Pt. 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem,- Oregos, Monday, November 23, 1953 Tele -Views 3 Radio-Television P On Television KPTV(27).KOIN-TV(6) UHF VHP MONDAY ON KFTV: The Toymaker, 4:11 A visit to tht Toymaker. shop with Fred Gierminn as tht Toy-maker." Bar 7 Corral, 1:10 Heck Haiper eerial "Red River Renegades." KOIN-TV: Armchair Theatre, 1:11 "Mania for laelody" Johnny Downee, Ruth Terry. "Dinner With the President." wUl be telecart "live" from Washington. D C, 4 te p Jn. ever lOIN-TV. The program highlights the 40th anniversary of the Anti-Defamation league of B'nal B'rith. Scheduled to eppeer with President Elsen- hower at the dinner are Lucille Ball Dezl Arnax, Jane rroman, Herb Khriner. Wm. Frawlev. Vivian Vance, Ethel Merman Helen Hayee, Lllll Pamer, Rex Harriion, Eddie Fisher and Wm. Warfield. The program also may be shown on kinescope en KPTV at 11:11 p.m., Monday. . . ON KPTV: Voice of Firestone, l:Je Soprano Dorothy Wsrenskjold If guest. Robert Montgomery Presents, :! "Week-end Pass" stars Brian Keith with Eda Heineman. A comedy about a GI who means to make the most of a three-day furlough. ' Nile Owl Theatre, 11:15 "My Wife's Relatives" starring James, Lucille, and Russell Gleason. .. ON KOIN-TVi Stadia One, 1 "Camilla" atari Michele Morgan. The ' tragic story of Marguerite Gautier written by Alexandre Dumat in 1632. Barns and Allen, I A widow, a racoon coat and Grade tomblne to get Harry Von Zell into trouble. Adolpb Menjou, (40 "The Magician" stars Adolph Men Jou and Anita Louise. The strange story of a magician who Is concerned about losing contact with his friends after death. I Love Lucy, Stars Lucille Ball and Desi Aran. Ricky prujuuee u uuj ajucjt g uiuik stoic, out nu up paying w re decorate the Mertzes apartment. U.S. Steel Hour, 10 "Hope for a Harvest" stars Faye Emerson and Robert Preston in a drama1 of life and love In the San Joequln valley of 193S during the depre-sion. Showtime on Six, 11 "Wings Over Wyoming" starring George O'Brien, Cecilia Parker. TUESDAY MORNING ON KPTV: . Kiddle Corner, 1:45 A new feature. ' Ding Dong Bell, 10 Nursery school. "What's Cooking?" 10:10 Barbtra Angell will discuss preparing Venison (deer meet). TUESDAY TV AND RADIO PROGRAM ' KPTV: Matinee Theater, 1 "Woman In Bondage" starring Gail Patrick and Nancy Kelley. The Toymaker, 4:30 A visit to the Toymaker's shop with Fred Glermann as the Toymaker. Llberaoe, 7 Selections Include: "Lady of Spain," "Vaya Con Dies," "Open the Door," and "Raclmanlnoff Fantasy." Dinah Shore Show, 7:10 A quarter hour of music with Ylw e. Vt Bit nw a i e e e ON KOIN-TV: Armchair Theater, 1:11 "Here Comes Elmer" Dale ' Evans, Frank Albertson, Jane Froman Show, 0:41 Setting: Bombay. Songs- "Big Wide Wonderful World," "Many Times," Kashmiri Love Song." and "Isn't It Strange." Football, 7:10 Oregon Oregon State. KPTV: . lhow' p'rl Munsel and George Raft are guests F M linn Pa.U ' . . , KEX TO BROADCAST 14 HOURS EACH DAY .tatC K ,MS"LN!fie' Wnh.u.. Radio -- -- - mmua uir Druaacasi scneauie to 24 .ign,?'b0MAM.,?r thrU'h 6,,UrUy- KEX bMn . . ON KPTV: rie.TS' S"Mied M"" Thom