Monday Novetabtr 23, 195S .THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8lt, Oregon Pat IS how Clamed tio Alll-Cocasfteirs; Cameiroin) Leads n Inammous rote for ICLA Star Br BOB MYERS Lot Angeles WW The 185S It-Pacific Coait Conference ootball team, aa aelected by he Associated Preu with the ooperatlon of the conference oaches, features Stanford Uni erslty a dazzling passing com' ination and a act of hard run' ing back! led by Paul Camer n of UCLA. - Cameron, the IBS-pound latter from Bur bank, Calif., at the lone unsiiimoua choice r tne eoacnea ana weir ss- utanta. Unford Lands t Ends Th.r. wu ttA AUAitlnn Ifither, about the aelection of 'CC All-Stars lw Angeles Here la the 15J All-Faclfle Coast Conference football teanf aa elected ky the Associated Press In cooperation with conference coaches: ' Ends Sam Morley, Stan ford; John Steinberg;, Stan ford. Tackles Charles Dsnd, CCLA; Daaae Wardlow, Washington. Guards Georce Timber lake, CSC; Milt Bohart, Washington. , Center Ron Jheltter, Oregon. J Backs Bob Garrett, Stan ford; Paul Cameron, UCLA; Aramle Daadoy, CSC; (leerge Shaw, Orecoa. Stanford's star quarterback, iBob Garrett, and big two Sparkling receivers, Ssm Mor ley and John Steinberg. Named with Garrett and ICameron in the backfield were Jcregon'e great all-round quar terback. George Shaw, and fleet Aramls Dandoy of the University of Southern Cali fornia. The ell-PCC line boasts fChsrles (Chuck) Doud of UCLA and Duane Wardlow of Washington, tacklet; George Tlmberlake of Southern Cali fornia and Milt Bohart of Washington, guards, and Ron Phelster of Oregon, center. The coaches' ballot it confi dential with the AP, but It is essy to guess thst the vote en most of the petitions and csn- dldstes was dose. The tabula' tton toon showed that some of the outstanding players would of necessity be squeezed out of the top 1 1 pieces. Patera on tad Team The second tesm Is no less stsr-studded. It leads off with hacks Psul Larson and Al Tal 3 lev of California, Wayne Berry W Washington State and Flip 'Jtleffner of Idaho. 5 The line: Ends, Myron Ber liner, UCLA, rnd Tom Niekol ; off. USC; tackles, Jack Ellena, i Bruins Sure As Coast Officials Vote San Francisco W) UCLA's mighty - Bruins were almost sssured of a Rote' Bowl bid today as Pacific Coast Con ference officials cast ballots for their representative at Pasadena against Michigan State. The Bruins climbed to the top of the PCC stsndlngs on Saturday when they defeated USC, 13-0, and Csllfornis'a Bears held a strong stsnford eleven to a 21-21 tie. Voting by the PCC repre sentatives In the nine schools wss expectede to be complet ed and the choice announced today. Each school will tele graph Its nomination to the office of Commissioned Vic tor O. Schmidt in Los Angel es. Bruins Ahesd Saturday'! victory ever the Trojans fsve the Bruins a league recrd of six wins and one loss while Stanford end ed up with a mark of five victories, one loss snd one tie. Coach Red Sanders of UC LA said he eonsidera Michi gan State a fine choice as the Big Ten representative for the Rose Bowl. He said the Bru - ins "would rsther fsce the best tesm in the Big Ten and we figure Michigan State is thst tesm." Eighty-three thoussnd fans jammed the. Memorial Colise um in Los Angeles Ssturdsy SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all Binds. Trsasea, A Mam inal Sapperts, Elaatis Hauler Expert flllera private flttlni A i TOiB DOCTOR Capital Drug Store ts Stat, atreet Ceraer of Uaartf ' Orw mm - Wa. f A il I jOUr UUllOOK Tbto. w" 1 d o f expression football Coach Frank Leahy wora when It didn't look ae good for Notre Dame at South Bend, Ind. The Irish were trailing 14-7 at the time, but scored In final minutes to end the day with a 14-14 tie with Iowa. AP Wire photo) UCLA, and Jack Patera, Ore gon, and center, Matt Hazel- tine, California. - The first team consists of eight seniors and three Juniors, Dandoy, and