Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 21, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    --- -Mrf . . u- . :
Vihings uitiveiglniedl
Crowd of Near 7000
Expected at
A crowd of 1 .000 fa xpKt-
, tdto tntlu Satan hlfh VI
. king and Central Catholic
Rama meet at HcCulloch
SUdlum tonight la th state
A-l final.
Tha winner will play the
itronf Cranta Paa eleven next
Friday night at Portland In
tha final. Cite will epn at
Lea Custalaon' Vlklnp are
undefeated in ten gamaa thl
year while the Ram hare won
I' ' -
... Fallback (or Sam
nin (tratght thl year and
twenty In two year. Harry
Scarff Central team 1 the
defending (tat champion
while Salem ha never played
In the ttat play-off.
Line Outweighed ky II
The Central line average
180 pound to Al Gray' Siltm
line' 170. In team weight av
erage the Viking have 19
and the Ram have 181. The
Big Central Catholic line la
anchored by center Hal Duffy
at 221 and tackle Al Sodaro
at 235.
Vine Altenhofen pace the
Ram' paiilng attack with
Matt Muiulin and Nick Saa
tangelo at the end. Neither
backlleld ha too much weight
with the Viking not having a
man weighing more than ITS
and Central ha It heaviest at
Both team have come up
with powerful tunning atlacki
in rolling through their iea
on In undefeated ityle. Half,
backii John Vranlzan ' and
George Kan and fullback
Chuck Wither (park the Ram
backfield that ha rolled up
287 point thu far while the
Central detenu wa holding
their apposition to Juit IS
Salem' otfem ha been
impressive aa they have run
up a total of SOT point in 10
gam. Salem' defenra ha
held the 1th rr team to 58
point or an average of about
one touchdown a game.
Field in Good Bhape
Herb Triplett lead the Vi
king pining attack with Herb
Juran taking a second atrlng
berth right behind him. The
halfback! for the Viki will be
Ray Taylor and Neal Scheldel
while Ken Rawlins? will start
at fullback b'jt Terry Sails
bury will see a lot of action
at fullback.
McCulloch Stadium, the
home of the Willamette Uni
versity Bearcat, is In excellent
playing condition and should
allow the pessir.g attack to be
used at will. The field has not
been played on for three
Ron Mather and Ray Holm
quist will probably act as co
captalns for the Vikings,
Holmquljt. who did well at
Portland last week, may get
a start as an end. The only
change In the Salem line-up
from last week is that Bob
Goddard is replacing Jerry
Walling at one tackle position.
The Rams have all their
player in top shape and no
player on the sideline with
the return of Duffy to the line
up. Duffy has recovered from
a broken hand suffered earlier
In the season. The Vikings
have halfback Mike Campbell
and tackle Jim Person on the
sidelines for the remainder of
the aesson. Neil Echeldel has
stepped Into Campbell' po
sition. Beth Undefeated
The contest matching the
only two undefeated A-l high
school In the state, Is expect
ed to be the top game of the
i? tx aT
year. Neither club fa gives a
commanding edge but the
weather may nave a lot to say.
The Vikings worked out un
der the light last night in
their final practice for the
gam. Gustaison, Gray and
Hank Juran will have their
boy In top ship and keyed
up for the battle.
End Paul Beck, Phil
Tackles Don Mather, Bob
Guard Larry Nwom,
Vera Coite.
Center Tom Pieken.
quarterback Herb Trip
lett. Halfback Neal Scheldel.
Ray Taylor.
Ends Matt Musulin, Nick
Tackles Jack Mosbrucker,
Al Sodaro.
Guards Jss Kuiir. e
Center Hal Duffy.
Quarterback Vine Alten
Halfback Georg Kin,
John Vranlzan.
Fulback Chuck Withers.
Al Napoleon
To Change
Into Khaki
Honolulu OJJO Al Napoleon,
Stanford football player re
cently involved In a draft
board mix-up, will wear the
Stanford red Jersey today in
the traditional "big game" with
the University of California,
but may exchange it for army
khiki Monday.
Napoleon will report for in
duction at the San Jose, Calif.,
draft board Monday.
Tha hassle over Napoleon's
draft statu started laat
Wednesday when U. S. Attor
ney A. William Barlow filed
a complaint against Napoleon
here, charging violation of the
elective service act Stanford
fan immediately aent up criea
of foul on the part of UC
which remained silent through
Napoleon surrendered the
next day to the FBI and ap
peared before U. S. Commis
sioner Joseph Karesh In San
Francisco, Karesh released Na
poleon on his own recogni
zance and gav him a two-week
However, Barlow said yes
terday that Napoleon' attor
ney, Jamea M. Richmond of
Honolulu, laid Napoleon would
report for induction Monday.
