Sttartay, November Jl, last THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ortffoa Fac II AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES (AUTOMOBILES A REMINDER- MAKE A NOTE OF THESE . . . YES. DONT FORGET TO LOOK AT THESE EXCEPTIONAL USED CAR BUYS THIS WEEK END. NOTE THE LOW PRICES, PLUS OUT STANDING QUALITY, CONFIDENCE AND DEALER REPUTATION. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS TRIO" IN BUYING YOUR USED CARI 51 PLYMOUTH $2145 CTaabreefc 4 -dr. ada.. BAtH. scat m?. ore. erieloal let black Iiolah, chrome wheels, safety rim wheels, etc Heat Mr, electrle viper. It's i wonderful bayl 40 CHRYSLER $1245 New Yorker dcluit 4-dr. with lM-hp ems la, almost asw Urea, local owner, BH. fluldmatJie. power brake, lie a sharp UU '40 serlas. '48 CHRYSLER $895 Wtadsar 1-dr. ada-. RSH. Okcelleat Urea, eet eoesra, other flat Chrys ler eitrae and really ami Salem Automobile Co. II. Cemmerclal at Mertea . 4 MERCURY ?TT Beautiful club mpt wiui arilitaat let black flnUk aad White BideweU tire. RfeH. eery tiMa. Onlr UU deoa. aermenta to (it any audaet. stare a real burt '47 OLDSMOBILE '98" . .595 4-dr. ada.. t black finish aad wblt atdeaell Urea. UAH. hvdraaMlis, eatre clean thruout. Yob mutt see thial SPECIAL! SPECIAL) Thl bff price this inI oolyl HUHRYI '53 CHRYSLER N. Yer.. .$3195 Thla beautiful car hu S-toae finish. Mitt sleu. WSWs, windshield wash re. lmnuuliw. old la Juu for 44,50 Mow 3M below book at Miff, ttl rjatoa CAPPS USED CARS Mas. SfltS 51 NASH $104S ItilMMi tutor. MMr MMnUr o rua. Ilk. . r.m, S..UU. Iva i-Imu HU ml -. OUwf mini 51 STATION WAGON $1115 Huh Rambler vita radio. bMter, oeer drive, new seel aovere aad motor overhauled. Ho better ear or lower arlot any hat el '47 OLDSMOBILE $575 "OS- convertible with bright rod fla lea. bow top. power wlndowa, radio. heater, ardremeue. Hurry herai 53 DODGE $2395 Coronet 4-door sedan. Mil. 3teae finish. Iti lust Hko at at hundreds oft aew arte. SAVE) 52 CHEVROLET $1695 Strlcltne 4-door sedsa, RAH, lea m Ha ass, eaesllsat motor. ftnUh Bad Urw. Many itras and a low priest 49 PLYMOUTH $595 Special dcluie 4-door sedan, with many excellent feature. Hera's a ter nfk burl See for roar at II I I Locations To aorro You Eaittrf IH Morth Hun in Chflatfctu 1M Portland Rd. Stan Baker Motors '52. CHEVROLET $1395 portal I door. hoBtor. dofroaUr, tora atgaau. aoat ooTora. aotco oolor. '49 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. . $995 aotcUl dtiBw aodaa, Mil. aofToator, oat aovora. dharpl '49 SDN DEUVERY $895 Cbanoloi aiakt wtta lr flow bmUt. laaoiaculBU ta aad oat. Owaor aod Mrflco loeaiir. It to la to OK aaapoi DOUGLAS McKAY cHiraouT oo. $$ FOR . $ $ You can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC 41 Mu. 1111 II 1M 'M MU CM, UI ........ UN MERCURY u in. a I m FORD 4 (lia, XAU IM STUDEBAKER 4u. OcardHT. I Ml BEST FOR LESS '41 hnUK '41 Cb.rr.Ut ..i n ..HUM .WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AT KELLY OWENS CO. ! 860 N. LIBERTY . BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER -Remember-NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specialsand Message Above Are Brought to You So You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Later FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANO BUYS! CHROEDIR. II" UPR.. RET1NI5HCD UN.M PRACTICE PIANO, REBUILT 1U.M CHICKERINO. SMALL. ROSB- WOOD Wit BTIT IPINIT, UAH IK.H BAIT ORAHD, RIPIN. A, REBUILT IM 00 LESTER aPINIT Hlk. Otlfr WORLrrzER PINET. DAUAOED B. 1100 OVER It OTHTK BEAUTirUL INSTRUMENTS TO SELECT PROM. BENCH, DELIVERY, TUNING FREE! STONE PIANO CO. U9 aUita Ph. Bill LA1G1 BLXCTBIC Router, violin. Virr good condition. 