Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 21, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    MEMBEU f Ralcal SnpimM clab an iponMrlnr ttarM-dr kiuxr. Dmmbrr S. 4 mnil 5 at 1M Sralh
CfffBBwrcUJ, lh affair ta ba a benefit for the fund ta pay for Installation of the historic courthouse clock in
City Hail, a goropUsalut arojeeL Shown here are tflree of the membere lookinr orer aprons, hand worm skirts,
' Cniiataaaa amamento and doeorated boxee, aD araonf the many featurea for the event. Left to rirht: Mrs. Henry
Kayear, alab president; Mia, Donald Betake, finance chairman; Mrs. K. H. Kennedy, feneral chairman for the baiaar.
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Dance Club
Party Monday
Monday Night Dancing elub'i month
ly party will be next Monday evening,
the formal dinner dance to be at the
Marion hotel, atarUng at 7:30 o'clock.
On the committee ere Mr. end Mr.
Floyd Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Phil John
aton, Mr. and Mr. N. J. Brlnkley, Mr.
and Mrs. E. D. Crabtree, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Madison,
Mist Sharon Eyerly, daughter of Mr.
and Mri. Jack Eyerly of the Flying E
Ranch, will return home for the
Thanksgiving holiday! on Wednesday.
She it a freshman at the Annie Wright
seminary, Tacoma.
Mrs. Thomaa Watson returned this
week from Washington. She visited
her lister, Mr. W. C. Broenkow in
Seattle, and her ron-ln-law and daugh
ter, Lt. and Mr. Robert Hubercite at
Oak Harbor,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Brown and
daughter!, Jennifer and Gall, are plan
ning to travel to Richland, Wash., to
ipend the holiday with Mrs. Brown'i
family, Mr. and Mri. Albert Ennes.
Leaving next Wednesday on a trip
east are Mayor and Mrs. A. W. Loucks
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, the
two cot'plea flying east to Washington,
D C. While there, Mr. White la to at
tend meeting of seed and feed men,
Mayor Loucks to attend to other busi
ness. Later, they will go to New Or
leans, returning to Salem by train from
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald t. Jones and
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mn. Ronald Jones, Jr, will be in Port
land for Thanksgiving day as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Douglas.
MtMta-Ullltr ttuele eltlsns)
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Huggins, Jr.,
are entertaining at an Informal party
this evening at their home following
the Salem-Central Catholic high school
game. About SO will be in the group.
Mr. Huggins' parents, Mr. snd Mrs.
G. C. Huggins of Coos Bay, are here
for the week-end and will assist at the
In Portland Saturday night for a
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity alumni
dance at the Multnomah hotel will be
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blundell.
Justice and Mrs. Earl C. Latourette
will be at their beach home at Gear
hart for Thanksgiving. Their guest!
will be- his brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Howsrd Latourette of
Oregon City,
Among those to be in Portland for
the Thanksgiving holiday will be Mr.
and Mrs. Carl W. Chambers and son,
Craig, who are to be dinner guests at
the home of Mrs. Chambers' brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. snd Mrs. Frank D. Sharp will be
honored on Sunday with an at-home
on the occasion of their golden wedding
anniversary. The hours will be between
3 snd S p m., the affair to be at their
home at 188S Evergreen avenue. Feting
the Sharps will be their children. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank R. Brown, Col and
Mrs. F. D. Sharp, Holloman Air Force
Base. New Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. M R.
Hagrr. Portland, Friends of the couple
re Invited to call.
St. Helena's guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church is meeting next Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. John A. Dyke, 37.10
Hulsey street, at t o'clock. Co-hostesses
sre Mrs. Desn K. Brooks, Mrs Harry
Loggan and Mrs. Roland J. Hochhal-ter.
(jMUn-umtr itdl rtctmn)
ANNUAL GREENS show of Alpha Chi
Omega alumnae comes on December 4. 5,
and S at the Valley Motor company build
in. In the picture at left, Mrs. Richard
Hill, left, and Mrs. Raymond Stommel look
over possibilities for greens to be used in
mantel arrangements, and in Inset, above,
Mrs. Ralph Smlthfrs is shown arranging;
a wreath on the door, wreaths to be featured
also. ,
Cosmis Club's
Dance Saturday
Among dancing parties for next week
will be the Cosmis club party on Sat
urday evening, November 28, at the
Labor temple.
Charles Claggett's orchestra Is play
lng. Dancing starts at 8 o'clock.
On the committee are Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Monson, Mr. and Mrs. Lores
Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shafer.
New officers will be nominated at
this meeting.
Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T.
Newbry are to be In Corvallis for
Thsnksgiving with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. E. Johnston. The Newbrys'
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
William Bissell, will be in Ashland to
spend the holiday with his parents.
Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting next Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Frank G. Myers, 803
North Winter street. Mrs. Leona John
son is co-hostess. The program will
feature Caribbean travel pictures by
Mrs. George A. Rhoten.
Town and Gown club announces Its
November and December meetings will
be combined for a program and tea on
December 3. the group's regular meet
ings being on the fourth Thursdays.
Among those to be out of town for
the Thanksgiving holidays will be Mr.
and Mrs. Seth P. Smith and family who
will go to San Francisco to spend the
day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Elliott
of Newport Beach. Calif. While in the
Bay city the Smiths also will visit her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell C. Haehl, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughton and
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Doughton, are to be at Al
bany for the holiday with Mrs. I. M.
Doughton's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorcn E. Wilson. Also
with the group will be the senior
Doughtons' son snd daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doughton and
family of Lebanon and the Wilsons'
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Packard of Albany.
A group of Salem relatives will be
going to Portland for the holidsy din
ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Pierce. Attending from here will
be Mr. Pierce's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar T. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
H. Griser and children, Mrs. P. W.
Ceiser. Mrs Aurelia Grim. Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Van Scoy of Jefferson, the
latter parents of the hostess.
A GROUP ef women from the First Presbyterian church Is pictured above busy at work en Christmas
socks which are to bo featured among many other items at tbe baiaar planned by all women's groups of the church
001 December 4. at tho church. On the table are many other gift items to be on sale at the baiaar. In the pie
tun, left to right: Mrs. Harold J. Westfall. Mrs. Carl Jon anon. Mrs. William Bush, Mrs. Styme B. Leslie. A large
group of women baa been working for weeks on varied Items for the baaaar, aa annual event for the chorea.
It's Thanksgiving Time,
T PINSTERS club is to meet Monday
JJS, evening.
Hostesses are to be Miss Mary
Louise Lee, Mrs. Blair McCabe, Miss
Norma Sletton and Mrs. Delwyn Kleen,
the meeting to be at the home of Miss
Plans for the annual Christmas Ball
of the group, this year on December
19, wiU be discussed.
New date announced for the Salem
General Hospital auxiliary's annual sil
ver tea is Thursday, January 14, the
event to be in the new hospital build
ing. The date was changed previously
because the building will not be com
pleted until early in January.
Mrs. Earl C. Latourette and Mrs.
William C. Perry are co-chairman for
the tea.
In Bend for Thanksgiving holiday
will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeArnymd
and family to be with Mr. DeArmond's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. H. DeArmond.
Mrs. Bradley W. Burkland has in
vited a group of friends to call for an
informal coffee at her Candalaria
Heights home on Monday between 10
a.m. and 1 p.m.
City council of Beta Sigma Phi is
meeting next Monday evening, Novem
ber 23, at the home of Mrs. William
Collier, route 8, Box 6S2.
Leaving Tuesday for San Francisco
is Mrs. Henry Marsden to visit at the
home of her son and daughter-in-law,
the Henry Marsdens, Jr., Mr. Marsden
now being on overseas duty.
Mrs. Ercel W. Kay la to be hostess to
her bridge club for luncheon and cards
on Tuesday afternoon.
Meeting Monday evening for a no
host dinner at 6:30 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Roy Harland are members of
Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood. Mrs.
Robert L. Elfstrom, state organizer, is
to make her official visit at this time.
Bethel No. 43, Job's Daughters will
elect officers on Monday night at the
Scottish Rite temple. Preceding the
meeting a 6 o'clock box social will be
featured. Fathers of bethel members
are being Invited. J
Hadassah Fair
Calendared for Sunday evening. De
cember 6, is the annual food and fun
fair of Salem chapter of Hadassah. the
event to be at Temple Beth Sholom,
starting at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Daniel
Gassner Is general chairman.
All funds raised will be used for va
rious social snd medical welfare proj
ects in Israel sponsored by Hadassah.
These benefits are given to all who are
in need and are distributed on a non
sectarian basis.
Hahassah, since Its inception in 1912,
has been a pacesetter In the work of
assisting the medical field, child wet
fare, and youth immigration of Israel
and vocational training.
Hadassah also maintains seven major
hospitals In Israel. Including two de
voted exclusively to the treatment of
tuberculosis, a new medical tenter con
sisting of a 430 bed teaching Hospital,
an out-patient department, new build
ings for the Hadassah Medical school
and new quarters for the Hadassah
sponsored nurses training school. These
hospitals provide medicsl csre for more
then 130.000 children in SOO schools,
and kindergartens and give pre-natal
and post-natal care to expecting moth
ers and infants.
Finsl arrangements for this affair
will be completed at Had.issah s regular
meeting next Monday. November 27.
Mrs. Sidney Levene Is in -charge of the
program. Mrs. Jerry Williams and Mrs.
