In The Edited by KIKE FOBBES Monmouth Monmouth On hundred thirty penone attended the turkey supper at the Evangel ical United Brethren church Wednesday evening, at which fund were railed for the church Improvement fund in the amount of 1700. Improve ment to be made are the re decorating of the church au ditorium, new lighting and painting the outiide of the par- aonage. The turkey were baked by Jack Horeauf of the bakery. - Tom Gibboni wai re-elected mat tar of the Monmouth Grange at the meeting held on Saturday night Other officer! are Clifford Hauler, overseer; F. B. Powell, steward; Guy Thornbrue, gatekeeper; Mri. Jonas Graber, chaplain; J. L. Van Loan, treasurer; Mrs. Ellie King, secretary; Erie Swensen, lecturer; Mrs. Claude Snair, Ceres; Mrs. Guy Thornbrue, Pomona; Mrs. L. Lofte, flora; , Mrs. Jessie Gibbons, lady as sistant steward; Willis King, assistant steward; Jonas Gra '. ber, W J. Stockholm, and , Claud Snair, executive com mittee. The group invited the Polk county Pomona Grange and " other granges of the county to - hold a Joint installation here . Dec. 12. The Cub Scout have made plans to sell Christmas trees to rail funds to pay for swim ming lessons at the Salem YMCA. Matthew Thompson present : td a program on air navigation at the Tuesday meeting of the Luncheon club. He told of pro gress made In aviation in the past SO years and said the most distant -point on eartn wss about 48 hours away by air. Henry Parkison, son of Mr. and Mr. George Parkison, -l- II,, a unth n (nilfll ... Suver, has been promoted to ' corporal while serving In Ko rea. He is a clerk with the 83th quartermaster b a s depot's headquarters company and holds the Korean and V.N. service ribbon. Mr. and Mr. E. N. Hill of Salem visited her father, A. F. Huber, Sunday evening. The Hills left Tuesday to meet their son, David, who is serving in the navy, in San Francisco as he returns from Korea. The 20-40 club planned at the meeting held in the lOOF hall to visit the Great Western malting plant in Vancouver, Wash. Arthur Dempsey is in . charge of the tour and says it . will be made Monday, Nov. zi . and all members who plan to attend the tour should notify . him at once. Those going will meet at the Oregon Grange wholesale store at Rickreall at ' 8:30 a.m. as the tour i sched uled for 10:30. The Monmouth-Independence Ministerial association is spon soring two union Thanksgiving service at 7:43 p.m. on Wed nesday, Nov. 23. The service in Monmouth will be held at the Evangelical United Brethren church with Rev. Daniel Wess- ler of the Presbyterian church in Independence giving the menage. The Christian church of Monmouth will furnish spe cisl music and the offering will go to the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union s Chil dren's home near Corvalll. The Chamber of Commerce made plans at the Tuesday eve ning meeting to give a prize for the best decorated store front for the Christmas season. A committee will study the ad visability of lighting an out door tree. The signs at the three main highway entrances to the city have been erected 1(1 N. Commercial Ysa Walking Orar rami Btere YE SING. Proa. Beat Chlmss Cash aa Amir CRYSTAL GARDENS DANCE Sack Again With Two Floors of Dancing Two Bands-Adm. 74c EVERY SATURDAY NITE Second Floor 014 Tim Dancing i Valley and will soon be Illuminated. Nomination committee for of ficers to report at the Dec. IS meeting will be O. A. Macy, Keith Houk and Charles Easla brooks. The executive committee of the United Fund drive, to start soon, reported their budget as follows: Camp Fire, $100; Jun ior Women club's playground project, 1100; Oregon Chest, $900; Boy Scouts, $100; Cub Scouts, $25. The Civic club met Thursday with 30 women present and they voted to give gifts for the mental patients at the state hospital and such gifts sre to be collected by Dec. 13 end may be left at the Powell in sursnce office. Gifts should be labeled whether for women, men or children. The cooked food sale netted the club $33 Hostesses for Thursday were Mrs. O. A. Macy, Mrs. Lester Colgan, Mrs. Anton Postl and Mrs. Emmett Staats. Mrs. D. R. pewey, a director, presided at the business meeting. Dayton Dayton Mrs. Steve Tay lor entertained members of the Locks Rosd club at her home on Tuesday. Nov. 17. Plans were made for the Christmas party. Refreshments were served. Clsrence McKown of Havre Mont., is here visiting his aunt, Mrs. L. