Saturday. November 21, 195S TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaltM. Ortcoa Paa I TO CONDUCT CANDY MAKING SCHOOL HERE MONDAY t f --j ; , I '-.s-.v. v. -v ?. SS f i .'V;. If. X "?.:" "V. '- 4 "X "a Noted Candy Maker to Conduct Classes Here E. Remington Davenport, noted teacher of candy making, who will conduct a free school for Salem area housewivea Monday, Nov. 23, at the Portland Gaa St Coke Co. auditorium, 109 South Commercial. Three claisea will be taught, from 1 to 3 p.m., from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 8 to 10 p.m. Fourth Graders at Bush Write Friends in Italy Mrs. L y d i a DeLoretto's fourth grade at Bush school is studying people of other coun tries. This week the children wrote to a school in St. Antimo (Naples) Italy. The children sent the follow ing letter which was translat ed into Italian by Mrs. De Lo- Parrish Youths Will Buy Turks for Needy The Boyi League and Girli League at Parrish Junior High School will buy turkeys lor needy familiea for Thanksgiv ing from profit! of a scratch pad sale and special noon day movie. e Bruce Stewart is adviser of the Boys League and Mrs. Paul Rowell and Miss Tonl Kuz manich are Girls League ad visers. They raised $39.92 for the project. retto. Mrs. De Lore t to was born and grew up In Italy; Dear Fourth Ortdn: Wf trt beri and itrUef Stltm. Or- Km. W tr fourth trtdtr in Euh Bcbooi n ur Uaehir to Wri. Loral to. wt r itudrlni about tho world ond tho vorloiM Hflooi located oo It. w mado Krapbooka for Social Studlai and raapa ihowlng landforma aad wattr maKinr up our world. Wt art alao mxk in mmr Ibinia la art such aa pietaraa nouoar itoriaa, iar animaia i vajaa. Hero wo aalabrata maa? hoUdan oueh at ntnowetn, enrutmaa. Than kit (Tina, saator and Valratlna'a Day. What noil dan do rou ctlobrauf Dooi Santa Claui eont to Tim rou en Cbrtotmaa Krtalnt Wt would Ukt to know tha dlfftrral tub- Jacta that rou aro ctudrinc and which on rou una Mt. Uaro la tha U at tod autaa. ehlldiM c to acbooi mo dars a wtek. How m dan do rou go to actwoif At achool wo aio slar vaar lamoa ouca aa occtr, lootoalL butbali. vauot- oau. ana mtnr ouitra. wo would bo vary nappy to tnow aomo u tho iimu you piar. Pltato writ oooa bocauw wo would UK i writ rou aaaia and atnd a ple- mri of our ciaaa. , Tour lorlnc rrlaada, Kobort AcktnatD, Oscar Anttl, Darld Uathlttad. Bob roudolL Ulckor Dunn- Jim lUmadcn, Ooortta Douilaa, Law- rone Ward. Nancy Nordrk. Laura do Wteao, Dolly Laam. Jorc Oodaor, Kay Nubor, Sandra Savlllo, Billy atrawn, Polly BaUor, Pat Browor, Nod Carnott, Allxn Pin. Roormary Wooktr, BUI Wht more. Bruc llccilatlc, Vornon Sandara, PhU Dot la. Dick Stutrud. Prank Schack niknn. Aharon Borry, Jan Olaoa and Mrs. Lydla D Lorott (toachor). There Is no such thing as luck In candy making, accord ing to E. Remington Daven port, who will conduct a achool In this culinary art for Salem area housewives Mon day, November 23. It will be held In tha Portland Gas Coke company auditorium. 109 South Commercial with tha Capital ' Journal as co- sponsor. "All that wa call good luck comes to us because wa obey certain laws, Davenport ob- adding: Faculty Trio Recital Monday An (vent far Monday even ing will be the recital to be presented by Willamette unl versity faculty trio. In the group art Willi! Catet, violin; Cell Kocm, cello, and . Ralph Dobba, piano. The program i open to the Interested public and will be at 8:1S p.m. Monday in Waller hall auditorium. The program ia at follows: Trio in E-flat Major. Op. 70. No. i Beethoven Foco sostenuto; Allegro ma no tropo Allegretto Allegretto ma non troppo Finale: allegro Short Trio on (9) French Tunes Rowley intermission Trio in E-flat Major. Op. 2 Roussel Modere, sans Ienteur; Tres anlme Lent Tres lent; Vif et gaiment 'JUST BOMB ROCKS' Angola, La. MB A convict at tht prison here was stopped by a guard as he was caught taking a box from cold stor age locker. "It just has some rocks In it," the convict said. The guard- opened tht box and found three chickens. dressed and ready for the fry ing pan. "Rocks?" the guard asked. "Yes, sir, Plymouth Rocks," the convict replied. "AU that we call bad luck ia because we break or Ignore certain laws. If we do the same thing twice in the same mannei under the aame condi tions we will get the tame re sutls." Davenport became t candy maker by accident when he met in outstandingly good ont in Vienna, whose younger sister Davenport subsequently msrried after the candy maker and the sister had come- to America and Davenport had returned home from Ms atay abroad. He went Into the candy mik ing business with his brother-in-law and took full charge of the factory two years later. By that time he had made friends in the candy game who were willing to show him all they