Par 14 THE CAPITAL JOITRNAL. Halm, OrtfM Saturday, November 21, 19SS FORSALf HOUSES OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Nov. 22, 1953 2 to 5 P.M. 755 HANSEN AVENUE Builder Reduce Price to $11,000.00 CaaaalarU TMjtrlct. has ar 4om. 94 jtrMl, ara,taal Imm anta - ' Mtral Ballwar, U hUmih kltaaas vita arallaaaaa, Rd.. fir,. fU.BiMa, I MM, plaBlr .f lt.raaa flpaea, IMllM IL t ltR . lay a. perrib GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS Hi a. umtu w. n. urn vralBM B4 auadan call BalMaaa a. 8. Ftrrla Mai, J. I. La. l-llll M. . Una M1M Tor Your Insurance Need! Call W. H. (Bill) Johneton 2-2471 or 1-3385 , a FOR SALE HOUSES Only $800 Down for thii I bedroom DREAM HOME! St the famous , Lock wood Home thit hu ill - of Salem gasptnf with ad' miration. HTIt. n. t bedroom Lartt Uflnt room tad dtolnt area with kit picture window Beautifully deemed BitcrwB vita natural oirea cabinet tj Both shower and tub It, ward robe closet la all bedroom Hard wood fioori Theme-controlled ell er U furnace 4) Insulated ad wcath r stripped Larie atorett room Tour thole of exterior ud interior olora No down pennant if pott ova lot 4) Appro. IW N per do. includ- IH uuTHt, kuii, insurance, eta. Alii THVUT WONDER PUT. features lor mlr 4,3W0t ORDERS ARB NOW IOO TAKEN. AO SEE THE MODEL HOUR TOD ATI PHONE 3-W11 REDUCED TO SELL 1 oodroom. llflaf room, dtnlav room, klith.n, utUltr. Ploattrod. Oarart. 3-4444. 0341 WHY RENT? Wora you can owa ihta 1-oadroom kotna, rantal torma. Corntr Jot, ahruaa. - aarua) uuiur, duitta- ?b. 1-404. 1 alio ir OWNEB, 141 Larrr, batwata BuDt and Manbrla Oardena. no tralfu worrlea bara. Idaal for ofalidrtB. Viw, 4 bedroom. Cul)ttn wardrobaa, Llvlnt room with flrcpLact. le'xll dlnlnt. tJtmtr roam plumbed and wirtd for automatla waihar and drrar. Auta matte forfM air furokca. ZxtTa laria arait. Ovarhaad florad for itorava. Alio hor and toUtt. 130 at. ft. 113,400. a MO BEDROOM bouaa, tlrtplaca. automatic oil furaaa, hardwood floora. Cleat la. Call bafort 04 b-bv afttr 1.0 p.m. 4-1443. aiia- BT OWNER. I Bad room Houat. South. Automatla Beat and waahar. Pacaa j floor. 1 4 tlorim 47 .BOO OA. latvn 00 down. Ptiona 1-1301. ali4 LARGE LOT Bood houat. parfaet vtaw, oa CMcada Dm. Br twaar, call til)4. . a37f BT OWNER-TTaaafarrad. Eaal KnilZ wood. Two bodrooma down, tarca com tvinttlon bodroom aod playroom up atalra. larct lllnt room with flrt plact, dlnlnt room, attachtd taraic. vaaatlta blind, patio, corntr lot, fort od air praaauro trpo ali furnace, Saved atratl. curb, nt block from ue, Wklklnc dutanca to trade. Jr. HUB acbooit. Phone 1-4462. alii al14 GLASS HEAT Tn thla aeat t-badroom home lovely biih room, coir kitchen. Oarage. Pavad euett. Cloaa to IfcKlnler Brheol. TO TAL PRICE 44.4S0. Tarma 10 down. BX aiOBtbir parmcnta. BEN COLBATH, REALTOR 111 Court Bt. Dial 4-4414. Era. Mill a374 BEDROOM!. yetra aid. loet Hoial Avanue. 10.400. AUo. new thrre bed room, itsi Norlhtftta Avenue. Ili.rtoo. rnone a-, ho or 4 -J!. 17l' NOW VACANT Bajt Bntlawood Dwirlct. Ill N. TH BT. t bad roomi. 1 bath rooroi. Ue br if lnieretted cau JOHN J. DAMN. RKA1 TOR 41ft N. Hlah Ph. 41443 a)7l' OPEN HOUSE BY BUILDER J535 NORTHGATE AVE. Baturder and Bunder from 1 p va to p m. BparlULii l-bewoom noue. Loo oa pavmfni, wiu cuiwltler trade i3T4' " OPEN HOUSE" SUNDAY 2 P.M. - 6 P.M. 1565 Evergreen Ave. I bedroomt. full baaement, partr room, 1 f1repara. e3TI Open House 1720 GLENCREEK DR., WEST SALEM SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2 P. M. TJLL DARK Bee thit very attractive Be t-reoea heato. Oaner wiu take e.uttf la rour property far doaa par menu a74 YOU PIN1AM Over too m. It , larea 11. r 1 larae bedrme . knclien. dinette, bath, tkxst furnace, chimner, black ooitip. roof. iai2 larece A utility. Price V004 nenerei Real btaia. Ill Center Bl. t l ItU 4llVttBTI4lhO Per Hera. timet- Pi TAerd Pet Word, I tlwea .IB Per r taalb tO o BfaoaMtmm 14 Worda t Ai,i a-la tax-ki News Colakaa Oalr. Pet ) ... It MiRitnam 1 Worde. Ta Plara Ad in Ram Dayt Parxr Phan l-t4tNJ tVrarp la t jb FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES Englewood Dist. Ut four M'Mt monthlF rent buy o house for fou. Oreet dee! for 11.144. Cle to school, shopptnt- fruit, flowers, tardea. Move 1b, live eoc. fertebir. cheaply. Moko yberaelf II.OM la act doeea year. Phone . tail $18,900 CANDALARIA New l-kodroom. blrek aiob. ftaUb. flnubod tiMniDl with oxtro tb Bnd fir pUt. 2M AUct. Tti. J-IIP1. ! BT OWNEE, modtra bouot. flrtploco. I bodrooma. 1 dowaiUtro. alail torota, atanlaia. 