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Remme accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fisher and daughter of Portland to Corvallls in the home of her sister, Mrs. E. C, DeLong. Mrs. Fisher remsined with the Remme's for the re- mslnder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stevens visited their son, Austin Stev ens in Portland recently. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell 8' evens and family of Prineville, visited in his par ents home here. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Taggsrt are here spending the Thanks giving hoiidsys with her sis ters, Mrs. Msmle Randall, Miss Lena Stilwell and brother Jack Stilw't. Burs. Delia U'Ren and Mrs. Mamie Randall saw "The Robe" in Portland last week. Mrs. Vedah Willard and dsughter, Sylvia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Senn in Milwsu kie Sunday. Frank Zimmerman of Pay ette, Idaho, is visiting his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Psrker and another daughter in Portland over the coming holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Budke are the parents of a baby daughter born Monday, Nov. 16, at the Memorial hos pital in Salem. The little lsdy weighed in at 6 lbs. 8 ozs., and has been named Mary Ann. The Budke's sre owners of the Dayton Pharmacy and have two sons, Paul and Jimmy. Mrs. Harry Sherman enter tained the members of the Kroweldeen Bridge club Thurs day. The meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Wright in Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Clsrk of Newport, are the parents of a son born Wednesday, Nov 18. The baby weighed over 8 lbs. They have a daughter. The paternal grandmother is Mrs Irene Clark and this is her seventh grandchild. The ma ternal grandparents are Mr end Mrs. Clyde McKinncy, Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wil liams and Mr. and Mrs. Art Sohrweid visited friends at Cannon Beach on Sunday. On Monday. Nov. 16, 32 of ficers of the Masonic lodges in District No. 4 met at Joppa Lodge No. 151 at LaFayelte. DDGM Earle Coburn presided over the session and outlined the duties and responsibilities of all officers. The next officers meeting is scheduled for Feb. 15. 1954 at LaFayette No. 3, Yamhill. SPECIAL $ DINNER tala.M Wl4ta Irtwi flit CaUhia, i4. Drlak M DgMft ft T H. toff tU. Hrt H to r.M COLES 41JS Portland Rd. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 First FUr Modem Cabaret Styl Scio Scio A large crowd was present for the FFA banquet at the high school last week. The banquet was prepared and served by the home ec. girls. Everett Struckmelr was the principal speaker and ex plained the FFA work. Jack Long received the star farmer award. Jean Zeller was the runner-up for this honor. John Thorn received the Holstein heifer, which will start a calf chain. Other honorary award were presented to several helpful citizens. Those to whom they were presented were: Everett Struckmelr; Dr. Hoscb, who was unable to attend due to illness, but was accepted by Mrs. Hosch; and to Marvin Long. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Buchan an of Salem were guests. Mr. Buchanan is assistant supervis or of agricultural education. The PTA will meet Tuesday night, Nov. 24, at the grade school instead of Monday night The Cub Scouts will furnish some of the entertainment 4-H achievement night will be Monday night, Nov. 23, at the high school. The PTA county council will meet here Nov. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thurston snd family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thurston visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmie Sullivan and family in West Salem Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Esther Holland and daughter Betty were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffin, Rev. and Mrs. Vern Wiggins and family have moved to To ledo, where Mr. Wiggins is em ployed. Rev. Wiggins has been pas tor of the Full Gospel church here. Mrs. Ernest Podrabsky of Victorsvllle, Calif., was a re cent guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mllford Bell. The national S.S. contest at the Baptist Sunday school end ed last Sundsy. Nov. IS, with 430 In Sunday school. Final re- rults will not be known for some time. On Wednesday night, Nov. 25, all the churches are meet ing for a special Thanksgiving service to be at the Baptist church. Rev. Brock of the Scio Chris tian church will be the speak er. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Soderburg of Illinois are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Hsrold Thurs ton of Newport visited rela tives here Tuesday. The Cub Scouts hsd their pack meeting at the grade school gym Tuesday eight. A new den is being started in the Rivervlew neighbor hood. A PTA committee met Mon day afternoon to plan the PTA banquet for the OEA conven tion which will be here Dec. 3 at the grade school gym. The following ladies were present: Mrs. Jack Goar. Mrs. Ronald Sommers, Mrs. Ralph McDonald, Mrs. Marvin Long, Mrs. J. Karnosh, Mrs. Frank Bartu and Mrs. Glen Thurston. Mrs. Marvin Long was ap pointed chairman. the Stayton hospital last Tues Mrs. Grant Irish was taken to day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitzsim mons and son have moved into the Clsrence Barnett house. Finest In CHINESE and DINNERS CHINA CITY 3555 South Commercial Phone 2-2117 Grade TURKEY- ib. SAVING CENTER STORES Otth Foot Of Hi Iridg Wart Salem THE CAPITAL JOI in m I - . ' Amity Boys of the freshman dais at Amity high school give the Future Farmers of America creed at FFA banquet given at the high school Wednesday night when 200 guests were served. Standing, from left, are Duane Massey, George Patty, Tony Meeker, Keneth Marx, and Lee Gusa. Seated is Glen Stevens, FFA president. Falls City falls City There will be a "homecoming" day at the Free Methodist church next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Houtz of Salem were recent visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Charles Baker. Mrs. James Collins drove to Sltkum, Ore., near Myrtle Point, for a few days visit with her brother, John Peter son, and wife. She was accompanied on the trip by Miss Carol Martin. Rev. George Edwards of Se attle was guest speaker at the Free Methodist church Sunday evening and also during the Sunday school hour. Rev. Edwards is making calls visiting friends in Falls City and also in Dallas, calling upon Phoebe Ward at the Evans Rest Home in Dallas and sev eral others living there. Mrs. D. H. Cox celebrated her birthday, Nov. 0 by having 1 dinner with her niece, Mrs. Ralph Rose and family, and their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robinson, all of Lebanon. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Qualey were his mother, Anna Qualey, brother Arthur and wife of Sil- j verton, and a sister, Mrs. Or- lando Dshl and her husband from Salem. : Friends of Billy Vogel have : requested his lervice address. I Here it is: Pvt. William F. Vogel, US 56218040 Co. A Pit. I , 6th Eng "C" Btn., Fort Ord, I Calif. ; The Valsetz and Black Rock hills were white with snow Nov. 17. I DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Adm. tOe Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Orch. 239 Court St THE COLONIAL HOUSE Will Sen THANKSGIVING DINNER Y RESERVATION ONLY Pleat Call 4-3744 After 2 P. M. A Tom Vi Mile North Underpass Salem RXAL. Filem. Onto PRESENT FFA CREED I s - -,r t i - Grand Ronde Grand Ronde The Grand Ronde Home Extension