1Mb N. Ifan. i-mt B27I ORGANO BARGAIN Flte any piano. For immediate sale 111 dtacount lllOO.M. A bur, It loiUu Bncnt meU your ntedi. STONE PIANO CO. ISM atata St. Ph. 2-S2S1 mm Play Piano! CHILDREN 8 TO 18 ADULTS 18 TO 118 8 WEEK'S COURSE $10 INCLUDES ALL CLASS MATERIAL (BEGINNERS ONLY) SEE US! SALEM MUSIC CO. 1.M HlBtt St. Phone 1-1761 ACIUXW PROM XLfllNORB THIATSR T79V FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS UPRIGHT PIAVO. Xxcellent eondltioB. Call after 4 00 p.m. i-WM. 1J70 N. Cottaic. al7l PRACTICALLY NEW Jamaa porUble electrlo dUbwBaber, fll. phono 1-4171 nnt aila RCOS. I-ptece tocUonaL. oh eat. iu Btova reirlacrator, lane eu elrcn lBtor. MM PortUnd Rd. Bill REAL NIC! 24" Junior alsa blerele. Good paint Ji tlraa. 131. Call I-IB42 dara. Rvea. 4 -IBM. nJll Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRI WARTS Planas Paoao S-dUk- SLtCTRIO BUN OCR. WOOdlT'a PERSONAL SECURITY DETECTIVS AOENCT Private lBveetltatlona, all type. Pa eifie Brdg. Pbone day or aliht 4-I744. plH AUTOMOBILES PH. 24113 7I Farm Bureau Takes No Action On Hells Canyon Oregon Farm Bureau Fed-, placing taxes lost to fovern- eration delegates Saturday ment through acquisition of continued their work on reso-1 property by the state and fed' Optimistic Note Sounded By Fleming ofAFBF Staff last PORD Victoria, RAH. automatic drive, outer oitraa, lew anueaae, rou clean. Conisder trade at older car. Call Daytea ereBlnaa, toxn. QJM' lpat MIRCVRT Hardtop Coupe, lutone Blue. Radio Btaur. OTeranre, vnuc aide valla, aeat cover 11, Dot aallea. Will talto trade. Terau at ode. pbone 4-4SH. am lMt 4-DOOR Pontlae Sedaa. Radio, beat. r. pair conditio a, flea. 9411 eu ro. S7I larr hcdbon. Phono 31041. with heater aad radio. 4X11 ltat DE SOTO cuatom BOdaa. Like atw, Only 1134. 1M7 N. Winter. aire IH ITUDEBAKIR COMMANDER With overdrive. Very clean, will accept car or pickup la trade. 114 Millar Avenue, Dallaa. a37l FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE twin eity tra- tor. Com Diet ir overhauled. Maaaey Mar- rta 1-bottona 14-Inch plow. Like new. Priced to oelL Sit SW Water Si. Fhone 3-TS4t, SUvarloa. OB37I PSYCHIC AND PALMISTRY READINGS Advice on all matter. We will htlp you aelve your problems. Brine thla ad and II lor a readlnt. Open t a m- 11 p m. No appointment neeeiiary. S74S Portland Road. (Neil to Nlck'a Inn.) plltl AUTOMOBILES LOOK! REDUCED 83 per Day Until Sold STARTINO PRICE. NOV. . 117 10 Electric Thermadore Wall Heater J.000 WATT NOV. 23rd. $71.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Phona l-llll Pront Court Strtat WE OIVI MH GREEN STAMPS n ' MOTOROLA CAB RADIO. Pill nr mil- .1. Al condltloD. Phon. f.0031. n219 OWNER MUST SELL 19SS WILLYS ACE TUDOR ONLY 4 MOS. OLD DRIV EN 9.000 CAREFUL MILES EQUIPPED WITH RADIO, HEATER & OVERDRIVE, TU TONE PAINT. W. W. TIRES. COST NEW $2650. SACRIFICE. $1,995 CAN BE SEEN AT ELSNER MOTOR CO. Ml . Rllh El SPECIAL! 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN DELIVERY HAS HEATER, GOOD MOTOR ONLY $195 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. in N. Com l Plwnit 1-llW OlTf DEWEY'S 52 Ply. Club. Org. tires, 1 owner, honey. 51 Nash Ramb. Conv. R&H, sig. lights, o-drive, loaded, 51 Chev. Belair. Power-glide, ' 2-tone finish, R&H, in tact everything, even under coated. 