M. U. Saffron arc bos leases.
Thanksgiving Holiday Features
Many Family Gatherings in Salem
Many traditional family gatherings
will mark Thanksgiving holiday here
next Thursday. Other Salem folk will
be out-of-town to spend the day with
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley are en
tertaining a family group for dinner.
In the group will be her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lester D.
Green and sons, Danny and Jimmy, and
Mr. Green's father, Lester M. Green of
Eugene; Mr. Hadley's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Hadley, and his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Hadley and children, Kathy, Reed and
Karl, all of Longview, Wash., the hosts
and their children, Eileen, Allan, Bruce
and Nancy. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry are to en
tertain for a family group at the holi
day dinner. In the group will be their
three sons and daughters-in-law and
families, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry,
Miss Susan Perry and Robert Perry;
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry and fam
ily, Miss Diane Perry and John Perry;
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry and sons,
Stephen, David and Dennis, and Miss
Joan Laughead of Corvallis.
Plan Beach Event
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn are
planning a family gathering at Surf
tides on Thanksgiving. In the group will
be Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carson, Jr., and
children. Kit and Billy, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Carson, Sr., Miss Patricia
Carson and Mrs. George Steelhammer,
all of Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. William
R. Shinn and children, Michael and
Julie; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke and
daughter, Miss Marjorie Becke; Mr. and
Mra. Robert Kerr and family, Billy and
Bruce, of Portland, and the Shinns.
Going to the Warren Robert Cooley
home in Albany will be Mr. and Mrs.
Wsrren Cooley and sons. Warren Linn
and Lance; Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooley
and Craig, Eric and Pamela. Also at
the senior Cooleys' home will be two
other sons, Desn and Dale.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, Jr ,
will have as their guests Mr. Lyon's
family, Mr. and Mrs. Homer G. Lyon,
Sr., and Miss Claire Lyon of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lyon snd children
Susan and Richard, Mrs. Patience Dil
lenbeck, all of Coos Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Proctor and
family, Robert, Caroline and Rodney,
will be hosts to Mr. and Mrs. George
Norris and family, Russell and Anne
for the holiday.
At Swift Home
With the Rev. and Mrs. George H.
Swift for the Thanksgiving holiday din
ner will be their son-in-law and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Putnam of
Portland, and their son, George H.
Swift, Jr., who is arriving Wednesday
from his work st University of Wssh
ington. Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander will
have as holiday dinner guests their son-in-law
and daughter and family, Mr.
snd Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Huggins. Jr.,
will be hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Hammel, Mr. and Mrs. La kin Westphsl
snd Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dunn, Jr,
and families for the holidsy dinner.
Mr. snd Mrs. John Fehlen. Klsmsth
Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Tur
ner, and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Crabtree
will spend the dsy at the Nick Fehlen
home in Stayton.
Mrs. Sam Mallicoat and children,
Sally and Sammy, will spend the holi
day week-end at the Umatilla home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wynne T.
The country home of the T. B. Gott
schaks will be the scene for a family
reunion. Coming from Boise, Idaho,
will be a son-in-law and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. David Hagard. Also attend
ing will be Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jensen
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Cowen and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jenny will enter
tain at a family reunion of Mrs. Jen
ney's family. Expected to arrive for
the affair are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bliss,
Vancouver, Mrs. Jains'' parrots; Mr.
But Also Time for Spirit
Michael Lynch, Mrs. Jenny's grant,
mother from Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs,
Glsdys Lynch, Vancouver, Wash., sa
aunt; Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch tod
Mrs. William Lynch, couslni of Mn,
Jenny from Woodland, Wash. I
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Humphrey
will entertain at a holiday dinner tt
their home. In the group will be the
hosts' son, Jimmy Humphrey, who i
arriving from Chanute air force bsV
111., Wednesday, to be here over tag
holiday after which he will be su4
tioned at Portland air base; Mrs. Jot
W. Scott, Mr. and Mn. Charles Clsrkt
Walter J. Scott of Vancouver, Wi
the hosts and son, John.
Governor and Mri. Paul L. Patt
plan a quiet holiday at home. Thel
grandson, Paul Patterson III, of Eu
is with them for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Drager are
tertalning at a family dinner for rel
tlves of Mr. Drager on the holiday. lg
the group will be his parents, Mr. sni
Mrs. Rue Drager; Mr. and Mrs. C. ij
namuion ana sons, Dave and Doug
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drager and tot
latter's mother, Mrs. Joseph GoodfeU
low; Mrs. Ruby Mishler of Portlud,
Mrs. C. S. Hamilton and the hosts, their
son, Douglas, and 'her mother, Mm
Kate G. Bell. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis wil
join their son and daughter-in-law, Ht
and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis, Jr., sit
their daughters, Barbara and Linda, a)
go to Kalama, Wash., to be holidsy
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Campbell,
parents of Mrs. Lewis, Jr.