unit met In the project hall with 12 members in attendance. The project leaders, Mrs. Betty Reid and Mrs. Pearl Lockwood conducted the proj ect on "Oregon sweet." Recipe were given out on the making of Christmas can dies and spiced nut meats. Af ter i sack lunch at noon the meeting was called to order by the extension unit chairman, Mrs. Margie Reid. Anyone interested in this work is invited to the next meeting which will be an nounced at a later date. W. A. Smith of the Grand Ronde agency has entered the hospital at McMinnville for treatment of a heart condition. Starts Tomorrow! Iks Story si I CAM BUNCA JJSv I last of Hit Great fp Apache Mdsnl tp; f fS! s4t T LA .3TANDAT Apache . RIVER StrpiKiMcNAUY'luiiaM STARTS TODAY! A FlGHTlir STORY Of UMCU SAM'S FIGHTUr HOI!. Their GRIPES, GAGS, In Vivid Realistic Color by Ante ADDED ENTERTAINMENT A Tribute ta the Smartest Hunting Doc In the World The Wonder Dot "THE DOGGONDEST DOG" I T: -'J , i ' i w ' ...-. i Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bow ers were guests at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chris tian at Lebanon last Sunday, the affair being the birthday of Mrs. Bowers. ENDS TODAY! Open :M "INFERNO" "8WEETHEABTS ON' PARADE" Starts Tomorrow Conk 1:43 Flua "ABBOTT COSTEUO GOTO Uf. ' ENDS TONITB J.fca Witit la "IiUnal la la. ' AIM AtbU aa1 CmUIU Mull -Dr. Jtfcrtl mm4 Mi. UjW BLASTIN'...BULL0OZIN' THEIR WAY TO GLORY) GIRLS and CUTS! r-T ARLENE DAM, i mmm uirawne-iaiin , Dallas Dallas Circle B of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Paul John son Monday afternoon. During the business meeting, commit tee reports were presented. Plans were discussed to have a Christmas party in December. At the close of the business session, refreshments were served to the group. Mrs. J. A. Hoover was a guest - Members attending were! Mrs. Nettie Smith, Mrs. Forest Martin, Mrs. C. H. Davis, Mrs. I O. S. Kelley, Mrs. Lloyd Soehrn, Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Mrs. Hazel Fliflet, Mrs. Forest Holmes, Lloyd Spooner, Mrs. Roy Wickstrom, A. J. Cleve- land, Mrs. Earle Richardson, Mrs. J. N. Urness and Mrs. Roy Donahue. Mrs. Minnie Lewis and Mrs. Inez Soliem of, Kelso, Wash., were in Dallas over the week end to attend the Friesen-i Fuller wedding. Dsvid Mann came from TOMORROW! Three Great Shows! At 2:30-6:30-9:30! ! REGULAR PRICES! ! lAMAZING MT7"tf motlBBLU HILARIOUSLY hours of entertainmant that will be the topic ef ' conversation for year to coma i "; ' A TRULY FASCINATING SHOW 4 Above are some of the scenes from "Mr. V's last show. Watch your own friends and neighbors as they perform In this hilarious show! GREATEST STAGE ATTRACTION OF THE YEAR Acclaimed by the press of 5 countries, freih from an exciting tour of his notiv Canada, "Mr. V." comet to Salem with a great hilarious show that will omoxe andamuteyou! Here's a tip: Because we have extra time on the matinee, "Mr. V's Sundsy afternoon show will be a full I hours long. Evening shows Sundsy are 15 minutes. So plan to attend the matinee showing at 2:30 jou'ii laugh till your sides ache and will be amazed at what "Mr. V can acocmpllsb with yoar friends and neighbors. AND ON THE SCREEN This Great Film Hit! jnp)V FromaThrohi 3 Vttv'tCv hi -rue M M W swamocat Jl Pf X Ml (171 y i i k,7i iff m Cagnfy "A lUnon ns IN 7C3E CTHEGTS ' tJ mm Warner Bros. -ca-s-TiCHNrCOLOW Saturday, November 21, 1953 Longvlew alas to attend the Friesen-Fuller wedding. Thursday, Nov. 19, ia the date the Red Cross bloodmo. bile unit wiU be in West Ssleni at the Methodist church, front 3 p.m. to T p.m. Call Carl Persons as early as possible for appointments. His phono number is S-4278. The Pueblo of Zunl In west, ern New Mexico has form of worship centered on many gods, called Xatchinaa. DANCE Sloper Hall Independence Sal. Nile 9:00 Music by the WESTERN TRIO LAST DAY Clark Gable Ava Gardner In "MOGAMBO" FUNNY! UNBHIfVllRln in iiis t fek Gutter xs'v TrBnAO- WiREIGNED JaS- AS KlIIG! IAMC l'. rWaatrTW