444 Unlvtraltr at. o34 FOR SALE LOTS Bl ILDINO ITI IM I IH ti. CUM la. U.m. Itw l-liai. aa3ia FOR SALE FARMS YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS If Potj Vint aa txeoliesl A. vttb ood 4 R platttrad homa. It Ut Rib.. Lt Kit Ub law rton ncturt wiadowa. taraat, wall 4 waur itt. lata ttmaat patlt la back, chick houat, food aoil, waU dxaload. N 414.4&4. SHEEP RANCH lit A., toed foneaa croaa faacod, ood bida 43104. WEST Jtt A. eattlo ranch. Itto bldaa.. rUar, au tt,M. 40 A. SACRIFICE $10,500 MUBT BELL NOW! Somt taab will taka rood flrat mtc.. cattla, tood car or WHAT HAVE TOUT 1-ptiaM Una to ITrtaaMoa wattr. S BR homo aaarlr flnUhod. 24 A. to crop, balanca owUr tiaartd, rood mil makb opfer. BURT PICHA RKALTOR. t7 ft. aim at . cor t urn nil. Don wan. mm. -n REAL ESTATE EDOR OP TOWN t bra. t batbi. 1400 a ft of floor apace. 1-car car tie. Lola of oak tract a thla larte loU Prlet tll.OOO. Out atato owner wrote t eel aa affer. Imntadlata poaaauloa. DELUXE HOME I bra, t be l ha, 30x10 dan, ft. play rm in oaaamant with iirapiaee. paaalvt floor covarlnu At dxapoa. Le view lot with wonderful tree. hruba. Oraad famllr home. 440 DOWN, 414 MOICIT Mice httlo W. aolem horr- with lira place and tarate. Pile; 1)404. W. MUSGRAVE REALTORS llil .adftwaur 1I1M. Oa, MIM err WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES FEDERAL OI At PH A MORTOAOES 30 YEARA $7500 FULL PRICE Older type but a real buy. Baa 3 bod rooma plua ae per etc utility room. Aa Ideal rental property. Unfinished up alalia. Corner lot. Trrme arranted. (Call for RAT GRIMum. tvt. ph. 1-7471 aim. LOVELIEST And lota af elbow room. Thla la a dandy. Party room with a orttoua fireplace that la almost out al trite world. Bastdes, It has an outdoor fire place aad one In the Uvlnt room. 3 Hath. 3 Car att. taraae. Lovely front yard. Pvd. driveway. Almost new. Owner will exchenie for Income prop arty. Pull price 111.000. BEAUTIFUL And toraeoua. Brand a pen in' new. I lovely huie bed rooms. 1W baths. Un usual fireplace. Unooatructable view. 3 Car aerate. Spacious work room In beietnent. Inulated Porced air ell fur nace. Extremely libera! terme. Priced at the most Invltinc price of 414.10. (Call for RAT GRIM MITT, ee. ph. 3-1474 a:m i GOOD LIVING Beildee It's economical. I bedroom huuie thet'a In tood condition Neets absolutely no repair. Oil furnace. Pd. st. Insulated. Lawn and shrubs. Well located for storea, school end bus PiU price only 1745a. (Call for MR. IMJL LANDTR. e. ph. 4-4047 Sim IMMACULATE Deep daylllht basement. I' n fin U tied ' upietrs, rorred air ell furnace la-; auleted. YYrettier-atrlptied On It 1 jt 1 old. Lawn and shrub. Pull prue ontr : Il1.t You'U love It. 'Call rev MK CRAWPOHD, tt. ph. 4-fiOJt Sim I 8-UNIT APARTMENT Walklnt dlstenee from down town II extra sleeplnt raoma. Out af city owner I very anxious to call. Will accept home ae part payment. fSOOt down with a1 full price of 114.000. (Call for N O. "DA" ISAAK. eve. Ph. r aim i MOTEL TRADE Pnr either a home or a duttlex. Per haps a farm. What have ru? This prcpertr lotna the rampua of a very Popular rollei. in the beat of rerelr. Welt furnished. Lota af peoa tubtac. Ptd. drlvewara. Spertoua llvlnt auar tera plua tn apt This la a fine prop erty, pull Price only 111.404. -Call for N O. "DAN" IftAAK, eve. ph. 4-SUJ CU0ICE 62 ACRES EMERGENCY SALE On the Puddlne River, Will, ailt sol). Irritation pump. Only 4 an Ilea from Salem. Verv aood mAdera a bedroom ! home 14 bv 40 barn Oareta. Ouest I hauee. I acres strawberries. 43 ft. i well. Pemllr ere hard Thai is a choice farm. Pull price on:y :a.So0 Owner enar eonsioer a trade for eliy prap ertr. iCa.l for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. M 10-ACRE TRADE Por rltr prooerty. Close In. Modern t bedroom clean house Machine shed. Barn. Chicken house. Oaraaa Pvd, rd Owoer reports lobs ef water Pull prlet 44344 (?!! for MR. LEAVENS, tie. pa. 3-47)4 Sim I PHA CONVENTIONAL MTC. 34 TR. PEOERAL Ol MTTIS.. ft TP ARB Liceaeed AUa la Wash, and Idaha Al Isaak & Co., Realtor, Off Phone 4-li 11 ar l-Ttr t. 4 4TWJ. -)Hl. 4-50)0, 3-747t, 4-4041 If at anawer cal 4 i:4 I 471 m mm REAL ESTATE NEED A ROOM FOR GRANDMA? I Bito ream decuaed for McM BOUMfcMPtBf attached tO B S-MdVOOBt BOOM ttk ft lull OBMBOat. Nice me loco. Pleetered heme ood la eaceUea oaditioa. Beautiful yard, ea paved etreet. 1b ulot atltbborbooA. A aood bur at alr M , 444 44. Will terry 4 food APT. HOUSE Walkia distant of auto SulMuact. 