To Dismiss Complaint
"It Napoleon report imme
diately meaning Monday
we will not prosecute and the
complaint will be dismissed,"
Barlow said.
Meanwhile, Napoleon, whose
chief claim to fame is catching
a touchdown pass which upset
UCLA, 21-20, Oct. IT, has
maintained his innocence:
"It's all a mix-up! I've never
received a draft Induction no
tice,". Napoleon said, "and I'm
not trying to hide from any-
France's Langlois
To Fight Turner
St Louis ( Pierre Lang
lois of France, ninth-ranked
among the middleweiKhts.
takes on hard-punching Jesse
Turner of St. Louis in a ached
uled 10-round boxing bout at
Kiel auditorium Saturday
Langlois expects to weigh in
at about 156 pounds while Tur
ner may go at 155.
Both fighters hsve equal rec
ords this year five wins
against two defeats but Tur
ner has scored four knockouts.
Langlois, who employs a fast,
moving-ln-style, hss not scored
a kayo this yesr.
The fight will be televised
hothaU Scores
la MMtftasltt
orBU Pim H, Mtnm (lortlna 1
l-A ftraairiatU
PrlnMUJ. It, 00 IU V.
Eitartd ii, at. Kla II (tit). BsU
can tdvuK) flfti m tr4M.
Anil tl, Monro H.
Unton tl. Uor 1.
liM-t.a riii. I
Cokurf Mi Jallfvtr If.
j ' in,-. g gI
i : : r-z . 1
hi i. "
Mill II ,.. I I I I I
Amity in Finals
SI -20 thriller laat night aver Monroe are tha Amity high
school football player above. Front row from the left:
Alan Foler, Evenieaa Enter, Wayne Smith, Charles Ka
dell, Wayne. Broadwell, Jim Habbard. Dean Brown,
Daaaa Maasey and Dick Fuller. Middle raw: Ran War
Grants Pass Makes
m tm umim rwi
One state championship was
decided and five team won
semlfinsl berth Friday night
in the Oregon high school
football playoffs.
Co burg detested Hslfwsy
55-13 to win tha six-man title.
Grants Pass, rated No. 8 in
the Associated Press poll, beat
Jeffrson of Portland, ranked
fifth, S2-7 to enter the finals
of the 1-A division. Grant
Pass will meet the winner of
Saturday night's Salem-Cen-tral
Catholic game for the
Estaeada Wins
Prlneville and Estaeada ad
vanced to tha 2-A final round.
Prlneville beat Coqullle 21-7.
Estaeada, which fought to a
13-13 ti with St. Helens,
earned its berth with a win
ning yardage margin.
Amity and Union will clash
next week-end fort he class
B chsmplonship. Amity edg
ed Monro 21-20 and Union
Bearer Bowmen
At Dallas Have
Annual Dinner
Dallas Tha Beaver bow
men held their 4th annual
"Wild Game Dinner" at the
Chamber ot Commerce hall.
Sunday afternoon, November
13, attended by 45 members
snd their guests. During the
meeting 15 guests became
members of this archery club.
Tha president, Wea Nairn,
opened tne meeting by present
ing th Beaver Bowmen per
petual trophies to the follow
ing: Dick Lanyon, men; Irene
Siefarth, women; Milo Nelson,
junior boys; Sharon Pitzer,
junior girls; Jimmy Constser,
Jr., junior boys; snd the Pee-
Wea trophy going to Dorothy
Koop. Four other Pee Wees,
Lynn Ritner, Johnny Pumph
rey, Jlmmie rown, and Janet
Grant received special prizes.
The trl-monthly grand
awards went to the following:
Jimmy Workman, Jr., Junior
boys; Sharon Pitzer, junior
girls; Milo Nelson, Junior boys;1
Irene Siefarth, women, and
Dick Lanyon, men. These
awards were leather emblems,
hand tooled by the president,
Dick Lanyon.
Tha following were elected
for the coming year: President,
Dick Lanyon; vice-president,
Don Siefarth; secretary-treasurer,
Irene Siefarth; two-year
director, V. G. Brown; and one
year director, Pete Koop. The
O. B. H. field governor will be
Dick Smith.
The president, Wei Nairn,
gave a short talk on "The His
tory of the Beaver Bowmen,"
and called on the following
members who had killed their
deer by bow and arrow: Mil
ton Choquette, Milo Nelson,
Wes Toevs, Harry Fast, Don
Siefarth, and V. G. Brown who
substituted for Richard Plilier.
who is serving with the Air
Force in Texas.