Pheister and Shaw. As an aggregate, the team can boast of speed, size, deception and experience. Doubtless the main surprise of the tesm was the fact that California, for the first time in many years, did not land a player on the first outfit. Linfield Will Retire Rutschman's No. McMlnnville M Foot ball Jersey number 32, owned and used for four years by Linfield frUback Ad Ratseh man, hai been retired by the athletic department. Retirement of the nnmber was by special consent of the student body and the letter man's club. This is the first time In the college's history that any athlete has been given this honor. rao BAsasTBAix By Tilt Aaaaetataa FT Ml) Saaaar'a BMalta Ulna.apella IT. Itll.auk. St. Ntw Tork St. SrraeuM SO (.Tartlma). rort Wirni ts. RochMMr St. Batardar'a BM.Ila wnneapolla 71. Arracuaa CT. Boaton to. Fort Wayna tt. Philadelphia lot, Baltimore St. of Bowl Bid FACiriC COAST CONrSUKTB W L T JVt. TT FA UCLA I I I HI 171 41 Stanford til .7M Itl to Boo. callforala .. 4 t 1 M 141 St California 1 t S .500 ItT tt Wash, Stat .... t 4 S .431 ltl 141 Oraao. Rtltt .... I I I IS 11 II Waahlnitoa Ill .117 HI 111 Ortto. I I 1 411 44 tt Idaha s I I .41 it It to watch the Bruins In the crucial tilt that gave them the i PCC crown. Weekend Games California's fighting eleven came from behind to earn the tie with Stanford. An upset was refistered in the Northwest when Oregon State tallied in the openinf quarter to down Oregon, 7-0. In Seattle, Washington State came frm behind to beat their traditional rival, Washington, 25-20. Idaho lost its eighth game of the season when the Vandals fell before Utah State. 1S-7. Games this weekend: Notre Dame play- USC in Los Angeles; Pepperdine vs. Whittles on the letter's field; Utah State and College of Pa cific at Lodi, Calif.; UUh and Brigham Young in Salt Lake j City; Denver and Wyoming at 1 Denver: Colorado A&M meets Colorado at Fort Collins, and Arizona faces Arizona State at Tempe. WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Auto - (ieorge i OSKO INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Capitol St. Phono J-56oi Between Hood and Shipping Browns Win Again 20-16, Favored to Gain 8th Title By EARL WEIGHT . New York tlJ The unde feated Cleveland Browns, prob ably the most consistent tesm in the pro football history, will be heavily favored to win their eifhth division title in aa many tries when they entertain the Chicago Cardinals next Sun day. ' Otto Graham's passes, Lou Groza'a piste kicks and food defensive play enabled Cleve land to defeat the Pittsburgh Steelers, 10-16. yesterday' for its ninth 1853 victory. The Philadelphia Eagles made it alx in a row by shutting out the Cardinals, S8-0, Saturday night but they trail by 3 games with only three games to go and another Cleveland triumph will end the National League's Esstern Conference title race. A Ttrht West Race The positions of the three leaders in the tight western "jtrelt Lions rallied to beat the Chicago Bears, 20-16, and keep half-game lead over the run- ner-up Los Angeles Rams. The Rama also rallied to beat the Baltimore Colts, 21-12, and the San Francisco Forty-Niners re medied a game behind Detroit by defeating the Green Bay Packers, 37-7. The Washington Red skins scored 17 fourth-period points for a 24-21 victory over the I Referees Tell Duties To S.B.C. Football and basketball off! cisls don't work games as a vo cation, but as an avocation and for "personal satisfaction, the Salem Breakfast club was told this morning by guest referees. George Sirnio remarked that 99. H per cent of officials are former athletes or coaches with an interest In the sport and he asserted that "officials make fewer mistakes than players or others associated with the game." Nineteen of 20 coaches themselves don't read the rules, he claimed. Written rules don't always mean what they aay, he con tinued, which is one reason why the Salem Officiate as sociation