knew. . Later he became a teacher of candy making and this has been his calling for some years. He lives in Portland and has conducted schools In cities all along the coast and inland thrdugh Montana, Idaho and Utah. Health Hints To Lay Citizens The volunteer lay citizen was informed of the manner In which assistanc may be given the health department with prenatal classes, well baby conferences and crippled children's clinics during a tea held under the sponsorship of the Marlon County Depart ment of Health at the First Methodist church Thursday afternoon. The lay members were also told bow they csn be of assist ance in the distribution of health education material ln the community. Several members ol both the health department staff and tha advisory committee took part in interpreting tho roles of tho volunteer. These included Mrs. Hugh Adams, new chabanas and Mrs. Loron Rickey, vtee-ehairmaa, and Mrs. E. A. Meola, vice-chairman. Mrs. Bernica Yeary, nursing supervisor and Mrs. Meola planned tha meeting. Refreshments woro served by Mrs. Adams, Mrs. A. A. Atherton and Mrs. John Meadows. The fall migrations of Eaglea and Egrets may take them north instead of south until winter turns them back. till 8e.CMrcUl Ph. 4-411 SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of aO alaes. trasses. AMeas laaj Support!, Ebutie Baetery Esaert fitters erltato flttlag AB TOCB DOCTOR Capital Drag Store 443 lUte Street Ceraer et Ukerty MB Greta ttamm Salem Chiropractic . Vital J Orcaaa Are Oealrenei Three Nome Dr. J.L.Ahlbta Narva aad Bom ' Specialist hveierlierephy tlecrrerlieraphy Colon Irriaeriee) X-Ray Phone 2-4120 for Appointment SseaMr.ttls-trhrtitslSaei 1225 South Commercial I lYOCB NORGE DEALER IS ICHERRY CITY ELECTRIC ISt CHEMEKETA Phone 2-2406 To Place Classified Ads Lebanon Nears Coa of United Fund Lebanon Cash and pledges amounting to. nearly 70 per cent of the $22,656 goal in this year's United Fund csmpaign have thus for been received. Drive Chairman A. B. Cash announced Thursday. A meeting will be held Fri day evening to determine the exact amount of contributions. Plans will also be made to con clude the campaign by Thanks giving. Cash sgain urged persons who have not yet contributed to take or mail their contribu tions to Howard Berger at the Bank of Lebanon, or to United Fund at chamber of commerce offices. ' ' ' 0? as ate GotasEB 3 a fit! f iV Sun Valley 10W (MOMS . MCI IN INItCT - IT VOIR f fiVORITE fOOl STORE M til! , ' i t v . , ' avi:i 0 -lo w, - ' See the Model Home this week-end. Notice the lovely in terior painting which is now completed, the finish-carpentry and the cabinets. Place your order now. Come out, one and all. See the high type of construction and materials that are going into this modern new home that's taking shape before your very eyes. We want you to know all about it. Ask the salesman any questions you want. He's right there on the property all day. This is the model home that a veteran from Salem will get on December 25. With the he?i of the V F W in making a recommendation, we hope to announce the name of that veteran before long. In the meantime, come out! See the Lock wood Home in all phases of construction. crrv ciane. e.s. Nil I - ' I. ft V J J f., Aii-x ; aaBsssfi SALEM 2-097 1 I lK"All'i Pay Less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING 'Hocker Hardware Ph. 37031 990 Soatb ComsaarcM Wall Paper, Palatt anal Spoftirtg Goods Ferrill's Nursery lOscreienuiaentilj, ihrub. fruit, ihado ind flowering trast. OPEN 10 LM. SUNDAYS ' Mi. East of KEIZER PHONE 2-1307 BERGS In the Capitol Shopping Center And In tha Keizer District 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Every Day GOLDEN PHEASANT . OPEN lsNoeaTUl:!! SUNDAY SUNDAY OWNERS OUR SPECIALTY ' III Nerth Liberty Pbeae3S733 Now.. 24 Hour. Drug Service! OPEN 8 A.M. TO 11 P.M. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON CALL 1 1 P.M. TO 8 A.M. Just Phono 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S prescription srei 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment Soles t Rental Servlca 1185 So. 12th Phona 3-364 Oram, Ore. TRAILERS FOR RENT " All Typaa Local or On Way Rent A Trailer System Salem's Only Exclusively Trailer Bental Lot lit! Fairgrounds Bd. Pbone S-I4S7 - OPEN - SUNDAY SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 126S 2120 3S Canter Palrf reandi M. , Coml 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAME LOW P8ICES ALWAYS Nr Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOE EMERGENCIES Can 38343 39J7 CAPITAL DRUG STORE lute aad Uaerty Tear Preserlptlea Store' Senator Hotel Coffee Shop , We SaoeUllso la SUPERS SUNDAY DINNERS Open Sundays 7 a.m. H 9 p.m. Dolly 4:10 a.m. 9 p.m. Sstw .mm CWfM smo Corner Ceart ss Blak Pkoao 1-4111 .