Saturday, November 21, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sataa. Ore Pat 11 V AJLXiW i o B'nai Brith. Scheduled to appear with Pridml Eln- dowct H uu owner miw awt.u.v - - Herb Bhrtner, Wm. rrwley. Vivian Vne. Ethel Merman. Helen Hayes, LilU Pmer, Rex Harrison, Eddis Fisher and Wm. Warfield. The profrim also may be shown on kinescope en KfTV at 1V.U sm, Meads?. ' ' I Tele-Views Radio-Television SATURDAY AFTERNOON: KTTV, Bnpermu (:3t "The face and the Voice" A (an ei crooks alters the face on one ol its members to re semble Superman. Colonel Flack, : A gambling house owner and a uranium mine promoter attempt to fleece Col onel Flack. Treasure Hunt. (: KFTV, : p.m. Laarel and Hardy "Our Relations." , e e e SATURDAY NIGHT SHOWS: KOIN-TV, 7:0 p.m.: Medallion Theatre "The Canter vllle Ghost" stars Edward Everett Horton. : .at.; Two for the Money Herb Shriner, emcee on quit show. It p.m.; George Jessel Cab Callaway, Frank Fon taine and Monica Lewis headline "Salute to Ihow-stoppers." ll:3t F. M.; Ray Bolter Shew An oil promoter talks Rsy into an unlikely oil investment U:tl F. M.; Showtime en Biz "Charlie Chan in the City of Darkness" starring Lynn Bari and Lon Chaney, Jr. KFTV; Life of Riley, Stars Willisn. Bendix and Mar)orie Reynolds in comedy series. Ethel and Albert, 7:30 Bonlne, 1:0 Stars Ezio Pinza. Eight Boninos gang up on a butler hired by Bonino. Amatenr Hoar, 1:1 Ted Mack. Tear Show of Shows, S:M Sid Caesar and Imogens Coca. Tour Hit Farade, 1:3 Dramatization of top tunes of the week. Greatest Fights of the Century, 11:0s Gavilan vs. Dewey. Premiere Thestre, 11:15' "Blockade" starring Made leine Carroll and Leo Carrillo. Espionage story set in Spain, i . e 8UNDAT SHOWS: KOIN-TV ON SUNDAY: t:ja F.M., Frlde of the Family The Morrisons are on uncle's farm for Thanksgiving where a feud Is in progress with the next door neighbors. 7:0 P.M., Private Secretary Susie's horoscope predicts a meeting with a handsome man during a visit to a Connec ticut resort. t:0( P.M., Toast of the Town Ed Sullivan's guests in clude: Gordon MscRse, singer; Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy; Jeanmaire, ballerina; Gayla Peevey, hild singer; U. of Pa. Mask and Wig club; Rudy Horn, juggler and Minneapolis Lakers, pro-basketball team. :00 P.M., G-E Theatre "The Hunted" stars Preston Foster and Skip Momeier with Evelyn Ankers. A psychologi cal drama concerning the death of a young woman and her husband who refuses to accept a Jury's verdict. :J P.M., Man Behind the Badge Authentic case his tories from files of law enforcement agencies. "The Story of a Woman Warden 10:00 P.M., The Web "The Perfect Wife" stars June Dsyton and Joe Maross. 10:5 P.M., Peter 1 otter Show Gov. G. J. Knight of Calif, serves on the Juke box Jury with Anne Francis, Michael O'Shea and Connie Russell. 5:50 P.M., Comeback Barney Ross, guest of George Jessel. Rosa will tell of his victory over drug addiction and climb to new prominence. :00 P.M., Yon Are There "The First Abdication of Na poleon" April 6. 