Family Group
Mrs. L. C. McLeod is to entertain it
a family dinner gathering on the holi
day. In the group will be Mrs. Frsnk
H. Spears and her brother, David Cst
lin, who is to be here from Dunsmuir,
Csllf., for over the holiday; Mr. and
Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod and children.
Franca, Scott and Carlton, Jr.; Mrs. T.
W. Creech, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears
and dsughter, Julianne of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Delwyn Kleen, Mr. snd
Mra. William M. Kleen and Miss Dena
Kleen, and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Needham are t
entertain at .a family dinner, guests ta
include their sons and daughters-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Needham
and children, Beth and Tommy, snd
Dr. and Mrs. Winfield H. Needham.
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Livesley will
be among those entertaining a family
group for Thanksgiving dinner. In the
group will be his mother, Mrs. T. A.
Livesley, his aunt,' Miss Birdie DeBeck;
Mrs. Livesley s mother, Mrs. Arley
Cornish; Mr. and Mra. C. W. Paulus
snd sons, Larry, Tommy and Pete; Mr.
and Mrs. Stuart Bush and children,
Asahel and Sammy; Guy Sargent, Dick
Meyer, the Livesleys' daughter. Miss
Jody Bush, who is srriving earlier la
the week for the Thanksgiving holi
days from the Castllleja school at Pale
Alto, and the hosts.
Mrs. Caroline Johnson Is to entertain
for a family dinner. In the group will
be her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mri. Douglas Johnson and their
children. Harry, Jeffrey, Marilyn and
John of Valsetz; her son-in-lsw and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr,
and son Rikki, snd Andy George, 1
Willamette university student.
Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Sr., is ta
entertsin at dinner for her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James
H. Nicholson, Jr., and their children,
Jimmy and Elizabeth: and for her sis
ter. Mrs. Louis France of Portland.
A large family group will gather at
the Conrsd Paulson home for the holi
day dinner. In the group will be the
Dr. Charles D. Wood fsmily, John,
Chris snd Ricky; the A. W. Loucks
family. Suzanne and Judy; Dr. and Mrs,
John R. Wood snd children, Mary, Rob
ert and Allen: Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Sleeves and daughter, Liss; Mrs. Gil
bert Fike and children, Nick) and Steve
of Portland: Mrs. Thomas Wstson, the
Paulsons and children, Tom Sleeves and
Kris lis Paulson.
ALL GDILD8 of at. Paul's Episcopal church are cooperating la staging tho annual an-church basaar aa
Friday, December 4, the event to be In the parish hall. One of the Items to be featured win bo homemade mince- 1
meat at tho foods booth at the basaar. In the picture are tho r -chairmen for tho foods booth, Mrs. Arthur .
Fisher, at left, busy mixing some ef tho mincemeat, Mrs. Robert Drager, at right showing some of the finished
product to Mrs. Fisher's daughter, Susan. Besides tho food booth there frill be many ether features.
OREGON State College Mothers
club, Salem unit, plans its No
vember meeting for next Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. L. L, Ferguson, S33 Statesman
Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. William Wie
dekehr of Jefferson and Mrs. Adolf
Lietuvietus are co-hostesses.
Invitation is extended to mothers of
all OSC alumni and students to attend.
Miss Norma Jean Camfield, bride
elect of Darwin J. Kerber, will be hon
ored at a party and linen shower for
which Mrs. Psul Shafer and Mrs. Jack
Grenz, the latter of flbany, will enter
tain on Sunday at the home of Mrs.
, Guests will Include Miss Camfield,
her mother, Mrs. O. C. Camfield, and
Mr. Kerber's mother, Mrs. A. J. Ker
ber; Mrs. Bernard Grindle, Mrs. Ralph
Alsman, Miss Sharon Shafer, Mrs. Mar
ion Alsman, all of Salem; Mrs. Rex
. Alsman, Mrs. Glenn Alsman, Mrs. Rich
ard Alldrin, Mrs. Eugene Alsman, Mrs.
Johnny McCarthy, Mrs. Al Alsman,
Mrs. Albert Schroer, all of Portland;
Mrs. Warns Empey, Miss Darlene Em
pty, both of Springfield; Mrs. William
Kerber, Mrs. Raymond Weller, Mrs. Al
Nuttman, Miss Minnie Doll, all of Stay
ton; Mri. William F. Grenz, Mr!. Wil
liam Grenz, Mrs. Johnny Murray, all
ef Albany.
Peg in Washington
Washington, D.C., November 18.