1M 4 income from I blo apartment D completely 'uroUbod. Oood baas-went- w.sfe waahlae; laciliuea. Newly ftal.ned oa tuUUe. Omit U.444 4 ova. $300 DOWN Belaace line ml surt tut S-beeV earn cottete. Dandy kitchen. Extra lore lactone atlllty with of tter mo cablaeu. Oood ooudltloa tbruout. pa wad atroot laotdd itr Ualu, iot 1 mi aotjtb Mith MOB i nti olosBta'f Pbosaa: BvtalBM and auBdon 4-llTl, I IIM 4-12U. 4-Ull, I-1H4, 4114 $300 DOWN Attractive t-bodroom hemtl Urlat room, duiac tpota. kitcbea and bat. Oalr block froca but, at. viaeeat area. AU thla far IM dew a. lal. am contract. FURNISHED Thla lovely f-bedreoai borne with uvinv room, kiuhea. bath and at taehed tarate. laria lot, alt oav plat air furnUhed. Mual tatrlflct, awa r laavlac a late, Tctbu arranted, QUIET LIVIN' - eelodod Urttv ta thla compact 1- bedroom home. Lartt Uvlnt room, dlnlnt room, kitcbea, and bath. Oarate haa work a hop. Beautiful larft Ireaa. neuaa uaulatod, O.L loan. INVESTORS ' Por a email lnvettmenl poa paar ac quire thU two atoriod brick bulldlnt f eacallent location la attreaalvt valley towa. Return an lavaatmaat la above avaratt. Call or act at today aa thla 00 e. Gleason Realty 1141 a .nmmtrclal rn. mwi m. WANTED REAL ESTATE HAVE BI TElf lor farm,, w, una ion: Uatlnga. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS on Porti.od ni. n. -mi am NOTICE: If your property la far aala. rent or tiehanta. Ut it witb ue We have all kinda af caeb burara 8TATB PINANCB CO.. REALTOR im a Hiah at ci WB ARB in need of tood bouiea to aau. la or aear Salem. If you wlab ta Uat your property for aaia, aee ORABENHORBT BROS.. REALTOR 13 B- Liberty Ph 3-3471 ci WANTED P-ftiawt acraait cloie to ton with ood 3 or 1 bedroom home to trade for tood city property. 301 South Hlah Btreet Phone I -MM RKIMANN REAL ESTATE ca3M PBIVATE PABTT wanta the best I -bed room home in or near Balem that 4D. 000 cub will bur. Write Poet Office Box-111. Balem, Ore. eallO 1 OR BEDROOM home In Eaat Balem to trade for air new 4 -room home la Win Balem. 1734 Olencreek Rd. Own or will bo at premisea Sunday after noon, 3 p.m. till dark. )! EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SALE OR TRADE 3 bedroom house and meiai wore anop in for other Salem property. Bot 344, Capital Jour nal, cttaio BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTEL SACRIFICE Nina modern units on 4 near Albany, Xltcheua. Only 13. down. Balance lb and month. Price The Star Realty. ll S, Pacific Blihwey. Prions 3-30M. edl74 MODERN service atatlon for lease. Locat- ea m saiem e raciest arowint commu nity. Inventory approximately 41,100. Por additional information phone I 4341. C(1380 IMPLEMENT AGENCY In Utah dolRi I't.OOO yearly. Sacrifice price 114,000 for aukk tale. KASHPINDER. Wichita. K,n: ed374 GENERAL STORE with Locker Plant" In Idaho dolna IIOO.OOO yearly Prvred allh terme. KAP-HPlNDrK. Wichita. K"1' c1374 LOINI.e, Sporltnt Goods, Cats and Orocery Businev. aitn livins miertrrc in Jjaio. Priced to sell. KABHPINDER, Wichita. Kens cd374 NATIONAL 4IRM iuVref lTomoaiiki. Chainoer of Commerce and Dun and ' Brarintreet, eic , hendllns a product lioe lairs reached 31 billion dollars i list er. nu an openlna in the fie- i ior a rri.ab.e peraon tui-uM.a of 1L product handle i this area No Sellinc! eei irr tin selected muit have car. tieuO can sevnied by Inventory snj be ab to de.ol a i proximately 10 i vera in bfalnnint with in if titov.txt in: i time later. LlOllS tab.e of ttiakitu I'.WiO re hisri retun yearly as this bui!oe.a rns ttnmedtstelr wiih low overhead. If you meet a'-l of thee requirements and have local ref. rue. aitina aee. phone num.. etc. to Bn I'D Capita cdlBO ; INCOME PROPERTIES SERVICE STtiTlUN and fuel oil bus Inesa. 1 OrV."n at. Ar. WANTED FURNITURE LAynrtT. rATa i A.ri tar o.m rur- nitur. phon. l-llfll. dalu , aa FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MKANFR FU.S. Prtoi 4 3347. . ONE TES.M of wtrV wiVrn. One Welsh pcny, one small sedd;e horse, eme awa:i pony, both aentle for thlldrva. :. Bilverloa Hd el't' LOt KIR Re EP White face Nereford. 30c. Nut run down. 4 meathe ta pay Custom a lillnt. Trailer loaned free Balem Meat C . 1)34 S. Xlth. Ph I (IM f PETS BOXER PIPPT, mala. I moatha. Real beauty with aa oustandtnt padltree. Term If deelroA Phone 3-4444 aclTt CN 4RI4 4INF CNRITM4S tlft pmei: deposit. Phone 1-4)45, Ut4 Ch- meseia. tcm REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN Older t BR. await. Bat ottabM raaai. Owaor Boada lartar hoaaa. Witt trade ar 40U with tow owa parmeat. Pull arica 44.74. HIGHLAND DIST. aw 1 m. 1 ... Van hmu o faraaM. Lnalr M-ailw I Mat tm TT. tl.M. Ati m kaadla. frk. il.Taa. LESLIE DIST. 4 BR. hoaaa. I 4owa. I aa. Double phimbiM. PMU baccneeat Dta. tat raota. Ptreplaat. Aula. aU haat. Lovely corner aOt, with ueaa. Prlca 414.44, Tarma. NORTH i a, vita nluua v. ra ,ar a nl at Ttaaral rwlM. OIM BOTIM M lam. Ul aa ataav IH IU M 1114.1. WANTED!! AU. rrraa or tiararaa. war mot try our aaxncir LOTS I kaJUIm. WU, MTU. M B.naM.1. arma U aan. