O. SMALL, ROSE. 1 ' WOOD 34 4 SNOW T, MAH. 471 04 i. HEPIN. j aaw.Otl ET Make Offett BBTEY SPINET, BABY ORAND, REBUILT LESTER SPINET . wuRLrnnt spinet, i DAMAGED Save 1104) OVER Tft OTHER BEAUT1PUL 1 IN8TRUMENTS TO &&LXCT PROM. I BENCH. DELIVERY, TUNING STONE PIANO CO. 13ft State Ph. 3-131 ' ORGANO BARGAIN i sal ' Pita any piano. Por immediate i will discount SiftOO.ftO. A buy, if insuu Bicnt meets your needs. STONE PIANO CO. uaa atata at. Pb. i-un , Play Piano! CHILDREN 8 TO IB ADULTS 18 TO 118 8 WEEK'S COURSE $10 INCLUDES ALL CLASS MATERIAL . (BEGINNERS ONLY) SEE US! SALEM MUSIC CO. 113 B. Hlch St. ' Phone 3-370 ACROSS roOMaaaJUfMNORB THEATER REDUCED (3 per Day Until Sold STARTINO fRICB, NOV. 34. ITT 14 Electric Thermadore Wall Heater 3.004 WATT NOV. 24. $68.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Phone S-IIU Front AT Court atreet WR OIVI BAH ORKIN 6TAMPA MOTOROLA CAR RADIO. P1U any aood. at. A-l condition. Pnona 3-4034. nlTT" ORGANS These organs bare come fa as trade tat on beautiful new Connaonata or gans and we are offering them at these very low prices to clear the floor for another ahrpmeat. 0RGATR0N SPINET ORGAN $575.00 Pull electron!,, deb ten,, alee eaa tnet. C0NNS0NETTE SPINET ORGAN $1,095.00 Br Connaonata, fail pjanaal, faB pedatboard, like new. ELECTRIC REED ORGAN $195.00 aplnel ala. nice tone, Ideal for amall cburcb er chapel. JANSSEN PIANO ORGAN $200.00 DISCOUNT Floor demonatralor. full auarantea vorldt moat veraallle muelcal lnatru- CHURCHES - LODGES FAMILIES This It your opportunity te awn a fine ortan and tave many dollars these instruments will aell fait come in now and Investigate. CONVENIENT TERMS DELIVERY "MTJSICAL INSTRUMENTS OP INTEaRrTY'' SALEM MUSIC l&S S HUh St. Phone 3-1101 Acrott from KUinoTe Theater r.379 PRACTICALLY NEW Jem IWUVj electrlo disnwasner, iim. -v REAL NICE 34" Junior Ue bicycle. Oooti paint tires. . t-su Yves. 4-S53 . -Vj" VntedMS ELL ANE0US WOOORY WANTS Ptanoa Phone l-ftllft. WANTED Direct mill connection for all type Weatern lumber and mill product. No credit wanted ttrKtly discount buyers. Caatleton Lumber k Builders Supply Co. LHU1.0P, Ala! I ami, ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'a Ph. 3-ll V" PERSONAL SECURITY DETECTIVE AGENCY Private investigations, all types. Pa elite Bldg. Phone day or night 4-37.. PSYCHIC AND PALMISTRY READINGS Advice ea aU mature. We will help yea solve your problems. Bring tbla ad, and tl for a ft reading. Open 9 a ar il pm. No eppolntment necessary. 119 Portland Road. iNett te Nlek'e Inn i ' pttl- By Ham Fisher OKAY NOW LISSCM-Yl S NtVEPI AtORC TMEVKt 60N' NUTS I ANXIOUS. HE OftcWtS ft A RETURN A RETURN MATCH. BOUT vVlTH DajeCR 1 GET IT READY. MCFARLANE. AM- V. "NOBBV.