Dear Marian:
Even without the official and social
whirl of a Congressional session, Wash
ington's tempo of activities remains at
fever pitch. While Secretary and Mrs,
Douglas McKay were in Chicago for a
day last week, there wss no slackening
In their psce during the days they were
here. To start off the week, the Secre
tary was a guest of former President
Herbert Hoover st dinner on Monday
night Ralph A. Tudor, undersecretary
of interior, was also a guest of the ex
president who is again heading up a
committee on government organization.
Then, on Tuesday night the McKays at
tended the Diplomatic reception at the
White House. Wednesday morning, the
Secretary participated in the Armistice
hoy services at the National Amphithe
atre, With Mrs. McKay an interested
spectator, and in the afternoon they
flew to Chicago.
After Thursday in Chicago, Mrs. Mc
Kay attended a luncheon given by Mrs.
Sinclair Weeks, wife of the Secretary
of Commerce, at the Sulgrave Club. On
Saturday ahe opened the annual bazaar
of the National Presbyterian church,
and in the afternoon poured at a tea
at the Chinese Embassy, when the
grscious and attractive Madame Koo,
wife of the Chinese Ambassador, enter
tained in honor of the China Tiffin
Club, made up of women who have
lived in China. The Secretary after an
early morning ride in Rock Creek, spent
the remainder of Saturday at the office,
Joining his wife for a church dinner
which was a feature of the bszaar.
Today, eight members of the militsry
services were luncheon guests ol the
McKays in the Interior dining room.
The event Is psrt of the celebration of
USO Week here, with the President
and Mrs. Elsenhower snd csbinet mem
bers and their wives welcoming GI
Joes and Janes to a meal "with the
family." Five of the eight were Oregon
residents WAF Kathleen E. Vests!,
Air Force, dsughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tern Vestal, Eagle Point; WAVE Bar
baranne Barns, daughter of Colonel and
Mrs. Joseph Burns, Medford; Marina
Private Clea Balke of Beaverton. whose
parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.G. Balke. live
at Yachats; WAC Sergeant Ernestine
Beaten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Eraest Beaton, Creswell; and Air Force
Staff Sergeant Myroa Yax. Jr., (on of
Mr. and Mrm. Myron Yax, r., Port
land The Navy man was s resident
of Mrs. McKay s nauve state of Ne
of Giving and Helping; Many Bazaars
Evening in Paris Theme Chosen for
JD Bethels' Queen's Ball, Nov. 27
"Evening in Paria" will 'be the theme
of the annual Job's Daughters Queen's
Ball on Friday, November 27, at 9
o'clock in the Crystal Gardens. Bob
Cross' band will provide the music.
Queens honored include the Misses
Barbara Cone, bethel No. 35; Nancy
Owens, bethel No. 43; Barbara Ander
son, bethel No. 48. Past queens to be
honored include the Misses Patsy Sni
der and Charleen Woods.
Committees working on the affair in
clude: Decorations, Miss Mary Arnold,
chairman, with Miss Connie Hammond
and Miss Shlrleen Bacewich assisting.
The social meeting of Unit No. 138,
American Legion auxiliary, will be on
Tuesday night at the Woman's club
house. A white elephant' sale will be
observed. Gifts for the hospital shop
are due.
The executive committee of the Wom
an's Society of Christian Service of
Leslie Methodist church will meet on
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Collis Blair, 348 E.
braska, the Army private, from Florida,
Alexander Smith, reported his grand
father lived at Fremont, Oregon, for
some years; and the Marine private was
from West Virginia. After the lunch
eon, for which Mrs. McKay had baked
one of her special angel cakes, the
young service people toured the depart
ment, learning much about the natural
resources of the country through the
museum exhibits.
I noted in the newspapers that Dor
othy McCullough Lee, former mayor of
Portland, and the first and only woman
member of the Department of Justice
Parole Board, spoke at a meeting of 18
women professioral fraternities here
last week for the biennial Panhellenic
convention. The quotation from her
talk that was mentioned was that
"Women have failed to take advantage
of their rights becuse they are victims
of their fears, sensitive feelings and
Inhibitions." Should I add, tongue in
cheek, "Let that be a warning to you,"
if you have been losing out on any of
your rights.
A Portlander, Lowell Paget, drop
ped in for a greeting today. He is en
route home from a meeting in Miami.
Joe Mattson, of Long Beach, California,
well known to motor vehicle office
staff members, is a newcomer to Wash
ington due to his election as president
of the Automotive Safely Foundation.
He has been affiliated with the organ
ization for many years and has been a
reg"lar visitor to Salem, especially dur
ing legislative sessions. He plsyed
football for Oregon State during his
college yesrs. Mn, Mattson and their
children will move here after the end
of the school year. His friend! here are
pleased with his advancement, aa well
as the opportunity to chatter with him
' Mis Ardls Eagy of Corvallis, en route
home from five months in Switzerland
as an international foreign exchange
student, called on the Secretary today
to take a picture to add to her collec
tion of color slides of her travels which
she will use in talks that she is sched
uled to make in Oregon. With her
. were Mr. and Mrs. Aides Imus, the
latter a former resident of La Grsnde.