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor My. M awMar FhaM Ilia. CANDALARIA Out at tbt ordinary and tnnal be area ta be appre ciated. New Batland keeplnt room with fireplace, llr. rm. with bullt-la 1 book eaaea. I alee bdrme. At bath, auto-oll forced air furnace. Attached karate. Drive bp 114 Alice Avenue thea CALL X X. LAW. DBBPERATION 4ULB An aa ant floor la btlcwood. Brick trim, fairly aew home, three good alaed bar ma., fireplace, nice din. rm., roo-a ta oat la kitchen, lukde utlUty, fenced lot. Owaer la Laa Aatelta anileuj ta aeU. CALL ROT a. PERRIB. 4 BEDROOMS Lartt llr. rm., dta. rm., klteboa and hrkf. area. Baaomeat. aawduat furnace. This la aa alder home la top condition with a aioa yard. Price 114,71. CALL B. K. LATMON. LOCATED NORTH AT CXJCARLAKB Nice aeat 4-m. plaaterad heme with J bdrme.. fireplace, tarate and alee feaced-lm yard. Prlet 4414. CALL O. . ORABTNUORBT, JR. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS in a. iMnu at rh. ,. iTaRlaa, u4 auadars call aaltamn " -Ml o a. Frrlj J-l K. K. Urn, J-aii ror Your Iniuranca Nedf Call W. H. (Bill) Johniton 2-2471 or 3-3365 PETS PARAKEET, bablaa and breader't for aai. cnaator ava. ec!74 GIVE DACHIHVND Punt for Chrlitmu. cvea wecke. arc rotlittred. Pint ped ltret. Red. black At taa. Male, female. Bart Mac a. Rk I, Boa I03A1. Uc- minnviue. oc343 MUT SELL two padltreed Blamaaa kit lent. j tacB. Phone J-I4J4 aiur 00 pm. eclli SIAMESE KITTENS. Phone 1-04)4. ec2TB Ct'TE Pt'PPIE (Cockert). Bhort Ulla. 414. Phono 4-3IU. 444 AunoTvltw Ave. ecltl BOLLTWOOD AQTARIUM 1444 McCoy, ana week eaat af N. Capitol. lVe blocka north of MadUon. Ph. 3-484T. tc4 BABT PABAKEBT. atofer eanarlaa. Boma tatea. Mra. A. B. Power, 111 Belleraa. Between S, Winter aad tate. icTvO' CHAMPION BRED Boxer pupplea. Moorca Tropical PUh Equipment. Parakeets. Peta. Maclear Road. 4177J., Cloaed Wedneadaya. ee)44 BLACK SPANIEL pupa from very am all parents. 3 each. Mlaa Bomera, I miles west of Monmouth near Antloch Bchool m cooper Hollow, ec2l3 PARAKEETS Da your Zmaa ahopptnt NOW wniie birds are available. Select atocka, all colon. Cat as, seeds. auppiiaa. P h o a e K74. PARAKEETS Choice birds. Chrlstmaa orders belns taken. 1140 Llvintston. -. ec2M FUEL SPECIALS! Oak. Ash. Maple Wood. Oreenslaba We have block planer enda. WEST SALEM PUEL PH. 3-4031 ee)00 FOR SALE POULTRY HE ARE hatchtnt New Hampshire Uold- va BTomv ma Aroor Acrea Wblta Rock, every week, a pedal prices to year around fryer trowera Pox a Ha'cbery 3410 fctatt St Phone 3-4109 f POR SALE, 100 White Us horn hena, Lay- int 7fl-. can 4-3440. Oeo. Veal. f314 WHITE CORNISH GAME V lilt KsTa"et claimed the true Irrer of tomorrow, bow available to commercial fryer t rower. Procetaors par premium prices for tni. bioad double - breasted frrer. Quantities Urn lied and If un available, try tiie next best, our first feneration Arbor Acre White Rocla, Year-round hatches every Thursday. AUo. New Hamp-hlrej". LEE'S HATCHERY 314 Cenier Street pn. j-;im f3TI rrstwt. PRODLICi! - - WAI - Nl'TSt L.4R1E Prantuett) OjiaMiy. Commerrlallv Ata Fine Mr it. M. 14th Si. Pnone 3-4039. 138i No. Hum. Pnont 3-4434. I'.itO ' APPLES, Hps TO srajsYboa. 4T4 W. Ma-! dr;)na AvePhone 4-1144. f:2J4 ; H OK VI I Si r HPlTzi NBERnTDellclou Aiple. 41 14 Prinne 3-7141 EveaimsJ II3T9 W I.N IT 90e lb Delivered In Balem 4 ' over. 1434 Wallace Rd. Ptmne ir:7o 3J313. i HELP WANTED i.ivivh Ul'ARTFRR evcrianxul nour aally lis tit work. 1-4411 13rd HELP WANTED MALE Ewmm. wnuii. UN Braad..,. HEIWATED FEMALE RE 4t'TICIAN, EXPEBIF NCFD. fuK part time Apply Erich of New Tork. 311 N. Liberty. Phone 1-193L fb379a mfxtwtwrim. wjtST BE art urate ivw- 1st. teneral ledter and payroll. dsy weak. Reply ewn hand.ntlnt. atatint tuallflcatlons and salary expired U WOMAN to care for eiaht-months boy. My borne. Pive-day week. 434 Jasoa sireet Ptione 4-)a7 tM?4 WAN TED sS ALESM AN OI Tat in SALESMAN for .electrical, nardware A plumbint. Kxperience and eer necensary Pleats tive references and se'.ery ei pec ted. Wrtit 344 Carl, tal Journal etlll" WANTED POSITIONS rrr RI TTOVWOLES worked A tut, 10c. Quark aervice. Phone hill ni -rWtlRK BT "THE BOI R. Phone 1-M4t. ,t n. Commercial. Apt. I. bl3 PERMANENT CARE for two children, ace 1-4. my home Phont 3-tTM. b343 PAINTTNO, PAPPRNANOIO. day ar contract. Small joba welcome. Phone 1-7443 hl P4PTR NAOOIVTi. painitnt Pth aetT mataa. vaa Lwrera. Ph. 1-153. hi4l 1 -ysass V".alT ... AVIAIlIf