48 Ford V8 Tudor. Here's the best in town. '40 Naih 80C Sdn. For an old car like new, this it it. 51 Dodge Vk-ton pickup De luxe cab, heater, fluid dr., low mileage. Its perfect & priced to sell quick. Hurry BUYS LIKE THESE ONLY AT DEWEY'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROURLIf Valley Motor Co. expert win aoive your preo- lame aad aav yon money. Preo ettt naaa. uadf aervac. Center at Lib erty HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-7 CAT POR HIRE. Phone -W44. Wil liam Piillllpa, J3M A&rama at. aeso TRUCKS INTERNATIONAL ton p.ntl Mb OTtr, 1041. CU1 tzut befora I ..m. 37la I0M Mtrkal Knu 1om. Ph. l-IOtl N. I0UAFE j& ltdt -TON PORD Pickup. Excellent condition. A ateal at S7a. RlaU Tire Service 11" State St. d37t' FINANCIAL AUTO LOAN W11XAMETTS CREDIl OO 113 South Church ParalBB a-Pleaty Pa t-iui Ua Ma M-laS S-1M LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Purniture, Car AT PERSONAL. It'a '' promptly to employed mea or woman. S 1-vlslt loan . . . phone ftrat You aelect beat par men I data Retween payday loan Phone, write or come la TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 105 8. HIOH ST- SALEM State Licetue Nob. ft-113, M-ll Loan over $300 up to U00 nd up to 30 montha to repay made by Personal Plnance Co. of Marlon County under the industrial Loan Companies Act of Oreron. '315 SEE US POR PARM. CITY OR ACREAOI LOANS BEST OF TKHtaa WE RUT Real estate Mnrtcaiaa at oontracu State Finance Co. 117 So Hlfh SL Ph. 1-4111 1MI OLD I. t-paiieneer coupe. New tlrM. A-l motor, IT. Phona 4-3S7I. jaTta DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham 1 1 I sicn DESTBUVS '51 PORD t DELUXE SEDAN Pordomailr. radio, heater, two tone leather later lor. beautiful ftnUh 11395 53 RUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Dmaflcw. radio, heater, turn H trial, waaheri. back-up llthu. etc. Cuitom two tons interior. One owner 27. M aillaa. we have complete aervire record 431tS 50 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN On owner 43.523 miles, spotless con dltioa. sutomatic transmission, tun nnala. delate heater 11354 50 RUICK SPECIAL BEDANET Dyaeflow, radio, heater, rovers. 34 -ao BtUea, wo have acrvtce record lilts REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. ROBCKT W SOUKStN. Mil 687 Court ..c 4-2283 CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 SEE FRED SCHOTT 118 S. Liberty St. PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS hitions proposed by the state resolutions . committee, and before their adjournment Sat urday afternoon will elect their officers. Consideration of the resolu tion was begun Friday after noon after a special luncheon meeting of the Farm Bureau board of directors and county Farm Bureau preiidents with the nstional secretary-treasurer, Roger Fleming of Wash ington, D.C. Late Saturday morning the group voted to take no stand on the Hell s canyon dam, con tending they did not have suf ficient facts on either side to make decision. A resolution from Morrow county had asked that the Farm Bureau support Hell a canyon dim. In connec tion with the power and rural electrification study the State Farm Bureau will ask the Am erican Farm Bureau to watch the depreciation schedules of power companies. The delegates Saturday morning approved resolution reaffirming the position that legislative apportionment on population alone is not in the best long range Interest of either the urban or rural peo ple o Oregon. In their education resolution the group advocated the teach ing of the three Rs and more emphasis on phonics in the first and second grades. In their resolution on the protection of rural voting power the Farm Bureau mem bers set forth several recom mendations. The resolution asked that representative signatures throughout the state with certain number from each congressional district be re quired on initiative petitions and that 10 per cent of the registered voters in a voting district must cast a vote for a bond issue to psss. In measures