These are wonderful fall days
balmy days and cool nights only re
cent problem wss a heavy fog Satur
day night along the river areas thst
msde lste driving hazardous. Remind
ed me of the Pnrtlsnd-Salrm highway
on similar November nights.
Adieu Fid.
(JMtaa-MUlar ata4l nitmt
Publicity and posters. Miss Nancy
Snider, chairman, assisted by Misa
Marilyn Harland and Miss Jackie Fish
er. Serving refreshments will be Misses
Betty Aston, Diane Kelley and Melodee
Rains. Miss Suzanne Williamson, Miss
Sharon Nolan and Miss Kay Morris are
in charge of clean-up.
Patrons are to be Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Cone, Mr, and Mrs. Morse Stewart, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Fletcher, Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Riffey, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shinn, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Worth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M.
Snider and Mrs. Arthur Woods.
Women's groups In the First Method
ist church will observe their annual
joint program in the Carrier room of
the church on Monday evening at 7:43
Participating in the meeting will be
the Woman's Society of Christian Serv
ice and the three Wesley an Service
guilds, Marlon Lela Norris guild, Su
sannah Wesleyan and the Vivian Pom
eroy guild.
"A Hungry World" Is the topic for
the evening's study, worship and fel
lowship. Mrs. Grace Hartley will lead
a panel discussion on food and agri
culture organization (FAO), a special
agency of the United Nations. Mrs.
Paul Kitzmiller of Dallas, conference
secretary of the Wesleyan Service
guilds, will lead the worship. Music
will include solos by Mrs. Ben San
chez, Miss Sharon Anderson, and a
piano solo by Miss Deh Hwa Hang, Wil
lamette student from Malaya.
Committees for the evening Include:
Hospitality, presidents and member
ship chairmen, Mrs. Waldo C. Zeller,
Mrs. Grace Hartley, Miss Dorothy
"Butts, Miss Marjorie Walters, Mrs. John
H. Carkin, Mrs. A. E. Flathers, Mrs. A.
J. Trojan and Mrs. Thad Moreland;
program, Mrs. Roy M. Lockenour, Mrs.
Norma Shaw, Mrs. William A. Wilson,
Mrs. Ben Sanchez and Miss Marjorie
Walters; table decorations, Mrs. Wslter
F. Dodge, Mrs. Psul Heath and Mrs. J.
D. Berwick; food, Mrs. Fred Humphrey,
Mrs. George Hall and Mrs. C. E. Bowen;
kitchen. Mrs. M. C. Wood, Mrs. O. H.
Yetter, Mrs. Stearns Cushing, Mrs. L. V.
Shafer. Mrs. Wendell Willmarth, Miss
Ruth McAdams, Mrs. Eric Horlin and
Mrs. Richard Burson; publicity, Mrs. J.
Edgar Purdy.
"A German-American Sees His For
mer Home Through American Eyes"
will be the topic of Garfield Voget,
when he speaks to the Salem Business
and Professional Women's club at the
Tuesday evening dinner meeting at the
Golden Pheasant at 8:30 o'clock.
Mr. Voget was born In Eckernforder,
Germany, coming to America at the age
of 20. After SO years absence he has
recently made a four months tour of
Germany and other European coun
tries, and has an interesting story to re
late on the life and conditions he ob
served In those countries today.
In charge of the program wilt be the
internstional relations and national se
curity committees, with Mr. Regina
Ewalt and Mrs. Leonard A. Rowan,
chairmen. The public Is invited to at
tend this meeting. Reservations should
be made with Mrs. A. J. Arehart, phone
3-8893, by Mondsy.
Announcement is made of the mar
riage of Mia Marianne Low, daughter
of Mrs. Henrietta Low of Salem, to
Frederik Koster, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hendrick Jan Koster of Rotterdam, Hol
land. The ceremony was November 12 in
Osklsnd, Calif. Mrs. Low went south for
the service. The couple will go to Rot
terdam to visit his parents, leaving
from New York City on December 23.
They are in Sslem for two weeks.
Honoring the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert W. Gormsen are to entertsin st sn
open house between S and I o'clock
this evening at their home.