REAL ESTATE rUM l-,13fl WANTED POSITIONS LIGHT CRAWLER dotlnt. inf. rradlnt. Phone 1-1334. NEW CONSTRUCT ION, remodellrt, re pair. No money down, ycara to pay. Phone 1-4041. h!41 DREAS bridal d-iaai. MAKING, alterauona. b.da, own. Helen Love it. Phone b340 LANDSCAP1NO, tractor and tiller work Service Center. Ptone 4-1473. h CARPENTER Repair, rem ode L tablneu and tar area. Small Joba welcome. Phone 4-436. hl7 RELIABLE BABT SITTRR- or nlfbta. Phone 3-4444. WIU to dart h343 TREE WORK. Toppint. trlmmina. Te rn or Int. Insured. Jobs Payne. Phone -441. hltl MICKENHAUTB DAT NURSERT State Licensed Aj Inspected, pn. 3-T4H hl MIMEOORAPHINO and TTPTNO. Quality wars, neasonaoia raiea. Mra. Pot, 449 N. llth. Phone 1-1443. h2M WIEMAL8 Day nursery. Llcetued and atato inspected. Phone 1-4014. hill B O I' SE KEEPING Phone 4-4111. PAINTING AND DECORATINO. rears saiem experience. Pret astlmatea. i-mi 1,347 DREHSMAKINO. alurattontt work suar- anieea. Lta make Chrlttmat ttfts. Phone 31131. b374 MIDDLE AGED lady wanU baby slttlat, Your borne ar mint. Phone 4-411). hlr- PAINTING AND Waterprooflnt. Prea ae- timatca. Phone 2-43Q7, 1-4343, L. I Nelso0j M01' TOLVO MAN wUhea part time job, 4:0 to t:oo. Ere. Rome TV experience. Box 344. Capital Journal. hl74 WANTED CARPENTER work. Refer ence. Experienced la rooth and fin ish work. Call afttr 1:0 p. m. 4-1404 or 4-3B0I. h374' EXPERIENCED CHILD cart, my boma. cars. Hollywood District. Ph. 4-5414. h374 REWEAVINO Por top ajuallty phone 1-140. 1440 N. Cott2te St. h341 OPFlf E WORKER over 30, desire per manent iivs-day week position. Con siderable teneral office experience, ex cellent typist, wllllnt worker, reapon alble. Write Boa 347 Capital Journal. hlH EXPERIENCED SECRETARY With ex cellent In el tralnlnt available half dava:. Phone 1-8W3. Mrs. Belrd. h3B0 FOR RENT LARGE warehouse enact for reat w leaae Cement floora brick btilldlBt Down town lnoulre R L Stiff Pur alture Co Phone 1-4114 j DOWNTOWN CAR apace. Under cover At lock. 3J4 N. Church. Phone r-440. 1374 W ANTED TO RENT t-ltF.DROOlf house. Dec. 1. Phone 3S3W. U..I0 Ql 1ET MIDDLE ated couple wlah nice 3 -bedroom home. Not over 144. Phone 335. )a0 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE LARGE sleeplnt room. Lltht housekeeplnt If dexlred. Utilities furn- Ithed. 13. 491 8. 14th Bt. Jk374 HOl'KEKE EPINOrootrtriirit floor, prl- raie entrance, bath. 4 block bus, stores. Lady. Phone MIA. Ik374 PLEASANT sleeplnt room for tentlemsn. 100 Norway Phont 34341. 14374 SLEEPING ROOM foront or two7740 N Church. Phone 3-4331. )k:80a ATTRACTIVE ROOM, private home. Oen- tieman. yss N. Summer St. Phnne 3-IM4 ikSll- PIV4NT ROOM With Urnucm.D. 147,1 atb! Cloe In. Jk37l' Bl INla DISTRICT Nka ll.tplnf room witb hot and ,. waur. IX crn "r Pt. 1IJ7I" FOR RENT HOUSES NICE ONE bedroom houat, redecorated, adult only, lilt Wilbur Bt.. ar call 31544 eves Jmllt NEW 1 RE l ROOM, close to hlth At Jr. btxh achooi. 1044 N. Utn BL Immediate posseasraa. Phone 3J4O0. Jm374 I ROOM clean furnlahed house,' Adult. 440. c, E. AndreacB, 4444 Lancaster Dr. Pnone 4137. imJ74 INFtRM-iHED, MODERN, 1 lartt bed room, electrlt beat, 44. Pbana 3-1444 aner a oo. imSTt" fix a v . n rn a nn y7n. 7" ,J -tas?a MI4 - ,"Phon'4i,, Oil ctrculat Jm374 S ROOM Duplex, water ant tarate fur nished. 131. 344 Center. Jm314 JOE PALOOKA Y n -Tf-T? " f "1 I bacm f ot xe.wtAirntiM.STATue- f V . . " "I HO )( VOUAlRIOHTt I I 0 lL T PD1N60...VDU UST PCX Jafftv ( Jf77y HO -O .Bl e-NOM. ,b - AGAIN m. , 1,-bb j KNOCK-OUT 600O-VE.- r FOR RENT HOUSES URB NEW. Vafaralahad taatat and bath, pjut uuutr with waanor aad drrar farataaod. Lata af ttarato apaee WaikUw elutaaaa ta tawa aad auta auueuaaa. HmM BeiawavwcbaMaa. roaau Blot bum. Aatomatlt heat. Ifoat aauaaoa far aoaplo. Bet at 141 Beuo- rwo. Paoat J-4444 tvealnte. JaU44 CABIVB Neat, tale l. clean, apactoua yard. Week ar maath. Reaaoaably , wrued, 4471 Partlaad . BavaevUla. jm274 CLOSR IN DOWNTOWN home. I I raoma, aardaood flaata. firewlaat. food eaaaiiiet. cay y-aiia or oittl. jtnlTl S-BSD BOOM DOUBB. baatmtat, oil haat. raraiaaa at aaiarmiaaaa. Ul Trade at. Jml4l I-BOOH BOL'IE, pleaaaat lacatlae, alec- tna ranee, au aeat, U7.4. Adulta. In antra iis N. totti at. jmi-4 VERT NEAT alder three bodroom home. BU leveed DUtrttt. Boaetaaala. 3-aatT. FTRNiaRED ant tMdreom duplts. ta rate. ja unary, park Araaua. Pbono 4-4444. JmSIt t-BEDROOM. MODERN homt. at tec hod arete. North. 