calling for the expenditure of money the Bu reau wants the approximate amount of money to be ex pended to be set forth and the methods of rslsing or provla- lng the funds included, The resolution also asked that its membership support the effort to declare unconsti tutional the voting of bonds and taxes upon property by non-property owners and that the federation oppose any en deavor to limit, disqualify or lnterfer with representative voting power in rural Oregon. The Bureau delegates went on record as wanting a budget balanced by limiting govern mental expenditures to tax revenue. As a long term policy they lilted: Gradual reduction of the national debt, handled in such a manner to permit suit able price level and prosper ous economy; Prompt but temporary re duction of lower bracket of personal income tax rate to within certain limits during periods of low business ac tivity; Opposition to deficit spend ing by Federal government bureaus; The personsl and coopera tive income tax as the maor source of revenue for the fed eral government and a tax structure to permit sversging of individual Incomes over a period of years for tax pur poses. They recommended limiting federsl excise taxes to taxes on amusements and the so called luxury goods, includ ing alcoholic liquors and to bacco, and the repeal of fed eral tax on transportation and communications be repealed. That resolution also asked that the stale and federal gov ernment declare a definite public policy in regard to re- eral government and that wherever and whenever pos sible they should return to private ownership those pro perties acquired for defense purposes. The group went en record aa opposing the clause of the federal excise tax law rela tive to custom manufacturing as it pertains to blacksmith shops, where main function is repairing and maintaining farm machinery and equip ment. Under state taxation the group asked retention of the per cent limitation en pro perty taxes and supported property taxes for county pur poses. The resolution adopt ed by the delegates asked the elimination of inequalities in the appraisal of real property, both within the counties and between the counties of Ore gon, and that an appraisal program be developed so as to put real property on a long time level value, rather than on present inflated level. Pointing to the fact that the present vehicle license law credits the license tax fund to the county of registration only, the Farm Bureau asks that monies from gas tax and license fees be distributed to the counties of Oregon on the following basis, 23 per cent population, 25 per cent area and 80 per cent on miles of rosd used. The group then urged a material increase in the county's share of state gas tax monies for rebuilding county rosds and recommend ed that money for construc tion or maintenance of high ways be collected through fuel tax or other vehicle use taxes and not levied against adja cent property. One resolution dealt with building up the membership of County Farm Bureaus and another asked development of a program to improve person al effectiveness and urged the members to demand that in formation not be withheld by public officials. It also rec ommended aggressive opposi tion to socialism and commu nism. A resolution on Farm credit listed the steps that the Farm Bureau would recommend in strengthening and improving the farm credit structure. Among resolutions adopted Saturday morning were those asking that farmers be per mitted to hsul a limited amount of logs or lumber from his farm as farm produce; one op posing taxing of farm crops held over and noting that the crops are actually the