was organized in 1947 to seek uniform Interpretation of rules and standard qualifies tiont for officials. Sirnio ex plained that the association re quires apprenticeship for new referees until they prove them selves. Not Policemen Al Lightner, veteran of 12 years of whistle tooting in foot ball and basketball, including Pacific Coast league games, laid "We are not policemen but believe the game belongs to the kldt and the schools." "The basketball games won't be aa rough as some claim under a policy to discourage too much whistle blowing. Lightner told the Senator hotel gathering. "We work on the theory that if contact doesn't affect the play we won't call it We don't want players to use elbows, knees or hips when going after the Sail and we will draw the line between 'getting someone' and playing straight basketball." There isn't one major rule change for this year, Lightner said, with the one-and-one foul shot still in effect with two shots on all fouls in the last three minutes. John Kolb, the third guest official, related incidents of the past, one involving an Oregon Oregon State game in Portland. Oregon, trailing one point, shot a field goal at about the same time the final gun fired, un heard in the uproar by anyone but the timer, who wouldn't venture to say If the shot was In time. Two Points Become One Oregon State took the ball down court and shot again be fore Referee Lightner was in- Fer the Best In FUEL OIL GEORGE CADWELL OIL COMPANY 2511 Hpj Stils SL nm 2-7431 Truck - Fire Sti. on Hiway Coins I.'orth m T1 rAiMiat 9v rmioaijaEX New York Giants In the other conteal yesterday. Cleveland scored the first time it got the ball at Pitta burgh aa Graham's first pass zipped to halfback Ray Ren fro for a 54-yaia touchdown, urs ham also threw a 31-yard TD pass to end Pete Brewster and Groza kicked field foals of 50 and 41 yards to bring hia 19S3 total to 17, two less than nis NFL record. Fortv Nlners Win Easily Los Angeles trailed, 7-0, at the half but won at Baltimore on fullback Dan Towler'a 08- yard touchdown run, quarter back Norm Van Brocklln's 28- vard acoring pasa to halfback Vitamin smith ana nauoacs: Herb Rich'a 53-yard TD dath with an Intercepted pass. Lichte were used throughout the game because of a heavy fog- ' Quarterback Y. A. Tittle scored twice on short plunges and threw a Sl-yard scoring pass to end Billy Wilson as San Francisco easily beat Green Bay during steady snow at Milwaukee. During the first eight min utes of the lsst period, half back Bill Dudley kicked a 37 yard field goal, quarterback Eddie Lebaron scored on three-yard run and halfback Charley Justice ran 15 yardt to score aa aWshlngton won at New York. formed the rame was over. Llchtner ruled the Oregon eoal worth one point, throwinf the fame Into an overtime' prob ably the only time two points became one," Kolb added. Oregon State won eventual ly. . -i- 15 Service Clubs To Honor Viking Gridders Dec. 11 About 15 Salem service' clubs will Join In honoring the Salem high school foot ball team at a noon banquet Dee, 11 at the armory. a The Salem Junior Cham ber of Commerce, which In itiated plana earlier, appoint ed Bill Brers as chairman. Byera said a hot meal will be aerved at IX noon, with the program lasting from 11:45 to 1:15. The high school pep band; will play during the pro gram. Other details will be announced later today. Man Chaiks 159 Miles in 8 Hours . ' Motspur Park, England VP) . Wally Hayward, 45-year-old South African, set a world rec-, ord for running Saturday I covering 159 miles, 562 yards' in 24 hours. Hayward had to be assisted off the' tiny Motspur Park I cinder track. Me flopped ex-1 hausted on a dressing room bench and scarcely seemed in-' terested as aides told him he hi mashed every known rec ord from eight hours up. Dur-1 ing the monotonous jogging around the oval track he lost seven pounds. ' THESE ARE THE HOTTEST USED TRUCK BUYS ( Stock V Reducing 41T 1946 1950 1947 1948 1950 1950 1949 1950 jlj 102T I 1 103T 1950 104T 1949 105T 1949 9 106T 1940 pL3 112T 1951 all3 97T 1950 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Liberty at Marion football Scores ataMr4vT na wi. it wuhiwiw aula m, wuhiMtasB Mb Or Mit 1, Otwtm . t4vmlrl ai. CfUUwalg, IL DCU II. USC . 