444 me. Bee or call; . OSCAR aSIDERBTROU. WITH john j. damn, realtor 41 N. Mlth Ph. 4-144 Bra. 1-4111 J act) TO BARGAIN RENTALS BPOT1 Ba S -bedroom aubarbaa homt with ftieplace, bdad, flra.. tachod tarate. Beautiful yard. Reat 444 per maath with option ta bur. CLEAN REAT NBWLT PAINTED ibdrm. home acuta, aerear m. Car- part. 444 aar month. One-bedrm. homa with heater and ranae. oarate. Corner lot. Cloat II I par maath. VERT LABOR 4-bodroom heme laa bath raoma, fireplace, baamt furnace. 14 per month. Walk tna dUtaaca NEWLT REDECORATED two -bedroom houat. Chlldxem allowed. 3344 Basel Ave. 43I3. jm343 DUPLEX S bedroomt. Uvlnt room, kitcbea. dinette, fireplace, hardwood floora. Save 114-414 month aa It'a inaulated. weaUierstrtpped. Close ta ahopplnt, but. 44 month. Phone 3-174. Jm37l 4-BEDBOOM fornlthed suburban homa. 447 B una yv lev Ava. Pbant 14071 jmJIl BEDROOM hooet on Wallace Road. m mile out Oil heater, water furn ished. Phone 3-0374. Jm37l' CLEAN a room furnlabed. Borne utilities. Reasonable. Inquire 3141 Portland Rd Jm37l 111 N. 11BT STREET t werooma. don, full basement, fire place, carate. automatla bee. 45 1-4013. )ml7 TRAILER SPACE 410 month with new automatic washer and dryer. No pet. Also email l-room cabin, furnished. tn. Phone 11441. 174 Oxford. Jm240 1-BED ROOM unfurnished house. Oarate, au neat, water free, cleat 1b. Phone 3-T104. 4-1144. jm4 TWO-BEDROOM furnlahed houat. Near hut. 144 N. 3 3rd at, Phoat 1-1744. JmlTt' 104 CO LET Hot water heat. Prefer old er couple. Its. Ph. t-1434, Walt Soco lofskr. Real Estate. imlll VNFL'RNISHED two bedroom. 140. 1410 n. Liberty st. Phone a-1444. Bvcnint. 3-3133. Jm3l3 NEARLY NEW 1 bedroom, north. At. tachod tarate. lat.tQ with water fur. nlshed. Phone 1-7PSI. Jm3l0 BUSINESS RENTALS POOD DISTRIBUTORS warehouse. Sep arate unit, 40' x 30'. Oeorte Dlltt, 434 th Bt., Wut Balem. Phone 1-4131. Joioi ONE BUSINESS Rental Xaaulra Til B. taw, API. 1. J03I1 WAREHOUSE SPACE. New buildln with lartt parkin area, witb ar without of fice facilities. Rail aldlnt. Drive-in and truck dock. Porkllft trucks and pal let. Capital City Transfer Company. Phone 3-3414. JolCl FOR RENT APARTMENTS ROOM furnlahed apartment. Utllltltt furnished, but lint. Phont 3-7310. Jp27 IMMEDIATE posesilon. Court apart ment. Beautifully decorated. I rooms and bath, furnished or uafurnlahed. Inquire 1341 S, 13th St. Jp37t NICE, CLEAN, furnUbed apt. Cloat la. 444 N. Cottate, )p BOOMS, unfurnished. Modern, elec tric rente, raft iterator. Water, heat, furnished, ISO. 3150 S. Commercial af ter 4. Phone 4-1433. Jpll4 SEVERAL furbished apartment location inquire i atirr Phone l-tin Adult. 334 1PMS SEE THIS one furnished. 1 room, bath, clean. 1330 Center. Jpl7l ONE 3 BEDROOM down, one 1 room UP. court apartments. Phone 1-3043 or 1111 WallarSt. JPS43 CLEAN Pt'RNHHED in. Phone 3-1144. apartment. Close JP37B' SMALL. NK'ELY furnished, private bath. Pour blocka from Capitol. 3-4041. Ip37fl , 1 ROOM bachelor apt. Close la. J Winter. Ml N JP379 CLOSE-IN, I room modern unfurnished apartment. Adults. Phont l-40. Jp37 3 -ROOM, WITH faratt lust Ilka new. Phone 3-4970. JP374 t-ROOM. FIRST floor. Chrlatlan woman. Adjacent Capitol Shopplnt Center. 3-7l. ' JP343 CLEAN, FVRNISHFD two-room apart ment. Private entrance and abower. 3V 371 Hood St. Phone 3-1441. jp37l APARTMENT rtRNISllED and unfur nished. One and twt bedroomt. Phrne 3-4444. Jpi71" CLEAN. ONE A two furnished apts. All uit'.itte furnished. 427.44 135 04. Reference desired. Phone 19014. 3311 Haiel. 1P37I CLOSE IN nlct modern furnlabed 3 room apartment. Adult. Phone 1-444. JPJ7I" B ROOMS, extra larae. clean, modern, lots of buUt-lna 4s efoeet spact. Partly furnished. Close ta achooi A business district. 104 Edtswater. West Setem. 1P37I- VERTCLEAN. rrrodern, 1 room, fur nlshed apt. Private bath aad entrance. 1155 N. Winter. Jp344 riRNlftflED APT.. 1 looms and bath. Adults. 3-4334. 331 Bo. 14th. Jplft NB BACBELOR apartment. Alio. 1 roam apartments. Call before 04 am after 4 00 p m. 4-1443. 1p340 Journal Want Ads Pay! awn. POR R EHT A P ARTM INTS ar, m aw i v " tola, a ma maw mmwir Oaraaa. J, -a xanaaa. m. J,a coirt iraaTRUMTa, atuiiua fro- U.a U. U lal. Trail., iar ar aala. HU fatuaU aa. iaiai CLOSR. CLKall. aka man a. kaat. furnli-i. - .M Ctalar. JPITa. a.ROOM furalalMd IM. ait a. Wa at. aia. nmn mid. J.u OMI-aiOaoOH Mart apt, tureUhad. CM. la. Milt. . )2W aTTBACTlva ITaMlaTRO lta.1. 1 Mraaa. Mtm. amau aalraaM. aW, tlMM. adaita. aa a. ua. ''l LEE APTS. bin) nan PUIHitiiHliaa AMnat Tkarmtflr aMara. UMllr lacaua. far tliaaa ,ina Mttar llfiu. o.,-M-ro.a nlu lrma W Ml RacaalM aalu at lo. aa ttt.aa. inipacUM irtiimI. Ml M. WiaUr. fX'BMlllBaO aaartnaat. Claw la. Otlll- tla, fanuhaa. waa. laoai. ir- t BOOM faralaha mnntt K . . B . 