Th "Big Gam Trophy" was
awarded to Richard Plilier by
proxy for killing a 225 pound
buck with horn spread ot 35
Inches. The horns were dis
played and admired by all pre
sent. After tha meeting Dick Lan
yon and Dr. Robert Brlnker
entertained the group with
movies and colored slides. The
outgoing officers of the club
thanked the members for an
enjoyable year, and wished a
successful year ahead to the
new officers.
By Walt Dlti.n
US (Pomonds EaicEa by
In the state Claa B final Beat week
against Union by vlrta ef their
defeated Mora 21-T.
Bob Woods and Don Korns
paced the winners scoring at
tack in the big game of the
night at -Grants Pass.
Woods scored two touch
downs, on on a 43-yard run
in tha second quarter and the
other on a four-yard plunge
in the final period. Korns,
Gary Bollinger and Jerry Yos
ten scored the other three
Grant Pasa touchdown.
Jefferson's touchdown came
In the second quarter after a
55-yard fumble recovery run
by tackle Jimmy Wierson.
Grant Jackson scored on a
short plunge.
Grants Pasa made good use
of its big weight advantage
on a muddy field which ham
pered speedy Jefferson's run
ning and passing game.
Loser Favored
Biggest upset of the night
was the tie at Estaeada. St.
Helen wa favored to win but
Estaeada advanced to the
Repeal Performance
broad (mile as he learn that h ha been voted
the National League' most valuable player for th put
season. It was Roy' 32nd birthday alio. He stands on
ladder In his Harlem, New York, liquor (tor her point
ing to photo mural of presentation of aame award for 1151.
With Roy In photo are National League president Warren
Gllea and Charley Dressen, then Dodger manager. (AP
You -Be the
By Worren Goer
Head Football Coach
Drake University
Scouting reports show that
Maryland has blocked three
punts in two previous games
by employing sn 8-1-2 defense
(eight men on the scrimmage
line, one linebacker, two half
backs) when opponents are in
punt formation deep in their
own territory.
Alabama has prepared an
"automatic" for such an occa
sion. It is Alabama's ball on
their own 14-yard line, 18
yards from the left sideline,
third down and nine, midway
in the third quarter. Mary
land leads, 7-8.
Alabama goea Into a huddle
and calls a punt but tha quar
terback advises his tesra to
listen for the automatic signal
if the defense lines up 8-1-2
The "automatic" la called.
Rate thes plsy 1, 2, 8 and
4 as choices for th automatic:
Pass to the right flat (short
pass to th tide)
Fak punt and Statu ef
Liberty (runner goe behind
punter to take ball)
Pass behind th linebacker '
End run to strong side with
guard pulled out
Answer on next (ports pag. :
ihNM r v. a rM a ommsi
rftr. ertla, Othmi
Xtrmstr Tta Hfiibt Tm Hfltsht
Blrh wsttrt
SS It si a a. s
law VTatara
W a t
aa. .11
S M a aa. I I
t:M raa. -11
i n aa. I.I
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II H i s. I I
rick, Wesley Kosta, Wally Weed, Phil Kaltenbach, Roger
'elsoa, Clyda Fraaendlener, Walt Lawsoa, Tony Meeker,
ilk McKaaaey, Ray Toser, nam Wilcox and Gene Noff
aiager. Back raw: Caack Ray Stephens, Glea Stevens,
Boa Smith, Doag Ingram, Jerry Lcnhardt, Alan Kilmer,
Bob Engellaad, Merle Stephens, Jack Larson, Don Martin,
Kea Bantssri, Gene Chi era and Jerry Borch.
championship gam with a
yardage to tal of 304 to 207
for St Helens.
Duane Marshall scored both
St. Helens touchdowns. He
ran 38 yards to tha end zone
in the final minutes ot the first
half and leaped over the goal
line from one yard out in the
final quarter.
Jerry Wallace (cored Eata
cada'a first touchdown, cli
maxing a 85-yard drive from
the second half kickoff. Jim
Vickerman broke over left
tackle for the final Estaeada
At Cooi Bay, Prlneville post
ed It 23rd straight victory in
downing Coqullle. Mel Gillett
led the attack for the winners
with two touchdowns. Bob
Klaus scored the other on a
pass from Ron Farriih. Co
qullle's touchdown came in the
second quarter when John De
Main circled left end to score.
Prineville, ranked No. 6 in
the AP poll, is defending 2-A
Woodburn Golf
Stockholders Elect
Woodburn Th annual
meeting of the stockholders
of the Woodburn golf club
was held Wednesday night at
the library. New directors
elected were O. J. Adklnson
snd John Schmld, . replacing
Edgar Tweed and Tony Paint
er. Directors holding over are
George Jones. Howard Nel
son, Ray Glatt and Mrs. L.
J. Plank. Officers will be
elected at a board meeting to
be December 2 at 7:33 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Plank.
