gatordir. Noressber II. IMS THC CAPITAL JOURNAL, Orafaa Fllil I CUSTOM LAUNDERED SHIRTS LOOK BETTER FEEL BETTER FIT BETTER Home of Sonitone Dry Cleaning, 0 - XUmlins qj& ,klM1, mn4 ' Delivery r 1264 Iroeswey tMfitt, Phone 3-3US TANKS GASOLINE - OIL - WATER - STORAGE SEPTIC TANKS VV. VV. Rosebraugh Co. IGrabenhorsts as Realtors Have . Contributed Greatly to Sound Development of Salem, Valley W. H. Grabanharst ft Company, Weelinf la real aetata, was ' rlainaUy reandea' la Salem la 1910 Sine that tiata many millions af dollars hero chanaatf nana1! far aar chaM af areperties hM ay Grabanhersls Today Gra banharst Ire, represent tha third amarntia af real esters dealers. By B. KKNNBTH IVANS 680 S. 17fh Metal Product! That Lett Since 1912 Phono 3-7609 CAPITAL DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS 405 State Corner of Liberty WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS A Complete Line of PIPE & PLUMBING SUPPLIES Bathroom Fixtures Appliances - Hardware - Mill Supplies Saffron Supply Co. 325 N. Commercial Phona 2-4189, if no answ., dial 3-6478 or 2-4914 MODEL 33 CHAIN SAW 2.1 Actual Horsepower 20-lbJ. Actual Weigh! ir 2 Models Available 90S Edaewatsr 12-Inch Blade - 16-inch Blade Tovne Equipment Co. Phone 4-1 S41 . .. ... in in TT"i- if v -m T in i r So1r?rrlendly Home-Owned Dairy PH0HEM783 SPECIAL PRICE MEN'S SUITS 33 75 100 Wool Values to $60 Only 100 to Sell at This Price Alterations at Cost KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 SOUTH 12th ST. Quoting In put from the pre amble of the Realtor's coda of ethics, adopted by the National Association of Real Estate Boards: "The Realtor is the in strumentality through which the land resource of the nation reaches its highest use and through which land ownership attains its widest distribution. He is the creator of homes, a builder of cities, a developer of industries end productive farms." This quotation has, perhaps, been better exempli fied, in fact, by the three gen eratlone of Grabenhorsts through their real estate acti vities in Salem during the last 43 years, than any other real estate firm or institution, m marily, Grabenhorst Bros., 134 South Liberty, in Salem, is to day sn operating real estate firm which is the outgrowth of W. H. Grabenhorst & Compa ny, real estate dealers, estab lished in 1910 and, today repre sents the oldest real estate firm, in point of continuous service, in Salem. The major operations of the Grabenhorsts. over the years, has resulted, directly, in the development of d o w n-town business blocks in Salem, shop ping centers, sub-division and location of large department stores and industries. Standing as a memorial to the Graben horst activities is the Canda laria Heights residential dis trict, in southwest saiem. which is accredited with being one of the outstanding sub-di vision developments in the en. tire Pacifle Northwest region. Today, there are some 300 sub stantial residences in this dis trict. It presents the opportune ity for one to view one of the most impressive sights, being a panorama of the beautlfuM and fertile wuiamette vaiiey, with the frowning Cascade range of mountains to the east. showing several snow-cappea mountain peaks. W. H. Grabenhorst eame into the Oregon country, with his wife and 8 children, from Day ton, Iowa in 1902. Real estate offices were established at 270 State street, in 1910, by W. H. Grabenhorst W. H. Graben. horst & Company was formed and operated until w. h. ura benhorst passed on in 1923. Following the first World I war, . B. uraoennorst, a i younger son of the founder. csme into the organization as s partner. With the death of the senior Mr. Grabenhorst the two sons carried on the real estate business actively, until 1947 when E. B. Grabenhorst died. Grabenhorst Bros, was or ganized in 1944 and engaged in the real estate and insur ance business. Following the death of . B. Grabenhorst, a reorganization was perfected and, out of this, came Graben horst Bros., composed of G. H. Grabenhorst, Sr., George H. Grabenhorst, Jr., Coburn L. Grabenhorst and Richard E. Grabenhorst, as a father and sons partnership, engaging in real estate, business invest ments, property management and general insurance. Well arranged departmental offices are maintained, today, at 134 South Liberty