farmer's salary and caused double tax ation; one asking uniform traf fic laws and one pertaining to the granting of transportation and freight rate increases. Friday morning the Farm Bureau members of Oregon hesrd a talk by C. C. Butler, land and water specialist of the American Farm Bureau Federation, who stressed the need for a federsl water pol icy. He pointed out that the nation can be strengthened by conservation and development of the national resources. Following Butler's talk Charles Baker of the Pacific Supply Cooperative and Thomas Dclzel from the Port land General Electric com pany discussed, "The Federal Power Policy what it means to the Northwest." Rodger Fleming, aecretary- tr sourer of the American Farm Bureau Federation, in an ad dress before the Oregon Farm Bureau banquet Friday night was optimistic for agriculture. provided the farmers don't make wrong decisions in NOT GLOOMY Robert Fleming, of nation al staff of Farm Bureau Fed eration, who addressed stste convention Frldsy night at dinner session. Circuit Judges Assignments Chief Justice Earl C. Latou rette has announced the fol lowing assignments of circuit Judges: Judge Raich 8. Hamilton, Bend, to Marion county to hear the libel suit retrial of Marr vs. Capital Journal. Judge George a. Duncan, Marion county, to Deschutes county to sit while Judge Hamilton is in Salem. Judee M. W. Wilkinson. The Dalles, Gilliam county to hear Munley vs. Campbell. Judge W. W. Wells, Pendle ton, to Union county for Wood ruff vs. Union County Peoples Utility District Judge Joseph B. Felton, sa lem, to Polk county, to hear a divorce ease. dealing with current problems. In speaking of high prices. Fleming felt that if any poli tician or political party wants to take credit for the high supports and parities, they also have to take credit for the . wars because it was the wars that caused the upward price trend. One of the strong points of . the address wis in relation to price supports on live csttle. "In 152," he ssld. "some politicians tried to lure hog producers into accepting SO percent of parity, but instead the hog producers voluntarily reduced last year's spring pig crop per cent and the fall pig crop II per cent as com pared to 151, and In spite of increased quantity of beet and lower prices for beef, hogs la erased from 78 of parity la April, 152, to 118 per cent on September 19, 1SS3, Flem- ing stated. 'Cattlemen can rightly be thankful that hog producers didn't listen to seductive mu sic of the same political ' pled pipers who are trying to trap cattlemen Into destroying their opportunity to retain the losses incurred in recent months. Fortunately, the vast majority of cattle produc ers recognizes the threat both to their future Income and their freedom that price sup ports on live cattle would constitute." Discussing wheat, lie said the outlook isn't as good as for the cattle mea because the wheat surplus is greater than ever before and "if we are to relieve the surplus we must increase our support demand." Fleming ssld vital Issues. such u price support, will be decided when the Farm Bu reau members of the .tauntry discuss issues and vote on the 10S3 resolutions of the Amer ican' Farm Bureau Fed oration in Chicago in December at na tional convention. 4-H Organized Eldrldge Tne tiariage school 4-H sewing club was or- lanlzed this month and officers elected at the first parliament ary meeting. The officera are snerruy Thomoson. president; . Lorna ZelenskL vice president; Dor othy Ethell. secretary; eJnlce Johnson, treasurer: Judy Den- yer, song leader, and Evelyn Ethell, reporter. Mrs. Stanley Mlchalek is leader. Assistant leaders are Mrs. Irving Johnson and Mrs. Fred Zelenski. North Howell Mum Show to Be Sunday North Howell The North Howel grange will hold chry santhemum show Sundsy, Nov. 22, at the hall. The flowers will be exhibit ed by Mrs. G. T. Cllne and arranged by Mrs. Jack Bartlett There also will be chicken dinner from 12 to S p.m., every one welcome. 