1814. Walter Cronklte, reporting. SUNDAY ON KPTV: What Ona Person Can Do, t. Father Keller discusses the Christopher movement. Hall of Fame, 5 "The Courtsthip of Miles Standish" starring Ssrah Churchill. The Panl Wlnchell Show, 7. Margaret Truman makes her TV dramatic debut: Mr. Peepers, 7:50 A new fsculty member joins the staff ef Jefferson City High School to fill the post of athletic in s tractor. Comedy Hour, I Donald O'Connor stars In this week's show; his guests Include Dorothy Dsndridge, Corinne Cslvet, Ralph Bellamy and Sid Miller. Television Playhouse, t Up Above the World So High" stars Enid Markey as a middle-aged woman living in a small town with her cat, canary and loot she has collected by win ning puzzle contests. Letter to Loretta, 10 "Kid Stuff stars Loretta Young SUNDAY SPORTS: Pro football, Cleveland and Pittsburg will be on KPTV at 11 am. Texas wrestling on same channel at 11:15 p.m. e MONDAY MORNING: KPTV Kiddie Corner at 8:45 a.m.. Ding Dong bell nurs ery school at 10; Cooking school at 10:30. MONDAY ON KPTV: . Matinee Theatre. 1 "Black Market Babies" starring Ralph Morgan, Kane Richmond, and Jane Hazard. The Toymaker, 4:30 A visit to the Toymaker's shop with Fred Giermann as the "Toymaker." Bar 27 Corral, 5:50 Heck Harper serial "Red River Renegades." . KOIN-TV: Bob Crosby Show, 12:30 Valiant Lady, 1:45 Dramatic serial starring Nancy Cole man and Jerome Cowan. Garry Moore Show, 1 Armchair Theatre, 3:15 "Mania for Melody" Johnny Dowries. Ruth Terry. "Dinner With the President." will be telecast "live" from Washington, D.C., 4 to i p.m. over KOIN-TV. The program highlights the 40th anniversary of the Anti-Defamation league ON KPTV: . " . , , . Velca of Flreatoaa, 1:30 Soprano Dorothy Warenskjold If guest. Robert Montgomery Preaenta, : "Week-end Past stars Brian Keith with Eda Heineman. A comedy about r.I who means to make the most of a three-day furlough. Nlto Owl Theatre. 11:15 "My Wife's Relatives" starring James, Lucille, and Russell Gleason. ON KOIN-TV: Bludla One. 1 "Camille" stars Michel Morgan. The tragic story of Marguerite' Gautier written by Alexandra Dumae In 1851. Burns and Allen. I A widow, a racoon coat and Grade combine to get Harry Von Zell into trouble. , Adoloh Menlo. 8:1 "The -Magician" stars Adolph Men' ou and Anita Louise. The strange story of a magician who is concerned about losing contact with his friends after death. I Leva Lacy, Stars Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Ricky promises to buy Lucy a mink stole, but ends up paying to re decorate the apartment. . U.S. Steel Hour, 1 "Hope for a Harvest" star Fay Emerson and Robert Preston in a drama of life and love in the San Joaquin valley of 1935 during the depression. Showtime Six, 11 "Wings Over Wyoming" starring George O'Brien, Cecilia Parker. . ; . a ' TUESDAY MORNING ON KPTV: Kiddle Corner, :45 A new feature. , Ding Dong Bell, II Nursery school. "What's Cooking?" 10:50 Barbara Angcll will discuss preparing Venison (deer meat). On Television KPTV (27) - KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF MARR RADIO & TEUVISION TV Sola - Service - Installation Open (run a-m. u f m Ph. t-1011 Z14 B. Ceml Salem's First TeleTtslea Star I SB. KFTV Rot I II 9 M. KPTV Zoo Ferada KOIN Adventure S:t p.a. KPTV Hall of Pom KOIN Ocoo AulrtF m. KPTV Hall of Fame KOIN Com, bock :tM P.m. KPTV Victor, at Ota rOIN You An Than l:M a.