ANOTHER baaaar slated for December 4 Is that ef the women's groups ef the First CeagrerotloBal church,
this event aba U be at tho church. One of the features will be crown doUa, four at the sneasVera shown above
at work on them. There will be all the ether artklea always featured at beaaan ea sals for that event, toe. la
the picture, left to right arai Mrs. R. J. Waltaor. Mrs, Paul W. Harm, Jr, Mrs. Karl Hetnlela. Mrs, Bay Baa
aelL Weeaea ef this church, too, have booa hard at work for several weeks planning for the baaaar, -
ALEM Junior Woman's club will
Initiate new members on Monday
night at the home of Mrs. Frank
D. Ward, 3395 Liberty . road.
Mrs. Richard Lankow Is in charge of
refreshments and Mrs. Charles Knapp
is in charge of entertainment.
Woman's Society of Christian Service
of First Methodist church will sponsor
its annual bazaar, Wednesday, Decem
ber 2 in the church dining room and in
the Carrier room, beginning at 9:30
a.m. and continuing through the day
and evening.
Cafeteria luncheon and dinner will be
served. Joint chairmen of the bazaar
are Mrs. Waldo C. Zeller and Mrs.
Stewart Miner. Other chairmen are:
Cafeteria lunch and dinner, Mrs. Pres
ton F. Doughton; cooked food, Mrs. E.
B. Millard, Mrs. Herbert Ostllnd and
Mrs. Glenn Barge; aprons and novelties,
Mrs. P. A. Fugate and Mrs. Joe Seal;
placemats and novelties, Mrs. Howard
Jenks and Mrs. L. D. Waterman; dish
towels and fancy work, Mrs. John G. '
Marr and Mrs. George Bell; country
store, Mrs. John Frazier, Mrs. Howard
Gardner and Mrs. L. C. Taylor; Infants'
and children's clothing, Mrs. Gordon
Carl and Mrs. Scott Foster, Jr.; pub
licity, Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy; posters,'
Mrs. Ralph DaMetz.
A large project of the Woman's so
ciety is completing rsising money for
the carpet for the remodeled sanctuary
at the church, bazaar money to go to
this project.
Miss Edler Wed
This Morning
A bride of this morning was Miss
Winona Edler, her marriage to Wilfred
F. Suing being solemnized at o'clock
in St. Joseph's Catholic church, the
Rev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck officiating.
The bride is the dsughter of Mrs.
Esther Edler and Mr. Suing is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Suing of La
comb. -
Baskets of pink and white chrysan
themums decorated the altars for the
service. Servers at the mass were Syl
vester Edler, brother of the bride, and
Robert Biegler. The wedding music
was provided by Wayne Meusey and
Lorraine Nelke.
Given in marriage by her uncle,
' Lawrence Grossman of Stayton, the
bride wore a tip-toe length dress of
French Chantilly lace and nylon net.
Topping the lace bodice was a sheer net
yoke lined with cut lace applique. The
fingertip veil was arranged from an
appliqued lace and pearl decorated net
bonnet. The bride carried a cascade
bouquet of pink chrysanthemums cen
tered with" a lavender orchid.
Miss Armella Edler waa honor at
tendant for her sister. She wore an
aqua frock and her flowers were a
round bouquet of white chrysanthe
mums and garnet roses encircled with
ponpons and red satin leaves.
Mrs. Lawrence Barton, sister of the
bridegroom, and Mrs. Roman Suing
were bridesmaids. Both wore pink
frocks designed identically to that of
the honor attendant's and their bou
quets were similar to that parried by
the maid of honor.
Gerald Suing, brother of the bride
groom, was best man. uroomsmen
were Roman Suing and William Gross
man. Ushers were Joseph Ficq of Al
bany and Lawrence Weisner.
The bride's mother wore a black
suit with pink accessories and corsage
of pink roses. The bridegroom's moth
er wore sn autumn red dress with a
white rose corsage.
The reception following was at the
Woman's club house. Mrs. Edward
Spits, Sr., Stayton. aunt of the bride,
and Mrs. Albert Adams cut the cake.
Mrs. Paul Hoesing, aunt of the bride
groom, was at the punch bowl. At the
coffee urn was Mrs. Robert Wcndling,
aunt of the bridegroom. Others assist
ing were Miss Rosemsrle Suing, Miss
Charlotte Tanzer and Mrs. Lawrence
For traveling the bride wore a gray
tailored suit with navy blue accessories
and aa orchid corsage.
and Benefits
Rainbows Plan
Tea Nov. 29
A large number of members of Chad
wick assembly,. Order of Rainbow for
Girls, is working on the reception '
planned for Sunday, November 29, to
honor Miss Arda Lien,' grand represen- '
tative to Pennsylvania, and Wayne
Henry, member of the state executive '
committee. The affair is open to the in
terested public at 3:30 p.m. at the Ma
sonic temple. r '
Making arrangement for the affair
are Miss Miry Stevens, invitations; pro
gram and degree. Miss Joan Neal and
Miss Margaret HUdreth; Miss Carole
Warren, decorations; - Miss Marilyn
Shields end Miss Mary Stevens, favors;
refreshments, Miss Warren and Mrs. Ar
nold Johnson; pouring, Mrs. Glenn Pax
eon and Mrs. Ira Darby.