8COTTS MILLS REVIVAL Scotti Mills Revival meet ings are scheduled to begin Sundsy, November 22, at the Friends church. Evsngellst Marvin Witt of Idaho will conduct the meetings. Mid-Willamette Obituaries 'It BlUk St T Pontile std.a.t .. '41 CIMHIM SMU .. '41 Old! SMllB ' Wlllll VS Mil 'JS Tort SM.D lm e-iii us H-ns ROT S SIMMONS . ENBTTRANCE AND LOANS H.r "Tnt Trade." IS Of Dtll; KSLM H C 02HERA1 riNANCS CO LOANS 111 M Cuaaneiu at Ta S41SI so HOUSE TRAILERS Mxjcjefa better Iked Car from a BufekPealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone 1-1431 ! la LINCOLN 4-Door Sdaa Radio, heater, hrdramatir. atw tires, law bb tie as a. Caa he seea at Apt. I. 1114 Portland Rd.. a fur Tom. 3T But TRAILER HOMES Sell Trade Rent LAN A LANE TRAILER PLAZA 1540 Lana Ave. taJ55 MACHINERY DK WAIT RADIAL SAW with table as sembly. 10 , I H P. motor. 110-114. Like a', used Inside. M25 at. phono after P m 3-M13 : LIGALS DTRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All matss Bsed machine aold. rented, repaired Roea, 44 Ceart Pa l-dT7J Bolldoslnt, road, rlearlnt teeth. Vlr 11 Hutktr. ISIS Palrv1w. phono t-3141. 037 COMMERCIAL TTP1NO AlM direct mall advertising. SWAN. IM Holaate. Bn Otjen Son. earavatlnc aad tradtai- Load eleariat- Pa- l-toaa 4 INRCLATIOW Insulation, weatherstrip, atorm sash. Pre estimates. T. Pullman. Phone 1-5WI ' MATT RE flats Capitol Bed dine new mattresses renovates PaU Una ornci PTRNiTtRs a bvtplies Desk ehalra, flies, flllns anppllee, eafea. duplies tor supplies detk lampe. type writer stands. Roea. 4M Coarl e SFPTIC TANK "NATIONAL METAL EDO! BOX COM PANY. J44 N. 13th St . PhlladalpMa 1. ! Pa . has ret latered a trademark consist ina of the words "METAL EDOE" with the Department of State of Ore en. to bo plated oa cardboard boxes and metal Hrlas. Wolf Block SeJierr At SAita-Cohea, Attn. 12th m. Packard SKU-, Phlia deiphia I. Pa." Nor 14.11 St TRADE '4 CHET. 4-paienr coupe for lata aaodel plekaw, Jarnawk Trailer Sales, 144 Portland Rd. aSTI" Til 6E WW TO SJ6N MX AV&S&fiU 600. POT WHC TOO) XXJ I N0N A At6 AW?fC GOtfTOTT SACRIFICE PONTIAC 4-Door Special Deluxe. HrdramatM. radio 4c heater. Terr sleaa. cash. Phoae 1-1 1B3 IMS PLTMOCTH Suburaaa, 1140 Bailee "WOLF BROTHER. INC., 14 H. 13th Street, Philadelphia 1. Pa., has mis tered a trademark eontlstlnt of the word "HANDELOR" vita the Depart ment of Mete el Ores on. ta ho alaosd .on aoiea. cartons. Base, cartoa lareute. hot. carton, and park ace covers, and merchandise envelope. wolf Blork Srhorr and Soils-Cohen. Alt vs., 11th PL i swaar4 FhUadolaala L Pa." Mlks's Septic Ae-vW Tanks cleaned. D'ronter titans sewers, draias. Prions 1-1441 , Hamei's septle tanks service. Ojsraaued 1-7404. 1-5774. SFPTIC TANRt clsaned. Una work Phone 0314' Sewer, aeptle tank a. drain cleaned. Ro ta-Rooter Sowar Sereiea raoaa win TYPEWRITERS Smith, corona, Romtattas. Rot el, Oa- awrwood wortaoieo su mueo i macblaaa Repairs rasa Roea. Coart I-4T71 Salem Youth Held By Albany Police Albany Phillip Marvin Tyler, 18, Salem, was bound over to the Linn county circuit court grand Jury today on a forgery charge on which he was arrested on a Linn county warrant at Cold Beach Thursday. Basis of the warrant was a complaint signed by Don Foote charging Tyler with passing a check signed "Gorge Smith,' Oct. 29 st Kampfer'a supermsr- ket. The