Fatal THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Skies:. Orqrm. galurdar. Novanbar il, 185 J WELL DRILLING RatlaWUI Drilling Reatd i MARION COUNTY'S OLD RELIABLE "If THERI IS WATER Wl Will GIT IT" Sfudebalter Bros. Industrial . Drlltlaf hM 1 2120 I For Sunshine Comfort ELECTRIGLAS RADIANT HEAT RICHES ELECTRIC CO. rOKD SIMPSON rOM I-41M Senator Hotel Is in Process of I A Remodeling Program in Keeping With 25th Birthday N lncMtn;iK fr a utrti Late medal automatic ale tte recently install--Senator Ceffee Shea will area eM-feshieaed deliciew Thanktaivina twrkay dinner at eceneanical price. Br K. KENNETH EVANS ran rami am Haaratf , . . , j - i H . . 14 Ima f-mnmrnl lira tor your car and tor I rar jaer m mtt fatal " - ' m mM aa ...... ...... whifawar wins- Awt cm tie IJ IsSkJ fn, 1 ' tubes jy Stale Tire Service la IUU 81 Islam, Or. Tha doors of th Senator Ho tel were opened January 7. li twenty-five rear ago and th key to th doon were thrown away by W. W. Chad wick, tha owner and operator. In that twenty-five yean the nation ha tone through de pressions, wan. inflated price lowest economical price. ana good tune and the Sen- keeolne with h.n aior Hotel ha met all iii-aanent. every on ot the condition with "flat flying". 100 local employee of the However, in keeping with the; Senator Hotel will to "all-out" key dinner will be the only entree on tha menu. An eco nomical price of 11.00 for adult and II 00 for children ha been eaUbliahed. Thia I in keeping with th well known Chad wick policy of al- way nipplylnc th beat at the In ymmpm . m u.ium uihui.b iii jgia-mimi-i ,i jujh I I J JIM RUNS OUR OFFICE ', S . . Her' Jim Smith, a four-year Freifhter and aolid eitltea ! ' t in Salem aine song before leaning Consolidated. A gradu- ; "JfT WUUmelta University, he l office ananater her at t i v our Salem terminal. Jim aleo a member of tha Salem i lV ttitjl Shrine Club Uniform Patrol He mamed and U the father v" y.' .tj ot an etghl-veer-oM on. What little spar time Jim doe , ' have I taken up with fishing and. sometime, a little golf. j X - CONSOLIDATED fRHGHTWAYS p. T. I imHUvtSt Teleaaaa S-1121 ! outatanding growth of Salem, two cuhtunUal addition to the building have been made. ii tint addition, known as th annex, was built provid- to aerve the public, with their usual efficiency. In keeping with thia gala occasion. In the last quarter of a cen tury the Senator Hotel has Dependable Business Training Pc Acceunfina lutinest Administratis a Secretarial Executive Secretarial Office Machine Select! Subject iSrlerriif Davis School of Commerce 420 STATE Start lr Headrf Phoaa 2-1413 tng 24 modem room facing; been one of the major factor on High street, over what was ( contributing to the stable econ th old Senator garage, rourjomy of Salem and thia aection year ago 30 additional modern ; of the Willamette valley. It has room were added. Today, the i provided ample quarters for Senator Hotel has 1M com- j conventionists and visitors to modiou room and aU but 12: th capital city. No expense have private! has ever been anared ta mk. of these EXTRA EARNINGS SAVINGS EARN SAFELY Your Savings or I mured Sal to $1 0,000 00 by tha Federol Savings & Loon Insurance Corporation Opea rear I Saving Areeaat today with Sale Federal 3 Salem Federal Savings & Loan SM Srato Mtaeta 2-413 bath and all modern facilities. At the same time the Sena tor Hotel Coffee Shop was com pletely modernised with up holstered' booths, large serv ice counter and a small aemi private dining room with a to ut aeating capacity for ISO r-wits. The Senator Hotel Col fee Shop is Salem's rendez vous during the off -meal hour, for business men. store em ployee and friends to up" and enjoy a snack. Th Madernisatioa f retraai A progressive modernixation the hotel surrounding mod ern. In keeping with tha times. Today, employment 1 given to more than 100 local work ers, which creates aa annual payroll of approximately a quarter of a million dollars. AU commodities used in the operation of the Senator Hotel, Including foods such a veg etables, meats and staples, are purchased in Salem when noa. coffee- isible. and never anywhere but in the, raafle coast region. Ample Dining Eaoaa The Capital dining room of BUY U.S. BONDS FOR FUTURE SECURITY The Worlds Best Investment A. FRIEND Dick Meyer Lumber Co. Reliable lumber & Building Material Service One piece or a truck load lacaM two Mock Nest a! Salem Underpass, East 1 block at . . . 