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Pr Ma of Wemllr : T:0t p.m. KPTV wtnchall a. Uehoner row private aeeretarr T:M .. KPTV Mr. Peepcra KOIN Whan MI Uoa I N m. KPTV Corned, Hour KOIN Tout of Tovm S:S l a KPTV TV Plartiouu KOIN O-B Theater I t M r.m. KOIN Man Beaud Badia :SS IB. FPTV Lalttr ta Lerttta I . KOIN Tha Wea ! lajtt p.m. KPTV Mia ta. Crime KOIN Pater rotter snow ; 11:00 P.M. KPTV TBA 11:11 p.m. KPTV Ttiaa ftuaua' DALLAS COED UO HOMECOMING QUEEN II :'''.;--!v; . K - ... . . , L. .': ' :i i ,-. i i. . , Time Needed To Clean Mess Albany Adverse criticism of the Eisenhower administra tion by the Democrats was to be expected from the start, as a matter of political routine. but as a matter of fact "I am surprised to find so many peo ple who expected that the tan gles left behind by the previ ous Administration' could be quickly unmesheo," Congress man Harris Ellsworth said yes t e r d a y in addressing this week's meeting of the Albsny Kiwania club. The fourth district represen tative in congress ifbted that President Eisenhower has been in office only ten months, and asserted that In that compara tively brief period the Republi can administration has no rea son to be ashamed of Its record, particularly in view of the problems it Inherited. President Eisenhower was bequeathed, for example, an enormous national .debt, a shooting war in Korea, a two year period of farm price de clines, attended by rlaing gen eral price level; a sorely trou bled Europe, an Inflated bud- , get and a painful federal tax. In fresco painting on wet plaster, Irregular hairline ' cracks appear between the sec tions as successive areas are filled with plaster. These ara covered with a very durable paint made of cottage cheese, lime and pigment SATI'SDAT t:M a.B. KPTV Dot Talai t:lo a.m. KPTV Tornakar'i Prlendj 10:M a.m. KPTV-p,eo Cadat 10:10 a.B. KPTV epaca Patrol 11:00 a.m. PPTV amllta Ed HcCobr11 11 so a.B. FPTV Doirola Barr,! Flrbaa. 1:11 p a. KPTV NCAA Football 4:11 p.m. KPTV Scoreboard 4 1, p.m. KPTV Johnnr JupHar 1:00 P.B. KPTV Looo Raniar KOIN La ural and Hardr 0:10 P.M. KPTV auperman KOINXaural and Kardr S:00 P.M. KPTV Colonel Flock KOIN Piloted atallloa :0 P.M. KPTV Treaaura Hunt KOrN Beat trio Clock 1:00 P.M. KPTV Lira of Rile, KOIN Medallion Theater f :0 P.M. KPTV Ecthel and Albert KOIN Mirror Theater 04 p.M. KFTV Bon In KOIN Jackie Oleaaoa 0:10 p.aa. KPTV Amateur Hour KOIN Jackie Oleaeon 0:00 p.M. KPTV ahow of ahowt FOIN Two for the Moner 0:11 P.B. KPTV AU Bier Review KOIN Mr Favorite Huebahd 10:00 P.M. KPTV All Star Review KOIN Oeorie Jaaael 10:10 P.M. KPTV Hit Parade KOIN Ror Eolaer ahow 11:00 p.aa. KPTV Oreateat PtfhU KOIN Showtime on Sis 11:10 P.M. KPTV Prelmcr Theater KOIN anew Time an Bis MITCHELL'S factory Trained Service and Installation UM Stale ft Pruin. I 1571 ' Ann Gerlinger, daugh'ter of Mr. a"nd Mrs. Carl Ger llnger, Jr., of Dallas, is Queen of the 1953 Homecoming at the University of Oregon. Queen Ann, elected by a . popular all-campus vote, was announced Friday night at . a Varietv Show on the campus. A junior In the univer sity, she was chairman of the Homecoming sign committee. The traditional celebration to welcome returning alumni atarted Thursday, Nov. 19, and will continue-through Sun day, Nov. 22. SUMMONS TO INFANT New York (UB An official looking envelope arrived yes terday at the home of Mr. and Ara. Bernard Spiegel. Spiegel, 32, glanced at the return address: "Office of the County Clerk of New York County." He recognized It as a jury summons. Then he read the name to which the summons was ad dressed, and dutifully handed it to Merritt Spiegel, his 28-month-old son. , Hew Chriinaa Iclenc Heals "THE HEALING POWER OF GRATITUDE" RUM (i39c) SsirdiT 5:30 .M.' First Methodist Church Oowa Town fl let MiHt Jah-o wM ttio Olmoj 9:30 and lliOOAJvi. "LET GOD BE , GOD" Rev. Calvin W. Moort j 1:00 P.M. Choir Concert of Praise