The program is as follows: reading,
Miss Carole Warren; violin-piano duet,
' Misses Pat and PrlseiUa Payne; piano
' solo, Miss Pat Gllmore; vocal solo, Miss
Lo . Anne Mundlnger; reading, Miss
Mary Stevens. The triple trio will also
ln' " .
The assembly will initiate new mem
bers on Tuesday at 7:30 at the Masonic
temple. Members ef neighboring assem
blies are being asked to furnish cour
tesy officers. Refreshments will be
served by Mrs. Emery Wood and daugh
ter, Miss Janice Wood.
Dr. Daniel Schulze will be guest
speaker at the luncheon meeting of the .
Rotarlan Women on Monday at 1
o'clock at the Golden Pheasant. He
will talk on "Travel Through Europe
with Youth."
Holiday Time Calendar ...
November 17
Queens Bsll for Job's Daughters bethels of Salem, Crystal Gardens. .
December t ' '
First Methodist church women's bazaar, at church. .
December t - J
Soroptimlst elub bazaar, 158 South Commercial.
December I
Bazaar of women of First Presbyterian church, at church. -
Bazaar of women of St. Paul's Episcopal church, parish house.
Bazaar of Soreptlmist club, 158 South Commercial.
Greens show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae. Valley Motor company.
Bazaar of First Congregational church women. ,
December I
Bazaar of Soroptimiit club, 158 South Commercial.
Tillicum club dance. ,
, Greens show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae, Valley Motor company.
December (
Hadasssh's Fun and Food Fair, Temple Beth Sholom, T p.m.
Federated Music clubs' silver tea. State Blind school. -
Greens show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae, Valley Motor company.
December 9
Community Concert association concert, Sslem High school, 8:15 p.m.
December 11 , .
Wisteria club dance, Veterans of Foreign Wars hall.
Tuxedo club dance.
December 13
Cams club dance, Knights of Columbus hall,
December 13
Christmas musicsle of American Association of University Women, First
Methodist church. , . .
December 15
Greens Show of Sslem Gsrden club, Izssk Walton league club house.
December 18
Greens Show of Sslem Garden club, Izaak Walton club house. -December
Christmas bsll of Order of Rainbow for Girls, Crystal Gardens.
December 19
Wsverly club dsnce, Senator hotel.
Spinsters club Christmas Charity Ball, Marion hotel.
December 21
'Junior Catholic Daughters of America Christmas formal dsnce, Catholic Center
December 31
Town club New Year's eve dance, Marlon hotel
Cirque club New Year's eve dance. Senator hotel.
Tillicum club New Year's eve dance, armory.
Carousel club New Yesr's eve dsnce, Izask Walton league club house.
Cama club New Year's eve dance. Knights ol Columbus hsU.
I ft WJ
LCM . 7 " I
-1 ' .' V
-flpv RESERVING Our American '
fj Heritage Through Youth" will
. be the theme for Friday's ,
meeting of the Salem Woman's elub at
the Woman's club house. The board
will meet at 1 p.m. and the general
meeting will begin at 3 o'clock.
: Dr. George G. Rose berry, district su
- perintendent, Methodist church, will
. speak on "Give Our Thanks." Miss
Gail. Blush, recent delegate to Girls
Nation In Washington, D.C, sponsored
by the American Legion auxiliary, and
Julian Thurston, recent delegate to the
Boy Scouts National Jamboree, will
speak. Mrs. J. E. West will be in
charge of the music. - The tea commit
tee will be headed by Mrs. W. J. Beard.
f "
Plans are well under way for the
annual silver tea to be given by Salem
. Federated Music clubs for the benefit
of their Mrs. Walter A. Denton memo
rial award. ,
The tea is planned for the afternoon
of Sunday, December 6, at the state
-school for the blind. Mrs. Clyde C Gil
bert . is ' president of the sponsoring
group. Mra. Walter P. Weathers is gen
eral chairman for the tea.
Miss Margaret Hogg is program
chairman. Mrs. A. W. McKillop heads
the telephone committee, Mrs. Robert
M. Needhsm is in charge of the tea
table. Mrs. Warren Baker 1 chairman
for the decorations.
. Invited to preside at the punch bowl
at the different hours are Mr. Paul L.
Patterson, Mrs. Walter I. Snyder, Mrs.
F. R. Hunter, state president ef the
music clubs federation; Mrs. Mary L. .
Craig, Mrs. Walter Dry, Mrs. Everett ',
. Wilcox.
Marion auxiliary, Veterans of For
eign Wars auxiliary, will meet on Mon
day night at the VFW hall. ' ;