Saturday, November II' If 58 Pat II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Or afgyfJeiwee SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY, SALEM AREA PASTORS CHRONICLES 16:8 Givt thanks unto ttw Lord, tot! upon hi namo, mokt known hit deeds among th ptoplo. ' f ; BRADLEY'S BICYCLE FOBTBHOP Formerly Moore Ul If. High Ph. -844 W. T. RIGDON CO. ' Funeral Director 2ft N. Cottage Phone 2-1171 1 m If BECTLER-QUISTAD LBB. Co. 'TEverythtng to BuUd With" 4M Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-8181 BUSS PRATT CAPITOL CITY TBANSPEB Moving - Protected Storf Expert Packing - Agent (or Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Mover! Phone 2-2430 230 So. Front St CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriter . Adding Machine Accounting Machine Calculator Lester DeLapp Tranifer-Storag "Local and Netion-wlde Mover" Ph. 21750 lilt N. Commercial ELECTRIC CLEANERS 63 Highland Ph. 1-4821 B. L. ELFSTROM CO. 8(0 8. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY tniurance All Type 665 N. Capitol Ph. 42201 V. T. GOLDEN MOBTUABY 06 S. Commercial Fh.42237 HENRr PHOTO SHOP Thing Photograph! 46 State St Ph. 24S0I HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open T ajn.-t p.m. Special f 1.60 Sunday Dinner Noon Till pjn. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Aeroa From Sear 645 N. Capitol HCTCHEON PAINT STORE Pain t-Vaniihi-Wallpaper Ph. 1-6687 162 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PULP PAPER CO. Quality Material Court eou Service Pront & Ferry Ph. 2-2421 DICK METER LUMBER CO. One Piece or Truckloed 1775 Una Ave. Ph. I-48JI r Iplektt 'Vv.4ffll V (P r , " I7n$ "Be Thankful for Plenty" was the title of a sermon we J&LtoRrS?11 . heard many years ago. And we'll never forget how the I Th. chu,Ch i, CHURrij I preacher defined "plenty." S-S- J "If you have everything that money can buy, all the I eS0v?SS necessities and all the luxuries of life and you don't have I ... p.1 CL"0' ""do? L y a Bible you can read and understand then you've nothing I 2 h"chire"? "Wc, L to be thankful for! You're in want! I ziuEg utfi& fy 1 ffifa "But if God has eiven yu iust enoueh of this world'8 ''JiTyf If LffiyM goods for you to live from day to day and you've a Bible I la"r and Re t0 nhj, if you turn to every day-then be thankfull You have I " B,b, r. IK We can cherish that homely bit of inspiration. It sums I Jf::::r:-J&'X S? 1 up the kind of Thanksgiving our forefathers believed in I '"v.V.Z' i V J ' If ... the kind of Thanksgiving that millions of US will g 2 I t Jy celebrate this week in Church! ""-i . jl MASTER BREAD Brought to You Freih Dally By Your Grocer end Cherry City Baking Co. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Televlalon and Radio Sale & Service "We Give JWf Green Stamp" Phone 3-7577 1880 State. MONTGOMERY. WARD Department Store HATFLOWKB StTLX PhootS206 LES NEWMAN! Men' Wear and Shoe 178 N. Commercial PAT LESS DBTJO STORf Tr Lee Hae Terihlnr 484 tUte St. Phone t-MM TALLET PACKOTO CO. The Home of Famou Caecad Ham, Meet, Baeosj" 2805 ValpakRd. Ph.S-4161 ROBERTS BROS. Department Store) R. E. LADD Electric Wiring and Repair Conitructlon Commercial Residential Phone 4-2543 Rt. 4, Box 300 SEARS ROEBUCR CO. Senator Hotel b Coffee Shop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 0 P.M Court & High St.. Salem Ph. 34151 SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC ' Owned & Operated by L. H Campbell 3650 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-1886 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgewater West Salem THE VISTm MARKET Complete Shopping Center 045 S. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. KUdnor Capitol Grand Liberty . state . Drire-la tallet .nLsrsnoN CKNTBB Belem. MM Fairgrond Km Woodbum, 171 Grant Motorola. RCA-Tletor, Burnout Hoffman Telerieioa Pnrnclet tele end lereio ALLEY TBACTOB COHPANT lTr1ora)leeSerriM lUSUvertonauL OTTO J. WILSON Ca Anthorteed Back Sale Senrlee Ut N. Commercial Ph. 1-3621 THIS SERIES Of ADS IS III NO PUILISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THI AUSPICES OP THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THI INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BY THESE PUBLIC SPIRITED, CIVIC MINDED BUSINBSS BSTABUSHMRNTB ' --'- - - iv r- -itrihiriiamiafiM ,r -: j-.. - i... ,iiin . ..m..iii.i i.p n Ml a I If) 3 i