That phon numbr is . .
W' ,saBJtkjll
VAN Halt CO.
119 No. Ubarty
"Oar Mpatatloa
rat Meartty
Gen Ehlers provided i the
game's winning point with a
line plunge conversion in a
clan B thriller at McMinnville.
Ehlers also scored for Amity
in the third quarter and threw
a 22-yard pass to Jerry Len
hardt for another touchdown
In the final period. Phil Kolt
enbach ran over the first con
version and Edler passed to
Merl Steven for the second
extra point Harry Smith, Nel
son Dake and Ray Joyner
failed on ona try for a con
version. Bill Kates, Bill James and
Al Jensen got touchdowns for
Union at The Dalles. Danny
Duncan scored for Mora.
The victory at Eugene gave
Coburg its third six-man title
and Its 30th consecutive vic
tory. Frank Littlejohn was
leading scorer ot the game with
three touchdowns. Clint
Crownover got two more for
the winners.
Phil Krelghbaum scored
both Halfway touchdowns.
Rich Man Pours
Oil on Houston's
Untroubled Water
Houston, Tex. W) A school
whose chief benefactor apolo
getically explained his gifts
had amounted to only 25 mil
lion dollars, not 210 million,
had another $2,225,000 from
him today for a football vic
tory. The school Is burgeoning
University of Houston and thu
oilman philanthropist with
football fever la Hugh Roy
The oilman, pleased with the
school's football win over Bay
lor last week, announced his
gift yesterday at u campus pep
rally for today's game with
Texas Tech.
"The great spirit and de
termination shown by the Cou
gars last Saturday in defeating
Baylor fills me with enthus
iasm and prompts me to do
something for our great uni
versity," Cullen said. Nobody
doubted his enthusiasm when
he said tew minutes later:
"I heve decided to give the
university 82,225,000 in oil
&Locrzwooa nt
Are Sponsoring the
Salem High vs. Central Catholic
Football Game
Over Station KPOJ, 1390 on Your Dial
Starting 7:55 Saturday Evening
Presented for Your Enjoyment
By the Famous
m$ ImltjUh,
Pag 10 Salem, Oregon,
Amity Warriors Battle
Way to Class
McMinnville Tha Amity
Warriors earned their way in
to the Class B finals opposite
Union high with a 21-20 win
over Monroe her Friday night
The Warriors earned th win
on a deeper play in tha final
Center Ken Bantsari re
covered a Monro fumble on
the 24 late in tha gam. The
tint time after th fumble
Amity attempted tha sleeper
they fumbled and tha play
went unnoticed. They tried it
again with halfback Jerry Lcn
hardt standing far to on side
and grabbed tha pass from
Gene Ehlers to score th tying
touchdown. Ehler's tallied the
conversion and Amity had
their winning margin.
The Warriors scored their
first touchdown in the opening
quarter with Ehlers climaxing
a 21 yard drive by going over
from the four. Ehlers passed to
Merle Stephens for the extra
point and Amity led 7-0 at the
Ray Sttphen'i Warrior" went
Sc Season Tickets for BasketballA
Save 6 in a season I
Wmjfcj 1 You'll see a winner 1
Willamette University
1953-Home Games-1954
Dec. 3 University of Hawaii
Dec. 4 St. Martin's College
Dec. 8 Gonzaga University i
Dec. 16-17 Chico State
Jan. 1-2 C. W. C. E.
Jan. 8-9 Whitman College
Jan. 11 College of Idaho
Feb. 5 Lewis & Clark
Feb. 13 Pacific University
Feb. 19 Linfield College
Mar. 5 Lewis & Clark
B3:liba!l Season Tickets on Sale
Wicklund's Sporting Goods
& WU Business Office
2 , zlhrnyTTTL
salem 2-6971
Saturday, November 21, 1953
B Finals
behind 20-7 in th steond'
period a th Monro eleven
cored three time. Their first
cam on Harry Smith's run and
then the other two were tal
lied by Ray Joyner and Nel-
son Dak. Two ot tha convcr-
lion were good. a
Th Warrior cam back with (,.
a touchdown In tha third quar-
ter on Ehler short plunge. Thr
drive started on the Monro 28
after Bob Engelland had inter-.?
cepted a paa and run to th 28. ,
It took seven plays for Amity1;
to score and then they added
tha all important extra point
with quarterback Phil Kalten- .
back going over.
Monroe had the edge on sta
tistics but didn't have tha
punch when they needed It,
The game wa played on a.
muddy field with a driving i
wind hampering play. .
Amity 7 0 7 721 i
Monro 0 20 0 0 20 i
George Kell ot tha Boston
Red Sox has hit over 300 for,
the last eight seasons.
II It .m.
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