14W1 tt4 Cltu-k It. Ctmt. Watch. cn. r rwitw i. rrtuM stoat it C-llfwrttl rot WUtaatlU 1. OlFWrt C tt. Lmr tVC l BOCK IK C4ssvale AsfcM t, t HfSlM i. lorTiwut MkBMuri it, atUll . Ttiu Tc 41. Htwtact SI. Barter 11, fMiUira MtUMdlat It, KttW It. TUM CaUtMlU ft. HID WRIT IUIaMla ft, WwrtoVtMUi-a 14. rurtftM tt, lad! OklaUiM. M. Mw-ruk t. UUhLfu ftlgtu 31. Mr4HU U. Utebtttt. Ml Ohio IUU ft, Mdtro JM.tM 14. Iowb, 14, MIbbm II. WlMtMata tU EAUT HftrvBN. u. Tftlt . XtartMOUtg, 14. rrlgwtlOti It. riB IUU 11. PUUtouriB. ft. CvlunhU 11. ftutftrt 11. o.Ut PnlTtmltr M, TBalt Holy crwi SO. rortUUH 1. SOUTH vtuaeft 14. SlTHHM 11. South TtueOaft 4. Wffor4 t. WuhlMtot.LM It. Willlm Ifarr t. Auburn 4ft, Cltnuea It. Xrntuckr 11, TtBBMicw SI. Anion St. Kbiuu autt M. LSU t. ArkaBsu t. UarvIaBd 11. AUbtai t. Uliiiwlppl Southern 14, Ooortlft f. North Carol lo II. Virgin 1. WmI TiiTirilt ft. north CtroUa H. ft. Otonl Tooa II. Dut It gator rti Brova At. Bluofttld IUU , NATIONAL riO roOTBALL LKAGri PhUgtalclphi It, Chleua CuUnli t, CltvlB4 SO, rutthutih It. Dtuolt St, ChkM Bn 1, Vcm AmtlN si, BaltlBoro It. 5b nBcieo IT. Otooa By V, WhlBtton S4, Mi Tork H. TIDI TABLE TIP, far T.ft, Orw lots (CcnrtkS St V. B. Caul OaaSalr. sorvta, rorlla... orato.1 NOTomtar Tiara Haiihl nalabt Hub. Waura Low waMra I II aaa. 14 i n a.m. 1.1 1:14 ..I !. II .l II 1:11 saa. 1:14 S it ..aa. 1 4 p ea. t it s aa. -I t t:ll ..aa. t.l II 10 i a. -14 11:11 ..aa. I I MM saa.. 1.1 11:14 p . IS 11 H 11 11:11 pm. S.7 11 It a ta. 1.1 1:11 S.4 il 4:11 ..aa. It pat. II 1:14 ..aa. t: .aa. I II ..aa. S I2 p.BB. t 14 a m. It IT II it 4:1 .l It It rw a m. 1:11 P. ra 44 CHUB Phone 14-1451 195$. Commercial Final Wind-up Of the Big Furniture AUCTION LAST 2 DAYS Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 23-24 A 1 :30 P.M. and 7:30 Evenings DONT MISS IT! HARE Furniture Co. 255 N. High IN TOWN We've Kissed Our Profit Good Bye on These -FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED- Dodge 2 ton, 2 tpeed, 5 spaed transmission $495.00 Chev. carryall 995.00 Dodge Panel, Clean-Good tires... 495,00 International Pickup, Worth mart 595.00 Ford Pickup V ton-New paint. . , . 895.00 Ford V4 ton Pickup-Sharp 1295.00 Ford Pickup-New paint-Sharp.... 795.00 Ford 2 ton, 2 speed, 825 rubbar- very sharp 1 099.00 Ford 6 cyl. Pickup-New paint. Good buy 795.00 Ford 8 cyl. Pickup-4 speed 695.00 Dodge panel-Darn good buy 695.00 Ford Truck a steal 195.00 International Dual Drire- Discounted 5500 - Sharp 3295.00 Ford F7 Truck-Cheap for an "Averog." ... 2095.00 TRUCK DEPT. Late Train Delays 'Cats Return From 52-7 Loss Return of the Willamette un. lveraity football team from its SX-T Saturday night defeat at Saa Luis Obispo, Cal., was delayed today by slide on the tracks of the Southern Pacific railroad. Scoring the 61 points accord ing to custom was California State Polytechnical college, fi nal opponent of the Bearcats thia season, giving the Bearcats a season's record of five losses, two victories and a tie. For Cal Poly it was victory No. 9, making it one of the few west ern colleges with perfect rec ords. The host Mustangs scored 20 points for a 20-7 halftimo lead before beginning to aubmerge a ' stubborn Bearcat defense. Four TDs came in the fourth quarter. The Salem delegation crossed the goal line In the second quarter when Quarterback Harvey Neff endorf p a a s e d three times to Dean Benson, end, the final one for 23 yards. Ray Chaipuzio, guard, con verted. Say'TJo" To Acid Stomach (tjyllwlfk fajat-tKlltlf TUMS : Don't let acid indl ajestioo get the best of too. Don't suffer needletily with heartbarn