1 . r tptriaui. a.artntau. IM M. auaimrlPlM LOST 4 FOUND POUND, SMALL chlWa reea 341 WtUer. jacket. k3TI LOST OR STRAYED A Cocker -Sprinter Spaniel (female l, black with wblta .aratal. IU Mre Old. ABSWtrt tt aama af Cinder a. Believed to have fal lowed has Lara la Monitor area. 44 re. ward lot her return. Paul R. Welle. Phone Monitor 3314. R. I Bob 304. Woodburn, Ort. LOITi Parte, vh. tot vtobi gabardla, lo.eaal wlta brw. sMivaa 1. PKkat .t MarlMt Haul Tburada, aM)tof plaaaa Mntael Curtla A. Hal,, lata aaaioaw, .,1M. " MISCELLANEOUS BALEal IIAHD ORAVEL CO UP ANT Coa tract Wc-t Bald ClaariB. - DlubbMt a. war aad BaMBtal BanlPBlfBt BCBtal tHteblBi br 111 Ptoi Pbana Da I-ttol tn 1-4411 ar 1-1411 aalaa. Oracoa ZE-HIV1 TBIICKB O-DRtTB MOVE TODRAXLP All CAB RENTALB . BTAKRB . .ARB TEXACO BTATION II COURT BT PHONB 1-1M1 PAOB BTEVEKSOH 04 AL MEPPORO DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOal CABRB DR. HAART SEVLBR. DEMTIBT aaelpa Bkv.. atata C.Bn,ral at. BALEM PB 11)11 YOUNG'S TROUT FARM CROSS RIVER AT OATHS, 1 MI. E. Ptshlnt ycaa round. No License re quired. Plata order a for fry or flnter- lines br December 1. Will hatch It February. Eastern Brook and Rainbow, m374 BUILDING MATERIALS SALE Oarate doors torn pi ate with hwd 44H Overhead tar. doors, hwd. .... II 41 4x1 waterproof wallbd 1.74 Naila. 49.11. 1 kets at 4.41 New picture windowt 14 New weather stripped window 14.30 new l panel door . . a ao 100 vsed doors at frame Unpainted cedar shakes 4 00 Painted shake with undercourtt 10. so A iocs to aldlnt. per at. . .. .. .H Pibtrtitu roll blanket insulation. Cheap New thakt mouVdlnt . 10c Cedar fence posts Cheap 400 tel. septic tank 43 90 4" cast Iron toll pipe 75c Roll roof int. lane supply 136 4" solid oranteburt pipe lie 1 tab composition roollns ...... CM No. 1 cedar shinties l it No. 1 cedar ablntlea . 4 00 Na. 1 cedar ahlatlaa New toilet with teat 34.40 New bath tuba complete 47. M Double kitcbea ainka complete .. 41.40 40 tal. alec, water Mra 71 SO Bteel shower cablneta complete 41.40 14-1 Electrlt wlTlnt , l4e 13-3 Electric wlrlnt ISc Laundry Uar. pipe, wash baslna, bar aia. C. O. LONO Al SONS Ph. 4-4011 1 ml. N. of Betsey KEITH BROWN PRE-INVENT0RY -SALE- REO. SALE Shin i let. t-ln-1 Aephtlt 314 lb. No. 1: Solid Oreen ......-.. 4.1 eq. 8olld Red 4.45 eq. Clotnee Dryer ....3 44 1.7 Clothes Dryer 4 3 SO Aluminum roof int plain or emboased, while It lasts: Corruiated or IV crimp: lfx?V 1 Ilea. pc. 3 6' -11 30 ....1.44 ea. PC 3.47 aa. PC. 34"xI44' ....4 13 ea. pc. 3.47 ea. pc. Hardboard 4xlx 3 30 ea. pc. 3.40 ea. nc. Colonial Doora l-OxO-lxl. ..1413 11.43 Waiter Entrance Bandit Sets 11 44 7 It Butts. 4x4 40 pr. Butts. 1'i x 3' 40 pr. Doors rel. flush 3-0 to 3-1x4-1 5 00 ea. Welter Inside Latch Bet 144 Sartent Key-ln-rnob Lock set 50 ea. UouldtPf- 4" BN East RL 44 1 ft. .04 1 ft. 3" BN Caslne 05 1 ft. I" Mid. Caslot 3' ta ' 01 1 ft. r Mid. Apron RL 04 1 ft. 4" Mid. Base R L 04 1 ft. Bhort Mouldints 1' to 7' 3 x 4 X R'L NO. 4 Com. BAB Of let 30.00 M 1 X 4 x R L No. 4 Com. 84S ....30 00 M Celllnt I I X 4 X R L "E" Dry 44 00 M Keith Brown Lumber Yd Ph. 14111 Pront A Court St "WE GIVE BAH ORETN STAMPS" NTW LI MRFR for aale. Almost any kind. Cheap. Delivered. Phone 3-3043 malt) SALE! ree. Wirt 14 3 Loomx Else. Wire 131 Loomx tft. wall Brkt. Bot wclamp 3 4v. T Rated Dup. Rec 33 American Nalla iZtry Spc1. 10 04 kef Poreltn Ntlle 4.7 4" oko Metal Outter lit 3 Rod. Dwo, Spout 11c 1" Rnd. Ell .34c 43 Oal. Wtr. Beater (II yr ) 1100 Oal. Elec. Wtr. Heater te.M 4 Oal. Table Top Heaur 4144 Elec. Pan Oo. Heetera-ttrL 4 14 40 34 fa. Oalv. tVieet tcorr.i ir ..3 40 Dl. Steel Sinks oomp. w sprey 41-11 Plastic Pipe SpcL priced ask! Money eaviat prices telore Coma tb Yoit peed not be a member. Ore. Parmere Union Co-op, Salem ma344 IUILDING MATERIALS jumooilwo naraoraiaDCT LOAKa N MONTH TO TAT MO DOWN PAYMENT ktrriMATiMO aaxvict ADO AH EXTRA BEDRM.. OARAOE. II. ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT OCR OPTICS DICK METER MMSZB CO. int Laaa An Pa. l-aW BO PARKXMO PROBLEM ai.l' BOOPIMO. DiaCLATlOB. V.sat I a a Bllada. OaO WMt.r. AuM Bapalf Ca. for Im aalliaal.. I.T1T1. aia NURSERY STOCK bop roa aaaiaa and bave. apr..d. lac JBBlaara ll-lf aad aart, na. HaaUara, IH. MkUla dim Nuaatr. tla BllTtrua Rd. Pbaa, 4-4131. at-. FERTILIZER Ml4 aiaa ,r.d aarb.ra. ir. Vt4 fraa. D.H. PlMoa 1714. nbTtt- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS U. RAll C.Uinl auordlls. CMI MM. Mlllav uoa. rraetlcallr Baw. Phaoa 1-4134. MU LABOR BOT-i BICTCIE with accau.r- laa. Pbana l-uaa. 4S1 a. 1B. all,. TWO PINE card laklaa. four chalra. al) lit. Bob, adloa. alaliai, atlvarv.ra. ftamiad aracailaa, Ixult Jan. WE lata altar 1 p.m. alM CLOTREILINE POtTI, Ito. Uu far tablN. lanlltffc ralllnia. 