and Thanksgiving by Sanctuary and Wesley Choirs , Josephine Albert Spauldlng Guest soloist rooks H. Moor) Minister AT . ' or DELiiiDLs Finns I by P.M ..44 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR C02SS N. LIIERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appllam Appliances Guaranteed Service Pick and ATI OliBnTl Service PickiiTi and Delivarp obi ajwrao nppninm f Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners ' ' Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! Try UnCCM-il Easy-Vision nUrrnAil Television PHONE 2-1913 Valley TV Center 2303 Falrc rounds Rd. Sales - Service - Installation Open Till I p.m. Dally Sunday from 1 to p.m. SUNDAY M KPTV Wtaftt 1 Pran. C Do Ik ... FTTV Rttvdlnc PuniilM 30 m. KPTV What." Tour Trtwbl I A n.m. KPTV Indiutrr Parula 10 04 - m. KPTV-exIni Northwul 10: li iffl. KPTV Relifloui Film II ft.m. KPTV Pro rootbtU 1:00 P.m. KPTV Bob Con i Win KOIN Omalbu. r.n rs- kptv Art Ltukitttvr KOIN Omolkua S rm. kptv woxidiDv Btlio KOIN OtBBlbM t 04 ptm. rPTV Your Orovlat O-rd. KOIN Omalbu 9 m. KPTV LIU Eeftai t M KOIN Lamp Unto My Fttt MONO AT $.41 o m. KPTV Kiddli Corner 10:00 KPTV Dlni DoH ScbOOl 10:10 a m. KPTV Wbil'i Cooking ll to a.m. kptv Hawkins pm 11: .. KPTV Tht Bnnttu 11:10 o n. KPTV Friend ! Family 13:00 BOOB KPTV TBA . . KOIN-BH Payoff 11:10 p.m. KPTV Thli li tha Ufa KOIN Bob Croabr JrOO p.m. rPTV Matlacc Theater KOIN Lova of Life 1:1ft p.m. KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KOIN Ou Win t LitM 1:4 p m. KOIN Valiant Lady 3 00 p.m. KOIN Double or Nothing. S:W p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN (Strike It Rich 1:00 P.m. KPTV Kat 0mltb KOIN Garry Moort Show t:l p.m. KOI.V Armcrialr Theater 1:30 p.m. KPTV Katt Smith 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler KOIN Pree. Eleenhower 4:10 p m. KPTV Tht Toymaker 4:U p.m. KOIN Mr. Moon t OO p.m. KPTV Howff Doody rOIN sSaddJe Pali I p.m. KPTV Bar 21 Corral KOIN Laurel and Hardy t.H P.M. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckok KOIN Muter WeatbermtB : p.m. KPTV Mill Kndj KOIN Do lit Kdwards 41 p.m. KPTV North weit Dlitit KOIN Orrateit Drama 1:00 p.m. KPTV Chic at o Ftfhta KOIN Studio One 1:11 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray Dance KOIN atudto One t:tt w-m. rPTV NeWa Cararaa koin studio one I 00 p.m. KPTV Name That Tun KOIN Burna and Allen I M p.m. KPTV Volet of Plreitot.0 KOIN Adolph Menjea fl:M p.m. KPTV Dennla Day KOIN I Love Lucy 10 p.m. KPTV Robert M on tf ornery KOIN Red Buttotu It p.m. KPTV Robert M on tt ornery koin u. a. flioti Hour 10:M p.m. KPTV Big Picture 11:00 p.m. rPTV 11th Hour Newt KOIN Showtime on Jlc 11:10 p m. KPTV Weauier Vane 11:1ft p.m. KPTV Rite Owl Theater Television Party AT VALLEY TV CENTER Sunday Afternoon 1P.M. to 6 P.M. Free Hot Dogs & Coffee Cokes for the Kids Balloons and Toys for the Kids Valley Television Center 2303 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD About 58 per cent of th rural rosd mileage in the Unit ed States is surfaced. St. Mark's LUTHERAN 34S N. Church tor. John L. Caabk. fantw STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY 30 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A M. Morning worship :00 P.M. Inte.inedlst League (:30 PM. sr. Luther Lewue ALL ARE INVITED Beautiful organ music for the small church Do your church member dream of fcav fag hcautiful organ mueic, yt find 0io budget inadequate? Tha Spinet Model