Gallagher. ak.tA I skflton P"nt his doughnut dunking D.vdJlin, C1'i!1 KWlhopptr and conduct the David Rose band In version of the "Poet and Peasant Over- and Mr;D.tgp711h UCi',,1:Hert" Basil R.thbone and Margaret Phillips with Martin Brooks. A spinster courts tragedy In a romance with a younger man ,pm,ler couru 10:30 Make Room for Daddy Comedy aeries starring Danny Thomas and Jean Hagen. starring 4-. lirS.ho!lme on Slx "Snowbound" starring Robert New ton, Dennis Price and Stanley Holloway. . , . KPTV: J'lrel!,U, Thetr. "We'll Never Have a Nickel" stars Judge for Yourself, 10 Fred Allen. tt.l ,m.I!7 Llve- ":J-rBI agent. Inform Phllbrlck that communists are obuining vital jet-engine secrets. K. ? Wl T.",tre' -"Lure of the Island." .tarring Robert Lowery, Gale Storm and Margie Hart. KEX CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS: Two Ions time favorite Christmas program, will aaaln be scheduled by KEX for the 1933 holiday .Wn. They are "Let ers to Santa Claus" and "The Cin.mon eBar" Letters to Santa Claus" will be broadcast at 4 P M dailv ?-Th. thrT'h Stur?."y. starting Friday. Novermer d.y Z?K aYDiT0 Chi'drtn'' """" Doe; TV Hurt Your Eyes! PHONE 1-1011 Valley TV (enler 1101 Falrgroonds Rd. Sales - Service Installatloa Open Till 0 p.m. Daily Sunday from 1 to ( p.m. MONDAT Extension Unit ing Dates Meetine rii nf Pnii. .i.. Home Extension Unit, follow- Nov. 307:30 p.m., Rlckrea'll Grange hall, "Family Business and the Law." Meeting to be conducted by Kenneth Shelter ly, Fred Calcf, and a panel of local attorneys. Dec. 17:30 pm Rlckreall Grange hall, monthly meeting of 4-H Leaders' association. Special entertainment numbers to be presented. Dec. 410:30 p.m.. Central high school home economics room. Project leader training "Food for Entertaining." .""'-Ml P.m., Central niCh rhfWil rfeiii nv. it.. - , - -wiisd, r oiiiiiiy Business end the Law," meet ing presented by Kennth Shet terly. Frtd Cal . , of local attorneys'. CAR ft TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phono 3-9600 T AST, SATE Help Child's Cough For ceaam aed seals broachMi n to eoMs yoa cm bow ert Craonakice apcciellypniandlcrCaildrta m aar ns and Ma Mctae. sad he mm l) YoweftldWSlik.IL tlteoauia oaly sale, asoisej lejrsdkasi. )) H coaulas as aeicoeke ds (4) li will tid aaturt lo soodw and keel raw, tadcr. fciOwnwl laraal ami broachal BMoibnaat. Una ratiewa la eoesh and dtoidoUb. fwa anil step. Ate for CraoanUoa lor Ckit drea at Mw piak an mm facaa. CREOMUCSION IS w a. U K i n. M M 1I U tm. II. M 1) II I I. la w I N I m. IH t a I ll p.m. I u I II pa. I M s a. S IS I N e.a. I II ..a. r a. la in 1 11 I I. 1:M r m. I M f a. I.M I I. I N m. I M II II M II. 11:0 l a. 11:11 p.a. ll-ll n Vrrv- Dint Dem SchiMd Kmr-wnii'i ctMimfi KPTV HklAt Palis KPTV Frttnd et Psallr KPTV Wtiii'j n Your Ula4 KPTV Thlj I tht Lift KPrV MeUinM ThtT rOIN Douolt w MUtlnv KPTVOn Your Aocaust KOIN-4ltrlkt It Rich KPTV K-tt mith KOIN Oarry Uoort Cot KPTV KrU flmith KPTV Wflcomo Trtvtltrt KOtN prtt, CKtnhovtr KPTV Tht Toymkf KPTV Howdr Ooodr KOIN-t(MIt PlS u KPTV Btr JT Corral KOIN Lturtl ftBd Htrdy I KPTV WU4 Bill Hick ok KOIN MUKr