street. "There is no more depend ! sble investment available in the entire Pacific Northwest I region than money spent for a SERVING SALEM AND WILLAMETTE VALLEY SINCE 1910 Grabenhorst Bro$.f Realtors 1M uearff issl bans, Mtm home in Salem or a farm in Marion county,' stated G. H. Grabenhorst This statement Is based on his wide knowledge of realty values and experience gained by being closely asso ciated with Salem and Marion county's economy. "Salem's growth and development over the years, has been steady and the result of the application of natural law. It has been free from booms' or 'boom meth ods' and, today this city Is rec ognized for its superior live ability and soundness of Its commercial and iadustrlsl structure." Complete Real Estate and Insarane Service Grabenhorst Bros., maintains a complete real estate and In surance service with all mem bers of the partnership active in its operation. G. H. Graben horst and his three sons, George H. Grabenhorst, Jr., Coburn L. Grabenhorst and Richard E. Grabenhorst are always pleased to consult and advise with individuals or busi ness representstlves on any question that might involve the sale, lease or rental of homes, farms, commercial, Industrial properties or property manage ment Realizing that tha outstand ing growth and expansion which Salem has experienced in the last decade, this is a favorable time for individuals or business firms to Improve their economic position, a wide end diversified list of property a va liabilities can be found at this real estate agency. Augmenting the service ac tivities of the four Graben horsts are four salesmen em ployed In such individual de partments ss residential, acre age, industrial or commercial sites and insurance. Insurance service goes hand in hand with real estate sales. It has long been known that realtors, such as Graben horsts, who are familiar with local property values Know the type of adequate insur ance coverage for full protec tion against losses of all kinds, that is needed for the individ ual or the property he owns. The supplying of all classes of insurance policies, placed with strong legal reserve stock companies, is an important part of the services 'rendered by Grabenhorst Bros. Grabenhorst Bros., have the enviable record behind their activities of closing some of the largest real estate transac tions in Sslem and the Wil lamette valley. Some of the major commercial firms in the city have located here through the influence and aid of this real estate firm. The ethical business poli cies that have been establish ed and maintained by the Gra benhorsts, since the day of the founding of the first real estate offices is, perhaps, best expressed by again quoting from the code of ethics of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, embraced and adopted by the state associa tion and the Salem Board of Realtors, of which all organi zations the Grabenhorsts Bros., are members or affiliates. MAKE DAVIDSON'S YOUR AUTO CENTER Mil AAA 24-HOUR TOW SERVICE DAVIDSON AUTO SERVICE S30 Chameketa Servlnf Salem 33 Years Phana 3-89S5 Haydife Building Blocks . Fireplace Materials Water Proofing Compounds Exculsive Modernfold Door Complete Lathing & Plastering - Spacemasfer Door Supplies Ra-tox Folding Door Pumilile Block & SuddIv Co. 1 .. -. ' . . 1090 Dallas Ka. Phono 2-2445 W. T. Rigdon Co. Funeral Directors One family serving Salem and surrounding community for 62 years. 299 N. Cottage Phone 3-3173 MOVING Across the Street or Across the Nation sT"tlll sTSflf Tw"nsTf AV sTaX 1 230 S. Front Phone 2-2436 ITrrr-r f 525 CHEMEKETA THE ELEGANT NEW '54 DODGE HOSE 10 II - MOM Hill MOM OFIT Stan Baiter Motors PHONE 2-2461 Sheet Metal Contractors 1085 Broadway Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Call FOR COMFORT AND HEALTH 3-8555 G. H. GRABENHORST GEO. H. GRABENHORST, JR. COBURN L. GRABENHORST RICHARD E. GRABENHORST MEMBERS SALEM BOARD OF REALTORS OREGON ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS MM REAL ESTATE e BUSINESS INVESTMENTS o PROPERTY MANAGEMENT e INSURANCE o LOANS 134 South Liberty St. o Telephone 2-2471 SALEM, OREGON Salesmen ... ROY S. FERRIS, Phone 2-8010 L E. COW, Pione 3-5113 H. K. LAYMAN, Phone 2-5193 Insurance and Audits Branches W. H. (Bill) Johnston, Phone 2-2471 or 3-3365 I ffrsr- rr n mi