j IN j si a a I 4 HI 9 TH 5.1 Monday, Noeber 23, 1953 ' ' THB CAPITAL JOlTWAt, gaJett, Ongea Paf 4 'vt 1 V". - J HOSPITAL BOARD AND ROOM IN THE jsrs!:;. 1 ' V A mm SURGERY .5 ' CHILDBIRTH Tiese Famous Plans of Protection Provide in Specified Amounts for PLAN A HOSPITAL ROOM AND BOARD In the hospital of your choice for cither sickness or accident HOSPITAL EXTRA EXPENSE X-Ray, operating room, anaesthetic ambulance, medicines, Iron long, etc SURGEON'S BILLS ' For operations performed either In the hospital or In the doctor's office. CHILDBIRTH Doable benefits for twin births. Triple benefits for Caesarian birth. HOME NURSING For either sickness or accident. IM1 G ft i o in ca I 1 e im e if i 1 IP I a otf Proftecftiomi Hospital - Surgical - Medical - Nursing All residents of Salem and Marion county who qualify will have the opportunity to hove the National Benefit Plans of Protection. These famous Plans now protect many thousands of individuals and fam ilies against expensive hospital, surgical, nursing and doctor bills for either sickness or accident. The Program to explain this protection to all residents of the county is now beginning ana it will coninue un til all residents of the county hove been contacted and the National Benefit flans of Protection ex plained to them. V TWO GREAT NATIONAL BENEFIT PLANS Plot. "A' HOSPITAL SURGERY NURSING Plon "B' MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING This is the tremendously popular Hospital, Surgical and Nursing Plan. It now protects thousands and thousands of individuals and families. If you and your family are not protected under this Plan you may now learn how it may be available to you if you qualify. . .. : - v .; , -v ... ' - This is the Plan that pays toward Doctor Bills in the home, at the doctor's office, in a clinic, in a hospital in fact anywhere. It covers sickness, accident and delivery charge for childbirth. The benefits for doctor bills, operations and nursing will give added protection to the Notional Benefit Hospital, Surgical and Nursing Plan or to any other plan of protection. PLAN B DOCTORS' BILLS DOCTORS' BILLS For doctor's calls to jour home. For treatment at the doctor's office or clinic. For visits In the hospital. c 0UMTV WIDE HERE ARE A FEW REASONS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO HEAR A FULL EXPLANATION OF THE NATIONAL BENEFIT PLANS k They Are a Safeguard Against Government Control of Hospitals and Doctors: Socjaliiecl medicine It unnecessary for you when you and your family art protected under National leneflt Plan. k Hospital and Medical Care Has Become Tremendously Expensive: If you or a member of your family hci been recently hospitalised and hat had expensive medical or surgical car you know the importance of National Benefit Plan to repay the cost of this necessary but expensive cara. k One Person Out of Every Two Families Will Be a Hospital Patient This Year: The advanced medical techniques and the ultra modern Hospital facilities or being used now mora than evet to safeguard health and prolong life. If you or member of your family takai sick or meets with an accident, you, too, may become a hospital patient. And 6 of every 10 hospital patients require expensive surgical operations. You May Prepay Expensive Hospital, Surgical, Medical and Nursing Care at Low Cost: National Benefit Plans of Protection are low in cost. You will be surprised at the small monthly deposits to keep them in force to protect you and your family. We Are Pledged to Interview Alt County Residents. The National Benefit Plans of Protection Will Be Explained to Individuals and Families ... During the time necessary to contact all county residents, representatives will be Interviewing Individuals and families. Tha National Benefit Plans of Protection will be explained by fully qualified, specially trained rep resentatives. They ere pledged to contact all residents and to moke the plans available to all who qualify. A FEW MINUTES TIME IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED Just a few minutes of your time Is needed for you to receive full explonotion of the Plans. The representative who calls on you will arrange a t'Tie that Is convenient for you to receive full Information. INCOME PROTECTION: Ask the representative who calls on you about tha National Benefit Income Pro tector Plans that give you a monthly pay check when you are sick or injured. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A PLAN, HAVE YOU ENOUGH PROTECTION? You possibly now have a Notional Benefit Hospital and Surgical Plan, or you may have some other Plan, or be protected through your employment In Group Plan of some kind. GET A MEDICAL PLAN, TOO! ' REMEMBER: National Benefit pays benefits direct to you, or to the hospital er doctor as you direct. Benefits are NEVER prorated or reduced en eccount of any other protection you moy hove er any payments you receive from any other source. A low cost National Benefit Plan will give you the protection you need. Watch for 1 he Man WhW Cord He alone is qualified ta explain Hie plans, and cerries License Card Issued by the Insurance Deportment ef the State ef Oregon. SALEAA BOX 335 NATIONAL BENEFIT INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE DES MOINES, IOWA DEPENDABLE PROTECTION SINCE 1906 Sntfjorf ;el) STAFF REPRESENTATIVE Tht National Benefit Hoipltal & Surgical Plan m Bv Mottgaja mmtfm Me HlsllMIIII MfieaM Copyright mi NaU. Benefit In. Co.