WtftttitrmtB KPTV M1U n ti koin Do ui JUwtrda KPTV Northwest Dlltll KOIN OrtitiMt Drtm. KPTV Chlctte Ftihl KOIN-ttKllo On -KPTV Arthur Murray Duct KOIN-tuUo On KPTV NlWt CsUtVftB KOIN Atixtlt OBt KPTV Nt,rot Thtl Tunt KOIN Burnt and Allen KPTV Voict or Flrutoot 1TOIN Adolpb Utnleu KPTV Dt D d ll Dm r KOIN I Lovt Lucr KPTV Robert MoBtlOBtrr KOIN Red Buttons KPTV Arthur Uurrar Don KOIN U. B. Btttl Bhow KPTV nth Hour H.wt KOIN Ahowtltnt on Hit JCPTV WtaUtr Vtnt KPTV- Iflfg OwT Thf iff 1 M U M aV.BM. 11; IB aV.Be. 11:1 b.h. II M m. II M tL It M .E I N p.m. I M w m. I M 9 m. I ll B BL I M P sB. t BL 4 a B tm. I N p.m. I M 9-m. M pm. $ II P BL I N P BL U p.m. T:M p.m. I ll p.m. VM p.m. I N 1:11 P.m. IN p.m. I N p.m. 10 H p m. 1110 p.m. H ot p.K. T7IIBAT KPTV PtaT DsMf bcbsmI " ' ,ekalaair rrrv Htvatat pu KPTV Th BHit4 KPTV Watfi m iMif Utod ui ig rwu KPTV DlsaBt Luc BhtT eawa, rfaBp KPTV MttlAM Bf7 KOIN Umi urt KPTV MatlBtt Tbtattv a U BUT Tlttl KPTV Oa Tour Acttvatt KOINtrlkt It Rica KPTV Kilt Bmlth KOJN Oarrv Umi KPTV KU Baall ' KPTV wV.Lmhi ru..t. KPTV Tht Tonttfetr KPTV Tht TtfssstaMr KOIN Mr. Mora KPTV HtVeJy De4d? roiN Btodit rttt KPTV-rBar 71 Corral jmiw aitaait Pali 1110 BIB, 11. If p.m. KPTV Ttrrif Bad PlratM KOIN Ulster tWafhtrmaa KPTV Btranct A4tatarrt KOIN Doug Bdvtrdt KPTV NW Ntva-Stwrta KOIN J ana Prog&AB BJMV KPTV 1. 1 tor act KOIN Pi 1m i Jtffrtp sltBM KPTV Diana Bbort KOIN Oret oa v. Ortats Bi. KPTV Na Caravan roiN call. a Ortcoa n v-Hiiioa Btrit KOIN Or l tot Bxtrtat rPTV UUton Btrlt KOIN Rext Bktltoa KPTV Fire hit Tbtattr KOIN Captur-4 kptv ctrclt TbtaUr ' rOIN Buaptatt kptv JixUt par Touratlf KPTV I Ltd ThrteT Llvti KOIN Uakt Room (or Dad4 PPTV Potttrt Ntwt koin Bhowtima ob Bis Vaat KPTV Kilt Owl Thtatar Liberty Fur Farmers Win Coveted Mink Show Prize TELEVISION Sales B Service) a Installations MITCHELL RADIO ft TV 1880 Store St. Ph.3-7577 MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Salt Service - Installation Open from te S pa. Ph. I-161 1 2140 8. Comt Haltm's Fint Tflevulon Store Toscannini Returns To Conduct Orchestra New York W) Maestro Ar turo Tojcaninl, after a bout with the flu, returned to Car negie Hall last .night to con duct the NBC Symphony for the first time this season. The 88-year-old Toscanlni had been scheduled to make hi. first appearance Nov. 8. Liberty The Pur Termers in uie Lioerty area made vrv AoH ahawfn mitk nrlms mink at the Oregon State fur RrMri.ri mlnlr ihnw An Satur day at McMinnville. Mink shown were of the highest quality. With mora than 400 Mi-u tha Staeev Fur Farm ntrjM4 12 mink and nlaetfi arlth ll Konne rur rarm. entered 18, placing with 18. C. W. Staeev of tha Slv Fur Farm took a sweepstake. and llrat place with a Stewart xemaie. a auver niua. - 2nii Stewart female. Tn thm Hr.n of Spring and Stewart class, 2na, pasiei male; 2nd. pastel remaie; 2nd, sapphire male; 3rd. aaDDhire female- 4th un. phire female; 5th sapphire male: 6th. Dastel female- nth dark female, and a ?ih place witn a pasiei male. Harvey Ronne of the Bonne Fur Farm, took a first place with a saDDhire male 2nrf urith a sapphire male, tn the Stewart ciass, a zna, 3rd, sapphire fe male; 3rd, 7th, 8th, sapphire male; Standard dark, 3rd, fe male; 4th male; Topaze female; a, oin, and . 