1141 X. Lib. ar'x D2H USED t-to-4 room tlaa all heatera, 114 tt. Boti Broa. Used Store, 111 4V Com'L n37t" BATTERIXS ALL Cart II 15. ti ll. Ex- ehante. 13 months tuaraatat. Open UU 1:40 dally. Lytla't Tire Mart. n3 USED DAVENPORT. Ueed Store. 113 S, 111.71. Haci Broa. Com'L B314 RECAPS, 40t-14. 54 44. OPtS BUZMlay'a. Lytle'a Tire Mart. nlll- CSED S PC aak dlnlnt tultt, 1134.74. Bol Broa. Used Btere, 131 B. Com'L n37f- 14 CUBIC foot Deepfrttta 4340. Phone S-7144. n- BOOKCASE I. a at doora, 434 74, Bros. Used Stort. 13T S. Com'L Bote n374" AD DIN O MACHINES. Used hand A) alec, trie. Clary Multlplltr, 1171 Palrtroundt Rd. 1-1371. S3I5 CASB REGISTERS, from 434 up. Clary Multiplier. 1474 rairrroaact Rd. ism. B3M acOOP Oct jour Wtatlntlvottaa clothe dryer now 4144.44. Tester Appliance Co 311 Chamaketa, Pboao 1-4)11. 44 at allowed for your eld water beater. Retardleta of condition ar make, oa a aew Westtnthouat automat la electrlt wattr beater, with a 14 year fuarente. Teeter Appliance Ca.. 17 Cbemeke:a SL Phont 1-4311. a OOOD used rcftittrator. 141.4 a up. reaicr Appliance to., aia cnemeketa At. Phont 1-4311. a SAWDUST TIBES, 170-11, !. Lytle'a Tire Mart. Phont 4-4033. n393 BOSPITAL BED for Bait Bt Mat B L. stiff furniture Ca. Phont l-il a USED ELECTRIC Ransts. 41 UB, zeater appliance co tit Cbemeketa St. Phone 1-41U. n GOOD USED waahera. 111 01 A up. Teau ar appiianca vl, t,w cntmtktta St. Phone 3-4311. B OEEPFBEEZE DOME frees rs. Teeter Appliance Co 111 Cbemeketa St. Phont 1-4311. a PLASTIC-KOTK require aa waxlnc for your noora or linoleum. Teatar Ap pliance Co.. 17 Cbemeketa Bt. Phona 3-4311. a IS CU. FT. a. B. Commercial ReJr Iter ator. Double door. Ideal tar farm, homa, restaurant or tavera. 1 yearn old. Only 4344.44. Tetter Appliance Co., 314 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-4311. a FREE BIO OFFER-Oct the It tl West- inthouse Steam Iron PREE witb a Home Demonstration af a new West Inthoiut Laundromat ar clothe dryer. Yeater Appltanca Co.. Ill Cbemeketa, Pbone 3-4311. B S-WBEEL TRAILER, 14. A new 10" labia saw, piu extra. New II" Mr saw. Phona 4-3574. n37l BOTPOINT RANGE, twin rinse tub. Is loot tncnen Closet, enromt table, chair, ntlllty tattle, towel, ate. 434 E ttreet. B374 BENDIX WASNER and dryer. ZJka new. aiso, mantle, 1134. Phont before noon -iz n374a U BOREPOWER Palrbanka Morat pump. -ompieie e. na h. JUma Avenue. 3-4711. n37l- ADDINO MACHINE, tlfht column With subtract. 440. Phont 3-6174. a374 NEW MEN'S .Bicycle 140. Aluminum portable laundry trayt 111. Pattl Welt. 8431 Llvlnttton. n374 WRINGER TTPE washlnt machine. Oood condition. Lartt trlcrcla. 1-1441. 13 Spruce St. n374 SOMETHING NEW Th WILLIAMSBURO PIANOPORT. a piano that need not to at tins t a wall. See It at WILTSEY MUSIC HOUSE 1440 state Bill Ntca assortment of Desks 114.4 4-pc. Bedroom Bet 413 0 A-B Apt. Site dec- Rente, tood condition 44.P9 Wardrobes 14 V USED MERCHANDISE MART 110 S. Liberty Phone 46371 (Across Street from Armory) n374 REMINGTON No. Ill . 33 rifle. Lik new, 30. No. 303 rifle 154. Call 3-3103. n37 WESTERN ELECTRIC lltht plant. 33 volt with EdLon Batteries. A bartain, 1250. Phone 34314. n3S0 GIRL'S BICYCLE. Two student violin . Best offer takes. 144 N. 13th St. n343 L'ED lo-rallon drums, suitable for trash burners. 41 each. Norrls Walker Pa!nt Manufacturing Co. 1114 N. Pront. Phone 43374. n333' pORCELtIN TRAKHRt RNER. never been used. Reduced price. Phont 37153 eves. n37f RPSI PHONOGRAPR, autorAatle chancer, wtih 70 records tncludlnt I albums. Best of.'er. Call 44014. a340 3 I I'. FT. late model refrlrerator. 144.50. Oa rente with traah burner 140. Mo torola combination rad:o 173. See at 524 S. Liberty. Phone 30471. n340 THrTft T BoTse w lVEsTill appreciate opportunity to buy blanket at factory prices, at th office of THE HAR RIS BURO WOOLEN MILL, BarrU bun. Ore., Mondaya thru -Pridaya. Some seconds. n374 ONE NEW boy's bicycle. One 3-pane 14 x 73 Mull ion window. One ated Westlnt faouse roaster. Small electric Ironer. 1-5143. 445 Janet Avt. B37I LED ELECTRIC Cabinet Sewlns Ma chine, round bobln. Oood sewlns con dition. O uar en teed. Only 134.40. Sint er Re win t Center. 134 N. Commercial. Open Pr War avenlnss. n374a LP 4 VINO STATE 1 Innersprint mat tresses with box sprint, floor lamp devmo-bed. Eendlx dryer. Prttldalre, 4-drawer file, builder -s level-transit, liquid-type duplicator. Phone 1-4343. 4447 Clark. nil! UPRIGHT PIANO. Very tood toadltton. Phone 30407. n)74 By Ham Fisher I'VE HAD ENOUGH. USE HIM AS He 15 AMD CALL rTTHf