and any prcnare paint. Eat 1 or 2 Tumi for lop. tpeed relief whenever distress occur. Tami cannot overalkaliae. Can't causa acid reboond. Require no water, no miiiog, no wailing. Gel a bandy roll of Turns to carry in pocket or purse today! MaairMa.M luats tot im rasMT Opposite Senator Hotel f Slock V Reducing A Phone 33147 In the 65-yard Willamette drive, Lou Lofland, often out thia season with ailing portions of his anatomy, bit off large cnunats oi yardage. Cal Poly scoring: Bob Lawson on a 20-yard gaitop in tne first quarter. A safety when Georte Bardsleya punt waa blocked and he recovered It on the wrong aide of the goal line, still in the first quarter. Don Reed plunged from three yards out with seconds remaining in the first hslf af ter a pass interception set it up. Lawson ran 20 yards In the third quarter after a fumble recovery on the Bearcat 27. Perry Jeter scored from the S for a 34-7 lead to start the TERMITES -YEAR GUARANTEE PHONE 2711 , SaariBtssd tat (satral Serrkt X5 SO. tOTH -e- ' i or nEunoi,D noiio y ai lellar.s.taJaf.ltV4 '. J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITID REPAIR CO 253 N. UIERTY Authorised Repair on All Major Appliances and AH Small ' Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Larffe ADnliancM Ivan Royse and CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 2053 FAIRGROUNDS RD. . Specializing In Chinese American Poods featuring "Good roods Well prepared" Bring the ramUy Call for Reservations for Dinirvrs and Parties ' CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND & GRAVEL At Wheatland Ferry - Rt 1, Gervsls ' Ready-Mix Concrete. Sand. Gravel, Crushed Rock Prompt. Courteous Service CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 M0RTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th tt. HOYT Approved Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks , Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS Garden Tillers - Power Mowers Paint Sprayer Air Com pressors Sanders Plumbing. Tools - Power and Hand Mowor Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong S, Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Ruga and Carpets Estimates Gladly Glvenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Syttemt Deep Well Turbines . Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pine and Fittings WATER WELL TESTWO) . Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Mschlnes, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN 1174 ErlRew.ter St OR J-57 ROAD WEST SALEM ROAD OILING TWEEDIE FUEL' OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING ft HEATING Repairing 153 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stsmpa THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-31S7 130 L Ifcsrty . 310 tsorl. Dtwattwi 2440 tra. MtdkH binst 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO 8. Liberty Store Open 13:00 to 3:00 P.M. and 4:00 P M to 9 00 P.M. All Sundays and" Holidays Radio Repair oT:. Ph.3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 Statt Motorola Dealer for T General Electric Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION BSSD VALLEY TELIVISION CENTER 3303 Fairgrounds Rd. In Wooriburn at 171 Grant Et DUMGNT TrXEViBiOM SKI'S Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR . HOFFMAN fourth period avalanche, fol lowed by Alex Bravo on a 25 yard acoring jaunt. Bob Hawk Ins from the 4 and Jeter on a. diving run after another pasa interception. HOOP OFFICIALS TO MEET The Salem Basketball OUi eials association will meet at 7:30 tonight at the Salem YMCA. Al Wk-kert, secretary, said that rules interpretation will be the major business to bo transacted. . SEE The New 1954 Bendix Automatic Washers-Dryers , RtUMB AAS -Hi A rt ITBm no Mtfaai mmmo Walt Claua, Owners Ph. 2-6596 1185 S. 12th ST. Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 2-4151 24 NOUI in Yin Ph. 3-9123 rjl Salem 2-113 "A. Woodburn3611