of the Hammond Organ U tha answer to the need for fine music in amiller churohes, or in the chapel or Sunday School room. aPriced well within. the reach of any congregation, the Spinet Model Hammond Organ has the famous Hammond tonal aystem to gift yon beautiful big-organ munic. It is a compact, two-manual -and ' pedal organ, yet costs no more than many piano. . Spinet Model fl4M0JV tof 2 manuals and padals ig-oraon tone Never noodi to be tuned Self -contained font equipment a Complete with bench Easiest of all organ to olav .00 $1320 Delivered '-t-iiy M CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 Ait for a demanotrarians no sbllf aiiom CHINA CAFE 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing In Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods . Well prepared" Bring tha Family Calltof Reservations for Dlninrrs and Parties CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND 4 GRAVEL At WWIano! Farry RU 1, Gerrala Ready-Mix Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock Prompt. . Courteous Service CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 M0RTARLl.L0CKC0. 14haE. H0YT Approved - Reinforced . Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Block Equipment Safes-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 1 IBS S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers - Pslnt Sprayers Air Come pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower . Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST J Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residentisl, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Glsdly Glvenl 1 IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 UNA AVE. . Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment . , OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Mschines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND PIANO COMPANY t H E VALlIY't FINEST PIANO STOHI' 1210 STATE ST. SALIM THIS MODERN AGE FORETOLD High speed in travel, increase in human delinquency and the use of modernism in religion, and the story of evolution in science fore told! If you want a verbal photograph of this generation written thousands of years ago be sure to hear Pastor R. G. SCHAFFNER. Sunday Night, Nov. 22, 1953 - 7:30 o'clock Illustrated' by Beoutiful Color Picture Wednesday night at 7:30 hear Pastor Schaffner discuss "That Woman Jezebel" in his studies in the Book of Revelations. JOHNSON MEMORIAL CHURCH North Summer at Hood Streets OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD Oiling 1174 Edeewster St WEST SALEM OR 3-S769 enin TWEEDIE FUEL' OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMBING i HEATINO Repairing 393 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 NOW SOYKI Wa give Penny Saver Stamps THEQUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3137 130 J. Ubartf 310 (Mrf. Bntattwi 2440 trier. Mtdkel (aria 24-HOUR SERVICE Service tor Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 PJyL 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 3:00 P.M. and 00 P M ta 00 P.M. AU Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Rodio-T.I.Tlslon1 880 Stat Motorola Dealers for tr" General Electric Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION sservIced Ph. w'SHSi VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 3303 Fairgrounds Rd. In Wooriburn st 171 Grant St. DtlMONT TELFVISION SETS Featuring MOTOROLA RCA VICTOR . HOFFMAN .