1775 Lana Phone 3-4939 OH tc gum Tveedie Fuel Oils STANDARD OIL DEALER 1174 Edgewarer Phone 2-4151 MT. CREST ABBEY Mausoleum Crematorium Vast (nd Heyt St S VauH tirluitilimaid md Cnrnft-VI ickas-Unw "Indoor Memorials en fcatt,eff 'fW Vnim CrmctaM LLOYD T. RlGDOH, rVaa. Sole Seme f Snseuts" TV Twa J-S444 program is now in process 'the Senator Hotel. ttif..ii. which wiU result in new Hoi-1 and attractively decorated with tywood beds being placed in murals including a mural of all rooms and refurbishing all the capital building, has a of the furniture and redecorat-: seating capacity for as high as tag. This is being done without 200 guests. Off of the Capital causing any inconvenience to dining room is the Camellia the guests. When completed, in dining room, drained to ae- Uie future, it will place the commodate 33 to fO guests fori Senator Hotel in the category sera-privacy These dining of one of the most modern, coo- rooms are all complete!.v air mopolitan hotels in the enure conditioned and comfortably Pacific Northwest region. A furnished, new elevator was installed last j There are. in all. ten of these month which is recognised as individual rooms including the the -Cadillac- of elevators, is Copper room in the basement comfortably automatic in its for private conference, meet operation and cost between iZi i-j, or banquets for at least 25 and SS0 thousand dollars. Also guests. Adjoining the Copper a new teletype service has room is the Cherry room for been installed 1uch enables SO guest and adjoining that is anyone to make reserrauons the Care room tor ICO guests, in aimost any major hotel The Chadwick room is located west of the Rockies. This serv- close to the Coffee Shop and Ke is tree ot charge and is can comfortably take care ot proving to be a great conven- j guest, sence to everyone who is using ; t. I All of th furbishing of the ! 1? E furniture, including re-uphol- W, J?LZ? 5 strong, is beng done in the JSBI"T' "JZ repair shop that is mamained ' " bv the Senator Hotel manaee- , L!T 512 men. John J.rd-.ne. who has " "J? 1 d r" been employed a chief engi- rrfrd for eic erpn rer for the bote! for 10 year. f!? Tb'rriVT is doing aU of the work. John thoutjM has been green xs little short of a wijard as ? "" m S" a wkmaa. He is ncognued 04 Grnd m, vuinvrman n?imw .t. State of Oregon for ample tncian. hoauni eannreir and r-moaatKa for all ran- Il aa urAolstereT. He has worked lh5 h,' ocraira to aU of his i:ie to make hnscS courteous proficient is aU of these vo- 7nce. western nnspnalTy cations aTd eaped or good food and OM-raxsMoned I ecmrenical prim rVsniisriTwij Dinner ' T.ie Lounge room, in the Thursday ot next week the Senator hotel, can seat It enure nation will experience ruests. 1: is ecutpped wMi a the giving of thanks for the Hanrsnans' tirgan and eancmg mac?- blesssnc btsitiaed upon is aTrar.ged from e'rjock Amersra sance the founding of pjn to 2 e'rlork ajn The Thar.ksc.v-ing Ilsv bv the Coi- Lour.fe opens at 12-nocm onisw Trie Tnanicement of the evrry day and lunches are Senator Hotel Coifee Shop served from 11 tt 1:M a clock wiU jrfi iif an old fashioned ptc with prnne-rih beef ana Thanksci-ing Turkey dinner, baked ham being the entree wit, ail the trunminirs. from along with a tossed-salad and 11 c clock a m until clock at almost unheard of price a p m Thankscnng I; Tur- these of of SI M "GET'READY FORrWINTERrNOW W hav just received a frasb shipment of NEW GENERAL S. 6. WINTER TYPE SAWDUST CAMELBACK. Hava year ewa tires recapped ae escKaafe thasa from oar carefully selected Mrnrd casings. A STATE TIRE SPECIAL All tires msBDted free snd year ram mer driving tires stored antil spring. FREE OF CHARGE Sswdast tires stared daring summer manias. Stale Tire Service Salem, Oreeoe) D A t R B 0 R N AREA HEAT Call PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCE CO. 3367 ParHami Hi. Phone 3-5091 Again Proving Salem 's Leading Newspaper CapitalJournal 444 Ckesneaera Pkene 2-2404 FOR YOUR PROTECTION... Contact Any Member of the m Salem Insurance Agents Association il OFFERS YOU EVERY NEEDED SERVICE TEL 515 LOUNGE For Mytt's RtloTobwt SALEM'S LARGEST MOST MODERN AND COMPLETE HOTEL A Superb Coffee Shop Unsurpassed Feod Aid Service Free Teletype Reservation Service Meeting Rooms Banquet Rooms FOR ANY SIZE GROUP LARGEST HOTEL IN OREGON OUTSIDE THE CITY Of PORTLAND Buffet Lunch Eotk Wek Dev in SIS 1 00 Tmt 'WW Tie. Treat PLAN TO ENJOY THANKSGIVING DINNER WITH US Olher (hadvick Hotels Anxious To Serve You Hotel Corvollis Corvollis, Ore. Hotel Jackson Medford, Ore.