7th, male; 8th; Stewart paste male; 2nd, fe male, 4th and 8th. The Judges of the show were Michael Dederer, president of the SeatUe Fur Exchange, Rus Eckerly, Hudson's Bay Co., New York, and Otto Buel, New York Auction House, in New York. C. W. Stacey has been asked to write for the Fur Breeders Alamanac. He will edit It for one year. He will write variou. article, each month, stressing the important things the fur ranchers should be doing for those months. At the end of the' year it will be compiled In one little booklet, to be used in the National Magazine for Fur Breeders. A special article appeered in tha October edition nn Imnrnif. ing breeding stock, and in the novemoer issue on pelting mink. Mink pelting has gotten un der way this past week in the Liberty area. Graders from the Eastern Auction hntta in Nauf York have been helping the fur rancners grade their mink, get ting inem ready for the market. Offer Thanks An all -youth Thankvl0n worship service will be held in conjunction with the Junior Hl-Y induction program at the First Christian Chnroh t -n Tuesday night. The service will oe neia under the direction of the six Hl-Y clubs. Ken Rawlines. nait nreniHeni of Arthur Cotton Hi-Y and re cently selected by his fellow Hl-Y memhera malrin .an outstanding 1 contribution I n Christian service, will be the principal speaker. Contributing to other por tions of the program will be: Fred Minifie, responsive read ing; Phil Burkiand, talk on Y. M. C. A. world service; Herb Trlplett, chairman, Invocation, and Anne Meeker, musical ac companist. East Salem East Salem Thursd.T was social club day for the mem bers of several eaat Salem clubs this week. Merry Minglers met at the home of Mrs. Covll Case on McCoy St The hostess waa ret membered with a surprise handkerchief shower In honor of her birthday. , Attending were Mrs. Harvey Paie. Mrs. Anna Jess, Mrs. Leonard Malm, Mrs. Albert Fa bry, Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Clyde Colwell, Mrs. W. B. Wit tington, Mrs. E. A. Jackson, Mrs. J. Irwin Wagers, Mrs. Joe Sllmak, Mrs. R. Gordon Scott and the hostess. The next meet ing will be with Mrs. Snyder. Merry-go-round club mem bers met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. David Kara on Hollywood Dr., with Mrs. Sam Rehfeld assisting hostess. Aspeelal feature for this meeting wis the gift for the new baby of Mr.. Keith La Due born In October. The prize was awarded to Mrs. Paul Bar Present were the honored guest, Hrs- Keith La Due, Mrs. Russell Proudfit, Mrs. Melvin La Due, Mrs. W. J. Buck, Mrs. Clayton Gibb, Mrs. J. P. Robl nett, Mr.. Barham, Mrs. Ed ward Curtis, Mis. Florence Kleeman, Mrs. Kara and Mr.. Rehfeld. Tuesday was a special sewing- day for several members of Swegle Woman's club meet ing at the home ot Mrs. Alfred Pauli on Blrchwood Dr. Spend ing the dsy working oa arti cles for the club', bazaar were) Mrs. Homer Conklin, Mrs. Ralph Hein. Mrs. L. E. Klein, ke, Mrs. Mary Swingle, Mrs. Julia Jennings, Mrs. Menno ! Da Ike, Mrs. Clark MoCaU and Mrs, Pauli . Edina Lane home extension unit's November meeting was held at the Home of Mrs. George Hanauska on Maine St. The demonstration was "New Trends in Lighting" with the leader Miss Ermine Fisher, county extension agent. A Christmas party was plan ned for December with Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. George Hanauska, Mrs. George Sey mour, Mrs. Floyd Thompson, the committee for planning. Mrs. Hanauska conducted the program planning discussion. The report of the meeting for study of Hawaii was given by Mrs. Floyd Thompson, world citizenship chairman of tha unit. Special guests were Mrs. Otis Bradbury, Mrs. Leo Dum ler, Mrs. John Lee and Mrs. Harry Singer with Mrs. Dum ler welcomed as a new mem ber. Attending the meeting were Mrs. H. A. Biske, Mrs. Scott Foster, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Thomas Lay, Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. J. P. Stirniman, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. M. Stephen son, the chairman and tfeo hostess. WILDCAT STRIKE ENDS J. Montreal W A 24-hodr wildcat strike of bus and street car drivers ended yesterday.. TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duty Till t:39 p.m. Dally TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 S. 12th Ph. 4551 If'.' Hera NOW? NEW,TUSELES "Sjoywl-T" 3 -TRANSISTOR HEARING AID W-A-SM-WlHe-r ffjTXT By Makers of Zenith TV sad Radios Morris Opticdl Co. 444 State St. Phone 8-5528 Salem Chiropractic W'v,e 4: Dr. J. L. Ahlbln Nerve and Bone Specialist Clinic Phytiotheraphy Electrotheraphy 0 Colon Irrigation X-Ray Phona 2-6820 for Appointment Open Dally, 9 till 6 Ssturdiy till Woo 1225 South Commercial Vital Organs Are Controlled Thrown Nerrea Penney'! SALEM, ORE. T LTXPVV (TQ0d(GV fta KiXJDiP tr" WINTER'S HERE! BUY ON LAYAWAY ! ! FREE PARKING Shopper's Car Park S. High at Ferry or Marion Car Park S. Commercial k Ferry Ask your salesperson to validate your parking check for 1 hour FREE. ESTRON Toddlers' Snowsuits double 'TQ zipper Ll Jk T . 4 V IT -4 f .- SfT i . I J mmmmm9mmmmmmmmmWmmmmT-mmmmmmmVSmmmVmmmMmmmmWmmmmmWmmmmWmm7M I 1 L.svtal V So easy to get on in J off o coty and warm inside! 50 wool knit cuff, that keep out stray winds! Here's full protection for your baby.'s long wearing qual ity.'s welcome low price that make, their growing-out-of-them painless on the budget! Siies 1-3 in red, moiie, pink, or green citron fabric. SECOND FLOOR WARM AND WONDERFUL FOR TODDLERS ... 17 I sl 1AII Kim wuui. rich rni nfK II Put your toddler into this charmer from Pen ney's! Soft ond cozily worm in rich wool, it has double breasted button detail, semi princess lines, contrast stitching ot sleeves and collar. Red, blue, pink, gold, baby blue. 1 to 4. SECOND FLOOR 1 SMMK m H f- k rtr mi WITH HAT PRETTY PATTERNS FOR TODDLER GIRLS . . . ALL WOOL PATTERN COAT Penney's puts darling good looks, plenty of value into this coat cutie! Warm oil wool, it has touches of solid color rayon velvet at collar, on buttons. Multicolor for Sizes I to 4. SECOND FLOOR (8)90 WITH HAT one SAVE I KXt CHILD IN J, -is U1. I 1