check was written for 49 in figures but the figure written out below was for "Forty and no 100" dollars. Tyler Is being held In Linn county Jail for lack of 1000 bond. Youth Convicted of Shooting at Family Albany After deliberating four hours a Linn county clr-1 cult court Jury Thursday night j returned a verdict convicting Jack Slsson of assault with a dangerous weapon. I Sisson had been accused of firing a rifle at his father, Ruf- j us Sisson, end brother, Billy; Jo, during a family altercation; at their home near Holley, Oct ! S. 1 Judge Victor Olliver set Monday at 1:30 p.m. as the time for imposition of the sentence. WINDOW ClEAimO mt Window CMuiri tnStutrul flow S-UI1 John James Cook Mt. Ansel Funeral serv ices for baby John James Cook, one-week-old son of Mr. and Mn. Don Cook, who died Sun day in a Salem hospital, were held In St. Mary's Catholic church here Monday afternoon, Nov. 18. The Rev. Cyril Le- bold, O.S.B., officiated at the services, and also at the grave side services in Calvary ceme tery. The Infant was born Nov. B, and is survived by his par ents and seven brothers and liters. The linger funeral home was in charge of the arrangements. Joe Marty Silverton Joe Msrty, 70, died Thursday night at the home of Ray Meyers nesr Silverton. Announcements will be made by the Ekman funeral home. Toney L She rod Albany The funeral for Toney LeRoy Sherod, 7 4 Blodgett, who died Thursday, were to be held Saturday at the Fisher funeral home with burial In Willamette Memor ial park. Mr. Sherod was born in Butler county, Kan., and came to Oregon many years ago, locating in Wallowa coun ty, where he lived until 1920 when he came to the Willam ette valley, living at Lebanon until 1946 when he moved to Albany where he lived for four years and had lived at Blodgett the past two years. He married Lora Heskett Oc tober 8, 1904, at Enterprise, who survives as do three chil dren. Vincent LeRoy, Blodg ett, William D., Lebanon, and Velma Sherman, Salem, and a brother, Earl, Wallowa, and two grandchildren. Cecilia M. Miller Stayton Funeral service will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 22, at MiU City Christian church with the Rev. Hugh Jull officiating. Burial will bo in Falrview cemetery under di rection of the Weddle funeral home. Mrs. Miller wss bora In Sweden Aug. , 187S. Recent- Gates sninli vbgk vbgkqqqq ly she had been living at Gates and was in Salem for medical treatments when ah died. Surviving are daughter. Mrs. Velma Carey, Gates; a sister, Mrs. Hulda Annuls, Daly City, Calif.; a brother. Joseph Kama, Billings, Mont; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. DEATHS Hearp Eld Henry Bid, at the residence, mo war ner St., Nor. II. Aurr..ed br wife, Mrs, Oil a Eld. SoJsmi brother, Bert Eld. Sa lem; uncle, J. A. H anion. Salem; oaa meat aad aoraral ooaslna. Services Moa dar, Nov. 31 at 1 v m. la Vlrsll T. Ooldea Chapel with Interment at Cit View Cemetery. Tha Rev. Roe coo west WW officiate. N11ls Cartlete Nellie Carlisle, ta a local santas home Not. . Late reslden of 430 Han ton Ave. Surrtvsd by two daughters. Mi is Luslla Carlisle and Miss Roaell Car Hale, both of Salami sons, Walter and ooarto Carlisle, both af Salens and El roy Carlisle. V. S. Alt Porco, Portland) Air Bee: brother, efoha Oiiiiiand, Oread Island. Nehr.l alsa onrvrved by three arandchUdrea. Servlcee will bo bald Tuesday, November 14 at 10 50 a m. is tha vtreU T. Ooldea Chapel. la term eat t IOOP Cemetery. About 58 p?p cent of th rural rosd miles g in the Unit i d StsUf to furiscerl. WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Nut Shellers (Hies it Milt rTtd, s I HWT.14J1JI e